T H E W — rCBLiamcr» evm iy E S T . F riday morning . » OUR ELECTION BALLOTS. WASHINGTON LETTER. Am ong the Ians of t.d s state th at we F ku M O r « Ttiis governm ent does not BKCUhAK CO F.RESPO SD KST. believe should be am ended by the legis — A T— F lobcxcb , ; lature is that relating - • - by • • • W. H. W EATHERSON Editor ti and Florence, in the general form of som e rection of the president, our military event all over the state. The question senate and house of representatives, tim e. Tho com m ission was organised com m issioners, now at H avana, have is, what is it for and what will it do. sh a ll be arranged alph abetically as to by m aking G en G M D odge of Iowa, so informed the Spanish m ilitary com- Tlie Daily Capital Journal at 25c. a surnam es. The effect of th is provision I chairm an, and decided for tho present uiissionerg, and told them that they month will give more and better infor­ 1898. voter nam es of m em bers of th e com m ission are, (Jol J the different candidates of his political T h is week tho people of Florence and party aud it occasionally happens that oth er places along the route to Eugene a voter, instead of casting Ids ballot for have l* e n enjoying the results of a gov­ the candidate for whom he intended, ' A Sexton of III; Gapt E P H owell of j G a; Maj Gen J M W ilson U S A ; Hon votes for the opposing candidate. m ail con For two days no Eugene. doors. T he other m ust govern them selves accordingly. O A D enhy of I n d ; E x-G overnor W ood- bury of V t ; Ex-G overnor B eaver of Pa ; Gen A B M.-Oook of New York and Now it is not th e intention to m ake it Dr P S Conner of Ohio. tract at starvation prices to irresponsible partios. closed The president has difficult to find aad mark th e nam es o f , told the m em bers of the com m ission uuder the candidates for whom it is desired to I that all the power of the governm ent m ail As th e near arrangem ents nearly our vote, Lut rather to m ake all it easy; FOR BUSINESS’ for is to m ake it difficult for the arrived here from to to sit witli heli! find on the official ballot tho OUR MAIL SERVICE. ern m en t contractor lettin g a countenance any delay in the evacuation of Cuba by the Spaniards. This may i GOVERNOR LORO CALLS THE OREGON LEGISLATURE TO MEET he relied iqioii as official. If the Spani- 1 elections and vice president and m em bers of the , gan today, and will be Proprietor. Or. Oct. 7, to AX EXTRA SESSION. to W abh , D C, Sept 26. 189«. SEPT. 26. ardu do not begin to get off the island by P ublic interest is now centered in the tim e it is considered safe to the Governor I-ord has issued a procla­ room 363, in the wsr departm ent, in i health of our soldiers to send them over The law requires that on the official I which daily sessiona of the com m ission there—som ew here lietween the middle mation .wiling an extra session of « « ballots the nam es of ail candidates tor | npjiutoted by P resident M cK inley, to and last of October—they will lie pushed Oregon legislature to meet at Salem. each office, excep t electors of p r e sid e n t! investigate tho conduct of the war he- off by our arm y of occupation. By di­ Sept. 26. Great interest is taken in this O regon ballot used Oregon. L anb C ocntt , intend so should 1« placed at tlieir disposition in mation on this subject than any other paper. LEGISLATIVE NEWS. Besides it will give indejiendeiit comment on important matters the laxly. Senator Kuykendall is chairman of the Address, before Which pays th e buyer, who« Always on th e a le r t for Bargains in everything, Send your orders nt once Hofer Brothers, Editoia, com m ittee on education and a nienilier Salem, Ore. the com m ittees oil m edicine, phar­ m acy and dentistry, and ways of Sergos, Caasimcre, H enriet­ and PERSONALS. the E l Ifadsall went to Coquille river the m eans. Senator Driver is chairman of first of the week. O Dowell and son returned from