w A STARTLED - * ■ • ta.- S tra n g * Happening to Her Four-year Old Daughter-Bid ■et Realize the Danger Until too Late. From Freeport, 111. F rom the B u ulletin, lle t Two While bney at work In her home Mrs. Wil­ hi tx t prominent physicians o f Freeport. nous f th r ill applied batten««. but none lia m Shay corner o f T a y lo r auu H ancock o — ----- . . ---• d tc iriu --------- 'M V © a s H S Like b.Tloiiness. dyspepx'a- In-adsi-he. consti­ pation, suur »b-ma. Ii. Iiiibifestiun a« promptly |,y llooifs r.lls. The) ilo their «w>rk H o o d ’s II BBS JK CLAIM THAT AMERICANS ARE O. w OPINQ ON THAT LINe. V In crea sin g R esem b la n n , j , Farr< A b origin al T yp e - A S ta n , W ith F a p ecisl A ttrn tU n to th< d en ts o f I*rnrv«yl vania. * ***•*• It H n» <'xtriundinary,!n(„ fi0Il{ dueiuia’ ireaiuieut ireaiment guve gave any. any, hist i mg _ easily and thoroughly. Avenue«, Freeport, l i t wa* startled by hear­ o f the docio/s’ linopolemical si'ienc.} which |IU1 v*®' beni-tit. It »as then tliul my husband » rppot- He-,! after il'iincr pills. st w behind her. “ in g Q a — noise ■■ j ju «*•»» u x iiu n r i, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * « J f f * W * * * * ^ i ) 6 * J i; J !Ì^ proisiund, d popularly ef );l ,, , “*a Tur~:------ — *- she «aw creeping j toward tune visit to a drug store I,roll -ht "■ ‘ tbe " •Scents. A ll «Irti'itr’srs. ■ ■ ■ a -w Turning quiskly flu neo of envir, m it u p on 'tk ?°1B' means which led lo the cure of cur chiJ<’ • Prepared by C. I. ltood A Co., I.owi It her, her four- year-old (laughter, Beatrice. .—z-year-old daughter. - A -E T l , . „1 .i i , l . . . ------- f ___ -L_ _ effort, Wlnie there lie 1 ...J o f lli< wot ulerfi'i r i- .i- u t 1 1 . . . i-,,., , i x tr7 The c h ild moved over the tioor w ith su Tile only T ill to take will» Hood's Karsapui Ila. s’ Pink p illa io Vale hut seemed tille d w ith Joy at hading her THE SWEET, SAD YEARS. e ..— ...—........... -- the cinirsi, of lour centuries produp,^ door, for it consisted of a three quarter r our m other, : — 'eopie, And decided to buy nome ft FRANKLIN’S GRAVE. length mirror in which Mrs. Green was tain nitti'k- il and m ideui^ip Dhv.i i The snM t, sad j-eurs, the m a. the ruin— daughter’s benefit. pel “ We tried them mid the . which we Alaa too tjclckl; did they «»net , results. I, ia „ot gem rally m k t £ K wout to inspect the "bang” of her lat­ Reasons Gleen T o r A llo w in g I t to R em a in er* much had fixed regarding their ' * d r a . eh Howe toon, n o .« blessing bore. est costume. Io Its P resent C o n d itio n . ------ is- d i before ...... uiie . box ut the plus SOME OF TH E NOBLE STEEDS T H A I cd by American mithropologi,ta Of «m ilt» and terns rtc h had its atoi« more . i---------- than renliz« “ I ’m almost sure It’« in the dressing th iv is a i.'iidcucv of reversion I:a olieckered lo t o f tdlaa and had been used. Benjamin Franklin's grave is in a HAVE ACHIEVED FAME. afternoon I wns table drawer,” mused Mrs. Green, neglected condition “ Busy in my kitchen o «VSk type indigenous to the soil. But , “ No appropriate “ le Althoegh it idle be and m in. startled with the cry o f ‘ Mnuimu’ from little growing accustomed to tbe darkness »tone rises over it, tire ground round « uilcn t. of race, w ith more jstsp «.,; Yet cannot 1 the wish reattaln Beatrice who was creeping toward in c / I I end assisted by u suspicion of moonlight about it is uncared for, and the tomb of ih a t I had held them evermore , hud placed heron ii » i improvised bed in tbe The r e a r Feat, -I Friend I -r W hom n have (UT, red intern sting f,xnl f0, that »bid a p u le , uncertain light loth the great scholar and statesman is as The sweet. tad je w