& * B ilio u sn ess Is caiue-1 hy turpi 1 liver, winch prevents ditte* tlon tu»! permits food tu lermeut ami pulrlfy in ¡ i the stomach. I :.„n follow liizrtucss, headache, 50 BRUSSELS IS CHARACTERIZED BY AN AMERICAN TOURIST. j Some o f I t . Most A ttractive I r a t e r c .- A * * A B E A C T I F U t C IT Y - H o o d ’s [ llan d sn u ie Itoolcvard In Place o f «he Old City W all—T he Inin,ease Town Hall. SERIOUSLYJNJURED. A Fearful Accident Befalls a Pioneer Farmer— Thrown from a load of Hay with Great Force-Entire Body Paralyzed— The Bast Medical Aid PossibleUsed in His Behalf. How Hie Tram C ar. Are Operated. /Vnm Pis IViSune, CTnrtotto, A/.cA, insonfloa, nervousres«, and, - -s ,k . wlnn».r fcrraers of Benton , lessened the puina in my body and Brussels is a beautiful city aud owes M ik? is Ehisthan Munger. De- j cured a Bcrofulouscouelitio,ilhk (' hadhTl.’rf <7 ' if not relieved, bilious fever to the toivuship, lake he I,any privations and di.licultie« ted from my fat her. nad “W Its beauty in a largo measure er blood poisoning. Hood’s * icod « u se aud public «1 irit of its citi­ wp “ h a p i S contend. With, Mr. Munger Pills stimulate the stomach, .uceXled. He has also served as clerk M rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con­ ng er a ruling king who rules in 18 rfhijUmwaslh'p, and « kn<”’ «. »" » careful, that stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Dr. The ouly Tills to take with Hoods baraaparilla. interest of the people cmiMsicntiouti 8U‘i liouorftbl® citizen. t LO Y ER S IX T H E RA NK S. s ; n g u la r d is c o v e r ie s . j- Ilia busy life has not been all sunshine, have no iiouDie win. my ailnN wi One good thing o n '« ”» n fortificai SEEK FREE DOCTORS. 1 however, And in speaking to oar reporter of have not had tor a number ot'yeaiH FOOD W ASTED IN COOKING. A W h ile T b i t With u V a lu a b le C o n tr ib u ­ tonai to Paris anil city, or at least hi the opinion tlmt with 'nur. kt a his struggles in earlier days, he saw: t>omu Q u e e r E x p e r ie n c e . In th e P u b lic ! to r to S c ie n c e . one will have but little, if anv sicl? 7 . OourtHhipn la th e .S a lv a tio n A rray Btussels. and that is when ly expansion ••One Monilsr in Man h, l«»>, I was draw- L ife -Suntaining V' a I um o f Aleut aud V ege­ th,7 conmmS.1^ " . ‘ "•»»»‘, A very aUnng»' th in g happened to secure that D isp e n sa r ie s o f N ew Y ork. A ro U a d o r S trict R ulos. it has he me nous: ary to tear down in? hay to a neighbor’s, when I was thrown this medicine will eee.7re ta b le« I.o«t T h r o u g h Ig n o rn u ee. keep these pills on hand for my lataiN the p rince of Monaco’s »team y a c h t from wagon with Kreafc ^uree “ ie cine 'i'ho least hope of any change in tint- li e fortification it has left the boulc ground, iny Striking and have not had a doctor sines 1E ’ A seri- s of investigations by experts » front wl.eel I I I my descent. Brineesse Alice, n e a r th o island o f ch arity to all policy is w ith those tiis I *Th«»r«i 1 h N o P r iv a c y Alwiut K iig u ce m c n t« , connected w ith the United States do- vard Lius.