’H E W E ST Reyal B ik ti tk. I »ticl.M a. . . a IgLlHIIX« «»'«** rUIUAY MOMSISO— okkxcr , The steamship .Woh?K„, bound from ■ London^to Xew York, struck « rock m . . uff ... the coast 1.60 a year in »dvance.----- ntered at the post-office at Florence, county, Oregon, as second-clues 1 matter. TH E W ORLD'S HAPPENINGS, HIWDEB Kaiser William has selected King i Alliert of Saxony to look after the affairs of the German empire while William is unable to do so or should emergency a rite white on his trip to the . Holy Laud. | Advices from Madrid say Senor 8a S O C IE TY O RG ANIZED. The Lane Conutv Reunion Society was organized at Eugene last Sat unlay by committee from J W Geary and Ord Rosts G A II. Eugene was nelectisl as the place and Doc. 13 It and 14th, 1898, [ as the «late for holding the first an nual reunion. Hereafter the reunion will be bel«l «hiring the spring or summer months when camping out will lie pleasant. The object of this society is to draw into closer relations all ol«l soldiers ami sailors of lame county: to become liet- ter acqnainteil and keep alive that fraternal feeling that was s«> unanimous during the dark days of our late civil war, ami refresh our memory of the incidents of camp life. PA Y W H E N CURED. D U . 0. S A D « & GO. In order to reduce my stock of goods The Ablest an I Most Soci-esstut Specialists in the World. They guarantee a'com plete cure at Your Own Home, and allow you pay when cured. between n o w and Jan. 1st, 1899, I have reduced, the price of all goods to COST atid a small per cent to cover expense« I gasta and his colleagues are greatly during the sale. Absolutely Pure I concerned regarding the demands of the IgTISISO BATK8 MADE KNOWN ON A P­ , United Slates government which they PLICATION. j not only refuse to assume any of Spain's I notice« 8 c e n t« p er li n e , e a c h I n tc rtto n j colonial debts, hut wants to take the Thousands of promising young men s o w nim w K1WW» co.. | heavy artillery in Cuba and the Boating have their lives and future usefulneM ASBESTO S DEPO SIT. florence, Or. Oct. 21, 1898. Hi« seine suspended opeiations Wed­ «lock recently sent to Havana. The ¡wrecked by INDISCRETION AND nesday having caught about 5000 flab same advices say that Madrid Impartial These goods ure mostly new, bought during the season. Register: Dr Mahon of Elmira, gays ' PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms for the Fall and Winter trade, and will (j announces that the government lias until cured, are |Kirtrayod on the conn Steamer Harrison brought us a large cabled General P.lanco not to turn over there is a deposit of nsliestos on the tenunce an 1 in the actions of the vic­ be sold without reserve. It is the largest i ' j assortment of dry goods ami groceries. any further territory to the Americans j roast of Lane county, a little north of tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ Call and see us, Meyer & Kyle. until the peace treaty has been delinite- lleceta lighthouse. Ten years ago he ed, other organs become affected, and stock carried for mauy years thus giv- lit was show n a peculiar formation in a A large invoice of men’s all wool pants ly signed. perpendicular cliff, overhanging the sooner or later there w e serious results. Buy Your Winter Supply just received from the factory in tl e The American commissioners have ocean, Ity Captain W lnsnt, of the little Our New Method Treatment will posi­ ing it great variety to select irom east, Will he sold at >2 to >3 50 per notified the Spanish authorities in steam schooner Bandorille. It consisted ' tively cure tliese diseases, pair at O W Hurd’s. Havana that the United States will of alternate layers of black an I white, MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are 0----- o f ------- 0 J R Cleaves lias so much jewelry work j assume control, military and govern­ commencing about 30 feet blow the i thousands of you who have committed on hand that lie finds it will be necei- I mental, of Cuha December 1st. The brow of the cliff, the captain, who bad offences against the laws of your na­ sary to remain in Florence for perhaps same control will be exerciseJ in Porto a homestead on the shore remarkeil that i ture, ami are now paying up for it. Rico October 18th. another week. it was one of the finest deposits of Those weak, aching backs, Lossof Sex­ Chaplain McIntyre who was court- asbestos in the country. Dr Mahon is ual Power, Euiling or Lost Vitality, Captain Johnson who is now employed Frequent ami Painful