1 J T H E W E S T A D V E R T IS E R S t YO U R H O H E PAPER SUPPO RT IT L vol . r x . GENERAL OUSLAW’S ONLY PAPIÉ. O P P O R T U N IT Y -¿Jt NO. 25. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Cct. 21, 1898. directory S T A T E O F F IC E R S - T R A V E L E R S ’ G UIDE. T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E S T E A M ER " M IN K , " G ENOUGH SAID. r a ta r fa m lliM A R D I N E W a. No M ad . H I. Soa R flo o d T h i la g It. R. b II xs aad W E LEA D There lives upon Warreu avenue west a certain young man who is given rath­ er too ninob to "charging." That is to ....................................... William P. Lord. R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S Bay. lie has formod the habit of going ecretary of S’a te.............H. R. Kincaid. — Between — iuto the shops down town aud buying Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ 'reasiirer............................P h ilip M etelien anything that may pleaae his fancy and upt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. days and Fridays. having the article “ charged” to bia fa­ itate Printer.....................W. 11. Leeds ther. The pater is wealthy and entirely Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ Lttorney General........... C. M. Idleinan. responsible for any debts that hia son If it was only health, we days and Saturdays. ( ............... R. S. Bean might contract, but there was a time might let it cling. But it Is a cough. One cold Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ when he was poor, and he feel« that it no sooner passes off before will do his hoy no good for him to know burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with another comes. But it’s the that ererythiug he cues ho may have, [udge Second District. .J. W. Hamilton same old cough all the time. Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges evtn though the money is at band the ’rosecuting Attorney. .Geo. M. Brown And it’s the same old stop/, reasonable. first of the mouth to pay the bills. too. There is first the cold, Haberdashery in particular has an then the cough, then pneu­ overwhelming fascination for the boy, monia or consumption with the long sickness, cr.d L.’ j tremb­ rud baldly a day passes that he dees C O U N T Y O F F IC E R S - ling in the balance. not muke a purchase of a scarf or a new pair of golf hose or a negligee auirt. g He goes into the shops whero he is * known—and they all know him—and, E. B an g s, Proprietor. . . . .E . O. P o tter. buying what he wants, simply says, ludge........... ......... “ Charge it. ” And forthwith is tbo ar­ Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, Commissioners -J . ..,W . T. Bailey ticle "charged.” The father, too, is .. H. D. Edwards Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. given to purchasing neat ueckwea'r in abuudance, hut he has asked the mer­ Clerk ............................... ............. E. U. Lee Sleeping C ars m.t arriving at Florence the day • chants to keep his and his son’s bills .. W. W. Withers 'Sheriff.............................. following at 10 a. m. separate that be may know exact­ E leg an t ly what he is paying for; hence when Treasurer.................. • , ..A . S. Patterson Returning-stage leaves Flor­ D in in g C ars Willamette St., the hoy buys an article and requests ___D. P. Burton ¡Assessor.......................... that it be "charged" it is entered on T o u r is t ence on Mondays, Wednesdays School Superintendent ,...W . M. Miller the books, "To one necktie, per sou.” Eugene, Sleeping C ars and Fridays at 2 p. iu., arriving Day before yesterday there came in ■Surveyor.......................... .. ..C. M. Collier paterfamilias' mail a statement from a Lane Co., Ore. in Eugene the following day at W jnA .aauw.vn! ST. PAUL Coroner......................... . W. P. Cheshire down town clothier iu which articles iu M IN N E A P O L IS C p. in. loosens the grasp cf your cough. the sum of $80 were charged "per son. ” ¡Justice of P e a c e ............ ...C . H. Holden The congestion cf ¿he throat The boy was in the office when the D U L U T H . . . . E, A. Evans Constable........................ and lungs ¡3 rcmo'.wd; all in­ governor opened the bill. The old man ’» PARCO Single faro - - _ - $5.00 flammation b subdueJ; the eves scanned the amount and bis lips I parts are put perfectly at rest TO CRAND PORK8 puckered into a whistle. He turned to : Round trip - - - - $9.00 and the cough drops away. It A N D 8 H E D ID N 'T . HE STUTTERED. tho youth and said: “ Charley, what do CRO OKSTON C IT Y O F F IC E R S . Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ has no diseased tissues on you think of this? Here some person n t a r s b y A ro u s in g t h e In d ig n a tio n o f th e T h e XA dy W a s D n tn rn s ln a d M o t S n 'F a r « * • which to hang. W I N N IP E C has been buying $30 worth of neckties livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. Bojr*» C a r P nrn. M a n W h o H e a r d H im . H E L E N A nod and having them charged to me. Now “ I shall have to ask yon for • ticket General Merritt has a brother in Illi­ H urd’s oilice in Florence. ........W. H. Weatlierson I’ll lxit I shall put a stop to that. I nois who is one of the best politicians for that boy, ma’am." ’resident. BUTTE shall write a note and have it inserted in the state. For many years he sot in "I guess not. ” O. W. Hurd in every paper in town to theoffect that "H e’s too old to travel free. Ba co- T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls the legislature aud then became distin­ Win. Kyle I shall be responsible for no debts con­ guished for a mind of the humorous cupiee a whole seat, and the ear*« Board of T rustees L. Christensen tracted by this person. But, I guess, TO crowded. There ure people atandlsg M. Morris draws out inflammation of C H IC A C O come to think of it, I’ll wait • mouth bent aud amplitude of Lincoln. A striking trait in Tom Merritt's op-” lungs. aud see if he keeps it up." "That’sa ll rig h t" charaetor is the delight bo tukos in tell- Recorder............... ........John H. Morris W A S H IN G T O N Churley said, "Isn’t it strange?" 4 c f r / c s Frca. Of The “ 1 haven’t any time to argue the iug stories on himself—stories of the ...............J. A. Pond PHILADELPHIA Treasurer ............. llem cnibcr wu have a MndlPAl But, just the same, when he left the Lind that are intended to make a fellow matter, ma'am. You’ll have to pay far ment. I? you have any c«iinj»ia>nt w hat­ office he muttered to himself: “ That ENGLISH LANGUAGE ........G. C. Cumpton N E W Y O R K ever and ««sire the beit inndlvni n nvk e Marshal........... • (base around the corner or to have some that boy." yon can pndtilblY obtain, write tho settles it. Have to cut out that dozen " I’ve never paid for him yet, and doctor freely. You wf.l rw eiv e a very important business to transact BOSTO N AND A LL prompt reply, w ithout r o d . t of striped shirts uow, until I ’ve saved COM PLETE I’m not going to begin to do it now.” At’drei*. DU. J. <’ AYER. < P O I N T 8 E A 8 T mid S O U T H up enough out of tny allowance to pay wheu told on one by a friend. Lowell, M a„. "You've got to begin doing it acme Just to keep his hand in Tom Merritt SE C R E T S O C IE T IE S . for ’em .” —Detroit Froe Pres«. S U C C IE N T For information, time cards, maps and tickets has put in circulation recently the al­ time. If you haven’t had to pnt np any leged facts of a humorous experience at fnrp for him, yon're mighty lucky, at etc., call on or write A U T H O R IT A T IV E H ig h L ights. St. Louis that w ill bear repetition. It else you don't do mneh traveling." I F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. M c M urphey , The man who eings at his work thould be remembered that this eldest Hope Came to Him. "That's all r ig h t” 1« Regular communication on second General Agent. Rooms 2 and I, Shelton Block, "Y on’ll pay for that boy, ma'am, ea brother of the three Merritts stutter« A number of persons were talking ! makes other men swear. 