-ils is now til-cut three tin <« I s truck on both hands with sui-h fi.reeoil o tlieir use. T ereeira in th e Azores last sum m er. ns lar, i as the original v. idled city, anil »¡most paralyze my whole b'«ly. The ill- "1 am in excellent physical condition a n d T h e r e I* N o lln c k lttg O ut - ponsaries th a t ore bountifully endowed i ¡The prince h as devoted his y a c h t to th e Tho leadiug in stitution of th is class in ! partm ont of agriculture go to show that tins loulevurd tonus a broad strict lury was most severe to my chest, shoulders, do my inri.i work without other help ,t„ ™ O u tsid er« M »y N o t C ourt lb « there is an immense am ount of popul ar occiisiouh I day a work, and thia resuo h«.\ ’ back sad arms, although my face wus badly ¡study of the ocean am i its in h ab itan ts, , Arnie's Daughters. New York city is lcoatcd on the i i igucraace in tho m atter of cooking; around between the eeutir and the out cut. It seemi-n as though the great weight ■ci-ured in spite of the fuct that I wo.7. and m any im p o rtan t facts have th u s siuo from 200 to LO O feet wide it is my fall drove my arms hack and injured plot« physicul wreck. I cannot apeak iS 51,’ ¡been g ath ered fo r pcitnee. On th e oc­ side, and, in view of its defiant aUi.'t- that, w hile tho greater part of the food more than a s tr u t or avenue, it is a of enough uraise ot thia remedy. I both them and my hsi'klione. Love at first Hight doesn’t g o in the casion referred to a sperm -w hale, o r of all kinds of m edical charity, ha ' of man is prepared for use by cooking, street and a park it gets by different “ A prominent Potterville pliysicmn was rrcommftided it to my friends with utmost S alvation A rm y, T h ere’« no room th ere cachalot, a b o u t 45 feet long, w as b a r- •arnod for itself the unenviable sohri ' yet tho changes w hich various foods un­ called and on the Friday night following I fill, -nee anil shall be glmi to answer in, ¡1' »’o r lovesick m aids or lo r sig h in g sw ains, ■ pooned by ronu! fisherm en, an d in its qaet of tho “ diam ond d isp en sary ." Ii dergo d u ring the process and tho losses names at different putts, and Boulevard was able to be taken home. The next day quirti-s from thine who are afflicted if Waterloo—the widest—is first a side­ I sent for a Grand Ledge physician who fir the reply is enclosed. My poLtoifi« » tind smdi unnisenienis ns flirtation« are has snch a high reputation for tho unm- ¡ which aro brought about have been but d y in g stru g g le s it made d ire c t fo r th e Potterville, ilich. y pw‘“,fllc‘ » her and pecuniary ab ility of its patients little studied. Few persons know, for walk, then a raved stree t perhaps 15 blistered me for weeks. I became some /ro w n ed :ipon from h e a d q u arters down ' I’rineesae Alice, If it had « tru ck th e .. , . . . , “ ELKATHAK MtTKGX»» (letter, but the main trouble with my body io Ritlmlji’i ns. No exceptions a re mude th a t it w ould appear to be ra th e r a instance, th a t in 100 pounds of uncooked teet wide for business purposes, then and arras remained as bad as ever. During f-ubecribed and sworn to before las. thii -m little y ach t th e consequences m ig h t rred it than a disgrace to receive its o u t­ cabbage there are lint 7 \. pounds of dry ground w ith two rows of trees, SO feet the rear following this treatment I was not day ol April, A.I)., 180.4. to tin f «‘ i ides in any euse. They apply . “ ».lit I have been very serious, b u t ju s t w hen G eo . A. I’ ehry , Votary P m , rageously m isdirected charity. Such at m atter, mid of this drv m atter from 2 1. wide, for horseback