The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, August 26, 1898, Image 3

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    T hree
J A Pond was at the cape Tuesday.
Mrs Wui Brynd was iu town Wednes­
n( tliis week.
Mrs Ludvig Christensen is at
for a few days.
James Ellerhy of Marshfield arrived
here Saturday.
The Ablest and Most Successful
Specialists in the World.
They guarantee a complete cure
Your Own Home, and allow you
pay when cured.
Stars in
to Clear lake Wednesday.
with Mrs Flint for a few days.
Rattier cloudy,
Seaton dancing club meets tomorrow
A fine time for a visit to tlie beaeli
liese calm days.
'o Buy Your
Winter Supply
0------o f -------0
nil don’t forget that you can get
he best goods for the— - ——=“•
Fruit jars of all sizes—a large stock at
Meyer A Kyle's.
The Mink brought down a smoke­
stack for the new steamboat Tuesday.
To appreciate the ocenn breeze take a
trip through the valley in hot weather.
Hood’s pills are the only pills to take
with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver
Bring your job work to tlie W est
office. Good work done at reasonable
Quite a crew of men are at work open­
ing the road between Point Terrace and
Mapleton this week.
Z I, Seymour lias so far recovered
from his injury that lie was able to
return home Saturday.
+ YO RAN & SON, ★
week for a visit with frieiuls.
M J Hadsall is working at tlie Musick
mine in the Bohemia country.
Miss Mattie Brynd visited with
ami Mrs Fremont lust Bunday.
Miss C Vanderburg is visiting
friends on Fiddle creek this week.
J M Howe of Eugene was in Florence
this week soliciting orders for clothing.
Misses Bean and Patterson of Maple­
ton made a pleasant call at the W est
office a lew di ys ago.
Mrs. J R Stiles and Mrs. Lester Ogden
have been camping nt tlie mineral
springs on Hadsall creek.
Frank Fox and family moved to Sea­
ton Tuesday where they have lately
erected a new dwelling.
Mrs T J Boren of Bear creek is visit­
ing with her parents, Mr and Mrs R B
Mills, of South Slough tliis week.
Mrs. JG Stevenson and son Donnie
of Eugene started homeward Monday
after a visit at W R McCornack’s.
J S Montgomery and wife who moved
to Eugene some months ago are row
moving from that place to Cresswell.
Win Bernhardt and Win Hardell ex­
pect to go to Astoria on tlie Harrison to
put a new boiler in the steamer Robarts.
Tom Saubert, George Chamberlin nnd
Oscar Gates were in Eugcno Sunday
night on their way to Roseburg on
Andrew Hartley and John Shultz
came down the river yesterday bring­
ing over 100 goats which they purchased
in tlie valley.
C M Young and wife nnd two daugh­
ters and Miss Day arm ed here from
Eugene Wednesday. They came for an
outing at Hecetn.
Sheriff Withers and Deputy District
Attorney Harris were in Florence Tnes-
Isy slid Wednesday investigating the
killing of the Indian Bennett Barney.
Mr. Patterson was in Florence this
week selling star tobacco. He can lie
trncked by tlie advertisements with
which he ornnments the trees, fences,
and buildings along his route.
Capt Johnson started to Astoria last
Friday to pilot the steamer Harrison to
theSinslaw with supplies and Chinamen
fot tlie Florence cannery. She is ex­
pected to arrive today.
I) W Stihbens came in from from E u­
gene tlio first of tlie week after a load of
goodB. He took out liis Monteitli evapo­
” iHOW 13 THIS?
rator to ship to Capt. Peters of Oakland,
Ore., who has purchased it. Mr 8tib-
We offer one hundred dollars rewad for hens will work at evaporating fruit in
any case of eaturrh that cannot be cured tlie Eugene cannery during the season.
by Hall’s Catarrh cure.
F J Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION,
We, the undersigned, have known E.J
Cheney for the last 15 years, and we be­
Land Olflce at Roseburg, Oregon,
August 4,1898.
