-y 9 » - r y y r^T~ T ▼ ▼ T THE W EST r A D V E R T IS E R S Y O U R H O H E PAPER ► ? STATE OFFICERS- TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Will m a k e------ o „ A„„Ar ................W illiam P. Lord. Governor.................. Kecretnry o f S 'a t e ............ II. R. K incaid. R B O U LA R „ nl .............Philip Metchen s„ nt Public In s tru c tio n .. ..G . M. Irw in. ¡ ¡ J , P rin ter.......................... W. H. Ueds Attorney G e n e ra l............C. M. Idlem an. ' . R . 8 . Bean F . A. Moore Supreme Court j . .. . STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. A MouBt*ln«»r W h s H igh ly A p preciated R eally Gaud Cooking. A b a S T A G E L.INHS. pr , D A IL Y TBIPS H > H . B a r r e t t ---- Between----- T _ _ *u ‘ | ORTHERN P a c if ic , Ry. ’ leav es Florence Mondays, Wednes days i>nd Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ Florence ail Bead of Tide. Judge Second D istric t. J . W . H am ilton prosecuting A tto r n e y .. .G eo. M. Drown days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts- ! burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Day. Charges reasonable. EUGENE-FLORENCE COUNTY OFFICERS- u STAGE LINE. N F. O. P otter. lodge TRAVELERS’ GUIDE 8 T 1 „*.■■■ “ •"1N K’ ’’ g a r d i n e r o — E. B an gs, Proprietor. How is this? Perhaps sleepless nights caused it, or grief, or sick­ ness, or perhaps it was care. No matter what the cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair is starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. S P ullm an Stnge leaves Eugene Mondays, ( .............. W. T. Dailey Cqinniissioneri | .. II. D . Edw ards Wednesdays and Fridays at (» a. ..........E . U . Lee! Clerk. . . . Sleeping Cars in., arriving at Florence the day W . W . W ithers Slierill'. .. following at 10 a. in. E leg an t A. 8 . Patterson rreasurer Returning-stage leaves Flor­ D ining Cars . D. P. Burton Assessor ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Icliool S u p erin ten d en t. . .W . M. Miller T o u ris t Sleeping Iceping Cars and Fridays at 2 p. m., arriving ............................................... C. M. Collier in Eugene the following day at ST . PAUL Joroner............................W. P. Cheshire MINNEAPOLIS G p. m. Justice ot P e a c e .................. C. 11. Holden DULUTH Jo,.stable................................E . A. Evans FARGO TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON______ CITY OFFICERS. WINNIPEG HELENA »ad W . II. W eatherson ‘resident BUTTE O. W . H urd W in. Kyle I,. Christensen M. Morris CHICACO Single fare _ - _ - $5.00 Round trip - - - - S9.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. Hurd’s office in Florence. THROUGH TICKETS ¡oard of True tees border........................... J o h n II . Morris reasurer ................................J . A. Pond ___ G . C. Cum pton [arsimi............. _____________ SECRET SOCIETIES. TO The Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary WASHINGTON Of The PHILADELPHIA ENGLISH LANGUAGE YORK new BOSTON AND ALL COMPLETE POINTS EA ST »nil SOUTH SUCCIENT Fnr Information, time card., map, and ticket« etc., coll on or write A U T H O R IT A T IV E R. M c M urphey , F. A A. M. F lorence Lodge No. 107. li Regular so in n iu n ien tio u jin second General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, 301,86s Vocabulary Terms EUGENE, OREGON. id fourth S atu rd ay s in each m o n th . 147 Editors and Specialists 0 . W . H ukd , W. M. A. D. CHA RLTO N, S33 Reader» for Quotation» G, K notts , S ecretary. w A. R. G eneral Lyons Post, No. 68 , meets second ami fo u rth Saturdays each mouth a t 1:30 p. m. J. I. BuTTKiiriELi», C om m ander. J . L. F uk nisii , A d ju tan t. Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. P o r t l a n d O r. MORRIS ♦** HOTEL, ..J. C. FLINT, Proprietor P lo re n o s . O re g o n . 0. U. AV. P e rp e tu a Lodge, No. 131, OUR a AIM—To meets every 1st anti an d oti 3d dhuh Saturdays «» j o »-.