rilling, then 40 feet benefited and began to think life to me was to th e vommsinders a s well as to the th e collision seemed inevitable the T ftilly concur ill the Statement above n,u. h u m b le re c ru it ju s t received on proha- f w hale dived, am i com ing u p on the least is the inevitable conclusion th a t ! to 3 pounds are lost in the cooking pot. or so of asphalt or macadam fcr car- not worth living. I feared that my nervous by " Mr. El.mil,an Munger, who l9 oie o f ± system was completely shattered and that tlo u . excellent citizens mid who would be the ,,™ o th e r side of The y ach t, tu rn e d upon its may he based upon the large averago of E xperim ents w ith potatoes showed th at liages, then hO teet (at a guess) with paralysis would follow. T h is w as ad m irab ly exem plilied in the ■ back in th e d eath-agony. A t th is in- w ell to do people w ho claim daily the in order to obtain the highest food vuluo four rows of trees for pedestrians, with “ In readiup an nrtiolo in tho Ju&ntrfal hist man to make on overdrawn statement >«gK.v th a t they t-omo up to his neck pcriiaps _ 25 . per cent, ________ ____ and all _____ the differ of Bh*. th e Salvation Army in sists on 1 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. like tltosn of a clown they have plenty i ul1™ >» its final flavor, between a pu<-k J ustto-e, one of Iho largest buildings in ests large numbers of masts and spars i hi« dis,nnv of energy lnrfore n tnnrienn ' ll.rt I nilergnnti Xl.ire Chung«-. Than to .o do. Th(1 W|tKhing is usually done iu ! er.v «our nnd tlio sweetness and sm ooth­ tho world, if not tho very largest, It and issued stringent regulations foi tlie r .spire to the hand and h eart of one of Fetor's, aud though preservation of the standing oak. When A n y O th er . cold wati r and often in ru n n in g ness w hich are chaructaristioof tuu ripe r i 1,a ! ;; \ r th e arniyV »laughters, no m a tte r how I E nglish him changed m ore th a n nny stream s. The clothes are pounded w ith fruit. To g et tho bananas to our market hiiiladeJphia claims to havo the largest the country w as first ceded to G reat hu m b le »he ma v he. ii paddles u n til they shine like u sh irt in good condition requires fast steamers, tills is UOO Ly 000 and 400 feet high as Britain, but little attention was paid at Itcfore |s raons can lie In line for flic i otln r language, regarded m erely It is fu rth est re­ fro n t fresh from a Chinese laundry. w hieh m ust lio provided w ith vectila against tho Philadelphia structure's 460 first to its vast timber supply, owing to position of officers they m u st sta te T eutonic language. Whole of 8tho It is Tho Japanese rip tin-ir garm ents lion and o th er m eans of keeping tba eet, square by tin same height, aud the Balt “",1 ‘b 8 t8 !a - 1 i-lcarly win I her n r no they arc In love, ' moved from th e i-nrent. stock. R u lld la f . Buitic trade was curriid on in British I niludilphia Luilding has a largo open descended from th e Saxon, w hich is tlie ap art for every w ashing, ami they non fru it from ripening too fast in the bold nail m ust aabsi-rilii' to each of tlic s c ic a j cli-s reg ard tr'e Coitrtshiptind m arriage. p aren t of Ixnv G erm an and D utch, ojid th e ir clothes by spreading them on u Much of tho finest fru it does ripen in court, which th - Brus--]s Hall of Justico bottoms, aud that the tim ber of north- of r passage, and th is . is . e,„„ sold --------- ................. .......... ’D way there is an aw ful ¡¿t ern Europe provided an unfailing and Till- mo t IttijM,. tau t of these is the one tui it w ere tin- g ra n d p a re n t of E ng­ flat hoard and leaning this up against th e few days But Is-siiles th e T eutonic |»art tlie house to dry. The sun takes the to hucksters for street sale.