THE W EST Í YO U R H O H E PAPER k SU PPO R T IT ■ A. -A- ■ ift p v f-^ -v . •Ä 1 £ « ' SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPER. O P P O R T U N IT Y I A -U _ l VOL. IX . FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Aug 26, 1898. GEN ER A L d ir e c t o r y . £ A D V E R T IS E R S TR A V ELER S’ GUIDE. TRA V ELERS’ GUIDE C 3 --A u 3 r tID IK r K S IR . S T A T E OFFICERS- S T A G E L IN S . S T E A M E R * ' M IN K ,” MONOTONOUS LIVES. FO LLOW ED BY T H O SE W H O T E N D TH E c o r o n a t io n . Tenure o f L and on C o n d itio n o f P e r so n a l D o ty to t h e S o v e r e ig n . NO. 17. NO ESE FOR LADDERS. THE R E T IR E D BU RG LAR TELLS OF SlM J Leaves Give warning winter Floirnee H ayw aid dcrciibcs Queen T W O U N F O R T U N A T E E X P E R IE N C E S . Victoria's coronation roll in The Cen­ overnor..................... William P. Lord. Loaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- , R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R I P S Qtv.ZIflcAtfnni» au d R e m u n e r a tio n — R e g u ­ tury. The w riter says: l i e G ot I n to a n d O c t o f t b e H ob ««« W ith icretary o tS 'a to ............. II. R. Kincaid. After telling how tbe privy council Kaae, bn« T h a t W a sn ’t A l l —H o w a D e ­ days and Fridays, —— Ret ween la tio n s W h le li M uai lie O bserved to th e was formed into a commission “ to hear Maturar.......................... Philip Metchon te c tiv e G ot a C le w a n d W o r k e d I t — E s­ A " X : x : : - — - j F i f ir 8 i i c 3 a n d H e a d o f a I L e tte r —P rovision « M ade F o r th e Corn* tbo petitions of the lords, great men, jpt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. c a p e d O nce W ith a B r o k e u A rm . fo r t o f T h e se U se fu l S ervan ts. uoblcs, kuighte nud other w ith regard . . . .W. II. Leeds iato Printer........... . to services, duties, attendances, offices, ,.C . M. Idleman. “ Ladders, when you find them han ­ ttorney General A lighthouse keeper is appointed by fees and rights couuecied w ith the cero- Connects wiili Stea>nn>* »n«! Seotta- ! earner and ........It. 8. Bean dy,” said the retired burglar, “ may tbe secretaiy of tho treasury on the rec­ t:cny of coronation,’* the roll states burg Stage Line . . . . F. A. Moore for Drain. Also with ipreme Court ommendation of the lighthouse board, w hat these petitions were, or at least item like a very convenient way of B it­ 2. E . Wolverton Stage Lino for Coos Bay. Charges ting into open second story windows, ami nt first receives only an acting ap­ tuch of them as were granted. idge Second D istrict. .J . W. Hamilton reasonable. pointment. At tbe end of three months, One was th a t the Duke of Norfolk, t u t after two experiences that 1 had ■osecuting A ttorney .. .Geo. M. Brown If he passes au examination by tbe na­ who claimed “ the right to find lor tbo w ith them I pave them up and stuck to val officer who is the inspector of tbe queen on her day of coronation a glove the old fashioned w ay of doors aud cel­ district, he receives a full appointment: for her m ajesty's right hand and to sup­ lar windows. if he docs not puss, ho is dropped from port tbe queen’s right arm on tbe samo “ In a suburtan town that I visited o f the service. A keeper must be able to day as long as her majesty shall hold once 1 found ’em ) aim ing a Qucui Anne C O U N T Y O FFIC ER S. read and write, keep aocouuts, sail and iu her baud the royal scepter, tbo peti­ hew-e iu tbe rainbow' style that they So the falling of the hair tells pull u boat und have enough mechanic­ tioner bolding tbe manor of Worksop nsed to paiut bouses iu, aud that, I sup- of the approach of age and E. B an gs, Proprietor. al ability to make tbe necessary minor Ly tbe aforesaid services.” In otbe,r pore, they paint ’em in still to some ex­ declining power. «- repairs about tbe station ami keep it in words, if tbe Duke of Norfolk bad tent. Tbo u cn