« * * * * * * * W - * * * W * ^ -g o JD S . ^VJSTJD ' * E N D S . BLOOD W ON. F a ir A a a a 'V m 1 ■ p 1 my I* Di BF k —fm;.. a D r i m r i N ice«, b a t She E n jo y e d t l i . Itaee. * MUCH hi L im e ■ i ft was a foolish idea in tk. U especially true ol Hood’s fills, tor co medi chase his w lfe under anv rlw ®°#4‘ H i r, A UlMlf (A Ik" One of these men who came in from Cine ever contained so great curativo power hi i • ho country and has climbed from * **** DFTHE, the bottom of the ladder to the top nud all hands wen. crowded likes to tell a story on his wife, whoso fellow W was illing Í HM w Will ¡tin to suffer * •' kilt * • ------------------------ - r e Ä second beauty is crowned by a muss of venience and run any risks f o r a i > ’ silkeu hair as white as cotton. of overhauling thJdoptr7 “ We both Jived on a farm then,’’ he chest, always ready, al­ Ho had two friend« aud lihn. and it wna hl« | a, ¡,J J * } * * '* sava “ Anna was an orphan and brought ways eftieient, always sat­ * * ™ w * * K * m m * * M m ! t M m * up by a strict old uncle, who was a dea­ isfactory; prevent a cold Which prepare«! un fur 8l. „ f n‘u"-’ con. She was pretty and bright, but so or fever, cure all liver Ills, The elope™ hu.l „ fUljt craft sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 28c. prim and straitlaced that she would » A î i m r « w» —________ _______ THE CHRONICLE ranks with great?« money Hinl would uot 1« o v i\ Tho only Tills to tako with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. sanction nothing to which the dcuc- n Bewspaner« In the United stales- they ciiul.l help it. T h c e o u n ^ ^ « H e T w iste d th e L io n '. T o ll. himself objected, and no old Covenanter THE vlXltoNlCLE ha* no equal on the raolflu y of money, « ciaft equally ut7* The man sitting tin a salt barrel bad ever drew tlio lines more closely than he Coadt. Il leads all In ability, enterprise and new* COMESOOY’S DARLING. TU B CHRO.NIC'LK'd Telegrapnlc Reports are had vowed to hunt t l n n n h i ““,'“" ^ EVtftY GANG Or COUNTERFEITERS The man of vest learning and tho a hand on which only two fingers were did. the latest and most reliant«. its L mu U News tiia _____________ »hod walla Into tho ward of tho wbih’v.Tfh»’ five yearn T hat wan ,hc M and sizing him un for a veteran of HAS CONTAINED A WOMAN. “ Next to Anna my affections wera Ail leal and spiciest, and Its Editorials from lha roan of equally vast ignorance, the man left, Where tho demi and Mid tho t h o oyinu tiy in g h » y ~ tho w ar I asked him if he F a d n ’t been centered on a colt that was good to look ablest pens In the Country. «toed i , h we muled 011 of tl,6 bJ ? ' 1“'« T,'Minded shells and balls— Minded by bayonets, s t. ? integrity and the man who THK CIIMONIGI.E hasahra.'-sbeen.and al*art bound for the Indian u e « . ^ Roniobody’s darling v. he homo one day, ßouiobody’H dariing I t 1» a W A a lu m . Of tb « Sex. an d T h e y A r e —JlillI Ocenii” at and developed a wonderful speed a;."', will be, the t le.nl and cnamplon of the people at s utterly lucking in that most essential wounded by an exploding shell. Somebody*«darling, so younjj and ro biavo. “ No, not as I rowembera of, ” he ro- a great dog), and y, t it uk - um against comui alio is. ellqu s. corporations, o» K t o | n « t l , r e r y C le » e r - S o m e lh . gameuess that spoke of aristocratic o qrnlity, the man who is worth n mil- 1 fa c e - Wearing «till «»* Lis l i n e , R \t pued as lie held up his liund and turned scent. I told this to no one but Anna, oppression* of any kind It will be Independent It m eant a run of t h c n S “°thi“’ W o m e , V L . n aTe CoBT, cUl<1 o f lion and the man who couldn’t raise 5 Been to bo hid by tho du i of tho ; la ekex/uuug neutral iu nothing. down the count, around t h e c L i “11« it over anti over. and it was w ith great difficulty that 1 Tho lingering light of tie boyhood s geaco. cents before sundown if his life depend­ lfa f e la g RBd P a j iu is "Queer" M oney. "X thought that might have been the induced her to rii'o odg Sunday with me Hop.