JUST HOME FROM CUBA. * * lasy to Operate B i . stertee Wfcteh th e R .<»»»•* Told III» Frieada. Crippled at Play, " I bad s mighty interesting time in Cuba,” sail! the man whose head was Are irutures peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In divided from the back of hi» nock by sire. tasteless, eOeient, thorough. As one man a thick fringe of hair. * , “ Were you with the army?' *n Miami Av«., II, ttiut must extraordinary wom an, e x ­ the desk and nervously greeted Mr. m ense crowd aw aited him . The en­ them ,” was the genial reply. "Peoplo f l w i yella fer joy as it sp lits a sail the best of medical alien,i““*1"“» sa-l W Detroit, the well known traveling aaleaman, benefited An swaslioa the briny over the rail; traordinary in a b ility uud in vice, the P atrick Alulowuey, n ew ly elected the thusiasm o f the people for the most liho know anything about such matters much. I w « ’ »«5 it a in ’t —bat, lad, i t ’s a niovin tele; admit that some of the best work of the wbo «ell» oomputlng acalea throughout Michi­ surprise o f nil her contem poraries and sohool com m issioner for the d istr ic t popular n ovelist then livin g had risen I f a a m ovin tale.' said be. gan, “ I will never forget the experience I campaign wus done by me. One of the tho wonder o f all w ho have stu died her I had about ffivcu ud all i “ 'T is foiue w eather fer d is toim e av to fever heat. One of the moet ardent had while playing thia gains two years «go. best things I did was to take two Span­ being able to go ou th« ’’J** •» ta, “ One bloomtn nigh t," character. The bu ild in g is four stories yeer, m iss, o f h is adm irers afterwurd told this lit ­ remarked M slow ney, ss Like *11 young men I played bail, in fact Paid tho old Jack Tar, rea»l an article in my i,a„Pr »Mt I ish officers und seven privates. ” uigli, o f a lig h t brown color and h ig h ly he pulled dow n h is vest and accepted tle incident of the evening: rhciiinntism «Im.wt Jdintical ^¡k * '*«» eollege day« d«y« I was quite • bull during miv college “ One bloom in black nigh t," said he “ All by yourself?" •rnum eutal in architecture. It is a “ W ith a few gentlem en who wished player. I had all the qualification« to be a pro- “ The battlsMhips lay the proffered seat ou the platform . " o i that had been cured by D, w- ? •»« “ Certainly. I didn't have a bit of as­ U o u a l player, but uutead, secured a place Pills for Pale People. 7 w ilderness o f h alls, stairw ays and wor passin an t ’ou gh t O i’d dhrop in an to w elcom e and show him attention I N ear the Dago bay. Near th e m onth o f the channel to Dago bay. m a tnveliug sslearaaii. “ I decided to try the n ill. v ' » ¡a r tm e n u . The N ich olas h all and the estechoise t h ’ kids in hishtoree, jaw - w as iu the little room at the back of sistance. Tho next day I went out and “ Two yean igo while «pending a day in a boxes of them. They gave i " ^ “rttiv, An oight brave chaps they swore to belay lit. G eorge’s h a ll w ill never be forgot­ grafee an t h ’ roole av t ree an seo if tho platform when Dickens entered i t took a lot of cavalrymen. ” r,IW •mall junction own in this Stale, some of us and I bought six more I*»«, i —— chance o f tho Spaniard« g ettin away “ How many?” inquired the skeptic, j ten by those w h o have seen them . « •« From the Dago b a y .” sold he. irareiiuir ratu cut in the auburbe to see n strength and flesh eyerV d*. dhey do b eav a hoigh ordher