301,865 Vocabulary Terms Men sometimes forgive, bnt women i.upelessly uud extracts droll enjoyment I’ll stop the train aud put him off." nd fourtli Saturdays in each month. EUGENE, OREGON. about coincidences, when a clergyman O. W. H urd , W. M. 347 Editors and Specialists "That ■ ull right You put him off from the embarrassments he thus gave e.u instance in his ow n experience. and Indians like tu aveugo, un injury. A. D. CHARLTON, , G. K notts , Secretary. if you think that's the way to get any­ 533 Readers for Quotations “ When I was a very young man, beforo ' Adam had his faults, but he never causes others in conversation. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Not long ago, upon going to St. Louis thing ont of mo." 1 entered the ministry," said he, “ I met' gave Eve $5 and then borrowed $3 of 5000 Illustrations 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. her. "You ought to know what the rulea on a business trip. Merritt’s sister urg­ with a series of misfortunes umi was Cost over $960,000 P o r tla n d O r. nearly discouraged. One day I wus scat- I Tho engaged girl need not talk mneh. ed him not ou peril of his lifo to return of this road are, madam. How old Is Appendix of 47,468 Entries A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 Her giggles are sufficiently expressive eel on a bench in the park of a foreign from the city without a talking parrot, that boy?" * a meets second and fourth Saturdays "I don’t know. 1 never «aw him ha- city. My head wns sunk upon tny hands i A self made man should not solicit of which she wishoiVto make a pet Aft­ eacli month at 1:30 p. m. and black despair covered mo liko a outside criticism ou tho quality of tbu er having attended to bis own uffairs fore. If you want a ticket for him,' J. I. B utterfield , C om m ander. The full number of words and terms In cloud. 1 had about concluded to strug­ job. ho set alMiut executing the command of you’d better ask that old gentleman Thrift is denying yourself pleasures. bis sister. Finding a notion store where down tho aide. He get on with him. ’’ ......... J. c . FLINT, Proprietor......... different dictionaries for the entire alphabet is gle no longer wheu a slight noise at­ J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. ns follows: S^ obmoxth , 50,000; W orciiestek tracted my attention, and 1 glanced up Stinginess is withholding pleasures several parrots were for sale, ho went —Chicago Tribuue. F lo r e n o e , O r eg o n , from others. iu and looked them over with great care 105,000; WB38TER (international), 125,000; C en ­ to see standing before me aud coiitem-1 Genius requires pntieuco. The people and patience. Finally one clever look­ Ciani B in pluting mo with big, solemn eyes the tury , (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, most beautiful little girl I huveever be­ who have to live with a genius need the ing green bird of amusing agility caught OUR AIM—To furnish tlio 1 e STAN DA Kb, over 300,000; ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays held. •What is your name, my pretty patience. his fauoy, uud be called the proprietor. each month. Members and visiting accommodations Some men admire activity ho much at reasonabe child?' was my natural inquiry. ‘Hope,’ " 8 s-s ay, ” asked Merritt, pointing brethren in good standing are eordtally she answered iu a clear, sweet voico. thut they «it still all their lives watch­ out the parrot of bis preference,“ o-c-c-an .Sample. Pages Free. invited to attend. J. J. A ndkrson , M. W. prices. ing other men work. Then she turned aud rnu away, and tho tli-a-at — oo— p-p-par-r-rot (whistle) IV ji . K yle , Recorder. i Always look at the bright aida of t-t-t-alk?" little earthly form whoso lips had things. The back of a mirror never has I 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets ) brought me a message of comfort disap­ As the lust syllable of the query es­ AGENTS W ANTED. peared forever, but the white spirit of anything interesting to nay.