Liver Ills T ra u *p la u tJ u g M u acl**- Crippled at Play, The wonders (J sargery will, it seem* never cease. Amoug the most importaut achievements is the trausplautm« or Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti­ muscles. This has k e n successfully pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly doue in the case of a patient who had cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work for half a lifetime been unable to use oue leg on accouut of paralysis occur­ ring in early childhood. The operation , is thus described: “ A six inch lougl- | tudinal incision is made on the inner I side of the thigh, with the middle op­ easily and thoroughly. "NN posite the top of tho patella. The sarto- Ilest a fter dinner pills. rins is dissected out, cut off at its in- , 2s rents. A ll druggists. f r r p a r n l by C. J. Hood g, Co.. Lowell. Mass. sertiuu, brought forward und attached to the muscular fascia just above and a i The only f i l l to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A N ow XI M ix or S te r iliz a tio n . B . * - . ’ Orwat S tr e n g th . little to the inner side of the patella. | One c f the sim plest mid m ost thor­ N a r a l Im p u d en ce . Yes, the strength of grizzly bears is L iv in g In VI«nila. “ The attachment must be made firmly ough m ethod« of sterilizin g w hen it can F'ifty y^ars ago the a llow an ce of L iv in g lie Manila, says Joseph Earle by splitting the fascia and drawing the 1 PVom ut given ui> Mil i __ being able to go on ,|le 1 £j»» of unreliable method, but attended w ith uess pull its ow n 1 ,100 pounds of m eat of tho navy board, or if that proved im ­ snpply our table w ith uu entire dinner bandaged, aud finally a plaster of paris had while playing thia game two year. ago. for four people, and for 5 cents extra he bandage, or a long splint, is applied. | tho danger of fire if a degree of heat is and bone up precipices and perform possible, to express b is opinion. “ Like all young men 1 played ball, hi fact reed an article in my »Ms [ rheumatism alum.1 id i'n tm .l * **• 4 during mv college day. I was quite a ball sufficiently thorough to sterilize them. feats of m uscle that trained ath letes Sir John P h illim ore painted one side Aould decorate the cloth w ith orchids The patient is kept recumbent for two that had been cured by br Ud i “f "« player. I Eail all the qualifications to be a nro- B o ilin g or steam ing is objectionable could not do. 1 have seen grizzly bears of h is old y e llo w frigate black and aud put pens in tho soup. As fi servant, weeks at least, gentle motion is com­ feasioiial player, but msteut’, secured a place Pills for Pale People. because moat th in gs w ould he rendered ®arry,,18 tbe «treusses of pigs that m ust w h ite and nsed the rest o f the black the n ative is satisfactory if you have menced at the end of three weeks, and as a traveling salesman. “ I decided to try the niiu l iiniarnm e w el« bcd 70 Pounds several m iles uselom from tho contact w ith moisture. ’’Two igo while spending a day In a boxen of them, /bey Jive paint in prin tin g on the other side in I Dough o f him . Ho takes bossing well, tho plaster is entirely omitted at the and I bought six more »*“ ,«. j J““* "¡W across a m ountain side to their lair, small junction own in ibis State, some of ua Ind you can punch h is head if things go end of from fivo to six weeks. This op- j K xperim euts have proved thut hot oil is large letters, “ No more p a in t." traveling men ent in the euhurbs to see a strength aud flesh every dav .