* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * « * ; f i « * J í í * * * * ^ * ^ ^ * \Aw S O D "D R A TKTT^ T rK T T ^ O * * * No Gripe When you take Ilood’s Pills. The big, ohWssh- loned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are uot iu It with Hood's. Easy to take LAr I LI IL TRUE STORY OF THE TAKING OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERACY. T he F ourth M lehl«au Cavalry His Csp- Hood’s Sors—Those W ith th e E s-Fresldeut at th e T im e— Eaa»»oratod Stories o f III» UlAfOiAO. sad easy tu operate. Is true of Hood's I’ills, which are up to date in every respe< L Safe, cerbiln and sure. All druggists. ■‘He. C. I. Itood A L'o., Lowell. Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. !l THE FEARFUL STRUGGLE OF AN EARLY , SETTLER. How One of the Early Farmers in Michigan Over, came a Serious Difficulty— His Life of Hardships. Oar cavalry corps went into camp In aud around Macon, and iu tho early part of May it was learned that Jeffer­ son Davis, president of the Confederate T H E P R E C I6E MAM. I G R E EA H E E S. S. r, states, was fleeing to join neeiug for iur Texas ... ,— G O O O O D D O CR A K K FA FA ST 8T D D IS ISH General Kirby Smith, there to try und BALLADE OF A C ITY BOWER. A d r ie s M to th e M a n n e r o f P a t t in g on n A L is t o f n c ll g h t f a l R ecip es f o r t h e re-establish the Confederacy. Orders H p r ls s -T lm e B r e a k fa s t T a b le . r o a 'n g e S ta m p . If bosky del)« w ilh brown nnd ailver brooks were ut once issued by General Wilson It is your hom e wom an w ith a prac­ “ W hen you put a p ostage stum p on Pipe« nuinberlcHH pcrt-nninlly shrill, ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING MEM for his capture. Tho First \\ isconsiu From Ihe Obttrvtr, FtutMng, itich. For publuluiK iit betim es in uightly books s o envelope," said a precise m an to his tical k n ow led ge o f th o ad van tages o f EVER IN THE SHOW BUSINESS. bongs bieutbing righteous praise of bough cavalry was ordered out on the north Frank Long who lives nsnr Lennon, Mich., I " I look the pills »«cording to di.« hi •on . “y o u sh ould put i t on square a n .’ gen u in ely good liv in g th a t k n ow s the and rill. cr east bauk of the Ocmnlgee river, aud lsoueof the pioneer fanner, of Venice town- and ,eon began to notice an ” 7^« true, in th e upper r ig h th a n d cornet first men I o f th e duy sh ould be a These are fair Bpota, but here God's graclotu Colonel Minty ordered out his old regi­ ship, .Shiawaswe county, und by his uidustry lay condition. Before the lir.t A a Ic u o ra n e e W h o s e D e p th arid B re a d th and as near on possib le to the m argu'i n u tritiou s one. T he break fa sts should w ill. Slid thrift in which iiiuny hardships were en- I could get »bout die bouse, Ih osehiS ment, tho Fourth Michigan cavalry, M o d e I t H ig h ly E n t e r t a in in g —Stetson A Rtone’s throw from the city 's heart and din .h e r'u Z ig f i v M o f the envelope. You p u t it on at th- be w ell cooked, th e d ish es a p p etizin g dured, he now bus oiic of the best fanus iu that great difficulty, but alter U tves me as f a ir - le t me deserve it still— down tho south or west side of the same was entirely cured. ’'"»Mil and good to look at. righ t-h an d corn er for th e eolfvenienc W a s n Sonrce o f F u n O u tsid e o f T h e ­ SSCtion. » t v . My upper window u h e ie the elm looks in. river, with instructions to intercept and He tells an interesting story of when hie ‘‘ Since that time I have felt no , o f the utazn,>ers in th e ] x » t office, a. F or ull w ell-appointed b reak fasts a t r ic a l C irc le s as W e ll as W it h in T h o m . the rheumatic pains. 