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
hereby given that the following-
transactions, and financially able to
named settler has filed notice of hla Intention
carry out any obligation made by their to make dual proof t'. support of hla claim , and
that said proof w ill he made before C. H . Hoi
West A Truax, wholesale druggists, den, U. 8. Commissioner st Lake Precinct,
Toledo, O. Walding, KinnanA Marvin, Douglas Co., tlregi-n,onSeptem ber 17,1898, vis
Cyrus t f . Severy 011 h. *. no. 6206 for the lots
wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
5 anil 6 and e‘< seQ, sec. 11; tp. 19 s., r. 12 west.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ H e names the follow ing witnesses to prove
ly, acting directly upon tlie blood and his continuous residence upon and cultlvatlu u
mucous surfaces of the system. Price of aald laud, vis:
Holuinon B. C olvin and Isaac Harwood of
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Lake Precinct, Ore., Jamea C. F lin t of Florence,
Testimonials free.
Orc., and W illa rd L. Card of Olenada, Oregon.
J. T . llxih o x s ,
Hall’s family pills are the liest.
In regard to tlnit annyinons letter
which came to me some time ago, via
ecliooner from Florence, Sun Francisco
ami tlie W est ami which Mr. Hcott
Morris knows so well bow to describe,
although be declares to me, “ I never
seen it.’’ Tlie letter is on exhibition
along with several others in the same
hand-»riling; there was a faint at­
tempt nt disguise, yet the comparison is
very eiiBy. Now although there is no
doubt in my mind as to tlie author of
tlie stuff, I regret having mentioned
anything about it in the W est . I am
aware that such discussions are not
only uninteresting, to the reading pub­
lic, but disgusting as well.
G ail M aker .
[In justice to ourselves we wish to say
a word or two concerning the above
letter. A communication from “ Occa­
sional” which appeared in our columns
last week stated that Gail Maker “ a l­
leges that the editor of the W est joins
her in the opinion that Occasional is the
author” of tlie anonymous criticism
referred to. As we we were in Eugene
when said communication was received
we knew nothing about that statement
till it appeared in print. Some months
ago we received at the Florence post
office what appeared to be a letter
addressed to Gail Maker care of the
W est . We enclosed it in another enve­
lope pro|ierly addressed and mailed it to
tlie owner. A few days later Gail
Maker called and showed us tlie anony­
mous criticisms referred to, which she
had just received from the post office
and which it proved were contained in
tlie package sent to her in care of tlie
W est . Some speculation as to tlie
author of said criticisms followed during
which the names of several persons were
mentioned and among others wo sug­
gested that of Scott Morris. We have
had no conversation with Gail Maker
on the subject since that time. Some
weeks ago Scott Morris stated over liis
own signature in the columns of the
W est that lie did not write the criticism
and did not know who it was that did.
Since that time we tiave given the mat­
ter no further thought till our name was
mentioned. Now that we have printed
the same number of articles from both
parlies in reference to this dispute we
hope botli will drop the matter, so far
as the W est is concerned, as personal
affairs become uninteresting to the pub­
lic when dwelt upon too long. Ed.l
have their lives and fntnro usefulness
until cured, are portrayed on the coun­
tenance and in the actions of tlie vic­
tim. If neglected or impro|>erly treat­
ed, other organs become affected, and
sooner or later there are serious results.
Our New Method Treatment will posi­
tively cure these diseases.
thousands of you who have committed
offences against the laws of your na­
ture, and are now paying up for it.
Ttio9e weak, aciiing backs, Icissof Sex­
ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality,
Frequent and Painful evacuations of
the Bladder accompanied by more or
less smarting and the escape of par­
ticles of albumen in the urine with
ropy sediment, all point to the decline
of your manhood. There are hundreds
who die of thia difficulty, ignorant of
the cause. The doctors will guarantee
a perfect cure in all such cases, and
healthy restoration of tlioG enito U rin­
ary Organs.
READER—Are yon in trouble?
Have you been treated and nevercured?
You dare not risk a return of the dis­
ease. It may appear when happy in
domestic life. Our New Method
Treatment is your refuge. If diseased,
consult us confidentially.
