TH E W EST. PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. WASHINGTON LETTER. - service in a more or les9 crippled con­ dì: on nearly all the lime. PERSONALS. E kom ora reuulak U omumpondbnt . E W Cobh made a vi-it to Brtin.lsville Tlie political assessor is again with Washington, Oct 28.—The President Wednesday. the Washington otfiee-hokiers, and they —AT— today issued Hie following Thanksgiving Rev I G Knotts is visiting up lbs W ash . D O, Oct, 24, 1898. are doing their work openly. There is proclamation : * F j . o « bxcb , U n i C ounty , O regon Not one cent for Spanish bonds or no law to stop them. The law says that river this week. “ By the President ol the United Miss Jennie Ifowe was visiting xt territory ¡millions fur resumption of the political contributions shall not be - - - by — States—A Proclamation : The approach­ Acme this week. war, if actien of Spain makea it neces­ solicited or received by any office-holder Charles Stonefleld of Samaria was in ! ing Novemlier brings Io mind the cus­ sary. This is a statement in a nut nor in n public building. The assessors town several days this week. toms of our ancestors, hallowed by time “hell of the position of this government D W Vanderluirg and family of Ada simply write the office-holder !.. meet and rooted In our most sacred traditions, I E d ito r a u d P ro p rieto r. * . • • , , , . , . Not a m an in official circles lielieves them at some designateli Hdlrcss and are visiting up the river this week. of giving thanks to Almighty God for .. . . a . . . . ■ that Spain w ill Is* foolish enough to Ellerhy left Mesdames Hansen ami ask them to down with their cash all the blessings ho has vouchsafed toi * order its commissioners not Io sign toe Theoretically the office-holder doesn’t f|,r Coos hay oil Barrett s stage last Florence, Or. Nov. 4, 1898. us dining the last year. treaty of peace, unless they secure some have to do this, but all the same many Friday. “ l ew years in our history haveaffoid-1 With Seasonable Goods, and as usual of D r Evans arrived on the steamer Sat­ money consideration, either as pay for of them do so, reserving their kicking OUR MAIL ROUTES. ed such cause lor thanksgiving. We urday morning having been excused the Philippines, or assumption of a for their personal friends. first class quality. “OUR AIM:” to Sell have lieen blest by nhundant harvests, from further attendance at court. portion of Spain’s horn Its I indehledneM, Postal Inspector Burr whom wo men­ onr trade and commerce have been won­ Mrs Landis of Coos Bay is visilibg although such an outcome of the negoti­ tioned last week as lieing in Florence First Class Articles at Most Reasonable I derfully increased, our public credits relatives on the Siuslaw. She is a sister ations at Paris appears to lie receiving made a trip over the road from Glenaila of Uncle Joe, William and A J Morris. have lieen improved and stsengthened, PRICES. I serious consideration in Eui'oiican capi­ to Alena to ascertain whether it is prac­ W If Simmons who resides on a ranch all sections of our country have lieen It does not require an expert to detect on the eoast up near the line of Lincoln * tals. All this sort of tiling is a part of ticable to extend tho Gardiner-Alena brought together and knitted into closer I he game of Spanish ileplomaey, intend­ the sufferer from kidney trouble. The county made a visit to Florence Tues- mail route to Glenada. From some liond of national puqioHc and unity. * ed to affect the position of this govern­ hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, ’lav. remarks that he dropped it is thought The skies havo lieen for a time dark­ A Schulte returned from Gardiner ment. As such it is all ahsolutelv puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow* lie will recommend that the route he ened by the cloud of war, hut ns we wasted. Should the Spanish commis­ parsnip-colored complexion indicates it. ' Sl,nill,y having finished his work there. extended from Gardiuer via Ituhy, Ada, were compelled Io lake up the sword in A physician would ask if you had j He intends to remain at home during sioners decline to eoncludo the treaty of and Alene to Glenaila and that the the winter. the cause of humanity, we are permit­ , , . . . peace, upon the terms submitted by the rheumatism, a dull pain or ache in the beach route from Florence to Gardiner _ . . . . I J " Carman