T H E TO HAVE ANO TO MOLO. W E S T .! —-PCBLISI1KD EVERY FRIDAY 8 F Cbiool<*le; MOBNXMft.— L ake C ockty , O beoox tinder nuy circum stances, to m ake way country. • • • BY • • • for a system of rule which it has W. IT. WEATIIERSON E ditor and Proprietor. It has been considered q u ite a w a r -! suffi, ient educational tr a in in g for the red upon aa inhum an and revengeful young to d m anv of the n rvous diseases to the insur­ for gents. Further Spanish control is out th e put pose of electing u senator to suc­ of tlie qu estion , if we may judge an y­ ceed John H M itchell and atten ding to thing from th e general policy of Mc- o f the legislature, during the under the possessions to their native inh abitants. | M onotonous cram m ing system , uniler- iVerc the United States ihdmrred in any gone in unhealthy sur-oiindings, has T he papers of this state arc discussing way from keeping the th e question of calling an extra s-ssion of would naturally revert fall, to Which the present peculiarly general news . WASHINGTON LETTER. F rom oca aaocLAU C ohukscondicnt . S cie n tific A m erican • i t i(t useless for Spain to exp ert to T i e ente of th e body has Leen, up to gel buck back the P nilippines by n egotia-j com paratively rei ont years, strangely ion. The United States is not lik e ly , | neglected in tlie public schools of this —AT— F lorence , PHYSICAL TRAININO IN SCHOOLS. generation su sceptible. is so W hat W ash . Aug. 22nd, 1898. Reports (ion. Porto Rif» ' , ondiliou ol anarchy exists in the coon- I try districts. The withdrawal of the 8 I anisli troops baa giveft tlie guerillas Euroj>eRn m ciiiliers of the diplom atic lieu play. corps nre not interesting them selves to A dispatch from Manila says there to any marked e x te n t in tho develop­ lias been a serious dash at Civile lie- m ents in Porto Rico and Cuba, recogniz tween V lited States soldiers an l the insurgents. A dispute arose between a ing that the former h a s p a s s e . I under U soldieJ and a native shop-keeper. 1'hc S control to stav, ami that it is only a soldier (ire I bis revolver to attract the question of tim e when the latter* will attention of some fellow soldiers. A follow, hut they aro keenly alive to crowd assembled in great excitement everything having even the remotest and the filing became general. One soldier was killed and four wounded. connection with the Philippine islands Four natives were killed and several problem . Tlie rensqn is obvious. The wounded. P hilippine nut is y e t to be cracked. Tlie Scandia sailed from San bran- T hat tlie U S is in a position to gel from cisco last Saturday having on hoard tlie peace com m ission whatever portion nlsint 399 officers and men for Honolulu of tlie Philippines it may see fit to de­ anil about $1,093,090 for Gen. Merritt’s does knowledge profit a m an, if in th e gain m and, is not doubted, hut the shrewdest troops. 8>m Francisco, Aug. 29.—In spile of ing of it he loses the still more precious diplom at has never been able to ascer­ the precautions taken by the local m ili­ th e interest of the state. Som e oppose K inley and the all hut unnniuio is gift of good health? The nations of the tain the exten t of the dem and that will tary authorities, the health conditions an extra session saying that it is no use | flat of the American people, old World, notably Greece and Rome he m ade. There isn ’t a governm ent in at the local camp are worse than over. to call together again tlie assem bly that The com ing conference at Paris will understood and appreciated m uch more Europe that would not breathe freer if Today the total number of sick is tlie failed to organize last year. O thers de­ lie useful only so far us it serves to im ­ clearly than do the people of these tim es the U 8 took them all. W hether right largest yet known. The total is 3)8. clare that our present congtessuien are press tlie Spaniards w ith tlie futility of the liarm fuiness of unduly forcing the or wrong, only timeucan tell, but there A special dispatch from Shanghai says