had ladders up, no stagey No matter how barren the tree E. O. Potter, j Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, |dge. order. There is ouly one grade of keep­ ' failed to provide the glove or to support and I noticed that at tho close of the nor how leafless it m»y see nt, er recognized by law, but the custom of you confidently expect leaves . . . . W. T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays her m ajesty’s arm nt thnt particular day one cf them was painting near a mmissionert again. And why? the service has divided tho keepers into time bis ownership of Worksop mnnof window, aud I wondered if he’d leave II. D. E dw ards!,,, a rr¡v i im ., Because there is life at tbe different grades, with different pay and would have been invalidated and the his ladder there when he stopped work roots. jerk...........................................E . U. Lee following at 10 a. in. duties and w ith promotion from one property have reverted to tho crown. at night. 1 sauntered around th at way So you need not werry shout S leeping C a ts grade to another. A man may be ap­ Another petition was th at of Barbara, after dark, and there it was, and it was leriif...........- .................W. W. Withers the falling of your hair, the pointed to the service and assigned to a Returning-stage leaves Flor- easurer..........................A. S. Patterson Baroness Grey do Rutbyn, wbo, as the summer, and the window was wide threatened departure of youth E le g a n t particular station, but bo may be moved head of her fam ily, claimed tbe rig h t to rpen. M rst folks in the country, when »essor............................... I). P. Burton I cnee on Mondays, Wednesdays and beauty. And why? at any time if promoted or if tbe inter­ carry tbe great spurs before her majesty their houses arc being painted, are apt D in in g C ars Because if there is a spark of hool S uperintendent.. . . W. M. Miller J ests of tbe service demand it. At sta­ j cn the day of her coronation and asked to be a little* skittish about the ladders, ! life remaining In the roots of ....... C. M. Collier and Fridays at 2 pt m,, arriving T o u r i s t irveyor......... the bair tions requiring but one keeper a retired , that George, Lord Byron, bo appointed end if cue should be left like this one .. W. P. Chesli ire j in Eugene the following day at ironer............. S leeping C ars seafaring man, with a family, is usual­ her deputy for the performance of that th«y’d be pretty sure to close the w in­ .. .C. IL Holden ß slice of Peace, ly selected, and in general men of the duty. S T . PAUL dow near it and leak it, but these folks ....... E . A. Evans ! seafaring class ure most wanted. At sta­ instable......... Yet ncotFsr was th a t of Francis, d id n ’t uppear to bo disturbed, aud as far M IN N E A P O L IS tions where there is a fog signal one of twelfth eurl of Huntingdon. The eurl- as my getting into the hcure was con­ tbe assistants is a man wbo has nu en­ doni of Huntingdon bad remained sus­ cerned it was ju st about as easy for me O uLU TH Single fare - _ . _ 35.00 gineer’s liceuse and is something of a pended for many years owing to tho to walk up th at ladder and step off FARGO Round trip . . ?!).00 m achinist CITY O FFIC E R S . tenth carl dying w ithout issue. When, through the window as it would have TO C R A N O FO RK S Keepers are paid on nn average abont however, this tw elfth in the lino of suc­ 1 oen to w alk in a t the front door with Tickets for tale at F . Bangs’ ✓ $8U0 a year, but the individual sums cession succeeded in establishing, ns a it unlocked. C R O O K STO N livery barn, Eugeue, and at 0. W. paid vary from $100 to $¡,000 a year, descendant of tbe second earl, his right “ Later, about 3 o’clock the next W IN N IP E G .. W. II. Weatberson I esident according to tho importance of the sta­ to t he peerage, he also claimed the rig h t H u rd ’s office in Florence. morning, I w ent up that