-, AiiHtiulia, Imlia or a , ed on it—ail these, together with their places. As the »cfaconer bid Matted and dump are th r curls of gob I Women have a weakncaa for ronntcr- wives and children, are alike in one case, but you probably got caught in " camp meeting behind a teal trotter. Kissing the snow of that fair yov.ng brow. Pom© sort of machinery?” winds had k J4” “ Goiug to the meeting I regulated fuiting. The first perccu ever executed Significant particular. Pale ore tho lips of del ten mold. z the i mart t of us and the winds , uo^ exactly machinery, sor. ” Somebody’s darling is dyin•' now. the colt’s pace to fuit the day and the fair she was a t least 8oO m |l„ Eacb individual has a hobby or if io r that e rte » was a woman. She was *‘Gnu explode in your hand«?” Pack from tho beautiful blue veined fate Our only hope of getting ,,n hM#^ occasion, end lie was us sedate as the • a English w«nn:n named Barbara Spcn- you please, some pet idea, which, in Brush every wandeiing, silktn thread. “ No, no gun didn’t explode. ” deacon himself. The only girl of the before reaching the Gape was ¡a Cioss his hands us a sign of grace. iugnP Somebody’s darling is still und dead. njak'ug false shillings She was stran­ tionh b? th° 8 IgbUlst Poe^t-lo provoca- minutes tho man looked up and sa id : , neighborhood who pretended to rival Anna in beauty was there with a young As «ueti as we were clear of tù , gled and burned at the stake. Curiously Stranger, you’vo seen a lion, I reck­ Kiss him («ce more for Homebody ’ h Make. fellow who prided himself on having Aloxander Dolldenning belongs to all sail was piled cilcd ™ m tbo b ar/ .. on to Murmur n prayer, «oft and low. enough, her occvjiplices were acquitted. this class, and tbo happiest moments of on?” • ho fasfest horses in the county. Toward orders to furl nothing m e u tt,, *’ Wllk Ono bright curl from the elnster tak a Oh yes. sticks. For 86 bonis ^ 7 ’’ ^ N auft Kidd was one of tbo most ra- bis life arc when ho is given an nuchal- told ¿vnna Anna tnat that we wo Dud hud h. hei- . They wero Hcmelxxiy’» pride, you know. ■ o . i sundown she ram markablo female counterfeiters ever louged opportunity to talk ¡u public or .« u s . ay‘, cogoc,8IHllool’'in sH 3 h n rm -; start home early. They would re Homebody*a hand hath rontod there. .south in a gale of wind which kem * 1 ‘38 as cats? W iih it a mother’R, woft und white? known in this country. Sho belonged to tn private on his favorite theme. quire much less time und would prob­ loo rail under tho f«,ni, and th ? ^ And hovo the lips of a tdwler fair J u S ’, t!ley generally look that way. ” ably pass us on the way. That made me » family of noted forgers. She carried Down in Gage oouuty, several win­ Been baptized in thowo wuves of light? we made has never yot been beten u T hat’s the way I sized up ono in n mnd and I thought I detected un un­ « u"farioni trftd° ior more than 80 ters ago the young people of four neigh I L i n ' — o pv «-»pic u i i u u r u e ig n - a steamer. Then wespokeour lir«,hi in a circus. lie lay there, looking wonted tiro in her eyes. We wcio ji Foil know n best. Re waa somebody’a lova. years la