T H E — W E S T . CVCKV PftiOAY MOANING.— —AT— FXZ/MSXC«, L a * b C ovktt , O rigon • - - by - - - GREAT BRITAIN & RUSSIA IN CHINA. S F Chronicle: vUR WHEAT PRODUCTION. 1 Metropolitan and Rural Uume: Ttic rejHirted demand of Great Britain Wheat is now found in a wild slate for the release (ti the emperor of China anywhere, but a majority of the botnn- and his restoration to |>ower is one of i’ ls think that it originated iu Central several things which suggest that the Asia. It formed the principal breiul- Britisli were behind the reforms w bich stuff of all civilized nations long before led to that unhappy monarch’s down- U“» historical era. The antiquity of fall. As the story of intrigue at Peking , ¡1» cultivation is seen in the Bible, and develops it appears that Great Britain >>• the Egyptian and Chinese records, found a way through native advisers of Hence it would lie interesting to many the emperor to suggest the postal ser­ of our readers to learn something alrout vice and several . other iuuoviations, its early history; the countries from which the plastic cui|ieror promptly which it has been principally grown, decreed. Tue plain purpose of the and the immense crop of the present British was to get control of tlio internal year. The proper limit for its hiicccss - administration of China through other lu‘ cultivation is between twenty and Sir Itobert Harts, and this danger at (forty-five degrees. It will not ripen n i. i i n t u n n i tn . Me fad Worker; Geo Gibbs came in from E’lgeue Tues­ The foliowing article on filtered water day. ami filters, by Dr. Cyrus Edson, appear- I x pir ks of Fugene was in town I ed in the New York Evening Poet in]Tuesday. Mrs W tV Neely weut to Eugene a few answer to an article reflecting on the lays ago. wisdom of tho general use of filters: Mrs Elmer Johnson was in Fioience I agree with the writer in many re­ this week. spects. I t is, however, erroneous to Frank Montgomery went to the cape Editor and Proprietor. condemn n filler which is properly con­ * Tuesday. structed and is regularly and systemat­ W Nichols of Meadow visititi our ically Counted and inspected by experi­ Florence, Or. Oct. 28, 18*.)8. city a few days ago. enced men familiar with its conairu.- Mrs McLeod and daughter visited in tion. I thoroughly agree with the Florence tlie first of the week. W ith Seasonable Goods, and a s usual of A h the year« roll by tno/u and more proposiliou laid down, that a filter Miss Mattie Brynd visited friends of the inhabitants of the norther first class quality. “ OUR AIM:“ to Sell unless so thoroughly and regularly ' here Tuesday und Wednesday, etates desire to changu their location in » cleansed by removing the old filtering Wui. Goodpasture the cattle dealer order to escape the rigore of winter i n First Class Articles a t M ost Reasonable medium containing tlie inevitable aceu- was >" Florence a few days ngo. I that part of the country. Some move to onetraroused the Russians to the point below a mean temjierature of fifty-seven mutation of bacteria, and substituting 8 E Lowe and faintly moved into the PRICES. Southern states and others to the Pacific of diplomatic resistance. England had degrees. Tho principal exports of for it a new one, soon becomes clogged Pow®r’ l,ou* in coast where the mild brcezca from the the emperor, hut Russia controlled tho wheat have heretofore been from ttie by reason of the accumulation of bacteria! Assistant Keeper Hansen of Herein Japan current serve to moderate the greatest forces in the stale, the Empress United States, Russia, Hungary, Den­ was doing business in town yesterday. & and thereby itecomes a source of disease extrem es of climate and preserve A P Walker of Seaton was in town Dowager and Li Hung Oliang. The mark, Turkey and Chili, Some years and contamination. even temperature almost all the year latter promptly deposed the emperor ago it was supposed India would become last Saturday the first time for a year It demonstrates the necessity of hav­ and a half. Constantly increasing numbers are and beheaded six of his pro-English a strong competitor in the wheat trade, ing tfie filter introduced in our homes H. H. Lawton has moved to Glennda turning their eyes toward Oregon where advisers, losing, however, the chief one but this idea is now abandoned, as the thoroughly and periodically inspected to spend the winter. Hu occupies tlie llio healthful climate and rich soil offer of all, who took refuge on a British war crop is too uncertain in that