„.F™ o n e o f the hast sterilizers known, espe­ and 1 huve heard hunters te ll of having The navy board w rote to call h is a t­ wrong. In fact, ho rather expects it oration has been performed several times ' scrub ball game. all Min. U1Uil seen cow s knocked dow n ns if by a tention to the im propriety of his eon- I than otherw ise, and does not put his with great sueeess, the only failures oc- j c ia lly for instrum ents. “ Well, Pi make the story short I got Into One c f our most em in en t surgeons thunderbolt w ith ouo blow o f the loro duct and signed them selves, as th ey did arms akim bo and march out of the house curriug where the muscles were imper- | the game in less than five minute, and wus h as dem onstrated the fact that the moet paw of u hear officially, “ Your affectionate fr ie n d s.” | wheu you m ild ly suggest that tho qual­ feetly attached. This state of things | doing more talking aud running Ilian I had Three sum m ers Mgo I spout tho season for year». from rheumatism." w CuTi “'""I com pleto sterilizin g fo llo w s the dipping To this S!r John replied thnt ho could ity of au ts in the cake w as not up to was entirely remedied, however, in tho j “ 1 became .11 warmed up and had my Thia la to certify that Mi. (J - ilu o f surgical instrum ents in to boilin g In the const m ountains up in Monterey not obliterate the objectionable letters standard. F or ants ure everywhere, and later operations. ’’— New York Ledger, j coat, vest and hat off. Every time I made a o liv e oil. Ono m ay determ ino the tem ­ county, and one moon lig h t uigh t 1 saw unless ho w as given rnoro paint and unless tho leg s of your din in g table and eircuit of the liases I would lay down on the ground and try to cool off. f iu a te iu a la . perature of the oil by a very sim ple a big g rizzly bear in the act of carrying signed h im self in tnru, " Y ou r affec­ look stovo star.d in cups of kerosene, the “ Thia was a dangerous thing to do In my , i n t s w i l l be apt to eat tho dinner be­ process o f dropping bread crum bs into a dead cow hom e to her cub. I had a tionate friend John P h illim ore. ” Guatemala might easily sustain ten heated state, anil the next morning I could ItOlIKKT E. HVLL. J « «... fore you d a tho oil. W heu they turn brown aud position on the m ountain side where I What better proof e o ih ’« [ tim es its present population. The soil is Tho navy board then called h is atten ­ scarcely walk. The physician that was called, ‘‘I or w ages, these boys— and they are rich and easily cultivatt d, and, unlike crisp, tbo oil is hot enough for the sur- could see every m ovem ent o f the bear in tion to the im propriety of tho signature, mid I had rheumatism. 1 win taken hoineou the above facte. These pUbTuaJ uai as a tonic for the blood. “annug geou s use. T h is is m uch moro con- 1 the sparsely tim bered valley below me. to w hich S ir John replied, ack n ow led g­ called boys t ill they die— get some $4 a the other Central American republics, 1 a cot. Tho critter carried tho dead cow in her “ For nine weeks I stayed in my room and - A,,eii*^.re‘ pir,Mt h“ >'h k Mr, kks veu ien t than usin g tho therm om eter, ing tho letter, sta tin g that ho regretted month, and on th is salary m y own serv­ there is plenty of labor. Some parts of for seven of those weeks I wus on my back and all the elements ente neceasary io ™ Hr. *2 w h ic h m ay not a lw a y s bo at hand. Tho fore paw s for at least three m iles, across thut the paint had not been sent and ant paid 10 per cent to tho government, the country are quite thickly populated, ! in the bed. life and richm to it and reatora limimi - I e ll may be heated over a sp irit lamp, jagged, sharp rocks ten feet high, over endin g: “ I um no longer your affection­ supported a w ifo and tw o i . . ' , “ The day I played thnt game I weighed í.er,r«rn,r.e «°»‘»»»«» i» * CO0d,M«ifc¡7 but the othirs are covered with dense j i bought a ll h is ow