w e st . CRISIS WAS REACHED. WASHINGTON LETTER. — rent ixhsp svaav ru in a r muunino .— are honest and law-abiding." War Sale.” I followed her advice, crawled Department officials say the trouble is through a hole anil looked around ;1 was in a barn yard surrounded by a barbed ’ now all over. wire so I crawled through another hole President McKinley has shown upon and found myself on a sidewalk in front 1 more than one occasion that lie has moral courage of a high order. j ust of some well-dressed people; as my suit j before the war begun an older was pre- * “• not i“fend«l for promenades, I pared exempting several thousand posi­ hastily crawled through another hole tions placed under the civil service and there stood that house with the sign rules, by Mr Cleveland’s blanket order, mentioned on the front of it, hut how it hut the war came on and the order was got there, or I did, are two things I had laid aside, liecnuse the president had not decided. I got the bedstead and as more important affairs to look after. luy freight arrived that evening I At Paris last Monday Judge Day in F rom or« « euulak C orkem •, rtNDR.vr. behalf of the American connu issi oners — AT— I presented the demanda of this country W ash ., D 0 , Oct, 10, 1898. F l.O R lt.S T « , I.A N X C o V N T T , OcEGON in no uncertain way. The Presidential train left Washington He said that delay was the only tliis morning for the Omaha exposition, • - - BV • • • i’ossible object obtainable by the per- hut the President was not ahoard of it. aistent efforts of the Spanish commit The President and Mrs McKinley left sionera to saddle the United States with Satuiday night for Canton to attend the Editor and Proprietor. tiie Cuban debt, and would las tolerated funeral of Mrs McKinley*, brother, who no longer, as the United States would «as killed. After the funeral, the pres­ neither assume nor guarantee any part Florence, Or. Oct. 21, 1898. ident will join the Washington party, of the debt. j . itTi e • . I consisting of members of the cabinet The Spaniards replied that this then ¡other olli. i ’ l ’ Several days ago, several prominent eetahlished myself in my quarters and ONE GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. ials, and ladies of their f a m . I ■ .. placed Spain in tiie position of repndi- ilie s .« ‘,d proceed to Omaha, in accord- Ca"“ ‘ ‘‘æ president ...... a,,d , have lived an uneventful career ever Wh»t can bo more disgusting to re­ nling or reducing the face value of tiie »nee will, the published programme but I ! asked T I him r to ‘° issue ""'Ue that order ° ,UC' . .. — -„agression a IJ notes spectable eilisen* of a free country than Cuban bonds from 50 to 60 p e r c e n t. *læ n .h e left Washington, Mrs McKin-1 . “ 'e. ‘OnKre" ion#l the Beene of a government official ,>ay‘ng onlJ>’ *»*lf ‘ite stipulated interest ley express«! her intention of remaining election. The president told them that ! School opened with eight more stu nttusing ami insulting the people with on tiie reduced value. Before they »t Canton. he had made up his mind to issue the dents than last year. whom ho has business Io transact on would adopt either alternative they order, but would not do so until after One notices many improvements in Secretary Alger has gone to Omaha, would surrender to the United States account of his position. the congressional elections, because he various ways. Perhaps the most notice- and he left Washington in an excellent Considering the number of offices to the entire Philippines. hiiinnr vvi <>, . l‘*d no intention of engaging in such able one is in the library. Many excel- hiimor. Whatever may have been his small politics as "Judge Uay responded that the sur­ ’* filled in this country it is not strange many would consider lent hooks hare been added, the latest CXpCCtM ¡0(18 o f tlio Civil 1 ,1 ( 1 » J I al • M itn ceth a t won.J the issuing of the order in the midst o f , being a century dictionary. that occasionally a man is appointed