Port­ ■nail com es by way of E ugeno we are that any change in th e ballot tliat will their efforts to lay hare all the faults m en, lier of the com m ittees on penal land a few days ago. alm ost cut off from com m unication with m ake it easier for the voter to find those there were In th e m anagem ent of the in stitution s and publie lands. Capt E If W Hausen left for San oth er parts of the country nam es w ill he an im provem ent in tl.e I war, in cith er high or low quarters; and S e llin g ’s hill introduced in tho senate j Francisco on the Long, T h is is precisely w hat parties fam iliar ba,,ot- there is a general d isjo sitio n to believe proposes the follow ing as tl.e only j F ronk Alexander is running the band w ith the circum stances h are predicted W e believe that if Hie arrangem ent of that the investigation will be conducted salary or com pensation for state o'- saw at tl.e ship-yard now. w ould happen ever since the new con ­ the ballot were changed so that the without fear or favor, and solely witli fleers: R If Bernhardt returned home Tues tractors took charge of the route Inst nam es of th e candidates of ercli political J the deBlre of gettin g at the truth, and so G overnor................................................. $.5000 day after a short visit to Eugene. J u ly . Tho con-ract for carrying the party for th e various offices were placed ' far us may be possible, to place the to­ Ju stice of suprem e court ( e a c h )... 4000 Mrs E Nicolle was a passenger from m ail betw een Eugeno and M apleton for by them selves with the nam e of th e dividual responsibility for all the un ­ Secretary of sta te ................................. 4000 Eugene on Bang’s stage Monday. four years com m encing Ju ly 1st, 1898 office for w hich ouch lias been nom in at- necessary suffering of our soldiers, To James Furnish and wife are now lit Treasurer................................................. 4000 was let by the governm ent at a very low ed, th at there would he fewer m istakes j place tfie responsibility is as fur as the ing in tlie Roger house in Glenada. State prin ter..........................................35C0 price to a party in K en tucky, l i e in m ade in voting. A R Butto'pli did some surveying on com m ission can go; pu nishm ent m ust A ttorney g en era l................................. 3000 Cox’s island this week for Mr Marsh. turn su b -let tu e contract at a still lower T his chunge would not in any way roine from th e president. Supt public in stru ction ..................... 1800 pries to another party, who we are in interefere w ith tho secrecy of th e vot- J R Cleaves of Marshfield was a pas The country is to las comgrntiilated R eporter, suprem e cou rt................... 1000 senger to Florence on Barrett’s stage formed have neither the necessary ing as the nam es of all the candidates tlint tlie suffering of our soldiers is not Olerk of suprem e court....................... 3000 Tuesday team s to carry the m ail n o r the m eans of all tlie parties could be placed on the to be m ade a partisan political issue in The hill provides that no other com­ Mrs Captain Roliertson and family w ith w hich to buy team s and feed for ballot and each citizen could then mark , , , tl.e present congressional cam paign. A pensation or fees of any kind whatever expect to leave for Whatcom, Wasl th e m . Their attem p t to carry it lias I... ticket and deposit . t i n the l o x w ith h t,le w hile back it looked as though in a week or two. ta m e d ou t aa expected. After carrying the sam e secrecy as characterize, ‘be I that was just w iiat was going to be done. sh all he allow ed. Mrs O W Sutton and children have In tlie house com m ittees Hon F M th e mail for three m onths at th e best Australian system at present. bieu visiting in Florence and on North It would Ire n national m isfortune, be­ Brattain was m ade chairm an of tlie Fork