* . • e » ____ n I u l t i T il/ month. M em 1 bers and z i wr visiting a c c o m ra o d a ti ()n S thren in good sta n d in g a re cor" ia.\7 ited to atten d . J . .1. A ndbiison , M. AA • prices. . K yle , R ecorder. ■ ). 0. F. H eccta Lodge No. I l l .m eets ivory W ednesday ev en in g in Lodge 11, Florence, O regon. B ro th ers in J Btanding in v ited to a tte n d . T homas J . D ob bs , N . b . C has . H . V andekburg , Sec. CHURCH DIRECTORY ESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, furnish the be at Head of Tide Hotel, Attorney a t Law, - ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. Money Saved By P atronizing it. EUGENE, OREGON. TO RNEY Fiorone«, : at - Prop. Qeo. Hale notaries , -O ffice At the Court House. E. E. BE N E D IC T» L A W a . R. BUTTOLPH, Notary M lic , Surveyor : Orccon. P atents ] ' rvvv-. DCBMK* COFVKIOHT« SC. Mtri ht KacprfiHn cnr ontnton n w»^7 toiv * •tini prnbRhly patentable b r»m «.Irti, rnnartantC. Haueknp» on fa»*"« »*n t fr.- D I M FtanrY for •w ’"1"*,.)’" wn«a *»kan tbrauak Monn a Co- r w ” • P * r t il natie«, without ebaraa. In M» s dentine American. _1 tiinatntea .. .. Â __ k.,_ f arMlt Hi Ti À h» M,ornai, wweklv. IK Jiïïwilwrj Pacific Coast Agent« SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 933 Market St. Early Whlrt. Mrs. Hcrvey writes on Oct. 25, 1G9., to her husband, that his "four sisters have been bear this afternoon, and as they never coma unattended, brought with then. Mr. G a -, Mr. D o w n - and Mr Bo— Dart of them staid and play­ ed at wl.ish (Sic) tel tbia moment, which is past 11 a’cloek.” Twenty years later (March 18, lnln) Lord Hervey, as his title was then, writes to the Rev. Mr. Thomas 1-oulkes, the tutor of Mad Tom Hcrvey, at Ox­ ford, about that sen’s gambling pro­ pensities. He is to follow the example S h is "good grandfather Hervey who pray tell Tom, never played nt any game bnt whist, and at that only iu Christinas time for sixpence « Lady Bristol was at Bath In April, 1723. and was then in tho center of the world of whist. "Poor Bishop Nevell, gbe writes, "can scarco be reckoned among the living, being «>“ my oppin- iou) wors than dead. T hey say ho si t at Lindsey’s with one to hold his card, and another to give him snuff. Palscy and gout have brought him to this m.ss- ?” blocondition.” On May fully informs her husl>and that the di­ version of tho evening is the t appet -how. “ Betty i" g™>0 w’“» u ‘ ,v riugton. The whiskers haTO promi^d ” “g snme diversion after-t,s over.’ - Notes and Queries.________ T ha C «n «ln < T ea. The sacecity of tho fox is most won- a 5 d n is7 related that ho is tor- derfr il bv fleas and when the inflic- oreg°n- ____________ _ ¡n o r e iiO ° - BO YEARS’ experience E. D. BROiNSON & CO, accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. O regon ..........A ttorney-al-L w w ................... acents w a n ted Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Wild game, fish and fruit in season. Best r-Rooms 7 and 8 M etoreii’« Bull»»«’’«- J il intention given to collections ft»« Pr luslncûs. E. O PO TTER . STANDARD, over 300,000; w. w . NEELY, Prop’r. of Eugene. A. C. WOODCOCK, The full number of words and terms in different dictionaries for the entire alphabet Is ns follows: S wruonth , 53,000; W orchesteb 105,000; W ebster (international), 125,000; C en ­ tury , (sis volumes. complete,) 225,000: .......... Sanple Pages Free........ Cll^ d Pl*a.lTie ilOlvl» ATTORNEYS 5000 Illustrations cost over >960,000 Appendix of 47,468 Entries rcason ab c Iregon. S a b b ath s e rv ic e ; S a b b a t h - ______ ol, 10 o’clock a. m . P reach in g 11 , . x:k a. m. and 7 p. in. S acram en t of Lord’s su p p er on 1st S abbath of lary, A pril, J u ly an d October. — rybody is welcome to all th e services, or requests C h ris tia n s to make Tw entv-three nselves know n. M iles W est I . G . K notts , P astor. h» ot ,n, NO. 27. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Nov. 4, 189». GENERAL directory An ’ .4 SIUSLÀW’8 ONLY FAP1B. « O P P O R T U N IT Y j SU PPO R T IT VOL. IX . S en e, ▼ V — FRANK B. WILSON, notary FLO R E N C E . .. the moss, »be fox public . ofs refuge ou on the nil«. and # when pmbarkw(1 - OREGON is nnd the moss drifts hCT 'w h i e Z ^ l y fox regains the PATENTS ¿ A t a b l a chA'pie,3H « win CM' „„„ I-rtf» »I»1 ,rc "¡‘»V u SJ — Ä.8NOW & CO. m«tors--Exc1isuge PavageaT« the whole, live lm g * tba« civilised people . . - n .l TKCT*OBV»rv SXS’OSS IX „ „ . _ S' SS**-’ *; e , . |n their own W.XTSIr- n.- "- ” e w t Iht- *'«” ie ■. o» I' ™*". II , i- mainly meinly • IMI 6 ríHwlurt ,14 .1 h£Bie„„lu.’l-.riaMe. »" «Ç** . ,; y K,.(emi< e. E"- j-eur «n S ex I-1 !' PI1, f ini>e. Herbert no Iw« Ml.rr. Y-'i'II'lf cl . - Increases the circulation 1» the scalp, gives more power to the nerves, supplies miss­ ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc­ tions, gray hair begins to show color in a few days. Soon it has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns. Would you like our book on the Hair? We wiil gladly send i to you. rule the monntaiueer of Kcn- tncky is not a gastronomic connoisseur, and tho visitor at his table is quite as likolv to hoar dried apples referred to as •‘fruit” us he Is to find any oth.r kiudof frnitou tho table. Occasionally, however, one of them is sufficiently for­ tunate to get away from his fastnesses, • ud living temporarily down in the blue grass has an opportunity to acquire some virtues not otherwise obtainable. It was such a one 1 caught up with one morning In June along tho ridge of tho Cumberland^ “ I’m looking for a place,” I said I after a few preliminaries, “ where I can itop for a week or so while 1 look up nm e timber I have in this neighbor­ hood. Do you know of auy?" “ There ain't much uv that sort eround here," he replied, "exceptin you go to Mount Pleasant, an I reckon ' that’s too fer. But hoi’ on,” he broko ■ in with n sudden thought, “ thar’s the Widder Tackett She axed me yistidy to see some uv you folks ut the mill and tell ’em she had a place to sleep and eat two er three men ef they wnzn’t too ' per tickler. " “ Is it a pretty good place?” I in­ quired thoughtlessly. Tho youug man's face flushed. “ Well, I reckon," ho said with some 1 emphasis. "She’s goin to be my moth­ er-in-law come next September." “ Oh, I beg your pardon," 1 hastened to oxplnin. "I only asked to know if she had good eating. Some of that we get in private houses even in the cities, you know, is not the best in the world. ” "Cities be denied, ” he said with a fine feeling. “ Yer ain't never tried tho I Widder Tackett’s pie yet, mister, un yer want to keep still till yer do. Ain’t nothin like it nowhere, no matter what kind nv a pie she sets afore yer. It's all ue plnsibus unnm, an no mis­ take. Why, I'm tcllin you that 1 sot down to one uv her pies last week, dern cf I recomembcr what kind it wuz, ef I I ever knowed, an 1 wuz eatin right into it like a hot shovel goin into a snow pile, an Bill Rogers aerost the tablo fruni me culled me a liar, an 1 never said a doru word to him tell I had plnm e’t my pie and got my teeth picked. Dern my buttons of I did, colo- l n el.” I did uot liko to inquire further into tho mystery of wbat happened to Mr. Rogers after the last tast« of the pie was snfely housed by my informant, but 1 > I mado n fair guess and went on to seo 4 ‘ tho Widow Tackett concerning board and lodging for one man for one week. — Washington Star. I WE LEAD IN g ” 1 Dry Goods F ancy Goods F u rn ish in g Goods C lothing S h o es WE DEFY COMPETITION Willamette S t, X * A a I a v ln e lb la . RESPECTFULLY ILLY J. V. K A U F F M M A A N . I I A JOKE ON THE TEAMSTER. When Alolbiades was told that his | B a R o a g h ly O r d e r e d G e n e r a l S h e r n s a * » • countrymen hod passed sentence of B r a s h U te M a le« . death upon him for being at tho head of , A good story is told of one of General a conspiracy to overthrow the religious Sherman’s Missouri teamsters. Ho had and political constitution of Athens, he just joined the servloe, a raw