T H E Ä V E S T , A FORGOTTEN ORDINANCE. Hew to «hr line, let the chips (all where tUey may.** WASHINGTON LETTER. THE OPEN-DOOR POLiCT. PERSONALS. E E Marr of Mercer lake was in town | 8 F Chronicle: Tuesday. A letter form London recently pub­ Why is not tlie law relative to liquor Mrs. E. Yanderburg is visiting *1 Al" lished in the New York Tribune tells j I selling enforced, in an oft repeated qtiee- W asm ., D 0 , Aug. Sili, 1898. me this week. FuiStNCS, L zv s O ovm tt , O bsook t¡on anj u,0Ugb unanswered by word or us tiiat “ Americans cannot expect Eng- Clair Morris is at Mercer lake visiting So far aa fighting ia concerned, thè deed, it is perfectly apparent to any who ; war ia regarded in Washington sa over. , land to reason about the Philippine at ids uncle's. may be sufficiently interested to give the I True, the Spanish government is still <’’,e8'*°" ,rom mill I.’. _ . ’ "X Z . ° “ >er 7 P°in‘ „ 7 of view I Gertrude Harwood visited at Acme j subject their attention, lint as there dill-dallying al-out forwarding its official * ° ‘ enli«l,te,,ed ««d-intereat. the first of the week. are many who do not “atop to think” ’ acceptance of our ten,.a of , wave but jt j T,*> n,U8‘ take “ UP ‘beir "wn | L Morton was visiting at head of tide Editor and Proprietor. we propose to turn on :l,e searchlight of . has caused President McKinley' ,o ,)C i count and * ¡‘1. it as a policy of •the iirst of the week. Mrs. Kannffis visiting at W K Mt- truth an, 1 place tne responsibility where informed that it ia acting for self-pre- ' mo‘nen’<>u’ ¡>"P°rtance to themselves. Florence, Or. Aug. 19, 1898. it belongs. I It will involvt^the tariff question ami Comtek's lids week. rervation, and not from any desire to The following, (Ordinance No. 4 sec. delay inattera; that it must secure pop- tlio open door w Inch England will nat-j Caleb Morton lias been laid up fora 9) copied from the recorder’s books, , ular support at home in order to avoi.i a ! UrJIy tbe <*r 0881 This few days by a sore knee. A I’ Knowles was in town with the was evolved by last year’s board of civil war. That tbe administration has i,a,em en t * 88 ,oliowed bF the a88t'r first cider of the season. trustees, viz: “That all persons grant- accepted this information in good faith I lion ‘that England, so far as can lie Victor Robertson has lieen at F E judged from the opinions of men of in- ed a license under this ordinance shall j may be judge.! from tbe fact I Fremont’s the last two weeks. that the * Aug. 13tn Dewey demanded tbo sur­ Q w re(l|rnei, ,rom a give tbe Town of Florence a good and transports which carried tbe army of licence of nil parties, will rejoice if the render of Manila within an hour, the sufficient bond, to be approve.! by the Gen. Miles to Porto Rico, and which Americans decide to remain in the ial- busine88 trip , 0 Sil„ Fraacisco. Spanish declined and a bombardment Mis. Chas. It David was in cur city president, with two good sureties in the were to have been uned to carry rein* and?, and that its action and moral Send for samples anil prices was tiegun on tlie outr'eirts of the city. sum of live hundred dollars each, anil : forcemcnta to Miles, have lieen ordered support will lie grounded upon self- ; Wednesday calling on old friends. of Serges, Cassimere, Henriet­ The Spaniards soon hoisied a white flag M I, Tower and family returned from must certify Io a good moral character ' to Santiago to assist in bringing tbe interest.’ ” and General Augustin imediatly jumped tas anil Suitings. All Staple To a disinterested observer it would their visit to California yesterday. and qualify to keep a respectable and men in Sbafier’s army, home. Gen. luto a German launch which was wait­ shades in stock and very low J N Wisdom, A 0 Funke’s teamster, orderly bouse. i jjj|eg ¡, Bti|| daily occupying new terri- Been, that the moral support of England ing, anil went to the l^tiaerin Augusta purchased on the terms indicated would sP*’nt 80veral da- v a in town tbis '” ek’ prices. \ \ bat was the purpose of the board in ' tory in Porto Rico, hut he is doing no which sailed before the bombardment Miss Nellie Rice is visiting her aunt framing the above ordinance if it was fighting and it is not expected that be he very dear. Tho suggestion that we Gimps and Silk Trimmings concluded, should annex the Philippines and ex- Mr8’ H Wea“ “” 8on for 8 iow d">'8’ not to bo made effective, and every eiti- ! will do any. unless tbe dilly-dallying of in sets and by the yard. Tho A dispatch from Madrid of Aug. 15 zen of Florence knows it was not, as no j Spain shall be prolonged to such an pend a large .urn of money annually in , M-« O W Hurd and children went to . . . . 1 1 ■ head of tide Monday Io meet Mr. Hurd, very latest. says that the newspapers there are bonds were required, and yet the saloon extent as to provoke the president into maintaining an increased navy and Jolm Holland and wife of Eugene unaniiuo is in declaring that America was open doing its deadly work, leavin« withdrawing the terms of peace that standing army for the purpose of keep- made a brief visit to Florence a few days must assume a portion of tbe Cuban its ¡>u i blight r i . upon many a . heart and home. have teen offered. There is also reason ing our flag Hying over them and calling ago. s 4 .» » a I.' - — ! ‘ _ I s ir debt. They say that this is imperative. n here wag Hie marohnl during this for stating that Gen. Merritt and Ad­ them American ixissessions does not Mrs. F. Fox visited friends and rel­ time? Under Corporation Laws, chap­ miral Dewey have orders not to do any present many allurements to practical atives on tbe North Fork the first of the Nice assortment of Ladies’ TERMS OF THE PROTOCOL. ter 12, wo find the following: “ He fighting at Manila, unless it is forced men. It sounds too much like the free- week- Waists, Waist sets, Belts, John Withrow, wife and daughter of (the marshal) shall see that the town upon them. Although President Mc­ trade idea of getting an American iner- Belt Buckles, Ladies’ Silk cantile marine by buying our ships I E,”8e,'le “re 8pe“di,‘K 8 few da> '8 at bead Washington, Aug. 12.—Secretary Day ordinances, and the rules, orders and Kinley is naturally anxious that Spain i i . ‘ . i of tide. gave out this statement of the provisions regulations of the hoard ot trustees are lies anil wash Fabries too should sign the terms of peace at once, lie abroad and manning them with cheap Messrs. Hunnicutt and Blossom of of the protocol: observed and enforced.” We submit would lie perfectly willing to stretch the foreign sailors. It might soothe the numerous to mention. Springfield are spending a few days ill “ Spain will relinquish all claim of that this is sufficiently plain English “ immediate” evacuation of Cuba, pro­ national vanity to see the Stars and our berg. sovereignty over the title of Cuba. for any one to understand, but was it vided for in tbs terms, considerably, as Stripes flying over vessels built in for­ Dr. Evans returned on Tuesday’s boat “ Porto Rico and oilier Spanish islands done? lie would prefer not having to send eign shipyards and sailed by foreigners, and says Mr. Seymour will soon be in the West Indies and an island in the j I In Dec. 1897 the above facts were pre­ but sensible Americans acquainted with ' aro,,"d 8K8*n- an army of occupation to Cuba until Ladrones, to to selected liy the United sented to the district attorney, and in the fact that the profits of construction H "'eatlierson accompanied by well into September, after the sickly and operation went abroad would jin,| i b‘8 d""gbtf Alice and H««>, went to States, ahull lie ceded to the latter. reply he says: “ While it is the