1 mu conlidwo Tt4* They lovo diirkjhing.s who celebrate tho rook» capture Mr. Duvis aud the party with life wns ill danger during iiis pioneer duys. fru it, c ith er raw o r cooked in som e th a t it m ay be uniform in location h It Dr. Williams’ fin k Pil|„ ¡¡,r ,"T"p.1 1 * Ur says: That build fn woody places mirk and ehilL T hem is a m an born now and then him. Colonel (since General) Minty, th e sta m p s on o th er en velop es and s. wnF. gen era lly begin s th is repast. "About Xoveinber 1, 1894. on starting to saved my life and I try to i,„|„c, J J My neighbor, too, m isled, on sturdy hooks w ell known iu this city, now a railroad get up from the dinner table, I waa taken who are sick to try tlie same rtniedy 7 A pples cooked in thia m anner as a w ith a sort o f hum orous silver spoon in m ore c on ven ien tly and expeditiou s), A painted cage Irnngs from his window sill 4 ^ ' i official iu the west, was one of the finest with a pain in my hack, and found inyself “ I will gladly answer any queoHo. ... b reak fast dish are a w elcom e varia­ his month. U ninterrupted good fortun« stam p ed ; you should stu d y the com for And hears not in it h captive's ev’ry trill ! aud most efficient officers iu the late unable Io move. The pain iucreoaed and ceraing nty aiciucss and wo„de,fu| o f o th e r s ns w ell a s you rself. Yoi tion: For a fam ily o f six take eig h t or as a hum orist sm iles on him through Pleas for the liberty be may not win. Thot-e are free, lusty llu outs with tune that war. His command, with Wilder's, in spread orer lay entire Isidy. 1 wns obliged provided those who write enclose Hums sh ould p u t it os n ear ns |>oaaible to tin ten fine so ft ta rt app les, |>ecl, core, life, and that, too. w ith no seem ing • '•FKAMXl‘ g l , r to lake Io my bed. The physician who waa n‘Ely- . All tho foremost front, opened the battle on immediately summoned proiiounoed my case c o m er , so th a t th e ca n celin g stam i slice und r et to soak for a t h a st three effort o f h is own. H e som ehow acquires My upper w indow s where tho elm looks In. Sworn to before me nt Veuicc Utah ki. 15th day of April, 1888. ' - lhl' tlie noted and bloody Held of Chicka- muscular rheuiunlisui accompanied by lum­ w ill be le ss lik ely to d eface nud so per­ hours in su gar m oistened w ith brandy ■ an early reputation for sa y in g or doing A glist'rin g, turquoise bay It overlooks. bago. He gave me remedies and injected O. B. G oldsmith , J u itin nf th, hap s to obscu re th e address on the en ­ and lem on juice. Drain from th is nud 1 manga. morphine into my arm to rate the pain. My pleasant bower, nnd a gentle bill The cure ol the severest esses of ' velope. A t Abbeyvillo, 70 miles south of Ma­ fry to n d e a r brown in butter, sprinkle funny things, w h ich, ouco gained, n oth­ G ilt w ith w ild musturd blossoms. There are "Ily disease however, gradually lieeame tism by Dr. Williams’ Pink l‘ij|, 'Y o u sh ould p u t I t o n square and trui w ell w ith |x>wdered su g a r und cin n a­ in g can take awuy. A ll the jokes in his con, it was learned thut Davis’ fleeing worse until I thought that death would lie a People lisa oecu.-red all over the l,nt| nooks lino of h is generation, and often somo because th a t is th e m ethodical ano m on; then serve. Beyond them doubtless which a little skill i party had hero crossed the ferry over welcome release from my sullerings. I could its power in ordinary cases i, proportionit'u In ballad making m ust misprize. To thrill proper w a y to do. M any |ierson s or- It is to th e so u tlie m housekeeper o f earlier and later generations, aro j The the Oemulgee and were moving south­ not sleep hut would lie awake all night and greater. Three marvelous vegetable , i world w ith ¡»erfect lays let them begin go directly to the seat of the Ironhle , J rub ray leg. d istu rb ed by th e appeuranec o f a that w e ow e th e cook in g o f h o t breads credited to h im , and nobody cares to Who can. This fhem e befits an humbler q u ill— ward toward Irwinsville, G a,, 80 miles “This continued for about four months. exert a powerful influence in purifviar .