’H E W E S T •opal a u k ., tb . I m , , sr w h aleuM a»4 «.heloa». THE NEW BOAT. T S IL T C O O S RIPPLES- T h re e Be Gmfl et O W Hurd’s new beat, which will run Bt O ccasional . on the river here for the 1 oaiveuience of the ram-hrs and to carry the mail be­ Ever laxly,well. Hav all in the bam F lohbxci , L ank C ounty , O regon .— TAY WHEN CCKEI). tween Florence and Mapleton, will tie ami stock in fine condition. launched next week. She ia lieautifally . . . by - • • Delia Morris ia at Roseburg for the and substantially built, being 00 feet in IOV4J length, 14 feet beam and will draw onlv August teachers’ examination. Stic 07113439 aliout three feet of water; is nicely wrote for first grade. We have not Editor and Proprietor. The Ablest and Most Succettfal painted with white to the water-line heard tlie result. She is cng-tgetl for the S|*t ia'ists io the World. winter term at Ileceta. If she won a ami a dark-red below. She ia especially -T ïbm s : $1.60 a year in advance.----- They guarantee a complete cure at adapted to the work for which she will first grade certificate she will teach two and oue-iutlf months longer in Five Mile Your Own Home, and allow you to be used. Entered at the post-office at Florence, pay wiion cured. The------------- , we leave a blank as district. county, Oregon, as second-class Greenleaf is not the only neiglitgj-/ tlie name has not yet lieen made known, kil matter. is beyond doubt tlie nicest boat of her hood which hoasisa man who maltreatea Absolutely Pur» 1 size width plies upon any of the Pacific his neighbor's stock. This vicinity VgBTISISG RATÄH MADE KNOWN ON A P­ i coast streams. Her machinery which lias one or two such chaps of which we PLICATION. arrived here on the Miami last week, are very milch ashamed. A hog at li notice« 8 cent« per line, e»rli insertion Thoueands of promising young men . consists of two nice upright engines large is a nuisance, but it is dangerous have their lives and future nsefulness « ovai pakino remora r^., ntw vohk . I well and strongly made, the cylinders to kill or injure even a hog belonging to wrecked by INDISCRETION AND IFlorence, Or. Aug. 19, 1898. An agent for D M Ferry A Co. came | are 6x8, and with 125 pounds of steam a neighbor. Cattle, or kine, are com­ PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms in on Barrett's stage Tuesday on busi­ are estimated to have a 30 horse-power. moners and he who maims, kills or until cured, are portrayed on tlie coun­ ness for that firm. W E S T L IN G S . I These engines will work independently mallreates them should he prosecuted. tenance and in the actions of tlie vic­ A complete stock of boots and shoes J and will each turn a 34-inch propeller Gail Maker still charges that “ Occa­ tim. If neglected or iinproi>erly treat­ salmon are being caught. for ladies, gents and children Rt O W ' «Lout 400 revolutions i>er minute. The sional” is the author of tlie criticisms ed, other organs lascome affected, and boiler which is comparatively new has on one of lier hatch of items ; said critic­ sooner or later there are serious results. ijew stock of children’s shoes just Hurd’s. eived at Meyer A Kyle’s. Hood’s pills cure nausea, sick head­ has been worked over, and is in fine isms having been sent to San Francisco Our New Method Treatment will j>osi- ache, biliousness and all liver ills. Price condition. Tlie cost of the boat is be­ and there remailed ‘‘care of W eht ." tively cure these diseases. light grower here* yesterday n tween $4,000 and 5,000. Much specula­ ■She further alleges that the editor of 25 cents. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are tion has been on here of late in regard the W est joins lier iii the opinion that .housands of you who have committed ¡Very hot weather in the Willamette SUNDAY SERVICES. to tlie 8peed site will run, some sav she “Occasional" is the author. She also offences against the laws of your na- 8old W ith Hey now. will niukc ten miles per hour and others further alleges that Asst. P M Wilkes, ' ture, and are now paving up for it, Sunday school at 10 a in. and see the fine stock of granite say twenty; but we are informed by of A * ’4 of aec. 17, tp. 18 a., r. IO wee«. She name« the following witneaaea to prove bey continuous reaidence upon au 1 cultivation of «aid land, via: Charier R. David and D W. gfibbena of F oist Terrace, Ore., W. If. Weathenon of Florenea, Ore., and Mark Hadoall of Mapleton, Oregon. J. T. Bat do « a . RegteUr. Drías for 50 cts., nor Too. THE WEST. .FLORENCE. OR. ................ .......................................... ALL SIZES FROM $ 2 6 to $165. W rite F u r C ircular J. H. MONTEITH Glenada, Oregon. iNDV CATHAPTIC ___ CUMCOBSTIWmON IO« as< so« , C m »KOLUTSLI t»UtlTEBDS.XS7a;;'-— -----. .. Hgye u,ensHw. sa stfulro rr . kdt hl . numr». i-amt r...