returned home Mondav ted to rejoice that the conflict has lieen hack or over the hips, stomach trouble. . , , . . • . n *" U 8, the war would at once he resumed, be discontinued. Also that the mail 1 ’ 1 morning from a business trip to Port- of brief duration, and the losses we have ami this government is far lielter fixed desire to urinate often, or a burning or land. While there ho embraced the lietween Eugene and Florence lie re­ had to mourn, tliongh grievous and im­ to rush the fighting than it was the day scalding in passing it; if after passing opportunity to take a pleasure trip to duced from a daily to a tri-weeklv portant, have been so few, considering the protocol whs signed, nml is deter­ there is an unsatisfied foaling as if it j Astoria. service. the grent results secomplished, ns to mined lo do it, The bugaboo of Euro- must repeated, or if the urine has aj Mis Win Casterllno w ho has lieen Efforts bare been make for about 8 inspire us with gratitude ami praise (o j “pending several weeks at Glenada with l>eiin interference would not prevent the brick dust deposit or strong odor. years past to obtain a daily mail be­ When these symptoms are present, no 1 j ML ™ '. J ° 1>''<‘lp8' the Lord of Hosts. We may laud and carrying of tho fighting into Spain tween Eugene and Florence. East year leavps today enroute to her home in magnify his holy namo that the cessa­ immediately and Spain would very time should be lost in removing the cause southern Oregon. the government asked for hills and a tion of hostilities camo so soon as Io Delay may lead to gravel, catarrah of soon lie compelled to accept terms ol contract was let for a daily service to Major Tower and wife left by Barrett’s spnre both sides tho countless sorrows the bladder, inflammation, causing stop­ peace far more humiliating than those commence July 1st, 1898. The mail has stage Wednesday morning for their and disasters that attend protracted page, and sometimes requiring the home at Coos Bay after s|ieii(ling a fort­ it now lias an opportunity to accept. been carried daily h r the last four war. drawing of the urine with instruments, night with their son and family at months and now to cut it down to a The president greatly enjoyed his “I do, therefore, invite all my fellow- or you may run into Bright's Disease, Florence. tri weekly, would work a groat injustice western trip ami has nothing hut citizens, those at home ns well ns those the most dangerous stage of kidney Cottage Grove Messenger: Perry to a large number of people whoso mail w ho may lie at sea or sojourning in praise for the hospitality, prosperity trouble. Long and wife came up from Eugene is carried over this route. Take the cost and (he patriotism of those with whom foreign lands, to set apart and observe Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great Friday, where they have lieen visiting of Carrying and the number of people riiursdny the 24th day of November, ns lie came in contact everywhere ho went; for some time. They left Monday for discove.-y of the eminent kidnev and accommodated into consideration, the Bohemia where they will spend the a day of national thanksgiving, to eome and if his hack hone had needed am* bladder g|>ecialist, is a positive remedy winter. expense of a daily mail over this rcuie together in their several places of wor­ stiffening on tho Spanish question, for such diseases. Its reputation is it not groatcr than that of many other ship for a service of prnise and thanks which so far us appearances go, it did world-wide and is so easy to get at any ADDITIONAL LOCALS. routes in tho country anil to cut down to Almighty God for all the blessings of not, the sentiments lie heard expressed drug store that no one need suffer any tlio service here would lie unjust unloss the year, the mildness of tho seasons would have done the business. Others length of time for want of it. Grant county is somewhat behind in the service on other similar routes is and tho fruitfulness of the soil; for the who accompanied him say that the However, if you prefer to first test its payments. They are just now adver­ also reduced. almost universal sentiment everywhere In Dress Goods and Dress Full line of Ladies, Gents continued prosperity of the people; for wonderful merits, mention T he W est tising for 1891 county warrants. It is a | Trimming, can be found and Children’s underwear, | very large