—New York 01 , “ e ii:l" urcljiteeture about it. ?? re,Uni ireight for >he ship- liirliidiliagim gugam eatK wjt |, outsiders. lish. By M a'l, Pc»*age Paid. 1 do not kuow whether they deal cut trnni i When, however, tho I here m ast he aaipiestintied p roof th a t w hieh is tlie gro u n d w ork of th e Inn- w rinkles c u t of the clothes, aud sonic Snu. oubles of the Napoleonic era com- justice on the same walo ns tho build­ th e l utsi '• I- will b cco ta t- att officer In i g'uige, ¡t has suffered nil th e effects ot of them have quito a luster. The J a p F a llin g in T his auese woman docs her w ashing out of ing. . . but city scent th o am iv h.-fore .-veil th e co u rtsh ip is a l­ a. lengthy Roman oeenpution. II tho afiairs of the w awj O ACUl tO menced, and especially wheu tho con­ " I t is not everybody w ho can fall k,, has had a g re a t inllitenee on th e lan ­ be well managed, and one would think tinental blockade was enforced, the tint- doors. H er w ashtub is not more thun lowed. S trict a arc th e rules, th ey art- ! desperately in lo v e," Andrew Lang do- not tilw-nv- lived up to. tilrls even in guage and bus intriMlitced ninny w ords six inches high and is about as big 'd a r e s . "M a c y a yonug woman know s Ld?“ , |lliC taik ,< ! t,h ‘l Fe°PIe- 'lJat thi- certain P1C? ° f th° Kaltic becoming un- | m g has a g a d d«al to do with i t He It m u s t lie rem em bered also around ns the average dishpon. ELt ’ hl- S a il ; ti c , Atruy will fall in lovennd •uio it. ia? d u1UHUmcient> attention was j th at she, for oue. is not a horn heroine Hi forbidden d irections, llisobedieiiei- th at tr e n c h w as fo r a long period the gets the d irt out cf the clothes by rub Wo ran u o t till have a genius for passion is greatly liked, is around the streets wBh Hd 0 th ? N o rih Anicric0n colonies -n d in tho exhibition every day and ' w th the result of increasing the quon to tlw m b s m eans iliseipline and som e­ official language o f th e co u n try . T his bing them between her hands. Si.i ! ludeisi th a t genius is, first, rath er un tim e s expulsion, t tai not infrequently hiul an even grent.-r effect on the som etim es n-a-s Japanese soup, whi, i- ' nstn-.l, and. secondly, is apt not to bo Hops to talk to the exhibitors aud work- I t 7 of timber which reached G reat BrH- Finally i t has not. e n tirely is fu ll of grouse, uud w orks aw ay w .th men W e had the honor of meeting him th e tinny losi-s u bright, young fem sle tongue. eoUiiucd to a sittglo object, (»iris ought Tha Crnt sl Wce’Jy ¡1 tho fen ¡try, iiilleer simply- heeausc sht1 l I I N I N t « ll|1 l-vst nil tra c e , of th e early C eltic occu­ her bare feet. Tlie Chinese girls di not to ho educated in a belief in the tw o or three times. He was gomg Ule »ons in 1890 “x 181° ’ a,Kl t0 808,0C0 pation. This com bination lias p ro ­ th eir w ashing in much the same way wav .., the «isles ol the exhibition, and lov in g and clin g in g t m an