—Chicago caped the Illinois statesman the proprie­ It every Wednesday evening in Lodge her name she bad left in my heart, and Record. tor hud growu lurid undeir the gills. Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. from that day I prospered. My eldest “ Well,” was the furious reply, "if Flu U . Blaele. good standing invited to attend. daughter is called Hope."—Exchange. he couldn't beat you I ’d kill him. "— Hostes« («bowing her album)—This T homas J. B oren , N. G. BRONSON & CO, Tables furnished with all the E. D. C has . H. V andeuburo , Sec. is a picture of my first husband aud bis i Chicago Chrou i ’e. Corkers. Pacific Coast Agents delicacies of the season. Wild second w ife; this is my husband's first At a Londou club there is the most wife aud her second husband; that is Hi«*.:t SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. game, fish and fruit in season. Best unique pair of curtains in existence. my second husband and hi« first wife, This portiere is formed of hundreds of and this myself as his secoud wife. This C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y 933 Market S t. accomodations for the traveling champagne coi ks, tu ken from every known brand of champagne, each of here is the mother of the seooud wife of public. Charges reasonable. T h . C u m m lM T lIle Sn«e. my first husband— tESBYTEPvIAN CHURCH, Florence, which lieors the tin top which adorned Visitor—I beg your pardon. Have “ In the case of getting married," it when the cork was iu its parent bot­ Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- said the Cumminsville sage, "it often tle. The corks are made into strings, you not something a little less modern? ool, 10 o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 occurs that they begin with the dessert, there being 00 o f them to each string. —Fliegcnde Blatter. lock a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of follow it witli a roast aud Hud them­ Between every cork there aro three big Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of Quickn«NM o f th e IBodton if ito llo e t. luary, April, July and October, selves iu the soup at the finish. ’’—Cin­ Chinese heads of turquoise blue. Alto­ srybody is welcome to all tlie services, "You’re tryin to string m e,"said the cinnati Enqnirer. gether there are >4 strings, and at from itor requests Christians to make Tw entv-three western boy incredulously. I2s. to l— Fwhat toime wad ye wish to he Min. Give de goils a chance ter git all knob«. Tbo total effect is distinctly Ha, ha I''—Chicago Tribnne. ATTO RNEYS very kind little girl to bring me these called this morrnan, «orr?— Punch. de engagement rings dey cun.—New pretty. What makes this unique por­ beautiful strawberries I hope you did A W alltln« Stlrh. York World. tiere donbly valuable is the fact tiiat H e W a n te d a C h a n g e . "I declare it ’« just too bad,” wailed not pick them yesterday—Sunday? each cork hears the autograph of a fa­ Mar u . Proprietor Some Dev. A. C. WOODCOCK, Little Girl—No, I picked them this “ Hello, Btubbsy. Your w ife been the young and lovely actress. "They've mous actor or actress ot the present day. Spacer—The office boy seems to have only given me a walking part again.” morning — but they were growing all ngulatin you og'iu?** —Londou btuudard. bad quite a good time ou bis holiday. “ Yep.” "W ell, you’ro such a stick, you nee,” y oaterday.— Nuggeta Liner—What makes yon thiuk so? “ Well, wot are you lookin eo blue replied her bosom iritud. “ I suppose N o th in « P h -lw ln u A b o u t I t . A C autious A < Pine—line as silk. We elected ent» was to the veiy highest grade of pose.’’— Washington fctar. a R. BUTTOLPH. tion cf tba platform upou whioh be Blanco an houorary member last even­ insulated copper wire. ” E. E. BENEDICT, was standing gave way beneath him. Naturally tiiat made it acern differ ing. "_Indianapolis Journal. Ooori F o r F o ilin g . whereby be wae precipitated several ent.