e l parlor comfortably close to i li • fii't ide and City » » < Named—Romen Horee-i Tlist turn. A w riter iu the Chicago TiiusL given her roitie b ooks find playthings. She through tho skylight on the landing and obscure as that of a man who^e namo U k e echo o f on cld re fra in Lived Like Prince» Chargers W ho W on Herald, com m enting on the assertienni became tired o f waiting for me to come hick the window opposite the wardrobe. Act­ ‘¿hat long w ith in the m ind baa 'ala. anti fame were no part of the glory of the French authors that on thisecuu and made u p her mind to go to me, so her llenow u A m id the Cnrncge o f W a r. ing upon tin» thought, she ignored tho his country 1 k.” “ P r *P‘ n ,lng o ’er and o'er, story ‘ M y Pink P ill* made me w alk,' which ncut, the A on rie,ut w hite man has v»ri«i N oth --- in g can o’er the pest real ore. wardrobe for the present, crossed tbo v ivuiutr , she tells everyone who comes to our home, It is bard to say with any mar tip.- tow aro the Indian type, offers « „„pJJ* His grave is destitute oven of a head- N o th in g b rin g lo c k the yearu a g iin ’ * - was then for the fir.-t time verified. She has ic«;m to the dressing table, ami after atouo li is covered by an old fashioned prcuih to accuracy hew hug tin. hi : The tw eet, tad rears I mg study w hich is curiously f,isei,.,tin' w aiketlcvcr since. S! c J a* now th ku i about sumiry clickings of little brass handles marble slab which was placed there 100 —Cnnon t e l l in Leisure Hour. W, nine boxes o f the pills i.ini lx r pn’c nnd J» ts been • doni- f t i u ie d a u im u l. —possibly vastly important. and tentative pulls at wrong drawers ut years ago ami is uow worn and discol­ JTeoirtoe pinched face has been growing ri FV, und her duelled can only say that I k li h 1 c n ,-o fr a First, the fam iliar fares of the caries, last opened the right one, but fuiled to ored by age 1 n" happening is best told in limbs gained strength day l y (toy. Hie tiuiu iiu.aeinori.il—that is. fi-.o -h tunsts ci ai.ou ure culled |n ;U1 wi, * i i ro ^ h e r’s own words. She said : sleep« ui 1 night Jong now, while heli re la k iig feel the wrap. Nothiug has been done to it since On the 28th o f Sept. 1896, w hile in the the pills she could rest I ut a lew houis ut a earliest times of which we have tiny n s. T h e Y ankee und the southron— It must be in the wardrobe after Franklin was buried there, and even bloom o f health Beatrice was suddenly sud time. records. Tbo Assyrian sculptures—and and loos,- limbed—of thesepiep,«, a ll,” she thought, and accordingly clos­ tbe modest arrangements of the grave severely atflicted w ith spinal m eningitis. 1 “ I shall be glad i f a i y l b i r p f l Ico n Vernal Choice w»n a pretty nnd cow- they are aliout tho lu -.'-t ain*:; t i f which ar,- types, even os the stout, fn]J (»e»» ed tho il.aw tr w ith some noise, tripped ere not kept in tho perfect condition Strong and vigorous before, in five weeks sh e ' nay for Dr. W illin n is’ l i n k I dis for Is le mediunn villa and Dovecottaiu u wit ct v.u know anything, for sotno of them John Bull is a typo found in another Decanie Feeble and suffered from a pa ra lytic Peopli may he o f l ent fit to ti <-i n juin. ■nd sulubtious suburb. To the Itappi- across the durk room, opened the ward­ that is expected of a great uian s tomb, stroke w hich twisted her head hack to the side 1 There must be nnmv cl ild rrn vbo m i.tr ns nro estimated iodate fr, in 4200 B. C.