th e R e y .l a u k « « t b . faMt .......... HOME ON A FURLOUGH. w k o le M in . sad 4 .ll« io « t. — rUBLISUICD BYEBY FRIDAY MORNING— B oys lo U lne on ■ V to F lo r e n c e . CO UNCIL PRO CEED IN G S Be Cnred_al A meeting of tlie city I'ntincil was held Tuesday evening with President Weatli- Last Saturday their many friends ergon in the chair. Present ro'iig'iliueu, _-I' ix > rb \’ ck , L ane C ounty , O regon .— in liorenee snd vieinitv were surprised j Hurd, Kyle and .Morris and Recorder - • - by - - - ami pleased to meet Will B ay and Moiri Waiter Haring, t« o Sinslaw Isays who Minnies ot last meeting read ami ! '«long to company M nf Hie 1st W ash ­ approved, Editor and Proprietor. ington volunteers. They returned home Un moiion of Mr Kurd il was ordered j The Ablest and Most Successful on a JO days furlough, after being in the that Hie city purchase three stieei Sjmcialists in the World. ___ T erms : if 1 .00 ft year in advance.-— service since last April. The hoys are lamps and have them placed at suitable ! They guarantee a complete cure at well and are in hopes they will have an points for lighting the streets. Carried. Your Own Home, and allots you to j opportunity to go to tlie Philippines. Entered a t th e post-oilice ut Florence, Tire president appointed Mr Hurd a pay when cured. Lane county, Oregon, as second-class committee to purehase the )arii|>s and 1 POSTOFFICES ESTABLISHED. mail m atter. bate them placed in position. Absolutely Puro On motion the recorder was instructed ' The following new postoftices have /[»V E R T ISISO RATES MARK KNOWN ON A P­ Io notify the property-owners by pub­ ewtabliahed in Lane comity since PLICATION. lishing in the W est a nolice that Hie! boeiil notice« 8 cent» per line, each Insertion last December: Amoa, E'lift ton, Eel- council intends to order that Main Thousands of promising young men rup, Mirth, Ord, Saginaw, Samaria, I**0 POWO<11 CO-- NPW VOAK. street in tire original town of Florence' have their lives an I future usefulness Vida. Names changed : Gate Creek to Florence, Or. Fept. 23,1898. The school in Duncan Slough district Elliston. Discontinued; Sinslaw, mail he improved by constructing a sidewalk wrecked by INDISCRETION AND on the north side of said street front tire PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms closed Tuesday. to Lorane; Wallace, mail to Cottage intersection of Main and Washington until cured, are portrayed on tlie coun­ A case or two of whooping cough is ! Grove, CO T O . streets to the west side of Jefferson tenance an I in the actions of the vic­ reported in town. street. RATES ADVANCE. tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ Loiiis Kerverdo is shipping clams to Bill of G C Cuinpton for $17 for three ed, other organs liecoine affected, and t ie Eugene market. , T • « > T| *n view of the fact that mil road rates months services as city marshal and one sootier or later there are serious results. president appointed Fred Tustin ì 'vili be considerably advanced on the New Method Treatm ent will posi­ To Buy Your W inter Supply o Roseburg, Oregon, commissioner for j 25tli inst., it would lie advisable for all day’s work cleaning sidewalk, received. Our On motion the recorder was ordered to tively cure these diseases. l ie district of Alaska, to reside al persons contemplating a trip East lo draw a warrant tor the amount of Hie MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are 0----- o f -------0 rantf,e" i avail themselves of the present eppor-j hill. thousands of you who have committed If yor have any disease due to impure ■ tu "''V to purchase tickets at greatly O W Hurd presented a report as cify offences against tlie laws of your na­ AND or impoverished blood, like scrofula, reduced rates. The only line running treasurer for last year. Referred to ture, and are now paying up for it. salt rheum, dyspepsia, or catarrh, you through dining cars and Pullman up­ committee on streets to report nt next Those weak, aching backs, Ixtss of Sex­ ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, should take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and he holstered tourist sleepers is ti e North­ meeting. I promptly cured. A petition was received asking that Frequent and Painful evacuations of ern Pacific, the scenic Yellowstone Park the council pass an ordinance requiring the Bladder accompanied by more or At Creswell Frank Hughes was bound route. For rales, time tables am i all householders to provide water-closets less smarting and the escape of p ar­ information apply to or address, over in the sum of $250 on the charge of witli water-tight receptacles, also