«s sta m p p u t on in a careless and slipshod iu all their )>erfectioa. T o m ake w hat dispute tho honor. Collectors of jokes My upper w indow where the elm looks in. I below and 100 m iles south of Macon. Besides my regular nliysiciiin I also con­ enriching the blond by eliminating m anner. And I eon e a sily im agin e that is called pone, upon on e quart o f w h ite aro ready to accept Joe M iller us Joe ! Lieutenant Colouel B. D. Pritchard, iu sulted another doctor but lie gave me no en­ foree»' *U,e"U ,U<1 reilewi“8 bealtl.^vi»| When day is over At the rum bling m ill auch a p ractice m ig h t w ork positive in­ cornm eal |xiur ju s t enough b oilin g wa­ ! command of tho Fourth Michigan cav­ couragement aud said hi. medicine could do A ud slipped the gyves of ofiiee discipline, M iller, but no literary scholar believes me no good. Many diseases long supposed by the s>«JI. ju r y to you. You m ig h t have occasion ter to scald it through. A fter stirrin g Here is an exorcist for ev'ry ill— alry, marched tho regiment rapidly “ I was finally induced through reading cal profession to be incurable, have that he originated a ll the jests in his My upper w ind ow where the elm looks In. t o w rite to a m an on a m a tter o f b u siness it th orou gh ly, le t it stan d u n til cold; t>- potent influence of these Mil. down the river road, aud after a 80 mile mm« accounts in the newspapers regarding cum ified to the —Edward W. Barnard in Lotus. t h a t w as o f im portance to you. You rub in to it a piece o f b u tter u b o u tth e alleged book. A nybody can th in k for .............. ............... remedy is prescribed nrcRcriheí by ride reached Irwiusvillo late iu the the wonderful cures wrought by I)r. Wil­ This universal remedir liams’ Fink Pills forPale People, to try them physicians, recommended nriigmi m ig h t com pose am i w r ite th is letter size o f a sm all e g g and odd a little h im self o f tw o or three sim ila r exam ples 'd by driiggj.tg, night and learned that ho had got In which 1 did aa a last resort. everywhere used by a gruteful publie. in the present h a lf century, and, even w ith fa ith fu l core an ti net forth what volt. THEATRICAL RECEIPTS. Brut tw o eg g s un til lig h t, w ith ­ advance of the Davis party. Early on y o u hud to any w ith com m endable ou t vejo ra tin g , udd them to ’ oc njen), so, it is not lik e ly that John Stetson tho morning of tho 10th of May he C h a rle s R e a d e W o n d e re d W h y T h e y W e re clea rn ess ami precision, and y e t u,wet m ix veil, udd one p in t o f sou r m ilk or ever really said a ll or h a lf the am using So L a rg e I n A m e ric a . , I charged . , into ,, tho camp . . . of „ tho . “ fleeing tt a.l by sla p p in g on a stam p carelessly; but t e l m ilk, beat un til sm ooth . D is­ th in g s th at w ere attributed to him . J Confederacy, ” nnd Mr. m Davis F * R. II. Edmonds, a Journalist o f B a lti­ " E d w in Booth In London” i . the title th e rec ip ien t m ig h t ju d g e y o u by the solve t n c tetiupoouful o f sod a in a T hey w ere good stories, som e o f them , of on article iu The Century by E. H Jo u e d K|rby Sm ith in Texas. Many more, one of the m ost em inent auth or­ o n e slig h t a c t don e n atu rally rather tablcs|K xinful o f b ol’.ing w ater, stir House. Mr House tells of an interest- ! £ L h ^ H tH have been ities cn the conditions of recent prog­ th an by th e stu d ied w ork done w ith a in the m i. tore, turn ¡ n o a greased bak­ and they w ere told o f Stetson, ju st os ling between Booth aud Chari«. rclated about / » P t ™ and different ress in the United States, contrib utes the story o f fiddling w h ile Romo burned ing m eeting between Booth aud Charles purpose. in g |Mm ui.d bake Iu a quick oven for regiments given its credit. Now these to the E ngin eeiing Magazine an in