to render of the Philippines would prob­ * given lief,,re the commission that ' a campaign. A jioli lician deserves more I Monmouth is not much larger than a position for which ho is altogether ably be demanded, irrespective of the investigating the war, he could not have Cuban or any other debt. ■ credit for unfitted, on arcount of not understand ¡„ j ...... “J , ' X " ’’"“ ‘ “Tins, the Spaniards, tiie first inti­ in g th o duties he has to perform or man, because such just such sidewalks, or such as Florence on the whole to the war d ep artm en td isp lays are ' because by holding a government ap mation of the United States as to the 1 rare. had before Mr Knotts got his wheel. It than the wiinesses thus far examined ; potntment he cornea to feel altogether Philippines, resulted in a widespread would add to the safety of Monmouth if have paid. There isn ’t tiie slightest THE EXPERIENCE OF A STUDENT. above the common eitixens of the conference, followed by a request for an they could induce him to spend a winter doubt that the general public has been adjournment in order to communicate country. here. greatly surprised by ibe evidence. It M onmouth , On., Out. 17, 1393. We find no fault with those parties « ¡lb Ma,hi,I. J,,dge Dlly gaiJ t|mt There are many interesting things In was expect«! that some mismanagement Piesident McKinley had instructed him In my last letter I gave a few inci- who while holding government positions the school collections but will mention would be shown by the testimony of dents of the journey here. In this I reside in this part of tiie country, nor to demaud the en tiie surrender of Porto them at some future time. You may tr>'t0 te" you lo w I spent the first with their predecessors hut the conduct Rico tomorrow, and the delivery of iZ'c'n il ^Very W""e8S’ but 8I’L'1' 1,38 not sometimes wonder if the W est lias •eense, and the witnesses have few days. First of all was to find a of Captain Edwards, inspector of hulls every town to Llio United Stales officers l ' nc " ed wl'° certainly should : nmm. Fortune favored me in this and published an exaggeration, but rememb­ before midnight, together with the i tor thia district shows how overbear- ■me «own of the exiatance of anything) I was soon settled on Cottage street er truth is stranger than fiction, and to iug and ungcntlcmanly n man may evacuation of Havana on or before ’ hat was very h a d -.u c h men as Gens. That ordeal being over with I was ready the students all have to look at so many make himself merely Itecause ho is Novemlier 1st, when the United States r n ,° n’ a’1'1 GreCne> 11,6 f° begi" I,OU8e keepin«' « 1’>* i« 8‘ Had things through a lens that they form a clotlied with tome authority. Whether would be at the gates of the city ready la ^ ’o J r ‘‘"»‘ «aid be thought that the ¡som ething to begin w ith. I thought a habit of seeing things larger than they his course is inspired by a desire to to lake possession. “re- 0 . S. N. S. 8 "There was no alternative offered in only trouble was caused by the army stove was the first thing, so I went to compel the giving of tips, or Io display regulations, which had been adopted in Independence and visited the case of citiier of these demands his authority, or from some other motive, PERSONALS. a hardware time of peace, not being adapted to t, ,e j store where I found just what I was wo do not know; but certain it is that tiie scss on consequently was vorv exigencies of war. look,ng ior> a"J J'"st what somebody liia actions and conversation w hile brief.'’ Joe Sleinmona was in town the other The difficulties in the way of securing I else " ns »'«>, for as I went into another •lay. inspecting the touts on several of his w . II. WEA TIIHRSON * TC V H V i.’ r r T T7VT-V IS K NOW F IL L E D i With Seasonable Goods, and as usual of first class quality. “OUR AIM:” to Sell Fire* Class Articles at Most R e a s o n ^ i PRICES. We carry no shop-w orn, or Auction Goods of a n y kind Some of th e la te s t arrivals are Hats and C a p s, Boots and Shoes, O iled C lo th in g and Rubber Coods^ Hardware. Crockery and G lassw are, Dry Goods, and F a n c y Articles, which m ust be seen to be appreciated. «ny mutually satisfactory tariff arrange- | Pnrt of ‘>*e store after paying, and giv­ Louis Betters came in from Bohemia ment reciprocity—between the U . S. j ing my directions, a student entered and this week. and Canada have been strikingly T, J. Stitt and wife were Florence "gly brought broug j h0 “«1“ “»T «U>ve of another member of to the front, while the joint commission, the firm and told him where to send it. visitors Wednesday. In Dr ess Goods and Dress PuU ,ine of * * which has lieen sitting in Canada, and 1 wen‘ ho,ne> satisfied with my bargain Louis Robertson returned to Gardiner winch after a short recess, will reasse.n- and the world in general, wholly ignor- bunday to work in the mill. rtmmtng, can be found J and Children’s underwear. Charles Anderson is borne from Com ble at Washington, Nov 1, has been j ant oi tlle d °uto( of this Edwards’ course is such ns tends president of the senate succeeding Jo­ the coal men wl.o have liecome frighten- and was ‘"formed by the conductor senger from Eugene to Mapleton Wed seph bimou. ----- HeHuay. cd and called upon their to arouse a feeling of a desire to disre­ congressional the dilemma the stove was in, and as | yelvete, S¡lks, &llim * The regents of the University of Ore­ friends to save them from Canadian W I) Neely and Oscar Gates free the lady who bought It insisted on hav­ gard ids erders if it can be done without came gon and all othere appointments of borne tins week after loggi ETC., in all Shades, getting into roub ’«. "K a while up Governor Lord, e x c e p tin g , h a t ,,f John coal. Chairman Uingiey, and Repre­ ing it and the gentleman who had sold I be river. Gents’ Neckwear ETC. * sentative Groevenor, of Ohio, who it to me (and be is a gentleman) re a trustee of the Roseburg While no doubt lie is well qualified 1 I Robertson, - , ” ,nl!"eu < W H Warner of Albany was in Flor- represents a coal mining district, have fused to let it go, that piece of furniture lor the position so far as knowledge of ' °'"e ’ *'ave bl" eii confirmed. U w f X y , ‘' tl-e AO Tbo bill of Senator Reed to amend the bail their heads together, what is needed for properly equipping I devising seemed likely to remain where it was. ’ ’ "’“''f e ^ ^ e x lo n c lt b o open season me ?ans to impress upon the minds of Tho ladF was fina”y convinced that she a boat is concerned, we bold that he M Rail, and family ret,lrned ,0 p. t II H.J Nov 20tb, on all rivers o f the owner and ami n 1’^ „ ‘„',nda}' a,ter “n “Haence of »wo or •Iwmld ha removed and a man appointed state except on the Columbia and it, the B U S Commissioners that Canadian l,ad not h0 "«1'1 >‘ ,roui the owner who will treat the people with respect. tilbutaries lias been approved by the coal must not he admitted free, no took her money back and I bold undis­ three months Major Tower and wife ni . matter what is offered as an offset. It is turbed possession. So the stove came governor and is now a law. Have been visiting their 60n M L Towe”r SuraaiNTRNDRNT I’ ainx ’ s report of the , - U nderthe appropriation bill as nagwd just as well to bear in mind that the Saturday nt mid-night and stooj in tiie government e n g in e , nt Florence S in ain e asylum for Sopterabor is satisfac- J tlle ,0" ,r l,0"M ot the legislature work of the joint commission will not street till Monday. week. . tory — 1— * fth e University o f . ’ from the taxpayer's «tandpoint, in ' u of ? re*on recei'r ®» »2500 hind this country until it has been Monday found ino ready to begin __ .w « ■ s CO in ® f A ft ap­ Captain Delonev wbo has been calk- that the |>cr capita expenae was hut 32 and ° f ul'e ,"ic“l> pHysieal proved by tlio president and ratified by work. In setting up house keeping the ing on Hie new vessel printing apparatus; the Siuslaw » . Quit work this c«n ,i