t h e w e st R ag al w l m th e senatorial v o t e . tb a 1— 4 p a n . G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . w b cilM o n * i a 4 < ^ P U B L IS H E D K VICHY FRIDAY M O B K IN Q - « • p a r a t e U a llu t T a b e a In B o th H o u se « . B y A W k ST COBUESrONOKNT. C o r b e tt L ack « T e n V otes. —F lokexcb , L ane C ounty , O regon .—- B itli houses • • - by • - • W.IL WEATIIERSON Editor and Proprietor. „___T humb : |1.50 a year in advance.----- Entered at the pout-office at Florence, [jine county, Oregon, us second-clans mail matter. &4KIH0 Local notice« 8 cent« per line, each Insertion Or. Oct. 7, 1898. CO TO ^ E U G E N E To Buy Your Winter 0------ o f ------- 0 Take a look at A O Funke’s stock of Sweaters. At Prosper, on the Coquille river, the seines are making catches of from 1000 to 1500 salmon to the haul. The Lillian was beached Monday at high tide to give an opportunity for Supply tightening the propeller which was loose on the shaft. The mall carrier informs us that the first of this week there were three vessels in the Umpqua ready to go to sea with loads of lumber. The first mail from Eugene to arrive here since Monday was brought from head of tide yesterdav. In wns brought in from Eugene by Bangs’ stage. And don't forget that you can get Lost—Monday afternoon between Glenada and Geo Shulls'» place, a the best goods for th e ----- — Indy’s cape—Finder will plence return tiie same to Geo Shultz. LEAST M O NEY J R Cleaves the well known jeweller has been at work in Florence for a lew ►or-' days and will remain about a week yet. He can he found at his old placo in ★ Y O R A N & S O N , ★ Meyer A Kyle’s store. BOOTS AND SH O ES Á The Shoe Dealers, W E S T L .IN G S . G C Cumpton lout a fine cow a few days. 0 W Hurd shipped some of his cream­ ery products on the Long. The Wisdom boys of Point Terrace Lilted two large bears last week. The sides of the new vessel will all be planked up as high ns the deck today. Mrs A Sluilte who has been very sick fora couple of weeks is now on the gain. Hood’s Pills are eary to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, sicK head­ ache. The Glenada school bell is now heard calling the children to their lessons as ol old. Miss Ertella Bean of Mapleton is contemplating a trip to California in the near future. Finesalmon trolling at head of tide. Capt Steear caught five in about an hour last Sunday. The mechanical hall at the slate agricultural college at Corvallis was burned last week. M Xoffsinger and family have moved into the Hadsull house and are now residents of Florence. Paul Bollman a eon of J W Bollman of Elmira died nt Corvallis Sept 29th of pneumonia. He was about 21 years old. Guard: L I. Marsters lias sold the Minnesota Hotel to Al Montgomery of Mohawk, who will continue the busi­ ness. for O for n bridge over Daaiiwuod creek ! George Hale bought n band of calves on Deadwood creek the other day. Martin Olson ol Deadwood lias been buying I eef cattle and driving them Io Eugene. Mr Wilkey, who bought the Joe Wldsmnn place, bus moved on it with his family. PAY WHEN CURED. J U S senator Tuesday. The result show­ ed that iio I mh I v had a majority in either 7 ^ ^ j house. In tiie senate the vole was os In order to reduco my stock of good» 1 follows: The Ablest and Most Successful Corbett............... is between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I have Specialists in the World. George....................................................... .... They guarantee a complete cure at reduced the price of alPgocd« to CCfcT Kennett..................... « Your Own Home, and allow you to • Eakin.................................... 2 ill and a small per cent to cover expense« Mr and Mrs Lucas Wheeler of Eugene pay when cured. H ew itt........................................................ 1 ■ W illiams.................................................... 1 paid a week’s visit to tlu ir ranch on during the sale. Nelson creek. 1 C otton........................................................ ] Granville Lundy of Alpha took bis Total................................................ 30 wife to Eugene for medical treatment The following is the vote of the house. last week. Her health is very pocr. Thousands of promising young men ‘rior to sawing lumber with a straight have their lives and future usefulness Corbett........................., ............................ 23 George.........................................................10 saw, Frank I’otterf of Alpha lias been ' ¡ wrecked l.v INDISCRETION AND Those goods are mostly new, bought W illiams.......................................................4 running a circular wuoJ saw with bis ï 1 PRIVATE DISEASES. Tiie symptoms steam engine. Bennett..................... 