country to by an experienced person. A filter Craven house. advantages to the home-seeker rarely ship. Thus the case stood when the be depended on. Gradually the g renter Louis Belters was in Florence Satur­ bought by the household nnd left for found in other parts of the country English made their alleged demand for part of the wheat exjiort business lias attention and care to ttie caprice of tlie day proving his right to a portion of In the Siuslaw valley there is still room tho restoration of their lawful soveieigi fallen to the United States, whose capa­ U nde Sam’s domain. housemaid often becomes a source of for a large number of settlers. Along Wliat will happen now may be com­ city for growing this cereal is only login ­ M L Tower and Ids fattier Major pestilence, but the same filter, if in­ the tributaries and on the upper part monplace or serious, according to the ing to lie dovelojicd. Tower were up tlie river several days spected and renewed by careful and the first of the week. of tho river there is considerable vacant amount of energy shown by Great Owing to the vast amount of wheat experienced parties, is certainly capable government land that will make good Britain in follow ing up its new lead. If F E Goode who lias been nt Oakes­ sent abroad lost year nnd since the of rendering our water supply pure, dale, Wash, for a year past leturned to homes for those wishing to take up the English really mean business and go beginning of the present year, the sparkling, wholesome and crystal-like. his home on Tsilteoos tins week. claims. Along tho lower river some to the lengtii of forcible interference supply of wheat now in the public ele­ Every time the filtering apparatus is Aaron Burr of Portland, postal inspec- clioico places may he bought for reason­ with the domestic concerns of China, vators is only 6,000,000 bushels, the t >r was in town yesterday liming come cleansed it practically becomes a brand able pricca. To people unaccustomed Russia will hardly stand by and see its sm allest available amount nt a n y tim e in over tlie Eugene Mapleton ror.te, new filter, and before sufiiccnt time to tho sight our fruit is som ething sur­ diplomatic gains wrested away. In since the general adoption of elevator Samuel Amis who spent several elapses to permit of its becoming clogged prising. Our salmon fishing brings inunllis in Florence a few years ago was other words, it will support the Empress system at central points. Last year nt by impurities the cleansing and substi­ an arrival on the Marguerite Tuesday. thousands of dollars to the valley every Dowager and Li Hung Chang; and in n this tim e the elevators held 16,750,000 tution of a new filter lied renders it new, year furnishing the laborer with em­ Frank Hawley of Bohemia was a contest of that kind, especially while bushels, nnd in August, 1890, had 45,- sweet and pure. It is a fact that the passenger on Barrett,s stage Monday ployment to provide food and clothing England is iu the midst of the Fasliodn 000,000 bushels, indeed, if the small prevalence of disease among our soldiers morning on bis way back to ttie mines. for his fam ily. Tho iminenso forests, crisis, Russia ouglit to euccecJ. If she stock of wheat now on the market was in various camps is due largely to the J. W. Carman is at Portland on a tlio best of limber, cause tho eustern should give way in it the whole scheme of ground into flour and distributed business trip. Geo. O. Knowles man­ use of impure water, and this lesson lumbermen to wonder how such enor­ ulterior conquest of Chinn proper must among the people of this country the ages the store and meat market during now cmpliasizes the experiences of the mous logs can be handled and sawed fall to the ground. But England is the supply would not last a week. But nt tlie absence of tlie proprietor. past. The subject of the filtration of into lumber. The stock raiser sees at one most likely to back down, having the same time thero is more wheat Hold. Lowe and family who went to water for cooking nnd drinking purjioses once that stock of all kinds thrive on done so often before, in which event the Palouse country some months ago V«' actually in existen ce in the United becomes of the highest importance, nnd arrived in Florence on the Marguerite the abundant grass of the ricli bottom In Dress Goods and Dress Full line of Ladies, Gents the Russianization of tho whole middle States now than at any previous time. while imperfect and neglected filters Sunday morning. lands