this week. season of th e year, they have withdrawn cause it would have lieen taken by com m ittee oil m ining, and a mem Iter of from the route and given up the SUBSIDIES AND FREE SHIPS IN JAPAN Jas Ellerliy of Marshfield arrived from foreigners to m ean that tlie country, the com m ittee on counties. H on Ivan Portland Tuesday and is helping to calk contract. which excited the adm iration of the M cQueen was appointed on tlie com­ tlie new vessel. A lthough no doubt th e bondsm en A c e r le a n E c o n o u iit : world during tho war with Spain, by its m ittees on internal im provem ent, and Mr and Mrs C Wilson are moving to A s our readers know Japan lias for w ill be held responsible for the failure united and en th u siastic support o i tlie public lands. H on TV F Gray was Dr Thomas’ ranch on Tsiltcoos lako to to perform the contract th at will not sem e tim e lieen building up her m er­ governm ent, w as divided in sentim ent, appointed on th e com m ittee on com- spend the winter. recom pense the people livin g along the chant m arine by the aid of liberal suli- and such a construction by foreigners in e n e , and food and dairy products. The two calkers, that came up from route who are the real stiffurcra from sidies. It is reported th at 3,090,000 Marshfield a couple of weeks ago, re­ m ight have resulted in another war—a yen, or sligh tly moro than one and a failing to receive their m ail. turned home this week. far more serious affair than Hint witli ADDITIONAL LOCALS. T he business of speculating in mail half m illion dollnrs, will he asked for A Shnlte went to Gardiner Tuesday Spain. Those who are m anaging tlie contracts haa grown to he ex ten siv e and the fiscal year 1898-99. T his sum is to Last Saturday M arguerite Hurd and where lie will work repairing tlie dem ocratic congressional cam paign Masonic ball at that place. n o doubt the parties on gaged in it And cover subsidies, not only to tlie E uro­ never did a wiser or more patriotic David K yle each passed one of those it profitable. T heir m ethod oi procedure pean and Am erican lines, hut also lin es Mrs Bundy who has been visiting her tiling than when they decided n ot to yearly m ile stones that mark the jour­ to about as follow s: T hey bid on a to V ladivostock, Shanghai, etc. ney of life. In honor of the occasion daughter Mrs Woodcock expects to use tlie charges and countercharges as to th eir school m ates and friends were leave on Barrett's stage today. H eretofore tlie Japanese have adopted num ber oi routes, m any of which per­ the m anagem ent of the war as cam paign invited to spend tlie afternoon witli haps they know little or nothing about, the Frencli plan of su bsid isin g foreign A party by the name oi Moore arrived issu es. them nt Mr H urd’s handsom e residence. here Wednesday from Eugene on a im partially, aside from th e inform ation contained in and hom e built sh ip s As usual on such occations all had a camping trip. They went to tlie cape Two congressm en were having a warm th e directions to bidders printed by the ' although tlie plan lias resulted in u good tim e. yesterday. postal departm en t. If another bid is convincing failure, w hich is the favorite argum ent over th e war, and especially Coos Bay N ew s: The receipts of milk Mr and M r s \\ ¡Ison of Chicago, who low er than theirs, th ey lose little or stock illustration of those em ployed by over tlie difference in tlie m anagem ent at th e Coos Bay creamery have been after spending a week in our town, went n oth in g. Should the contract be uwnrd- subsidized steam er lines Io defeat pro­ of tlie arm y and th at of tlie n avy, in gradually dim in ish in g during the dry season, and at present about 13,000 ,0 ,lle Y inO*flm HnJ Cuos bay have re­ the reading room of a W ashington hotel. ded to them , they aend out a sm ooth posed subsidies that tend to build up pounds of m ilk is received daily, when