men of but little ability who have ac­ bolding out against any measure of mind to tlie lasting hurt of the bod is a general belief am ong diplom ats that it is stated there that the Chinese min­ com plished nothing for their stato. P hilipp ine sovereignity w hich lim e may Tlie gym n asiu m s of ancien t Greece ii the U 8 only takes one of the islands, is t e r at St Petersburg lias reported to his government that in his opinion the We believe it would he no use to call convince the Am ericans to ho necessary probably reached, in the<£ m ethods of trouble will speedily follow, no m at er Chinese question will precipitate a an ex tra seesion of the legislature that or wise. Let it ho rem em bered that (lie training tlie young, a higher ideal than w hat arrangem ents are m ado for the conflict between Great Britain and met last year but as the term of office com m issioners aro equal in nm nlier; : have any of tho e locational system s governm ent of tho remainder. They Russia. Tliis state of affairs, lie says, is of senators and representatives begins there is no um pire to settle d isp u tes n o w in vogue. In the face of (fils think the trouble would ariso from the the result ot the British ambassador th e day after they are elected, if a witli a casting vote. The Spaniards, if dition of affuirVi it ¡8 pleasing to note rivalry of England, Germany and Rus­ having presented u note at St Peters­ burg of such a peremptory nature, de­ Special session is held this full, those tliuy object to what the Am ericans pro­ that tlie people of Am erica are rapidly sia, each o t which would like to get somo manding freedom of enterprise in re­ m em bers chosen at the Ju n e election pose t* do, cannot appeal excep t to an becom ing alive to the pernicous effects territory on the islands for th em selv es gions where Russian influence is w ill lake their seats, arbitration which is not nom inated in o f developing the m ind at tlie exp en se but would m ost decidedly object to supposed to predominate, that Count Ifou r present congressm en lack ability tlie bund. Nor can they prevent the of the body. The more rational mode seein g either of ttie others do so. Mtiravieff cannot accept it. The Chi­ (h a t is all the more reason for an extra doing. Posecsipnn is nine points of the o f educating tho young would appear to N either Spain nor a native governm ent nese minister indeed expects that a eon Diet will certainly break out before soision to elect an able man to fit. the law, and under th e term s of A n gu stí’# be t i n t of so training the body and could successfully resist European en­ tlie end of tlie year. vacant (c a t in the national senate. We surrender those nin e points are ours. mind that botn advance as far as pos­ croachm ents. T lie diplom ats beliove need men of brains and energy in con­ The conference may break up in a row, sible at an equal rate. Thus, if a child that trouble can on ly he avoided by the BIDS wanted . gress to look after the interest of Oregon but we have tho P hilippines, mid there is of weak constitution hut possessed of U S either by taking tiie whole group, and the more we send there tlie better is not a sen tence in tho text of the pro­ unusual m ental capacity, it should he or allow ing them to go back to Spain. Bids will he received till Wednesday for th e state. It is childish folly to say tocol to stand in tho way of onr keeping the aim of his teacher to strengthen his In eith er disposition of them , no E u­ Sept. 7th, 1898 by the trustees of Heeeta because our congressm en have not them . physical powers, and until that object is ropean governm ent could flnJ a reason- Lodge, No. I l l , I O 0 F of Florence, accom plished everything desired there­ Nor lias Spain a Just reason to com ­ accom plished to let the m ind take rare I able pretext for objecting or inter- Oregon for building platforms in their fore we will not send another senator to plain of such an outcom e. For the first of its e lf; on the other band, if th e re- ference. ball and for