GENERAL DIRECTO RY STATE OFFICERS. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. S T E A M ER o •— Will make“ REGULAR L tary oi ............. “ • R- Kincaid. X w r ..........................Philip Metcl.en Public Instruction... .G. M. Irwin. £ Printer.........................W. II. Leeds MIN k , •• O A .T U D IJ S T E I'i. S T A O E D A IL Y L.INB3. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, ----Bel ween---- Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- | Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with : Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges ! reasonable. Not only do various reptiles and other queer creatures abound in the forests and swamps of the Philippines, but the surrounding water of these interesting islands team with veritable sea serponts. adge Second District. J. W. Hamilton Those strauge creatures, which pass their entire existence in the water, pos­ rosecuting A ttorney.. .Geo. M. Brown sess deadly fangs. They are a great menace to tho fishermen, who aro con- stantly exposed to their attacks. E Technically speaking, science has COUNTY OFFICERS- named the group the Hydrophidse. u They differ from the terrestrial snakes __________________ * only in the possession of a flat, paddle­ N like tail. These reptiles inhabit the E. B an g s, Proprietor. , E. O. Potter. tropical sens of tbe old world and occa­ dge.................. ; ........... ■ Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, S sionally attain a length of 8 feet. Dr. j ............................ W. T. Bailey Bndolph Weber, professor of drawing ininiissioners < ' ' ___II. D. Edwards Wednesdays and Fridays at 0 a. P u llm an in Princeton university, observed large , .. .E . U. Lee numbers of these creatures while on a arriving at Florence the day : m, ....................................... Sleeping C ars steamer bound for Sumatra. Dr. Weber .erlff................................... Withers following at 10 a. in. was in charge of a scientific expedition E le g a n t ■easurer.......................... A. 8. Patterson and naturally took special notico of Flor- ■ Willamette St., Returning-stage leaves D in in g C ars them. He says that when the vessel was „ . D. P. Burton ....................................... enee on Mondays, Wednesdays ; some 60 miles off the coast myriads of Eugene, liool Superintendent-----W. M. Miller T o u ris t sea snakes could be seen swimming in., arriving and Fridays at 2 p. Sleeping C ars about as far as the eye could reach. irveyor................................ c M Collier Lane Co., Ore. in Eugene tho following day a t . They kept upon the surface, and several 8 T . PAUL oroner............................ .... P. Cheshire distinct sp»wies were recognized among M INN EA P O LIS 5 6 p. nt. istice of Peace.................. C. H. Holden them. OuLUTH Daring calm weather these reptiles „stable.............................. B - A- Evans may bo seen sunning themselves upon FARGO Single fare _ - _ - $5.00 the surface of the sea, remaining mo­ CRANO FORKS 8TERN DISCIPLINE. TO DIAMONDS IN AMERICA. Round trip - - - - $9.00 tionless except for a slight undulation will give you prompt relief CROOKSTON caused by the movement of tho water. ■ a l t I t Is N asosasry l a W a r a a d t h e S o ld i.» and certain cure. Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ CITY OFFICERS. W l llo a O e lla r V W o rth O w aad When alarmed, tho agile reptiles dive M a s t X a a ra t o B a b m tt. W IN N IP EG JTsop T t u r P ir » . H a r o — A m a a n t lla p ld ly la c r a a s la g . livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. like arrows, leaviug a train of bubbles One of Detroit’s retired officers, who If you have neglected your H E L E N A »»«I In no conutry are there more dia­ behind them. 8ome species are extreme­ fought in two wars and helped for years case a long time, you had H urd’s office in Florence. ___W. H. Weatherson ly hrilliaut in coloration, being bright monds to be fonnd than in the United to restrain the savage outbreaks of our B