ladder and in H E L E N A »"'I tion and the amount of service render­ to carry one of the four swords of stuto at the window w ithout the slightest ’ O. W. Hurd ed. The principal keeper at Minot's in the coronation procession, this, us BUTTE Win. Kvle trouble, and there was uobedy sleeping urd of Trustees Ledge light, just outside of Boston, re­ well as other duties and services con­ iu th a t room. It was ail just as easy us L. Christensen ceives $1,000 a year for his services, nected w ith the ceremony, being tho M. Morris and this furnishes the only instance condition of his tenure of lands, trn all it could be. 1 poked around tbo house ! ....... J. C. FLINT, Proprietor .. and gathered up w hat bluff there was where the pay of a keeper is specified wonder, then, th at in announcing the worth carrying off and went back to corder. .John II. Morris will arouse it Into healthy activ­ TO CHICAGO by law. ity. The hair cesses to come F l o r a n o a , O r e g o n , Maurer . . . .J. A. Pond omission of Ihe procession it was im ­ llint room and tbe ojicu window and out: It begins to grow: and the The keepers wbo live at isolated portant to set forth also that tbo non- down the ladder and off. W A SH IN G T O N (rabal.. .<». C. Cuinpton glory of your youth Is restored lighthouses and on tbe offshore light­ performance of duties connected w ith it "A month after that, as I was w alk­ to you. ships lead a very monotonous life, bro­ thould entail t o forfeitures. OUR AIM —To furnish tlio be P H IL A D E L P H IA ing across tho platform of a station ou w e have a book on the Hair ken only by tho sight of passing vessels N E W YORK and its Diseases. It is free. tb«! sumo road thnt the other town was accommodations a t reasonabe SECR ET S O C IE T IE S . and tho quarterly visit of tho lighthouse , T H E USEFUL. GIRAFFE. B O R TO N A N D A L L on to take a train, there was a man Tho Boat A d a k o Froo. supply boat. prices. I t yon do tint obtain »11 tbe h«oe£ts laid his bnud cn my arm aud says, P O IN T S E A S T and 8 O U T H you expected from the tut« ot the Visor, There keepers get considerable leave, E m p lo y e d t o G e t D ow n- Trails T h a t Iitul ‘Now, eleiu't mako a fuss about it, and write the doctor ati/Ut It, Probooty L o d g e d I n t b e H o o f Gutter« F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. there 1« mme riiffteultr with yoor gen­ For inform ation, tim e card», m aps and tick ets about two weeks in three mouths, dur- j it'll b o a good deal easier all around.* eral system which may bo a u lty lug which time they visit their fundlios “ Cecil uatured?” said the old cirrus And I recognized in him tbe detective Regular couru u ideation on second etc., call on or write romor«d. Addrre« ou full pay. A lighthouse on nu outly- I man. “ Why, Ihe best ill the world. 1)R. J. O. AYER. Lowell. ] I fourth Saturdays in each month. of the road, a n nu that I knew meant iug reef, for instance, is on the same j R . M c M u r p h e y , When the old m an ’s Ley need to g it a W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. O. W . H urd , W. M. business, anel J went along w ith him. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, status us n lightship, except th at it can- j baseball lodged in a gutter ot tho eaves MADEMOISELLE THERMOMETER. 5. K notts , Secretary. “ Being a man of brnins, he had gone not be blown uway und the keepers can­ of tbe house— this was when we were Tables furnished with all the EUGENE, OREGON. I knour of a restle«* young laaa. not leave it except when they are re- j off the roud in w inter quarters—houev- up to the house where the robbery was as men as ho bad heard of it, which Who livea in a house m ade o f ! delieaeies of tho season. W ild A. O. C H A R L T O N , licved, as a storm m ight como up and i or used te< get out at tbe scuttle and was tho day after. There he had put A nd from her location A ssistant Genera t Passenger A gent. prevent