to ticles of albumen in the urine with And don't forget, th a t you can get having cut Damon Sherwood on the R M c M urphy , remove all tilth from their premises. ropy sediment, all (>oint to the decline General Agent, Eugene, Or. arm anti side of the neck at R It Hayes' the best goods for th e ------—« On motion the petition was referred to of your manhood. Tuere are hundreds hop yard Saturday night. DANCE. the committee on streets to report at ; who ilie of this diificuity, ignorant of . , LEAST MONEY Hon Henry Beckly ex-senator from \ the cause. The d o tors will guarantee the next regular meeting. Douglas county died very suddenly at : Tl,ero wi” ’,M' a tfiven b? ,be A petition was received asking that ' a |>erfec.t cure in all such cases, and The Dalles last Friday. He had started i ,lle",bers “f Heceta Lodge, No 111, on the city purchase land for a city park. I healthy restoration of tneG enito LTrin- on a trip to the east when taken ill. tlie lower flour of the Odd Fellow Referred to the judiciary committee. I ary Organs. * V O R A N & S O N , ★ The remains were taken to Elkton for building on Saturday evening Octolwr Mr Kyle asked permission to con­ READER—Are yon in trouble? 1st, 1898, for the purpose of a good time struct a sewer in Wasiiington street ! Have you iieen treated and never cured? burial. The Shoe Dealers. ami fixing the trail. front his residence to the river. Granted, j You dare not risk a return of the dis­ Toledo Leader: The steamers “ Na- Good music will he furnished. ease. It may appear when happy in Tlie council then adjourned. vario” and “ Ruth” are both on the San Tickets tor dance tity cents. domestic life. Our New Method W E ST L .IN G S. Francisco and Yaquina bay run. Lib­ Floor managers Treatm ent is your refuge? If diseased, D E A FN E S S CA NNO T BE C U R ED . eral patronage will make to the interest Com. on arrangements. T .1 N eely consult us confidentially. 0 ’ of the county to which Yaquina bay is S J S eynour Outing and Cotton Flannels nt F C B ean W RITE (enclosing slit ups for reply) i the key of prosperity returned and to M arion M orris By local applications, as they cannot for our interesting book. “ A Warning Funke’s. A ndrew B runo come. read) the diseased portion of the ear. Voice.” S uit free. A ll letters kept Dm first hard rain of this season fell SCHOOL REPORT. There is only one way to cuio deafness, strictly private and confidential. A ll I Guard: Sheriff Withers today turned Tuesday night. “wnd ttiat is by constitutional remedies. plain sealed envolope. Household furniture for sale nt George I over to Treasurer Patterson the sum of Tito following is the report of the Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con­ answers sent No C. O. D. business. $1,599.37, tax money. Thia makes Brainard’s Acme, Ore. Minerva school, district No. 158, Lane dition of the mucous lining of the A few silver-side salmon have been $9,230 collected by the present incum­ county, Oregon, for the summer term Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. bent of the sheriff's office. The delin­ caught in the past few days. beginning May 30th and closing Sept. Inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or quent roll now only amounts to about IOth, 1898. impeifect hearing, and when it is en­ Hood’s pills aro easy to take, easy to $6,300. W RITE TODAY. No days taught 79 tirely closed deafness is the result, and operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. O Leneve of Port Orford who lias unless the infiammation can 1« taken No “ attendance 401 26c. Address 63 out and this tube restored to its normal been spending several weeks at Heceta No “ absence D r W . H S a u n d e rs ^ Co , Born nt Acme, Ore, Sunday Sept, 1811-, and Florence, informed the W est re­ No times tardy 4 condition, hearing will lie destroyed 69 Signal tit., Detroit, Mich. 1898, to the wile of Fet Fisk, a eon. All porter Hint lie expects soon to be a No boys enrolled 3 forever; nine eases out of ten ate caused doing well. 3 by catarrh, which is nothing hut an in­ resident of Florence and lias made No girls enrolled 6 flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ,1 B Hill formerly proprietor of Hie arrangements to occupy Capt H urd’s Total number enrolled We will give one hundred dollars for 5 Morris Hotel has opened a .