W E S T rU íO A Y Hayal i kes Ib e lood pure, w b u ltio m e a o 4 4cllc law t. C IR C U IT CO Uh I PROCEEDINGS- STRUCK BY A L IM B . Be Gored at MOKNINO— At Eugene Iasi week the grand jury L u u li» A u t l e r u m F a t a l l y I n j u r e d W h i l e ro tut lied true Milt, in u,e following C u t t in g 1 l u i b e r . cuhv « : C ounty , O bmjon .— Stale of Oregon v« E A M. F.llister; t Last Saturday morning it was reported piircticing medicine wiihont a license in Flotence 'h at lamia Anderson had State of Oregon va Linn Alexander; been instantly killed while cutting larceny from one McIntyre in the countv timber on Nuith Fork. Later it was In order to reduce m y stock of good»- jail. ascertained that he wag still alive The Ablest and Most Successful between now and Jan. 1st,. 1809, I have- -— ------ : I State of Oregon va Claude Branton; though lie expired in a few hours. S|iecialMta in the World. in urder. lie wag at work with Rolrert Vender- , reduced tile price of fill goods to COST “ yeur in ■dv,no#------ They guarantee a complete cure at burg falling tin d e r on W It McCornack's Your Own Home, and allow you to State of Oregon vs Court laud Green ; and a sm all per cent to cover expense* place when the accident oecureJ. Thev pay when cured. ' i . t till! post-office at F lorence,1 murder. had just cut down a tree and as it fell &>t*re<_?., Oregon, OS HCConil-eluHS | during the sale. State of Oregon vs Jeff H arney; man­ both stepped back some 15 or 20 fet-t I county, slaughter. l4il Absolutely Puro one on each side of the stump. In some 1 The grand jury made their re poit way a limb thrown hy the tree in falling • ON AP- „« t WKO batkh MADI i KSOWN Saturday ami were excused. struck Anderson on the right side of tire ; ’ ,,T PLICATION. notice« « »ent» per lin e, each Inaertlon Dr McAllister pleaded guilty and was head aud face rendering him uncoil- 1 Thousands of promising young men »m u teman wrenta co., Nn> vo«. have their lives and future usefulness sentenced to a fine of $50. scions. I wrecked hy INDISCRETION AAD T hem goods are m ostly new, bought Mr Vander,inrg wen, Io Mr McCor A number of enges of diphtheria are Alexander pleaded “ not guilty” but Florence, Or. N ov. 4, 1808. PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms verdict of na,'K’3 i”r assistance aud the injured after trial the jury returned reported at Cottage Grove. Report says for the Fall and W inter trade, and w ill brought until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ the schools there have been ordered guilty and recommended him to the man was pluced in a boat and M Ì tenance and in the actions of the vic­ be sold w ithout reserve. It is tbe largest closed. mercy of the court. He was sentenced io Florence and taken to tire Morris tim. If neglected or intproi-erly treat­ CO TO h otel. His injuries ware examined by The Linn county grand jury lias indic­ to $100 fine or 53 days in j dl. stock carried for many years thus giv l)rs. Kennedy and Evans but both ed, other organs Itecotne affected, and ted Mr I* MGrath for the murder of Courtland Green was brought into pronounced it impossible to do any sooner or later there are serious results. ing a great variety to select iroin Charles A Turner near Harrisburg court Tuesday morning ami pleaded thing for him. The unfortunate man Our New Method Treatm ent will posi­ guilty of murder in the first degree. to Buy Your W inter Supply June 30th. died about 7 o'click the same evening tively cure these diseases. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are The stage fare between Eugene am, Judge Hamilton announced that lie without regaining consciousness. Florence has beer, advanced to regular would pass eentence on the defendan' thousands of you who have committed 0------o f ------- 0 winter rates viz $5 for single fare and next Monday forenoon at 11 o’clock. offences against the laws of your na­ Louis Anderson the victim of the ture, and are now paying up for it. $9 for round trip. The others pleaded not guilty and above accident was a native of Indiana Those weak, aching hacks, Ixrssof Sex­ Parties intending to do any galvaniz­ Branton's trial was set for Monday having lieen I kj - ii in Jefferson county in ing may obtain some information on the morning at 9 o’clock. His attorneys, t'uit state Nov. 29th, 1805, thus lacking ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Frequent and Painful evacuations of L Bilyeu and II D Norton filed an subject by asking Thomas Pctersoa or the Bladder accompanied hy more or affidavit asking that the trial be eor- just a month of taring 33 years old. William Kyle. C?me 8 or 9 years ago lie came to the less smarting and the escape of par­ tinued till tire next term of court. This Stenin pipes have been placed in the Siuslaw where he married Lura a ticles of albumen