18 for the Fall and Winter trade, and will until cured, are portray*! on tiie coun­ Eakin....... .................................................. 3 Seth Simmons, witli his son and 1 tenance and in tiie actions of the vic­ bo sold without reserve. It is tlio largest D u n n e... .................................................. 1 daughter, will remain on the Luke creek tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ E llis............................................................ 1 homestead for the present. ed, other organs become affected, and stock carried for many years thus giv­ Emil Robert's little fruit dryer lias sooner or later there are serious results. ing a great variety to select irom Total.................................................60 run full time this year. When Emil Our New Method Treatment will posi­ This gives Corbett a total of 3« while didn’t run it Mr laimli dried on shares. tively cure these diseases. 40 are required for an election. The MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are Herman Steinhauer spent the most of first joint vote will be taken tomorrow. thousands of you who have committed a month’s time nursing hack to health Both of Lane county senators and offences against tiie laws of your na­ his cow which was found at C C Evan’s ture, and are now paying up for it. Representatives Brattain and McQueen place with a terrible ax-wound in her Those weak, aching backs, l-ossof Sex­ voted for M C George while Represen­ hack. He wants Evans to pay damages ual Power, Failing or Lost V itality, tative Gray voted for Bennett. and the latter refuses. Frequent nnd Painful evacuations of T O E X T E N D .T H E F IS H IN G S E A SO N - The W est has for sale one years' tiie Bladder accompanied by more or tuition in the Holmes Business College less smarting and tiie escape of par­ Senator Reed has introduced a bill of Portland. This is one of the leading ticles of albumen in the urine with into the legislature extending the open business colleges on the coast, having ropy sediment, all point to the decline R a n g in g in clo th from $ 1 .5 0 up. P lu s h ca p ea fro m $ 2 .5 0 upu season for fishing on coast streams and English, Commercial, Shorthand and of your manhood. There are hundreds C otton b la n k e ts at 50c, 65c, 75c, 81.00, and 81.25 p er pair. it will probably be passed at the present Telegraphic departments and we offer who die of this difficulty, ignorant of session. The provisions of the bill are this tuition on casv terms. 'Wool “ from 82.00 to 88.00 per pair; mo«tiy saiem m«uu(«ctura tiie cause. Tiie doctors will guarantee as follows. a perfect cure in all such cases, and C alicoes at 20, 25, and 30 y d s ., for 81.00. N e w e s t s t y le s APPLES W A N TE D . Section 1, That section 2 of an act to healthy restoration of theG enito Urin­ amend sections 3 and 6 of an act entitled ary Organs. C hicago L. I ,, m u slin 5c, Cabot W . 6c, Cabot A . 7c, w it h h a lf an act to protect salmon and other food I will buy all good shipping apples READER- -Are you in trouhloT cen t red u ction b y th e bolt. / fishes in the state of Oregon, and upon offered this fall. Parties having any Have you been treated and never cured 7 all waters whleh the state lias concur­ either write uie or call at Acme. You dare not risk a return of the dis­ I B C ushman . rent jurisdiction, and to repeal sections ease. It may appear when happy in 3489, 3490, 3491, »492, 3493, 3494 , 3495, Inmestio life. Our New Method 3496, 3497, and 8498 of Hill,s annotated NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, laws of Oregon, filed in the office of the consult us confidentially. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices secretary of state February 22, 1893, be Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) September 17, 1898. be amended to read as follows: for our interesting book. “ A Warning that will astonish you. This is an op­ Notice is hereby given that the following- Section 2. It shall not be lawful for named settler has tiled notice of bis intention Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept any person or persons to take or fish for to make final proof in support of ids claim, and strictly private ami confidential. All portunity to procure your winter »up- salmon in the waters of the Nehalem,j that said proof will be made before C. II. Hol­ answers sent plain sealed envolope. plies practically for cost. Remember Tillamook, Nestitcca, Salmon, Siletz, den, U. 8. Commissioner at Luke Precinct, j No C. O. D. business. Yaquina, Alsea, Siuslaw, Umpqua, Coos j Douglas Co., Oregon, on October 29, 1898, viz: tiie place and call. Samuel R. Lowe, on h. e. no. 90-56 for the lot 2 hay, Coquille, Sixes, Elk, Cheteo, Rogue sec G; lot 5 sec. 5; tp. 20 a., r. 11 west and Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. river, Windchuck, or any of their tribut­ se’4. sec.31; tp. 19 a., r. 11 west. aries, from the twentieth day of No­ He names the following witnesses to prove ! W RITE TODAY. vember until the twentieth day of his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: December, or between the fifteenth day 8. B. Colvin, B. F. Wilkes and Darius Vander- Address Remember we carry a general assort­ of April and the first day of June. burg of I«ake Precinct, Ore., and J. L. Furnish of D r- W H S a u n d e r s & Co-. Florence, Oregon. Section 3. In as much as the present ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 69 Sproat St., Detroit, M id i. J. T. B ridors , law is ineffective for the purposes for Register ' Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ j which it was intended, this act shall and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and i take effect from and after its approval by NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the governor. DR. W . E. SAUNDERS & CO. Lost ManhaoQ Ristorai. advbbtisiso baths mads known on A P ­ PLICATION. Florence, lialloled separately Be Cerei) et Help is wanted when the nerves l>e- come weak and the appetite fails. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives help by making the blood rich, pure and nourishing. Get only Hood's. The steamers Arcadia, Alliance, Na­ tional City and Empire and also two schooners, after being bar bound a week at Coos hay, cleared that port and sailed for San Francisco Sunday. The Myrtle Point mail stage was robbed by two men last Sunday and as no registered packages bad Itccn carried for a long time on account of bad roads it is supposed they made a good haul. No arrests have as yet been reported. Roeebnrg Review: Senator A W Reed sent 2000 young rainbow trout to C L Hadley yesterday. They were placed in Deer creek where it is Itclieved they will thrive and furnish abundant sport for local fishermen. A great mining excitment has been aroused at Medford, Oregon over a strike made in the Siskiyou mountains. William Angle ami Jordan Brown nre the discoverers and have taken out 00 pounds of gold dust in about two weeks. Aliout 25 couples attended the dance in the Odd Fellows’ building Saturday evening. Music was furnished by Marion Morris with the violin and Mrs Carnes with the organ. The Lillian made a trip to head of tide and back Saturday afternoon and again Sunday to accommodate those wishing to attend the dance. A One lunch was furnished by John Tanner at bis resturant. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup|>O8ed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, ami by constantly Isiling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven ca­ tarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treat­ ment. Hall’s catarrh cure manufactur­ ed by F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It ¡a taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Bystem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni­ The schooner Long was towed down the river yesterday by the Lillian. Her cargo consisted of butter, cheese, apples and lumber. The Benedict pile driver lias been at work for a few days nbove Rose Hill cannery pulling boom timber from the hillside into the water. An iron railing lias been placed on the roof of the engine bouse and cabin of the Florence reaching from the pilot house to the after part of the cabin. The store of W W Chessman of Springfield was broken into one night last week. About |6 in money, a watch als. Address. and some cutlery were taken. F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. The Eugene mail due at Mapleton Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Saturday evening did not arrive till A party who came np from Marshfield Sunday evening being delayed at Beech­ er, a rock having fallen through a this week is our authority for the fed ow­ ing • The Marshfield and Coquille stage bridge at that place. „ „ d a rn n a w a y a few days ago w id e So far as we have heard Marion Mor­ tis has made the biggest catch for one loading the mail nt Marshfield. A te aiglet on tiie river this season. He running a short distance the horses left delivered 260 salmon at the cannery the road jumping from it down o a Wednesday morning the result of one marsh containing numerous ditches. After shaking things up by making the nights fishing. circle of the marsh several tunes, and Guard: A box of Tallm an’s Imperial jumping over an elevated sidewalk or apples are displayed in Coolidge’s show two they stopped and allowed .hem- window. They were originated and selves to be caught after breaking he raised by Mr Tallman on his Siuslaw wagon all to pieces. There were no farm and are excellent apples. One lives lost but several persons had nar­ curious thing aliout them is that they row escapes. are devoid of seeds. ★ A LARGE A M T iK liN T OF