WRITE (enclosing stamps for r ep l))
for our interesting book. “ A Warning
Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept
strictly private and confidential. All
answers sent
pla’ii sealed envolope.
No O. O. D. business.
The various lodges of Woodmen in
tills county will unite for a picnic at
Meriau’s park near Eugene Sept. 7.
The Shoe Dealers.
Why is a suit of Meyer A Kyle’s tailor
mnde clothing like the Philippine isl­
W E S T L IN G S .
ands? Because it lias general merit.
County Superintendent Miiler in­
rienty ot fruit this year.
forms us that lie Intends to visit this
Bicycles and kodacs are all the go lierc. part of the county in about a month.
Astorian: The second Inman-Paul­
Florence school opens a week from
son lumber raft put to sea yesterday in
est Monday.
Go to Meyer A K yle’s when you want tow of the Monarch for San Francisco.
Work is now being done on the road
ars of any sifie.
Consultation by Mail Absolutely Freo.
The pile driver is being repaired for between Mapleton and Eugene to put
the road in good condition before tlie
ork on the boom.
rainy weather sets in.
The Odd Fellows are preparing to
Major Fisk, United States engineers,
arpet their hall and paint it on the
is about to advertise for sealed proposals
Dr-W H-Saunders & Co
for furnishing labor and materials and
The San Francisco Exam iner and the
69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich.
constructing jetties to improve Yaquina
W est for one year i ‘2.50 paid in ad­
B Isenlioot is expected to arrive from
A party in honor of Miss Patterson’s tlie valley today with a band of about
birthday will be given at Mapleton to­ 115 goats to place on his ranch. This is
the fourth band that lias been taken
Our city marshal should look after the into that vicinity this summer.
side-wa’ks, Borne of them are sadly in
At the teachers’ examination held in
need of a plank here nnd there.
Eugene the 10th ints., among 32 appli­
J C Brooks who formerly resided near cants for county certificates, 4 obtained
Walton died in Eugene Saturday, aged second and 9 third grades, the others
61 years. He served four years in the failing to come up to the required
civil war but never affiliated with the standard.
G A It organization.
An enemy to health is impure blood,
as it leads to serious diseases and great C has. M e a d o f H e r m a n n E x p ir e s a t C am p
suffering. Hood’s Sarsaparilla meets
M e r r itt,
and conquers this enemy’ and averts the
Last Friday Chas. Taylor of Eugene
A Hickethier the well known photo­ received a telegram from liis brother,
grapher ot Drain will be at Seaton from Smith Taylor, stating thatChailes Mead
Sept. 10th till Sept. 18th, 1898 ready for of Hermann had died at Camp M erritt.
business. Call and have your picture He enlisted at Eugene and left there
taken by an artist wtio always gives witli the last company of volunteers.
t t *
He had an attack cf measles followed by
According to Major F isk’s report, 359 pneumonia.
A message was sent to Ills parents on
vessels arrived in Coos bay during the
past year, and 1660 passengers arrived Indian creek informing them of their
and 1683 departed. At Yaqoina hay 82 son’s death.
A subscription paper was circulated In
vessels arrived and departed and in tlie
82 arrivals are included 25 trips of the Eugene and tlie money, about (60, was
raised to have the body brought to Eu­
tug Rubarts.
gene for burial. A dispatch was sent to
While working at Bohemia about San Francisco and the remains arrived
tliree weeks ago Wallace Sweet bad the in Eugene Monday morning. The par­
misfortune to be struck on the hand ents of the deceased arrived in Eugene
with a sledge bruising it considerably.
Monday afternoon.
Dried Apples,
Inflammation set in and about ten days
1 003,000 feet old growth fir logs for
The funeral was held Tuesday under
later Wallace went to Eugene for surgic­ the supervision of company “ C” O N G wliick I will pay f3 per thousand cash
Peaches, Pears,
Land Office, at Roseburg Oregon.
I B C t'S lIM A ff.
al attendance. His hand was much and the remains interred in I O O F
July 28, 1898.
better the first of the week.