in the urine with Ranging in cloth from $1.60 up. Plush capes from $2.60 up. cabin of the Marguerite by which Hie wns overruled by Judge Hamilton who dauglileroi R B Mills. Besides a widow ropy sediment, all point to the decline set the trial (or Monday morning at 9 don’t forget th a t y o u can get room will be warmed when necessary (In- lie leaves four small children, the Cotton blankets at 60c, 65c, 76c, $1.00, and $1.26 per|pair. of your manhood. There are hundreds o’clock. At that time hy order of tire for the comfort of the passengers. the best goods for t h e --------— court the clerk began drawing the jury. youngest being only about two irontha who die of this difficulty, ignorant of W ool “ from $2.00 to $8.00 per pair; mostly Salem manufacture Rheumatism causes more aches and But ten were accepted out of the regular old. the cause. The doctors will guarantee L E A S T M O N E Y pains than any other disease. It is dire panel. Monday afternoon his attorneys Funeral services were held Monday a perfect cure in all such cases, and Calicoes at 20, 25, and 30 yds., for $1.00. N ew est styles to acid in the blood, and is cured by filed a motion for change of venire hut afternoon by Revs. Knotts and Marsli healthy restoration of theG enlloU rin­ Chicago Li. It. muslin 5c, Cabot W. 6c, Cabot A , 7c, w ith half Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this also was overruled liy tire judge and the remains interred in the Masonic ary Organs. ,or< cemetery a, Acme. thia acid. READER—Are you in trouble? cent reduction by the bolt. The court ordered a special venire for 20 He was an industrious young man Have you been treated anil never cured? * VORAN & SO N, J R Cleaves the jeweler will leave for jurymen out of the l-odv of the county. and was generally respected by his You dare not risk a return of the dis­ Marshfield on business in a day or two. In the suit of E J Frasier vs New Eng­ The Shoo Dealers. ease. It may appear when happy in He will return to Florence in about two land Insurance Co, to recover money, associates. domestic life. Our New Method DIED. weeks and finish up the work that has the jury returned a verdict for plaintiff Treatm ent Is your refuge. If diseased, been taken to him, for $1700. WESTLINGS. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prioe* consult us confidentially. In St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 27th, 1393, E P McCormick the Salem banker Mrs Cordelia Reynolds vs the Lane WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Seaton dancing club meets tomorrow and Edna a daughter of Ex Governor county to recover damages for physical Mrs Samuel C Thompson. that w ill astonish you. This is an op­ Mrs Thompson spent several weeks for our interesting book. “ A Warning Moody were married Oct 20th at the injuries received on a defective bridge, evening. Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept portunity to procure your w inter sup­ in Florence last spring visiting her sis­ George Carle is ill from an attack of residence of the brides parents. The the defendetit was granted a non suit. strictly private and confidential. All ter Mrs Burns. She made many friends groom is a brother of W R MeCornack. plies practically for cost. Rem em ber answers sent plain sealed envolope. typhoid fever. here who will be pained to learn of her The river steamer now under con­ No C. O. D. business. Green is the man who was with Bran- death. The Steamer Harrison is expected to the place and call, struction nt Eugene is ready for launch­ ton when the murder was committed beat Florence in a day or two. B CFN. ing but as the water in the river is and wtio asserted tiiat he helped to burn Consultation by Mall Absolutely Free, The calkers expect tofinieli their work almost at its lowest stage, Captain Gray the body and afterwards told of the on the new vessel next Saturday. has determined to wait for a rise. W RITE TODAY. At Fort Collins, Colorado, October 2nd murder. He was bontid over to tire Hood's pills cure biliousness. Mailed Miss Delia Morris closed a six months grand jury on aeliarge of lieing accessory 1898, to the wife of J C Brown twin I lor 25cents hy C I Hood A Co, Lowell, term of school on Five Mile last Friday Remember we carry a genoral assort­ Address to a felony but si nee then evidence has sous. Miss. and Monday morning began another been secured implicating him iti the In Florence. Oregon, Oct 31st, 1898, Dr- W- H Saunders & Co ment o f Dry Goods, C lothing, Boots and I Boy one of those nice umbrellas at term at Heceta. Miss Morris is one of murder. 