T E L E ‘X Ä T E S T . t>0N' T G,V£ AWAY OUR ADVANTAGE. WASHINGTON LETTER. AX EXTRA SESSION. eminent constructs the Nicaragua canal, — p r e u SH KD B Y SftY FB ÎD A Y Tacoma Led««»: MOHN IN O .— Fao>t oi'a kbgulam GoKaxseoNDEXT. The work of the Amerlran-Oanadian — AT— F l o r ix c », L a n i C o unty , ■ - by O kkoon -nj«,riant questions which have lieen in dispute between the governments, « w . H. WEATIIERSON E ditor and comniiseioii, which was supposed pri­ marily to l>e the settlement of several Proprietor. seems to have taken an entirely new ’ urn. The disputed questions seem to have been relegated to the rear by bringing to first place the attempts of ! there are likely to lie two canals letween the Atlantic and the Pacific. A gent e- GOVERNOR LORD CALLS THE CREGDN ' man from Panama, now in Washington, LEGISLATURE TO MEET W ash ., D O, Sept. 12’ It, 1898. I who has no reason to exaggerate, said:; SEPT. 26. Gen. Miles and Gen. Shafter are no» 'Although there Is not much talk aim it J ____ _ only in Washington, hut they have ¡ t in the newspaiiers, the const tud Ion I G ov , rnor i ^ i hag |M,i«d a r . met, sl.aken hands, and chatted togeth­ work now In progress on the Panama |11M, jon an extra ........( the er as friendly as any two old comrades canal is on a s a'e of magnitude which . O((.g(„, |egig|lltllre t0 llleet at Salem, might he expected iodo. Thia must le will bring the enterprise to a successful SepL 2tj- Great interest is taken in this , * nupi. -o. uiivivsi. io *.*»*•• ••• t r e t e n l'M 0 . i ° * ,,r I i"’ 0* ’ There are now over i««» <»•««»-i , w n , tbe Mate. T1„, ion I nded to Itelteve, that when t ie and men employed on the . and the ¡ , , it for and what will it do? Canadians, luiiilairincn and others, to secure the abolition or radical modifi a- two men met, there would le drawn lion of our tariff duties upon lumber, swords and a contest of the regulation J apan hah formally announced (lint “ Three Guardsmen” order. I f the men coal and agricultural products. tlie revised codes tire in force, anti now Toe arguments advanced and advant­ Hre really as unfriendly towards each Americana as well as other foreigners other ss one might infer iro n reading ages to la* given h order to secure these are subject to Japanese law. We aliall important concessions are baaed on a recent newspaper publications, they are Florence, Or. Kept. 23, 1898. work is lM.¡„ g dime in a thorough scie.ititle -c e .t.fie fashion. Had the and T|ie Dal,y CH|(ju| Jul|r|||1| 2jc. a m e LM»iy v h j iiih i uuniini «i •• first com-, com- lll0I1,1, will wi|| give gjve more ,,|Ore and better t,e„ er ...for-' ,nfur. j ---------- paov pro ee.le.t as carefully as the liF*A^g«nt sen.. ....... I would .....111 hive I lawn present one. sic. the canal in o p e r a tio n l aig ere this, la it the first 111HI,ou on this su'ject than any other paper. Resides tw ill give independent ; comment on important matters la-fore i thel.olv, Sell I votir Oitlers ill once, J FOR BUSINESS Which pays th e buyer, whoi Always on th e a le r t for Bargains in everything ~ . o o p a n y sq m ild e r e I m illio n s , l i t llv |M»culiarly Canadian idea. They want •o lh past-masters in the art of conceal­ leaving a thing to show f->r the rionev Address, Hofer Brothers, E lit is, j , nquestionahlv the new laws are rigid for Canadians exclusive privileges in I ing their feelings. There was certainly tiiat was «ja,nt like wa'er. Salem, Ore, on paper; the difflcnlty will come in American markets for the products of no signs