av iu tilli- H e w as u rather stout mau w ith a souio- whose face showed traces of mingled One o f the m ost interesting rooms is giuce. P h w a t’s th ot hnkeoti yer disk?” , I w h at red face, and I saw to my sur­ «enib ball game. ueiug the p ill. «nW I w„ “ T hese eig h t brsve chape,*' “ Well, to make the «tory short I got into thnt w here N ich olas I died. It is in the “ That, ” m urmured the pretty little prise, that ho w as dressed iu an exag- surprise and suspiciou. Paid the old Jack Tar, the gnu« in leu than five minutes and wus "Oh, I didn’t stop to connt ’em." upper story i f the northeast corner of schoolw a'am , “ is a cyclopedia. ” '‘Sheered off in tho gloom ," said be. ; geruted se r v ility to the extreme fushion. doing more talking and running lhau I had “ Didn’t you get wounded?” asked "An Davy Jones bu ild in g uud is approached by four “ More than this, he wore a boutou- tor years. ‘‘AhaI A cyelopeeja, to be sure. A from rheumatism.*’ f w I’nTt ’""I He rattlod his bonos iloon uud fin ally by u narrow passage. hishtoree av ould Cyclops, Oi persoom. | j uiere in each buttonhole, and two the mun who wus leuuing against the “ 1 became all warmed up and had my Thto I. to certify that Mr C w S » JWs Untonud an heard Ins dism al Kro»nri eoat, vest and hat oil'. Every time I mode a tree. It is a sm all room, only about 18 feci personally appeared before me and Au now A ttiu tion , yez youn g d iv ila I w atches, tho chains of w hich wero I v.i got ’em, ’ u ; < Dave In di-ep sc* t o o s s - circuit of the buses I would lay down on tbo signed the foregoing statement iu mv nit?" im g and la feet w ide, w ith tw o sninll P hw at wuz t h ’ year av th' black frost itru u g aggressively across his chest, “ Onco or twice I got a little scratch Me s a kuowln old cone 1, D avy Jooos. ground and try to cool off. und acknowledged the same to h.P2? ?’ I , Davy J o n es," said ho. w indow s, uud is the place w here the in Oirelaud? P w h a tl N one av y e z ' i ■‘■here w as a gaudy bad taste in his ap ­ —such as a man is always liublo to “ This was a dangerous thing to do in my every respect. " ™ k when lie is knocked around in that heated slate and the next morning I could emperor spent m ost of h is tim e when know? W ill, m aybe that ea-ame quis- ItonKRT E. H ull , j » ... pearance w h ic h ’ h is friends regretted, "But the eight lolled on." w hAt hctler proof «„¿id s w M f t . scarcely walk. The physician that was called, not officially em ployed. It is tho room tion wor too ha-ard fer yez. H ere’s an kn ow in g how distastefu l it would be to way. The next thing I did after I got Bold the old Jack 'l«r, ■aid I had rheumatism. I was taken home ou “ f s lls d up to the guua," said he in w h ich ho died, som e say by poison aizy wan. Na-am o t h ’ tw o grea-atist m ost o f h is adm irers w ho appreciated through with the cavalrymen wus to • eot. "They sailed sc w ell adm inistered by h im self in a fit o f m el- , m in iver bor-rn. take a lot of commissary wagons be­ h is g en iu s and eujoyed his w ritings. “ For nine weeks I stayed in my room and Thar, (ra th to tell. uuclioly induced by tho outcom e o f the "CsBmr and Napoleon, ” ventured the longing to tho Spanish, and I followed for seven of those weeks I was ou my back They sunk their ship la the chann el's sw ell N o one, of course, could broach the in the bed. Fs beT eft'irt tr' N r b e r r X,'U rUU1“ inS j "8t J“” “? yoUth w ith