Chicago, nud was arrested there • " e l^ tin ? S X ? y “ ,biS V a 0" ‘Jonsld’ S cage I but no schooner hod Leen seen W h P’ 5 7 S “ W haraÏÏ^ i Somebody's heart cnshrlnod him near, V c £ 0,1 0,10 of th"fle occasions ging homeward as decorously as we had down to tbo Mndclrns without « t T j Somebody wafted his nume iilxjve a tot cf bjier paper vraa discovered on gone, talking solemnly as we should, Night and morn on tho wings of prayer. - -- uintitui, w un a word of her, und after a race ,0 ner person. Tho government officials aegroo of prido by no means small back when there was a rush past us, a cloud ' Somebody wept when he marchi d away, nurtes wero again disappointed. It 'And so you poked him?’’ I queried. of dust and a mocking iuugh that hade were completely at a loss to know how of it, and then rivalry between the dis­ | Looking so handsome, brave and grand. 1 Somebody’s kiss on his foichead lay. two days after leaving the ],>«. No, sir ; no poking. I jost calculat­ ns goodhy. ’ My colt was prancing and •ho had Obtained this. Finally she con­ tricts wus sufficiently sharp to fill the Eoiuohody clung to lus parting hand. group, nud w hile holding for «;’ fessed th at a chemical solution had been large schoolhouse in which the meet- ed to gin his tail about three twists and pulling like a tugboat. I was bound to \ erde, that we got our first Ilw, a n*ed to wash the faces of the notes and lugs were held to its utmost capacity make him feel that life wasn’t all beef please my girl, grinding as it was. Somebody's watching and vniMng for him, make them perfectly clean. Tims she every Friday evening. In fact, it had and bones and sunshine. I waited for j “ ‘Let ’cr gol’ came between her red Yearning to hold hir i. ; m i i : o her heart. camo from an English luan-of.«. There he lies with the blue ejes dim, v.as in the habit of taking gi bills and become a m atter of general regret that my cbauce, nud then 1 reached my hand lips and white set teeth just us a girl of which hud come upon the « b,w . And smiling, childlihe, libs apurt. the south of tuo cajie while sho wann ,n t° !nrK°r denomina no building of still greater seating ca- J“’, . 1 IowJ, ‘1Ir 1» ‘t from a lio n ’s mouth the period would say ’Let ’cr go. Gal- Tenderly bury life fain y. u? .< head, , Jagher. ’ pairing damages received aloft duriu,, tiona. The government authorities re­ pacity could be obtained for tho nse of to the middle of his tail?” Pausing to drop on his grave u ie. r. leased her in retnm for this valuable the Foeicty. "Several l'eet at least. ” squall fcho «lid not need * Carve on tho wooden slab nt his 1.» ad, That was enough. Fences and treco j “Somebody 's darling lies buried here.” und her captain received the nffira?. he “V H " " D'’ fCT te in "B thetn wilat The programme for the first meeting ! “ I thought it was about a rod, but I •lew the other way. Blood told, and the . —New York Ledger. the solution wits. However, they had ¡u December was of uuusual interest, h""w hi tier now. I h adn’t rnore’u got colt seemed on wings. When we were i I very churlish churlish - w anner bhe was la not her shaoowed hy detectives nud finally and tbo homo was packed until there hold of his tail when J.u g„t hold o. mo nose and ucee, Anna was so excited that boaroed, but her name was r,cortk,|j„ enugut her with 5!7,OOO worth of coun­ was uot standing room for another per­ ana v. as gulping down th. ra mi-sing fla- I sho wanted to take the reins for fear I the logbook, and thut was the wav., terfeit money in n box. She was found son. Eacii district was represented by g< rs. He wanted the bull