n food and ran . ,- ! forests and a vurigty of timber, which ’ 148 pounds, and when I commenced to he well E r- , ,p *nk PUI. for Pu. p i i and a few spoonfuls w ill bo sufficient fallen logs, uround tho rocky m ountain ate friend, John P h illim o re ." moligli t sides, w here even a jackass could not [h to bo out again, 1 only weighed lit) Druggiata consider th e« pill, to A T for ste rilizin g the instrum ents used in f l is frigate w as allow ed to retain her ■ iu g cock. I d on ’t know how much ho m ight be easily mude marketable if [ pounds. on the market and they report l a » Mh.* som e of the m ore sim p le ^__ got n foothold, to a narrow trail up tbo original yellow , aud perhaps tho navy stole, but ho need som etim es to call on meuus of transportation were provided. 1 steep m ountain She E xchange. board did righ t thus to punish Sir J o h n ’s mo for an advance, saying that ho need­ But, although Guatemala is much I ed funds to bury som e relative. A t first further advanced than tho rest of Cen- j Got a W hole Lot For N oth lu g. ■ a la « < i (!>• 8*1«. I w as touched a t h is loss, but later on, tral America, her railway system does ! A yon n g lady from tho c ity w as try­ from the beast’s lair 1 laid her low. Tbo man who always wants som e­ w hen ho tried to bury h is m other tw ice not exceed 250 miles; there is no inter- I B e n e f le la l E ffe c t« or C offee. in g her baud as an am ateur salesw om an Tho heifer w eighed ut least 200 pounds, thing for nothing made a discovery last A wom an w riter w ho gave up coffee over, I found it necessary to keep a rec­ lial navigation, aud the wagon roads aro : week in a Diamond street restaurant. A in u plantation store ouo m orning last and the bear w ould huve tipped the ord o f the fa m ily tree in order not to be w eek when nn old colored wom an, gor­ beam at about 450 pounds.— Chicugo recently found thut she w as unable to led in to payin g an advanco on tho cost in a deplorable condition. The mineral ' waiter upset a glass on the marble top­ continue her w ritin g w ith any success j wealth of tho country is supposed to be ped lnnch counter, breaking tho edge of geou sly nrruyed in her Sunday clothes, Inter Ocean until she had resorted again to tho stim ­ of tw o funerals for the sam e person." , large, but it is only slightly developed. J the glass. The waiter carelessly tossed entered tho store aud, pointing to a bot­ ulating beverage W ithout it her m ind G e n e r a l M cD o w e ll. J Tho mines are inaccessible, and, in tho I it under tbo counter aud got another t le o f Germ an cologne on ouo o f the I n s id e o f a M o le c u le . I have never m et uuy one w ho gave wus logy and heavy The Medical T im es absence of modern machinery, which at h ig h e st shelves, asked: T h e N e w Sontli W ales government present cannot bo conveyed to them, I with a smooth edge for the customer he “ W hnt dat?” m e a stronger im pression of honesty and quotes an auth ority on tho subject of was serving, analyst, W illia m M. H am let, delivered J cannot bo worked with profit. sin cerity than Irvin M cD ow ell Ho w as prescribing coffee as n m edicine in cer- “ T h a t’s cologne, nu utlo." j “ What do you do w ith glasses thus the presidential address in the section tbeu in tho priino o f life — -10 or 46 years ta*“ 8,att!