expansive fore- subject to him , and he appeared that that up by taking a castle on tho morn­ To keep them 8 poniard» there a «iwll. life und rlohne« to it £ ? '£ "The day I played that gome I weighed nerves are coutainsd in a ooSdsiLlr T * u o nigh t In th e fo k s’l deok o f IwlL ■s be le ft it. N ear the center is u plain head, w ho sat at the head of tho Hass, n ig h t and every other n igh t of his en­ ing of the next day, and a fort in the itfi pounds, and when I commenced to be well Dr. WiUlam»' Pink Pills fo|d HU pZJ? A n ig h t In b e lli” euld he. iron bedstead. Som Som e e chairs chairs uud and u « few tew “ ’T i s a , loie, lm . “ vociferated M alow uey T is gagem en t iu the sam e attire. The uni­ afternoon. ” snough to be out again, I ouly weighed 110 Druggist« consider these pills toha ttaC cheap pictures adorn the room, and a , "D ey wor D an’el O’C aw nell an pounds. “ Hot d a y , hove psoeed," “ Mister, ” said the disagreeable man on the market and they report larp -fc"* versal com m ent was, ‘ W hy, this is a Kaw- Bsid the old Jack Ter, dilapidated, dow n at the heel puir of bert Im m itt Ye m issed that wan. p etit muitre. ’ H ow cau a mun w ith such slow ly and with indignation, “ here in “ A o I t’s different n o w ,” m id be. slippers com plete the furnish ings of tho H ere’s another P w h at year Washington we aco some of the finest “ Of the eig h t bruve nhaps w as th' tastes he tho creator of T iny Tim und attio room iu the palace. The shoulder straps T H E MANILA PO STO FFIC E. specimens of almost anything yon can Sam W e lle rl" — Y outh’s Companion. ribilliou? N ow , ail to g itb e r.” Ho gets shore leave, an he pocks his traps call to mind, bnt I wish to state, and I “ It lasted from 1801 u n til 1863,“ (Too ca p ’n ho orders it so perhaps), A Forecast o f Troubles l a Store F or th e T h e A slia n te e « S ee Wight#. H ig h P ra ise. may remark incidentally that I come ; chanted the class in chorus. A o iJi® Rlr*" fer *li,n ,llo7 “t',s Ihcir cap* Poatui aster. The n atives o f these Jamun v illa g e s They sets their c a p s,” said bo. iln ‘n-alkin av t h ’ rib illion in (l A story told by John Ross D ix in his from Texas and fully realize the re­ The day was hot— very hot, in fact— had never seen a w h ite mun heforo, and Oirelaud, that took pla-ace in sivintoeu P u lp it P ortraits” show s how strong n sponsibility I assume, that you are the " H e’s w ined an d in ed ,” I noticed at first w ith som e surpriso nundherd an u o iu ty -c ig h t,” said M a­ current o f life ran iu the vein s of Dr. biggest liar who ever walked on Penn­ und the postmaster at Manila fe ll asleep e k Eald the old Jack Tor. that those o f our action s w h ich in te r ­ low uey in disguslod tones, “ but Oi see Lymuu Beecher when ho had passed sylvania avenue." in bis easy chair before he had read “ B ut w hat of the s e v e n f” m id he. ested them m ost w ere the sim ple and "N ow n pretty raise The good uutnred raconteur looked half tho postal cards. The noisy tr a s h ­ tis useless fer mo t ’ be w astin m e toim e th e allotted threescore years and ten. An a longshore kiss. com m onplace ones. To such m atters as w id yez, fer y e know naw th in an nivir W hen about 75 years of age, he spent very angry for a moment, but tho ex­ ing aside of tho reed curtain that served * » * ' ■' A rousiu suiook o f a souudln kiss, eatin g unrl dressing they gavo the clo s­ w ill know aveu t h ’ roodim