T H E W EST YOUR HOHE PAPER SUPPORT IT . „ „ f ▼ y T-y»— 1 . . -'yr-w . r r- r [ ADVERTISERS 4 ! J SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPIÉ. < OPPORTUNITY j '$ i C * -Ai A. Jfc=S FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Oct. 14, 1898. general directory STATE OFFICERS- TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE S T E A M ER “ M I N K , ” O---- Will make;.--------- o lovernor........................W illiam P. Lord. R E G U L A R D A I L Y ecretary of S 'a te ............. H. IL Kincaid, — Between---- treasurer....... ............... P hilip Metclien lupt. Publie Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. Itate P rinter.........................W. H. Leeds attorney G eneral........... C. M. Idleman. T R IP S Florence aid Head of Tide. u pre me Court f .............. R. S. Benn 1 ............... F. A. Moore ( , . . . C . E. Wolverton lodge Second D istrict. .J . W. Hamilton ■rosecuting A tto rn e y .. .Geo. M. Brown ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. STAGE LINE. * lodge.................................... .E * • . u O. - l Potter. o t' E. Bangs, I . . j ............. W. T. Bai Bailey Joinuussioners X..........II. D. Edwa arils ..........E. U. Lee ;ierk.. W. W . Withers ! IlierilT Elegant treasurer....................... Assessor........................ .. ,D. P. Burton T o u r is t School Superintendent ...W . M. Miller . ...C . M. Collier Coroner.......................... ,W . P. Cheshire j usticc of l’cacc............ .. ,C. II. Holden Proprietor. Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL M IN N E A P O L IS following at 10 a. in. Returning-stage leaves Flor­ ence on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 p. m., arriving in Eugene the following day at G p. in. FA R Q O TO G RAND FORKS CITY OFFICERS. CRO OKSTON W I N N IP E G H E L E N A anil President.................. W. H. Weatberson BUTTE' THROUGH TICKETS J The F u n k & W agnalls TO C H IC A C O Standard Recorder........................ .John H. Morris W A 3 H I N C T O N treasurer ..............................J . A. Pond P h il a d e l p h ia |Mar»bal........................... G. C. Compton i n e w Y o r k BOSTO N AND SECRET SO CIETIES. A F- A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. in> Regular communicfttion on second ENG LISH LANGUAGE ALL COM PLETE P O IN T S E A S T anil S O U T H For information, time cards, maps and tickets ¡«nJ fourth Saturdays in each month. O. W. Hutto, W. M. [ I. G. K sotts , Secretary. R. M Dictionary Of The etc., call on or write I Single fare - - 85.00 Round trip . . - - 89.00 Tickets for sale at F. Bangs’ livery barn, Eugene, and at O. AV. Ilu rd ’s office in Florence. SU C C IE N T Why let your neighbors know it? And why give them • chance to guess you are even five or ten years more? Better give them good reasons for guessing the I other way. It is very easy; for nothing tells of age so | quickly as gray hair. Vigor is • youth-renewer. It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. i It never fails to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the hair from coming out also. I It feeds the hair bulbs, i Thin hair becomes thick hair, and short hair becomes long hair. It cleanses the sea ip; re­ moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which we will gladly send you. I f you do not obtain all the bene- I fit» you expected from the uso of tlie i Vigor, write the doctor about It I Probably there 1» some tlW unltv vr'th your general system which ty be easily removed. Address. Ir. J. C. Ayer. Lowell, Mass. A FEW BULLS. E x a m p le , o f V n c o n a c lo i» flu m o r G a th ered F roiu O ld Ir e la n d . The propensity of tlio Irish people to make “ balls” is undoubtedly a deep rooted national characteristic, and it w ill probably be one of their meutal G, A. IL General Lyons Post, No. 58 attributes to tho end of time, or until meets second and fourth Saturdays the race is radically transformed— a of each month at 1:30 p. in. consummation pot to bo wished for in ­ J. I. B utterfield , Commander. The full number of words and terms in ........J. c. FLINT, Proprietor........ different dictionaries for the entire alphabet is deed. This g ift— for there is really J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. something to be prond of in its posses­ as follows: S^ ormgntii , 50,000; W orchestkr sion— is not, as is commonly supposed F lo r e n c e , O re g o n . 