ter­ My sou, d on ’t d o i t ; p u t the stam p on 35 m in u tes. T h is is a fine corn bread w as told o f Nero, not because they w ere Reade nud reports the follow in g conver­ aro tho facts: esting and valuable paper en titled : “ A true, but to show w h at kind o f m an sation relatin g to the appearance of w h ere it belongs, so th a t th e little touch for e ith e r bseak fust or tea. Jefferson Davis wns captured by the Decade of Marvelous Progress," from Booth and Irviug together: o f color w ill grace the envelope and uot Halted e g g s us u d elicacy for th e early Stetson wns. The stories w h ich it w as thought d eface i t ’ “ Is it true that the prices w ill be Fourth M ichigan cavalry iu the early which a few conclusions are extracted: HHXil is unsurpassed In a good hot morning of May 10, 1803, at Irwins’ The United States is now the lead in g proper to fix upon John Stetson were changed?” oven on a ston ew are p la tte r m e lt n A BB R E V IA T IN G T E L E G R A M S. "D oubled, I believe. Irviug says they villo iu southern Georgia. With him m anufacturing country of the world. large lum p o f b u tter. W hen thor­ those w h ich exhibited any bread, com ­ were Mr. John II. Reagan of Texas, his We have far outstripped all other n a­ ■ n v tn g M o o c , t . T h is W n , I . S om e tim e s ough ly soften ed sh ak e it all over the prehensive nnd picturesquo ignorance. m ust be. That is one of the risks 1 postmaster general; Captain Motatocs (cold on es w ill a n ­ tracted w ith Sophocles for the w r itin g ours. The stories w e hear of N ew York ed to Mrs. Davis by the citizens profits sound fabulous. I should say they £ C^“Y’U< <,ur*Dff tho heyday of tho 1900 nearly 81,200,000.000, w h ile a . tb c *“ ¥OyMV. y o u know , and had sw er). T hen a layer o f m eat, then « o f a new play to bo produced by him sm aller percentage of grain, only the fo llo w in g senson. w ere fabulous if I had not seen the re-i u * . l r8il if k ep t w aitin g.—D etroit Free Clarke said 1 should get nothing nt the affair. H istory has shown that he had ing those of all Europe, with w ealth- th at they ut once told the in cid en t to P rincess , but 1 did uot take his ’noth­ none. tow n to carry m y suiter hom e, and P ress creating possibilities in soil, m inerals, friends o f Stetson and them selves, aud in g ’ literally. I (bought 1 m ight count When lie found th a t sh e w asn 't sick he Besides the su it of m en’s clothing tim ber and clim ate unequaled l>v tek l m e that, ju s t ng a lesson , I m ight T H E K N ITTE D W AISTCO AT. am ong them w as Jack H overly, tho upon $1,000’ a m outh at tho very’woret T '’™, b{ ,Mr' Dav'8 h° had on whpl> cap- Europe and practically w ithout lim it fom ons negro m instrel manager. Hav- H ’ tured Mrs- D“ '*«’ large waterproof to their profitable utilization, w ith a “ o .............. P«y lo r the carriage, It coat tnc seven w as right, however. ’ • m a r t r a s h la a F ir s t l a t r o - •r ly did uot laugh w h en ho beard it, .......... ......... ......... dr^ V ’1*' thrown ° vcr ■>*« own flue homogeneous population o f 1)5,000 000 d ollars, and sin ce then I have w ritten " I c a n ’t m ake .............. it o u t," ... said Rcado d a e s a In I t a ly . but sim p ly looked puzzled. Ho thought o u t m y telegram s in full.'' d b “ l a ““• l l l " t » e « t suawi «bawl thrown thrown people unvexed by th e arbitrary regu ­ ms aro are uot uot larger larger than than ours, oura, I “ ' "T" T h e new silk s lately introduced for for a fe w m om ents, aud then a fa in t "Y ou r theaters aud tho prices of tickets are about the Y , bea<1 Hnd »boulders. This shawl lations of half a dozen different gov- cro ch etin g and k n ittin g fash ion able sm ile cam o in to h is face, aud ho said. same, y e t I sto the A delphi or the « t ant* robo ""«> Anally deposited iu the j ernm ents and free from the drain of A