‘¡sir market house. We understand lie intends to j Average daily attendance I Those neither absent nor tardy: any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) engage in the drug business in Eugene. that cannot 1« cured tiy H all’s Catarrh Clyde Bay. About six tons of salt wil I be needed Capt Maloney of Newport, who is at Cure. Send for circular, free. K atherine E H anna , teacher. in construction of the new vessel and work calking the new vessel here, has F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. NO TIC E OF IM P R O V E M E N T . most of it lias already been used. It Is bad bis left hand poisoned. Sold by all druggists, 75c. placed in tire sides of ttio vessel between H all’s Family Pills are the best. A couple were married at Glencoe, the lining and the outside planking, and By order of Hie Board of Trustees of Washington county, recently. The fills the space between the timbers to a tlie Town of Florence, Lane county groom was 82 years of age and tire bride : PRO F JO H N S O N DEAD. deptli of about of about four feet, reacli- Oregon, notice is hereby given that tat ltd 22 years. ¡ng from the deck to the water-line. It.jg proposed to improve Mailt street reet in S' iturday night five horses were stolen i ¡8 putin to prevent dry rot In the wood ( the original Town of Florence tiy build Prof .1 W Johnson of Hie state univer- i near Cottage Grove front a farmer nam­ and make the vessel last longer. I ¡,ig a sidewalk on Nortli side of snid I’ity died at bis home in Eugene the 14th ed Alex Coolev and two front Geo Register: «, JM street from the intersection of Main , inst. aged 62 years. ivrgiBter; ¿« Woodruff n w u r u u lias tins institut- 11101.11 Warren near tlie Divide. He was born in Missouri in 1836 and j ed a suit for damages against tlie street with Washington street, to tlie j came to Oregon in 1850. He became Will Bay and W alter Haring left for Southern Pacific company. He alleges West side of Jefterson street. Dated this 20th day of September 1898. ’ president of tlie state university when I Ssn Ftancisco by way of Coos Bay this that on May 22nd, 1898, he purchased a • that institution was opened in 1876, | J ohn H M orrih , morning. Their regim ent lias been or­ ticket to ride over the company’s road , holding Ids position till 1893, when he Recorder. front Cottage Grove to Creswell. That dered to embark for Manilla. I resigned the presidency anil was made at Creswell, tiie caboose in which lie THE ISLAND BOOM- The steamer Florence will be ready 1 professor of Latin which place lie held was riding, was run into through the for a trial trip in a few days more. The till lie resigned Aug. 22nd, 1898, negligence of the employes of tlie com­ A mistaken report bus gained eircnl» boiler was filled and tlie machinery set * 4 $ t $ * pany, and-he was injured in such a tion on tlie river above tide, th a t the in motion one day this week. COMMISSIONERS COURT. manner as to be unfit for his usual work new boom enterprise at tlie island near Charles Davis tlie 10 year old son of for several weeks. He asks for $10,090,0 „ g|,ma,i’» mill was abandoned also D Davis of Comstock was killed Monday damages for the injuries received. ! that tlie Mason boom would not 1« in The county court has allowed the by falling from a wagon loaded witii j condition to receive logs. Loggers may . following claims of citizens from the wood. His neck was broken and skull GREENLEAF ITEM S. relieve tlieir minds of all anxiety on WPHt part of the county : crusiied. , this score. T lie pile driver lias been , O " Hurd supplies for pauper W B y a W est C orrespondent . ' overhauled and newly calked and Will i A M««'1 ...................; ................ 8 500 Four new men went to work on tlie lie at work at the island boom Bext I h Boring road work, in district new vessel this week. Two calkers and 1 43 50 Frank Potterf proposes to saw lumber wee|j_ j ron gnj chains have been pur- I No 30 ......................................... two lalsirprs. There are now 33 men, 0 H Holden justice fee, stHte vs with Id» engine near Alpha. chased and a large portion of the including tlie foremen, working on tlie Jeff H arney.................................. 4 40 i Mr and Mrs J A Burnett snJ Miss and lionin sticks and material for vessel. Alice are outside the mountains. sheer are on hand. Tlie boom at Ma- I £ A Evans constable fee, state vs Dried Apples, County Clerk Gnzley of Douglas conn- Jeff H arney................................. 