of enmity when they met in Semi for saiujile»» ami prices their operation. In America we find it THE TRIALS OF A STUDENT. their cheap lalsar and cheap stumpage. tlie office of Gen Miles, in the war de­ MUST REMAIN IN THE AHMY. of Serges, < 'assiniere, H enriet­ very difficult to enforce laws that do not and propose to give us in return— wl at? partment, that could lie de eded. Gen. receive the full cordial support of the Like privileges? Not at a I. Merely Miles will talk eVcrv time he gets an tas a nil Suitings. AllKtnpk*! Monmouth, Sept. 18th, 1898. It was announced fro-n Wushington a great mass of toe people. W ill it he the right of the United states loioni|>ete • pportunity alsuit the necessity of en­ To the Editor: As my friends on the sliatles in stock ami very low f.-w .lays ago »hat there will lie no mure liny easier for Japan? For sometime larging the regular army and the recoin Siuslaw mav la- int- rcs-e I in the in­ upon equal terms in Canadian markets prices. troops m ister.-d out at this lime. The we have heard very little of the anti- with other nations. There is not the I.iendat mis he intend- making to cidents ..f a trip to Monmouth f-o.a situation does n >t ad nit of any fu'ther I Gimps ¡inti Silk Trimmings foreign spirit in that country, and the diplomatic lieating about the hush usual congtcsi- iu i that subject, hut hesa s that place, I will relate a few of the redtl lion ill the army, and efforts are jin sets ami by the yard. The erase of a few years since seems to have in such cases. The Canadian press is the statement he gave out as so ui ,s he more important o-n-s. lieing made to put those volunteers who largely tlied away. That the feeling has landed in New Ym k, containe I all he very Intest. . Just liefore leaving Florence after outspoken in asserting that Canada are retained in toe t-rvi- e as ne,.r as gone, however, can scarcely he true. had to say at present concerning the ill my Isis,.« were m ile I, I pause I io wants the liest of I t ; that they will give possi 'e on toe'o ding of the regular, There arc many Japanese still whose the choice of turkey for the Dominion campaigns in Cuba an I Porto Rico. It take a farewell |,i ,|( j,, ||„, o ,| ...... in he matter o f Iritl and -Its iphne. conception of law is very different and crow for the United States, or crow is believed that the president will hike where I had spent no many plcisint — ---------------- ------------------ £ l'oe purpose at the oc.lset when the from ours, and there will doubtless 1* for the United States, and turkey for no notice n fi.-ially ,,f w iat G ot. Miles weeks, when to mv di«mtiy, f dis overed muster-. It Cga I was to o c.-ier o n .. o f L " l! ’ . many instances of miscarriage of justice. Canada. The Ham ilton, (Ont.) Speetñ- H‘" d refle,', i ',î‘ on l | te war department, my te.i-k tile witling negle. led and tor ; " ais. s e , , B „ . I 101.0 K) volunteer . 1 itt e o r lit t in W c hope, however, that foreigners will tsw» I...« — ___ ai .. TIMI II) HI II I1<* h M pn>n nul him I.in . tO ,lk ; is ano i ta ed p o , e l y tiiat li'iere still need for education, give the new Canada wants to keep the advantage same sort of talking. He has met M les in my valise and as the Mink was I it d-al of va-.ti -n. ih to t • » ii >, r sir. The next morning a lady lashe-l L , , assume the task—nten whose names state propagation of salmon is taken from n .i | Aj»pr(‘iirn«lril Itivre. will cause anything they say to Ic the valise toeeiher with rope and I letter written by State Fish and Game