'H E W E S T *•»•« m kas the for« pees, w b a is s e « . u 4 «folíela«». BUUSUEU «V IB V FKIDAY MOKNING— ---------- AT----------- L orencs , L ank C ounty , O regon .— . . . uy - - - f.H. WEATHERSON Editor und Proprietor. L tcbmb : $1.60 » y«»r >n advance.----- & 4K W ntcrcd nt the post-office at Florence, ' county — Oregon, as second-class he ¡1 matter POWDER Absolutely Puro L jjbtis ISO bates made known on ap - ’ PLICATION. hl n o tice s 8 c e n t s per li n e , e s c li In ser tio n »PVM BAKIUK SOWMS BK., « F » VOSS. ¡Florence, Or. Eept. 16, 1898. Warren Andrews has purchased from 0 W Hurd lots 7 and 8 of block 8 in Cox’s addition to Florence. 10 TO. FOR THE blUSLAW HATCHERY- SUE EXTRAOflD DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE. A letter from Hnllisfon I) McGuire, Guard, Sept. 10:—Next Monday 8ber- state lidi and game protector bring-.; ¡t| Withers and Ids deputies will com- informa'ion that he has made arrange- ,„ence in all sections of the county the ments to secure (roui one to three ; ttorh of serving the delinquent tax war- millionsi of eyed Chinook salmon eggs I la „ ,8. i t wil| probably be 26 days before for the Sinslaw hatchery Ibis fall. the work is completed, after which tiie Tbis will he worth a great «leal to the property will he advertised and tlie sale fisheries on this river. Owing to the made. failure of the legislature to appropriate Florence and (lie other precinct« funds for such work, Mr McGuire is west of tlie mountains will he handled somewhat hampered for tl.e means to ! liy C E lla i wixsl and R G Fow ler. pay for transportation and caring for the ! Cliesher and E inira, C K Hale. eggs niter they are placed in tl.e Maple- ' Coyote and Siuslaw, Flunk Hadley. ton hatchery, tint lie hopes to make North and South Junction, Long Tom, satisfactory arrangements to have the ' Richardson, \V L Houston and A A work done. Foster. Upper McKenzie precincts, L I) For­ INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. rest. Springfield ami Coburg, P Comegys. Tlie president lias urged tlie follow­ Pleasant Hill, Lost Yulley, Fall creek, ing-named, among others, to accept etc. J 0 Parker. places on tlie committee to investigate Cresswell, blast and West Cottage ttie conduct of I he war department: Grove, Al Wallae, S R Pi|ier. Lieutenant-General John M Schofield, Eugene precincts. Sheriff Withers and General John B Gordon, General Gran­ office deputies, J M Howe and 1. If ville M Dodge, President D C Gilman, Patterson. General Charles F Manderson, Robert Tlie deputies who will serve tlie war­ T Lincoln, Daniel S Lamont, Dr W W rants in tlie remaining precincts will he Keene and Colonel James A Sexton. appointed in a few days. Be Cured al PAY WHEN CURED. DB.W.H.SAONDBRS&CO. ¡0OTS AND S H O ES A ★ T between now and Jan. 1st, '1899, I have reduced the price of a!l goods (to CCfeT aud a small per cent toj’cover expenses during the sale. Last íaolaiil Reslored. Thousands of promising young men lave tlieir lives anil future usefulness wrecked by INDISCRETION AND PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ tenance and in tlie actions of tlie vic­ tim . If neglected or improperly treat­ ed, other organs become affected, and sooner or later there are serious results. Our New Method Treatment will posi­ tively cure these diseases. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are thousands of you who have committed offences against tlie laws of your na­ ture, and are now paying up for it. Those weak, aching backs, Loss of S ex­ ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Frequent and Painful evacuations of tlie Bladder accompanied by more or less smarting and tlie escape of par­ ticles of albumen in tlie urine with ropy sediment, all point to tlie decline of your manhood. There are hundreds who die of tliis difficulty, ignorant of the cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and liealihy restoration of tlie Genito U rin­ ary Organs. READER—Are you in trouble? Have you been treated and never cured? You dare not risk a return of the dis­ ease. It may appear when happy in lomestic life. Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, consult us confidentially. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) for our interesting book. “ A Warning Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept strictly private and confidential. All answers sent plain sealed onvolope. No 0 . O. D. business. . Mrs Geo BiniiiRrd expects to go to San Francisco next month. Mr Brai­ nard lias been there since April. 