h .m j aut) flu ild la j. couldn’t w in the Sunday race. But the got track of her ’ ffni.ty upon seven different indictments Its best man in the debate which con­ but they i, ;.t him on’ I thought at first gallant colt shot us through ahead. It BY CHARLES B. LEWIS. Ebe was still four days ahead of n for counterfeiting and was sentenced to stituted the main feature of tho enter­ wonldn t explain ni^kera, tu t tLeu I w asn’t long till Anna wore a little jew­ ,H y t for this information we should X n ^ d ! ^ 110 StOtO I would. I lo o ka to o d deal nke elry and tolerated cards to the extent of 1 tainment, and tho discussion was an ox- a thought You may think it queer that I cannot li .vo ti uched nt tho islands tn iankoin­ fool, don 1 1?” By M» l, P o stag e Paid, Playing ‘old maid. " ’- S t . Louia Be- citing ono Tho decision of the judges give you the real names of the principal quiries and thus lost unotherday A« “ Hardly that. ” public. ' One of tho cloverest tricks ever plnved I ns to the winning side produced great actors in the drama I am about to re it wus wo gave the bark all the sail she ~ J woman “ V. oJJ, you do, end th a t's why I ex- merriment on tlio part of about half the W IN D FA L L S FOR GAM INS. Who lived in Philadelphia. Her plan audience, late, but such is tlio fact. Things were . ronld stagger under and twice refused but tho defeated disputant, P a' “ cd- 1 v.as foul 'uuli to tw ist a to nnsv.er the signals cf ships withinv ’ hul, and you may ba fool ’n u b to wiTi'° i“ “ ' 1 1 2 0 K°J‘’P>ces and nnd their supporters took defeat coed | managed so nicely that no publiojican- to speak ns Kune weald not even mi- ■with a small drill worked by «team naturcdly, and after a musical number w ant to pok one in the eye, ami so my T w o L a v ish C if t . lie c to w e d o n u P a ir of , did resulted, and as for nanus we wero pe< pee t t th th a a t t the tbo count count was was after him, md ; T hs t í ; ( M í H r ig lit H oys. S n rTi10 tOr° ? Ut tl>0 i,widM and then had been rendered every body was ready ! «Ivtco ts 'D o n ’t ’ ’’-G h ica g o News. only sailor men and bad uo business to having his ladylove abourd and aeeiug __ Qnite recently the pretty wifo of refill them w ith soino base me'ai being for the next thing on tbo programme, I | inquire or to know them. What I heard no cause foi haste he would tike hit T h o P r e h is to r io i>oB. j ProsPerous manufacturer was looking *ory can-ful that they should weigh ox- which, according to custom, would bo ' and saw and passed through, however, timo So wo reasoned, but there irti In tho Eoman period not only wero T T / , c°D ,rcf tio"er s window when a til8mtLfht nntonntw hou she had and wo"» hounds u l " . . fuliv ’ .” ?™ barefooted Jad Jad 01 of "bout ' I cun tell you all about and with the not much consolation in i t finished. This she accomplished by d rill­ an txtemporaueous speech by some one sight hounds Tin Grail g| Weeily h lbs Canty, - --------scent 10 coolly walk selected at the time by the society on a We m ight run a parallel course with ing through tho milled edge of the coin, subject given by the chairman. hope to interest yon differentiated, t o t there were also va through PlUCed hiS IUf!8t'd uru‘ through hers. him for a week and neither craft sight nous kinds of lapdoga and house dogs, R,‘ heM’ ï j c f Tbo Count D'Cbarny, os I will call ,h0 bo!3- ^ e r U So ju st at this moment a young man “ Excoose this liberty, m um ,” he J»ith u littlo of tho extracted gold. In a him, was an old man with a young the other Wo m ight pass him by in in tho rear part of tbo house arose and although none quite like our modern said, w ith comical ceremony, “ but I this way sac mado $7.60 on every eagle being rocoguized by tho chair, said: breeds. Even as far back as ubont 3,000 (lueludlnjf isu tw » ! t« Ray p v n o t c . Unite! wife. That his honor was safe in her the night, or we might shorten tail »in t got a mother o’ my own, an I fee's Th^ ,9 ' 6, 0" overy douhI° eagle. while he cracked on Lack wan with State,, c e iu d . an.