ints av now - a fortn igh t iu tho eastern part of pression of his face gradually mellowed for door brought him bock from dream­ To a plain young Jack a in ’t none am iss. est atten tion. E very uioruiug w beu I thin. But wan more quistion an O i'll i M aine. A party of gentlem en at Calais into one of gentle reproach. He merely land with a Btart A strapping six foot B ut the seven don 't scum to he In on this A in 't la on th ia ,” m H he. em erged from m y tent I found a large 1 ’uvw yez native iu all the glory of a cretonne Who is tho grea-atist paw li- i w en t w ith him some 80 m iles up a answered: audience w a itin g p atiently for tho per­ ticiau av our toim e?” “ 1 ain ’t anything of tho kind. I ’m a tofa over a sailor’s cap stood before I series of lakes to Indian territories "Who bsaehad the «event*’ form ance fo begin, and when I took m y him, calm ly majestic. Said (he eld Jack Tar; F our or five sm nll boys in the rear of I W hen about to embark upon u chain photographer.” — Washington Star. “ Who doiuod I heir g llu it” euld he. place at the w ashstnnd u crowd closed the room hereupon yelled out, "M alow - | of lakes in tho birch canoes, the Indian "W ant letter!” im pressively com- | "Forgot by tem ei THK CHROXTCUi ran Me wHä U» m ill« manded the dusky caller. bnv ’ ll I R| la r g e c i r c I e ’ T lle y 'O '- “ ie F o u r t ’ 1’’ w ith all the strength guide, Etienno, rather objected to so O rest i;« p e c W o a s . I t ’s a bloom ln «hara« •ewapapvM in th« United state«. low ed the w h ole process w ith tho grout- of their lungs, and w ith a pleased sm ile old a m au attem p tin g tho adventure, “ Name, please!" orlytnely Inquired 1 «ay It's Iho d e v il’s ow n bloom ln sham e “ Bo you wont to warev ray daughter, THK CfllMHVICLK haa no «quäl on th« Netto statesm an shook fearing that be would g iv e out. T hat jo u can't rail out th« «aven by nam e1 cat enjoym ent, discu ssin g and explain- »hat distin gu ish ed eh? Whut are your expectations, young the postmaster, picking up the thum b UBdB Bl1 ln •Witty, enterprlue «nti «•«& O unc ca . now hearties, nonio the entuo. lug to one m o th e r the various d etails hands w ith every one in the room and « J 7 K CJIR7 i,l4 ’LK‘« T*O# tbi »M c Rtportiirt The doctor paddled w ith tho best of wan?" stained package. Cau y o u nam e the nam «î” «aid ho. tb« latest aad most ««1 labia, to Local Mows to find now und again ruining shouts of stated that "th oer w or p lin ty av sinso th e you n gsters; caught more trout than “ Guahano ray name! Want lette r!” fullest and iploleM, aad Ito BdltorlsU from to \ \ e expect to elope if yon refuse —B altim ore Am erican applause ns som e peculiarly am using >•> »him boys an gerru ls’ bid s if wan all the party together and returned each "Sorry, Guahano, but there’s n oth ­ •blest pens In tb s country. yonr oouseut to our marriage, and we feuturo of tho perform ance (such as the i know how to g it at ut. Vim T1IK CHHOWICI a K basslwaysb««n, sd 4«1 v « ti day from tho various tramps in the expect forgiveness when we get back. ing here for you. ” D s e r e a s l* » S y m p a th y . will ba, the friend and champion of tbs pssplo m use of the nailbrush) occurred. W hen 1 --------------------- ------ le a d ; ate h is flsh on a rock, w ith u sea Then w e expect yon to make ns an a l­ “ Want letter I” H itts do R hodes— De latest new s in all°w iug telegram to hia friends: photograph. ' A F ra»nieat. G