a day,or »9.00 per month. This is --------- j ... first thing one discovers they are ahis - is butchery T||e hjl| a two-thirds vote of the Senate. _ , , at Mapleton *600 The most week and leaves for bis l.on.e Yaquina not phenomenally low for this month | by -10 yeas to l 7 Bishopville" is the name Hint has in need of is a man. I never before on the Harrison. nays and 3 Of garden and orenard abundance, but it absent. It Mrs. I ’’ Safly a"d daughter Mrs. Frank ' carries nppropriaiions l*cn given to Washington since the realized how important a factor in Fox lea ‘ c Monday by way of Gardiner' ‘Slow enough from the stnndpoiut of amounting to »1,290,274.21. assembling o fth e triennial general con­ civilization, that genius of Darwinian for a trip to the valley. The Inst legislative assembly lias been humanity. A curious public would like vention of the I’ K Church in America, origin is, until I lu-gan house keeping; -‘Unwed »31000, and the expenses of to know bow much more it takes to keep last week, boeausc of the largo number but a man and a hatchet are two things ye, “ P the table expense, of the 142 m ‘ i*’ ** »28090. eeks you have to have to make a suece.s in attending presbytery and g>. J , attendance expenses of tbo 142 officers All tl.c member, of tho last senate v e.« hiahope in upon the nd em p lo y ,, than those of the 1146 I“ » P-‘.v hut ........ hers of the house were convention. that undertaking. I goon got ,,ie Mrs. Capt. Hansen leaves n..v» L patleata. In this way true estimate of "1,o" e'1 for only five day’s fOrM VW‘ * witl “ '■ .......... - ' “‘ives .. at ‘£ s S , That "truth is stranger than fiction" hatchet but the man was hard to find ,o" a the quality of eeoBomy practiced in thia 1,1,1 tho “«ieers of hotli the Davis j may be, hut politics is stranger than The grocery man said he would s e m i1 tab .M ^ n r MPet'8 ‘° join tiie cap- | institution could lie made.'e-Orrp, a I hi weil full one “right up," the dealer in wood was n i * ' ““‘ ‘«co. t me. | cither. The talk of some politicians) koing to send one 'round in a short Point TeZmw Tuc^^ V “"''00'1 “e n tto . T mc action . f of _ Governor Tanner ----- - of , „ S i* ak*'n* o f ‘l'ew o rk o f.h eleg isla t„ r.i around Washington about the present Bine, and tiie jxist man would send one on "-e the defendanN,,,“ "'‘T ’ e,,,,',nons Ulmios in refusing to permit the land ,e ’’'“ •'•"T Giegoui.ui sa y s: The main campaign in New York, is the latest P A Landstrom t •-»— 1 “ '“*<• ing of negroes of the criminal class who 1 "r •b(’ wi re »cet.mpli.hed preof of this assertion. For instance it ( , im m ediately." A day passed and — vs Min my I f troni. were brought into the state to take the the . * W!l,On, of “ U'»'«"-IStates senator, asserted by some republicans that there t . ” an ,‘ a '°RC in the . CO r ,, er ’ P l.ce of the striking miners, at Virden. , bill. Z l T , , “« * Z i Z “' : fPr’rOpria‘i°" is a largo elem ent in their party wl.n s,arted’ 1 ,net ----- "n old acquaint I Bros w venni ineir who ' '.ner P-ufey and the Lyon«j expensive • l - r e C o l . Roosevelt t o . « defeated for ! 1 toU bim of ^ ’be.wZen M an,Ì “T . ! b° wi meet with generrl approval by the C0“““ l»»ions am) hoards. county The hoard of ween Mapleton and him with working men of the country. Puch a railroad clinm ls.iuners, (he equal,xalnm ! « °'en or, because, if I - wins, ho might ''l; 7 ad 8it’’a,ion ,,nd 4«me the I brst of the week with a view to bo.rd, and the dairy food • - for ' tear8 in e>es (though lie could not some blasting. class ars not desirnble (itiseaa for any ,¡ - and .......... ... commi.- •«“ » troublesome candidate doing presit ten* F »inner, were droppe I, all of tl see them) if he knew of any way I could town or state. tini non» '¡nation in 1900, a„.