69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich. to the wife of W H Weatlicrsun a 9*i Shoes, H ats and Caps, G ent’s, L adies’ Funke’s and keep yourself dry this our young teachers but her services The trial of Branton will probably lie pound girl ____________ __ __________ seem to be in demand. I winter. a lung one. 41 witnesses testified be­ TO FISH ERM EN AND T H E PUB LIC. aud Children’s Underwear, H osiery and W IL L L A U N C H . I Dr S E Josephi of Portland lias been From Linn countv circuit court pro­ fore tbe grand jury in the cage, and on N otions nil reduced. T his sale for I Mingled hy the republicans as enndi- ceedings : State of Oregon vs R A San­ Oct, 29th the court allowed Branton 15 I will famish hot coffee and sand­ Thotnss Peterson foreman of the ship­ ilit( for state senator to succeed Joe ders. A case of assault on W M Roberts idditional witnesaes, some of whom wiches for.................................... Scents. yard informed our re|iorter th a t if the CASH only. deputy marshal of Brownsville, by de- reside in Crook and Gilliam counties. Simon. Coffee and good lunch........... 10 weather is reasonably favorable till that I Some large onions raised by J A fendent with a whip. Indicted by grand Hot meals............................... APPLES WANTED. time the new vessel will be launched on jury and upon pleading guilty was fined I Iiisitest Mercer lake may bo Been at At any hour between 8 A M and 7 P M. the 14th inst. $100 or 60 days imprisonment in the I CariiMii's store. M bs S tii . es , Point Terrace, Or. I will buy all good shipping apples SUNDAY SERVICES. I There will be a dance in Florence on countv jail, and costs of action. $ 1 0 0 REWARD $1O0. offered this fall. Parlies having any I tiieevening of the launching. Notice ER V E 3 mnpt he fe(1011 Pure’rirh blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the either write me or call a, Acme. I the next issue of the W est for further There will he preaching as usual on I B C ushman . The readers of this paper will be Sunday, Nov. tltli, in tlie church at best nerve tonic. By enriching the I particulars. pleased to learn that there is at least Florence nt 11 a in and 7 :30 p nt. blood it makes the nerves ST R O N C . THE CO UN TY CLO CK. I Yestenlay’s catch of fish was better one dreaded disease th at science lias I G K notts , pastor. Governor Lord has appointed Hollis­ I thin for some days. The Marguerite been able to cure in all its stages and ter D Me Gnire, of Portland, Fish and I brought down several hundred to the Register: The contract for furnish­ that is Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh Cure NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Game Conti lissioner. It is now one of I cannery. (lie most important offices in the state. ing and placing tire court house clock has is tbe only positive cure now known to IaunJ Office, Kusttburx. Oregon I Foreman Peterson of the shipyard He holds for a term of four years. His been let to Messrs. Joe Luckey of tills tbe medical fiateroity. Catarrli being October VI, 189». I informed our reporter th a t be intends to sa'ary is $2,609 and he has $1, 700 as city, and Butterfield Bros, of Portland. a constitutional disease, requires a con­ Notice Is hereby given that the following- I linnrli the ocean steam er on the next traveling expenses, and greatly enlarged The clock will have four eight-foot dials stitutional treatment. H all’s Catarrli named aettler has filed notice of hla Intention EUGENE, I new moon tide, which will be in about powers under the new game law. He and a striking liell weighing 800 pounds. Cure is taken internally, acting directly to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C. U. Hol­ ORE. I ten days. is entitled to three deputies, and as The price including the placing of the upon the blood and mucous surfaces of den U. H. Commissioner at la»ke Precinct, Ore­ bell will be $1593. It ¡8 guaranteed for the system, thereby destroying the foun­ gon,on Deccmlier 10, l»9K, viz: Joeepb K. Wilson I Ftw parts of the country can boast of much power ns a Canadian jtollcenian. fiye years and it is claimed it will not dation of the disease, and giving the on his h. e. no. 7986 for the «w!4, sec. 19, tp. '» ripe blackberries at this time of the "HALLOWE'EN. vary one minute a month. The clock patient strength by building ttp the con­ a„ r. It West. I rear but some were gathered last Satnr- He names the following witnesaes to prove will be placed in the new court house stitution and assisting nature in doing his continuous rcsidouce upon and C Jlttvatlon I 'lay near the “ W est ” office th a t had its work. The proprietors have so of said land, viz: The usual number of mischief loving tower about the first of February. I frown and ripened out of doors. much faith in i's curative [lowers, that C. II. Black. E. M. Black and M. J. Towne of spirits were abroad in Florence on N one who are engagud in any of the m echanical J W Carman finds he m ust have more Hollowe’en. They visited the school Oregon. they offer