— environ»«nt. Both American favorite, robe door with some difficulty and bur­ fh e earth on all sides is hare of grass, and made i t impossible for her to move a liu ib . J Beatrice did und 1 f;< pe ti nt n y su ry w ill DC»» of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Green— ied lierself in its spacious r« erases. coulsiu more representations of capari­ of the cartoonist have high ehoek beuw however was not affected. We be notice«! by their j rre iits .” tho common thatching of tiie common­ • i f lately wade olnioft complete by the ar­ Maurice was a heavy sleeper, and est grave, and an air of desolation is called in ou r fa m ily doctor, one o f the m o s t; A specific for a il f< rm s of werkness is ob- soned horses than even men. Still, we and usually excellent straight aosex rival of the veriest cherub rbut ever experienced and tncoesafiil practitioner* in tained in Dr. W ill in n s 'P in k J ills ter Pule do not get any examples of favorite These w itnesses are not, of course seien const qui nt ly apt to be a hit bemuddled sneetty. l i e considered the case a very grave People. The blood is v ita liin l m.d tecfti.cs horses uutil a li ng time after this. came down from heaven— there v tu e on first awaking— more especially in the about the whole place tifically admissible. The faces given M Jn* rPh j I pregnant w ith the elements of life, fthener- The sexton said mat the descendants bot two drawback«. The first wus of Even the first examples, ini t ed, are by the caricature makers aro impr«. dark. On this particular night, after ap­ of Franklin would not do anything to cne ch ild s body was bandaged to keep i vons system is re « n fli’ired. all IrrrgM luritifs Maurice's making. He had a ridiculous i t r in position. Soon it was seen that other are corrected, strength returns and dicesre ouly legendary, for, though thero is no sions, not ti'-tiinony. parently dreaming for a full fortnight repair the grave, neither would they’al fad about gua fittings. He believed them m ust be adopted. L ittle Beatrice, disappears. So remarkable have been the doubt that lit ctor of Troy existed, it is cf ’‘excursions andularum s,” l:o uweko low uny body else to do anything. Ev means Scientific, however, is tho study of o c ti against her w ill was housed up in a 1 cures performed l«y these p ills tbat their fsme to be ia a cbroulo state of leakiuewi. Ho not in:pr. liiblc that I(on cai Newa the gaa popped cut just ns sbe’ waa in tho ter order than it lias been in tho past. nuiusehuui the city of Encephala. able value tp m certain proportions or nnd w ith a sort of infatuation— which i Before ho died Franklin provided for and aro nsi ful to direct aid broaden A blest and spiciest and i u Editorials from the act of ruising the curtain that might was perhaps bravery—to get a glimpse ! Readies of Macaulay will remember relations I etw< eti measures,’’ says Ihe the instruction, but have nothing to do ab lest pens in the country reveal the tragedy of her life, and then, of tbe marauder, lie stole out o f Led, I his own gravestone and instructed a with promotion. Pupils promoted pre T H E CHRONICLE hasalway« been, and always the famous black Austcr, tho horse of stu d iu tof tuesubject. “ Thus the length will be. th e friend and champion of the people a , w ith a little screum, alio would seek stonecutter of Ins acquaintance in every maturely are returned whence they ax am st com hi nation«, clique«, corporations, n,” (,'usror long would have an index of 60; on« lug skylight. Heuvensl Tbo villain ■t reads: w ill fhew that there is a great difier- ground regions where the gas meter and Pollux, coal black, with white legs three-fourths ns w ide as long would enco between tbe two. Olio is a can ful was ut the other end cf tho room, right meted out its dele to the company of opposite the floor. What be was doing and tails. But those are legendary Not have tin index e f 75; ono