evacuations of on the Harrison as mate, informs us martialed for criticism of bis superior now trying to locate the deposit, but the Bia«l«ler accompanied by more or that the tug Robarts will probably be officers, lias been declared guilty and lias been unsuccessful «o f«r. less smarting and the escape of par­ sentenced to dismissal from the naval INSPECTfcU. |il don’t forget that you can get back here early next month. Her new service of the United States. ticles of albumen in the urine with boiler is to be ready the 22nd inst. jropy sediment, all point to the decline Hanging in cloth from $1.50 up. Plush capes from $2.60 up. A fight occured at Virden, III. the 12th Learn to say “ No” when a ilealer offers ^bent goods for th e------ “ Messrs. E.lwanls and Fuller inspec­ of your manhood. There are hundreds Cotton blankets at 50c, 65e, 75c, $1.00, and $1.25 peripair. you something “ just as good” in place of between union miners and negroes who tors of hulls and boilers, respectively, w ho die of this difficulty, ignorant of LEAST MONEY Hood's Sarsaparilla. There can be no bad been imported from the south to were in Florence last Tlimsday after­ the cause. The doctors will guarantee W ool “ from $2.00 to $8.00 per pair; mostly Salem manufacture substitute for America’s Greatest take the place of the union men wiio noon inspecting the Marguerite. One a perfect cure in all such cases, an«l were on a strike, 8 men were killed and Calicoes at 20, 25, and 30 yds., for $1.00. N ew est style« Medicine. ►or« or two slight changes were ordered but healthy restoration of the Genito Urin­ about 18 wounded. witti that exception she passed inspec­ ary Organs. Some of the young people of Florence Chicago L. L. m uslin 5c, Cabot W. 6c, Cabot A . 7o, w ith Jesse James jr. son of the notorious tion all right. YORAN & SO N , READER—Are you in trouble? got up a surprise pnrty Saturday even­ cent reduction by the bolt. After the paint is dry eho will be Have yon been treated and nevercured? ing in honor of Louis Robertson before bandit has been arrested at Kansas City The Shoo Dealers. You dare not risk a return of the dis­ lie went to Gardiner. About 25 young on a charge of train robliery. He keeps n ready for business. cigar stand and lias always borne a good I ease. It may appear when happy in people were present. SECRETARY ENJO INED- reputation. itnmesliu life. Our New Method WESTLINGS. The numtier of fish received at the Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, OREGON TROOPS. cannery is falling off and it is probable Register: Secretary of State II R consult us confidentially. Kincaid was serve«! with notice restrict­ Men's and Boys’ clothing at prices ilieGreat White Store has a new ad there will be no more limiting of the WRITE (enclosin; stamps for reply) number they will receive from each boat San Francisco, Oct 17’—Troops from ing him from paying or drawing a for our interesting book. “ A Warning l week. that will astonish you. Thia is an op­ unless another school of fish should Camp Merriam to the number of 800 warrant in favor of Wright for the East­ V o i c e . ’ ’ Sent free. All letters kept krs J J Anderson is suffering from come in. msrebed through the streets this mor­ ern Oregon branch asylum, us provide«! strictly private and conliilential. All portunity to procure your winter sup­ attack of pleurisy. The Salem grand jury lias Indicted ning to embark on the steamer Senator for in the general appropriation bill. answers sent plain sealed envolope. Hr« Wisdom of Point Terrace has ex-county clerk Ehlen, H G Hayes for Manila, They comprise the Third plies practically for cost. Remember The original amount of the appropria­ No O. O. D. business. n ill for the past week, justice of the peace, ex-Mayor D’Arcy, Batalion, Twenty-third infantry, recruits tion was >25,000, but witli inteiests new the place and call. he Florence school will hold La W J D’Arcy, 8 T Rlcliartson dean of for the Second Oregon, and battery I), amount« to >32,088,88. • Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. i day exercises this afternoon, Willamette University, and Attorneys of the California heavy artillery. The A PPLES WANTED. tour new patterns in dress goods John A Carson and Win Rafter, for camp was broken early and the men WRITE TODAY. took up the march to the dock, where tampering with Marion county election ore you purchase, Meyer & Kyle. I will buy ail good shipping apples Aildress Hoods Pills cure nausea, sick headache returns. The defendants gave >1,000 