Prunes, Berries,
Notice is hereby given th e t tlie follow ing
named settler has filed notice of her Intention
It is feared by bis relatives that
to make final proof In support of her claim , and
Thomas Russell, well known here, Is I THE FLORENCE
Goose lake is at a lower ebb now than th a t «aid proof w ill be made before C. H. H oi
among those who lost their lives on the
it ever has been since the new meander den, U. 8. Commissioner at Florenee, Oregon
AND ALLe.— ____
"av to Alaska. H e engaged passage on O W H o r d ’ a N ew S te a m e r in th e W a t e r . line was surveyed and hauled by J W on September 10,1898, v ii: Bertha W. Hoffman
on h. e. no. 6711 for the lo t 1, «¡4 neQ, n w Q seQ,
a lioat which is known to have been
Hamaker, in 1888. The last bard winter sec. 14 tp. 18 a., r. 10 west.
damaged on the way, since which time
Yesterday afternoon most of the peo­ followed that season, and it is predicted
She names the follow ing witnesses to prove
no news has been received either of ple of Florence assembled at the ship- by many Lake county stockmen that an­ her continual!» residence upon and cultivatio n
sslil land, viz:
boat or passengers.
I yard in Morse’s addition to witness one other severe one will follow this dry of, Mark
H adsall. M a rtin Noffslnger, Iv y Morris
Guard: M rO Beckwith, the other i of the most important events in boat­ summer. Preparations are being made and John Hoffm an, a ll of Florence, Oregon.
launching. On this upon this supposition, and tlu y are in
J. T. BRIhoss,
day, sliowed us a twsket of twelve building—the
peaches picked from a tree in his resi­ occasion it was 0 W Hurd’s new river hopes of a large snow (all which will in­
dence lot that weighed 6*» pounds, over steamer that was to float on the water sure good crops next year.
one-half pound eacii. Two of them for the first time. Everything being in :
weighed 20 ounces each, and the largeet 5 readiness the blocks holding it were '
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
one measured 10 J. inches around. They ! removed and tlie Florence—for so it wap j
July 20, 1898.
Department of the Interior.
are of tlie Garfield variety. Lane county I christened— slid gracefully down the
Notice 1« hereby given th a t the follow ing-
U nited Suites Land office,
raises most excellent peaches.
named settler has file«! notice of his Intention
I ed on the river. She was than towed to
Roseburg. Oregon, August 17th, 1698.
to make final proof In snpport of his cla im aud
Judge Potter who is spending a few
A sufficient couU-sl affidavit h aving been
th a t «aid proof w ill be made before U. H . Hoi
Hurd s wharf where the machinery,
filed In this office by W illia m McCrae, contest,
•lays rusticating in this vicinity made a
! boiler and water tanks will be placed in ant, against t-.ome.iead entry No. 7464, inode den U. 8. Com mledoner at Florenee. Oregon,
trip over a part of the new road between
position and a cabin built on her. After January 4,1893. for »w'< section 14, township on Sep'cmlier 3, 1898, vis: John A. Mason on
h. c. no. 7887 for the se'4 nw>4, i s ' i ueQ, ne"i
Mapleton and Florence Tuesday. He
a coat of paint she will then be ready 17 south, range 12 west, by James Bomsr
swQ. sec., 78, tp. IS
r. 11 west.
informs us that he finds, after travelling
ConUstec. In which I t is alleged that: The
for a trial trip. All this will take time
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove .
over the route, that it will be easier to eo it will be some weeks yet before she said Bomar baa w holly abandoned said tract and his continuous resilience upon and cultivatio n
. hanged b it residence therefrom for more than
construct the road than lie bad thought
will be ready to make regular trips be­ six months sine« m aking said entry and prior of, said land, vis:
John H o tte r, R. P. B arnhart. W illia m Hoff­
from looking at the lay of the land while
to the exp iration of le e year» from dale of
tween Florence and Seaton.
man and Charles Cox a ll of Florenee, Oregon.
passing up anil down the river. The
filing said entry and th a t said tract 1» not
J. T. IIe l no rs ,
judge fully realizes the advantage it
settled upon an d cultivated by said party as
teqiiired by law. Halil parties are hereby n o t.'
would he not only to this valley but to
fied to appear, respond and offer evidence
tlie entire country to have the road
Bids will he receive! till Wednesday touching said allegation at 10o'clock a. m. on NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
opened through from Mapleton to the
October 1, 1 *« . before C. I I H olden, U. 8.