of Washington is more vilallv interested Z *1 accepted by everylssly without question 1 «taned from Seaio.u for E .gene. than any o her section of this eonutrv. l ’ rotoctor I I D McGuire: From per personals —for the purpose of trying to put an I Toe w got. was light an I easy to r id e sonal observation anti investigation of The lienefieial effects of the Dinglev end to the charge« and ,.... . I i in, It.e driver kind an l ohlldug, the tariff have In no section lieen more V f .lint 5 Ii’H F r e in .int the salmon on their spawning beds, I were in town , I horses willing. I was a .q .a m te l tun satisfied that not more than 10 per directly felt than in this state, when- tin- now lieing printed in the newspaper-. ti n - W hile the Alger-Miles w rangle is said | « id them all, but it. woi- so .In- tg«- B • n u i S .lieiil cent of the ova spawned in the open increased duty on htnila-r ami coal has vi.-irini» I, Hon 1 could tell w e t h e r om - o f the I ♦ p 1 it itt».« fit Alai»¡t*-<»n. to have had nothing to do with the idea I streams are hntchod, owing principally directly benefited thousands of work­ „ Bin ,,r ¡j. , pr ( . , of having this investigation, which was I h o rs OS’ „ Joe F e h u m went to Mapleton Sutur- t iir n w a w ♦o the spawn-eating fish that prey upon ingmen, as well as lumhermen and mine to »«‘ the latter which is „„tel, morel • I y on a fi.-lii g e x ars on. ostensibly asked for by Secretary Alger, owners. it, while from artificial propagation nt a M es laa.es Foster and B trns ia t. p | t „ Lunihering is the greatest, industry in it may have much to do with It, as G -n. musical than Bdl, which is so u.iro mm trilling cost 95 per cent of tho eggs are m o v e I.. E ........... .. a sho t tim e . Miles is not a witness that is likely to • ic. The driver mid o as on n. re mke hatched and vast mini hers of voting the United States, employing more men D-muty Sheriff G E Harwood has bee,, B rd frequently ,,r t.jdng Bell’, ear produced. I t seems to me no further than there are inha'iitanls in Cana la, | be overlooked by the co iimistlon. T iiat j -e. iag t .x w-.i>raiit, the past lew i he ia anxious f .r the Investigation ill I y " i e" » h e ....... .. B- I wis shirking. argument is needed to demonstrate how and the attempt of Canadians to secure The gentleman was experten, ,-d. Ile i S,.M m aalle,1’ “ i"""'-'" T?’ I'”" " the world k no as . T ie heals of the abolition of the duty on hit...... coal important It is thnt this work should lie ' ' ' ' " Honit,c'4 'r "r departinents of the army most directly did not go out of the road on.-e to hit a ) hiy. provided for by the state. By this and agricultural pro lu ts would he n H ,- I t i K a a t , « e a t to Aloha ... . . eoncern.il in the invest igutiuii— the ro. k ,,r stump durin g .h e jotrm-y. The; means, not only can wo restore prosjier- terrible blow to the prosperity of those -ust was thick i tit the wind 'ook it f.om ! ,|mv- H '' " - a i il,| -n - «Miiniissary general, the q Lirier.nasiei■ scrG.-cs th e ,,. Ity to onr salmon fishery, hut it is great Industrie« an I of the entire eoun- | g, , ......... «I of the time. We p,IHM.,| N r Ih *;idu oi» i S Hid; that they will welcome toe most Koow o-s, Miss Knowles an I Miss Iki V. • \ ff.11 ,T * if p r «nd W1-|| present output 100 percent. results in Washington an I Oregon. » '" •m ............... rigid investigation into the acts oi their Their fa. es were all dirty. We after- The i-hiimla-r of commerce has adapted Ih.