’H E W E ST R ayai aafcaa tha loatf para, « B a l a t a » and dállela««. ALPHA CLIPPINGS- B y E ven C haxuk . ^UBLISllSD bvkhv fuiday mob . m nq - SPECIAL SESSION. Bs Cured at Home. Alpha, Sept, 25ili, 1898. rpjjg House Organized the Mr J C Farmer made a business trip „F lohkscb , L ank C ounty , Omtaos.— F irst Hay. to Hale this week. . - - BY - • - Rev 1 G Knotts delivered a sermon at | In order to reduce nay Block of goods Alpha Sunday morning at 10:30 also H lu m n P r e s id e n t o f th e S e n a te . L a n e one at Deadwood at 2 o ’clock. C o u n ty f le la C h ie f C le r k * o f The Ablest and Moat Successful between now and Jan. 1st, 1899, I havo Editor and Proprietor. B o th H o u s e s. Specinliats in the World. It is possible that we will get a bridge reduced tlie price of all'gocds |to CCfeT They guarantee a complete cure at at Deadwood I his fall, and County Com­ -T humb : $1.50 u year in advance.----- missioner Bailey will he in soon to The house met Sept. 26 at 10 a in and Your Own Home, and allow you to and a small per cent to ¡cover expenses look after the same. pay when cured. elected temporary o'fi airs as follows: Entered at the i«»it-office at Florence, during the sale. Mr and Mrs G Steinhnuer were made Myers speaker and J E Snyder of U n e county, Oregon, a« secoud-ctois happy by the birth of a fine l>oy, No 4. Yamhill chief clerk. on last Tuesday morning at 1 o ’clock, Adjourned until 1.30 p in. Absolutely Pur» all parties doing well. SSNATB. ON A P- anVBBTlSlN O RATES MADE KNOWN Mr Swanson and wife who went to * PLICATION, Thousands of promising young men Called to order at 10:15 by 8 L Moor­ bocal notices 8 cents per h u e , each Insertion Eugene for supplies last week were, on head, ex-chief ( lerk. have their lives and future usefulness «OTM ormo rower» co,, wfw yew». account of rainy weather, compelled to wrecked hv INDISCRETION AND Temporary officer« elected: These goods are mostly new, bought Florence, Or. Eept. 30, 1898. A new line of prints just arrived at leave their load at Greenleaf and return President—Joseph Simon of M ult­ PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms for the Fall and Winter trado, and will | home horse back. Meyer A Kyle's. until cured, arc portrayed on the coun nomah. tenant» and in the actions of tlie vic­ Chief Clerk—S L Moorhead of Lane. Fred Peil, formerly of Alpha, has sold Glenada school opens next week with he Bold without reserve. It is the largest a tim. If neglected or iinpro|»erly treat Assistant chief clerk—F J Yates of his mulay saw mill which was located Janies Furnish in charge. CO TO . stock carried for many years thus giv- $ ed, other organs liecoino affected, and The Mink took some work oxen up on Upper Deadwood to Phelps Bros, of Benton. Calendar clerk—Frank Middleton of sooner or later there are serious results Hermann for $260. We hear they will ing a great variety to select irom Duncan Slough for S Waite a few days a Our New Method Treatment will poei purchase an engine and erect a mill at Multnomah. ago. Reading clerk—J D Lee of Portland. tively cure these diseases. or near Hermann. About 25 persons attended the meet­ To Buy Your W inter Supply MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are Mailing clerk—11 II Humphrey of Lcn Tultor who is at Waitsburg w rites ing of tlie Seaton dancing club Saturday thousands of you who have committed Portland. that it is the roughest, hilly country he ♦ * * * • evening. 0------o f ------- 0 * •• ■ Sergeant-at-arms—J E Purdoni of offences against the law’s of your na­ ever seen to be fanned, but produces « « Judge Hamilton will go to Lake large crops of wheat and takes six horses Josephine. ture, and are now paving up for it county as soon ns he returns from Coos to draw a seperator. He will leave for Doorkeeper—IV W Smith of Clack Those weak, aching hacks, Loss of Sex county Bays the Roseburg Review, ual Power, Failing or Lost V itality, auias. the Big Bend country soon. Frequent and Painful evacuations of about Oct, 17th, to hold court for Judge IN THK AFTKHSOON. Miss Elba Mock will teach the re­ Benson. the Bladder accompanied by more or The lower branch of the legislature mainder of our school