. . . y . ^ r y y - rT H E W EST r ADVERTISERS K YOUR HOHE PAPER SIUSLAW'S 0»LT PAPIÉ. SUPPORT IT OPPORTUNITY .B r - A ¿¡—A -A* VOL. IX. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Sept. 30. 1800. general directory r STATE OFFICERS- TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. S T E A M ER “ m o — in k TRAVELERS’ GUIDE ,” G A R D I N E S2. FOOLED THE MANAGER. R Will maku U . v J . W . K elly , “t h e IS o il la * M ill M as.* Made Uie H it o t Hie LHs. A thcutrieal manager tells thia story regarding tho late J. W. K e lly : L rnor........................ W illiam P. Lord. R E G U L A R D A IL Y TRIPS Iu his earlier duys K e lly was appear­ L tary ol S 'a te ..............H . R. Kincnitl. ing nt a variety hall iu Sau Francisco. ---- Between —— The proprietor and manager erf the place L 9,irer............................................Philip Metclien Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ ivus a German, who had a great adm i­ |t . public Instruction— G. M. Irwin, days and Fridays. ration for the “ rolling m ill man. ” lit! Printer....... W. II. Leeds Perhaps you have had the Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ W hile Kelly was appearing at the thea­ ..C . M. Idleman. lorney General grippe or a hard cold. You ter the German arranged to pnt on tbe days and Saturdays. may be recovering from ..........R. S. Bean itage a series of tableaux depicting the ........F. A. Moore malaria or a alow fever; or Connects witli Steamer and Scotts- kreme Court heroism of the members of the San C. K. Wolverton posaibly some of the chil­ 1 burg Stage Line for Drain. Also witli Francisco fire department. K e lly was dren are just getting over »ge Second D istrict. J . W. Hamilton to «land at one side of (he stage and re­ I Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges the measles or whooping kecuting A tto rn e y .. .Geo. M. Brown cite some original verses describing cough. reasonable. tach picture or tableau as it was shown Are you recovering aa fast eu the stage. The German was w ild ly as you should? Has not tnxions that this tribute to the firemen your old trouble left your ihonid make a h it ou the opening n ig h t COUNTY OFFICERS- blood full of impurities? "Ob, Chou,” he said, "do your pest, And isn’t this the reason and ycu T ill make te h it of your life I” you keep so poorly? Don’ t * On tbe day of the opeuiug Kelly re­ delay recovery longer but mained at home, so as to be in the best .E . O. Potter. possible trim for the show. Soon after ( ..............W. T. Bailey Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, 8 o'clock he started for the theater. Inniissioners j ..........H . D. Edwards Just before going into the hall it oc­ Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. curred to him that he could have some l rlj .........................................E . U. Lee fun w ith the G irm a n , so he turned up m.f arriving at Florence the day L ff............................. W . W. Withers his coat collar, mussed hia hair and following at 10 a. in, went reeling into the variety h a lt L tirer......................... A. 8. Patterson There was a sound of crashing glass­ Returning-stzge leaves Flor­ Lssor............................... D . P. Burton ware. The German had dropped a tray T o u r is t ence on Mondays, Wednesdays fu ll of beer glasses lool Superintendent----W. M. Miller “ Ob, Chon,” he moaned, waving his p. in., arriving and Fridays at 2 .......................C. M. Collier hands iu the air, "you huf wooined all ’veyor........... S T . PAUL to taploael Vat is te good of hailing in Eugene the following day at roner............ ............... W . P. Cheshire Irishman to vork for you?” .. ,C. II. Holden M INNEAPOLIS_____ dice ot Peace 6 p. m. “ Thash all right, ” mumbled Kelly, , . . . E . A. Evans DULUTH staggering up to him. istable......... “ Go vay,” shouted the manager. FARGO Single faro - - _ - $5.00' “ You hef kveered to show." TO ORANO FO R K 8 Round trip _ - - - $0.00' W ith that the manager rushed for the CROOKSTON CITY OFFICERS. stago and arranged that a soubrette Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ ; should announoe the tableaux. Then be It will remove all Impuri­ W INNIPEG livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. ties from your blood. It is went out in lrout aud waited, all in a H EL EN A and also a tonic of Immense tremble, to see if she could get through W. II. Weatherson Hurd’s office in Florence. esident. value. Give nature a little w ith iL In the meantime K e lly went BUTTE' help at this time. Aid her around on the stage, und just as the sou- O. W. H ind by removing all tbe products bretto walked ou tho stage K elly fol­ Wm. Kyle The Funk & W agnalls of disease from your blood. lard of Trustees lowed her aud said, “ I ' l l take rare of L. Christensen I f your bowels are not TO this. ” M. Morris just right, Ayer’s Pills will I CHICACO The German saw him come on the make them so. Send for J \ < ur book on Diet in Consti­ stage, and w ith a cry of mortal terror o rd e r......................... John H . Morris W ASHINGTON pation. ran for the front door. He knew that Of The insurer ..............................-I- A. Pond PH ILADELPH IA K elly would spoil everything. Ho stood WMta to ouo Dootooo. irshal........................... G. C. Cumpton NEW YORK W e h ave th e exclualve nerrtcM i-N O U S H LANGUAGE in the Direct, mopping his brow and o f Btirne o f tho uinnt em inent moaning in agouy, when he began to cians in the United p tatej. W rit« BO STON AND ALL freely and receive a >rornp€ reply. COMPLETE hear loud applause inside tbe theater. Without com 4. PO INTS E A S T «»d SOUTH Addre*a, DR. J C. AYEP, He conld burdly believe liis senses. SECRET SOCIETIES. L ow ell, M m *. SU CC IENT Every few eeccnds there would be a For in formation, timecard*, map* and ticket» roar of laughter aud liandclapping. He etc., call on or wiite A U T H O R IT A T IV E tim idly went hack into the hall, mid F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. M c M urphey , there was Kelly, sober as a judge aud Regular communication on second "straight as a string,” making tbe h it General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, Couldn't Bo D eceived. I fourth Saturdays in each month. EUGENE, OREGON. 301,865 Vocabulary rerms Dennis McCarty, a true sou of Eriu, of his life. A fter that all the German O, W . H u iin , W . M . >47 Editor* and Specialist* was suing his neighbor, W illiam Smith, could do was to sit down ut a table lo A. D. CHARLTON, I. K.vorrs, Secretary. for damages occasioned by the defend­ weep and order beer lor everybody 533 Reader* for Quotations Assistant Genersl Hassender Agent. ant's carelessness in allowing hia don­ around. 5000 Illustration* 255 Morrison St. Cor. M. In telling the story K e lly used to say key to escape from hia stable and tres­ ¡ P o r t l a n d O r . Cost over >960,000 pass upon plaintiff's premises, in us do­ merely to finish the story, ” 1 saw him A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 Appendix of 47,468 Entrle* after that when I really did have a tidy ing much mischief in his garden. i meets second and fourth Saturdays MoCarty stepped into the witness number aboard, bnt he only laughed and |eacli month at 1:30 p. ni. box to give evidence in support of his said, ‘ No, Chon, you can't fool m e.’ ” J. I. B uttkbfield , Com mander. The full number of words nod terms in case, and when he had finished the law ­ — Chicago Record. J. L. F uknihii , A djutant. ........ J. C. FLINT, Proprietor........ different dictionaries lor the entire alphabet is yer who appeared for thedefeuduut pro­ A SLIGHT INTERRUPTION. ns follows: »vottMONTil, 50,0110; W obchkstbb ceeded to cross examine him. F lo r e n o e , O re g o n . "N o w do you mean to «ay that all 105,000; W ebster (International), 125,000; C en ­ In cid en t o f a R eporter's V isit to a F irs this injury to tho property of which Kng'lao lion»«. 