-y will Inc in ||„. Hadsall |,„nsc. T here is one thing in regard to the several departments, and Gen. S otftei wards passe I M r Ne ly an I family au 1 appropriate resolution« or presentation •’ A r.ev„ge Hll,| Wl„ U(i() legislature that meets nt Salem next assured the president, per«onally, doit they did not l.s>k any n ie r, hut all ................. ........ » -v e ra l w e e k - a g . , « ; “ to the I Olli mission, atl I these should la* the more thorough the investigation of jsei-o.e.1 liappv. We reached Eugene Monday on which we think the people I “X,.e,t...l home i., „ fen. ,| supplemented by private letters more of Oregon all agree, ft is this: In -1 flliiv e e .y th in g co incited with the campaign ' «G0. My val se was gtip’ng open with w,I, bring a hand ,,, g,,at; i , i- .. ' • «-tting forth the magnitude of the atcad of spending thetr tune » r a n j '- U I ¡n.lustrh-s in this state ami the disas- against Santiago was made, the lattteril I that tea-kettle sitting quietly within. -Mrs J A Yates with her son and would pie ise him, because he w aseer-1 Nothing was lost e.t of it, it, fa. t, it w,is over the question of who to elect senator irons results that would follow any ills- ■I,mghter started Wednesday I,v wa„ ,,f j fuller than when I started. After sup. | tain it would res lit in ad ling to tin- they should organise quickly an I get to tlirhanee of the duties which have .lone ^ " - G r a v I8i , wit), r e|ativi.aill pii| credit of the men who took part in that (ter I retired to dream that Bird was work to look utter the business of the SO much to make prosperous our great I ' -b It tsa-.i ,, 1« years since Mr- state. remarkable campaign, and in making hcl ling Bdl over Beecher Rock by the l H’es fanic to Oregon. industries. the people more clearly un Jersnuid the ear. M r and Mrs T „war A treaty of this kind on.-e made can­ M s p le to n M rs T «U n d a v si T he O regonian says that II W Corbett naitite of the diili.-itliies that were su - The tmxt dav I .pent in Eugene visit- not 1«. repealed or modified as can an Monday m o n tln g b n rM ri'w T1 is the only openly avowed candidate for I ing und sl.npnlng. Bought a telescope cessfully surmounted. act of congress, without consent of both United States senator from Oregon. No piesident for a long time has he- it j 1 Which held all I wanted it to, hut that ¡parties, and therefore negotiation« of ••»-'» *¡(1 hook |illP There arc quite a i i u i ii I mt of other« on such good terms with eongrws as ¡te a k e ttle . It seemed to draw t ie line 2 j F L 0 R £ N C E M E A T ¡that nature should not he entered into Drain Watchman: Mrs R»- whose names have been mentioned in at that, so I had to put it in a hat liox ; M r McKinley has lieen and is likely to W ife-.f Cant H,.-. . kman, where the advantages arc on tlie „th e ,, connection with that office and It as long as he sti< ks to present as the hat I sjx had no nose to it the lea- side, which could 1«! retained with no I continue, • frequently happens thnt tho dark horse b" remedy. • J ,l,‘‘tl,ods. He never does anything ¡in .......... I>Tslste.| |n pushing the lid off,,,, ■I....e.l-r. ................. , Contes out ahead. ------------- — . Itortant Is-fore conferring with meintwr, every occasion, I finally took a string P'a.