w lm w ill coup de fuudro. Most of them w ill find in tho street, aud wo were going the ported to h it " 1895 ,he !,mouilt « ’ I duced th e mil l v ari'-l, rich and flexible T he w ashing in Egypt is usually i. n n o t join th e n r tu y . some good fellow w ho is much attae bed other "L ong 1,,-e the kingl ’i j X K lan g u ag e th a t exists. by the men. The Egyptiun w ushen ...n <)1 ici-rs m ust not bt-allowisl to e a r n «io-el, has eh iu u s-I lenst. A nyone stuuds naked on the bunks of tb til. le to them , as they w ill be to hint. They tw e e t in American Machinist. (Including |M»stage) to any part of tho Un,tod <”t any co u rtsh ip In tin- tow n w here w ill m arry, if tin y have luck, and.never Htftteo Canada and Mexico. t hey are appointed. T h eir Inllttetice is who w ishes to sa tisfy him self of th e and slaps the w et elotln s. w ith u noisi th in k of losing th eir ln u rt. iu the Rtylo THE WEEKLY CHBOXICLE, tho br,?hto«t «neh I» Fume. ,1,-st.n-M-d when it Is known Hint they tr u th of th is sta te m e n t iv-rd onlv taler like the sliot i f ii pistol, on the snn i th of Dido or Medea T his has alw ays been and moot complete Weekly Newspiper ,n th« A Frusstnu , flie r in the German ar a rc eugsired to soldiers. The laws add d o w n f o u r au th o rs, like H erodotus, stones nt the e d . -of the tu n n in g w ad r, the proso fai t of m atriniotiy, and thus world, prints rjg’ilarly SI columns, or twelre and stu b ftllali women us w ash pound I’lutnreh. A nna C o m m en aan d T rik u p i. th a t s o ld i, -r* so situ ated should ask for pages, of News. Liter-Uiire and Ooneral Inform* ‘Hymen peoples ev rv town If youug my has Li en in tho habit of questioning lion;also a uingnlflcent Agricultural I»epart®eot rem ,m il w la-n "su rro u n d in g inlluem-r, He will find, if he can tra n sla te one, the d irt e n t of th eir clothes iu the same women w ait lo r the coup de foudro nnd ru n ri e uits on simple m atters of na- th at In- can tra n sla te th e o th ers; and way. SAMPLE C O P IE S S xN T FRiE. ■‘ “'i ‘n-m ry i,..r9 are a few r e p i’. a re found to Is- too stro n g .“ Frenchw om en pound (he d irt on t w ith the handsom e k n ig h t who conies ruling lo h .s question. “Who i, Bismarck?" In e i- r y th in g lovers a re told th at th ia th o u g h tlicv w rote respectively through th e forest, th e - w ill coif S t helpinnti.sinust la-chosen " fn rtlie w nr." «.'«) y ears befotv (. h rist, and 70, 1,110, pniidles, often slam m ing tho clothes up K atherine o r lend apes i.i hell Novels d o y o u w a n t the M . - n u w asem percrof the French." and l,8t>o vents after. on stones, us the E gyptians uo.— Lx nnd ••consent will never be given towny Bismarck is dead “ "Eism arck ig a prove th e inadequacy of the ideal The change. c h r o n ic l e ••ngagi nient o r m arring’« wlm-li would heroine alw ays loves th e unsatisfactory pensi.,no- and lives iu P aris." - B is. THE BATH. tn k e th e officer....... . o f the n riuy." In u « n k took part m the campaign ’f poet, is jilte d , meets tlm solid squire or T h e E n tu u y o f * C y c lo n e . ••xplilHliu-r th e object of th is law tin It IV» m tine«' I •»•«! la I ta ly fo r C a p ita l duct -Ud..r; 7 ,ve’1 a u'«»«lfor good ,-on- T he p rim ary cause of tho low bare b usinessm an mid finds t h a t ‘w liat sho itcV “ uch trouble field bonk Slates th at I lie