duty of season is over. ! Eugene this week. “ The United Slates shall occupy and the town board to have bonds given by it difficult to enthuse over a mercantile, », o , To the strictly military mind, the , Mrs. Rolton and children were among hold the city, bay aud harbor of Manila, the keeper of the saloon spoken of, there marine thus erentod. I " protest signed hv all of the generals of j the visitors seen at the tent of Photo- pending tbe conclusion of tbe treaty of is no way to compel them to do so, ex ­ If wo are to annex tho Philippnes we grapher Hiekethier. Gen. Shafter’s army, against keeping peace, which shall determine the con­ cept by removing them for misfeasance will endeavor to got more out of them I A son of the noted attorney, L Bilveo, our men nt Santiago, to die or reach n trol, disposition and government of the in office which would require a suit in than the mere satisfaction of calling I °f Eugene lias been sojourning at head state of debilitated helplessness from Philippines. them American possessions. If our flag ol ‘*de for ,be Pa8t week. court, or before the town board them ­ fever, which the latter forwarded to “Cuba, Porto Rico and other Spanish selves.” Very soon after this the saloon is hoisted over tlie islands and we de- Lou*3 Robertson and Maurice Liven- Washington, presented a case of insub­ islands in the West Indies shall be im ­ closed and the matter was dropped for cide to maintain a etanding armv | 8011 went to Gardiner Monday to work ordination that in any well-regulated i,„i i „ , , , , 7 in the mill at that place. mediately evacuated. the time being. Four months have hold them we shall undoubtedly do all I , ». »-• . . European army would have resulted in we ran to extend our trade with the in- ' e a ^ ^ ^ ^ d ^ ’s ^ / “ Commissioners, to be appointed elapsed since the new board was elected, the court-martial of ever signer of tlie and are w ithin 10 days, shall within 30 days | and whether any action has been taken habitants. Tliero is no reason in the visiting at hotel Glenada. “ round robin.” But to the relatives from tlie signing of the protocol, meet towards requiring liquor bonds this world why we should not do so. Great J A Levage started with his team for and friends of the men who were dving at Havana and San Juan respectively to deponent snitb not but it is currently Britain would have no call to object ; Eugene Wednesday. Mr. Boomer of by inches from tbe effects of tlie climatic, arrange and execute the details of the reported that nothing has been done, slie did not do so while Spain was ex­ Ileeeta acconipained him. conditions around Santiago, whoso re­ evacuation. Ole Myrinil returned to his home on and we have searched in vain for a re­ acting duties ranging as high as one moval was unquestionably hurried by Knowles’ creek last Friday after an “ The United atatea and Spain shall port of council proceedings to that effect, hundred per cent on all staples import­ the publication—charged to Gol, Theo­ absence of several months. each appoint not more than five com­ giving names of the sureties etc., etc. ed into the Philippines. Ruseia, dore Roosevelt,—of the “ round robin” Mrs. J Schreuder returned Saturday ! missioners to negotiate and conclude In view of tho terrible tragedy which Germany and France could not take I although the war department officials from her visit to Salem. Mr. Schreuder1 the treaty of peace. The commissioners has just occurred in our midst wo call presist in denying it, the protest was a exception, because they all maintain accompanied his wife home. are to meet at Paris not later than the upon the town board and the marshal Mr. Anderson and wife, after spend good tiling. The people of this country protective tariffs. The islander would 1st of October. to enforce the law to the utmost limit care more for the