-p the latter part ol visit at Astoria. *•*'« for a | of l«>th branches of congress, not only and tied it Bevurvly. HO P YARD EXPENSES ira iik Makemsen ami Walter A. ' The agent refnsed to receive one Isix W hy is the time of one competent of his own party, hit: of ail parties. He 'I”« .,.h e river m t„,e Mink M 1 of fruit I«»-,. use part of it was broken officer worth more than snot her? Why Guard. Hop picking in the Camp »asks them Io frcelv express their views, g o in g X .nü ',,,0,,’,H’ Mr should Gaxlcy receive $2500 per year for latll-Walker h .p-vard will finish Sal ir- and ft. q.ieiitly a. cepls toein a- lieltcr rwo jars of s.r.wds-rries were „ot hur-, Makeup.« ?, ""'A'- h,!‘ sitting in his office from 8 n in to 5 p m ■ lav foreii.sm. The vichi will approxi­ or more ei|iedient th in his own. Noth­ I wanted those la-rries, » , f glH anot((er family to their new ........ '»""'b - , W.ld ( ’«, while the county judge, county tressnr- mate 2,000 boxes nr 25,000 pounds. As ing could more distill lly a -celil ..ate the bat Is,X and «.une ro,s- and made i-irciilutes or, assessor and school s u p e r i n t e an n i.isiHiice d e n t how ' - • hop u l t culture u te i-ircuhite "f Msa.low i, g„ ,,l ril|v president s policy of ket p'tig in touch 1 basket to carry them In. I soon 'ound „ . I , ’ ,,lrt,,eJ * e might mention that the pick r ...... . — - h " ï , keep the same office hours and receive ing and curing of this sixteen with coogicss than t .c p r.-onne. of the ,h7 - ‘' f - T he following concerning artificial tage. At 30c. f r e n c h N e a r S ilk s — Í» —_ ’ ’- la c k , P i„ k ( R «!, 8kJ B‘ne, Navy Blue and IjNwi, 3,5 »aches values. wi,h)> E ' Semi for Samples. _ _ " H J ’ L.z,- „ „ < > llr7 p ~ ~ W k h i n a . w a re ladop,. i( X s j i l | ul(j i l i e ¡ (,iS s ’ » (| ,1 ........ , 1(.,)(K. . / Fw( j W i . ir , m j In ìust()iiis}| 1 * F A C T O U R S TO R E 13 This matter is one in which the RS F O R _ a y n p p o r t u n it ie — CaB and S e e U s o. W . ÜUEL. CHEA I’ CASH STOKE! DrvCaods, ★ C o c e r la s * and * Notion« J ust MARKET. O p en ed . Goods as Reoresented from $800 to |l200 per year.— ffiMrfrury bops w ill coat ftlOO, prs.-ticollv all lats.r f'laiiidtaler. j end tbe cultivation and «proving cost American end of ttie peace ..... , which is to meet . t Pans. Oct 1st, t„ mid leakHtle. I |,N.| ,„y |,.,n,,g f,,., Ralph Knotts help , | ,„e on the train sc I .ot Start,«I all right. I was so l,„s, ™ .. ................. ............... f peace lietw en toe ! íor lal«.r of ahout »80 mi ncre A a . o . l l ''cje s.ting m . panoasi,.n« i„ a eorm-r h .o . v „ r l « . ¡ n . A s m a ll "op inrd a i II ctrcitlate m .re ... uiuv in U S and Spain, that shall determine tin •old to O L Gnwell. . I F Stewart, the former publisher ears be baa found that > "‘ u * V m ^ ^ A n«..-. I7U,. .IM 1W r . w n ^ W iilinm all of them are uieiii's-rs of the senate « ’ " " " l i t « ......... iel,ti.m s, w ho will necess.irdv I«-un unporintit f . o- in detcrmiliitig whether the sen a e t ill r"»'fy treaty, it is made, made. ......., - the ........s - v . - after . e , ,v ........... . in r T i ie o .H ,n ,„ . ir .e o I » tu le .( « , f r .,,,, Corvallis and Mom,,,, C oos. g „ ,„ 4 -0 () . '• «» «50 i,„ „I l,»’‘ ' ” V M. Ni,.),.,,, what have i«mr, taken pjrti» s -»•'Ih. L.td'nm, '• r, wa doi " e h,.-. Iuv. We passel « E ti’ h -g'.t tthnijt " • ’I iiedce »•'¡H » a lle » H 'e n , |« .,i,|PH 0111 '-.V ib W. C a r y ! AN o th e r FTP PROP» IV V V * : * 6 1 1 r" ’ tF \¡5 % 'f r y pleasant hour. W.¡ c . we reached - » ¡ * , taking ' 1 I III A,, any where we change I cars, s-v.-ral " f" :" " 1 M '' L l "« ■ ' ' ...... .. "" 'Vili «et the re " fm y friends grabbed p ir t „• . ,,f ’ >un,brr fr., '• " '«mue „f , )le ill. •he Si s iw. ••mid - a, and, a- ha*l In- k would I ave it, uou .UrtW irornvt in ......... . C“’11 xra-|«-1 mv i,aill| |„,x , >"try x„ ;eu, ,„a(ie ’"g tt.at any treaty a .prove.) by- them» thn-em-na ora. ,s likely t„ t«. appro»,«1 « c » r ng «„ | turne I ti, rus , <> it Of ' S t r o p .