One Hundred Dollars for any Ruby, Ore., and B. F. Wilks ol J. Ads, T. Bainozs, I room to meet the demands of bis grow­ i NOTICE. % case that it fails to cure. Send for list pursuits can succeed w ithout reading and Register. ling trade. He is preparing to ere c ta house and stopped up the stove p.pe A sack of shavings of Testimonials. studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences warehouse on the east side of his store, with paper. to the flag-st«ose m«sa >- M bs . J R S tiles , Point Terrace, Or. K »«ginning May 2nd and dosing Oct. W est at clubbing rates. He names the following witnesses to prove Nov. 1st, 1898. » 28th, 1898. I Sheriff Harwood subpoenas for Win Bounds served to hla continuous resilience upon and cultivation ",e 5 120 Days taught of, said land, viz: I Kvle, tVm Chamberlin, and Warren An- until the liell returned. Evidently 724 Samuel Seymour, John Hewett, Frank Sweet Total no. days attendance I drew» to appear at Eugene as witnesses spirits took possession of the water 5 and Fred Hewett all of Acme, Oregon. A SURPRISE. No lmys etttolled I ’»Hie Jeff Harney case. The subpoe- "nd caused an unusual high ..deas O W J. T. B kipoks , 8 No girls Register. I Ml were served nt once and the witness- Hurd’s row Imat was found anchored on Average daily attendance S « . ...........r : Last Wednesday was Mrs John Mor­ I ro left for Eugene the same day. General deportment of scholarship ris'26th birthday and in honor of the CITATION, I Guard: People who have Ibe idea occasion some of her friends planned to was very good. J \V Carman's store. I il takes river bottom land to make a to flood tbe iloor 111 Parents and friends are always cordi­ T his m onthly magazine is one of th e v ery In the County Court of the State of Oregon. give her a surprise party. I heavy yield of potatoes should interview ally invited to visit this or any other FIRE AT DRAIN. For tbe County of Lane. About 30 people of all ages met at bent printed in this country, and is sold "m Blanton whose farm is on the ridge In the matter of the evtate of Alfre.l Mason Mrs Bernhardt's and proceeded to the school of mine. By co-operation only d hills west of S|iencer Butte. Mr Dreeaned: Citation. broke out at Drain Oct, 20th, borne of Mr snd Mrs Morris where they can the best work work lie secured. to all subscrilici'H at rates w ithin th e To John A. Maaon and all other perzona Blanton today brought to the Guard D elia D M okbis , teacher. spent the evening in conversation and concerned: Greeting. "IBce tw(> potatoes th a t weigh respec- ability o f all to pay. I t is finely illu s ¡n plaving various atnusittg games. All Tire San Franciaco Examiner anil the In the name of the State of Oregon, You are ’ively 6 ami g pounds. From a little less ed her dwelling and Moon’s grocery, „„¡„.-ed themselves very much and wish W est (or one year $2.50 paid in ,„1. hereby cited and required to appear in the Kent W line«’, the Hon. E. O. Potter, Judge o, the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lane, with the «eel of aaid Court affixed, tbla 19th day of Sept. A. 1». ISM. Atteat: E. V. Lss, Clerk. nnsMnpnuTAN,' duced rates at this office. THE ARENA W t do not take possession of our ideas bat are possessed by th e n A m v g aoMciTO*’ w » » t « d They master us and force us into the arena, I W fo r “The Story of the Plillippluea” by Murat llnlatead. eommi-aloired by the Government ae Whore like gladiators, we must fight for them.” Hepurtne-nt. I nffirial Htwtorlan Pi tire ■ War IM-partm nt Tbe ; tarek waa written In army ramp- at Kaa Fran xa e i, a j riaco. nn tbe Pacific with General Merritt, in i Sucli is the exalted m otto o f tlio Arena, and .th e the hoapilala at Honolulu, In Hong Kong, in the American trcnclrea at Manila, In the Inaur- entire ^contents o f th is m onthly m agazine gentcamp« witli Agulnaldo, on the deck of Hie , Olvmpla with Hewer, and In the roar of the la itlc at Ibe fall of Manila. H onan» for agent«. are upon a plane 'and in keeping w ith it« Brimful of original picture« taken by gov-ru- ment photographer«o-i the «red, large tejok. • Ixiw price«. Big profit«. Freight reibl. Credit mol to. T he Arena’s gallery ¡of em inent given lirop all tr.iahy nooffieial war l»«>ka. Gullit free. Addre-v F T Barber, See'y., Mtar thinkers is a group ol iuterw ting men and I nan rance Bldg., Chicago. ___________ _ w ixTgn— ar.vv.au. Tntjcr»nnriir raaao»« im Ihla «talc to manage our bualrre*« in their own and nearby eouutlea. II 1« rnclnlr office work conducted at home Halarr atralzht SUM a j year aud expenaca—definite, temafide, no more no leaa «alary Monthly »A. Reforms»« En- I rloae aelf addreaaed «tamped enrelopc, Herbert E. lie««, Preab, Hept. M, Chicago. women, and their thoughts are w orthy 'th e consideration ol ail people. ■old w ith Tur W m . T h e Arena ia