painting the ball inside. All material to be furnished hy con­ W ashington, tim e in history of modern wars the verse be the case, to adopt contrary Secretary Alger ami A djutant General tractor. Seperate bids desired fur the Then too besides the failure of the last beaten side has been let o f f w ithout cash m ethods. The individuals should be Corbin are finding the task of nam ing carpentering and painting. Finns and legislature to transuct any business, tlie in d em n ity. F o llo w in ' tlie exam ple of studied separately, and children should the regim ents of volunteers that shall specifications for ttie work may be seen tim e ol tlie session ot 1895 w . ib largely Germ any in France we m ight nave ini-I not lie lumped together in a body and at tlie W est office. lie m ustered out of service first, it hav­ occupied with the senatorial struggle to posed it after taking over Porto R iio put through th e sam e course w ithout The right is reserved to reject any or ing been decided to reduce the arm y to all bids. tlie exclusion of other public interests. and the P hilipp ines—put it on as an regard to their different tem peram ents, the e x ten t of about 100,000 m en, w ith- Dated at Florence, Ore., this 25th day In consequence of this, m utters will he extra charge. Russia collected m illions dispositions and constitutions. It is of August 1898. out w aiting for the formal treaty of brought before tlie n ext legislature that from Turkey and eût up her em pire be­ now about ten , ears since German gy m ­ I M arion M orris sh ould have received the atten tion of sides; Turkey in turn has exacted cash nastics were introduced into publie peace to be negotiated, much more d if­ Trustees - J I, F urnish ficult than they expected it to he, ( W H W eatiikrson . our legislature years ago, and it will be indem nity from Greece, and but for schools of this country. Since then I O w in g to the in 11uence wielded by the im possib le to properly attend to all the the protests of Europe would have tak­ physical training has held'n place in the friends of tlie different regim ents that ADDITIONAL LOCALS. business that will be brought up in the en T hessaly also. Japan m ade China curriculum of alm ost all the large cities w ish to remain in the service, as well as forty days allowed for tho regular give up Forun-sa, tho Liaotong peninsu­ of the east. Tlie report of tlie director of those who wish to bo m ustered out. Jam es Slover lias been suffering for aeaaion. la,Oorean suzerainty, rich trade priv­ of physical training in public schools of It was supposed that w ith the fighting some days from a felon on bis right Wa believo that tho interests of the ileges and 350,000,000 yen. O nly the W ashington lias lately been published, all over, the men in all the regim ents hand. Rtate of Oregon dem and a special ses- peninsula was returned. So if this According to thia rep ort, tho beneficial Bring vour job work to the W est would be clam oring to bo m ustered out, ■ion of the legislature. country find chosen to im pose $290,000,- results of system atic daily exercise have office. Good work done at reasonable hut it seem s that a great m ajority o f prices. 000 cash indem nity for tlie war—aliout been marked ; but, ns tlie w riter of the T u b O v b a n s would have lieen much them have gone on exactly the opposite The first rain of the season fell Mon­ ttie sum of our hill of costs— in addition paper truly rem arty. “ It is im possible tack. Latter off under a respectable govern- day. Several peals of thunder were to Porto Rico, tho P h ilipp ines and Cu­ to test tlie full m easure of success "or xarut than they would ho under a gov­ A lth ou gh t the rumor m ongers still heard during the day. ban freedom, there would have been no failure of our efforts. It is in the re­ ernment of their own because they nre The steamer Mink lust Monday lack of precedent. Wo were genorotis m ote future, w ith school days long past, in sist th at the su bsitu tion of Am bassa­ brought down four Shropshire rams for