UTTE' esident... better take yellow, banded with black, wliileothers States, according to the population. It Indians, thns delivered himself to the O. W. Hurd Ayr’s sarsaparilla are tinted with delicate shades of green. is estimated by a leading Maiden lane writer: T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls Wm. Kyle Tho food of sea snakes consists entire­ (New York) diamond dealer that there "T h e very hardest lesson a young lard of Trustees L. Christensen also. It will remove all TO ly of flshea Frequently fishes armed are upward of 1600.000,000 worth of American has to learn when he cutem M. Morris CHICAGO impurities that have been diamonds in this country. Moreover,, with long sharp spines fall victims to accumulating in your blood the army Is that of obedience. For tho their appetites. Among tlieso aro tho this vust amount is increasing year by first time, his individual authority is de­ and will greatly atrengthen scorder.............. ......... John H. Morris W A 8H IN C T O N year. Of The apogous und silnroids, which are fur­ your nervea. Until quits recently diamonds wore throned. He is as fractions as a thor­ •easurer ........... ............... J. A. Pond P H IL A D E L P H IA nished with spines three nnd flvo inches WMVa »*• D u o tu r. rarely cut in this country, but Amer­ oughbred oolt that long rebels against There m.ty *>e soiurtlilng rbont ENG LISH LANGUAGE long. But these do not embarrass the arshal................ ..........G . C. Cumpton N EW YORK row r cm»« you tin not quite uh «’. « j ican inventors have developed a process the whip and spar. It is hard for him •U n d . W rite tin» Ouetor fre e ly : *ei| ’ voracious reptile in the least. Tho vio- BORTON ANO A L L him how you aro Rvfferine. V * tor diamond catting which is vastly su- , to understand that his freedom of action C O M P LE TE tini is first killed by the snake’s poison, 1 w ill prom ptly receive the Lett mast be subordinated to military neces- ’ Ml advice. Address, PO IN TS E A 8 T a»11 SOUTH uftcr which it is swallowed head first. perior to that dons abroad. Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell, Mass. SECRET SO C IETIES. The loss in weight through cutting is si)f- He chafes, if he does not openly S U C C IE N T The spiuos, naturally pointing toward For information, time card«, maps and tickets sometimes fully one-half, but tho vuluo rebel, bnt when once whipped ipto line the tail of the victim, and being relaxed he makes the best soldier on earth. etc., call on or wiite authoritative in death, are compressed aguinst tbe is increased probably more than two- "My first driUmastcr had been my fold. t ! F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. Io7. R. M c M U R PH EY, body of the fish as deglutition proveeda frieud and the friend of my family from A H is to r ic W r e c k . The Dutch city of Amsterdam has ■ Regular communication on second General Agent. Rooms 2 and I, Shelton Block, While in search of their prey, sea •'In the harbor of Santiago de Cuba," snakes sometimes venture a short dis­ been the great diamond cutting center of my boyhood np. We had hunted and 301,863 Vocabulary r e r a n EUGENE, OREGON. d fourth Saturdays in each month. lays Matnrin M. Ballou in Due South, tance np tbe mouth of large rivers. the world from time immemorial and fished and courted together and ex­ »41 Editors and Specialists O. W. H urd , W. M. •a sunken wreck is pointed out, par­ A. D. CHARLTON, np to a few years ago over 1 2, (MX) peo­ changed socrets with a freedom that Dr. Weber reoords an instance where 333 Readers lor Quotations • G. K notts , Secretary. tially visible at low tide, not far from he was fishing in one of tho rivers on ple in that place were directly or iudi- docs not obtain among brothers. One Assistant General gfssenRer Agent. day, early in my experience aa a soldier, 3000 Illustrations the shoro. Only the ribs and stanchions the east coast of Sumatra. He was usiug reetly dependent upon this trade. 