welfare of the men he well satisfied for the excellent reason ing a week at the cape, started for their “ On the signing of the protocol hostili­ thereby securing to our citizens greater who compose its army than they do for tlint free entrance for their products in­ home at Fairmount, Wednesday. ties will be suspended, and notice * to safety aud peace, and save themselves strict military rule. War department to the markets of 70,000,000 people is Judge Potter and family came down that effect will be given as soon as pos­ an unpleasant “ airing” and the county officials know this; that is why they something better than nny other nation on Tuesday’s boat to spend a few day« started to bring Shafter’s men borne so with his parents and enjoy the cool sible by each government to the com* souie costs, could offer them. When to this privilege quickly. It is, perhaps, fortunate for ocean breeze. •uauden of its military and naval F rancis £ H oi . dkn , the men whose names were attacliod there is added the ability to buy freely O Leneve, the Port Orford druggist, forces, ” President W 0 T U. to the Santiago “ round robin” that the Irom Americans all staples as cheaply came to town Wednesday from Heceta war is about over. The public repri­ as they could procure them elsewhere where he is visiting, and savs that he mand given to Gol. Roosevelt, by Secre­ the cup of Philippine happiness ought intends to locale in Florence PROFIT IN THE PHILIPPINES. THE BOHEMIA MINES. tary Alger, for sentiments expressed in to be nearly full. . ?vv n S, eve"s0" B"d are visit- a private letter, in an indication of Collier’» weekly. MatMaaa: There is a great deal of humbug in­ ’ i i M«Cornaek’s. They walked what they may expect while they re­ It may lie imagined that the adminis­ most of the distance coming by the Lake Among the recent arrivals in this city main in service. dulged in by those who dwell upon tl tration of the Philippines would prove a creek and North Fork roads, making the Is Charles Winkler, who spent three The president of the Cuban provision- i n,’ceB8ity of an open-door policy in the entire trip in two days. costly undertaking. As a matter of fact months in the Boiietnia mining district, al government has written President f“r easL Tlieir purpose is to create tho custom duties levied under J W Bushnell and which is located in the northeastern McKinley a long letter, expressing lbe in,Pres8io1’ that Russia, Germany returned • aturday from a visit lo the our tariff at the port of Manilla alone portion of Douglas county. thunks to and confidence in the U 8, France and other protectionist coun­ are spending a few days in Florence would far mure than defray the cost of He speaks very highly of that mining but the most important paragraph in tries place such restrictions on trade as Mr. Bushnell informed ,,s that he found maintaining a considerable fleet and section and thinks that it is not talked the letter is that wuicli outlines the to practically exclude all competition. this a much better place than he ex army. Hereafter, under tbo stimulons ^ " n d PRrt> bad enjoy: about to ttie extent it should be. „ i ^ i intention of I ho insurgents. It says: But if this is the object of the statesmen S given by the productive resources of • . "uii.ii ed the trip greatlv Every month of work done upon the of such countries it is not entirely sue- 1 ' ' I.iixou by our laws and institutions, the ! Our o first step, with the approval of the cesaful. The BUtem an’s Year Book NowbJ’“^ " 1^ ' ’ '’' claims there is productive of rich devel­ exports and imports of that island „ „ U S be V .1 „ Pacific Farmer, ’ representing “ the' a new Northwest opments and capital is hound to be at­ likely to undergo astonishing e x p a n s io n j ,H8fc>,,‘b,J whs in our * informs midst tli week. , Ic assembly, which will -p