n o t capable of the high standard of self- enough not to do so. But we are scarce­ th at the lasting influence of such work dor H ay for Secretary Day is not the Capt Cox. They were purchased govern man t, hut the Spanish are not at ly i in practicable enough to satisfy our­ will lie felt by the individual c h ild .” on ly cabinet change im pending, and Roseburg. capable of governing them . The better selves with the little island of Porto H ow ever, one thing seem s certain, viz., th at Secretary Alger is to retire at G C M illet of Junction city from 600 classes huve intelligence and when given Rico and tho hare chant e to som e dav that tlie introduction of physical train- an early »lay because of friction between acres of grain harvested 14,000 bushels of an opportunity, as they will lie under get Cuba in return for so great an out-1 i»g into the public schools of Am erica him self and the president concerning' wheat and 2,000 bushels of oats and bar­ the U nited States, they certainly can do ley, an average of 26!i bushels per acre. lay in m oney ami blood ns tlie war lias 1 is « step in the right direction, and, if in- th e conduct of the war, it can be stated no worso than when under Spanish rule. Register: The brick work on the new involved. Spain is foolish to exp ect it. telligen tly carried out, should result in as com ing directly from two m en that court house is nearly completed. The It io liko ohanging a penitentiary life for there has been no friction between them Whnt we have we liold l That is th e producing a stronger race m entally mid masons are now waiting for tlie cornice a public school life; in the former there m otto which tlie Am erican people in- physically. The fact should not lie for and th at Secretary Alger lias no inten­ to be placed on the tower, after which io no freedom , but slavery, nothing in they can com plete their work in about sist in placing upon the crest of their gotten , though, th a t physical training tion of leaving the cabinet. iifo except to o l« ,* the oppressor, w hile a day. diplom acy. may he abused. G ym nastics should not The politicians are all at sea as to the in tlie latter (hero io freedom to learn A few hours work at removing loos lie perm itted to take tlie place of play, issues upon w hich the congressional I from the roa.l down the river h a n k i „ what Io host for self-governm ent. E s­ Too Meen praise cannot he accorded bur rather the two sh ould go baud in 'ainptiign shall be fought—th at is na- low town would bo « groat benefit to tablish public schools in Cuba am i re- the quiet, unostentatious naval leader in tionul issu es; there are, of course, local ! PeoP1« who want to travel that road a" band. qu ire attendance at the sam e, and it will the P hilippines, whose wise course has issu es of m ore or less im portance in all ,l(*e ‘ not ba m any years until the Oubnus cant s o fa r c a r r ie d our interest safely through d istricts. Talk with the men in charge ' are in.forme'1 that some men from C O N T E S T N O T IC E . govern them selves in telligen tly. , and preserved our honor, integrity, and of the com m ittee hoadquarters in W ash- ^i*"'"5801“ W,l° v‘8ited this , , , .w elfare. The entire country will join T u b xumbkk of pleasure seekers who . ington m akes it plain th at th ey are ilie r e in th e rC,“ rn . . . . ! . . . , 1 . . . I l l --------------------- - • w o r lb Department of the Interior. in the follow ing tributo . tu . bis v isit our city auch sum m er enroute for expect : w atching each other, each hoping t h a t , several oth ere to accompany them' United Stute* Land nfllee, expressed by the Globe Dem ocrat: (ha caps to enjoy a few days or w eeks , . , UoselHirK. O regon , A n m u t 17th, 189S. the other w ill take som e step th a t can ! Gov W P Lor I designate.! « at. t t i ! Adm iM l Dow cy’i figure in tho war iust n t c o n te s t a ffid a v it h a v in g been William a t the invigorating sea breeze is steadily i ' closed towers above everv other ¡„ J t|,e i #le' \ su fficie ' by w illia m M rCr«e, r e n t e .! - * * U H o d 118 ftn i88UB b y » h e other. The war ----------- .