lorious day for u i bunded solrr thnt every in su lt that coold bo devised stauiliug at the side o f the post? The hut is »0 pretty. It is u very fine First Spanish General—Those dvna She— Sir, I w an t you to understand texu s blow first round. Op,x>neut against the guard w ith o u t and a ll the picture o f tho bat. “ m ite sh ells of the tho enemy ci ° yn* are terribly nocked o u t, h asn ’treguinedetuisclous- opprobrious nam es tho viceroy and h is that «ho is m y sister. T he yonu g m an did not notice his dem oralizing to the " v — Tou m isunderstand me. I mean fatal error u n til too late. H is v isit was ' received no injuries what- officers could he loaded w ith w ere re­ pented to provoke the guard to fire upon the g irl to the left of the post. short aud un interesting that evening She— That is also one o f uiy sisters. H e bad been in »pain dnring the war them nud term inate their sufferings. and n ow ho w ish es that tho art o f pho­ H e— A llow m e to congratulate you Before 11 o'clock tho sam e evening one- nud learned how victories are won tography had never been discovered — tbird of tho men were dead, and beforo ou havin g tiie m eanest looking lo t of P ittsb u rg D ispatch. M aw York World ward in very sm all pieces.—Ally s i opor. relatives I have ever seen iu a ll 0 n ext morniaig ouly 88 cunie out alive, my hut m ost 1 f them iu n high putrid fe ­ HI»-— N e w York Journal. E o < lis h A rm y. SsleellQ » • Hurl. * * H o o d ’s -Wew«-. Pills 1 r «PRUDENCE ON THE BALL FIELD »Dt IN MISERY. Exposure Causes the Downfall of Many 1 0 )^ The Sloiy of a Man who was Stricken. »FTH J « anew CHRONICLE i £ th e d a il y ver. A ll these dreudful effects w ere 00- . k Int *??? • ° s y^ ™ ,h a ‘ e ,“ P’p’1 between "Y es, hrr i * F Ma’l, Peata*« FaM» C ause F u r I n a n ity . eusioned Ly the wunt o f atm ospheric th e b o ttle o f W aterloo aud tho fighting oil right but picture was in the paper .- S m all D-arky nV».ng the e J b X ’ they really w e n s tho E nglish arinv , ilu R*,**® ob »or comfort F l s la » I h s H a ts. Uon; also-a magnificent Agricultural Depart««®^ owed him th at am ount for over a year ” "In w hat way?’’ “' death. It is the ’ 1 lieru are, to la* sure, peoplo who — Vim w onlil have been driven in to tbo Black SAM PLE C O P IE S SE N T FRiE- d e lig h t o f Such do not wear glasses a ll tlm tim e, hut sea and the subsequent history of E u­ whit tO. boa"t of A t th<* C o u n ty F a ir . on ly for reading or w ritin g, and so on. rope altered beyond recognition .— L ou ­ jvnat tough fcl. d o y o u w a n t th e Cleveland Plain Dealer. ~ to whom e y eg la sses may be more eon OW" they " IIow is the cuinpuigu progressing?" don Standard. »"<» tell how th 'i veineiit, and then I believe that eye- asked h is friend. ’ 'rwork »hem A D e a d ly O r a d * e . glasses are inad» now adays that h a te ... 8“ 11 “ Fiue, " said the sharper as ho toyed •elves and h()w a Utah man bus risked f --- " Y on and B riggin s d on ’t soem to be t° p I a see more scien tifically adjusted g iip s, u;.d w ith th e Im plem ents of h is deadly trade. mey neglect little in t ’Remember the M ainJf 1 l s o r d e r s and ■ 11 Unit sort of th in g, but I tell v„„ “ A num ber of fan n ers havo been in ­ very good friends any more, ” high ¡"fie illnesses that tho thing for real e u u .fu it is e; ec jured by sh< I ls ." — N e w York World. '^No, he la a w o lf in shuep’sc lo tb in g . ” a 8real c