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. P o i - t la .n e t O r . Cost over $960,000 ire still held together by the stout keel a dragnet and had cornered a number Bnt it was not reasonable to suppose and while everything was being Lorried timbers and lower sheathing. This ! of modiurn sized fish. As tbe net was that Amsterdam should continue to hold with a view to getting ns into Mexico, Appendix ol 47,4 68 Entries A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 wreck has lain here unheeded for years, being brought In, two large sea snakes a monopoly of diamond cutting. As one we had been drilliug till I felt ready to meets second ‘ r.:. »ourtli Saturdays yet what a story these old timbers suddenly made their appearance inside. of the greatest importing cities of tbe drop. The repeated orders struck paiu tach mouth at 1 :J0 p. tn. to my ears and 1 would have oooseieu- The full number of worts and terms In might tell had they only a tongue with They showed no signs of uneasiness at world, Now York gradually offered In­ tiously sworn that my ttuaket weighed J. I. BuTTKariKUD, Commander. which to give voice to their experience 1 captnro, but were hurriedly gobbling ducements to diamond cutters, and an ....... J. 0. Proprietor ... different dictionaries for the entire alphabet Is J. L. E ursibii , Adjutant. a ton. At length, when within easy ear­ —literally the experience of nges." down the cornered fishes Nor did-4hey industry has been gradually built up ns follows: S'ORM onth , 50,0110; W orchkstrr F lo r e n c e , O re g o n . Reference is made to the reinaius of cease operations until the last fish had here thnt is now very flourishing and shot of him, 1 sbonted, 'For heavau’e , e____ r*” | 106,000; WKB3TER (international), 125,000; CBK- the old St. Paul, one of tho ships of the sake. Bob, stop this tomfoolery and let's disappeared, when the formidable crea­ profltatile. lu 1858 Henry D. Morse of go over to the tavern.' TUBV, (six volumes, complete,) 225,000: great Spanish armada thnt Philip II Boston invented a machine for catting tures made their escape. 0. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, “ He never looked at me but roared, OUR AIM—To furnish the b c STANDARD, over 300,000; I tent to England in 1588, being one of Being air breathers, the . snakes and polishing diamonds, and since then ‘Corporal, take that man and drill him meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays i the very few of that famous flotilla improvements have been made upon it lend a similar existence to the whale. li month. Members and accommodations at reasonabe O 1« I’roo that escaped destruction at the time. that are very Important. The foreigners like the devil. * thren in good standing are C0’?*,#1D' "The corporal did, and I thought I'd .Sample Pages I ree........... I Wliat a historical memento is the old Scientists havo expressed much interest oontinne to polish tbeir stones by hand, ited to attend. J. J. A ndbkbon , M. W. prices. as to how long they can remain under 1 wreck! L I A After « a n liA /ilro rn s l r career. n r i'lT ill checkered In water. Frutessor R. F. Witfleld of the hut in thia country machinery is large­ die of exhaustion. 1 fully meant to [. K vlk , Recorder. challenge tbe drlllmaster and whip him which this ancient craft had breasted American Museum of Natural History, ly used. if ho declined, but be succeeded in mak­ the waves of innumerable seas and while dragging for corals, saw a large A famous gem expert places ths total I. 0 . F. Heceta Lodge No. I ll .meets agents wanted withstood the storms of nearly Uree sea snake lying motionless among some value of all tbe diamonds in the world ing me understondthe imperative neces­ very Wednesday evening in l/oug« conturies, she was burned to the wa­ coral growths, some eight feet below at over $1.000,000,000. of which $860,- sity of unqnestli.Wug obedience in the 1, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in w . W. N E E L Y , Prop’r. ter's edge hero in tho harbor of Santi­ the snrfacu. It showed no signs of fear 000,000 worth are in the hauds of deal­ soldier. It's tough with tbe raw re­ 1 standing invited to attend. ago a few years since and sunk, where and remained in the same position for ers, carried as stock. All of the other cruit, bnt tbe quicker be learns hie part T homas J. B obkn , N. G. D. BRONSON & CO, Tables furnished with all the E. her remains now lie, covered with slime half an hour Tbo venom of these rep­ diamonds are in the hands of private in­ the better it Is for all concerned ”— De­ C has . H. V andbkbukg , Sec. Pacific Coast Agents delicacies of the season. Wild and barnacles—a striking emblem of tiles is even more deadly than that of dividuals. and ths question natnraliy troit Free Prase. the nation whose flag she once proudly , the cobra. The fangs aro very abort, arises, who owns them? This is not so S A N FRANCISCO, CA L. game, fish and fruit in season. Best bore,—New York "libune. and consequently do net penetrate so easily answered, except in tho ease of WAYS OF T H E BLUE CRAB. 933 M arke t S t. CHURCH D IR E C TO R Y accomodations for the traveling deep as the fangs of meet serpents, but large and world famous gome.—Godqy’e T h e ••WI«k«Ml*’ L n n w ta la . ■ »SSI «< n s F e e s lta r ltlo s a s O U s a rre d aS only a scratch from them is necessary Magazine. _________ ____ H a w Ysvh*S A q s a rta o s . At a meeting of the Poor Clergy Re- I to produce serious remits. Owing to 1SBYTERIAN C H U R C H ,F low ’’* - ' Pu b l,c- charSes reasonable. T h o T i n t Tosospo. W h ile tbs blue crab is mat commonly lief society in London a story was told , their great shyness aCcideuls are very PAYNE’S DESERTED TOMB. •egon. Sabbath service; Sabbath- ------ --------------------------- — after tea was introduced into of Bishop Waldegrave of Carlisle and thought of m s swimmer and does in had romo into general use “ wicked” Lord Lonsdale. The bishop rare. When cornered, they snap u{v>u a B am ls lso es a a a th a A s t h a v o f *>Uaasa. fact spend the greeter part of its time ;k L* n^andf 7*p. in'. Sacrament 55 victim. As the eyes are adapted only B w a at H aasa.” teacups were scarce. At the same time rode well, and on his going np to Low- ; on the bottom, yet it can very easily Lord's supe er on 1st Sabbath oi The old Christian cemetery at Tunis sustain itself in tbs water and swim at coffee was introduced; but, apart from ther castle Lord Lonsdale admired bis for use in the water they strike blindly isry, April, July and October, when brought Into the air, although is one of the straugeet sights in that Constantinople, the first coffee cups In a very fair rate of speed. It swims end­ horse and his management of it. The ybody is welcome to all the services, Europe date back only as far as 1645 in bisbop pleaded the cause of a clergyman living for days when removed from strange towu Just off a busy thorough­ wise, and when swimming it carries or requests Christians to make Tw entv-three their native clement. fare. under an ancient archway, is a Venice, 1669 in Paris, 1652 in London passing rich on £40 a year, whose well iselves known. Many specimens hauled np in fisher­ heavy woodeu gutc, much worn by ths one big claw thrown forward and bent M iles W est nnd 1094 In Leipsic. From tho first, educated wife took in tourists’ wnshiug I . G. K notts , Pastor. back at the middle joint, making a men's nets have been sent to sixjlogioal of E ugene. however, the conventional oriental cof­ to add to their scanty income. lap>e of time, thickly «tudded with fan­ gardens. The Ixiudon gardeus even tastic nails and provided with a prodi­ point projecting at that end of the fee cup, without stem or handle, was body, while the other big claw trails Lord Lonsdale said: "Everybody little used, and in Germany not at all. looks on mo as a very sinful man, be­ went so fat as to build a special tank gious knocker. Tbo hitter, however, is straight ont astern. If it changes direc­ for tbeir accommodation. But these not needed, for the gate yields to an The Chinese teacup was used for tea, yond all possible hopo of salvation. You A TTO R N EY S tion, it crooks