recruit, said, "I w ill show them I still liv e .” and was assigned the task of driving • He obtnined from Sparta assurance o l , six mnle team. When the army halted personal safety and went hither. He de­ for the first night, he was wearily un­ lighted and charmed the Spartans, as he harnessing his team. had the Athenians in his oarlier years | "Hello there,” said the wag of the U /r .fo U 3 l He adopted their on »toms and dress and company iu passing. “ What do yon If you do not obtain all the was the strictest Spartan of them all. mean by taking care of those mules benefits you expected from He wore his hair short, bathed in the yourself? Why don’t fou have the the Vigor, write the doctor icy waters ol the Enrotes and ate their hostler do it?” about it. He may be able to black broth and barley bread. They be- | ” Why, I thought every man had to suggest something of value lleved that be had been misrepresented. 1 take care of his own team,” said the to you. Address, Dr. J. C. Iu truth, as Plutarch said, "he changed bewildered teamster. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. color more quickly than a chameleon. ' ' I “ You bet he doesn’t. Wo’ve got • In Spaita be was grave, temperate and hostler for that. There’s his tent right fond of physical exercise; in Ionia he over there. He’s a lnzy, contrary old was easy going, luxurious and mei-ry, toss, aud he may not want to do it, bnt INSECURITY. / in Thrace he was drunken, in Tbessi.!y yon swear at him aud he’ll move off at - « he was devoted to horsemanship, and iu double quick." , F te r7 prep on which I lam , the court of the Persian satraps he tur- Every earthly prop. 1 mean. The Missourian strode over to the Of whose power I chance to bourft. passed Tissaphernes himself in maguifi- 1 tent indicated, which happened to he Fails me when 1 need it moat. oenoe. As Sparta was to be the prize of General Sherman’s headquarters. STORY OF A HAT. tho Athenian victory he allowed the Lover, brother, Mister, friend. “ Here, you son o f gun,” he roared On whoso nearneaa 1 depend, people their danger, advlaiug them to fiercely, “ get out o f here and braeh R e v e a lin g t h e S e c r e t of Ite T w e T rip e Those whoso very presence gives begin active operations against that A r o u n d n T a b lo . those mules ” Strength by which my spirit iive«b city. No better ndvice oould have been Needless to ray. the teamster spent A number of literary men were at one given them, aud they profited by it. Fall awny by some mischance. the evening iu the guardhouse. time gathered in a well known chop- Death or other clreumatanco. A pious old Indiana farmer was as­ And 1 find myself indeed J house in New York. The conversation M a n illa I le m p . Leaning on a broken reed. signed to tho duty of teaming, probably was of course brilliant, aud the repartee Every engineer knows wbat manilla by mistake. Tho roads were muddy, sparkled with mirth aud wit. During a When these earthly fetters part. All theso clasps around my heart lull in the talk the door slowly opened, hemp is, bnt few are awaro th a t’ it is and the rest of tho teamsters were lit­ Fall away, and I am left and un old southern darky, grizzled the product of a spcoics of Lanana erally bombarding their charges with which is cultivated iu certain localities oaths. It was against the old man's Of life’s sweetest Joys bereft. with ago, poked his heud in and then in the Philippine islands. The plant, To what depths of woe I drop, slowly drew his body in after him. A oalled by the natives "abaca, " throws principles to swear, and he hold hla Seeking vainly for some prop peace, albeit in impotent rage. At lost waiter started to eject him, when one up a cluster of sheating leaf stalks to a oue of the hind males balked and re­ All suffleient to sustain of tho gentlemen cried: Ono in loneliness and pain. "W ait a moment. Let's ace what the height of 20 or 80 feet, which spread fused to advance a step. The old man out at the top into a crown of huge un­ used every endeavor