DOG ST O R Y . w a isto o a t forcibly recall the sh im ­ Oh, yes, I see; there a in 'tn o s u c h per­ Jam es'p ack ed , w ithou t about one-half “r , , of tl,e war department at Wash- iu ttlv Dff ’ " “ ‘T th e United s t a t “ > Two or T h e i r Klo’tary Stanton, O to tre M grnudinotliera, and m ost lik ely worked T his answ er wns thought good enough heats m y arith m etic. You can’t get „ , One o f the m o st peculiar ineidente by th em selves in faint im itation o f the °, of tho “ Aoopskirt, sunbon- miration of the world. < < ______ Great Britain is no longer the m anu­ a,ld cn - ico wraPP«-" had no real ex­ In the unuala «.f nniniol in stin ct oc­ gorgeou s nrtieies w orn by men du rin g to take back to Stetson, w ho, it w a s us- moro people in to a place than it w ill --------------- m apper nail * «“ 'nee ami snm ed, m ust havo tukeu pains iu the hold. ” lsteuce ami was was started started la in tho tho fertH. fertile facturing center of the world, f„r we curred in R u tlan dshire r ecen tly, the several cen turies. T M n C h r o n ic le llalld ln g i» T he m odern k n it­ m euutium to inform h im se lf of th e h is­ that, too, som etim es," of tbo r*’P°rt»’rs and iu tho ilh „ . thJt ,.takon. , the forem ost position in facta o f w hich, taiya Pcorson'a, are ar. te r w ill probably ahrink from vyin g that line. Its vast iron and steel busi- th. “ but, us I say, you must 2 ,r I1 "“ day- 11131 w “« • lollow a: .Squire X ------ ia one o f the w ith the iMitieut sk ill o f th e w om an o f tory o f art su fflcieu tly to understand i t laughed Booth, •’ —’ • JWM 114 UB t ness is yearly increasing in cost of pro­ f) ont nnt a nil uiu,n» is ---------- beat know n character« in th at part of a form er ogv, but w e m ay depend on “ W hut do y o u th iu k . Stetson?” said his com o and hnd ll about it t for your­ portions moment for Mr. Davis. Ho hnri duction. while ours is d e c re a sin g ? U th e country. A few daya iq-u he miaseil th e h u nd -knitting m uehines und manti- ' friend. "W o havo told Jack H avcrly self. Mr. Reade. Your audiences w ill be tlie right to try to escape in any dis- By Ma'I, Fosloffe Paid, gniso he could use. 7 w hat yon said About M ichael A ngelo, m an d f m<‘Ct ‘ h e W° rId s ^ w i a g dc- tw o o f his beait ap ortlu g dogs, luitl bit, facturera* fram es to revive tlie idea larger than th e h alls can hold, so you not L r r ,r° n. and Steel becaUM oan- aud h e said. ‘Oh, I see; there a in 't no There were m any interesting incidents general supitoaitiou waa th a t they liao und luod uce m arvelous ad ap tation s of cun stu dy tho problem under the best n ot“ tho tiW1‘h tl,iS Capt”r°’ bnt 1 ha'^ j ‘ increase its production to any grea t such person as M ichael A n gelot' ” c o n d itio n s." uoca stolen. R ecently, how ever, he the once guudy craze. H ere « on Stetson looked blank In h is turn fo r u waa Lurpri-oed to ace one o f hia i» t , . 'em p t m e to m y do- thJ J , ,n,0_ “ ow 10 reU te them Of U n nitd i*tePrOdUCeS le“ " N o , u a Y ou tem pt de- exam p le o f a t-bowv w a istco a t lo st in m om ent and then received h is ow n little , nan it did ten years ago. Much of i t s stn ictio u . B ut the com plim ent greatly ™ chlldren of this noted couple Maggio w alk into the liouec, follow ed a m in ­ 171.’ l«y a Mrs. Beale, und described bv I u te later by th e oth er, both w earin g "M alcolm ” us k n itted w ith green silk illu m in ation ns to tho hum or o f tho 1 pleased th e author, w ho liked to hear (g,";w n,p’ niarr>'fl ami is now livin g Kin .¿ S , ' « ■ I» « . thing. "W h y, tho ignorant old fo o l,” | th e appearance o f u tter d estitu tio n . ° . ° U° ° f tbo bo-V8 dl‘,d <«rly. and gold aud silver flow ers ull over it., h e a s id ; " o f oourse bo ough t to have such th in g s said, though he affected a »•30,000,000 a year for foreign Inves’ rgntion revealed the follo w in g . . Inanhood, married and died further enhanced w ith a l o u t 14 yards said. 