year when she At Coos Bay Matt Anderson was will enter 8Hleni university lor the effected a permanent organisation with less smarting and the escape of pi r tid es of albumen in the urine with R a n g in g in clo th from $ 1. BO up. P lu s h capes^from $ 8 .6 0 up. arrested for fishing Saturday night. He following year. We wish her much the following officers: ropy sediment, all point to the decline Speaker— E V Carter of Jackson. \nd don’t forget that you cau get pleaded guilty and a fine of <50 was success as she is a self educated young of your manhood. There are hundreds C otton b la n k e ts at 50c, 65c, 75c, »1.00, and »1.25 p er pair. imposed. Being unable to pay it lie lady and a successful teacher. Chief Clerk—A C Jennings of Lane. who die of this difficulty, ignorant of was taken to jail. tlio best goods for th e---- ~~ Assistant clerk— A V It Snyder of W o o l “ from »2.00 to »8.00 per pair; mostly Salem m an ufactu re We wish to get the opinion of the the cause. The doctors will guarantee Parties wanting fresh pork by the people as to whether a law would he a Yamhill. a perfect euro in all such cases, and C alicoes at 20, 25, and 30 y d s ., for »1,00. N e w e s t s t y le s L E A S T M O N E Y whole hog oi in smaller quantities can good one that prohibited constructing Reading clerk—Frank Motter ol healthy restoration of theG enito Urin­ obtain it by notifying 0 W Hurd on or any road on a grade of more than 10 or Multnomah. C hicago L. L . m u slin 6c, Cabot W . Go, Cabot A . 7c, w it h h a lf ary Organs. before Oct 4th. Prices made kuown on 12 inches to the rod. Think you could Sergeant-at-arms—A E Griffin, READER—Are yon in trouble? cen t red u ction b y th e bolt. application. LANK AHEAD. haul a ton then just as easy as 500 1be Have you been treated and never cured 7 * YO R A N & SON, le s s than 100 students were enrolled now. Lane county gets the two l>est paying You dare not risk a return of the dis­ at tlie state university the first week of If there was a road, at a raise of 10 or offices in the legislature—the chief clerk­ ease. It may appear when happy in The Shoe Dealers. the present term. Tlie Guard says that 12 inches, constructed over Nelson and ships—A C Jennings, of Eugene, of the domestic life. Our New Method President Chapman is the cause of the Ohiekahoininy mountains the people of house, and S L Moorhead of Junction, Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, small attendance. W E 8 T L IN G S . consult us confidentially. Lake and Deadwood creeks would eave the senate. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices The Salem correspondent of the Eu­ W RITE (endosing stamps for reply) The Benedict pile driver began driv­ 30 miles and one day on each trip. One * $ that will astonish you. This is an op- for our interesting book. “ A Warning ing piles Wednesday on which to con­ party has made 600 miles hauling sup­ gene Guard says: Mapleton school closes today. The senatorial fight entered Into the Voice." Sent free. AU letters kept plies. We believe if the people of struct the ways for launching the new Lillian runs free to the dance Saturday -j) portuuity to procure your winter sup- vessel. E A Evans has charge of the Chickahomlny will build n road of not contest over the house organisation with strictly private and confidential. All The creamery closes tomorrow, for the diiver w ith S J Seymour as engineer. over a 12 inch raise to the rod over that the result that Maxwell, who was rec $ plies practically for cost. Remember answers sent plain sealed envolope. eaaon. At Eugene laat week Jim Gin a Chi­ mountain, the people of Lake and Dead­ ogniaed as tlie candidate of the faction No O. O. D. business. the place and call. When you want a good Apple parer go naman was arrested on a charge of wood creeks would complete one over that is attempting to land Millionaire | o A O Fitnke’s. furnishing liquor to a Warm Springs Nelson mountain, making the distance Corbitt in the United States senate, Consultation by Mail Absolutely Freo. Sattines of all shades found only at Indian. When taken before U S Com­ to Eugene, where nearly all supplies are was defeated by Carter representing the W RITE