county, sparsely settled, with the devotion ami valor of our country­ they went, among those of all political and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing­ Sow« or the Florence people have parties and all sorts of men, light taxable property. Criminal trials men ; for the glory of our victory ami In Fancy Articles can bo j hamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle and are principally responsible for its pres­ 4 Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta, J Ixsen circulating a subscription paper the hope of a righteous peace, and t" favor of our taking the whole Philippine book telling nil ubout it, both sent ent financial condition. group. Ladies Cloth, Suitings Water- found Fascinators, Child’s $ this week for the relief of tho family of pray that the divine guidance which absolutely free by mail. Louis Anderson. Our citizens are Reports from Seaton Sunday evening The annual report of the director of has brought us heretofore to safety and P100^3, Hoods, Bootees, Mittens, indicate that Ludvig Christensen was always ready to assist those in distress honor may lie graciously continued in the mint, on tho production of silver GREENLEAF ITEMS. in a bad way. Our informant states and it is needless to say that the paper Trimmings to match in RUCIIINGS, tho latest, Boh- the years Io eoinc. In witness whereof, and gold by the world during the cal that a number of friends sat up with should meet with ready responses. By a W est C orrespondent . endnr year 1897, has lieen submitted to etc. him. Fortunately he improved with | Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins J hinet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and good care and by next day It was con­ “ william M c K in ley . the secretary of tho treasury. It shows U 8 Inspector Bryant of Puget Sound October 29th, 1898. sidered safe to leave him alone. Ludvig ETC'>in a11 Shades. Gents’ Neckwear ETC. “By the President: John Hay, Secre­ that the production of silver was the says they havo inspected 90 more vessels Henry Tabor of Alplin came home went out hunting Sunday and killed his greatest ever known, tho value being this week. tary of Siate. in Ills district this year than lust and first deer which probably accounts for $236,730,300, although many of the Peter Hulls, the ex-hermit, will spend his condition, only 31 of these were built for Alaska ENGLAND AND WAR CONTINGENCIES most productive silver mines iu the U the winter with Emil Roberts. trade, the others being engaged in The loss by I he recent fire at the Ore­ S, were not working during that A large quantity of prunes and apples gon Agricultural College nt Corvallis legitimate business in Washington period. The value of the gold produced have been fed to liog.s hereabouts this has been adjusted at »15,358.57, there waters. 8 F Chronicle: was sliglitly in excess of that of silver— fall. being a reduction on account of the big It the rejiort is true that the English William Austin and family have boiler being saved. Regent Weatherford »237,504,800. E x -S bcretary of State Foster, who is nation is (or war not much importance moved hack from Eugene to their home­ represents the college. r |a„9 ,or the The following extract from a report stead above Alpha. high authority on international law, need be given tho subsidiary clause new building have been made. It is to says Spain is bound by the provisions about Queen Victoria's possible veto of sent to the department of state by U S A cougar got nnother of Fred Pepiot he two stories high and 80x123 feet, of the procotol and that it will not dare a declaration. If war is wanted the Consul Ragsdale nt Tientsin, China, goats the other day and Pepiot got the bight 36 feet. Mr Lazarus was the suc­ cessful architect in furnishing designs. to deviate therefrom in tho negotiation declaration may eomo from the other n city with more than n million inhabi­ cougar a few days later. One Oregon editor ought to get along of the treaty of pence. Just romemlier side, lint in any event tho queen is not tants, with an unnual eommerco of Herman Steintinner is hard nt work this when reading cock and bull stories likely to interpose fiat of personal »42,250,000, shows Hint China is fast getting a kiln of brick ready to burn on According to the McMinnville T R A V R Snyder of the Transcript, 'is an lis place, to test the clay. about what tho Spanish commissioners sovereignty between the nation and waking up to modern methods, notwith­ ubiquitous fellow in the office line. He Most of the potato crops hereabouts are doing or intend doing.