| Me,leu G. Egyptian frescoes show not ou'v Í lonely. hands he never for an instant doubted I desire to make a motion. We are Will ye jjjgs n,e;.. TH E W EEKLY CltltO.VICLE. the brl;;hts,t Th«j official» of tho secret service say groyhonndiike breeds, but ono with honored tonight by tho presence of Mr and slie came and went as she pleased ns, however < ue morning when well For a moment the lady was too r-- •a d meet « m p le te Weekly N ew .pep« th a t this is tho safest device over in­ down the African coast we spoke in Alcxandfer Doildeuning, a gentleman of droopti,»- ears like a hound, and a third tonished to speak, but tlie sight of th.. n «end. r - ui«riy si coin nno U or r fi.V»>IVlJ t,v.,ive I Aside from — his .e r r v . print. t X- —' « C V O J years V M4 (J cf life be was vented for chesting tho treasury. Which has boon compared to the mod. rn English brig w hich hud passed the . . ............... .. fr.*, nr»r«nA. , çuu,'y .,aud ‘» w w c . and, merited distinction in an adjoining dirty face turned so audaciously up U«u,al.oa m ^piicvnl A»rleUltpr*l fJeparlnunt though ho f a S n « erTMinsr? v<‘ry “pt to n ,n ia bad millions of money and a titio, tho schooner tlio day btforet and so closely state, who is spending a few days in turnspit, whilo house dogs and lacdoas , J h H’ °f cour8e. la natural, ns this vicinity as tbo gu. st of his sister, camo in soon afterward. Whether anv to hers drove away her indignation. SAMPLE C JPIE 3 SiN T Fit.E. last was uot an offs, t for the first. Three eh to «etch her name. She reperttd • father brings up his sou or daughter Mrs. liobert Glovermato. I should like of tbeso e.-c the f.trect ancestors of mod­ Mncli to tbo umusemeut of flic pass-1 . or four years after her marriage the Eane ri. iving ulc.ng at un easy pace, and ern bioeds or w hether all such have by she kissed tbo lad soundly, asked W .Pnrfps’i°n. Women Who v o u w a n t t h e conntess met an English grutlennm t'x u wo fi t that wo must overhaul would othcrw.se tm good are often led y«ry n'och to hear from tho gentleman, been produced by sui sequent rro;-siug is Hn! wbere be ,¡ved and dismissed tim '»hose name I must give as Kane Ho him w ithin a couple of days into thlssoi t of crimo hy m arrying men and I lielieve that I oxpross tbo wish of ■ very difficult question to answer, more with a few coppers. J3„t that was not ' C H R O N IC L E •f'.i! t ! "ere suudowu next day we this audience in moving, us I now do, I RS,as.fiuB bioking a man us lever saw, th© end of tho littl© incident, for p who carry it on ns a business. But somo- i especially when wo recollect that if an ! j aged ubont 86, und every word and ao- caught sight of a sail ah' .dcf us is hich that ho bo requested to make the extern- I ''.« 'j'’ after the boy was hunted tin t ^ . h thH °r»k9 i h° ° ‘her 'W - w n m e n wo I clievcil to be the schooner, and ¡hit poraueous speech which comes at this ancient Egyptian artist had to draw tho I ire„Jfldy S linsb"ud «ad presented v, 01 ¡'l“ bMda how to make fidse place tbnt Imh CH .B ,u(llnian U was said portrait of a modern dog it would bo on our programme. ” that be bad a mint cf money and from n ig 't nene of cur passengers slept. Yoe f~ ‘? a.ylU”nt for tb " bi£" taÁ’eu in 22?