‘ it j, equally T Mrs. Robertson and < i .; i i. carrying the emergency clause. That ‘••ulureii . are my slove up. He promptly offered passengers tn V . • « n e m o o n / ' K 0: ^ ’ 1« - son T k x bi . iktion of Simon a , United Clause «as omit,oil at first in the ease of «■ strongly asoerted by democrats that h i, service« and his friend’s along with the two hoards, hut the omission their party in the eoutli and west want »•* day, i,i,i„ K frjendg fo^ ds"'”.Z'*"*’ 3 W ales senator it aatiafoctory to many of was '«y. v visiting spe«hly rectified. In the »»•nate, 76 Rosevelt to win, because, if Van Wvck tlieni, and they were soon nt work Proceed to Whatcom, W .,|, Í . T ' " " • he people of the state. Ho ne rvpuhli- h its were introduced jointing pipe, or trying to, for it • ‘•<1 32 passed, «¡n s. the New York delegation to the was , «xi ec, to reside. ’ * ere bey can i would have preferred a man who One was lost o n a square vote, h u ti, worse tliun the proverbial pipe. One of next democratic national convention L M Madsen of Sioux »•ad not been so closely identifi«! with was rnhsequenlly am en,tai and passed Fall? s n, I ‘h01" ‘l,oug,,t “ 'ey had not "talked to it arri veil at Point Te other« were vnrinitnly r »imply neglected. Eighty-,bree hilla *nwtt«h ,o keeP »•" «•»** ¡«“w out ¡, would •oaie other part of the slate than Port­ '•I in Fiori,!«, Tei,„esce "fra’ . ,raV“'- joint unless it was talked «ere introduced in the house, 46 of I uf ,,,e P'.Gorm, just as it has been to. However land. •?."d ,,’a,’-v “‘ber state, of " Kl°" State platfmm' Í 7 ÍUr t ' 1ÍPPeJ thr° U81* ¡,8elf’ (hat tso.lv y» i*nl 10 were .. „ which * poseed , out of the New York »'e "«ys the re,ources of „ ' ® “"T"' “ æ '° ”f’ *pil,cd 80,4 J oskpii S imon is the third Hebrew pnwed the house, « ñ 7 20 " ho"sj° ¡»UH and to insist upon the nomination of an * volley flave not h...... „ ^l'islnw , over the carpet, and cut one m an’s ‘''3 ‘ b « f i n d a ^ elected to the United States senate, the «’»-«-«I .......... .. th „ ..,„ lUiti-silver man for preeitleQt. o"gh, owing to tt»e , lingers, it settled into it, joints as je n t e d in tl.e « , l m , „ Ì * 1",8 1 . . " 8 * * P * - oth er, being Judah P Benjamin o f ' ,att “ '«t some were ..............I in , ie j " * . ° ‘ ho W est Bishop Whipple, of Minn, who is though nothing had been going on for He e, a le a Louisiana and Senator Yulee of Florida i T h ’“1 'd lls ..... . a“A end h i, ,laV8 „„ bere hour, and my former school . »o the governor din-s not equal the«« « “ ending the Episcopal Convention, at mate The Ran Fram-iaeo Examiner and the »hegovernor has not yet vetoed anv " “.bington, says i of ‘lie Indian uprising , an4 *‘‘8 feiend took their departure with W« st for one year 12.60 paid in ad­ bill passed at this session. in I n , state: "The Indians at Bear Island "iv gratitude ringing in their vance. At the state house Monda ears, and morning have always refused civilisation. The I bey haven’t been back since, ‘here was a g r e a t c a lm . N e a r ly Hll ,1.« since, but that whole difficulty has been due to fire in. tnhera »ml the lobby have CITATION, stove almost draws itself up the pipe «»ne to water width was smuggled I ‘fieir homes. Many went with bea vv to them , so they wore successful and I was too. In t li* C ounty Court nt t h , s u ,c of Orvgon 'b>w « Str3 '" ••'M ,- liearte.ns no pay for services could he ' Tbc ,n 'lia'i police »re good fello “ A“ « .□ * * "**• For the County o , louie. w S 'b u t) That task over, I look«! around to r«wn until the appropriation bill is “ 'ey appear to be unable to In the H is lir r o f tlw C a t e of A lfred »hich tim . I underwent aev * ,? ’ - » " s,gn «l, which waa not done «, noon. prevent the see what next. Cupboards of course P wmm - i I C itation . operation., I , t g—.* , "•» ’»rglo.1 To John A Mason and a ll oilier penoii' * lirvtM|,y km m M rvfiiMtNl to my ‘» p ro v e» .» ; ft| o a n c e rn « !: (.'reeling. warrant« until the hill becomes a lHW ‘‘• • I good, boxes. Think of buying a good. “ "*» In the name of the Stale ot Oregon, •p p e a r S “°,’ * ,,or’8 ’ ¡«"«'ure or otherwise, rvvvr • R __ Ä _ . - I V VV i* • o d I d id n o t h“ - S X X 5 X ae* tl.— L .........