—Coait Mail. parliament mid any policy they mav standing its misgovernment: “The were disappointing, but in some cases holds an office under the U 8 Govern r. After burning a judges would take this course and refuse afraid to tackle France, which, besides Americans. The peace commission hole throng!, the floor the fire was evi Another bureau official—James A policy has a decidedly hangdog air, and dentlv smothered by soot falling to listen to the quibble of , | 18 |„wvi.ri) being the weaker state, lias valuable * p r ç £ Û T I(A L . , Dumont, supervising Inspector general even now the officers of their forces In tb ep q ea n d thus saying ,he buildUg about mere trifles, it would effect u great . ... m .in g s in . nca and elsewhere that of the steamboat inspection scrvice-has Cuba, who are allowed to remain there saving to the taxpayers and we should hear less a! out the law's vexatious tempt British cupidity. But the power . condemned the civil service rules as for a few months by the leniency of onr delay. that knuckled to modern Russia on tlie applied to his office, in the most un­ government, are nssidiously engaged in Your friends may smile Manchurian question and which tins no qualified terms. Mr Dumont in his inciting ill-feeling toward America and But that tired feeling A buso nix difficulties to bo encount­ friends or allies anywhere is not likely annual report to the secretary of the Americans among the Cubans, and fur- Means danger. It ered hiii I overcome in Cuba is the treaaury says the placing of the cm- nishing them with military equipment, to take issue with France and Russia Indicates impoverished establishment of American ne»apa|H«rs. ployes ol his office under the civil service that Such an institution has lavn launched 1 These ,a,wers are joined for rule« has been a positive detriment to ba” a T m X r ^aclT^f m a n h ^ w h e n —FUBUSU1O KVCBV FUI DA Y MOKXIk'G.—- ; W. H. WEAT1IERSON I Parsnip Complexion. We carry no shop-worn, or Auction Goods of any kind. Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber Goods, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Dry Goods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. In fact, if there is anything you require tnat a merchant can supply, call on Y o u rs T ru ly ■ c . 7 7 . E-JED. 4 C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Coods, * Groceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE ¡¡MEAT MARKET! 3 Y Just Opened.......... Goods as Reoresented. PVIAR» ReyaiVe ou the sea of journalism at Santiago and , J T ' " T ' Br‘“ in V#ri0U* A" ‘ RivW no ,nt>re Spaniards.-Ziorefc^ is called the Daily Times. In a recent is ton.,rued, and are strong enough ! numerous instances to show that the dealt!-. »«sue it hna the following item: “ It in muon to press war against England meu who have been appointed, after P resident McKixijrv ia the first pres­ Heema to lie the object in life of some I in every quarter of the world, from India 'troublesome delays, have Deen less ident of the United State« to formally people to e. efficient than tlioee selected before these much money as possible. This was the 1 l>e l" uc *uch • «>n*««»i (or T that the discreet Briton will find a way \ Our printers areali natives, which not with them in appointing the only accounts for the many typographic-, 0,11 l’f ll,e difficulty if ho has to , . ---------- Var b,«ik ws« w d H eo tu « r i» , vanii«» nt «an Fm ii- rl« w ,,o n the Pnvlflv a it ] , O w irra l M v n lU , in com mission authorized by congress to al errors, especially in our English tiptoe down the hack stairs. ‘» " • “ «xte «be industrial conditions in sect ion, but lor the fact tltat we have to the Unite.) State«. His recent «|wech j b« constantly watching to the railway men in Chicago »how«! a Yankee com,M>eitor wi hi« «ympathy with and knowledge of Mantiago, and then we may the needs of the workingman.—Tacoma out a lamer paper.” —Orry. And impure blood. 1 his condition may Lead to serious illness. It should be promptly Overcome by taking ivk- i H °od's Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, A . Creat« an appetite. And builds up, Energizes and vi»«’i2cs The whole system. Be sure to get ---- - Only Hood’s.