lirn<‘‘ 0 l°rence. Ono of them would invariably close a tongaed scam p w ho caret for nothing com peting lin es. in the height of season, it nearly W H Spangli with a load of goods The Japanese now propose to change sentence arraigning pome departm ent of reached the 25,000 mark. The product strived at Florence by the Mink Mon- bu t m oney, in the hope that ho will “ Now, w hy of the cream ery lias not fallen off in day. He was on his way home after find som e body who will agree to do tho the law for encouraging Japanese com ­ the arm y by ask in g: com m ittee on federal relations A t 30c. Send for «ample« aud price« of tas and Suiting«. All Staple «hade« in stock and very low and a In Bluck, Pink, Rod, B lue, N avy Blue and Brw|), prices. Gimps and Silk Trimmings in sets ami by the yard. l w yard FRENCH N ear S ilk s -------- -«m. 38 in ch es values. Tho very latest. wide. Ri,w Send for Samples. Nice assortment of Ladies’ Waists, Waist Belt Buckles, sets, Gaze on our Glass and C hina ware before it goes Belts, Ladies’ Silk Ties aud wash Fabrics L adies’ and Gents’ Foot- too wear, at prices uumerous to mention. which will astonish you. IN F A C T O U R STORE l$| HEADQUARTERS F O R ^ EVER Y T H IN G . Don’t throw away opportunities, •C a ll a n d S e e U s - 0. W . HURD. C A R M A N ’S cou ld n ’t th at have been done as well as proportion to tlie decrease in the milk caring for his bop crop, g 91,..to, , ,, . tlie naval officers did all their w ork?’’ su pp ly, how ever, and over 700 pounds a handsom e profit. T hey do not of butter is the daily output. The hut- a t-ip to the v II " u - ¡ Io," "y from After lie had asked tlie question half-a- . » ‘ ■ 'P to to ev a iley . H is daughter came how m uch the carrier loses or w hat his foreign countries and registered as ter brings 2 6 cents per pound in in with linn tor a two week 8 visit with circum stances may lie provided they Japanese after Oetolier 1st, 1899. At dozen or m ore tim es, he was suprised to Francisco. relatives on Maple creek. them selves can m anage to fill their present sh ip s of iron or steel of a certain lie confronted by a q u iet gentlem an, I t is not everybody who, falling into proprietor of the •■ivuui m inim um d isp lacem en t, flying tlie flag who had been sittin g near, w ho calm ly water pockets. can gri get i q R Mount Mount ------- from .. a boat unexpectedly, , ».nil ... out quick enough to avoid being wet. but ‘lW. , ° rk8 ™ Euieene spent a fow days W hen the con t/acts (or carrying the of Japan, owned by a Japanese or by a said : “ I can answ er your q u estio n .’’ on tidewater last week. IIu put the we hear that John Tanner did that m ail on star routes were let by the gov­ com pany of which all th e partners or Looking at him som ew h at fiercely, the few n igh ts ago. In fact so quickly did 8a* s at Cushman's mill in order while ern m en t last w inter, m ost of them in stockholders are Jkpaneso, are eligib le congressm an said : “ W ell, go ahead ; he scram ble hack into the boat that he nt Ac"16, thia part of the country were awarded for su bsid ies, excep tin g sh ip s th a t are ' tell us w hy naval work was better done seem ed in doubt as to w hether lie had reter Johnson who has been rum to eastern sjiecutatots. They have live years old w lion registered, or anv than arm y w ork?’’ Sim ply because lieen overboard or not though som e of the hand saw in the ship yard left""* jioliticians and persons with social pull the bystanders say that part of the Barrett’s ' »tage stave Monday M o n . l - v for r— ' bis . home at hired som e one livin g along the route to sh ip that ia fifteen years old . tim e b u t one foot was visible above the Marshfield, could not get naval com m issions for He will be employed As Japan has on ly one yard—v iz, at carry the m ail, and in no case of which w ater. j the vessel civilian in com p éten ts; the work in the recently commenced wa have