- h a n liy r lt * d nn.l required to a,. I did not C n n t v C ourt o f the state o f Or»«..... f„ »o Ilve. “ 7 •Pi**»»«. tor r ,h . executive ha, five day, ¡„ C o u n ty o f U n a , at Ihe Court K.son th e re..,, , , which b |||e Bjl| them ah..„hl U- made more 8 *. I paid ten ! fri*nd wf>° h.d tak.n 1 " Jtugene, iu the C ounty o f l^ine, on M onday th e severe, and . - T 4i v rllla cents to get them home, borrow«la saw, •od who urged «ml not vetoed become a law ten _ I m. m# to trr days then the practice might M b day of Novem ber lass, at one o'el.n l, in the a f t e r f ilin g , be broken up. took my hatchet and went to work. and after I had take» . t \ eon’*‘“ vd, afternoon o , that day, then and there to show There frel better and had 1 l- l,le*‘ uriniii important reaultaof result, of belief that trom two to th ^ .7 L 'PI*“ ««', j for noils . e m ade by the a ,s u e nenie,, Court to »ell the »bis session is »S the h e a v y redo,•,ion, T) »^n* r* 1 “ Pr'« n g will ow ur. shelves and built two cupboord. t h a t th è fo llu w ln g d o -r lh e d rcal propertv to w li i , made ' ........ in the i . - imaiine of the State primer " F' ai* *** ’ ’'»“ ‘»nd Chippewa« in ore quite as respectable look M th r « bottler of Bo Lnl» 1. 2. and 3 In 8ee. 7; T p , I H » , K. 10 and am os strong „ r 8arMP«r11la, Th' e , | * n ,Mlnne’ uU - and b3"> a ''vay, been «bought they won d be ” Of W M. In l.au e C oniity, or..g.>». i-o n ta ln ln , .H t«m forW M U,r - e"r'' H o o d -. R am a p a rS f o i r r “ fe |.l,>'.re. for ,l„ . department b a , already friends of ‘he w hite., and as a rule they - ~ - ISO 7« ,00 aere«, nt P u b lic or P riv a te «ale. u henàtx soTv’y v -. re a d y »o health." w ™ broo«bt me twek W iturv». I t « Ilo » . C O. Potter. Ju.lge o f thè ' * * “ '»ecreased $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 , Ne«‘ I must have a IxMstcad so I compared SALE OR EXCHAN g ? C o u a ty t o u r , i>f the « tate of Oregon, tur w i t l i t h e la « l te r n i of Mr Avenue, Sooth Portland “ Qra,,<1 d i • pr,-. , * * e T ,n -M v ,.» i TaumrmtTev r a u » ,, „ inquired of the lady where I .«ay«, a„d I-eed w »on. th e e oun ty >.( I j i i e , w ith thè »eal ni M ld l i n e o , , , o l i i « u u rla m .c.th ,. ISU, day u, Hept A p - » « * * - . «I." b g iti, the •he mid if I would go out in her back »he extra session, will f o , , , MMB. A house and S a r» a - ’ ‘lirt Office •» yard and crawl through a hole in her A ttval j_ a, . T L .... — vivili I no longer Ihe most lucrativo tiro in . t . h . e . "» » l» M w l» rv M m uhlv aiM e. lit» roorr. . - - — »»theben-m fMtthe bouse i, i G b ” ' ’fe"»«!«. The ■«»« by oil d r u g « ! . ,. . . * * * F lir t a « a h a lf I - . , . 1 a n J on e s to rv » .. ! . Ä T f o H r v r £ m ,r S ,t a '‘‘" " " " ‘• " • ’ n look around I would Í ( . V. Las, Clerk. made arrangements h* 1‘»"igglrtata. a , » 7 ^ » " « i, • L „1 ror»s. bo ise with a notice "Ifedsteads for > will furnish the Weekly •an with tiie W' fst for one yer ' Ukv.v*'Ttoep<.raU inquireat th i, offipj * p*r,‘t ulars ,0 «ny address for the sum of two dol •Arp, nnvaktm _ _ _ i . . ▼iiits hero hare been such as to disgust SUNDAY SERVICES. the bystanders and fill them with con­ There will he preaching in thePresby- tempt for such a man. eria,, If by inspection of a boat bo finds 189/ at 11 a in and at 7 p m. that changes are needed or that she is I G K notts , pastor. not properly equipped for tho work she «» intended to perform, it is bis duty to l e g is l a t iv e n e w s . call attention to it. Most captain» ,.r I„ Filucy Articlca tha! a f mC»’ ifuth8reiS a "yth i" g y o u require that a merchant can supply, c all on X o u rs T r u ly 0. w . H U R D , i CARMAN CHEAP CASH STOKE! ^ rv C ° 0^8' * Groceries * and A Notions. FLORENCE ¡MEAT MARKET. ......... J ust Opened.. Goods as R eoresented. . th is # ä »" »PVIARi -'F ^ G T R A L iftRBSSiVL Each t £ Health is S > P * § L ‘ w. 414 > J ■ Hoon’e i’» mis PORTIAKUOR • . Parili,! ---- 70 OUR RATRONS