—Chicago Post. T O R N E Y - A T - I ^ A -W . Citizen (looking np from tbo paper) feet with such violence as to break h u Bros Wore*. — What do you think of this? A plumb­ neck." The muu’s father waa hahged. B rr A I n tb s B onn. “ Why, be abused me like—lika"— F loren ce. : Oregon. er in this city bus failed. —Chambers' Journal. Employer (iraacibly)—Confound that "Like a pickpocket?” O regon W ife— I don't wonder We had a m o rs n o e , “ Worse than that More like a judge boy I He'« never aronud when be is very mild winter, followed by a hot A S m a ll B o ll. sentencing a pickpocket. "—Cincinnati wanted. summer. F R A N K B. W IL S O N . Mr. Carson, Q. O.. uddrewing a Jury Clerk— I think ft ninst be hereditary BO YffAR«’ Enquirer. ________ "W hat hai tho hot Rummer to do said, “ Geutleuieu, the chargee again't 1XPBBISNC« with him, sir. His lather is a police­ A b E ip ln n a tlo n R ea d y . with it?” • my clients are only mares' nests, whit It man.—New York Truth. "1 presume he had totn k oicu ." — have been traced to their birth and are “ Hannah !” exclaimed the very young t u k ln d . New York Weekly. found to have bad neither origin nor « L O R E N C S .- - - O R E G O N housekeeper, "how iu the world did you happen to ».ring borne black bass when “ False one," «eiri he ae be stalked existence." Mr. Carson ia a member of I told yon to get bloefish?" from her preaenoe. "yon uow look apou tbe English bar, but he atill rewainaeis N n w to H im . "Well, miss,” was the answer, after my face for the last time." Wallace—They say now that moe- Irishman in speech.—Loudon Globa. m m consideration, "I reckens I mus’ "Well, your looks will be improved D c e tu N S What we may expert to see If the quiUes are tho eanse cf malaria. W i l l i n g to O M Ig m hab dis yere 'Diction I hyubd yer resd- by wearing a musk, ’* replied the un­ Ferry— I uever before heard profani- ■ ladies keep ou tipping their iiats for­ in'bout. Isc c lo r blind."— Washing­ kind girl —New York World. An irrepressible poet wrote to on ty called malaria. — Cincinnati En­ .¿2K"n* •""’tn« • •krt'-tl «"«I Jlc ward.—Fiiegende blatter. »u-erl.ln r>nr opinion fro. 's«! editor; quirer ¡n.Mition 1« pn.h.hlr wilenUiW«. Com*;*" u H.ndt>oo» on I .1™ “ " I give yon one more trial.' W ill »«“nr Om. I -M « « ..n r , for • « ’ rln« p.'»"* • <>«•• F.ieeptlnu. N o t Nt ra n g . “ We call our new safe Ha m anti. ” not send me a check for thief* 1‘M.ntt taken throuck Mann * to. thZ .t .t. t.. m .i.sse -rnr h n .ln e - io their •»"J-a nnft«, without chsnre. In lh« “ She was nnder the impression that “ Because it’e so strong, eh?" “ He seems to be rather weak.” The editor replied: i„d nmrty c t t n .l c . IU - m.ln t “ Yea, and it's strength depend« on two beads are better than one." "He is. He draws a peimion for an “ We have tried to c' inn.luHld . t It'tne Hel*rv rt-.lsh« SW»> » , Mr and rxnensm—ri<*«nttr. honaflde. no sv-r» it« lock«. ' — Philadelphia urn ratrnt*. ’ 1'“ , free. iddi»* Evening! “ Aren't they?" injery received daring the war by the years past,.bnt it A h.nitemae,, lllnatratad weoklr. «el.rv. Monthtr il-t. Reference En- “ Not wheu keeping a secret."—Vim. disenarge of a blank cartridge. "—Vias. J»>»n..n of m i , MtmtiOr (o.maL Atlanta “ 1 it we M-lf «d.'n-.—t «t.mded envelope, llrrlert Bulletin. Ci iwonta*. , I. Sold pept M. UWcase. o — Will make..- o S T A C tH L I N E . H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, IN Florence and Heal of Tide. D ry G oods F a n c y G oods F u r n is h in g G oods C lo th in g ORTHERN P a c ific , Ry. EUGENE-FLORENCE Shoes STAGE LINE. W E D EFY C O M P E T IT IO N . RESPECTFULLY J. V. KAUFFMAN. Dr. A yer’s Cherry P ectoral P ia ster THROUGH TICKETS Standard R. Dictionary F3" MORRIS «•» HOTEL, A Head of Tide Hotel, E lk P rairie Hotel. 5ÖHB A ttorney a t Law, ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. . Notary Fublic, Surveyor P atents C opvriokts *«• Stitaflfic Hntrtcaa. notary public . PATENTS •« X S w jS Ä ^ hie."—