‘i o t 8rnnism of an Eloc- establishment of colonies odd tho pro­ d u stin g it for the cufitoiuer's inspection, sold ierly face, a w ater drinker and a l­ trolyte. get rid of them; can't endanger the lip s •ewapaper» in lh « UolMod owptiou of public lauds Ly privato set­ a t the sam e tim o com m enting upon its m ost a vegetarian. A fter the cruel war to our w orking classes and a great h elp i He defined an electrolyte as a body in tlers. But all the accessible area is at of customers by serving them in nicked ' T U K C H K o N IC I.K I im no mua I on U m F m IN« ex cellen cies w ith the v o lu b ility of on w as over 1 m et him one day in some toward the further developm ent, of so ­ I t lead« a ll in ab ility, enterprtM «nd mm foreign c ity — Vienna, I think— and as cial sobriety if coffee were to como into solu tion or state o f fusion, capable of present occupied, aud no foreigner can glasses. But why aro you interested?” I Telecmphlo IUporti tn experienced auctioneer. “ Why, I thought if you would g iv e ' th e lateflt aud mo»t reliable, l u Local N««nu« b ein g instan teou sly decomposed by a I believe, uuntie, ” sho continued, w e w ere conversing ho said, "Strange, greatly increased use and if tiro a b ility expect to prosper in Guatemala unless ho fU lle .i and a p lc le s l end 1U HdltorUla (N a um to ntake it w ell could acquired. A s current o f electricity, and he claim ed has abundant capital which w ill enable mo a few of tho old glasses my w ife •b le a t pen« In the country. that th is is tho finest perfum o over isn ’t it, our euoouuter today?” an exam ple of the difference of effect of that i f the explanation ho offered was him to purchase at high prices planta­ might uso them for jellies." T H E C H R O N IC L E baaaRraya been, and 4van " W h y so, general?” m aiiu fnctared''__ "Give mo your address and I ’ll sond w ill be, the frleo d and champion of the people m 8 h e w as brought to a sudden pause, 1 " H ave you forgotten? T h is is the tea and cofiee upon tbo nerves tho adequate for tho electrolyte it must tions already developed.—Forum. hold good for tho constitution of tho you som e,” volunteered the restuurunt I againat com binations, cliques, corporation«, ot lo r th e old uegress had throw n up both ¿1st of J u ly — the anniversary of Dull w riter notes w hat be believes m any oppn-anlone of an y kin d . I t w ill b« Indmaodail keeper. H I« <>wu C o m p o sitio n . Kuu. Had 1 won thut battle I would sportsm en w ill confirm — thut it is far m atter in the universe, so that the la ev a ry lh lu g n e u tra l In n o th in * bauds in horriflod protest. treatiso on tho electrolyte has a most The man with a longing for articles coffee than tea w hen H um - -------- - I A rocent article iu Le Firam nf Pnrio »Stop righ t darl Yonso dono gib buvo been one of the m ost popular men hotter to drink ------------avw y o u self aw ay. F ust you said cologne, in the U nited States and you would shooting. Tea, if strong or in any qnan- o^ P?Jt!y itiiCJCnti? C beariuK Tbo "icth- is devoted to the American colony in without price went away gleefully, c a l­ f iu v estlKa tW the action of one that city. It says that tho colonv^hus culating mcutully on how much ho had but now you dono let out dat it 's puf- huvo been uuother. I need not say how tity, esp ecially if the ind ividn al bo not “Iways played the important and bril- saved on jelly glasses. Two days later, funie, an 1 don 't w an t it, for puffum e m uch it is »he other way w ith ns now. ” in very robust health, w ill induce a so r ti ^ f " P ° Uw0Uyh °tlC s ? e re“ inded » bi«b degree | lian t role in society chiefly because when he went home from business, ho B u t I do think his countrym en o f nervousness w hich is very prejudicial “J n “ ’ Was bf ° u8 bt nebber holds its s c e n t I w an ted co Under its influence s t ® A” “ *? ,Work of most of «*« Americans were “ Améri­ found 18 barrels in his back yard. H is Jogno."