'There isu ’t any such person r j ' io lty lnditfcreuoo to praise. fact«: W hile o u t sh o o tin g u nelghboi --------------------------- | w ith yellow fever near Memphis since of gohl mid silver thick Ince. T h is M ichael A n g e la ' ” to m e aeroes a broken bank on h is «« S e o l.llu , U n d e r It l n e a l t lr a . to 8 *r l babT " RTOW up Th, Grest st Wtekly ii th# fcmliy. sm art fashion w as probably first in tro ­ T * * Sony nt th« Cr«d|«. T h is story a g siu recalls another w ith 1 A t a church gathering some tim e ago and toauM fni^onU<11‘"i " °'T “ talcntl^ sta te , nnd tw o o f his d o g s sh ow ed tin- duced from Italy, the eou iitry o f gold ? i e,b?e!HoP 'risesh lvh - a sim ilar touch in i t Tho conversation ' a number of deaf m utes were present " ffin n io ’ t W <.*«uuncNn at a hole in the ground. N oth- and silver w euving. ,g W 7 M , l l , t d i " ? n "wert fitti" S S : In fuet, there is onoe turned on a clever passage in W icow u as in g be could <|o w ould induce the dogs during the acy ’ th daueht,'r ‘ho . d .' h""8 "P in the vkv at the South K enxington m useum a J F loren ce’s old play, “ The M ighty R efreshm ents were ' served wuaiug a > Confedor- UH, to leave, the sp ot, nnd he finally se- coot o f Italian origiu b elon gin g to the D ollu r,’’ In w h ich B ardw ell Ploat ex ­ even in g, and iu huudiug a cup of coffee (tnoladtns posts»«: to any part nt th« Unit«» ttsred n spade and began d ig g in g for 17th cen tu ry, und sim ilar to n cartli- to one o f the gu ests a deaf m ute g en tle­ States. Canada and 31 ft.loo poses h is ignoranoe by referring to a t h e cause o f th e trouble. E ig h t feet gau w ith o u t ixx-kete. I t is k n itted hack man w h om he had encountered iu m an happened to sp ill a few drops on THE WEEKLY CHHONICLE, the bdu>lM"eO0fttbirr e ? r d misUk« - webs in her «yes and a b asket on her T his struck Stetson as a good word, 1 docsa t have to look. "—G leveluud Plum » titc a .—Loiulou Quevn. Dealer. head, w h at sh e w an ted f o r a buskrtful. amt he stored it up in his m em ory for lightened Srienre^hai’d?,fencie’ whicb en- and the b lu sh in g bru n ette replied: “tsit- future use. A fow days Inter, w hen lie »"»herhoml from ex" M a r r ie d W o m e a T e a r Kars. A U l< W h s .L O N T H E O T H E R B ID ® - eu tn dollar, h n jaa M osh." To thia the met the actor, he said, " I waa in f r a il » V H e r 'c e ^ P " - The b ig g e st wh«^ | ever built In A m er­ O f a ll the causes now tending to keep *•"<» « 9 a n d O a t t b - Map s ’ *1 t a lg a r y it e salti: “ l u m p in g yim - w atching you last n igh t aud thought ica, ou tsid e o f the F erris w heel w ill the Invalids’ Hotel an'dU«, 'n* PbY"‘c'»ii of Slow. wom en out of m atrim ony one that it W e e k ly « b r o a l r l a f » O na T ’ * r ta in y ! Six d ollars nnd all uiy vtoth es? of nuffalo. N Y ■?h|Su,<'cf l ’"«hnte, 1« in O|ieratioo at Bergen bra. h, a new you d id n 't p la y th .it part q u ite os po- very effective i t the discrim ination postag e p re p a id on M a p ood F a p * Mo. by g in g e rsn a p ! I’ll give you 88.50, •eription ” inibo‘ s Tb» wonderful ’’ Pre. dou tic aa you usually d«x " •em With natural 1? ,e? t,re "ervnus sv s toy w ateh and overcoat.** It ia untieeea- resort now being past in order on Som etim es Mr S te tso n ’s expressions against married wom en teachers in the AODRBas t t ‘ hd X & ; gives It w ill be public schoola Malden, Mass., it the • •F y to sta te th a t th e o ffer w as oecrpteit, Jam aica buy, n ext season. •m o u u t.d to epigram s. It w ill be re­ b ~ l » young . M. B . 