to urge the beast Like a drowning man I reach old boy wants." divided leaves. When it is 8 years old, along, but to no purpose. At lust he Upward and for aid beseech. The darky bobbed up to the table “ Eelp me, Lord!" I cry and stand whero this gentleman Bat und held out it is out down and the stalks are torn roared in a loud and solemn voice: Well support ed by his hand. his hat. Throwing a wink to his neigh­ into strips. These strips, while still “ Oh, Lord, you know where thia mule Through the desert, through tho tidn, bors, the gentleinnn took the hat and, fresh, are drawn between a kuifo and a ought to be as well as anybody. This He has promised to abide making a show of placing something wooden block, and the soft oellnloso whole army knows where ho ought to Ever near; where'er I be. matter is removed. The fiber is then bo this minute. He knows where he Whispers gently, "Lean on mo." into it, passed it on / o the next man, hang up to dry in the open air until it ought to be. I know where he ought to who did likewise. The hat mode n tour Earthly tics, how Insecure! is fit for uso. Each stalk gives about a be, oh. Lord, aud if he doesn't move in of the room, to tho puzzled wonder of Heavenly tit’s alone enduro, And my idols nil were slain the darky. The last to receive It sol­ pound of fiber, and two natives w ill a minute I intend to say so, by gam. ” That 1 might this knowledge gain. emnly handed it hack with a polite turn out about 25 pounds a day. The —Chicago Inter-Oceun. • —New York Ledger. inside fiber, which is thin and weak, is bow, saying; "There, sir, don’tyon think yon have need by tho natives for making articles GLADSTONE AS A CHEMIST. of dress. The familiar nisnilla rope is THEY GAVE THE BALLS. something to he thiinkfnl for?" made from the fiber of the outer layer, A e I e o M s e * l a t h e O ra n d O ld Baa*» Ca- The old darky looked solemnly around U n d th e P e o p l« D an ced t o Tny th e D ebt» which is bard and strong. The whole r a a r Iu th a C oiaaaoa». the compuny and, mechanically taking o f L ouis X IV . supply of manilla hemp practically If Mr. Gladstone seldom indulged in In 1712 Louis XIV favored thoOpera. the Cat, he said; comes from the Philippines, and the sarcasm, it wus not because xhd lacked "G en’men, l ’ze indeed glad dat I got then established in the first sails of tho United States consumes 41 per cent of it. the gift—for he possessed it in a high eben do bat back!” Palais Royal (there have been two) degree— bnt hecanse he forbore to use The reply was so thoroughly enjoyed with a special mansion for the better P î e î u r s —ia a D e sc r ip tio n o i A r lsn n a . i t To hurt on opponent's feelings gave accommodation of its administration, by the company that the darky left the We live in a land of high mountains, archives and rehearsals. This hotel is place a much licber man than when he high collars and high taxes, low val­ him pain and when he did it uninten­ tionally be would' sometimes cross the situate# iu the Ruo Nicaise. The build­ bad entered It.—Kansas City World. leys, low neck dresses and low wages, floor of the bouse, and, sitting for a few ing was generally designated under tho big, crooked rivers and big. crookoel moments by the side of the man whom Why He r a llc ii. name of "Magasia,” whence tho term statesmen, big lakes, Lig drunks, big he had just demolished, say somothiug A Wellington Chinese trader known “ Filles dn Magasin” (net “ do maga pumpkins, big men with pmnpkiu sin") subsequently not only to the fe­ as William Joe Gett, fonnerly u Chi beads, silver streams that gambol iu the to assnnge the wound. Ono of his must male choristers aud supers, but tho fe­ ncse interpreter, failed some time ago. mountains aud pions politicians whe persistent, but never ill uatured. crittee male dancers then.selves. It so happen­ Here i. an extract from Ilia "statement gamble in the night, roaring cataracts was tho late Sir John Pope Hennessy, ed that the king forgot to pay his archi­ of the causes