— N ew O rleaus Tiiuca-Dem o- blamed bin, after all When 1 w ent to the United States som e years ago, I ouo is upt to shoot too q u ick ly whereas 8,‘r Isa’,c N cw ton - Ho alluded to somo caines. ’’ "R is certain, ” continues Le w ife said she supposed ho hnd sent them, u rat found him in com m and ut San F rancis­ coffee stea d ies tho lutud and g iv e s o u ie t ° bs®r v a ,,’1U9 o t tho late Professor Clif- Figaro, "that out of ten ‘Américaines’ and she paid tho man $4.75 for deliver­ uerves ” ford, mndnnvri* rimri,1 t,n,,l0O ' y on 20 T' ara ag0’ th is a _ n - residing in Paris there is bnt“ôuo Amer ' ing them. When opened, tho barrels I V a lu a b l« W a r e. c o — m uch changed, uged aud sad, but alm ost prophetical prophetical- lean. A ffa ir a -’hnsi.,,«« ■ t A - A t tho 8avcton calo, in London, n few courteous a,id k in d ly us ever. I told l t h o . r . . i i ^ , rem arking, ------------- Affairs— ’business,’ as they say , were found to contain broken glassware T ta u u th t n ir o O na o f t h e Q u e e r O nes. ly, W e can look forward to the tim e over there— absorbs tho sterner sex in and china of all sorts. None of it could ; yeura ago, a service of old Sevres ware him thut I had in a pluco of honor ut Mr. Q uiller-C oucb te lls th is story In w hen tho structure and m otions in the w a . sold for $5.00°. Tho genuineness homo tho photograph w h ich ho gave me tho United States. In that country tbo bo used not even for jelly glasses. An j or th is aot was proved by certificates is- before lie left m y lodgings the duy he the P all Mull M agazine: “ H icks, g o v ­ iusido of a m olecule w ill be so w ell men have neither tho inclination nor ash hauler charged $2 for taking aw ay HUko a c a cti,n g hen that is going to lav busy in tho woods fo ilin g trees, bo replied in a ' « ¿ o n n h t H° T Walp° 1°’ ^ - e x i l e d These, us w ell as the tableware, are would have it by h is side, ami cu ono tug out for co tho last day or tw o. I cam paigners used to field nnd fight. pblegmutio tone, It is my own cowpo- kuowed y o u ’d como H e’s over hero J u ly 8— T h is forenoon, for more than sitiou. ’ ” q u ito in keeping w ith the national chnr- occasion ho had reason to bo glad that at Honghton, bemoans the existence of now H e ’s been h ollerin g and screech- nn hour, again long strings o f cavalry A lthou gh the Svvreti works are it wus ho near w ch a p e st in the person of He sits at low w ater dow n am ong several regim en ts, very fine men sn a « y . on — ___ out, ‘For am or I e< k of M ilw aukee, "aud in the so loud hik I long and sh rill that tho tho saddle, w their died in her eighty-seventh ye r haring heaven s sake, madam, ask mo no moro conn-,- of m y remurks I looked about for Murtled red men looked upon him for a to know exactly w h at to do at tho righ t blankots in « r o ll behind them , their sa- questiona ’ •’ aume w ater A m ug had been placed be­ m om ent in cousteruation aud then took mom eut. one w om an at least can lay h0” «lank in g at their sides. T his noise anie me, aud how it could have happen it*. i V‘y uever stoPPi«g till Ute claim to a presence of mind w hich m ay. “u<1 m ovem ent and the tramp o f many •'J a t a tem perance convention 1 do uot thick shadow s o f tho forest bill them tvithout undue exaggeration, he consul horses' hoofs tins a curious effect upon ono.— " T h e W ound D resser," by W ult ta o w , hnt It Was a G-er nm g filled w ith from tho man w ho could g i V0 vent to cred phenom enal T h is w om an 's little boy w as a ilin g W hitm an. is not the mndn 3 r' que8tiouing w ater W ell, it w as a warm duy uud such an unearthly scream. Tin Grail’gt Weekly ii the Conitry. w here there is convention fo u l spread They did uot forget th at proloum-d from somo triv ia l c h ild ish com plaint, Sho ItfArrted H im A n yh ow . and the doctor ordered him iom e m ed i­ «mt on a wurm day there are lik ely to c r y , from that tim e tho Scotchm an was A convict at a French