their return. climb down tbe loof and take tbo risk him self iu tLe burglar's place aud fol­ &1ar!» enoh vibration A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 ! game, fish and fruit in season. Best 255 Moi risen St. Cor. fid. Of hot and cold wavee aa they Much is done by tho lighthouse board of falling off und breaking bis neck to [meets second and fourth Saturdays P o r t l a n d O r to further the comfort of all its em ­ get it, He used to go to tho barn and lowed in his fexitsti ps as near us he iteli month at 1:30 p. in. I accomodations for the traveling | When boat is announced, sh e w ill apring could. lie bael bail the ladder placed In ployees, but most is done for those who get out the giraffe. The old 18 footer T o q u ick ly m ake n ote o f th e th ing. J. I. B uttkiiziklu , Commander. ' public. Charges reasonable. endure tbe solitary life nt the isolated would trot along after the boy—be knew ju st tbo same position, and be bad gone ’T is very surprisin g J. I.. F urnish , A djutant. The Funk & W agnalls T hat sim p ly by r isin g | lights and on the lightships. Libraries w hat was w anted—till they cerne to up thnt and stepped off into the w in­ Bo tru e a report ahu can b lin g . dow ni d followed over his track inside are furnished tho keepers and their the house and then walk along the side j ¡'¿«"houre us « lore as lm could guess at families. Each contains about 40 vol­ lookiDg down into (he gutter ns Jic went 1 • To s e lf atovation infill nod E l k P r a i r i e H o te l. ................... bho has such a v o la tile in iod umes of works of history, science and along until ho came to tbo ball, nnd it, and then he'd come back to tho w in­ 0. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131,1 dow and got out on to the ladder, aud so T hat in every svl son poetry, w ith a fair supply of good nov­ then ho would pick it up aud bend his m eets every 1st and 31 Saturdays Of The A rfnitahlu rou&on down to tho ground. I els. This complete library is left at a head down aud give it to tbe boy. |b month. Members and visiting T w en tv-th ree For freq n en t dopresMiun aho'll find. ‘“ih e lai.der w ent up on tho rig h t khren in good standing arc eordially I station for three mouths, and is then ENGLISH LANGUAGE “ One day when the youngster had hand sido of this window, und w hile it flor tem p er m ercurial thna pted to attend. J. J . A nuerson , M. W. transferred to another stutiou by an in­ thrown a ball up on tho roof nnd had M iles W est Ci uu vos every whoro such a fma ‘ . K vle , Recorder. spector on his quarterly v isit There are seen it rcil down into the gutter he was easy ruough to reach it, »till it C O M P L E T E T h a t in ixmvoraation of Eugene. was quito a little step from the sill to AtiAirw o f the nation nearly 1,000 of there libraries iu circu­ went os ufeuul after tlio giraffe. When A re a hyu ied . Ihhi m aid io diucnm. lation, each iu its little portable care, the giraffe leaked along tbe g n ltrr that tho ludder, nud he noticed (hat when S U C 0 IE N T 0. F. Ifeceta Lodge No. I l l , meets j •-Julia U Colton ia New York Chrhrtlan Ad­ bo had got his lent on the land« r he and, by their judicious interchange, the day, there was no ball there. He took ery Wednesday evening in Lodge , vocate. A U T H O K I T A T I V E keepers cf stations where they are fur- his note out of the gutter and looked swung hm 1« a little toward the hoube, Florence, Oregon. Brothers iu j i so that hia elbow ju st touched it iu the i nisbed sea about 200 volumes a yoar. d standing invited to attend. down ut the boy in tlio yard with a A M O R N IN G GLORY C U L T . T homas J. B oren , N. G. •!* Keepers are forbidden to engage in largo iuterregatien mark iu each eye os angle between the window frame and the clapboards. He gave a little push This Flower Taking the Plaee oi Cfcrya. C has . H. Sec. any business which w ill prevent their much ns to say: JOI,S6g Vocabulary Term. on th a t elbow naturally and threw him- untliemum. la Japan. presence at their stations or interfere “ ‘Bure it d id n 't roll off somcwhoTc?' 