■ ■1.1 ■«. O ¡T H E W EST J. YOUR H071E PAPER -1 ^A D VER TISER S 1 I SUPPORT IT — L V )L. IX. SI 7S LA WS ONLY PAPIÉ. OPPORTUNITY FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Aug 19, 1898. general directory TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STATE O FFICERS 9 T A O E U IN E . NO. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE A HOME OF ONE’S OWN old hats on many heads . AN ADONIS OF EGYPT.' S T E A M ER “ M I N K , " TH E VALUE IT POSSESSES FOR TH E IV h r r e th e D IsoA rded V leeU aear o f A e s re g s C IU lc u F lu ,Is It s F a te . NENKHEFTA, T H E th e MOST BEAUTIFUL What becomes of the old hats? Tho MAN IN T H E WORLD. I “ stovepipes,” derbies, fedorus, soft jveriior....................... William P. Lord. Leaves Florence Mondays VVetlues- ; R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S T l,e Peace and d a p p l n c . T h a t A ro F o a n d hats und straw huts of various kiuds— H I* M n tu in y F o u n d I u » C e m e te ry N e a r rretary of S u to ............. H. K. Kincaid. where do they go when discarded by th e C ity o f E l K u b —‘T h e Sun S m ile d O n ly U n d e r One** O w u V in o a n d F i< days and Fridays. — Bel ween---- (usurer.......................... PltiHp Metelien their owners? Every time a man buys a • T r e e —T h e P o M ib illty o f A tt& lnn& ent U p o n U lna," b u t l i e D ie d L ik e O t h e r M or» l’ubii : In stru ctio n .. . . 0 . M. Irwin. Arrives at Florence Tucsda new bat he bus the old oue wruppod up, lays Tlnus- M e u o f R m a !l In c o m e *. ta i« — W if e und Son I n T o m b W i t h H im . . . . . VV. I l. l.eeds and cither stowed away in the iiat store Ite Printer......... days and Saturdays. for safe keeping or sent to him at his Lriiey General. ...C . M. Hieman. Tho Adonis of Egypt 6,400 years ago Napoleon ;aid that the man who had ( onneets with Steamer and Scotts­ office or residence. As a rnle lie says. is again among men Not as he was ..........K. S. Bean a wife and children had “ given hostages burg Stage Line for Drain. Alsu with "Wrap it up, and I’ll cull for it in u K. A. Moore eine Court ^ .. .. udien women bowed before him and his to fortune. ” Iu a yet stronger sense day or tw o.” C. K. VVolvpiton Stage Line for Coos tvery gesture was looked upon almost >«y. Charges i have the man and woman made a be­ The hatter wraps it up, marks it with II.- -Second District J. VV. H am ilton reasonable. ginning toward permanent success who the customer's name, puts it uway and ns if it were thut of a god, but swathed i/ attorney . . Geo. M. Blown have found for themselves a homo, tor waits. Ou tho largest mirror iu tho hat iu tho hubilimentH of the regulation tho possession of which they aro both store is a banner with a straugo device mummy. Centuries before imperial Cu»- What does your mirror say? Does it tell you o f some little willing unwaveringly aud steadfastly to ou it informing the public that "we ure- tar died and turned to clay this man streaks of gray? Are you use systematic seif denial. When a uot responsible fur hats left with ns ruled tlie dwellers on £60.000 acres pleased? Do your friends cf COUNTY OFFICERS- youug couple have ceased to roam about over 80 days.” In the store they keep a with a rod of iron. The women adored the same age show this loss from oue undesirable But to another and book, aud wheu Smith, Jones, Brown him for his beau tv The men ftared of power also? need uo longer talk of "when we lived or Kobiuson leaves his old " lid ” u note Lud respected him lor his wisdom. Just remember that gray Bangs, Proprietor. Near the city of El Kub, which is iu East------street or W est----- * street, ” is made of it uud duly eutered ou this hair never becomes darker situated 75 miles north of tho present Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, ...................................E. O. Petter. . but eau cozily speak of "our littl-j book. without help, while dark hair After 60 or CO days have elapsed a site of Cairo, there lies au ancient ceme­ rapidly becomes gray when I place,*’ they have risen kU per oeut in . . . ( ............. VV. T. Bailee ednesdays and Fridays at G a. general clearing out of tho old hats is once the change begins. tery so old that, even the men to whom their owu self usti-eui und ure at least buMsioneis -j............H p. Edwarj B 100 per cent richer in the true joy of made, uud they go to tho secoudhuud the papyrus scrolls are as familiar ns »»»-, arriving nt Florence the day living. Insensibly my illustration takes stores alone South Clark street, to tlie the waters of the Nile are unable to say Irk.......................................... E. U. Lee following at 10 a. m, a financial form, since nirviey, the pow- costumers’ palaces, to tho country stores when it was first devoted to tho pur­ iriff............................... IV. VV. Withers Sleeping Cars or to obtain this blessing, lies at the (ouietimos, all to be cleaned, reliued pose of housiug the mortal tenements of Insurer...........................A. S. Patterson ' Returning-stage leaves Flor­ Elegant aud furbished up the best way possible, the old Egyptians. The arehieologist root of the matter. lessor................................D. P. Burton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Always u strong adherent to the ad­ it is thus possible for a man to be has long found it a fruitful field for re­ Dining Cars luiil Superintendent . . . W. M. Miller vantages of country living, it is to me stopped ou some chilly evening and search, aud mauy a mummy that today and Fridays at 2 pt m., arriving T c 'fis t tveyor.............................C M. Collier natural to associate tho very ideu of asked to assist sorno unfortunate who is is gazed ou in tho museums with round