ns wide as it : benjamini .................. ! | diagnosis at frequent intervals for tbe his wife above stairs, she would rate so, however, tho well known horse i f w as long w ould have an index of ICO. he could not mako out, for he looked purpose of discovering the disease in its D E iiik fl f’KANEUN him right soundly for so gentle a little Caligula, Incitatns. This animal hail n J here is no race vzl.oso head is normally like a inau «ceu through mist. The lncipitucy in order to apply the proper i,o o • body for what she styled his “ absurd stable of marble; his stall was of ivory so wide as to have uu index of 100 or so wretch I Just then the draft along remedies and to save the palim t The fa d ” about turning the gun off. Everything was done as he desired, other is a blundering post mortem to i cl?,lli,|R of purple and his halters narrow as to have oue of 50. Tin higher the lauding took Maurice shrewdly ou "Whut do a few extra feet «if gas sig- i stiff with gems. He had a set of golden the index, of course, the broader and tbo bure Ji gs. The influenza asserted it­ and the work wus paid for out of his learn the cause of death Common ti use nify, wbeu three preciouu lives might plates aud wus presented with a palace sounder ihe head; tho lower the index, self. He fought against it dispirutely estate and stands today the sanio as and experience unite in declaring that •onio night be sacrificed for luck of n for a moment. It but augmented the when he died.—Philadelphia Times. ! furniture aud slaves complete, iu order the longer nnd uarrower tho head. Her­ every efficient teacher knows which pu­ light?" she would exclaim, with as ■ - ■ ■ ' S w force of the cxploaiou. Like a thunder­ pils are ri ally f, r advanced work Letter that guests invited in his namo should mans generally are notubly round head­ much drumutio fervor us if »ho had bolt be sneezed. W a b b le d IV h ru U e Came to l'o u u m . 1 be properly entertained. His diet was than a superintendent can know. Ail ed. Topinard gives for some people of been before a row of footlights and u ' i 1 Old Uncle Claybrook ia a very reli­ who have had experience w ith this plan . be most costly that could be imagined There was a uiuflleil exclamation in Lorraine the index of 85.8. The average crowded pit instead of a blue tinted, the room. Maurice ruche 1 forward with gions old darky and holds converse cf promotion agree that never before the inn st grapes that Asia could provide index of 100 Pennsylvania Oeruianai» corrugated candle and u m ildly scornful uplifted chair. Tne burglur, tea), had with his Maker tw enty times a day or being reserved for him Yerus, another were prcnjotici-fi made so satisfactorily husband. 81.9, which is notably le. s and nar­ oftener His ¡mbit is to pray and then nnd never before did the t(aclicrs stud^ , Roman emperor about a century later Wh«ju Maurice wished to be w ither­ seized u chair and was making at him rower. Tho heads of our northern and with equal fury. Crash I The bouse turn off into whut appears to be a one individuals .so clu e ly . — V. J. fihtartr almost as extravagaiit'- ing. he was ulwuys studiously allitera­ eastern Indians aro still long, r and nar­ sided conversation with tho Lord, hut iu Atlantic. with hi V “,'r!,isi,lsa'1'1 < hnonds rower. We cannot nt present mate a tive in his choice of word». He never cecmed to have fulleu. There was a it is evident that there is another party fearful clatter of tailing glass, a pierc­ T i lth his owu hands, mid when he died failed to pooh-pooh the burglur notion, fc.i ! -r comparison w ith profit. What Queen V ictoria*« C o ro u a tic n Oath. ing shriek, (he sound of a body falling to it as tar as lie is