*iL_ s_i* r bat happened when | very doubtful win ther it would bo rec­ Half a dozen members wero on their i i theexpenses be met 1 am mehned t o t “ kc ,v.' bow i x.itablo the French are. front of tbo confectioner’s window, Bon Boyd married Mary Ackerman of ognized by its master or m istr.es. • S II O W I N 'O ' i . count and bid friends spent tbo lievc the statement. tho Jaay said. Indiana. H er father was ono of tlio feet at once to second the motion, and it Hut tho record of tho antiquity of do- I 01. ! r. driul'lngaud j'tblxring end walk­ was carriod with such a volume of voices I For a year be lived in Paris | a the A good natured gentleman w( «nosi imecesHfiil counterfeiters of his dav T he U nited S tates, Dominion oi who tn.it Mr. Dolldenning was justified in incsticated dogs does uot evui stop with very stout, und on that account ? “ Pensive manner and danced nt- ing about tnri btfero midnight itwai and h i, daughter had a thorough a'o- feeling . tho earliest known Egyptian monu­ dor flattered. C anada and N orthern Mexico ' . tomdance on tbo countess The,, they 1 known (liroep bont the bark that lliey qnaintauco w ith the art. li r a Boyd not care to stoop, once dropped bis b, .■ ments E ot only wore sui li breeds known The chairman hnd been qnietlv in ­ , ON OXK SlU K, i|lt. schooner rather th&a agreed to elope together, and tbeii plana ■o n..t t. pipe in the middle of a busy street" oarchilly taught her husband ull tho sc- in Europe during the iron and bronze V A“<< the o w u o fth o trod,, nnii h0 ,xx.ntne ouuof formed that the motion would be made ages, but ulso during tho antecedent f b° pipe was a great favorite cf bi - j were carried cut in tho coolest and most let her get away from v.s. and was ro«|ucsted to give w hat tho in ­ ' '' tuei.nt to gain on her first night, i r i t o T *nC 'nliUnrr Th" c°'"Hess went bnt ho dared not run the risk of bend;u ■ tho most l.uruous forgers of tho age. formant know to be tbo visitor s pet uool.thm or polished st .no period. They carriod on tho business with idea as ins subject. Being assured that These faavo been described by Professors oown and after gazing rcgiet dly 6t right and ‘to X c ' V " ' ° " ° bnt uot t ,j much, n~ it wan dark and O N T H K O T H E R S ID E , i • n; and v o feared to overrun her. his fallen treasure he decided to ....... •och a high degree of skill that they no ill feeling would follow and that tho Butimoyer und Woidricb, „ml those don it. Before ho could do s... however s s f i -' cu v/cre o’i watoli nbr.v and aluftnll. Se ni Sta and u „ t ti,. M an(t W Pnr,tur0‘1 for Jew s, and when Moiety would hear 'so m eth in g "worth «Tdin'/fi who are acquainted '‘R? “a’;lt7 l w w ith it“ ‘bo difficulty a little street arab saw km plight. • ; night, and when morning camo thn Wo kly « hronfcle ,o « twt w o secret service Hawkshaws did listening to, ho consented, and^as Mr ,.f d stiui’n shl,J8 between some of the poeiaga prepaid o ., M p au J p ü ’ • -J/Pb wes dead ahead and only tvo un them down not a singlo counterfeit Dolldenning came forward J . ^ b f t d c ra ta ^ d U ie 'i ,t b '>ir Sk" lJS a,° UB Wil1 running forward, picked up tho Pi i'..ilo.“ away, i t had been planned the! A.BDKESS ~ ptata, note or coin was found in their was announced as “ The Way to Find h A s n l h ^ Hn" 1,#tnw of ,h ° and restored it to him. The gentleman stared ut the f v we would speak her and give out that M . I I . d „ Y O V T rr r a Pusscwdom When their house was Anything Is to Q uit Looking For It. ” b « v n „ t lbo,!o »nthorities appear to and purchased a iar, * ftDfl h f Df la,id o u r chronometer v. nn out of order. If w itbont speaking for ow bile, and tb/n Vfuprietor a r. Chronlsl, lu «TOt’ ,,lou''y was Ho had nover been asked to sneak on dno / r °U |C that tbo S'viss neolithic schooner yacht and gtvcu „ . H ? 