penal settle­ Ho hud jnst taken h is d a ily dose known am ong them as " th e great c in e a ’a "T here w ere flics, and ouo had lig h t­ •«reamer of tho imlefacea. "— Exchange. w heu bis m other said, w ith BORIO ez- m ent w h o w as undergoing a life s» n- N i g h t UCh “Uircriug— T o r o n to n i (In c lu d in g pontage) to any pnrt of th« tenco desired to mnrry a fem ale convict, citem eut: urday ed tru stin gly on tho surface o f the wa- State«, C anada a n i Metlco- " I q u ite forgot to shako thnt bottlo such m arriages Iv in g o f com m on occur­ ««r in th at m ug 1 saw him as 1 ltftitl A F am ou s t:n * lisli I t m . T H E W E E K L Y C H R O N IC L E . t*ie brRhM« N ot W o r r l e d l b ^ T ü , , * rence. Tho governor of tho colony offer­ afore g iein ye'L J o h u u ia Gome here.** , Girls wh) Ono o f the oldest and m ost pictur­ it, aud 1 did tho most uaturul aud bn •n d moat com plete W e e k ly Newspaper In H er Father— Well, if nave to stand Joh n n ie obeyed, und. m uch to his as­ ed no objection, but the priest proceed­ w orld, prints reg u la rly 81 columns, or teal™ nmuo th in g I could think of— blew him esque m us in a ll England is the Crab yon are deter- ° n their feet ed to cross exam in e tho prisoner. "D id P M « *, of New», LR eratu ro an>1 General Inform* mined tonishm ent uud disgust, w as subjected off the water. W ell, they ehts re.l for Tree inn m Fordham Here cy clists o ffe r n o o b j’X X t G fhtCr’ ’ Sha11 m ost o f the tlo n ; also a m a^ntfleent A gricultural Depart««» live m inute* And to th is .lay I sttppt««, from all over Britain have congregated to u vigorous abukiug from th e strong you n ot m arry in France?” Ho said, th is ‘rrevo^ b îè “ r e p V S l T i t 7 G time work as SA M PLE C O P IE S S 2 N T FRi*‘ “ Y ea.’’ " A u d your w ifo is dead?" b a rd as any y « » r«u t persuade a Urecn Bay man ami here men fam ous in literary annals arm s of tho parent, at the conclusion of right to let — ■ ‘ “ 18 onlT only day-laborer yet th a t anybody from M ilw aukee can drink like K ip liu g. Haggard and Andrew w h ich ho w as laid dow n w ith tho re­ “ S b o i s .” " H avo yon any docum ents •j j . y0Q *»>ow that I huvo a - to show th a t aho is d«wl?" " N o .” ctded to leave all i„„ . * nave de" Wey do not jfet IX ) Y O U W A N T THE a glass of water, even at a tem perance Lung have "put up ” for an hour or tw o murk ‘- a l a n d choritJh, I * , ? ',is rightly Then I m ust dec lin o to marry yon. "There, m y laddie, th a t'll dae It « lied exercise; couveutiun, w ith ou t flret blow ing off to rest ami qmilf the ale dispensed by shouM be g, y w eel m ixed up non. I ’m You m ust produce somo proof thut your U ^ f f o t p ^ o H h a ^ o X ' o n ’ ï b ^ th e fouiu. confin- th is ancien t hostelry indoor oc­ I «1? i v ’.‘.Ory ,lla ' Robert Uurns ami th in k iu , but c»n stand it as well as them ere ktugs bus fell down the m ain make, doctor? W e e k ly C h r o n ic le f»r O n» Y ’**’« F l r . 1 K e ^ u la lt « . tatablishcl by « a M lg a ( 'o u t r a v t . Frenchman in the Hut " • . hatch, sir ” "O n a Man of War. ” P *«‘a « e p r e p a id o n M .p ond “ N o w ,” said the lawjrer, " I cannot Dr P ellet— It w ill m ake a heap of 8’a‘« of Minas G*. termed w i n ° woman ’• a. "D octor, ■aid u mmi to b it medic&l t a o n i e . * h i c h n i UM r ^ v^ i » ‘ i« n « ly tak e your case unless you tell ue the atlem tiiut. w ho difference to you. If you go to tho gre Ind jub I prvM’ii(«*«1 >< i* « W M d . u n d er. The ? n ,a n w ° n l d r i v e w h o le truth " eery, th e y 'll g iv e yon so m uch that the H . d e V O V N ff» . sm all bill of #6 r ii.llm g s for treatment «m The liu g v st plants in ih o world nre do«u’ll k ill y o u .