concerned. To hear i ereeted a statue ^f g,.),! to hil„ whUc li e said it wus "the merest moonshine,’’ have already said may prove erro­ on Hie floor, tuid all wa» »till but- tor the him reminds one very much of u tele- “ Quern V ictoria's‘C ornuaum L oll' ” ; e d t h e f S « r SOitheC,::pSr' “ ttiud and that there were “ crowds of costlier neous when wo learn tho actual Palati­ w ail of Iho fn gh teu id bubo in tho rocn , phone conversation. is described in T b eC iu tciy by Finn uce crib« t«j crack thuu Vernal Choice, you be bad left. nate typo. Wo assume now that tho The other day he was goinR through Hayward, who copies from foe ofiu-ini As we como to later times, so we get bet." Palatinate Germans were of medium Whut had ho done? Ho kneeled down, I bis customary devotions, and when ho records the following oath signed i;:.d «■ore examples of favorite horses WH Mra Green, aa u rule, deigned no careless of broken glass, and bis Lur.ii got to the point of expressing thunkful stature, light haired, blue or light eyed, subscribed by tbo queen on hoc toroua liarn tho Conqueror had one whieb l e answer, fh e hated slung and wondered rested on a bare foot. Hick with appre- ness for the many blessings of life ho tiou: « at the battle ,,f Hastings, ab0S romad headed, w ith a finger reach of bow a man of Maurice’s sense—except tension, he groped elsewhere and en­ hroko off into a recounting of them Archbishop— Madam, is ycurni: testy which almost everything seems tn bo 1.043. YYc find that the Pennsylvania upou the meter question— could stoop suvs Cicero T Snttou of tho Owens­ Known esc, pt his name. II, „ s cf Gi nuau children aro dark in hair and to its use. Khe generally refrained from countered a plaited head and a few curl boro Inquirer "Au den. dar's possum, w illin g to lake Ihe oath? iug pins. “ A match, a mutch, my king The Q uicn— I am w illin". huge size and was a p r,-,ut from Kt®, cyea, that the men ore probably of in­ saying so, however, like tho sensible doni for a match I" he would doubtless Lord—bow ’d yon evi r think of uiukiu T h e c t ir o n t r l* R a ilr tla j. Archbishop— Will yO U s, cii’lv prem­ Alfonso of bpain—"such a gift as a creased stature, that heads appear to be little woman she wuh , und, resignedly liavn said bud be not been so terribly possum? Possum je s’ beats all. Yon lengthening, that arm reach appears to ise and sv. rar to govern the j ’ ple of 1 Tu.“,C eni.118 h tR i ' ,,a n ie lion 1 hadn’t thought of dat. H it's jes' belonging according to Hie st it u t is i- aisuiued Palatinate' type nud in thodi- the night, leaving Muurioe to blow out peared nud increased until, pale ann trembling, stood tho little maid in Hie great You couldn’t beat h it neither, parliament agrtul iu nml the r r sj.ctn . tectiou of the Indian. I t our assumption the corrugated candle. n .t a k , i k*’ ™ ; " « i p " proves valid, w e may cluiiu that onr doorwuy, a farthing dip in her hand, , could yon, Lord? Now, bones', couldu* laws and customs rf the same? amazed to see tho follow ing tableau ; yon Jes fix it so dey bofe g it ripe nt Tho Q uein— I solemnly promise so to » « « ,i n , gh j ' ’ ? “ evidence shows change, which, if con­ It wa» winter and it wus midnight. vivuui: A wardrobe door swinging ' oncot? Ef yon was to do dat, you mouglit do. nved in England before him In f-.rt tinued, may form an Indian typo from Maurice bad a cold, and so had the t a ­ npou its binges, with its long mirror i go out an shet do do'. Dey wouldn't be Archbichcp— W ill yon to yonr power he survived tho kii ■ i Ul ™ct' tho German. ” lly. The " little cherub," in fact, bud a smashed to fragment*; a chair, w ith u no mo sin an uo m o’ sorrow an no m o’ ruuso law anil justice in m u ry to li AU (his, it mast bo noted, is abso­ wcond Richard, ton had Tte® ’touch of bronchitis," and his hard broken leg, lying d ose by; a horrified I tribelatiou Jes try hit onoet. Lord, an executed iu all jou r judgments? horse, called Roan I'.’ ri.’. ,k fa'orito lutely distinct from any of the reason« breathing «« he slumbered restlessly in mau in a nightshirt and dressing jucket, I jes' see whut a diffunce hit would The Queen— I will. supposed to ho the f- '.t j * hl"h " as for discussing the tendency of American» hi« little cot plainly testified the lu< t kneeling ut the feet of a prostrate worn- ! make. ” Archbishop—Will yen to iho utmost »hat time, and R n" Euf ° pe to revert to original types from the in­ Thj G re at st » tho in e id in U 1 '’reVt' w a t’T !,’"1 in to,, vcinsof the w hite race. From th« •» «he liyr listeuiug to the troubled horrified mail's wife. stopped to look nt a piece of liver iu a the Protestant reformed religion estul. stubbed hv ti.» . L1 " at ^yler day» of the old French and Indian wars breathing of the child on llie oue bund a k r Muuricv Green never turns Hie gas off butcher s stall as Hie best substitute for lulled by law? And w ill you mniuteii took place. y yur Of " '“Iworth fireside tales of N ew England iutermix- •od the iiifiueuza snore of her husband nt Hie meter now i xei jit when lie takes bis loved possum or ns best suited to nml preserve inviolably the sittl.m i', H « c la d ln x » , u , t., tn s n v p s n e t t h . U nite ! ture of that sort have been common ou tho other— “ 1 wonder if tho little hi» wife aud family aw ay ii r the sum­ tho sniHll piece of money which repre­ of the united church of L i.^.m d and KUl s la n iila n n l M«*9 m#ny the country knowledge in N ew England his little chest, bless bun. I'd take him der Hie bid for possible burglurs bclore wens, erinu : ra „th) Pl" of horses Saved ? rbanCU “ ccn' that thero is an o'tcasional "streak” ciplinc and government then cf, as I Into luy bid, ouly Maurice doesn't like retiring for Hie night, t,u t Maurice bus Rnj’« And .Moviu^. law established within England uud ttori, aid , « IU4. . .. Inform*»- These belonged to p‘>rt“ut Parts. from ancestry that approached New It. Tbe little fellow kicks the cloth« s never «lurid to chuff her since In, mis A certain uian who ow es a row of Ireland und the territories thereunto «ÎXMO, c ' ,u r '“ I,' ^ n , - - n U off so. Whsl could 1 do lo prevent him took his owu faint n O n tio u in tl.i i dw elliug lions,-« over iu the northw'i st belonging? Aud w ill you preserve unto SAMPLE COPIES S ..1 T F R ;E. Warwick, tho Hnun, LBr‘'at Earl of England from tho w est as w ell as that was Maleck a ii k^r His fir»t which approached it from the east across from taking cold afush? Happy wardrobe mirror for a dosjarutc burglar ' quarter of Hie town has learned wisdom Hie bishop» and i lergy of Euglauil nml h r ^ d « o a t n ^ ' ! batU '!‘ut.‘’ c o f T “1 P**}', w b ic h h e ro which the Atlantic. In tho western states sad thought I Thire's that little woolen —Loudon Tit-Bits. by bitter experience A friend of niino lreluml and to tbe church. » there com w a n t t h e ,hi^ orsow h om Je “ , r VU,U II territories the great numbers of half wrap in tho spare bednxuu. It's either went to him not loug ago to n u t oue of m ilted to their charge all sm-h rights C H R O N I C L E tones of the battle fô ? w Utd tb'' for’ breeds whom? descendants find their way In tho middle druwer of the dressing the bouses ~ K « p a f o r . " F o r < irM .h n p p .ra . and privileges »» by law do or shall sp- into the life of cities brings to bear a table or in the w ardrobe, I know. Four "Do you lease it by