of bankruptcy," which, aud rouriug orators, fust trains, fast who told mo the following story to il­ tects aud workmen. Iu order to satisfy written in red ink. covered four pages horses, fast young men, roses that bloom lustrate this geuerous trait in Mr. Glad- them the Chevalier do Bouillon conceiv­ of foolscap. After detailing bis trading the year round and beautiful girls with stone’s character. Blr John prided himself on his knowl­ ed the idea of giving balls in tho opera exjM-rientes the Celestial writes:— "1 aco my troubles endless to come. 1 rosebud mouths, sharp lawyers, sharp edge of chemistry and iu ono of the Louse, for which ideb he received an financiers ami sharp too shoes, noisy annual pension of H.000 franca. He was can't get my money to pay. I am help­ ohildren, fertile plnins that lie liko s debates on the commercial treaty with France ho made a speech exposing, ns less. During last three years over 88 paid, but the king’s debtors were not. sheet of water and thousands of news­ for, although the letters patent were creditors support my business. Daring papers that lie liko thunder. — Yarns ho believed, a serious chemical blunder In the treaty. Mr. Gladstone followed, granted somewhere about the beginning last two mouths not a oue let ine have Seutinel. “ and soon turned tne inside out iu tho of 1713, uot a single ball bad been given a penny on tick. Fish never can live in most amusing manner,” said Henuetisy when the most muguiflceut of the Bour­ a dry pond without water. Engine can' t A Z a la R a in C hara». in relating the story, “ proving, as if ha move along without well supply of bon sovereigns desceud<-d to his grave. The Zulus employ a rain charm Ono day. shortly after his death, coal. Boy can't fly his kite without tail which is very remarkable considering had been a chemist hy profession, that d'Argenscn, the then lientenuut of po­ on it. Housekeeper pour out all tea to their annul fierceness nml cruelty. Thej it was 1 who bad blundered egregious- L . lice, was talking to Lonis nephew, the cup no refilled water—how she give catch a bird, mid after the tribal wizard ’T ” Having thus disposed of his critia, PhiJippe d'Orlcans. tho regent. "Mou- you more tea you require? All empty hascoukecrated it and made it a ** heaven seigneur," ho said, "there are people out just the way like my business.’ — bird" they throw it into a pool of w a­ Mr. Gludstoue went and sat by him for a moment. “ I hope you don't feel hurt, who go about yelling that his mujosty Sydney Mai-. ter. Mr. lleuuw sy." be said. “ Your speech of blessed memory was a tmukrupt aud In spite of their own iudiffcrence to was iugeuious, aud it may cousolc yon M eaan a F la a r . a thief. I'll have them m rested aud the sufferings of animals they believe Tho next dietetic fad is poing to be to know that the emperor of the French have them flung into some dc p under­ that the sky, which they conceive to lie ground dungeon." "Yon don’t know banana flour. Manufacturers are experi­ a persouality, w ill be fnll cf woo at the made precisely the same objection that what yon are talking about," was the menting in this direction aud promise death of the bird und drop sympathetic you have made. Tho fact is, both you and he know good deal about chem­ answer. "Tnoae people must be paid, soon a meal that w ill keep os long as tribute in ststwera cf rein. istry, but not enough to keep you front and then they'll cease to bellow.” "But wheat flour and make u much more going astray.“ —Csnou McColl In f ort­ how, monscigneur?” "Let s give the, nutritious bread. As already the crave P m Paasra. nightly Review. bells thut were projected by Bouillon " for whole wheat flour is pa.-anug. Ibis Tho legislative free pass ie still ani- So said, so done, and the people danced new ulbumeu will undoubtedly meet a vcrsnl In Franco. Every member n t the to pay Louis XIV’s debts, as. according (¡nick welcome when it comes Tlie nse chamber r>f depot let has free traveling T h a t B r e e d A ir. to hha