34 25 Mr Harris of Alpha, who made a son’s will also be ready to receive logs, tv has written a letter to Representative small fortune in Umatilla county during so that certainty will he doubly ee- Peaches, Pears, Wilson requesting him to introduce a SUNDAY SERVICES. cured bill into the legislature reducing tlie tlie harvest, lias returned home. Prunes, Berries, Mrs Heslop and son, who have lasen NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. clerk’s salary from $2500 to $2090 per Ptsaching at Alpha 10:30 a m ; and nt boarding at J A Burnett’s during the year. Fish, Claim, Deadwood at 2 p m. summer vacation, have returned to Loud Office at Ro«ehnrv, O revon, I G K nott «, pastor. Cottage Grove L eader: James Benson September 17, ISOS. A N D At L — , Eugene. brought to this office, the first of the Notice 1« hereby given tlmt the fnlluwlng- Luther Millelge of Indian creek is iismed settler its« filed notice of h l. intention week, some very fine peaches, one of teaching school in southeastern Oregon to make fliml prsif 1-. support of lit« claim, and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION them measuring 11% inches in circum­ and his wife, who is in delicate health, thatBAi'1 pr>»of will hp mode before C. H. Hoi* ference. The peaches were grown on Land Office at Rotebnrr, Oregon. is stopping with her parent®, Mr and den, U. S. Conimiasioner at Lake Precinct, John Weaver’s place near Riddle. Douglas Co., Oregon, on October 29, 1H9H, viz: August 2*J, 1896. Mrs Howard, at Elk Prairie. Samuel E Lowe. <»n 1». e. no. 9056 for the lot 2 j Notice!» hereby given that’the following-named The hnrdest thunder storm in this Louis Robert, who lived with In's nee. 6; lot 5 sec. 5: tp. 20 •., r, 11 west and e’^ settler has flle4, see.31; tp. IP a., r. 11 west. Anal proof of hfs claim, and that occnred Sunday night. Only a little Lake creek for several years and is well- He name« the f'llow iug wltnesaew to prove said proof will be made tiefore Joel Ware, IT. 8. rain fell but to those of our inhabitants known hereabouts, is at the point of hU coiitinuou* resilience upon and cultivation Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon, on October 15,1W6 viz: Roger M. Allen on h. e. no. 7301 for , of sold land, viz: who have resided in tlie Mississippi death at liis home in Switzerland with 8. B. Colvin, B. F. Wflkes and Darius Vander- the wTi »w*4, aec. 28; e*^ ae’4 eec. 29; tp. 18 a., 'alley or fartiier east the thunder and burg of Lake Precinct, Ore., and J. L. Fam ish of r. 10 west. Bright's disease. He names the following witnesses to prove Florence, Oregon. lightning were reminders of old times. The people in the hop-.vnrd near Irv­ J. T. B ridges , his contiouon» residence upon and cultivation The sum of $20,000 lias been appropri­ ing, where little Jimmy Alamasi died, of, said land, viz: Register Frank Sweet, Wallace Sweet, Charles Adder- ated for tiie survey of public lands in were very Rind to hi» brothers and Oregon for tlie fiscal year ending June sisters. They raise«! money and gave notice for publicatio n . aoit and (leorge Allen all of Point Terrace, Oregon. 30th, 1899. Settlers who wish to have nice funeral, and, as tbe J T B ridge » , A Land OMceal Rosehure, Oregon. their claims surveyed should file appli disease was typhoid in its nature and Register. N September K, cations witli S'«ryeyor-General R A believed lo be contagious, anil all tlie J> Notice I* hereby given that the following- Habersham ae soon as possible, in order children had been sleeping together,, ttftmed **ttlcr hat filed notice of hla intention that bids may be taken, and the neces- ^ „ g h t them new clothing and to make final proof in anpp »rt of hit claim and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION that wild proof will 1* made before C. II. Hol­ •ary formalities complied witli, so l,int i and burned all tlie obi. IT. 8. CommHsiotier at Florence. Oregon, I/*ltd Office, at Ib»aeb»trg, Oregon. Hie work n,ay be got nt early next year. ' getll gimnions die-l last Tlmrs.isy den on Novem her A* 18», vl«: Noah P. RnMnaon September 7. 1898. Coast Mail: Tiie steam er Bismarck, ev'ening, tlie 15th, after an illness of two on b. e. no. 6282 for the ae’* ne%. ne’4 ae!X. Notice 1« hereby given that the followfng- aec. 18; nw‘4 »ec. 17; tp. 18 a., r. Il WOU. Bow at Bandon, and her owner, are in a (|avge Mr Simmons was working a U p name* the f-»ll«»win< wlnie*w* to prove natn«M M’ttler has filed notice •»/ hi» intention Peck of trouble In addition to striking \yright’s mill, and Mis« Iola was stop- hlwcontinuoui residence upon and cultivation to make final pr»»»f in »upport of hia claim , and that mid proof will I m made before <5. H. H»»l« °n the epit at tlie entrance of the Co- pjng with her grandmother, near Eugene of, aoM laud, viz: den IT. 8. Com mb»loner, at Florence, Oregon on ‘I 'file river and getting hogged in two \ j rs Simmons and her son Byr,,n (’f ,n~ Bnnmel Seymour, John Hewett, Frank Bweet October 2?, via: fa«win Better» on b. e. no. «137 for the ew% aec. 28; ne*4 and ne*4 P aceg, she ¡g leaking badly and is now |mme. Site I'»«' been ailing for a •ud F.ed Hewett all of Acme, J. Oregon. T. B m id g e m . nw*4, »ec. 38; tp. 17 ».. r 10 W. He.1 up hv tlie custom antlioritieu for |ong time with - some atomach trouble. SIZES F R O M . 