tho month or ly Jiertain to tin m or any cf them? Tho Intelligence of scent of tho red Hberately »prü,, g f r R n UK grontid. grn'"”'- < J" I'urious and unreckoued force in the de­ do Mauriuel Ho would w illin gly go und 1 la* Queen— All this I promise to do k i l l e d ' S fr^ »•» (b nV - ‘>t'te hors« egged grasUiopur enubles it to seh et i tho year?’ she inquired his favorite horse velopment of the fiber and sinew of the fiud it for me, but 1 wouldu't distuib its food wliiio on Hu, w ing iu the air, "That depends on what yon nro going T he things which I have here bi for tllat th« k.ngmak. r - h‘8 ’ n‘"U nicu kne" km race iu North America.— Boston Tran- him tonight for tbe world. Tin glad I win re, by some process „f signaling ! to have ou your floors, auswircil the promised 1 w ill jerloim ami k,ep conquer, but" n'o»"7o “ T1 prepared to »eript. ancoeeded in persuading hnu to s h ip in known only to its,,It. it gathers a g i, at landlord "Are you goiug to li.no ear t o I., Ip me God. VicTuhiA It —u----------------------- his dressing jacket. Those nasty influ anuy of its kn„| to disci ml with mass Jiets? a‘ T b ^ . " ' 0“ “>« battle. 7 ri“ llwl Tho United States, Dominion of h * ller° w „ • Salt, a L n su ry In Afrtos. •uza colds net d can', and 1’ui so apt lo n i foiro ou the field beueath when a 46 “ No." answered my friend; "wo Tlie First Nulls, The greatest of all luxuries in central e a a a d a an d N orth ern M exico t h e m u ^ ^ ’^ — « f a S » K to uncover iiim in reurbiug over lo baby sere m hl of emu w ill ouly afford them have rugs Tbo first nail» were undoubtedly the 11 slip iutu the in xt room m yself." — in Africa is salt. To say that a man eats o x «VX}-: s l u r : . You II have to sign a year's lease sharp teitb of variuna aniuml». Tbm, a single meal. . Vn" of them the belonged to salt with his victuals is the same as say- Tbuakaolilcquiaing she quietly get of ‘ brated knight of A n d th o Last year the grasshopper reports sent H i, mi . the landlord made reply, »mil it is believed, j eluted frugmints of fl.i tup road Pan I ’ng that he is a rich man. Mungo Park Clifford, h bed— for where baby tam e in tear fit w to the Uuiversity of Nebraska at Lin tug craftily ' It you bought carpets nnd followed. The first nmuutactun d metal wa! kish. In co) J'a.vs, "The long continued use of vegeta- out— pushed tbe turned buck bed eloU.es eoln caused appreheusinu of an invu had them fitted to the flours 1 kn,,w nulls were of biouse. The i.ail w ill >lo i.iod create s so painful a longing for pnted w« by e im .w h o w 1^ SeC' sl1 gently against her husband’» buck, s< Mien thia year, as g n a t quautities i f you d stav in the house as long ns you which Jai l kti.’i «1 tei-era wus a wexa. o n t u b O T H E R 8 X 1 , e . »ait that no words can nuffleiently de- that he would not miss fit r, sud proa i d eggs lliul been deposited in Hie soil ovi r could, tint these rugs are too easily ad S ent sa tent pin, pn bi.l. y pointid with in a P»-teut to g,ve an on,7 qn,te n" '"'»■ •ertbe it. '—Chicago Tribune. C e t t h e M ap , n „ ed to feel for tbe mateliea The little u largo area of eountry, uud these eggs Justed to any sized room Yon II have Bronze nails have l< ,n found in || W e k ly « h r o n ii'le anv O f th 1 >f f ' r O n e Y ea r, so. “s teoeptaeje at the bid bead was empty u te exjiueted lo furnish sn army of io- bi sign a year a lease if you have rugs “s nnj of «he pri™ ' ” not n ninro bwie» hike d w cllii gs, iu «, U Illl ,j„, p o s t a g e p r e p a ___ id i> M i V and p M, without 1,1 -m .1 V~ tu 1,6 “ b- Mot a match. "O h. dear, dear, why live "lix u s u " «a they are tu jiu iia liv There are «even house» in my row and i l l Frtiuee ano in the valliv i f tbe Nin “P-'r. »olutely Tl>» Care or L'lovhiBC. luncct u a m i^ x ic V /; ‘° Ve bini bis 3rf* ‘ce.to i“cn in The Laili««' Home Jour- riUSCMco t0 T K’ve slipped iuto her dressing gown, which ly cf M. A tlantis," "Psekardi” unit people m it had carpets made auil laid The first ent nail« were made Ly J« r i bal. 