1 kinking tiie outside of the new vessel Buy Your Winter Supply was recommenced the first of the week. The calkers are now busy on the deck. 0----- o f -------0 Register: The county court lias ap­ C F 'IC IA L A N N O U N C EM EN T O F THE A N ­ IN CIRCUIT COURT. pointed D W Coolidge, J R Campbell N UA L S T A T E W O T U C O N VEN TIO N . and J M Williams to ex|>ert the Looks of The Vulcan Iron Works have com­ the county officers for the year ending menced action in tlie circuit court for Tlie sixteenth annual convention of July 1st. Lane county against tlie Sinslaw River the Woman's Christian Tempérance Experience tenches the value of Lumlier Co, to foreclose a mortgage of Union » ill be held in E igene Octolier Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It is constantly $1,559.38 and costs. 4th to 7th inclusive. Tlie convention accomplishing wonderful cures and peo­ Mary St An-aiit lias instituted pro­ will open promptly at 9 a m Wednesday ml don’t forget that you can get ple in all sections take it, knowing it ceedings for a divorce from Eugene St morning. A meeting of the state ex- will do them good. Amant. One of the parties resides near eutive convention will lie held on Tues­ ! best good« for tho---- — day evening October 4th a t? p in sharp. Guard : School Superintendent Miller Florence. Great pains have been taken in tlie lias made tho regular fall apportionment L E A S T M O N E Y of school funds. The amount distribut­ preparation for tit is convention and it WOOD WANTED. promises to 1« unusually interesting ed among the schools of the county is and attractive. $19,773.10. Ttiere are 6928 children of Bids will he received by the directors In addition to tlie regular delegates school age in the county, making the of Florence school district till Tuesday from all local Woman’s Christian Temp­ YORAN & SON, per capita apportionment $2.85. September 27th, 1393 for furnishing The call for a special session lias eight ricks of vine maple wood and four erance Unions, we cordially invite nil Tho Shoe Dealers, aroused the candidates for positions in ricks of fir wood cat 22 inches in length. other societies in harm my and sympa­ thy witli any department of our work, tlie legislature. S L Moorhead of Junc­ Ttie w ood must tie delivered at Florence W E S T liIN G S . tion City wants to be chief clerk of tlie school bouse. Tlie right is reserved to to send fratern d delegates to this con­ vention. Entertainment free. senate. W E Yates of Corvallis, late reject any or all bids. N arcissa W K insky , Pres. prosecuting attorney also aspires to tlie Salmon are scarce yet. Dated at Florence, O.egou thia lfilli S usan E F oster , Oor, See. position. day of Sept. 1898. Ipienty of fruit in the market these DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. Ttie Pacific Monthly Publishing Co ( W m K yle Directors. < W H W katiiebson r* ’ of Portland lias sent in articles of incor­ ¡Frank Montgomery is running his ( F B W ilson . By local applications, as they cannot poration to tlie secretary of state. Tlie bine. renrh the diseased portion of ttie ear. capital stock is fixed at $5000, and tlie | Household furniture for sale at George There is only one way to cure deafness, GLENADA GOSSIP. subscribing trustees nre Eischen M Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. rainard’s Acme, Ore. and that is by constitutional remedies. Miller, William Bittle Wells and B B B y U o s s ip e r . | Rev IG Knotts was repairing the Beekman. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ W RITE TODAY. dition of the nineons lining of tlie of of the church W ednesday. About 50 persons were present at tlie Bad colds seem to lie a ll the rage. Eustachian Tulie. When this tut* gets | The Bcliooner Long was to sail from Missionary social Friday evening. The Address Frank Colies is working up tlie river inflamed you have a rumbling sound or sn Francisco for the Siuslaw the 13th. literary program consisted of a solo by Dr- W H Saunders & Co- imperfect hearing, and when it is e i - Hood’s pills cure all liver ills. Mailed Mies Noffionger, Mr Pond playing the tliis week. 69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich. tirely closed deafness is tlie result, and | Thomas Hooper and wife were Glena- »r 25 cents by 0 I Ilood & Co, Lowell, accompaniment, songs by Mr Evans, unless