— Bostmi T ranscript S s ‘han ,h ^ W l « ¿ T U ' r X rh' Fnprlrtar 8. F. ’’ W hat alinll I tell first?" asked the during a rvtTUt illiHSH, “ I b are t Thf» first O *N FMANCIHOO. 0*1. seaweed. Ouo tropical and subtropical * n n o n in Marne wM (W u . c lie n t, peering through the bars. much realty money W ill you take Hus errd at I l o n h a n !■»<•«Il»r t o lh « « ta t« . variety is known w hich, w heu it " W ell, yon m igh t let m e know just out iu trade.’’ ». IB07. 5 * 7 obtain know that «he b o w m uch rnouey y o u 'r e g o t ." __ U o sio u “ So far as I know . ’’ said th e doctor "Oh. yea. cheerfu lly answered tho B aches its fu ll developm ent, is at least p i e r l Rni P r io r i b r ; ri'" r o e /. 600 feet iu len gth Heawveda do uot re .... Th’ 7 ’ » n*»ro.. In answ er to a question, “ the shortest T rareler rtis tor I tbink w e can arrange that, r , * r ce. c h ie f ? . D tin g to D r d v “ A great m any people w ill make for- ceive any nourishm ent trem the sedi- word of four sy llab les is "Ohioan. ‘ ” I p ot Dawsmi Citv " l - cd Kloadiker, " th e ¿ .m W “ rrtnrn- but w hat is your business’" to n es in C u b a ,” said tbo thoughtful w riter in a G erm an periodical incut at tho bottom or bordeni of the “ W ell, ” observed tbe professor, re- I am a curuet p la y e r,” w u ibo ‘o you Now. w h ile 1! was ^ * ‘u. ’“ rMU8« man. M ates th at birds bave I nvìi sivu nt a kcu . hut only tro>n air aud m ineral m at­ m oviug his cigar from his m outh a mo- • ‘« r ilin g reply - L o u d o n Telegraph h e ig h t o f 16.DIM) yard * T h eir distance s'pose s o ,” answ ered Senator Sor­ ters held iu oolurion iu the sea water icen t, “ i t ’s tbe sam e w ay a s regards the ghum . “ But It’ll take som e time f « w a s estim ated by the tim o it took them offices. The O hioan a lw a y s g e ts there Poor I lab j. ’em to g e t e le ctio n s nnd legislator, s to cross ibo incou 's disk. The most offen sive thing yon can say w ith few er letters than anybody else. ” U n sop bG tieatid P a r e n t - H ello there, th in g s ru n n in g regu lar like. W a J ' t** • X uw-au is that he is iguoranta. or — C hicago T nb u u e » » » k »nd « b îic.,. ¿ nit<1r ev' f devised for nur«.. what . the baby y e llin g that w * . Kept perfactly cool." was .h - • in g ten Star. T h o street deeoratiou w h ich takes ill bred You may c a ll turn a fo o l or a for? I can < r»-ttd at all »»ply - D e n v e r Tim«» he 1 ,,w t ploco ao often in HL Petersburg is never thief, or a liar, aud he w ill ouly g n u H ard K e q a lr c m e n t. U e's cu ttiu g h i. teeth, sir A P r o tr a c te d Serie«. com p leted an t freq u en tly uot even I ni H o— I ui about to get a good position ’ U *’ — W e ll see that bedocsu t d o it at you. but every ,vaasu t ctuiatders h im ­ " B in g , th e m an agin g editor of 11» se lf a geullem uu aud desires to m u a under the c it y , uotbiug to do prat ti. gun u n til tne n ig h t preceding tho »^-,1» ai.y more or you lose your place. — H . . . Protean, bus th ou gh t no a n, a£ui~t '’- ’ kn ife lutu any one w h o quewtiouz hiz c a lly but sit still aud look wikz to be celebrated. "• lent L if* n ovelty for h is m a g a z iu o ." lu au u ci* i S h e—Oh, I do hope yon II be able to ’’ W hat is it?" fill the place 1—C incinn ati Enquirer. r,‘ g s ? Kn s i r S " £ “ A tw o vfara* reries o f popen « ’ Pellet. title d ‘ Who F ired th e Last 81x4 of I 1 Ik« War?’ ’’— C leveland P lain Dealer. H o o d I I ’ I s © I I I N IMPRUDENCE ON THE BALL field Em IN MISERY. Exposure Causes the Downfall of Many iM fe The Stoiy of a Man who was Stricken. u OFTHE CHRONICLE 4, TH E D A IL Y Only $ 6 . 7 0 a fa The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 C H R O N IC L E Reversible Map? ••J, New Map o f the World «2 r*»* HI. Seu Id«« of lh« M«***- A ‘‘I