'Never hang ec.ats— fold them, >u London ; t ^ “ "'Hted a rob- irousera should be folded by putting tho fortunately was hanging on tho brass ’ ‘Cauiuula jielluciiiu. ” for tt five years ago, aud tliev haven t nnali Wilkinson in KhixlvIsland in UJA. morning. ‘ 4 " vlock ,n the . — ,’””r ‘,w »Isa. knob at the foot of the bed. In Utah they have whut they cull « thought of moving Carpets 1 11 rent The first patented null machine was l - x-o waist buttons together nnd preserv­ ‘ 1 hat 's a strange case cf it ,, fl)r Gravesend, ferriid overy, made ing the crease. Fold lengthwise and Slippers ahe could not fiud. N il dcs "rope cure" far the pist, auii every by the mouth, rugs, a year'« lease Icrkins, 1,115, anil itsp ied u et cf XCO Seatternun »b o n.ove. m ,i ' h. appeared a, , hé ,be r,V(,r u«biugtlu t beard of it ” 1-loB Twining. Pi'siieil h i, ride of ado ,h"ving »veo,n. naif Cf , hc COftt fQ (hfi RlepTe lin outside. Waistcoat« nre fold- T o '," j A K r u m r k « l » |« s ('Kt. tnal hP w»s sequitt«! th t ,3t rn h's tug manner. L ight or no light, fhe w raj Dot fiud any room for the sole of liis •cter There is mid to be' uo art in so out . 1 11 half, lengthwise. Never lounge Professor H ill of Print t ti univi rs.ty Ulevelauit Piatii |i ,|, r er|ng it mipossitle th«? a ^Ory con’’d tnnat be found, and w ithout further ur foot, and they keep this seesaw up un­ OS I leil lion taming but the art of terror " o„ y, t,r ^0,,^ jn rour c jot fio»—noth- once owned a very remarkable at. it to VorkTn , li; h8t1h' ' ^ l d h a v e ism. aud uo rule but keeping the lious* >•••■•11, R,n.iUJ, r; lay the liltia mother walked gingerly til he is Marred out. "g (.(! treys them much When yon bail but two legs, bavin.- I»- Standard. __ ” t,uw- - London Mi-stress •That was » Into Hie next room. No doubt tbe agricultural college w ill ttomai i,, full aud their minds cowed. way. but in spite -f t a j . , 'ti bom that f '' in during the afternoon or at nice Etter c f Patrick's off- ring vc Mo one could fe il to dud tbe ward fiud a way to meet another visitation Pheite never has been, and there never was a m >»t m g s e ii,g g t , fjt ttiltv Right, remove yonr eoat, waistcoat and marriag,. He Listened to aiT 4 W4ÜU . Mary. What ’ hall 1 «a. robe, aa ft wa» the first tuticle of furni­ w i t h some rxterniiuslitig |>rocear, wbeu Will tx\ my »onie, an appeal uia<|e trous. rs and put on a bath rote if you m r Ply for glib ly npou n s two t, n t, it , Tpll ** the In a a iutelligeuce. bccanse the litn id frisked ture nnoountered on entering the room. ihe migrab ry locust w ill migrate to a an tori-ma n in your room for ary time, sto u t »< lively a» tata files«,, with lour Mary—T-ll tted »menuI of that quality which he When ita door stood open, it was focal- clim e where he w ill disturb no more, ’v.ivs have old coat ut the office." 1 that Wfieo 1 f him. nmm, p i m m i 1» entirely dominated by his lega When she died. I • r ¿1 Jot t| kda lo view onea-lf trotn the lx. dr rem w hither forbear» cf his ilk have x, ae m ount,I an n a , UR M » t : teivviur i ’ • p lie d t b : , „ b i, success, and Pro -rasteraai Ailvlee. Lu li-i iiiii«irt,b« ■ .. «* wede :.M ...V| "» ervt«* ; i ' ' b" n i«>Rtwc „1. D° Ptr‘r- I m *» nervous that t«T *U' ^very^niug „„ly * * n«»»" n night. What’s the liest remedy?" • J»l lak' a nap when you feel ‘Eat Wjjr r , T - n __ _ WlCCOKT IT i! a