TODAY. missioner Walton he pleaded guilty and purchased,80 miles less travel each trip anti-Corbet faction. Meyer A Kyle. The Long was towed to Acme yester- was held to appear before tlie U 8 grand and a much lietter road. NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT. Address Remember we carry a general assort­ DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. Jay afternoon. jury Dr- W H Saunders & Co, Mrs Robertson was laid np the first of Next Tuesday ¡8 tlie (¡me set by law By order of the Board of Trustees of ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich for the legislature to take the first bal­ ;h> week with a sprained ankle. By local applications, as they cannot the Town of Florence, lam e county, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ The store of Wade Malone nt Alsea lot for U 8 senator. The correspondent reach the diseased portion of the ear. Oregon, notice Is hereby given that it of the Eugene Guard says that the situa­ There is only one way to cure deafness, is proposed to improve Main street in was burned last week. Loss $2000. and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and tion is changingand while It looked a few and that is by constitutional remedies. tlie original Town of Florence by build­ The Long brought in quite a supply days ago as if Corbett would he elected Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ ing a sidewalk on North side of said Notions all reduced. This sale fo? of barrels for some of our fishermen. on the first ballot the appearances now dition of the mucous lining of the street from the Intersection of Main CASH only. Last Saturday the Mink took some are that it is very doubtful of his being Eustachian Tube. When this tul-e gets street with Washington street, to the cattle to head of tide for W Nichols. inflamed you have a rumbling sound or West side of Jeherson street. elected at all. Hood’s pills are the favorite family Dated this 20th day of September 1898. The engine w hich has been used all imperfect hearing, and when it is en ­ cathartic. Easy to take, easy to operate. summer at the ship-yard was taken tirely closed deafness is the result, and J ohn 11 M orbis , Recorder. John Tanner hns been taking a rest away a few days sgo by the owner, Mr unless the inflammation can be taken the past few days on account of a lame Benedict, to work on the pile driver. out and this tube restored to its normal The engine of the Siuslaw River Lumber condition, hearing will be destroyed notioe for publication knee. The Florence was beached Wednesday Co.’s pile driver was brought to the yard forever ; nine eases out of ten are caused Land OIBce at Roseburg, Oregon, for the purpose of putting the rudder in the same day and will be used till the by catarrh, which is nothing but an in­ September 17,1H9S. flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. vessel is finished. N otice is hereby given thnt the follow ing- position. IVe w ill give one hundred dollars for named settler has died notice of tils Intention While getting out of a boat at Maple Rev If If Buckner lias been appointed any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) lo make final proof In support of tits cla im , and pastor of tlie M E chuich at Gardiner ton wharf Saturday evening Miss May that M id proof w ill be made before C. II . H o l­ Stihbens was to unfortunate as to drop that cannot be cured by H all’s Catarrh den, U. 8. Commissioner at Lake Precinct, for another year. Cure. Send for circular, free. Douglas Co., Oregon, on October 2», 1K98, vis: Quite a party of Cottage Grove people her gold watch into the river. The F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. Samuel K. Lowe, on h. c. no. 9056 for the lot 2 water is about 18 feet deep where it have been spending a few days at I lor- sec. 6; lo t 5 see. 5; tp. 20 a.. r. 11 west and e S Rold by all druggists, 76c. sunk. Burt Benedict made several s e 'i, scc.31; tp. 1» a., r. It west. ence and head of tide. • Hall’s Family Pills are the best. visits to the bottom of the river Tuesday lie names the follow ing witnesses to prove A large stock of new goods including morning in Bearcli of tlie watcli but