0. U. W. Perpetna Lodge, No. 131, tury , (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: you speak was caused solely by Smith's OUR AIM—To furnish tho bo 9TANDAKD, over 300,000; meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays A reporter who hod sought a t a fire donkey?” th month. Members and visiting engine house information on a poiqt at rcasonabe “ Sartinly, sor.” ethren in good standing are cordially accommodations concerning which the driver oonid best “ Ob, indeed; and where did you first Sample Pages Free. vited to attend. J. J. A ndxebon , M. W. prices. inform him stood talking w ith tba see this animal which you declare has I n . K vlb , Recorder. driver by tbe stall of one of the horses. been tho source of so much mischief?” Tho horse was secured by a tie strap “ I saw him tied up in defendant's 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. Ill,m e e ts commonly nsed iu tbe department One ACENT8 WANTED. stbable. ” every Wednesday evening in Lodge end of the tic strap is made foot by g “ Yes, and where did you next see ill, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in staple driven into the aide of the stall, w . W. NEELY, Prop'r. him?” oil stauding invited to attend. while the other end is passed through • ‘On my iirimises, to bo sore. ” T iiomah J . B orkn , N. G. the throat latch of the horse's bridle aud Tables furnished with all the Tbe lawyer now «uw his ebanoe and O iiah . H. V andekbukg , Sec. held on a pin that rises in a little recess in his best manner pressed the questiou. Pacific Coast Agent» delicacies of the season. Wild in the side of the stall. By means of a “ How did you know i t was the same SA N FRANCISCO, C A L. simple mechanical contrivance the pin game, fish and fruit in season. Best donkey?" is pulled down nt the first (stroke of the CHURCH DIRECTORY "H o w did I know?” was tho derisive 933 M arket S t. gong when an alarm is sounded, tbe tie accomodations for the traveling exclamation. " I f I saw yes tied up in a strap 1» released, and tho horse is set stbable don’t ycx suppose I'd huow ye free. As the driver and the reporter RESBYTERIAN CH U RCH , Florence, public. Charges reasonable. BRAINS EQUAL TO COURAGE. when yez got loose?” talked, tbe horse, in a friendly sort of Oregon. Sabbath service; Sabbath- The plaintiff was excused from fu r­ iuol, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 way, bent his head down toward tbe The Cal R w , ' , b at th e S toat W o h im ther evidence. — Spare Moments. ¡lock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacram ent of driver. W m . Mot Satisfied. e Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of Suddenly an alarm was aennded, and I t wa» a dnmp day. but tho crowd ( le t Trusted For T h eir Fares. nuary, April, Ju ly and October, tho torso was transformed, und like­ stood aud watt-in d tho black cat aa it I t is perhaps not generally known, erybody is welcome to all the services, mewed J.lniuutcly und clung lo the even iu Brooklyn, that persons of re­ wise the driver. The horse’s head went wtor requests C hristians to make trailing vino three stories above the spectable appearance may travel on the up, and ho was alert iu every fiber. A t emselves known. street in lrout of a four story brown street cars of that city when they have the first stroke the pin had dropped, ami I . G . K notts , Pastor. atono dwelling. A long wire snpixirted no money. A woman who has left her the horse was free. W ith a »'nglc hound tho vine, nearly n aching tho roof. The purse at home or a muu who bus «pent he cleared the »tall and ixude for his cot, lu a spot live m o d evidently, had all his change speculating in stocks, if place by the engine, w ith the driver be­ climbed the loug vine and ut tho third ordinarily well dressed, bus only lo tell side him. Tbe other two her»)-« i t tho ATTORNEYS story «topped, as if fright hud pnralyzed the conductor the condition of affairs, tru ir— this wns a three horse team— further effort». Every minute it mewed, ou 1-ourding a car, to get carried to uny were clattering forward at the some moment. A t tbe front of ibe house men aud itaappinl for help collected a crow d desired point. C. WOODCOCK, were sliding down poles like lightning. A large woman said: Tbe conductor