7th, I « » by ,he ,rn8,eF* of Ucceta f'om m lm iuner, st Florence, Oregon. And that
Iwech and he as well as the commiesion-
Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
Lodge, No. H l, I O O F of Horen««, final hearing w ill be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on
July n . i w s .
ers are anxious to see it built.
Oregon for building platforms in their October I I . 1898. before the Regl»ter and
Notice 1» hereby given th a t the follow ing-
hall and for painting the ball inside, Receiver at the U nited States Land Office in named settler has filed no-Ice of her Intention
R osel,urg. Oregon.
to make filial proof in >iipi«,rt of her elaim , end
material to be fornishel by eon-
Dear Madam;
The said contestant having, In a proper th a t sold Proof w ill b i made before C. I I .
tractor. Seperate bids
desired * for the
affidavit, filed Aagust 12, 1»». set forth facts H olden, U. 8 .C o ram i»d m e r, Florence, Oregon,
Y our grocer is authorized carpentering and painting. Plans and which »how that after due diligence, personal j on August 27th, 1898 rls Josephine R. Stiles on
' h. e. no. 6949 for the Lot 3 being net» uw ‘X of
specifications for the wo.k may be seen servlee of t h lv notice cannot lie made. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice be . sec 17, Ip. 1» a , r. 19 west.
to pay you back your money
W rite F o r C ircular
at tlie W bst office.
! She names the follow ing witness»» to prove
giveu by dueaud proper publication.
if you don't like Schillings
I her continuous residence upon and c u ltlv s tio n
S O IE 3 S T O E S .
- Ksr
Scientific American.
None who are engagud in any of the mechanical
D m for 50 cts„ per Ton.
$ 2 5
N o questions asked.
; A Schilling £ Company
of August 1898.
Tr ute««
M arion Moaats
J I, F rsxisn
J. H B o o t s , Receiver.
bare pure blood for
■ good
goo Itealth. H ood’s Snrsa|«riUa
purifies the blood. Take H ood’s Sar­
saparilla ii you w ould BE WELLs
of said land, rls :
Charles R. D avid and II. W. Stihbens of Point
Terrace, Ore., W. I I . Weaiherson of Florence,
Ore., and M ark H adsall of M apleton, Oregon.
J. T . Bam ogs.
and mechanical Arts.
It is illustrated with
all modern cuts of latest inventions in all
the branches of mechanism, and its fund of
knowledge is inseparably connected with in­
ventors and mechanics.
Sold with T iib
W bst at clubbing rates.
Thialinonthly magazine is one of the very
best printed in this country, and is Bold
to all subscribers at rates within the
ability of all to pay.
It is finely illus
trated aud presents the names of famous
authors as |oontrihutors.
T a s W est
and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­
duced rates at this office.
r a m n i E T IM I!»
all bi<h.
. . _
Date 1 "I Florence, Ore., this 25th day
studying this standard Magazine of Sciences
B a t baking powder.
pursuit« can succeed without reading and
“We do not take pos*«t«ion of our Ideas but are possessed by themt
They maetor no and force ns Into the arena.
Where like gladiators, we m ast fight for them.“
Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
entire -contents* of this monthly magazine
are upon* a plane and in keeping[with its
The Arena’s gallery ofj^ominent
thinkers “iHj"a’grouploi|iiit>ereHtingj men and
women,“and their'thoughts are worthy 'the
consideration otjaiV people,
iThe Arena
sold.with Tur W ist .
M A K E iY O U R S E L E C T IO N .
25* 50 *
I u tai<!fiKJJ.BLi^ A U
plea»« booklet fise. A4. KT RBI.1X0 C U l F f l ï t'O.. 4 h ir e » . X on tr e .il. is « .. e rB tw Teck.