- , .stead y n e n es •.„, ............ . ,* ’ nd imply, sojely| i f k irl« h t f ’l m ill« n e t e .itr, a „d that »sld tnu t ......... . CO!Me ,o " " US.i I t -to , this I o 1 • an I h irrie.1 . Upon the blood, T i t « U nitko Stntea hn- one-twentieth “ 1"'» « n l e.iltiv a te d I > s s l d i a i v s . « ‘ c k fo r tln-ir insi. u. I <>ns and ui. <> •• n<»xi im n Wc soon t.nd our RM|iiiren by I nu —«-» ■ — Of the world’s population and nne-thlrd X ’ ed " s u .r X ^ e r M e X ir N‘" ' Y* * k 17 *' " - • - f u r t , rich, n ou rM fn g • it k« i8 ami neh ■bn <»n our wav. Al of the workU. .eltool children. We t" 'c “» I r ..... tee I ........... • «‘l*\ «I 1H ,» | i) | d t cds the nenes la I * a n l myseif of spend one-b.lf of tbe amount for ed.,- .................. „ . „ i n ......... ..n g ,,,/ And „. m »-’ '«’l.eied, .ml uVi » miu hcngetl ea f->r iiidepon.ien A '" »kes th m strong c a tio n . ! " " " I '» « • ' • * » .Il he l.ehl .1 1., ,,-el,« 1, m „„ I --------- ------------- ------------- « >r, wc .<><>k ti.e motor tor Mom, out _____________________ " • , "1M « v s ld e r a ie l H»c great nerve t«.n:c i’s WOOD W AN! ED. Ke.s- v .r w t i h , l „ | t„ | U l „, |n and arrived at 2 p „,, very « rn, a n d A quranoN of interest to many Ore- °o-rui. Hi t.J’s S.irs,ap4 • insi. Tiiat night I dreumed I WtfB . « . ww I The hftvhi?, in M Lccaute u makes Bid« will I * re v iv a l hr the lire** or. swinging it, the spout of a huge tea-ket ironiAnB nt the present time. W ho w i ll «m duvit. died A u v im u , iv»>. M.t f,.rth t be the next senator elected from Oregon? w,,l’'h "•’•»’» that »t- r d.,.- diti--ei.ee. ,.. r«..iiai of $ I .reme wl,>«.| district till ru.-sdav tie, when , if my hands should slip I The in i rich an J «•rvlve.d ltd. i|i »‘ v * 11 h)f '•'" ’ • " d l-h 'l . r e uhlli s ll.ui. •■o tom. I did not sleep wed that night Miss MtNNir D ivts . the “ Daughter of 1 . T n. k -o l fir w.sslcnt 22 *n,• «S II, length, <*• «• BRU mikx , lUsrlMrr. 1'» Uxd thi Je n ne?. owing to (be extreme beat so I th e w .s .i m u», t v d e lir i . , , | F lo v u e ,. the Confederacy’’ daughter of Jeff Davis J. H Rnorn, Ktss-lver. van i awake C l i r r t f l o o d s S ..r a ,p a i * •'.'"• bouse. Die ng ,t is rc-e v - I to tell von whether I was asleep or died at Narngansett Pier, R I S«-pt 18, f. j et a n y o r a ll td d s. I ( » II I. « V t „ ' nianave S * 1 our t s c . tw . r t k v r« s ,..\-, at the time. »-urcs nervousness. — — — — —— l.|i«l,*rv. Ill llie lr ,* « ., D . l e t nt F l .r , . , „ v , I» ,.g ,t,ja Tlie 8«n Francisco Examiner and the é.'>,'d,¡' " ! , i ' ai""h!ùàe ' '“t h i o * " m V ,¡«h?'m „ ,k As Ibis letter is in dang, r of ie.on.ing ^ y -P ’ ps‘ u rheumatism, •I ijr ut Svp llMrt. . . . . | m W l.recome, wid rl.ee. Pern«|w I may U-itJi rh, scroiula. t U m K y i .« Dirvvt«»r», ) I l V F^TIIKKBOX ►end you «..me more items later. A nd ,-j] f ( F a W iu u n . o» A S t v m s t Im p u re b lc o d . Mc< i yo u . S P ^ û T IM j T -■w k 01 r-i- zo < ’4 ’1 4 % * ô î” • — - * ■ • “ « tttttiftifl poKiwiaoi t °B’ sale or exchange . TO OUR PATRONS A bouse anrt ,nt •" Glsnada. Tl i P We have made arrangement’ "Hr Amt •vltieh we w ill furnish »he M eck • » '« I woodshed F„e f«t „ Gnt-gi.nian with the W fht for on» ¡’’ ’■'ifulars snv address for the sum of two lar», payable cash io ad vane».