liff.” ‘ Whut c f it? tacles. "— N ew York Sun " W h y, w h at did he over do to mnlro K r k i' ° n thcir M H O W IM G O ne Leaoon. F0 « com -eive such an npiuiou o f him ?" A V ery HmaM Flrrw o f | t . " M ad om c believe I ough t to take my »« may not “ One o f the m ost im pressive lessens The U nited States, Dominion ol «ound nice to She— H ave yo.i forgott.ii how von Of m y childhood wns to la y by som e­ bicycle apart for the purpose o f clean ­ •ay so, but jt j, Canada and N orthern Meiioo M .,1 . T h em AH W ork. -N a m e de day. oh. unin« de day I o m o said you w ould g iv e te c world for th in g for a rainy d a y ," exclaim ed a in g i t ." — C hicago N ew s. * »act that the She— You»« men is n im patien t! uiar O K O JkfK S I D E , w et trump as he entered a w avsid e c o t­ . - average man is T h e F o o lish A dvtoo G lr e o . He— W hat if I did? W ell, mako it dis day leu years trout A a d th a tage au.l threw h im self dow n beside the Mr. Tariff— H i th . w iA " I hate to see a man w h o lias sense B o w l— N e w York Journal "Oh, noth in g partit-ul.irly, t u t it kitcbeu stove.—-Richmond DiipuUh- d he feel, dull and^dr"“ “"5 • “ «'"'on enough ( o g i v e good a d v ic e ,” an id u r _____ . seem s very strange uow that you w en t r ifferh r’u »‘? n t " * * ° t • * " « « “ > i X 0 ” 8 "111 h0Uie iud^ T - B r o o k l A F a m ily D la e o a tr a t. e if i i aril that little old auburhau 1 .1 so O X T H K O T H E R 81U » In enough to fo llo w and profit by i t him f0- See ,du7em h"” " f ’ " " ’ o ^ a ' u V ’ T ho father of ten dsngbtera listened th at 1 can have a new w heel I"__In ­ F e n d > a a n d O e t t h " M »P • " d relf, but it is a fact that m any a man dian apolis Journal. ’ » 'k . i n t e r n ? T e a ^ i ncrvo»’"ei« hk • ile n t ly to the solem n w o r d sth a l united M oth|Bg | a _ a Mi W e e k l y « k m n h l e t t r O ■« V s»r. ho» got rich ou a b in t from a .m e lssly b is eldiw t to a millionaire«. " H o w did the horse Indiarubber !> ••« •< « p r o p a ld o n M a p a n ti I*«»1* A Lain* W alk . else w h o h as staid poor. "— N ew York out?’ " T h e r e ," he m urm ured, as th e tyin g com# Sun. The longest w alk cue could take in a th e kn ot w as su ccessfu lly eouclndcd. ‘Distanced. M . H . da Y O O N O , straigh t lin e oh solid land would Is* “ th a t's 10 per ecu t off for *" ’ Blame it I Proprietor H. F. CbeentHc S S S S W W e ll Mams«!. from the eastern side of the Red sea, B rook lyn L ife - — 8AM r«AMVUMAA “ Thia is the parlor, eh?" ten ta tiv ely uot far from Mecca, to the Bering strait, remarked the real estate agent, w ho A F . „ . w s t o ,. r , r M Tfce IU Is r a e li Soldier. a promeiiude o f about 6,600 m iles. Iu no n-.,“ m r,ro° ‘’ *nd b»’ks ’ n ™»de of N o t th e M aine. w as looking over the house. luveutop— « " I c o u ld n ’t iite r e s t that g ir l at all " th«. western hem isphere tho w alk would bronchitis and cold 1 ^ £ T * V or It sim o/* -jno natcotics and 11 Con*»lns " Y e « ,’” replied the old man Kidder — D o you rem em ber the— uot exceed 4.600 m iles, ow in g to the ir­ " W hy not?" H e— N o c h e stn u ts uow . " b u t I usually call it tbe courtroom — wtmld you loom it if y cn wL ? d , How “ E very tim e 1 began to describe ■ regular «hapu of tiie Aiuerieau couii She— Errands I ashed you to do I vo got seveu daughtets, you know ” — Business Man— The ueut. (tattle or a naval engagem en t she told me? H arper’s Bazar. get the )