gives the penniless There were a few sharp, quick, snap­ “ Why don't someouo climb up there passenger un envelope addressi-d to the ping soanda, as tbe men already there and release that cut?" office of tbe company, iu which to for­ “ SuppoFeyon try if, madam, ” chirped ward later tbe lacking nickel. This is snapped tbe collars togother aroand tho K ene, - O regon a dapper little man. who looked upon done as a matter of coarse, and only a horses’ necks, aud over it all tho boom- ing of tbe gong. the affair a» a joko- hRoom« 7 and 8 M cU feii’» Building. passenger who looks disreputable meets In ia ll the newer flrchouKH of the city p<*iAl attention given to collection* and Pro' " W e ll, if I had your small heft I w ith refusal. ie business. tbe stalls of the horses are placed as would climb that vine. Men never do Tbe system has been in operation nearly as possible abroast of the engine, anything dangerous these days. ” some time, which is apparent proof that “ Oh, ye«, they do, inudaiul They the passengers who thus get trusted for so that the horses »ball have the shortest E. O POTTER. catch cold, drink too much and stay oat their fares use the envelopes given them possible distance to ga Iu some of tho older house«, in which there is lees room, late at their lodges. ’’ Qeo. Hale for the purpose for which they are In­ ............. A ttorney-at-L aw ................... tho stalls are at the rear. That is where She gave the little man a look and tended.— New York Sun. they were in this house. ejaculated: "Y o u think yon are emart, EUGENE, OREGON, Surprised a little, the reporter had don't you? You can talk, but you can't i NOTARIES. ffi*—«'rricg At the Court House. lost a seccud or two in getting to thq rescue even a cat. ” “ Yon womeu,” said he iu tlie pecu­ " You do me wrong. Watch me rescue lia rly exasperating way a man has of fro n t When be got there, be saw tbe that cat cveu at the peril of being in­ saying those two word», “ You women d riie r In his scot bolding the lines over R- BUTTOLPH, E. E. BENEDICT, sulted. Do not be frightened. I go, but buy bargain things because they are tbe teem ready to drive oat aud w aiting only fur tbe last stroke • pet »how aud religious o I m trances. to distressingly apparent I buve had to Desia ns Ostentation has been described as the 1 hey have cstablhhcd tbe fact that dolls have my initials put ou uuirly every­ C o f v n is h t s way other people "»bow off " — Town and marionettes are cluaely related and thing I wear, so th u there would be sod Country Journal. even adranœd the theory that the shad no excuse for my w ife thinking i t ’s ow puppets used in many lauds denote h e n .“ — Chicago F o *. W xstsu — •«*»«*!• trustworthy r««»os< Is • tim e when alt the people saw of re li­ tí IK ih t, vtate to m .n .v c our Inivtiieaa In their own H er Trial. psiMiubla frpo fr• "flo* to - Ob», . ■ nit nearby rounile«. Il 1« issln ly '’• < » work gious ceremonies was the shadows cf the n«' . “ I am uot going to give him up w ith ­ n tb« V. B. (Oiidofltd »1 home. »alary -trsHht » 0 0 a officiating priests cast upou tho walls of Adire«*, C a tototta” „ ,frä Al out a tr ia l," said the woman as she in- , —, and expenwea deAiilte. boiiaSde. no more fernen A «alarv. Monthly fJS. Keideuea. Bn- the sacted tent. — Francis J. Z ie g k r la i s»itut«d procixdinga for a di v o te *— » ! ( odd re wed •laneled envelope, lli-rtvrt Harper's Magoziua ■WMaMMBd Dispatch. WaeataeV— . P- Ç; , I . Hew. Frwt.. I'»!*- M- Chicago. »»a* »as**** S T A G E NO . D IN E . LEAD H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, IN ana Head of Tide. D ry G oods ORTHERN P a c ific , Ry. F a n cy G oods F u r n is h in g G o o d s C lo t h in g EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. E. Bangs, Sleeping g Shoes Proprietor. Cars WE DEFY COMPETITION. Elegant Dining Cars Willamette St., Sleeping J .