arm y cannot I'll n I n I i tn en t. b ,»“»»ck descends from the m o lly healthy man had taken for love was. e tc ._we all The {»uniahntent o f the bagno (b a th ), m etric p rtssn re w hich m urks the sti rm afford to educate uud train officers to Jollity and exhubersn» u Kood humored, know the form ula—uud lives happvy linvo th em leave, la leaving they are f th e must cleverly cru el inflie- center uud establishes tlieeyclouo is ex ever after. " verbial combination Th»*n are “ Pro" (S H O W IN G n always laughine dneL ? ’’carty man who im pn-ssed th a t they violate tlieir'm .w t ti»HV e v e r ib-vin-d by no official of tlie pnnsii-n of tlm a ir through exi-ets oi The U nited States, Dominion 0, »«th hi, digesfion It ha e any ,rouble tem peralurc. The h in ted air, risin g in I1H ItOilnQ Of I t. r o ll-m il pledges. V. press. , tor: .re i-lianils-r, w as adiiiiiu-tcreil in ---- 2'.a,,.been.’aid that "W hy, ’ slit- asKed. " d o so many of « ' Iv. proliubly in Venice, vv Imre th e to cold upper regions, bus a portion ot truth Canada and N o rth e rn Mexico Il« tsn t uuv giHHl at n il I Oind. < ’PPJ- contented “ Well, replied the m an w ho had M a p o f t h 9 W o u ld -I-S of vvlileh w en- slig h tly in exis-sa gives up its modicum of latent held. ed frame of all sjw»ll nnd pronounce ‘ m > of the avi-rog,- h eig h t o f a" mini. ‘u ■ » »hört timo s T ànd” - h In Each pound ef vapor th u s Jil t rates, no w orked on a ta n a , “ the ouly cxplauu piny, ,lnic aRu, :,n'i ‘rru-nbi'e;'t'hrmp!ure<‘ OUtestion win’ sd tim es o\t»r. »•sp»»c»:iB^ since nil o rd er to hold in eheck th e risin g tide cording to P rofessorT yudulF s estiuinlc, tii n li au give ts th a t the poets probably and ho nidn t , O N T H K O T H E R S II> E . «* n fla irs have t»eco!no of tnort» of a supply o f w ater.w h ieh run in to tlie enougli Ii, nt to m elt five pounds of cu.t te v e r tried to raise potatoes in a field for ihe other .' J ’ " “K »be counsel a m.e»> ever f ie n d S 2 a n d G e t t h e M a n • nd A bili™ bilioni suie * o n s c q iw nci deserving of «jan who is not , in th è litftt. yvnr. >nt in a eom»tnut stream , the eriniinnl iron, io tli« am onut given out where when- g vliicunxl had got a good start. " ronl.t object to - L h t X o V ’“ 11' “' ’ " We k ly , h ro n lc le f»r Oae Y ’S* . Í t Ces’n Tnu**um ‘0 - New« / nei-von, man wh- a a ft” 1' ' ’f lin t. e i t \ i f Pehing. No oue, v.\c«»pt •° > e" »• ?<"t-ñ„dim, ¡," m to p ace not ln petulent was fu n iisb ed w ith « sixmp w ith w hieh large masses of cloud are form ing niu-t —( low land Leader poei«ne prep aid o i M .p aud F«Pjr- ----- r iitin « . ». T 13 » c u r i o s i ty A ll el____ « " a A" « com <» uìc p rso u wh«> I ium lived in C hina, o r 1»» bal,.- ou t th e w a te r tut fast, a* it enorm ously add to ihe totivee lieu m r According to Dr victim )wcomci^o, o n ? J T '” ‘ when ,h' addìi n vt ho lm» I m ‘<» h t< >hi by m » iiic on > o ho ha* ennie in. K x p a a slv * VfiHl-ity. X -U M " ¡ X ren ts of the air, nnd heuee to the stern, ’'pendent a, well a ' l d,,!