personal know ledge, does the Nagasaki— where largo steam ers have Coast M all: Fred Selietter of Em pire !iortl' Bend- carrier so em ployed receive anything been built, the above m entioned change navy was all done by m en specially c ity, returned fro... San Francisco Thura- MBs K Patterson, who closed a ver educated to do i t , ’’ was th e qu iet rep ly. lik e a fair com pensation for his lalior. looks like a drastic m easure. The “ H um ph ? who are y o u ? ’’ asked the m anager of tlie Oregon Telephone A Inst g « k fofUfoes lav0' rV M“pleton In som e cases they are doing the work E nglish shipbuilders who so fuc have congressm an. “ N ever m ind m y nam e; I ' Telegraph Telegraph Com that he told her home t o F a ig e n e ' q, Com pany pany and and that for less than half what it is actually him th at Ids com pany intended exten d- return about November ' eXpeCt’ ,o w orth. W hat m akes m atters worse is been the ch ief beneAciariee of the am a naval officer,” said the gentlem an. ing th eir line in to C oo, county hut ' charge of the Uk# Japanese m aritim e d evelop m en t assert The co,1F «’8»man said lie had an engage- w |,eth er hy M yrtle Point th e fact that in m ost cases the carriers or by Drain R B "rv’ reP « * n tin g L a n g ley ' are poor men who need all the money that the Japanese cannot build sh ip s. m eiit and started to leave, but before and G ardiner was not definitely settled. doing so lie leaned over and said to the T his w ill give M arshfield tehsphone; . Co’ wl,o|esaie druggist, o f| telephone ¡ 7 th ey can earn to support them selves and But that story is now too old for .. m . . on ” ftI> Franta« "ny naval officer: “ Better lie more careful I com m unication direct witli San Diego fra n ei’< ’°. »as in Florence Tues-1 their fam ilies. influence. T his assertion lias been how you express opin ion s and criticism s lh e ’ out,, a,,d Baker c i,y nn ,lle nort'>-I “I" " '* W \ f or „Gardi"er Wednesday liu t until th e guvernm ent qu its let­ As soon as th e route is settled , m en are , *’ bury z is u a mi successful i — tin g contrarta to speculators and alluw- m ade of nearly every m anufactured p r o of tlie other branch of the service." ready to start on th e lin e. drummer ......... and - while here made .. ia g them to sub-let to who ever they we are selling to E ngland. The Fhoee in hearing joined th e naval frunds and did a good business. "'"'V | J- CHEAP CASH STOKE! merce by adding to the list of vessels caro ineligible for subsidies sh ip s bu ilt in work (or such a price as will leave them • • D rv G oo ds, ★ G r o c e r ie s ★ a n d * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just O p en ed . G oods as Represented, can, tlivee sharks w ill continue to thrive ’ change, however, will lie useful | 0 t | , | g olll,'el'* n *ln*'ing and ono m an said to F vnsv , a in ’ t it? A few Meads ines Foster weeks n n .l on their gains in this way, meit w ill 1» country, as we shall probably sell 4 ,lo t''er: “ W onder how m any arm y found to carry the m ail at a loss to m uch more shipbuilding m aterial to I ro u ,l,,*“, *on » that congressm an secured Tlieodore Roosvelt was colonel of a Tuesday — . w , . m W T exas regim en t, fighting like a son of a w ,lere‘*iey expect to "nwke t T fcf"g8ne th em selves and the people w ill suffer the Japanese than we are sellin g to tlie *°r !,ieo,iip,lte n ls? '’ gun at Santiago, C uba. In a few more l,.0 ,ne- Tl,ey will spend a few d ' E nglish. from an inefficient service. M emliers of the adm inistration regard weeks he m ay be elected governor of .''lsltln8 at bead of tide before procw V , th e sensation al atory th a t there is a plot New Y ork. H ow w e A m ericans do h f o n d / i Tl,By ' » v e many betw een th e G erm an governm ent and float around.