247 Editors and Specialists s« If out again on to the ludder. Then Miss Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore has aa with tho proper performance of tb o i/ “ And the boy said ’Sure,’ utid then 5.13 Reader» tor Quotation* duties. Many bave useful nud profitable tho giraffe looked again, but it w asn't ho stopped ai.d looked at tho spot where article on “ Tbe Wonderful Morning CHURCH D IR E C T O R Y jo o o Illustration» his elbow had touched. The puint was occupations which they carry on at the there, und tbe giraffe so reported, with Glories of Japau” In TbeGentary. M i« M oney Saved ■ I Cost over $960,000 stations, while some fill pulpits, are a solcmu shake of (be head, aud was dry nud there was co mark, but he coll- Scidmore »ays: ed up the painters and learned thnt on Appendix of 47,468 E ntries By justices of the peace or teach school. | driven back to the barn. As a floral sensation tbe chrysanthe­ diSBYTERIAN CH U RCH, Florence, the morning before—Ihet was tho morn­ mum may be said to have bad its day, Jregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- All keepers are furnished with quarters "They wondered ubout this, lor it P atro n izin g it. ing alter the house hnd been robbed— »1, l j o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 for themselves and in some cases for was thp first time tbe giraffe had ever tho carnation is going, going, and seek, tbe puint at that placo, on tbe cupboard era ufter novelty among flower fancier« lock a. in. and 7 p in. -Sacrament of I Tbe full nmnlicr of words and terms In their families. Iu seme cases they are failed to get the ball, und they know it by the window frame, and on tbe framo fiord's supper on 1st Sabbath of [ furnished with food ami rations. Other m ust be there, but it was sotu explaiu- are sigbiug for a now flower to oonqner. Itself Led been smudged a little, and it is hardly kuown, even to foreign res­ wary, April, July and October, (jgQ. Hale Prop. durèrent dictionaries for the entire «Iphnlœt is stations have barns furnished for cattle | cd. A day or two later there cam en big .» follows: ffORM int . i , 50,000; W osciiestxb irvbo ly is welcome to all the services. - and horses, and boats ure furnished till i rainstorm. Inrtead of running a big they'd touched it over. Tbut was all idents in Japan, that that land, which requests C hristians to make j -------------------- 105,000; W ebstes (international), 125,000; CSX stations inaccessible by land. noisy stream ns usual tho tin water pipe the detective wanted to know. From bus given us so much of art and beanty. »selves known. that tim e ou ho had been looking fur a has lately revived the culture of its m o« I TOST, (six volum es. com plete,) 225,000; The discipline of the service lias been ' from tbe roof ran ju st a little bit of I. G. K kotts , Pastor. BUSINESS CARDS- ! STANDARD, over 300,000; always rigid, as befitting a service stream, und the water that »bould have man w ith two puint spots of different remarkable flower, the asagao, our where nogligenco or inefficiency may run off iu that way overflowed the g ut­ colors on tbe Icit elbow of his coat, and morn iug glory For size, beauty, range mean tho loss of tuuny lives and much ters end dripped in a thin sheet against 1 was tho man. of color nud illimitable variety there STHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH — to . .1 S s n U . I X « F r e e ... valuable property. , amazing to yon th at I i attained this s u u ri» flower preoed«all tho side cf tbe house. Then they knew , " , I t ,. may ; , seem Dismissal instantly follows in two why the piiuffe couldn’t find the hall. îJaÎ UL r0l^ <,1. ‘iæ ,1,UJ? . cfï' 1 had ru b - I others outil its cultivation has become Acme two Sundays of each month j cases—whore a keeper is found intoxi- It had rolled down tho w ater pipe. ” — tid some of it off, und I was going to a craze, which is likely to aproad to O F E U G E N E . stti-School every Sunday at rub tho rcr.t off the next day, aud then other oonntnoa, aud—who knows par- • rated and where be allows his light to Hew York Ban. A C E N T S W A N T E D . ni. Frayer meeting everv Tlinrs- T. a. HINOSICKS. e»».