* .7 '» b1e. but AI. H . d e Y O U N G , )iu»rf th e re " W h a t s the m atter, old man cullai it n n \ t hing h u t developing (lower of ibe form ing ey «' that while the ma A e w'tfe »'ill real- You ■ u u t I . . , a I'he resp ite from d eath by innner- 1IIC| Proprietor a F. Cbrostels. ,h~ n i, in’ h M ^ V W ’h « . “ man , iV h in . làven th è ifeographic* Infilo» th»' •lon t Ims obtaiiH-d vvaa mots- o r les-s clone. Jt is denbted w hether a atm ui look sad SAM FRAffCIllCO. CAI» - « S T tr» '. it is a faCt thMm |’Sh-, ” not literally Mime itiiwtako \ i»t it is an Incorreet t<» |>r< loiuscd, neisinliiig to th e pow ers of could a tta in , m uch Jess continue, the " lu m t ju st asked F arnsw orth to or sonrs his character "totn" 'h ’» " te n s (»jiiit th è “g ” iim it wouM he to lenu» « ff en d u ran ce lauuvs-ed by th e victim terrific forco of th a t most dreaded ot leLil mi <6 il ’’ •'’ »riaiüjj *kiaiupie.^ " M,l»i**a 8'Mthy or unhealthy O ne o n t h e C o n ja r e r . th è " k ” iti New Y ork. It «hotild I m » pr» - Hut. im agine the m oral to rtu re , th e ex- w inds of toin( i rate zones, the tornado, "A n d I suppose b.c ««id lie didn't I'dtcal Discovery is th«. kJ*,*1** » Golden ‘Leve th’e ,h* '° " <’'<'onTs described ° f ? ennt and pitilees toil cnudensiitg vapor w h n lr alw ays ueoi m " N o He had to get a filo t ill (bang vxi-n-Me, myaffectiou for forming tho old trick of producing ‘b 1 aiftcMion . lr.°nE- the rnnaireri from a pocket handkerchief, when l>e Jt, ori th è iìrst.—Xìolrfen l>av». by night anti diiv, to stave off th e pauy it in the form of stonnelouds — ed in o ftc r to l i t uie have w hat 1 hai huudl ’-C h u -ago Tribune. my dachs- P»nhe, » n t t he'.n?!ir h , ,e’d ,h " to« nerve* j» tear_ blood and tones remarked to n hoy iu front “ I say, >»» d read m om ent fast appro aeh in g , when, IL 8. W illiam s, XI. D., iu l i a r j u r ’a a,kvd tor ' —G l. viU i.d L.n,i»r A u l ' n h e a l t h j II umìiì «*»«. Magazine. ’nert boy- your mother can't get eggs * itD P*rh»f»s « • in a recent re c e n t m im edical tiienl rep ivfiort o rt o f Prof. evervntnc by sleep and fatigue, he » a . » » i s . W a i t e r of" e X m n ’U ; 8rm h- ’ ™ Chine*- ,iu ur, is a cu n ,.u s t-rau. h of O l l i it N htated that in the rice ftoldai unab le to stru g g le any longer ag ain st »a ,." rî,,inv nerve fikr V ‘»unas Pcent m «trong. “X are von ari « o * » « . * t » :ailhv w n e fibr*. » new w •»< Of „ _______ . _ can, ” w as the repl' ha-nan h alare - lie L slesttals not ,miy Ida fnt.-,’ course she Ins?fMpate’ nprvon,mZ’ brain <*11«. n rou ml I’m e un a, J ta il, th»» worker«, Mis, Van Dyke (as VanDvkcappears coiitiaite to buy a.- tr u ly as t v , r ft- m •nd tmoarts mental eb.,0 *. d m' ’ancholy ‘‘ Why, how 's that?" asked the t ‘ liiostl) female«, are lx»v<»d nearly F o s s il In se r ts. tli ir custo-*,' rs. ihe Japanese, t.ut tcauy at 8 a. n t.)—-Where have you breuf 'he best of » H ,n<1 juror. , tr* w “ T Tli« .Sew ï rk BfwM ba kers arv -»:d mom » y olone), lu m rse „ : - t u t . n ir-re ,x T rr r ’. v n ' ’’ < • lolt-U ennxirM t. to wear oui lü«» floor of ilu ir yx qpcciuwiut oil told have been found. ' l l - stale to m an ree onr h u -lc e ,« 111 t h e ir ' Uiangv ewrjr tiro v 'U'iwst; «il mine U - N > n-i - em hy conn-t<- It I, m a tille otile« l-i.-t l a , ,, r v s-m tch t " ” -in I ,|, . q , .1.,.. no I"'’’ H oles. sn>er„ v ii.nibtr »71. Refe-««»' v ' m *rif* ririrr««p*d »tnmnr-1 env«»ì*»pt» t. lief«. Vrwut.. Dent. M. Chicago. # 1 P ills CDBT CHRONICLE ae the ' J 't i í ' : d a il y On!y$6.70afar. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 I y 1 Ife! a to Reversible Map? os W 'S ’ to u lierauL ÏM Î Time«. —New a