hl« eoiitlniiona residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n Dress Goode, Fancy Goods, Hats, etc owing to the shadow from the wharf and apples wanted . of said laud, v ii: just arrived on the Ixmg at O W Hurd's. river bank,making it too dark to see, lie H. B. C olvin, B. F. W ilkes and D arius Vander- burg of Lake Precinct, Ore., and J. L. Furnish of The Mink took Frank Makemsen’s I will hoy all good shipping apples Florence, Oregon. could not find it. team and goods up the river Monday. J. T . Bareoaa, offered this fall. Parties having any PER8ONALS. He is moving Iron» the Umpqua to the Register either write me or call a* Acme. I B C ushman . vicinity of Alina on theSiuslaw . Mono who are engagud in any of the mechanical J C Phelps and family are now reeid- NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. The victory rests with America s A TOWER CLOCK. pursuits can succeed without reading and Greatest Medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, ing in Glenada. lured Office at Rnaelmrs. Oregon. Mrs W L Phelps of Hermann was in when it battles against any disease Bcptemtiar 17, lass. studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences Register: The county court now lias caused or promoted by impure or im­ Florence Saturday. N otice 1» hereby given th a t the tulli.w lng under consideration the matter of plac­ named «ettler baa (lied notice of Id« intent ton J L Taylor of Hermann made ua a and mechanical Arte. It is illustrated with poverished blood. ing a clock in tlie tower of tlie new court to make (Inal proof h l support of h it c la im »ml Remember the dance in the OJd Fel­ pleasant call Monday. th a t M id proof w ill be made before C. II . H o l­ all modern cute o f latest inventions in all house. Tlie tower has lieen constructed low's building Saturday evening. The Jason Neely and family are borne den U. 8. Commissioner at Florence. Oregon, witli a view 10 having a clock placed on Novem ber 5, 1SSS, via: Noah P. Kolilnaon steamer Lillian will carry those attend­ again from picking hops. Dried Applet, the branches of mechanism, and its fund of therein. Tlie intention is to get a Setli on h. e. no. S262 for the ne'i n e Q , ne'X aeQ, ing ths dance free, leaving Mapleton at Louis Robertson and Maurice I.iven- Thomas clock, with plate glsss dials. asc. 1«; »M n w j< aec. »7; tp. is .. . r. 11 west. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ Peaches, Pear», 3:30 Saturday afternoon and returning ■on came up from Gardiner yesterday H e names Hie follow ing witnesses to prove The dials will I* illuminated, to the bis continuous residence upon and c u ltiva tio n Sunday morning. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T ub Frank Harris arrived Saturday for a time can tie determined at a long dis­ Prunes, Berries, A suit lias been commenced in Dane short visit to his ranch on Maple creek. tance at any time of night. Tlie clock of. said land, v li: Samuel Seymour, Jobs H ew ett, Frank Sweet W rst at clubbing rates. Fish, Clams, county circuit court by G G M arner Judge Bean returns to Salem to­ it is proposed to purchase will cost atN.nl and Fred H ew ett a ll of Acme, Oregon. J. T . B are n ts , against the mayor and councilmen of morrow after a two week's vacation at $1500 with a striking attachment or Register. A N D A L L _ -------- the city of Lemati to compel them to $1200 without. Tlie old court lionse hell Mapleton. call an election and subm it the question lias l*en tested to see if it would stand Mesdames Burns and Foster were NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of consolidating Lemati and Cottage Visiting on North Fork several day. the tlie dock stroke, However it is hardly Grove. The citizens of Cottage ■uitable for that purpose. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Grove voted in favor of the droposed flrst of the week. August 2», 1S9* T J Boren went to the valley a few BATES ADVANCE. consolidation. Notice Is hereby given th a l the follow ing named days ago to purchase some goats for his The Florence cannery has been the settler has Hied notice o l bis In ten tio n to make This monthly magazine is one o f the very ★ scene of active operations lid s week. Bearcreek ranch. In view of tlie fact that railroad rates final pr.aif In support ol bis cla im , and that p J Sl.letad and family snd « n t Kyle M id proof w ill be made before Joel W are, U. S. beet printed in this country, and to sold All hands have been kept busy canning will tie considerably advanced on tlie Commissioner at Kageue. Oregon, on October fish that were brought. There has been and family made a trip to Mapleton 25th List., it would be advisable for ail 15, issa vis: Roger M. A llen on h. e. no. 7S it lor to all subscribers at rates within the a good run of silver salmon for eeveral Sunday on the Lillian. persons contemplating a trip East to the « X « « K . •««• W: •!< “ X •ec- W: tp’ 18 days and Chinam en, fishermen and ability of all to pay. It to finely ilia» The George Morris party of P'***"1* avail themselves of the present oppor­ r. 10 west. H e names the fo llo w in g witnesses to prove seekers returned home this week altera tunity to purchase tickets at greatly cannerymen nre in good humor. bis continuous residence upon and c u ltiva tio n trated and presents the names of famous reduced rates. Tlie only line Fanning of, M id land, via: Marshfield Sun: E Heuckendorff, of a few days outing at Heceta. E W Cobb returned Friday from through dining ears and Pullman np- Frank Sweet, W allace Sweet. Chari«« Ander authors as 'contributors. T u« W est Arago, was in town today on his way to Harrisburg where he ha. l*e„ •« work bolstered tourist sleepers is the North­ son and George A llen a ll of P o in t Tarrace, North Bend to take charge of the con­ and tiie Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ ern Pacific, the scenic Yellowstone Park Oregon. J T B u m «». + A f struction of the new four-masted school» during the hop picking season. route. For rates, time tables and all Fred Funk, who ha. been in Portland Reglater. duced rates nt this office.l" t N t er to be built at that place. The new vessel is to be 165 feet keel, 40 feet beam (or nearly two years returned to Flor information apply to or address, t P t R M c M obpiiy , and 14 feet depth of hold. She will ence Wednesday and intends to remain notioe for publioation General Agent, Eugene, Or. carry i,early 1,000,000 feet of lumber. John Anderson came in from Com- Rural N orthw est: Douglas county PROBABLY A MURDER. Lend Offlee, at Roaeburg, Oregon. September J, 1S9S. will evidently continue to bold its own sweet creek. He will remain about N otice 1« hereby given th a t the follow ing as the leading prune-producing county The body of a man wag found in tlie name.1 «elder lias tiled notice ..f his In ten tion in Oregon this season. Marion county ’ T a Levsge and Wm Boomer arrived river near Salem last week. The body to make Bnal p r o f In support of his c la im , and ...... ' will take second place this year, "her "We do not take possession of our ldaae but are possessed by the was identified at that of Ray «ink of th a t M id proof w ill be made before C. H . H o b which will follow in order of quantity of Waaco. Evidently lie waa murdered den U. S. Commissi«,ner. a t Florence, Oregon on They master ns and force as into the arena, October 2 7 .1«», rta: l900 _______ no more C H E A T r«cord of nDf do not tliink tl.at lh. re i. any likeliho«>l r^ a ra in l *Tpen*ea—definite, bonafMe e t a r A T record m — * do not nun» »■■■» ------- . nnle«» Reference«. Kn »«» »alary — salary. M onthly >75. — Kefere iur tea; don’t boil It sold;with T nr W b » t . uualted in medical hi.tory, prove. „ranting tha.r eloae ► «elf a44rey«e4 »tamped — envelop*, —iv e lo p *. H erbert Oregon hi Direction» in every pack- B. U laaav PrtsVr l» p t . M, C 'htcafo. PAY WHEN CURED. D R .W .H .SM SH SK 3. W.H. WEATHERSON POWDER Lost Maatafl Restored a EUGENE « • • BOOTS ANn SH O ES A ★ . Hail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as If You Bought In Person. WORLD BEATER • $ » » $ • J. H. McCLUNG, EU0“ CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. S cien tific A m erican. VEGETABLES. THE C n S M n P n U T ftN , ALWAYS READY SAFE, DURABLE Dries for 50 cts., jer Ton. $ 2 5 Steep A re of Schilling t BtU. 9 known to $1© 5. THE ARENA