and fertile hills. Dairying has as kingdom can be only a question of Expert statisticians report tliat there Trimming, can be found and Children :’s underwear. should lx) discarded, those which are Mr Miles and family, who formerly yet been carried on in a limited way time. have been harvested 400,000,000 bushels resided on Fiddle creek, hut moved to maintained by frequent renewal should Serges, Cashmeres, Henrietta, In Fancy Articles can be but we hope that next year the creame­ of winter wheat, nnd from 250,000,000 be commended to universal use. The Independence some four or five years ry will he more liberally patronized. PREPARING FOR THE SPOIL. Ladieu Cloth, Suitings Water- found Fascinators, Child’s ago have returned to the Siuslaw. At to 300,000,000 bushels of spring wheat, writer of the article concedes that when Ship building was begun here some ten present they are living in H I) Cham­ making altogether some 650,000,000 pi oofs. Hoods, Bootees, Mittens, new, the filter substantially removes the berlin's house iu Glemida hut intend to years ago ar.d promises to become an Portland Chronicle: bushels of new w heat now in the hands impurities and thus pure water is In spite of the fact that we are facing move to Fiddle creek in tlie spring. important branch of industry. Five Trimmings to match in RUCIIINGS, the latest, Bob- of the farmers, to bo brought into the provided. If, therefore, ttie original vessels built here have gone to sen a colonial problem, nnd that we hnvc | Gimps, Velvets, Silks, Satins binet, Hosiery, Ladies’ and | HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED? market in due time, not at the high efficacy of an efficient filter could be and engaged in the carrying trade of already acquired distant territories for price obtnined during the Loiter ex ­ maintained, the problem of the contin­ the world, und the sixth, the largest which no government lias been provid­ Oregon Scout ETC., in aH Shades, Gents’ Neckwear ETC. citement, but wilt be sold at remuner­ ual supply of pure water would indeed and best of all, a fine vessel and a model ed, the politicians are taking no steps Tliat the nails in your sidewalks still ative rates. The average farmer is not be solved. of workmanship is new nearly ready to whntever to arrange a proper svstein of aggressively stick up their heads and a speculator. H e never entertained the colonial government. Such a system launch. often half of their bodies? idea of bolding up tlio price of the INFORMATION. must have for its basis a jierinnnent Tliat the dollar you pay hack is wheat yield and compelling tho con­ T u t A dams ’ law authorizing school colonial service, otherwise our colonial sumer to pay his price until the supply twice the size of the one you borrowed? For those intending to study medicine. districts to incur indebtedness in certain governments will not only reflect but is exhausted, that was done by others, Tliat when a man wants his wife to The following medical colleges, leading will exaggerate all the faults that obtain cases carries the emergency clause, aside hut so long ns the available supply is so institutions of the kind in the United go nway for a summer outing for her in our domestic affairs. These distant from which it rends as follows: low ns it is now tho farmer has the States, admit to their 21 year, students health, her folks and all her acquaint­ governments will be carried on by the “ The school directors of any school speculator in his power. As has been who have accomplished certain prescrib­ ances regard him with an eye of sus- boys” who, far nway from home, will district in the state of Oregon may, well said:. ‘‘So it is that for once the ed work in biology, physics and chemis­ picion? when authorised by n majority vote of not even he under the restraint of farmer holds the wheat situation in the That the average mortal prays for try at the state university: Tho Medical tho legal voters present At any legally public opinion as exjuiessed by the daily hollow of his hand, nnd seem s to enjoy rain when it is hot ami dusty, and, as Department, University of Oregon; called school meeting, in the name newspapers. Not only* ft it true that the embarrassment of the speculators, soon as the first shower comes immedi­ College of Physicians and Surgeons, San and on behalf of their district our politicians are not" considering this whose profession is dead so long as ately begins to "cuss” about the wet Francisco; Rush Medical College, Chi­ weather? contract a debt by borrowing money or problem nt all, but they are actually available supplies are at the present low cago; Marion Sims College of Medicine, other wise not to exceed $500 for the urging the president to revise tlio civil That when a lady slrikes her toe eb b .” And it will be a happy day St Loula; Cooper Medical College, San purpose of building a school building, service list iu order tbnt he may take against a protruding nail in a sidewalk Francisco; Medical Department, U ni­ or repair of school buildings or the some offices out of the classified list, in when the occupation of the speculator «he never swears—out lou d -b u t turns versity of M innesota; College of Phy­ which they are not now included. In purchase of laud for school purposes, in the necessity of life will lie gone. around and looks her sulphurous] sicians and Surgeons, Chicago. thoughts at the offending object until i t ' and issue negotiable interest-bearing other words, the politicians, instead of The following prominent medical sinks out of sight in sheer fright? warrants and fix the time of payment rising to new re«|ioniihilities, are in­ P O L ITIC A L ASSESSMENTS. schools offer flattering to n cissio n s:, m a t tne nnn » i That the man of tho same, of their district, evidencing sisting upon falling further and further public Medical Department, University of Cali- i enterprise is a detriment to below the old ones- such debt, and they may from time to The civil service commission in mak­ a»y cum- fornia; Medical Department, Yale ‘» u n i t y ? _________ time, not oftcaer thati once a year, levy A lobby lias left Honolulu for W ash­ ing a vigorous campaign against political U niveraity; Medical Department, Johns JUST H q W , t wa a tax on taxable property of the district ington to wk-k for the abolition cf assessments on federal offices and Hopkins University, Baltimore; Medi- _____ to pay the interest there on, or principal United States laws in United States employes, in view of tlie approaching eal Department, University of Pennsyl Exchange: when due, which taxes shall be collected territory. They will urge and work for elections, nnd, in addition to its own vania; Cincinnati School of Medicine; ! In the hegining God created the I In the saiuo manner as other school the abrogation of the United States nav­ circular, has brought out an order from Boston University School of Medicine, ens and the earth; then he mad " ■av-, taxes arc or may be collectable by law .” igation laws, nnd no doubt for a ten the post office department, to he fol­ it. . -------------- the i Boston ; Hahncman Medical College, editor, the liberal advertiser nnd prompt year extension of the contract labor lawa lowed by one from the treasury looking Philadelphia. paying subscriber, an,I it WHg gooi, The I F rom all parts of the United States in the islands. We have just waged n to its full enforcement. To graduates from the state university next d a y a blizzard set ¡„ , nd he crest-i come calls for the construction of tho war costing hundreds of millions, in the the medical department at I ortland ed the man that didn’t believe in a I I Nicaragua canal. The recent acquisi­ interest of humanity, to liberate tlio KEEP THE PHILIPPINES. offers one full scholarship nnd two half Using and another who didn’t tak , tion of territory in tho Pacific made the |>eople of Cuba. It would stultify our scholarships. This is a great help to I home paper, then lie rested TI " i " necessity for it greater both for com­ war for humanity in Cuba should this Dca Moines, Iowa, October 2lat. needy students who have done good devil got into the moulding and | 1 mercial advantage and for convenience government consent to a continuation Representative Hull, chairman of the ere- work at Eugene. An attendance of two ated the fellow that takes in defensive operations. The trip of of slavery in Hawaii. As to tlm abroga­ national house committee on military . . paper for years At the university is -a PRO PRI F TDN necessary to , years and then fails to pay for it. AftPr the Oregon called tlio attention of the tion of our navigation laws. that would affairs, said in a campfire speech here complete the above work. completing that .orry job and having a entire country to the fact that if the he as complete a stultitlcaton of the tonight ; few lumps of mouldy, pigity mud ,ef( l canal was opened and controlled by this policy of tlio present administration in "W e must keep the Philippines for LOOKS W