CAPF.S JUST IN ★ DR DRIVER S REPORT- Considerable has lieen said about Sen­ ator I D Driver’s remurk on the floor of the senate the other day, when some member facetiously introduced a resolu­ tion that copies of the session laws of 1897 be furnished for the use of the senate. Rev Mr Driver said they would have to go to hell to get the cession laws of that year. There is a fine bit of repartee connected with the incident, which li a s not heretofore been published. One of Mr Corbett’s sup­ porters approached Rev Driver and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION said they had decided to send him and Senator Reed after the session laws Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon. referred to. Mr Driver retorted, “ That August 29, 1896. it was a wise suggestion, for If any Notice is hereby given that;tl»e following-named settler has filed notice of Ilia intention to make niemlier from your side should be sent, final proof in support of his claim, and that he would never return." BORN. «Mid proof will be made before Joel Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon, on October 15, 1898 viz: Roger M. Allen on h. e. no. 7304 for the w}< aw*4, sec. 28: sec. 29; tp. 18 a., r. 10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Frank Sweet, Wallace Sweet, Charles Ander son and George Allen all of Point Terrace, Oregon. J T B ridors , Register, While we were wishing for news items this week ami after onr foreman had been veiling liimeelf hoarse In call­ ing for copy we opened the single letter that constituted our share of the con­ tents of Wednesday's mall and were gratifieil to find the following which pacified things for a few minutes as it kept the foreman in copy for a time: Born—At Minerva, Oregon, Oct, 3rd, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 1898 to Mr and Mrs L 0 Ackerly a daughter, weight 8>i pounds. All do­ Lend Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. September 7, 1898. ing well. ______ IJ O O D ’S Sarsaparilla is the One ™ True Blood I’urifier, Great N erve Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou­ sands its groat merit Is KNOW^M. t S A L M O N P L E N T IF U L . The run of fish in the river this week beats anything of the kind for a number of years past. Wednesday morning several fisherman came in with over 200 salmon to the boat. When the Mink arrived from head of tide she brought 2100 mote from tiie up river fishermen. This blocked the cannery and it was found necessary to send out word that on account of tiie lame number on hand no fish would be received at the cannery on Thursday except those caught in drift nets. Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler ban filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before C. II. Hol­ den U. 8. Commissioner, at Florence, Oregon on October22, 1898, viz: Lewis Betters on h. e. no. 7357 for the sw*4 se‘4 sec. 28; n’$ ne% and ne*< »iw‘4 , a*e. 33; tp. 17 s.. r. 10 W He names the following witnesses to prove ; his continuous residence upon and cultivation , of Fold land, viz: W. W Neely, A. P. Walker, and T. J. Neely . of Mapleton, Oregon and Andrew Brund of Florence, Oregon. J. T B R ID 3 R S , Register. t reduced. This sale for I I Hail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. WORLD BEATER i J. H. McCLUNG, GDAMPION EVAPORATOR. S cien tific A m erican. None who are engagud in any o f the mechanical 2 2 pursuits can succood without reading and studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with all modern cuts of latest inventions in all Dried Apples, the branches of mechanism, and its fund o f Peaches, Pears, knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ Prunes, Berries, Fish, AND Clams, ventors and mechanics. Sold with T ub AV mt at clubbing rates. » — VEGETABLES. THE EnSM D PnLITA N , This monthly magazine is one o f the very best printed in this country, nnd is sold to all subscribers at rates within the W .1 K TE I>— 8 R V «R A L TR U S T W O R T H Y PRR8OK8 IN thin state to manage our bu«IneM In their own and nearby counties. It is roainlv office work conducted at home Salary straight $'-**» a year and expense*—definite, bonaflde, no more noleee aelarv. Monthly $75. References. En­ close self nd * - — ALL **Ws do not take pozseszion of onr ideas but are posaeiisd by them They master ns and force ns into the arena. Where like gladiators, we must fight for them." finch is the exalted mgtto of the Arena, and the SIZES $ 3 6 to $1Q 5. entire contents of this monthly magazine motto. For is J «.I. are upon a plane and in keeping with its ========== W r ite J C ir c u la r J. H . M O N T E IT H Glenada, Oregon. The Arena’s gallery of eminent thinkers is a group oi interesting men and women, and their thoughts are worthy the consideration of ail people. sold with Tor W on, The Arona is • »