represent, as far far — r e s e n t, as • us that France imported to the : "d< ” ‘ ‘his - Ho came down the tracted lliere sooner or later. Mr. Il this is true of Luzon where the 118 >‘O88,bl‘'’ e' ery “ "¡tory VaIue 4,929 000,000 franc 189«, and >*ach from Vaquina and i, on bi, Winkler thinks the Bohemia is destined . Wfty I * i i E lic itin g mi|j I .................. in the cultivation bem e n of g the a soil g I 7 e " , c,«;‘ f o 8 i ^ ^ ' I i s i ™ 8 to be one of the richest camps on the centuries o n . l government y » « 1* in j the same ' year; - - 189« ‘ b« I ‘‘i C”'"rib’d- Pacific coast. It covers a range of 15 it is still more true of the smaller |X,WCr U‘Hn ,mpor^ ^ * of interest I to I miles wide and about 09 long, and al­ ¡"lands further south and especially of - e; * ' 7 “ ia’ “ j rt80n'y , ready alarm 50 claims are in operation. the great island of Mindano which is « °VCrn:nenl “ “ revolution. But the ( ed W 2 2 . 0 0 0 m a rk .; R u ss,,„ imports A mx , IC an . «'•irnviLniKo has been! The ore is not of a high grade, but is i nearly a . large a , th . „ a te of Pcnnsvl- 7 Wi" ’* *° i am° T ’’200'000 roubl‘,s ¡89« largely increased by the war w tl •" 1 sufficiently rich to become profitable to form a government which will lielimited a"d e x P°rtl1 “ ««S.SOO.OOO ouhlcs. the last month order t ' ' 11 ,ln vania, and which is as yet, unexplored 1 ' 0 1 ______ . • . . explored ■ • .......... , , «.„„i„ ' 1 °rders for thirteen thirteen large those mining it. by the Euro,H-ans, with the exception ' ‘" ’’7 " “nJ " 1,080 ¡'•'I’ortant work ‘ - y economic policies which per- steamers kavc been placed J- w . CARMAN The quartz is Die free milling kind of some portions of the coast A.sum- 11,6 ‘" Ubli8b"’0"‘ oi 8 perman- 'n,t ‘bo cannot be called vania yards, and in Maine in Pennsyl- — e t’ S lJ .H B U K V S S V r U lb A Y M O IX IX O .— Faux oca hxoclah GotutattPoxDKXT. W. H. WEATIIEKSON -FOR BUSINESS- Which pays the buyer, who ¡$ Always on the a le rt for Bargains in everything, WAR NEWS. i A t 30e. . I” t yard french Near S ilk s ------- In B lack, Pink, Red, gk Blue, N uvy B lue and Brown, 36 inches witlo Elegant values.' Send for Samples. m Gaze on o u r Glass and China w are before it gees J u l i e s ’ and Gents’ Foot- wear, a t prices which will astonish you. IN FACT OUR STORE IS HEADQUARTERS F O R ^ EVERY T H IN C - Bon’t throw away opportunities. -C all and See Us- f 0. W. HURD. CARMAN7 CHEAP CASH STOHEI Dry Coods, ★ Groceries ★ and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened... VlOOilQ SIC J. J* s as KeDresentecl. and the pieces exhibited in Salem by ing that wushould apply our own Uriff | ont *nd “ "’P1«“ go-r n i„ e n t, founded ‘ XL U8,ve’ H is irrational to designate Rt Ncwjxirt »ml on the Pacific Mr. Winkler show up splendid In in the P h ilip p ines-h igh ns it is foreign ‘ ** 'nM “f ° ‘ the ° 8 ’ “ni* ° n® ; 'em ’ UC '* n° °" e pretends do Prospect of prosperity in this r " * wealth. ers will find it much more acceptable " ‘‘.“' i ’ " ° l'“VP “Ve' y r’'88on 80 '^ e p t the nahculnn, coterie of Cob- annexation o, Hawaii will ¡ „ „ 7 ^ , What is known there ns the Musick than was the Spanish both as r t^ .r d .' ’ «atisfactory, both to den,,ea wbo <’«>“d* l themselv». , de,.,..,., r - . _ . 11 will . " ^ a s e thc themselves demand for American «hi» • , group is owned by a Mr, J W Cook, who the U 8 and to Cuba.’ The prevailing into l,,o belief that the rest of tlio world const,and the »«-quisition T t" 8 ior tb'8 I the nominal dues and the method of i seems to have implicit faith In tbe fu­ Impression in Washington is that Cuba i 8bould »mWnder to England a monop- pines will g iv e ita n o t. , ! collecting them—we may look forward will remain under U 8 military govern- 0,y of llie »»nufacturing indus'ry. —Tacoma Ledger ° **ni8,ked'“H*“ «. J ture of the district, having upwards of 10 receiving al the outset from the Phil- one hundred men iu his employ, and, ippine. a large addition to our n a tio n a l!....... me,it ................ for some time the v Cubans *-v step, to e s t s l- , ......... ..... before U’° u o n n s. 1 C0>'“ 'rV ‘bat * takes PROPW FTO« th is # # ’PVIARj l-pf^C TIM L DRE55lVt in course of coustruetion, an addition to revenue over and alw»v. tl... *llowed ",alie »'W experiment in 1,8h 8 "’""ufecuiring industry of its own „ * *" ‘b* g“verning line. , 8'" 8>* lig8“ 8 ¡« “ ■« 8l>cech of the free T h e W o r l d ’s C s hie present mill. The main structure is volvedin tbe occupation. trader as a nation with dosed trade ° r'd S G r e a * z»' 38x3# feet in dimensions with an engine Should the war last hnt six months, it ‘ ‘bcr* 800,1 ,l"ng8 in ‘ P8,er' door<- d<*« not matter if the result Blood Purifier is room 38x36 feet, andr comentratee stor­ will have cost us over 0500,000,000; if ¡t ■ "l*1 8jr’ ,cm of Kovernment must be of the policy of protection is to render Hood’s Sarsaparilla, age room 30x44: the walla arc 38 feet continues a year, the outlay will be ad,“ i'“ d by «very man who will take the nation practicing it capable of buy-' Which absolutely nearly double. The interest on either tbe ,,o "blc to investigate. The IT 8 ing threo tim e, as much from foreigners high. He has five stamps in operation 1« Germany, __. . closes . of those sums can bo met without in,. ron8nl a‘ °hem itx, a generally as it otherwise Cures every form of at present and it preparing to add ten could ; it it s posing heavy taxes on our citizens, pro-1 .r. 7 * ? _ 7 . U e d e,'8r‘lnen‘ ®* •ta,e on the I happens that their is a diminished dc Impure blood, from ; more, the same being now enroute from value of the German working m en’s mand for England’s particnlar products The pimple on your Chicago, llis “ veins” face 8x13. Hu videdw e retain . . the . Pl" ,PP,n<'»- N’o insurance system, which provides not her people set up the long howl, has liondvd a couple of hie claims to sudi a result could be attained for many only (or the payment of death I ace to the great /"S iis b indem- The trouble with England is her in- 500 parties froui Montana and they are now years to come, if ws had to rely upon * Kkcc Scrofula sore which niiy, but h r Die care of the sick and ability to produce things which rî. P,n$ otner actively engaged in developing their the revenues of Porto Rico and Cuba nienti Dieir lamilies for accidents, old age, and people can produce equally t l Hrains y°up system alone. There are, therefore, strong well. Let H 5h ip , prospects. ...capacity to work from any cause, by her go im o the specialty bu.ine.« Thousands of people fh sr a p h y financial as well as bumaiiita.*ian and and 1 ii' • saying: "W hether a system w hid, she she mav may do do better better. Meantime it will Testify that Hood’s f r strategic reasons for keeping the Philip makes »0 much for pat.rualian, 1, one to he wise for the English to refrain from A c o n o i the “ D rift” reached our pine Archipelago. r io '' Sarsaparilla cures t commend, 1 c e .n e t m y. 1«. effects trying to crest the impression that rcv-’yv. table this week. It it a bright little Scrofula, Salt Rheum, here have t een anything but bad. France, Germany and R um i, are try. I magasine devoted to the literature ol T h eW sa rh a s (or tale one tuition in the Holmes H,wines. Coile'se 8'’"* ’ 8*08‘ ” ■»* ‘o build a trade aboilt Obi„ , „g on.-tbird and the latter two-thuds, pres,etent policy has been Me have made arrangements by to keep |4iccss in its venture. ,n height. Alan ne *t°rv an^ chicli » half this tuiiiou on easy terms. And get Hood's 1 The insurance . . tm m pu lw y, everythin, in Bntish hands, ever would we will furnish the Weekly Oregonian with the W xer for ons y«*’ And only Hood’s. For ,r‘