tlie inflammation can lie taken a rending by Rev I G Knotts and recita­ da visitors one day last week. lass. out and tliis tube restorer! to its normal Arthur Johnson of Earl P O paid a | Warren Andrews spent several days tions by Miss Noflsinger and Maude condition, hearing will lie destroyed (iis week nursing a number of Job’s Wetmore. Some very nice refreshments flying visit to Glenadu this week. forever; nine cases out of ten are caused were served during tlie evening. Rosa Shuster of Maple creek visited by catarrh, which is nothing lint an in­ pniforters. Although Mr Holden lias been dis­ with friends here Saturday and Sunday. flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. An afternoon party in honor of Mrs Little Carrol Johnson lias been very We will give one hundred dollars for Inotts was given by Mrs Kyle to a few charging the duties of justice of tlie peace for several months, lie had iiis sick witli lung fever hut under tlie care any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) rienils Saturday. first experience Sunday in tying a mat­ of Dr Evans is very much better. that cannot be cured by H all’s Catarrli J R Cleaves the jeweler writes to us rimonial knot. He succeeded in tying Chas David moved his family back to Cure. Send for circular, free. [lint lie will lie in Florence In a few days the knot very firmly and though tlie F J Cheney & Co, Toledo, 0 . their residence in Glemida tills week. > attend to work in his line. strain on his nervous system was severe, Sold by ail druggists, 76c. ' Tlieir many friends are glad to see them Alter September 15th, 1898 I shall lie recovered sufficiently to able to row Hall's Family Pills are tlie best. return. kiv 15 cents per pound for unsalted across tlie river the next afternoon. Chas Harwood inis been suffering butter at the creamery.—O W Hurd. DISTRICT FAIR- J W Munson, one of tlie oiliest em­ The governor has appointed George E ployes of tlie United States government, from an injury received while Ht work paukins of Portland, a member of the lias tendered hi« resignation, after 33 ' on the large boat, caused by the falling Tlie fifth annual ealiihition of tlie onrd of trustees of the Oregon soldiers years of faithful service. Mr Munson i of a scaffold which ho was on nt tlie Second Southern Oregon District Agri­ ¡m ine, vice B F Alley of Baker City, lias been in tlie lighthouse department 1 time. cultural Society will he held at Rose­ A very quiet wedding took place at burg, Douglas county, Octolier 4th to prsugneil. since 1865, having been employed dur­ Register: Property owners In E n­ ing all that time at Fort Canby and j the residence of W H Pepper on Sunday Rih, 1898;$5000 offered in premium» and sue are raising rents on their dwelling Point Adams. He is 80 years of age, I Sept 11th, in which A R Buttolph and purses ¡fine speed program or races eacli ' Mrs Sarali Willis were the contracting d ay; splendid s|iecial program also ar­ houses. There is a lively demand fot and now, being ill and iufirm, lie asks I parties. C II Holden performed tlie ranged for. Fine premiums are offered (louses now, and they are evidently to be discharged. • marriage ceremony. After partaking of ak¡ng advantage of tlieir opportunities. H IN K aboat your health. D o not refresh ments the happy couple departed for high grade live stock, poultry, agri­ cultural products, fruits, flowers, works ullow scrofula taints to develop in Not many men purchase 11 pairs of lor tlieir home on North Fork. May of art, fancy work, etc, etc. For pre­ your blood. Take Hood's Sarsopa- toots and shoes in ono day for tlieir rilla now and keep yourself W E LL . they enjoy a long and happy wedded life mium list address J I Chapman, secre­ ()wn family hilt that Is the number that is tho wish of »heir many friends. tary, at Roseburg, Ore. Zamlocli’a slight of hand entertain­ ! Lowe told us one day this week that ments in town last week were well lie wanted to buy. The merchants NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION GREENLEAF ITEMS. bnglit to give him low prices on shoes attended and were greatly enjoyed by all. The attendance Saturday evening (for cash. B y a W est C obrescondent . Land O fflcc a t R iw eburg, O regon. was much larger than either of tlie pre­ A u g u it as. is9 s. The Eugene Guard of the lOtn inst. ceding nights, nearly everyone in I N o tic e in h eret,y g iv e n th » t.th e fo llo w ln g -n a n iert ^»ys that