«..».«..u, ns one of FOR BUSINESS’ Which pays the buyer, who is Always on the a le rt fo r Bargains in everything. A t 30c. Send for Kttn.ple« anti ¡n it es tas mid Suitings. P'T yard FRENCH of Serges, Cassinterc, H enriet­ Neitr S ilk s — All Staple ■■ 111 B la ck , P in k , Red, Sty shades in stock and very low B lue, N a v y B lue and Brown, prices. Gimps and Silk Trim mings in sets and by tho yard. 3(5 in c h e s Elegant valu es. Tlie S end for Sam ples. very latest. Nice assortment o f L ad ies’ Waists, w id e. W aist Belt B uckles, sets, G aze on B elts, G lass and C hina w a re before it goes Ladies’ Silk Ties and wash Fabrics our L a d ie s’ a n d G en ts’ Foot­ too w ear, a t ju ic e s numerous to mention. w hich will astonish y o u . IN F A C T O U R S T O R E IS H E A D Q U A R TE R S F O R ^ EVERY T H IN C - Don’t throw away opportunities. •Call and S e e Us- t 0. W . HURD. ____ • C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOfiE! Drv Coods, * Groceries * and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just O pened. Goods as Represented. on the Increase and when the Euguns- ■n t. . K„ u i.t h n m estrn d e n try N o. 7 « , made will be used to a certain ex ten t, but the Ureiwn 8 representatives at the Amort J a iiu n r\ 4, 1893, for rw V» s e c tio n towiiM tiin ' . CRI1 Irritz>4tirvn 17 south, range 12 west, by jainc» Bonmr. , «ctiv© participation of all parties in the W yoming II / .^ r®88 ttt Cheyene, In u h ic h it 1, ■Iicg.st th a t: T h e ' war, both in t l.e field and in congress cu e tim e ’ r c 8 ld e d »» Eugene nt w ho will take their sum m er vacation m j earned Ins high distinction For m u r e raid B a in sr lisa w h o lly a tm n d n iied M ill t is c t anti .... . a vb , one nine. th is vicinity will increase much more I'h a tised 111. r e r t.'.n c e th erefro m fo r m o re t h s n H 1 m ,M e t , l n t “ w r F lim ited issu e' Register- M nrler. . I ■ than three m onths after destroying the .ie i v r s are expensive rapidly, aa m any postponed lhair trip on . alx in n n tba slu r« r a s k ln g m id e n try a n d p rior i n d e e d . The nnti-repuhlicnns w ill trv things. T li e e -n o n r n . licet ut Mattiin he faced tin „ ... } „ ? U? ,V c o u r t a t its m ost l if f i - . to t h e e x p ir a tio n o f flro y e a r , from d a is o f , ast account of a dislike to travel un water. first rtlin* vn,ry M,,d lhnt Ra,d traet Ib n ot! tO aroUbe ,on l ° tlie war revenue i 8J ^ _ M l« to the Nome of this dillik o will ho r e m o v e d .* . '< lq l» m ,n > r From rom l u s t se ttle d u p o n » n d c u lt t v s t w l b y m M t » r t y a» j law , by claim ing th at it imtxrses m om l ,|v Einn murder Amount of i whsn t „ . com fort and convenience o f the poor t h . n T L the - far h u ^ pre- “ I« " ‘''e lim inarv exam ination: (h a new river boat which was launched, tcu ch liiR Mild a lle im iio n a t 10 O'clock a. in. on rich, but so far there is little indication ' t i l t w r 1, I . , / . . re .. .* s » s v iiv « llU ll ttie firm ness mid readiness of the u t i l i - t O i l ctober is m , h b efo C. i H t tv H o is ld e .. n , U. .. 8. Guard: Cul S P Sladden yesterday laat wack. Inry genius. 11« m ade no m istake. The y ,,“ ml” l*»’«'r, »I Florence. Oregon. And that that it w ill be very successful. The evening presented this ” office «R h a I I . . lin a i h ea rin g w ill he h eld a t 19 o ’c lo c k a. nr. on silver q u estion , like th e b o o r ran n l p e a c h f r o m l.i* i •' , * ’ 8 ” " 111 • , . orc,l«rd that measured a b x glad to see that each year j< alousies excited in som e >' «be entrance o f t h e U nited u , '•eat it? What doe. « ' *°.Can * ■ . I ■vwoimnt« urvijGH. interest in it as was displayed two years d(* 8 Editor M itchel, of Im proving their stock. This is a m ove ,n l° » new field were ably m et by The .a id en n tea ta n t h a v in c , in Jacksonville say about that? p roper fo rth ( a c t . I ago- T1,e Pre’ iJ en ‘ ¡8 