- 8. S. EAKIN. JR.. O asm r 1 kept netting th at next rtny ahead, us hapa there introduce the current J a p ­ go out. Keepers are trained to oouslder evening at the church. Everybody N o t t o 11» Ili*okoi*d- we arc apt to do, and I finally wound anese custom of 5 o'olnck in the morn­ tho care of tbo light and the lighthouso bally invjtsd. G. F. R ounds , Tho president of one of the lending up by letting it go altcgothcr, tho rest ing teas and garden parties. pioperty above any and all personal Pastor. PAID UP OASH CAPITAL. • • » 6 0 ,0 0 0 E . D. BRONSON & CO, considerations, and it is rare indeed eastern collcgi'3 wus rece ntly journey­ of it. There w asn’t one chuncc in a Asagao, tho morning flower, la more 8URPLU8 ANO PROFITS. - • » 6 0 OOO ' when they fail to realize this high ing toward New York and found bini- thousand of its leading to anything, and especially Jap an 'a owu blossom Ilian Pacific Coast Agents oveu ns it was I might have talked my- s«'lf iu the samo sent with an old man ideal. There have been a number oi in ­ tho chrysanthemum, which, like It, ATTORNEYS SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A C C O U N T S S O L IC IT E D | stances illustrating the esprit du corps whoso generul appearance belt honed self out of tho paint, hut 1 hud a watch came from China us a prim itive sort of th at I'd g< t in tlio house in my pocket, of tbe service—bow the keepers of the the farmer. They soon fell into conver­ weed, afterw ard to be evolved by J a p ­ 933 Market S t. j EUSEME, * • ' OREGON Minot’s Ledge light first bnilt went sation, and after saying he wus on LUd th a t settled it. anese art or magic into a floral wonder A. C. WOODCOCK, “ T hat was onu ladder. This was tbe of a hundred varying forms. A T im e ly R e tr e a t. ; down witli the light and died at their his flist visit to tho metropolis the NO TARIES. A young botanist was showing a par­ pests, how cue kiept-r sav< d bis k u s farmer mentioned the name of the lit- other: We who know and grow tho morn­ "Looking are,nnd the ontzido cf a ing glory as a humblo back yard vino on ty of ladies und gentlemen through the aud let bis family look out for them- , U« vlll ige up among ibe hills of N ew houte iu tin couutry cue night, I found conservatory aud explaining to them selves, and iimtunces where they have Uamp»blro from which he camo und re a string—n vine w ith leaves like those the properties of sorno of tne choicest saved publio property aud lost their niuiked th at he supposed bis friend had a iai.dcr lying ou Ihe ground against of tlio sweet potato und puny little pink iS e n e , - O re g o n A. B. BUTTOLPH, never beard of it. ‘'Oil, yes,” said tbn tbe rear »ing a work, and whose interest make» the et- grubbed bis carpetbag aud, marching und ou the eide of tho house there were The old poetry aud tbo old a rt do not . . . . A ttorney-at-Law .. FRANK B. WILSON- giant cactus i-ue was heard to exclaim: flcieucy of the service what it is It is down tbe aisle, took a sent on the oilier two windows open in <,ne rc-oai. I s«rt of introduction. A P a « p h k t “How te p b - gold braid?” “ Phew! You have the le st cave I ev­ " I got sway th at time, but I was laid Alice— but the first chapter fra t the with cowl a f aam« in th e V. B., A JÍrníá'. írérm». P» “ T h at's Colonel vsn Ch-sve.” er beard of. I 'll zee that you never go up for six weeks, aud alter th at I d idn’t quickly, only to prepare fcr the mor- tutrlfb cxxuitrl«» » p o ta re . AdJresa. one I re read aud the heroine dies No: “ Whom has he cv