the claw it had been cur­ coffee and chocolate as well. Specimen» have spoken to me as a gentleman; yon captured specirons either die en route energetic puah, ami you find yourself in rying straight and lets the other go or a shoit time after being placed in a large, wailed inelosure, half garden, of porcelain were undoubtedly intro­ bare sjsiken to me like a go,si servant Seeking a dark comer of half graveyard, where an Italian worn free. If it sustains itself in the water duced into Europe in tho middle ages, of the great head of tbe church; yon captivity C. WOODCOCK, their tank, they refuse all food and ul­ an is hangiug out clothes among the without progressing, it carries its big yet not till the sixteenth century were have spoken to me encouragingly about starve to death. Around the ganut white tombs. It ia 13 years since claws in front of itself as it wonld nat­ cups importer! from China in any great tho salvation of even my poor soul; yon timately numerous vulcanic islands of the Malay any one was buried here, and the place > urally do under ordinary circumstances quantities, and even tnen it was as arti­ have pleaded the cause very nobly for an archipelago these reptiles are pur ia beginning to look nogloctcd. The j i on tbe IxKtom, bnt it has to keep its cles of vertu. Most of tho«, fonnd their ■ that young cletgyncu. Hero is my ticulurly numerous Frequent “'uptious modern cemetery ia now outside the I i little claws in motion to sustain itself. Money Saved S ens, - O re g o n way back into China again, ns collect- 1 checkbook. Put down what you like, w a r among these islauds, which are walls, and its guardian told ms that ; ' and in swimming tho little claws are ing porcelain is a lasting fad there, nnd and I will sign it. ” r-Room, 7 »ad 8 M cU rsn ’s By hardly more than the body of the vol­ many (leople came to him to inquire fur , kept actively at work. Besides making *1 attention given ct/llecUons ana p high prices are paid for good specimens. The bishop said, “ No; that is a mat­ cano. i a good degree of progress through tbe justness. tho inonunieut of "an American poet" ' The collection of Chinese porcelaimjf , ter between God and you." P atronizing it. Daring tbe time rf sn eruption tbe or "an American oousnl," und ho had water in swimming the tin e crab «xu> only the genuine specimens are desired, Lord Lonsdale gave tho bishop a change its course or swim to a htabir require« immense study nnd knowledge, check for £ 10.000 und afterward two few people residing near by take to tbe to send them to the old graveyard. The ( 1 or lower level with facility. When water in their Ixiats to escape the rain E. o P O T T E R . mounnicut in question is thut of the irigfateued, tbe blueorab moves off sidc- Prop. ns the Chinese are skillful imitators I further cheeks few £20,000 for poor cf asbee Mid mud. Geo. H a le and put numerous falsifications on the | clergy of the diocese of Carlisle. author of "Home, Hwort Home," and It is generally a case of Jumping it hours the following inscription upon ) ways, but when moving about nt home ........... Attorney-at-Law.................... end uudistnrbed it may move Ktra'gbl m a r k e t .______ _________ ■ from tbe frying pan iuto the fire, how­ T h a P n w a r o» M a d e ra S h .llfc its sides: EUGENE, OREGON. 1 forward, its body may be inclined at ever. At such times the sea beoomes I >41 .Id oal Odom NOTARIES. "In memory of John Howard Payn, A 12 inch rifle Is 88 feet long, with unoomfortably warn» from its close any angle to the line of progress, but —« ' m e s At the Court House. Every human being has a snthor of 'Horn«, Swi«t Home.’ Born 4 feet external diameter at the breech, ' prior of Bis own, according to A. Bethe and weighs 48 tons. Its 850 pound shot, proximity to the burning monDtsin. June 9. 