they arrived at 11 o’clock. The Senator offered this fall. Parties having any Bement ber wc carry a general assort- j is scheduled to sail at 1 o'clock this ousness and all liver ills. Price 25 bonds each. Dr- W- H- S au n d e rs & Co , either write me or call at Acme. afternoon. There are now seven United ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and $ Guard: A farmer named Lambricht, ks- 69 Sprout 8t., Detroit, Mieli. I B C ushman . States transports in port, and possibly who resides west cf Eugene, had a >5 pie Guard says flint the yield of pota- Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ 2 all remaining troops at the Presidio will NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i is light in ihe vicinity of Eugene gold countered passed on him the other be on the way on or before next week, day. It was turned over to Deputy and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and | i year. District Attorney Harris. The money MRS GEER DEAD. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. , description of currency stolen from Notions all reduced. This sale for is a fair counterfeit only it is light and September 7,1898. If S Mails is displayed in tlie Fior- the gold plate has worn off the edges, Governor-Elect Notice ls hereby given that the following- CASH only. Mrs Geer wife of ! post office. named settler has filed notice of his intention Others nresaid to be in circulation. Geer died suddenly at U i i il ii lH , ' | O makc final proof in support of his claim, and i reward of f500 has been offered for Watch out for them. Oct, lutll. that Raid proof will be made before 200. therefore requires constitutional treat­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LONG TALK- flie Red Cross society at Eugene last ment. Hall’s catarrh cure manufactur­ lek collected 210 pounds of dried fruit ed by F J Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Register: Oregon ¡9 now connected September 17,1898. icli was shipped to our boys at the only constitutional cure on the Notice 1« hereby given that the following- market. It is taken internally in doses by telephone with California. The nila. from 10 drops to a teaspoonfnl. It acts work of stretching the wires wa8 com­ nanied settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof |r. support of his claim, and • ♦ » t > • directly upon the blood and mucous pleted Friday, ami several teat mussagea that Raid proof will be made before C. II. Hol­ lie steamer Harrison from Astoria surfaces of the system. They offer one were sent, showing the wires to be per­ den, V. 8. Commissioner at Lake Precinct, rived nt Florence Wednesday after- hundred dollars for any case it fails to fect. Saturday a circuit was established ! Douglas Co., Oregon, on October 29, Isas, rti: Ion with a load of goods for Florence cure. Send for circulars and testimoni­ W . ™ s p c k . „ , . n . i s .„ chants. als. Address. distance of 1300 mile*, and conversation scv.3i; tp. is *., r. 11 west. F J Cheney & Co, Toledo, O. was carried on as distinctly as though j He names the following witnesses to prove None who are engaged in any of the mechunical i masts fur the new vessel will be Sold by druggists, 75c. the distance was a mile. Continuous his continuo«!* residenee upon and cultivation light down in a day or two. Frank of said laud, viz; pnrauitH can succeed without reading and H all’s Family Pills are the best. circuit will l«e established this week lowles cut them on his place near 8. B. Colvin, B. F. Wilkes and «Darius Van Aer­ kpletort and will deliver them at We have received a copy of the con­ between Spokane and San Diego, a ini rg of Lake Precinct, Ore., and J. L. Furnish of studying this standard Magazine of Science« Florence, Oregon. stitution and laws of the Order of distance of 2000 miles. prence. J. T. B ridges , and mechanical Art«. It i« illustrated^with flm str. Harrison goes to Ynqttina to- Washington. This Is a new secret MUST have pure blood for Register y o u society organized as successor to the fwitli canned salmon. She will bring all modern cuts of latest invention« in all ■ good coo« liealtlt. Hood's 8arsn|«arilla ok a load of flour then return to Aato- Washington Co-Operative Life insur­ purifies the blood. Take Hood’s Sar­ Dried Apples, the branches of mechanism, and it« fund of ance Association. It furnishes life saparilla if you would BE WELL. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. »itli a cargo of canned salmon, insurance to members each one paying lohn Whisman the well-known stage Peaches, Pears, Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. knowledge is in«eparably connected with in­ assessments in proportion to age amt I GREENLEAF ITEM S. September 17,1898. w has rented the Minnesota hotel receiving a benefit from the insurance it j Notice la hereby given that the following- ventor« and mechanics. Sold with T hb Prunes, Berries, i in Eugene and proposes to furnish be lives a certain number of years, or in Bv a W est C obrespoxdbst . named settler has filed notice of his Intention Ins ’ for travellers’ teams. W est at clubbing rate«. to make Anal proof in support of his claim and case of death the money goes to Fish, Clams, that said proof will lie made before C. II. Hol­ udge Hamilton notified the attorneys Dr Mahon found Mrs Almaei so ill j den U. 8. Commissioner at Florence. Oregon, heirs. the would hold preliminary session AND * '■ — that lie feared slie would die before on Novembers, 1898, viz: Noah P. Robinson TO ATTEND C O U R T . nt court nt Eugene to comment e on b. e. no. 6262 for the se’ 4 110*4, net^ se'4, , morning. Site still lives but is a very erdav. This will gnve time and sec. 18; sfi nw*4 sec. 17; tp. 18 s., r. 11 west. Quite a number of Siuslaw people are w0,„an. *nse at the regular term, He names the following witnesses to prove . attend I circuit ..„nrt , - summoned « to court tvllli«ll which Emil Ribcrts nurse I a few tew grape his continuous resi-lence upon and cultivation i Benedict pile driver was up the meets at Eugene next Monday. 0 vines through the years until thia of, said land, viz; f*r the first of the week driving some Samuel Seymour, John Hewett, Frank Sweet Morgan and W W Neely are drawn as season, they bore a few bunches of fruit, ng to strengthen the boom below jurymen while Dr Evans, E A Evans, ami then somebody was small enougli and Fred Hewett all of Acme, Oregon. 1,1 Terrace. It was brought down to J. T. B ridges , Thi« monthly magazine is one o f the very A1 Ready, Win Spencer and the Indians to steal nearly all tlie grapes. Register. I"« Mcdnusday to be ready to drive Henry Jackson, George Barney and best printed in this country, and i« sold The name of the purchaser of the ’ for the new boom. wife and daughter-in-law Titi Barney W anted — several trustworthy terroni « in Whisman place is Willcut, not Wilkey fl'e \\ ert has for sale one years' this state to manage our business In their own to all subscriber« at rate« within the are summoned to appear as w .'u eM «, ( m g.ven ¡n t,(Me iteln<. yonr and nearby counties. It is mainlv office work Jion in the Holmes Business College in the case of the Inl,a correspondent wrote the name as given conducted at home. Halary straight $90) a ability of all to pay. It is finely Ulus and e«penne»—defluite, bonafldc, 110 more ottland. This is one of the leading arrested for killing the Indian Ben, ett corre ’« who accom- year no less salary. Monthly $/5. Reference*. En- ’mess colleges on the coast, having . close self aridres«ed hLani|»ed envelope, Herbert trated and present« the name« o f famous , I a „¡e j „hen lie first came here. • E. Hess, l're»f., Dept. M, Chicago. k’lli, Commercial, Shorthand and Barney. Most of them leave for Eugene today. P ________________ authors a« contributors. T hk W est '■gfaphic departments and we offer tuition on easy terms. Lost MaaDaotl M n ¡ L TO EU G EN E Ml IOTS AND S H O E S A ★ A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CATO JOST IN ★ ★ ( fla il Orders Promptly Filled at Sam e Price as if You Bought in Person. I WORLD BEATER a J. H. McCLUNG, eu0°reene CSAMPiON ETIPORATOR. SniBiiiific American.- >0^ f VEGETABLES. E THE E n S M n P n L IT A N , ALWAYS READY SAFE, DURABLE and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ No danger in Schilling s D m for S O ctM u r Ton. j Best tea. It is delicious besides. duced rate« at tlii« office. t ................. THE ARENA '' Wo do not take pozsosoion of our idea« but aro potiM it J by th sa They master us and force ns into the arena, Where like gladiator«, we must fight for them." Ruch in the exalted motto of the Arena, and the ALL SIZES FROM. $ 2 5 to $ 1 6 5 . entire content« of this monthly magazine are upon a plane and in keeping with its W r it e For C ir c u la r J. H. M O N T E IT H Glenada, Oregon. motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent thinkers is a group oi interenting men and women, and their thought« are worthy the c niMdcration of a.l people. ■old. with T«r W o t . The Arena*»