during last week E J Frasier 89 fur an The thermometer stood at ■ettlcr h a s tiled n o tic e o f h is I n te n tio n to ninke Florence embracing tlie opportunity to , fin al proof in su p p o rt o f h is c la im , a n d th a t nade five sales of real estate, tho pro­ see his feats in msgic. The skeleton hour last Monday, tlie 5th. ceeds of which amounted to $11,663. dance which concluded the entertain­ Mrs W H Wheeler of Nelson creek is ’ sa id p n a jf w ill he m ado before J o el W are, U. 8. I C o m m issio n e r a t E u g e n e . O regon , o n O cto b er Dried Apples, There were three pieces of Eugene ment was amusing to behold. visiting her mother near Eugene. 1 4 ,189K v lx : R oger M. A lle n o n h. c. no. 7301 for property and two farms sold. »w)i, sec. 2 8 ;e)4 sej-i sec. 29; tp . IS The Dan.ewoods of Cottage Grove, th e Peaches, Pears, SUNDAY 8ERVICES. were looking for a homestead on Nelson r. 10 treat. H Gates has been finishing up the H e n am e» th e f o llo w in g w it n e s s e s to p ro v e creek last spring. pros|iei4ed Fisli creek, | Ids c o n tin u o u s r e sid e n c e u p o n a n d c u lt iv a t io n C»bin of the Florence this week while L Prunes, Berries, Sunday School 10 a m. a tributary of upper Lake creek which o f. sa id la u d , v iz: I Johnson has built a pilot bouse fore- Preaching in Florence 11 n m ; Point i has its source of Nelson, a few weeks i | Trunk S w e et, W a lla ce S w e e t, C h a r les A nder- Fish, Clams, |ward of and above the engine room, ' so u a n d G eorge A lle u a ll o f P o in t T erra ce, and Head of Tide 7 :30 | ago, but have since decided to locate on '«plain If ird will be able to see over Terrace 1 p m i O regon. AND « —■ Smith river. 'the licada of the passengers without p m. J T B a in o g s , I G K notts , pastor. W H Wheeler planted one-seventy- ] Register. I'lidlculty if ttie bow of the boat should |he crowded. third part of an acre of Mills Banner I ------------------------- MARRIED. potatoes in his garden on Nelson creek O T I C 5 F O R PUBLICATION. Tlie W est has for sale one years' and lias just dug from them bushel« i -------- ¡tuition in the Holmes BueinesB College On Sunday Sept 11th, 1898 at tl.e resi­ b a u d Office a t Rcwcburg, O regon, I of Portland. This is one of the leading dence of W H Pepper in Glenada, Ore, of marketable i«otatnes and over I half a Imsliel of rejected potatoes. This 1 AugUMt 4 , IMPS. ★ business colleges on the coast, having Mr A K Buttolph and Mrs Sarali A N o tic e 1« h ereb y g iv e n th a t t h e f o llo w ln g - is equal to a total of 611 bushels per English, Commercial, Shorthand and c II Holden, J P, officiating. ,i, rp 474>,.; of which were marketable. im m ed s e ttle r h u tll« t n o tic e o f h is liite n llu n ; v , m a k e fin a l proof i". .n p tn irt o f hl» c la im , « lid Both bride and groom are well known I Telegraphic departments and we offer Little Jimmy Alniasi, one of lit® . , | , a t ^,1,, pPH, , w ill be Iim ile la-fore C. H . H ot- to our readers, Mr Buttolph being one this tuition on easy terms. of the early pioneeis of this valley family of children who went out to pick (ten, V . 8. C n n u n im lin ia r a t L ak e P r e c in c t, Governor Lord telegraphed tlie Ore- health and spirits recently, I D o u g l o C o . , O t» » < iu ,o n 8 » p U m ta r 17, liw s, y lx : w hile Mrs Buttolph lias resided here li o n P s in good * . • t, a i t , . » C y ru s M. S ev ery on h . c. n o. 62f>i f->r th e lo ts Knnian as iolluwa from San Frandaco: d ie d last Thursday morning, tl.e 8th, at 5 ’ lld 8 RIld u . lp. r. ,2 „ e,t. most of tl.e time for about twelve years. “ Tlie Oregon recruits must go to Manila, tn u f o llo w in g W itnes»e» to prove Though tlie enowe of winters gone by the hop year where they were camped,; if retained in service, where tlie regi­ have left tlieir traces on the heads o ' three miles beyond Irving, and was h l» c o n t in u o u s r e sid e n c e u pon a n d c u lt iv a t io n ment is to which they belong. When Malarial o f .-ild U m l. vlx- both, this is Mr Buttolph’« first niatr.