“ c7'or., J. V. K A U F F M A N . Cars THROUGH TICKETS Standard Dictionary R. MORRIS »*» HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, E. D. BRONSON & CO, E lk P r a ir ie H otel. Twentv-three Miles West of Eugene. A. Attorney a t Law, ON EUCENE AND FLORENCE S TA C E R O U TE. Money Saved By Patronizing it. E Prop. A. Notary Public, Surveyor P atents Ae. StìtMIflc flMtritaiL notary public . ¡PATENTS RESPECTFULLY T h e B e la tle a o t S t m t a r s a a 4 F a aattaa. Reproduction and dispersal are the tw o great aims in the life of every plant and animal. A ll else is but the mean«, the mere eoutrivauoes, to gain the best advantage in tlie accomplishment of those ultim ate efforts. Every species, every individual, exists by virtue of having striven to attain these cuds. In the structure of each one is tbe record of tbe attainment, partial or complete, as the case may bo, and each man and woman of us is toiling iu his or her way toward the same goal, unconscious of that something w ith iu ns, greater than ourselves, that “ guides ns, blind­ fold hut safe, from one age on to an­ other. ” The burs and "stickers” that cling so persistently to our clothes uro tint a part of the some great effort. I t is the only way sweet cicely, dusmodium, tho bar marigold end theis kin have of travel­ ing through tho woods, aud so on from forest to forest, from swamp tangle to swamp tangle. They live their lives as tru ly as a man lives his, w ith equally as good a purposo that is equally us w ell attained. Each embodies those essential qualities of living that the Great Teach­ er discerned when be bademen “ consid­ er the lilies of the field. " — Professor a Trotter in Popular Scienco Monthly. T h s B e lls. I t was in the late John Bartain'a mag­ azine that Poe’s poem, “ The Bells,” was first printed. G f Poo’s hist visit to him in his old Hansom street house M r. Sartaiu receutly said: “ I t was ou a Monday iu 184». Poe had been locked np iu Moyamcusiug prison over Bunday for intoxication aud was completely un­ strung. He thought there was a conspir­ acy to k ill him aud asked to be hidden. I humored the freuxied poet's hallucina­ tion, aud (or two days he remained in concealment iu the Hansom street house. 1 oven weut so far as to ent off Poe's mustache, a t the latter's request, in or­ der that his fancied enemies m ight not recognise h im ." Tbe first draft c l “ The Bells" consisted of only tw o stanza^ aud for these be was paid $16. A couple of days later be appeared w ith another verse, and lM:fore tbe pmui was pub­ lished be bad added again to it. By tills means ho received $46 for the poem, and bud not the day of publication been near at baud he would probably have kept on adding to it in tho hope of re­ ceiving additional lomnueratiou.— New Yuck Tribune. K lrphent L ife l a th e J e a g le e . W ithout elephants jungles would be v irtu ally tmpaftsuUA Tbe great beasts are u mixture of atm igtb und wcaLucss, of craft and simplicity. The paths through tbe jungle from village to vil luge are merely tracks from which the interlacing foliage has been cut aud thrust aside aud the virgin soil trod­ den into u black mud A fter a rain this mud is many feet deep, and no living creature except au elepfaaut, a buffalo or a rhinoceros could labor through it Tbe eiepiiaut makes bis way by liftin g one foot at a time aud Inserting it deep into the slough in front, w ithdraw ing another w ith a sound tike the popping of a hngechumpuKiiecork. Nothing but a ride ou an eurtliqnake could be com­ pared w ith the veusatinu of being run sway w ith by an cluphauL As tor stop­ ping him. some oue bus w ell said that you might as w i 11 try to stop a runs way locomotive by pulliug w ith your walking stick ou the tuuucl us seek to check an elrphaLt at such a moment w ith a goad — Exchange. I'aoacorasral C andidate’s V,’»U. “ Yus, ‘ be suul dolefully, “ 1 was da­ tes twi Thu Story of toy campaign waa a simple one. " Lclug presM'il, lie told it. " 1 stiakl well w ith tlie indies,” be explained “ 1 aimed to stand well w ith tbuui. 1 did everythinq possible to w in their favor, and I avked thctu to throw thair lull nunc« f< r m e." Hi- paused and sighed. “ Fatal e r r« , '* h« said a t last; “ they did their best, but you know how a wo- mau throw a " — Chicago Post. " F a re w e ll!" he sobbed. The Im n tlfu l Miranda, thu lig h t of his life, was, alas, another's I However, tba same thing was true of the umbrella be managed to grab in the hall a t be left her forever.