1U rioter. He name« the following wltneenet to prove ALL idnes- viols'ing some nf Hie shipping laws. She was suddenly taken worae hi» contlnno$»are«tdcnce upon and cultivation As she made tlie trip from Rogue river day and Seth’s brother Charley etarted Z ^U R E rheumatism by taking of »«id land, viz: to the Coquille w ilhout having passed for a doctor at on««, on the way n o » ^ W Hood'» Sarsaparilla,which by neu­ W. W. Neely, A. PW alker, and T. J. Neely Mapleton, Oregon and Andrew Brund of Hie inspectors, Hie fine, we understand ing Seth. The doctor arrived before tralizing tlie acid in the blood perm»- of Florence, Oregon. nently relieve« ache, and PAINS. to do Mrs Simmon« died, but to I»'* is $500. J. T BBirxiR». good Indeed be decland (list if Register. The Was» lias for sale one y ear,’ W r ite F o r C ir c u la r b e l l d been prevent when • '* » "• tuition in tlie Holmes Bnrinesa College taken down he could not have J. H . M O N T E IT H W awtr »— agvRRhL TRrrrwoRTNV rgR«o»a im her as her stomach was all gone. She of Portland. Tliis is one of tlie lending thl» Mate to manage oar bn«lneMi in their own tmsineaa colleges on tlie ma«t, haring and Heart») eonntlea. it i« mainlv off!««« work I X ’taken .o Pleasant HHI remeiery, People who buy Sfhtl~ at home. Salary »tralght $900 a Glensds, English, Gmimeri-inl, Shorthand and conducted yearaiW «xpgneea—definite, bonaflde, no more «here me funeral was held on no lean »alar)’. Monthly $75 Reference. Fn- Telegraphic departments and we offer ling's Best drink more tea a 1 The Simmonses are liighly re»pec e< jr cloae eel f add rested «Uni tied envelope. Herbert Oregon. I. He», Preet, Dept M, Chicago. this tuition oo eaay term«. ye-r than other people. a« all. “AT- PAY WHEN CURED. W.II. WEAT1IERSON D B .U S A » M POWDER . In order to reduce niy stock of good* between now and Jan. 1st, 1899,1 have reduced the price of all goeds to COST and a small per cent to ’cover expenses during the sale. Lost Manhood Restore! EUGENE These goods are mostly new, bought for the Full and Winter trade, and will be sold without reserve. It is the largest stock carried for many years thus giv ing a great variety to select irorn SHO ES boots A WORLD BEATER * • ___ • ___ • * # » • • # • ★ A URGE ASSORTMENT OF CAPES JUST IN ★ Hanging in cloth from $1.60 up. Pluah capes from $2.60 up. Cotton blankots at 5rtc, 65c, 75c, 11.00, and 81.25 per pair. Wool “ from 82.00 to 88.00 per pair; mostly Salem manufacture Calicoes at 20, 25, and 30 yds., for 81.00. N ew est styles Chicago Li. L i . muslin 5c, Cabot W. Cc, Cabot A . 7c, w ith half cent reduction by the bolt. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices that will astonish you. This is an op­ portunity to procure your winter sup­ plies practically for cost. Remember the place and call. Remember we carry a general assort- meut of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and Notions all CASH only. reduced. s’ This sale for z; | Hail Orders Promptly Pilled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. j . a M c C lung , ™ b GUABFiON EVAP3BAT0R. S cien tific A m erican. 2 2 VEGETABLES. None who are engagud in any of the mechanical pureuite can succeed without reading and studying this standard Magazine of Sciences and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with all modem cuts of latest inventions in all the branches of mechanism, and its fund of knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ ventors and mechanics. W k 8T at clubbing rates. THE EDSM1IPIILITAN, This* monthly magazine is one of the verj best printed in this country, and is sole to all subscribers at rates within tb, ALWAYS READY ability of all to pay. $ 2 5 G ood I - t o S1Q B . It is finely illua trated and presents the names of famout SAFE, DURABLE Drijs to 53 cis., per T od . Sold with T ub authors as ¡contributors. 1' hk W esi and the Coemopolitau are sold at re duced rates at this office.^ THE ARENA ‘ We do not take possession of our Ideas hut are possassed by then They master ns and force ns into the arena, Where like gladiators, we m ost fight for them." Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the eutire 'contents of this monthly magazino are ujon a plane and in keeping with its motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent thinkers is a group oi interesting men and women, and their thoughts are worthy the consideration ot a«l people. sold,with Tur W wr. Tho Arena is