- buried Friday afternoon. o lv in a n d I»aoc H a rw o o d <»f I get through here I shall insist that fever, ending in convulsions, is given as ^ ^ ' X b n - t . C orc monial venture but Mrs Buttolph has jHmPN C. F lin t o f F lo ren ce, these troops lie sent to join tlieir regi­ two grown sous and a daughter. The tl.e cause. The boy bad been tick for O re., a n d W illard L. Card o f G len a d a , O regon . ment or return home. I will not get manv friends of the worthy couple wish I onlv about three days. He was about | J. T. DRllxi*:«, t through tlie exam ination here before R eg ister 10 years old. His brother Mike brought' of unalloyed bap- year« them many tomorrow. The condition of thqjroops 1 tlie news in Thursday and returned to piueaa. now tg good. attend tlie funeral l i c i t day—a pretty I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION E U G EN E In order to reduce my stock of goods The Ablest and Most Successful Specialists in tlie World. They guarantee a complete cure at Your Own Home, and allow you to pay when cured. These goods are mostly new, bought for the Fall and Winter trade, and will bo sold without reserve. It is the largest stock carried for many years thus giv­ ing a great variety to select irom ★ A URGE ASSORTMENT (IF CAPES JOST IN ★ Panging in cloth from $1.50 up. Plush capes from $2.60 up. Cotton blankets at 50c, 65c, 75o, 11.00, and $1.25 per pair. W ool “ from $2.00 to $8.00 per pair; m o s tly S a lem m an ufactui% Calicoes at 20, 25, and 30 yds., for $1.00. N ew est styles Chicago L. L. m uslin 5c, Cabot W . 6o, Cabot A. 7o, w ith half cent reduction by the bolt. Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices that will astonish you. portunity to procure your winter sup­ plies practically for cost. Remember we carry a general assort­ ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, Gent’H, Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and Notions all CASH only. reduced. This sale for J. H. McCLUNG, None who arc engaged in any of the mechanical pursuits can succeed without rending and 2 studying this standard Magazine of Sciences and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with all modern cuts of latest inventions in all the branches of mechanism, and its fund of knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ ventors and mechanics. THE C n S M n P n U T A N , This'monthly magazine is one of the very best printed in this country, and is sold to all subscribers at rates within the ability of all to pay. , it more besides. 4 T ry Schilling’s Best— your • money back if you don t like it. BrHs far 50 cts., dbp T m . ALL authors as ;contributors. to T a s W sbt and the Cosmopolitan are sold ak re­ duced rates ak this office.¡J THE ARENA. “ We do not take posaeaiion of our Ideas but are posesssed by them They masker ns and force ns Into the arena, Where like gladiators, we m ast light for them.” SIZES PROM . $ 2 5 It is finely ¡line trated and presents the names of famous t I hard ride. Hi« mother’» health is Izttii O.Uce, at Rnaeburf, Oregon. so poor that sl.e could not leave liome, | S ep tem b er 7 ,1 * * . nor could Mr Almasi leave l.er Io al-1 N o tic e I* h ereb y (tlr en th a t t h e fo lb K in ^ - tend tlie funeral. nam eri nattier ban Died notl«T <»f h i* in te n tio n Erna Tabor of Alplia ranie in from t o m a k e flu a i p roof in »u pp ort o f h i* c la im , a n d threshing in tlie valley Thursday, t }iat *nl«l proof w ill bo m a d e b efo re ( î. II. H o l­ d en U. F. C om niiM tioner, a t F lo ren ce, O regon on lie says tliat alwat 3300 people visited O ctober t ! , IWA, v ia : L ew i* B etter* o n h. e. no. the Kirk ranch, north-west of Eugene, 7157 for th e n w 'i *c'4 *ec, 2B; n’$ ue*4 and ' the Sunday following tlie fatal boiler u w«/;. >ee. JO; tp. 17 *.. r. V) W. explosion, and viewed tlie wrecK, which | H e nameM th e fo llo w in g w itn e M c t t o p ro v e hi* c o n tln n o n * r e sid e n c e u pon a n d c u lt iv a t io n liad been left nndistnrtied. Tlie locking , o f »aid la n d , v is ; of the e«ap e valve with a nail, whirl, W. W. Neeljr, A. P W alk er, a n d T. J. N e e ly caused tlie explosion, was d -n e wliile ‘ o f M a p leto n . O reso u a n d A n d rew B ru n d o f tlie engine was being motfol, I «-»-a use 1 P lo reu ea , O regon . J. T D bimvmi , the n-d’c of blowing off »team «cared tl.e j ltei(i»ter. team ; then the engineer forgot to re­ TRI’OTWORTHV pr.RaoNfi IN move the nail. Two of tlie men working l h WlWTWn—*«Vg»JU. !• s t a le In tn a ita cr <»ur bViaifMBM ill th v tr o w n near the engine bie»rd the eip lo .m n a n d nearby cou n ts* * . Il I* in a ln lv oWlce work eonóttrlF)! a t horn**. Malarv atrwlra n «» tesa m I - T j. M atathly |M S. Refer*iM *va. Fn Igine Stood, but it was gone. It had) close *elf-iuMr*ai*