determ ined that ! i fa c ts I ia the right direction and if followed up ■‘•“dcr, whose gifts have just been «le»l l u s n . t u . is « ., , , . t f„ ■ i , , . w h ic h s h ie r th a t a fp r d u e d ilig e n c e . p erso n a l tlie P hilipp ine question sh all not w ill prove profitable r#v,,“ |ed to litabla to the owner owner. It r* ve*'®d Io his tu a countrym en. W hen fur for s a r r l c a o f il ia n o lto e cn m iu t be m a d e, It la < costs ao more to fse d goo.1 stock than •%’» m eildlers crossed the pro ¡« r lim it “ 'r e e le d th ,it a u eh n o l l e , b . ', , n ' c n n 18" u e * ,ll not be difficult lu . r .u u .li.. i >1 .1 : g l i c n h s d u e and p roper p u b lic a tio n . for him to succeed. H e w ill siunrlv have ocrubo while the ho incom e derived f r o m ,1” n ’l * ll«> « « m w ith j ist enough of j t . iuhxics . R egister. .. .. . P> J. t l. tio o r ii, R eceiv er. | 10 k e e p h i. mouth .b u t . T lie ad m in i­ dei ision. At the omi bo com pelled tho ì ^ H o o r i^ a 'h ° L,'"b’ Cur' d by thorn ia uiueh larger. stration cannot be arraigned for a P h ilip . ' city to surrender upon bis term s, and it army and navy. It is nut ninne I fighting com m ander that Dewey Floreuce road is com pleted the num ber | CARMAN m» ■ o f . . Wi t ■■ UW I)! Ill UO I Ul fl/K II “ H ew to lie in n ham m ock" is n quo*, is legitim ately tho prito of his ___ ____ opera battle, P'no « " ‘»I H «» known th a t are rcpioting nt the .u n im er r e s o r t .,, will h»> jam ons as long as limu endures. W hich leads us to remark tliat there It was splendidly intrepid and yet cure- ‘ N o tic e ! dem and th e American P eace Cotnr ' Land Office s i lto seh u rr, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O reg o n . ----------------------- ------- J u ly co. I os, »loner, m ake concerning the P h ilip , I aome people w ho can do (h i. to perfec fully organised attack, com bining nt >•» >of in sn v p .irt o t hl» c la im a n d i» not lik ely to bo until after (ion w ithout even M n g in tlie vicinity onre the profonndest calculation ami " th a t M i.l proof Will be m a d e b eto n i C If H oi ____ ■ , .le» V » « 1 « , at n o r .„ es.O m e* o .ig™ " ,0n,‘, e “ UI,"'8n ' of a liatnmoek.— ( in a n i. the most b r illig li ly aggressiv« courage. a n . . o il s»*ptami»*r S. tai», VI» J o h n A. M ason o n ;n,7 f o r t h # n w . sw»* nato. u K Admiral Dewey a work ia too com piei« h C D Edw ards Inis purehasM the .p d conspiuttoils to cause en vy, in terest of h i. partner, H T C ondon, in stands unquestionably first on tlie lh« E u g .n a R egister and w ill con tin u e of our to pu blish th at paper. We wisli he o»t in tlie war witli .Mr 1 l l t . a h l D itte m im U e r. The W tx r lint fur sole one rent s , tuition in the H olm es Bntim-aa College eig h th T liis ia one of th e leading b u siness colleges on Ilia coast, having the con- Mor" B'"n ^ » » in g interest w g . taken *w ‘ é aec.. ;’S. Ip. IS »., r U w eal 11« iiA'.neatli f U i n roll hticnwtlii S pain.— o f, sa id la m i, E dw ards con tin u isi p rosp erity. w lmt the in th e p r a se n c to f Arch h.ahap Ireland, u i . p rn vc , • re«! loiicd a; *.u sad eùnivïuo" at W ashington f»r the pnrpaM of try- v it J o h n H olgar. R P ( la m b a n , W illia m H o ff m an an d c h a r le s C ox a ll o f Ft. re u e e. O regon. J. T. B hiim -. xs , Realster. ing to get th e president to «elect a C - atholic for on* ............ o f the ................ * pence com m is stonerà. W hather the m ission of the j archbishop w i l l succem ful w ill not be -------------- known until the nam es of the other Tug r u c i com m ission will consist of three m en, in adtliiion Io Secretary Dav “ ” •* « * « I * “ *» « « r y d ay. 3F^GTIWt b 1" ,O W r n ’V Ing I feared I troubled with • tired fa.un heran h« . u I sm bet«„ " “ b’ • m e . U k in , Hood'. H . r M p . r n ^ J ’ f “'" h ¿ à " u0 *’ McE” d' Orrifon Hood s bsrisparlll« fc«s cured m lang troubln „ / I “1’ . - Ä f t • A p & and sine« I b e e n t.1 J * j 18 h * « . b* payable cash in adranca.