ELL FOR BO TH . be made the excuse for a mRn who (et] country that our warships could be favor of protection to American inter­ tlie advantage of commerce. Our ties Ins subscription by instructing the moved from one ocean to another quick­ ests, for the sole lienefit of tho seven standing army must bo increased to Salem Btateonan: poetmaater to mark bis paper "refused” ly thus greatly increasing tho elThiency incorporated companies which control 100,000 men—40,000 for Cuba, 25,000 for In cases of electon contests before the i > , i "neen greater Ing I feared I ehoald go enay. I W u . . the entire elimination of the yellow For the County of Lane. men are killed at once, or only one In the maltor ot the e su le oí Alfred Mason than the amount allowed by law. In t r o u b W w t t h .H ^ V e e t t u g 7- fever that has annually started out from Deceased: Clutlou. log Hood's Sarsaparilla a short >i ***" m an's throat is c u t.” He denounces To John A. Mason and all other persona tlie election cases before the bouse at tlie lU h in g o e . ^ , . n? t b 7 ^ e . ^ 2 ‘m,: there and invaded this country, costing coneerned: (¡reeling. tlie war as unjust and unnecessary. fast session fully three-fourths of those began ,o hex,. I am us iu the aggregate many millions and In the name of the State ot Oregon, You are , How aliout those three hundred Ameri­ hereby eltad an<: required to a n e a r In the en l,tled to claim expenses claimed the ths loss of many Uvea.— H erald D u u m - can Bailors wlio were blown into eternity ina'or. Count, Court of th .s ta le Of ores..,,. f„t the full $2,000. Mr. Yan.lerburg. however < onnly oi bane, at the Court Room thereof, at . . . . ’ on the Maine? Would Watson permit Rugene. In the County of lane, on Monday the : ,'®,,,*,’ted himself with a claim for $1, 414 LrtRKR kaftino on the Pacific b a sso 7 I November lies, at one o’clock tn the 259.96, while Mr Tongue onlv rlain.M.1 aad since I begsn U k in » H - murder to go unpunished? ’ I afternoon of that day. then and there to ahow k 7 aimed ^ ÿ a r a f)ill 5 Î fa m o tp r o v e n a . successfu. a . i«. pro-1 — »f $.00, wbich all wbo know P° Und’ - 11 hM stomach good and I can W e HAVg received a copy of the j«Ctors wiabed, but we believe it will yel *»"•** bF»he aboee nemed Coert to seil the anytbiug about contested elevtion c u m " ’* * * • * '» h comfort" ' b . found practleable. T h . trouhle over mend Hood', & ,-».perlite a, Pacific Monthly rol. 1, no. 1. This medicina It i . p o « ^ , o , scemeil »o be «bat raft. w er. ton I U>* H ghta.! A R S A L E OR E X C H A N G E magaxine issued at Portland in long and unwieldy. If some were con- Wttne««. ibe Hon R. & Polter. Jndge of the * -----------------------— — T O O UR P A T R O N S - W. H. WEATIÏERSON * * IS N(>W FILLED I We carry no shop-worn, or Auction Goods of any kind, Some of the latest arrivals are Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oiled Clothing and Rubber Goods, Hardware. Crockery and Glassware, Dry Goods, and Fancy Articles, which must be seen to be appreciated. In fact, if there is anything you require tnat a merchant can supply, call on Y o u r s T r u ly 07 W. HURD. CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STOKE!; J . Drv Coods, * Groceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE ¡JMEAT MARKET. Just Opened.. Goods as Reoresented. Was Almost Grazed S PORTMtflftOf X-*"“* place of D rift—the publication of which , lr „ cte| m onths potai hie that of |he they could ride flinoet tb t any atom , with gaiety.— Pacific Lumber County Court ot the Sut» of On«nn. (or the Bounty of lan e, with the wet of mid Court altlxed, this IStb day of Sspt. A. D IS!“ . Aitasi: I. <7. Lxx, Clerk. . i .7L’ t . ’ t «»* l Taesvwoavnv eeaeoea in tht» mete to manage our tmataeaa In their own and nearby c Hinalea. It ta mainly .altre work roitdncted at home. Salary oiralghl M u . year and ex p eiim —drBnlle, bonaSde. no m.we 'Tj*** T 'T I » ..n ihly » V Kelnencsa. Kn' L- ** ■elf H-addreseed (• eddrrwrd stamped stamped enTelnne. envelope, llrrtwr, Herbert k. II— , Pm,t.. Ihrpt M. Ctte^p, Hood’s SÄ s_a . ~~-------------- ----- ----------- «*•« after d.M ~ J Hood ’■ Pi 119 MIX *14 d'gesLoa. us. A^ » n d fot in Glen#(}# The house is 16 by 24 feet an t We have made arrangement* f? •h a lf in heig,„ ° ne 8torv ""<> which we will fnniisli th e Weekly Also » good woodsbe,) Oregonian with the Wear for ons v e il For f„rtbef H rtieo la n #ny ,nqoi.-ea, this office. lo i I Ia n , payable cash in advance.