200 feet high, w ill l>e b u ilt e n tir e ly of latest to declare that the m arriage of a nally concerned in ¿ S ! e PHranisni jpe- ■ a P. cteoawa a s s i i th e d u sk y m aiden asked for the membered that w hen G ilbert and S u lli- steel, and w ill be m uch lig h te r than publio school teacher sh all be regarded FRAgCDOAX CAI» « la m s w a s fo u r b its. vau » "T he G ondoliers" w as Crst done th e Pittsl>urgh engineer's world'» fair iu th ise o u u trr a t th e N ew Park theater, aa a resignation of her offlew Mark the The wonder. From the w heel tou rists w h o gA m Od‘ WsslaU a Big Uss. >ain. T he depth a t w h ich som e of the H* now tin. liero ld Square, it w as a dread­ pronoun " h e r ." N o such discriuiiuatiou . Frantude Walton. o?""À'lvo,K Cas»II(?o of Mr, ***• °" v Hopa. Btan coal m in esa re worked is souictnoi Tha an n u al report o f B idd eford's city take in Bergen beach next sum m er can ful failure. It w as clearly and obvious­ is m ade agniu st man. — W um aa ’s Tnb- Ï Æ in “*• « S s o 7 ¿ 2 Çnr*'s on the boyl" cried tk» 1. m issio n a r y , ju st m oda pu blic, »h ow . eom m am l an unrivaled view o f the ly so to anybody w h o saw any roustd- I prodigious. In a p it a t Flvun the wo* ocean . Coney Uland and near by re­ la in. " H e ¿tamia b e t ^ Z ‘ T 7 Is now dcue at «, 700 fee», iu a P** ’ aum a qu eer aide» o f hu m an n atu re, a» erablo part iff ik even , f he w ere ordi- Hr» Walton / Î L o f my child ■' write« U“ d • T he region between »lie first and sec­ splendid inheritance. " sorts and the w hole o f B rooklyn._L’hi- narily a bad judge iff .u c h thing», and Frenieriu at 8,800 feet aud in the S' w e ll aa m any p itifu l o a ses o f »utterin g • s < u C h r o n ic le . "Too badi Too badi" r e t . ond cataracts of the N ile is the h o tter Andre p it at M outigny-snr-Sam bre« y o r in sta n ce , on e w om an , w h o hnd tw o Stetson w as uot a had judgu He hod se­ eistant viilaiu " I ,J T tDrnr'd tb e8» on the globe. It Dever rains there, au. --------- -- , , u * « P P O « you w ouldu’, 1.000 f e e t ______ - — o r th r e e sm a ll B illies, a sk ed th e m is­ cured the rights to the opera for NeR "•t t u g th e natives do not believe foreigner» want k>**_ England, and he had puid a good deal iff sio n a r y to g e t her o n e o f th o se n ice fa m i­ "De m ine?" he im plored. w h o te ll them that w ater can descend Oh, it w ouldn't In one conutry d in r ic t of German money for them. He w ent to the N ew ly B ibieo. w o r th a b o u t 814. One fam ih “ N o," sh e an sn cred. from the sky. "PAy w ed d in gs" w ere in vogue «m* Park on tin- fir»» nigh t to are and best w h o ap p lied for aid w e re fou n d b r e a k ­ I w on t take no for au answ er, be recently, each g u e st p ayin g for bis el w hal his property looked and soainled n u c i r ____ _ _ _ 1 ft w ro.'D «y.«t Dr Pi " IT en cn p . f a s tin g on frieaaseed rab b it, breml and sh rieked. tertainraent aa m uch aa he w ocld s The Roman honses and palaces xver» lik e A fter the first act he strivle out Into b u tter, m in ce p ie. and tea. w h en the "N it. thro," sh e responded. « .« r e ta . to im pcrfoctly ligh ted that in m any liy . • nu and the receipts being p i * ' 1 f *1 ' the lobby and wunebixly heard him m ut m isaionn ry su rp rised M em b> the, aa- A nd he took kia hat so d sadly w ent him rem ains.'' , ••'•••ug rid of remains, to set np ika h a j ; y pair in t h .i i ““ 0 • t e : " 'GoodaUerur ’Gondolier»?' H iu' lu g rooms tbo inm atvs w ere forced to v illain "Y ou averted , he asocete«! evil. —B oston Courier. home. depood oa lam p» by day as w 11 os by G ra s dollar» I'’— N e w York T ribona r '" » take a honre •r e lie , read. —Chicago P ost Q uotation, air, ia a good thing. Tbei ia a com m u nity of m ind in i t Cla**''1 b rt quotation ia th p iu olo o f literary px < •11 OTer the w orld. — Johnson. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pills STORIES OF STETSON. ui CHRONICLE i T H E D A IL Y Only $ 6 . 7 0 a year. The O y Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 C H R O N IC L E Reversible Map? M ap o f t h e W orld 040 vi Ho.