—Iforyan A’c . c . departure l.n tT " 18 n " ''0 regret GENERAL NEWS. In a diagram published by Bradatrevt it ia show n that lum ber leads the list as regards value. The value ol lum ber of th e U nited Hlates in 1890 was nearly »600,000,000, followed by flouring and 1 A guinaldo, ThomM F »« v a n l secretary fourth, having with P h ilip p in e insurgent — state K*1” ™!. *or Hie insu rgents to drive tlie ,,l,r ‘>ig C leveland's first adm inistration A m ericans off the island this w inter and at ^ b a m , grist m ill prixfucts and cloth in g, each w ith a product exceed in g »500,000,000. Iron and steel were tlie of Mass, Hept. 28th, in 'bG> year after an illn ess wev't*- Tlie estim ates m ade hv a party of six of U Tim R oskrvro Plaindealer says: man dow n t,,rn ‘ bem over to G erm any, as noth in g w ith products valued at respectively 000. * E ugene IIL a I h likely tliat the _ Spain— it em peror * of — is not Germ any W*11 flnd thill89 “A swallowed tF \iô * if— * P V IA R f J f^ G T IW k ’ O f-Ù ! DREJMVt w Extremely Weak CITATION. I n th e C» u n ty C o u rt o f t h e State o f Oregon. F o r th e C o u n ty o f Lune. In th e m u tte r o f th e estate o f A lfre d M ason Decenwed : c ita tio n . Deficient Blood c . u . o . Lo„ p Y | ° u r. v “ I lost my appetite , nd aboB| on was iced lemonade. My s t r a n . i x * * •11 gone. I •tr*°gto wa. „ W e#k • o o u ld h a rd l» eros. the floor. A t la s t I wM . . . al? ! *m>ld be. Nobody in W ashington be- T lie New >„rk state republican con- h e w , that the en tire P hilipp ine insure- T o Joh n A. M ason a n d s it o th e r p e rs o n . , l c k - ° “e p h y s ic ia n t o ld m - WM roae ia d me my blood •'i L um berm an. vei.tion nom inated Theodore Roosevelt . ,, '»n p p ii.e m surg e ---------- o n c e r n c --------------- t: O re e tln x . ‘ I . vn* urmy voukl ita n d up an ho»r before In re n olor*’t>«>" of tlie y e l- -------------------- = followed canal place tlie cost at less than » 1 0 0 0 - " a* ‘>° “®bt onra by — ’ at penn y and th e doctor m ade him rough foundry and m achine shop products, a > 8 engineers lately returned (ram N ¡car- low i ° urnala- W h ile Aguinaldo m ight valu e of over »100,000,000, w h ile th e ague of th e cost of constructing that 1h‘ io° ' ‘‘,lou* 11 ,0 enU’r • ,K'b a p lot— he ootton and wooteu ind ustries to their taste W. CARM AN n W “' P in » , » r ib a n d " Jinnsbip te le g r a p h y . -4 1 4 ih ill ' ‘-'Wc.nù.w avev’-y, ■ PORTI«®® •Mb fiali and it ia p.olutblc that Minion and other salt water fish would 1* more ab u n d a n t in our stream s were it n 4 for t h e n m le r s k ilie J by Itone. . .«ala and «1 V V* c . The New \o r k dem ocrats have nom i- nateti A If Van Wyck a brother of the sea mayor of New York, aa their ia n l,.d a te j I r governor. W a MVIO — saVRBAI. n tV .T W O B T H Y rK B .O V . IN W llo e s v . th e H o i, g . O. P o tte r. Judge o f th e th i..« ,« ie t.> ,n » n a » s o ur business in t h e i r n w i i C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e « la te o f O regon, to r a n d n earb y c o u n lie » . I t I . m a in ly oM cc w .n k lh e c o u n ty o f L a n e , w it h ,h e »eat of »aid ••» ih I i i .U.»! a l h o m e S a la ry s l n l x h t »».0 a C o u rt a flt x r ,I. th is tS 'i. d a y o f Sept. A I, > „ i r am t e v r e i i w s - d r l l n l t r . b n u a H .tr. no m ore n o l e . . ja la r v M o n th ly »;*. Reference«. Kn ta m •J’" * » lf-« d « tre M e d .la m p e d e n v elo p e, H e rb e rt Aile». k . l i e . . , 1‘ rest., lie p i. M V h icag w i • B. V. Lai, cterk. H o o d ’, S n ' r a a p « ^ FOR sale or exchange . A hrm ra.n,, l0, ¡„ Q)en arrange’’’*'’*’ * h ave m ade lfl.bv 24 (eo, a n . Wre»? the we w ................. ill furnish • in height. 7 ) a ’ ,Ory ‘ nd .................« - ” a good woodshed O regonian w ith th e Wr.rr fo’ n0* "’’ Premises. For fnr„ ,o i - Jol particulars j to any address for th e sum o* *w0 ! inquire nt this office. I lars, payable cash in advanc** •'O H M IS Hood’s Pills - 1 etfra * “ 4 7 -a i.u . £ TO OUR PATRON»- we*