1791; die«l April 9, 1852 its motion still ho forward, the big claws curried ciooked around in froul. In tho Archiv der Uesammten p^y’lol°; driven by a 480 pound chargo of brown snd the sea snskra swim wildly about Erected A. D. 1855." a . R. BUTTOLPH, It may be seen moving thus in one of for escapo. They euileavor to climb „¡e, by which ho can he recognized not prismatic powder, leaves the muzzle E. E. BENEDICT« | American Arms—eagle surmounted tbe larger tanks at the aquarium, in over the gunwales of the refugees' by motto Plurtbns Unnm. " | "Died with a velocity exceeding 1,400 miles boat a while they twine tbeir bodies in which there are blue crabe, lobsters ami T O R N E Y - A .T - U -A .W . per hour and would reach a target at its great masses about tbe forward chains. at tbe Aiueric-un consulate in Tunis other things. Tbe temperature of ths Aged 110 years and 10 months." water now just suits ths crustaceans, When about to lay tbeir eggs, these ¡rick ont each individual in a company effective range of 5 % miles in 24 sec­ onds, v hile it would lake tbe report of serpents approach the eboro. Tho eggs 1 "lu ths tomb beneath this stouo the and they tire very lively. Blue crabs F loren ce. : ! Oregon. O r e K o n - o f 20 by bis odor. post's remains luy buried for 80 years its discharge 27 seconds to traverse the F lo r e n « » * , Tbe smell Is not born with os, but same distance. At a range of 1 H miles are laid above high water mark and On Jan. 5. 1888. they were disinterred may be seen swimmiug hero, and also ; walking about, stepping down from loft to hatch by tbe beat of the sun develop, gradually till the age of puber- this shot would perforate 19 inches of anil token away to his uative land, Many creatures prey upon the young where they re<-eived nnu« and final stones that are aa high as they them­ frank B. WILSON. ty after which it remains unchanged SO VBARr steel. selves are wide with perfect dignity. If ¿'embers of a family bare a kind of solid KXPER«NCK Tho 250 pound projectile of the 8 iDch reptiles Among their enemies are burial in tbe city of Washington .lone oomnvm odor, which persist, even when rifle w ill penetrate a foot of armor at sharks and other largo Sshes, while the 9, 1888. ‘Then beoonteut, poor heart. * " not grace of inauner, ami walking •* carrying their claws before tb s a — artuIts, in spite of their death dealing they have lived apart for s long time. the range ot a mile. Tbe six 4 inch " S u ra wlian th y penlta K ptrtt $«d . - OREGON I New York Bun. rapid fire guns within the superstrnctoi« faugs. fall victims to »-a eagles snd T o n-slum bayoail I ha sxu ra «Iona FLORENCE. Tba entire area of tbe Uolted States each deliver fight 40 pound projectiles large gulls After the great typbooua, WIlU «rniaotitstratclaid Gad's susatsatd, A new invention is one to make ta ta ■S rloanw tu liu a v eu 's huma, sw oai boma.' *' i. placed at 1.935.017,692 acres. of in a minute, while the twenty 0 pound­ which are common lu tbe Philippines i graph wire ont of paper. Tbs iuterifl» which 741.702.365 acres are now owned ers distributed over the vessel can be re­ awl tbeir vicinity, many of these crea­ There is a certain appropriateness cable is lead covered, end thin spirals by individual, or by corporationser lied upon to clear an enemy's decks or tures nisy be found along the beach, about the fact thut the author of tbs 1 of paper are wound around each interior Otutaiw .U te. or bare passed out of the control to disable torpedo Ixmta by maintaining where they have ls«u cast np during ______most pathetic anthem should exile's wire. The cost is said to be one- fifteenth the storm and killed by the violent have died so m;iuy thousaud miles away i of rubber 1 isnlutad oabio. of tbe general government a tSnlflc bail of esploaive shell, capable n,na. «ending a •**G* ¿ÎÏ.UÎiS«, •» « I , w«-»rt«ln por oèwiçe poundiug of the wavea —New Yoik from home.—London Sketch. I • of destroying any unarinored position. ____________ __ Beware of the man who amilra whan SSAI vsestwosvav sss-ns» I" The iinel oflensive resources of the cita- Times In 15 years Russia has sent 834.000 he’s angry; he’a dangerooa. And bo- ,* ‘X u O ' « « . » « v X Í Í H v ‘K* ,r e ,be foW ~ ch I*0’ A planter in Honduras has a right to VU ne««#. CNVrww, « —’ “T tiaV - nnd