1':'® jhe jn y to tho captain would board fc« found. This small amount whs nil tho pulled a hatnifnl of g0.U out of I A --------- S'HANCISUO, CAU h i. favorite theme . a«,« large „„di-1 resemffiaVo^ t X t V h l ^ i ' 1“^ " 1 pocket. ---- -- to ench i, was going on a long p'rasure' r r ^ he w ltu thru«' cr four ri.-eti uuri seek todo- taoocj they had accumulated during all span - I the Indian ocean l ’.u L h ni,b® tc tain her until tho count ennld follow. •heir yo«x of crime. Of c u r s e the offi - cnee before, „mi a smile of .rein.ino sat- iels, and thus indicated an ndvaicetl la k e this, kiddle, and ho careful ana t o Sh , „„ oars oouiu not touch i t Afterward suffi- ^faction played upon his face as ho be- type, which is considered to have been how you spend i t , ” ho said. “ Mind nl- ! 'iYc n g t Eh d tho Bchocaer us scon us «on» ovidcuco was secured to convict tve c c .ld make her out, but Bho gave ss derived from neither wolves nor jackals, so that whatever yon do with it you are ! T here It Waa. “ Five years ego," said he, ” my t0 speuil it cn batter scotch, fcr thorn, and they were aent to prison. fici uttontiou. As wc approached her she hat from some species now extinct. Two ”, ' They bothcUiimed to bo con verted while daughter Ada, who was a schoolgirl 12 other breeds have also been recognized that h tho staff that made me fat. ” took the alarm and mudo mere sail, and years of age, came down to breakfast He thou walked away, leaving the then beau,', tbo real adventure. *U’d ftfter their rele- « one morning without the glasses she rout tho superficial deposits ■( tbo con­ uot of the pleasantest, astouisbed nrebin in possession .. , Chl,c aX°- wb«’ro they aPpar Eud Johnny bo went dow but sho did not oven have inuskiM «tm e hack, ah« aaked 1dm why he Inul •obool I, too, began looking for 'tlio u en tu ry un article cn “ The A u th rr of who was uot engaged, « ,— ” ueur * uours after thr 4«. - tbo bous© I for tbe men Her gstne was flight in­ lunch wanted glasses. “ Oh, there isn ’t much to te ll,” an­ U’b for eels. J n ,t as ho eel sailed, and she U i j ™ ™ ' ,ho w*ltiuR. ami be confessed that K ichU « ' lein was excited iairlv by p‘d ,1 fire? — M íport UOV ttS aud no lÍ3J'8 ,V1 cunea, hn,i » '*"* ,1JV ve8’ Tbo kitchen ami tho parlor wore nlao , nt «’' “nt tho engaged girl. “ I sanne^o was ?r . m ® Whtu and the he had taken the bill to a bank near bv ! Pix.rt «.. j (Java wU,... < 1 i .. n t i * t »H ? .CI1 R°De thrc* stead of fight, and by and by abe gained «nt C. Moore. Mr. Cook saysof tueori- swered tho method of procedure is abou't tho goue n« had ec, "L ‘ aV0 bL fu different 7T’n.Cr,° i Ul<1 ,h °P »forw ard diocov- *b‘“ fl >’ Deooiulcr Hl* Choice« Lot wo oeto. ted the game each timo ered that the note ho finally »cepted thieves during tbo night ami that lu r 2d, 18.3. From tho newspaper it found An Irishman in Franco was chai- fnti Lung t0 j,er , rutl When morning were stolen. My wife’s sis tor. its way to tbo WM a ooauterfe.L The first bill 1, ,d 1 r idem and sp u d - euged by a Frenchman to fight a dU(q, • -due, we. had gained half u mile, but hTn I6“ 1 “U h' r rP‘“rU 8ll° * "’ *» Who has,, reputation for finding things, ily l ooanio a great favorite w ith th il- to 'v h ith he readily consented, ami sug­ hun the false one, which was a won- a? nr,O,“V iVl’ r Lefcro 7 o’clock sho hud picked up her " ,Iluru‘n« ‘rain, null i itnii all ovir the conutrv. gested shillalabs, 8 aerfully clever imitation. Tho meret ?vo n A‘ ' * ’,l’° ,of‘ t,,at l,, r “,in‘ b st distance aud run tin the English Mr. Peiletr. ou h Ila n sth a t Dr. Moore ■ ? T1,l at ' vou^ do>” «aid the second. flog in defiance Place of was at fir t nuuoyed ly the appoaratioo •OTvtce was much agitated about this the ,-I ."2 ? “ ,8tO,er ,hu - » - ■ “ S L « m , I As the challenged pnrty yen have tho •od several others vt th„ fi.o o o bills I hat was tile beginning cf a race "B u t the uunt declared positively to or tho poon, in print, a.i ho Lad not in ­ right to choose the arms, but chivalry •hv » . U which had its end weeks later nt a t ; , " « d m M m u 0,1. S ™ ”" V ,aP- b" ‘ ‘hcy havo 8“ «<' tended it for tho public aud thought it demands that you should decide upon 'a vessel. captured the platen.. » • • » noun that (b e , were not In the » mere trifle w ith but slight literary aa speedily us men point thousands of cities away When could move. weapon w ith which Frenchmen are fa­ Practically every gang of counterfeit- dining room und said she had turmsl merit. No d .ttl t it was w ith some m is­ m soiling c.ose hauled, tho rehconei l.ad iliar.” Kyiug i„ every thing uptiido dowu iu the g n l « ' A . a , IUlr • U’‘ c m over arrested has hud wmnon ns*, •he heels of ns. hut we could beat hnf givings thut, SO years l.ter, ho gave it ’ Is that so?” returned the Irishman. A bnld headed pr< room, going so far as to unmake Imr tb° *bo secret service °n any other wind W hile we Dever 1 iaeo in the viduuio t f his collected Hvered a lecture ©nt bed. one piece nt a time, and all in rain " a . w e’ll foight wid guil- in Woohingtoa there is a large fnmie 4 Breathe’’ before an F w i * “^ " ‘r "® “"uo’ l h « Meteor « ^ “ ' was * ‘«,(,nd came w ithin gun-hot of her again until It eceme 1 n e c lc t0 lt .tqta. IlJynan, J a v g ia u , Cbuuciu und f i P b . taking the eon„ " ‘ "f ‘ho ful moonlight nights and beastly dark ed had been turm d back the u,ght be preface. ’ Buine of ,h~,u Lavo c „ t mo r tarian, muic, u much timo and thought, and I have "ndtoKe r u ï ^ °ito» lint for Kone'a defiance of th» fore for c o to w rite ou tlio table *'em pllni»o«i,rx. • • t O u t T ree« l a ilk« Nprtaff. comíais,si th, m all „ , arufui;jr KUj count we conld not h a w kept tbe trail " « e m might bo Í w° W? tot funB'l her 1 believe, m, f n ^ i , , , h a| eV(rT Brown—Ah, sm ith i / ’ ig h t t«.’Z“”' Dnnl id her Spring it • bettor time to act trees rectiy as I «maid.” as wo did. Hereto« Ouii «w«l,ow, . SpM« w . you to Mr. Guvlev to v / r 0 ' utrod!« * ' ,loa't know tbo dh ’ n "”’ th or a year than fail, beeanan at that season tnsw are pOTson lu thia bonso tonight can rec iíl r«>d bis f fa,nuns a m ,a « books - .’V ? 1 w »«« vo » «rep OQP. I„ Pr>«« Paid. Ln, In thoae long w eeki he mold bare sure you've H oif a down EngJul, sparrows firw reaJ hi" not «im\ hut a uutnber—perhaps manv «teep one. aud ns Lnt it wag bogiuning to grow und will, therefore, C ant. availed us a dozen titnoa over, but ha into the wild fow l inclasure iu -In sta n c e s sim ilar to tbe esse I have re trie d « o M t h « Ä ^ r T 1C‘ be in «condition to respond more readi­ terms i Ceutrul Cant, meaning mock hum ility, took park aud legal, peeking at scw< afraid I haven’t «« to to rg o ttèn - bile we were ■ to the fullest jawsiblo extent and do cot • he article oppeared iu tho most mies tor his w hiuing aud protruding fervor. and a fluttering «panow wua gresped u pc-rted way. »¡«ions alxxird c , ^ ’ ’"•'ra n d pro- m