— Dotroit Journal ‘LOVIN ’LIZA ELLEN.” Well. 1 hsv had th* mumps SB Web ▲A (svsr’a sgar'n grip »a aioh, ▲n oust er twtoe a falun. But nuttdn quite ksrflummuasd uaa Su's my »ns I'iu j wouldn't gsa. Like lovln 'Llxn Ellen. Tb' syiuptoma kspt s-foolln tmu* A right smnrt while an than broke «■» Imnisnsu ous night nl spsltln. Far months—wall, I jest lost luraatf. Put everything up on th' shelf, 'O p t loro nn 'Una Elian. My hand last whtzsodl I couldn't sleep At night*. My ideas sprawl Ilka aheap You've aceu without a bell un. Panrwmnierw warn'! a etrcuustaaoa To bow bur faoe'd alide an danoa. Th' air wua full of EUau. I couldn't ant. an jast th' atght O' rittlea floored my appetltu. Ho use o' my rebelUa, Far 1 w u i aonhed plumb through i through, Wished everything In Kal'inaRoo, 'Gept inn an 'L iu Elian. On inem'ry farm things wouldn't gat. I'd go 1' town sn clean forget T* ask how agga wua aellln, Remcmber’n J u t 1’ not be late A-huatltn home 1’ keep th' date I'd uinde with 'Lira Ellen. A ll nature panrod t* wear store oiothsK An't see iced l* me like every rose About th' place wua ainetltn. I nevor did cure «hooks ter blrda. But when they'daing they'd jeeteey we> T* me o' 'Llxn Ellen. I' m m ixed, but things got mlxeder eMU- Uraae wux a carpet; ditch, a rill. Z.a every oqunadi a melon. I talked so dad 'lowed I' m a fool An ought t* be caged eutuewhare la eahoi Far carryla on 'bout Kllsu. I molted round an fad on air. But gut ao thin an thet blame fare A uliaugo w as Jest com pc 11 In. It cam s—q u ite ouddant—la th' talk When 1—ohc—well,-no matter, a ll FUpflupped 'Iwtxl ma an Ellen. I didn't dla's I 'lowed 1 would. But lu a week w n s fuelin good. Th' rest 'taln't worth while talUa. Last week oho planted "number threat*' I I s'poae they all tuk worse than m e A-lovtn U oa Ellen. -P au l L. MaKsndrlok la Atlanta Cowtltuttea. A Ffcvaea T h at F sia ln a ta d . A fte r a long period of silcttoe, M ~ig deriug M ike raised himself cm one el­ bow, poshed thu hoy from ia front of his face aud in a m atter of fact to n* said: “ Hooray I” “ W hat'» de m atter w it y « r * in q u ir­ ed Ploddiug Pete. “ I'v e been iutendiu ter do dig fa r n loug time. Au 1 uotue ter de conclusion dat dere was uo use o’ p attin it off nn lunger. It's a debt o* gratitude ter a great mau, an I'm goto ter pay up. Hooray I” “ But who are yon hooraylu fur?" “ Hpeaker Reed. ” “ But he never done notblu fu r yo u ." “ Not personally. Bnt he expressed my feelin ’a. I nuderstaud he's de man dat oome out flatfeoted fo r a do nothin policy. “ — Washington Star. Ctm racterletla, “ T ou r clam ohowder, ” remarked thn diner to tbe restaurant cashier, aa hu paid the amount of bis check aud stow­ ed away a pint of toothpiuka iu hia vest pocket, " ia distinguishable above ait the other clam chowder* 1 ever ate. “ “ In w hat way?" asked the cashier, who did uot know whether to be pleased or uot. “ By ita clamleaanesa’ ’— Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph Up t e A ll th * Trtoka. “ The man who runs the clubhouse next to tbe skating pond n a il to be pro­ prietor of a summer resort hotel." “ How do yon know?” “ By his methods. I was skating th a n yesterday, and I fell through the loe." " W h a t has that to do w ith it?” “ He triad to charge me fur a both.” — Chicago Pro* A»«fite*4Mu O live shaped button* covered with g ilt, silver, black and colored silks are one of the fancies in dress trim m ing and is au old fashion revivtd. One pret- | ty example of their use is in a oollnr I baud of w hite aatiu mode lu two uar- i row bands, w ith several rows of ma- ' chine stitching f « a fiuith, and pnt to 1 gather w ith oue row iff little gold olive« not much more than h alf an Inch 1 Qg and a Ijttle distance apart, foruting an open insert ion. Thia collar ia shaped in flare out a little from the neck, but I * ia ot tbe usual w id th aud not a t a il • 1 Mhllm»