105,000; W ebster (international), 125,000; C e n ­ in England, confined to the lower, or tury , (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: perhaps it would he better to say the 0. U. AV. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, nnedneated, classes. I t is certainly ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays OUR AIM—To furnish the be STANDARD, over 300,000; more widespread among the humbler eieli month. Members and visiting accommodations at reasouabe , T, T. I folks, bat very often amusing examples brethren in good standing are cordially .Sample Pages Free......... of ¡t come tripping from the hasty I invited to attend. J. .1. A nderson , M.W . prices. AV si . K yle , Recorder. _____ tongues, aud even from the leisurely pens, of educated aud well to do people. In a recent annual report of a benev­ I 0. O. F. Ifeceta Lodge No. 111, meets acents w a n te d olent society having its headquarters in 1» every Wednesday evening in Iciai attention given to collections and pro- me see the tooth. coffin can bo intiuded for any livin cr'a- business. Countryman— Oh, 'taiu’t me that’s ture?” got the toothache. I t ’s my wife. Bhe’ll The owner of a valuable horse was be herein a minute.— Everywhere. very indignant w ith his stable boy for E. O POTTER. having allowed the animal, which he D e c e p tlv . A p p e .r a o r « » . had taken out for a morning trot, to ................. A ttorney-at-Lnw .................. "Appearances are so deceptive, un­ take bead. EUGENE, OREGON, less one knows how to interpret them.” "T h e riivil a bit o’ me oould shtop NOTARIES. ______ "How , dear?” him. sir, for I had no spars,” was the ’rrtez At the Court Home. “ I can always tell whcD my husband boy's strange excuse.— Spectator. is going to he near w ith his money On III. Ow n H onk . wbeu I ask him for some by his assum­ E . E . B E N E D IC T , ing a faraway look.’ ’— Cincinnati En "H o w are you, Scroggins? Where q u i r e r . ________________ have yon been for the last year?” A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W "Conducting an agricultural experi­ Sb« R ad B e e . R ead taff D o o l« ,. ment station in tbe country. ” "Oh, well, what’s the nse being a Florence. : : Orczou. "Salary annexed to tbe job?" O r e g o n - hero, anyway?” "N o ” ¡« lo r e n o a , "W h y are you discouraged?” "G e t a commission on rales of the “ I t isn’t oumyown account. I heard FRANK B. WILSON- a woman arrayed in costly garments re­ stuff vou raise?" HOTEL, A Head of Tide Hotel, E. D. BRONSON & CO, P Elk P rairie Hotel. Twentv-three Miles West of Eugene. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney a t Law, ON E U G E N E A N D FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. Money Saved By Patronizing it. Prop. Geo. Hale A. R. BUTTOLPH, Notary Public, Surveyor BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE P atents M»""» Dcarana T rad « ----- COPYRIGHTS A C . •"I'tlns a rtH rh and “ 2 ? r « < -rU ln onr opinion fr » . »fcrtbvr • • « L * '2? '• r ro h .h lr patmteM» fom m M ik»- NOTARY PUBLIC. fer to him as Teddy Rosenfleld yester­ day.” —Cleveland l*ad«r. noRENO E. - - - Not » ftrlenttet. College Professor— Your father in a wealthy furmer, I understand. He con­ ducts his farm on scientific principles. I presume? Student— No; he rnns it to rnako money — New York Weekly. n R E fi;,N PATENTS ^•«nrtlroooSiSm rtiu. H.nUbooXon l'«tMt» P ,/’**- aesoey for w m n ns paleo!..- **b*e Uroarh Mann A eo- r v a C * «ofa-a. Il uirut hont cuarge, retar.«, iu in auv th« —mm, » « h Scientific Anttilan. UhostmlM ww»ly. '•"***'.i* . of . n , a H a n t^ j^ m jL J^rmonUaSL C A. SNOW & CO. "No ” “ How do yon moke it profitable, then?” " I don't make it profitable. It has cost me |2 000 in oath to run i t . " " W h y dou’t you throw up tho job?” "C a u ’t you uudirrtaud, confound you? I'v e tieen doing amateur farm ­ ing. " —Chicago Tribune. TV»« D e a r y P a r t. W».TSD—»SVB»*l.rsr«TWOBTIIV F..EOS« I s thia «late t - m «p«»r " « r Ix iH n rm In th e ir .iwn i , ,1 , e r h r mnnlie«. It I- m .ln ly «Jlee «erb ,««r and e v X " **_ ‘:ee M id la explaining tbe sltnution. "There'« no (Spaniard dares haul down the flag we have put up over tbe Philippinea, so they re goiug to try to ooaviuce ns that we ought to do i t ourselves." —Chicago Poet. an u n r e p o r t e o f ig h t . I t I t B v . r C a m e OB, t h o S p a n ia r d * M a r t H a v e ftufltor«