joner............................. W. P. Cheshire in Eugene the following day at hoiuoinaking with rural surroundings, wearing oue of his old hats. These old eyed wouder was undisturbed hero for Sleeping Cars Itiee of P esee.................C. II. lloiden i Wheu God created our primal progeui- I hats are sometimes sent to the theuters thousands of years. p. m. It so happened that a short time ago ST. PAUL tors, we are told thut he placed them iu to be used as headgear for “ the rabble” pstable..............................E. A. Evans or "an angry mob” or "u group of llo- persons prospecting for uew fields iu a M IN N E A P O L IS _____ a garden as the Is-st. the happiest, envi- ; rouinent tho divine w isd o m could devise mau citizens.” Drivers cf coal wagons, J Hill in the cemetery described discover- Single fare - - . - «5.00 DULUTH for their development. Amid things transfer wagons uud teamsters general­ ' ed a little pit- which apparently bad Round trip _ _ FARO O which have grown with their growth ly who want a hat for outdoor use buy never been made the subject of investi- «9.00 CITY OFFICERS. and perfected under their care, men and a great many of these castaways. Tho 1 gation. Excavation brought to light TO G RANO FO RKS Tickets for tale at E. B angs’ women still find a peculiar peacefulness soft huts can be mnde over most effec­ 1 the fact that it was not ouly something i will bring back to your hair CRO OKSTON i livery barn, Eugene, and at O, W. thut no one can define and a happiness tually, but u stiff hat remodeled uud new, but from the areha*ologist'a . the color of youth. Jt never dyed has an ancient luster that does not standpoint one of tho most important sident.. W. I!. Weatberson W I N N IP E C impossible elsewhere fails. It is just as sure as H urd’s office in Florence. deceive the intelligent. finds in a very long time. The pit was 1 That heart ownership which comes tlict heat melts snow, or that H E L E N A a i" l Country stoles sometimes tako an in­ the ontruuce to a solid chamber of rock ( O. W. Hurd i water quenches Are. only to tho man and wife who have Wm. Kyle, BUTTE' voice of these veterans, e.nd the result is containing u number of stnno coffins or J It cleanses the scalp also wen and made their home is ofteuest ari of Trustees L. Christensen ; and prevents the formation of Besides these there lay : found iu suburban towns and villages, a weird exhibition of headgear by the sarcophagi M. Morris dandruff. It feeds and nour­ and rarely extends to the dimensions of sages of tho cracker barrels and hitch­ upon tho floor of tbo chamber a num­ L ishes the bulbs of the hair ...... J. C. FLINT, Proprietor ...... ber of statues Examination of tbe an acre. The tree that shades the door, ing blocks. making them produce a luxu­ . John H. Morris TO A stiff hat once broken can with diffi­ various contents showed that one of the the vine that climbs over the porch, the i C H IC A G O riant growth. It stops the F lo r e n o e , O r e g o n , ........J . A. Pend culty be patched up acceptably, but a sarcophagi contained tho mummy of pretty little garden iu the reur, aro hair front falling out and gives W A S H IN G T O N . .G. C. Cnmpton loved not as inanimate things, tint as soft hat muy be worked over many times 1 Nenkhefta, and tbo roll of papyrus aud a fine i.oft finish to the hair as well. part and parcel of their lives, aud the and still be marketable. Laborers gen- | (lie inscriptions on the sarcophagus OUR AI5I—To furnish the lie P H IL A D E L P H I A We bar* * irook on the iTalr and fulling of a leaf und the fading of a bud erally wear soft lints, allhough u few both gave the iufonnation that these N E W YORK Scalp which you may cnt.itn tree accommodations at reasouabe are a sorrow. It is quite a different sport derbies, und muny a once proud, were the nuAtal remains of "tho most ' upou request. SECRET SO C IETIES. If you do not obtain nil tin* benefit* stylish hat may be seeu during the usual BOSTO N A N D A L L beautiful mau in Egypt aud probably : homecoming to a man w ho seos his chil­ you expected front the me of tlx prices. Vigor, write the n»»ctor utiont it. dren standing at his pretty gate ready Ciiicago strest cleaning days perched ou tho world. ” P O IN T S E A S T »'id S O U T H Wheu tho wrappings of tho mnitTmy : to mu down the safe and quiet- street tho cranium of soma stulwurt wielder . A A. M. Floranne Lodge No. 107. For information, timecards, in a pa and tickets and finds his wife at tho cpi n door than of the shovel aud pick. of this nncient Adonis wero unfolded, | Regular aoiiiinuuicatiou on second etc., cub on or write Tlie peddlers buy the old hats. The there was nothing to indicate that the i when he is lifted by a creaking i levator I fourth Saturdays in each m entii. j _____________ " to some unknown height, w hile dunger milkmen, the suitors, rivermen, labor­ remains were those of a man of any . R. M c M u r p h e y , W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. O. W. liciti), VV. M. threatens tho young lives if the iloor is ers and that most shifting army of hu­ beauty whatsoever Tlie grinning skele­ H o H e ld t h e W in n in g It e u d . General Agent. Rooms 2 and i, Shelton Block, ti K. sorra, Secretary. but left njar, mid he lius to look for a man odds uud ends which form such an ton looked exactly like those of today. They were having the usual game «1 Tables furnished with all the EUGENE, OREGON. item in tbe city's population—these ure The only odd fact wus that tho shape of number to tell whether ho is on his owu i cards in tho smokiug apartment. Tha (routed) floor. From the hour a man aud tlie men to whom the vast bulk of the the skull, the hands uud the feet were, delicacies of the season. Wild A. O. C H A R L T O N , traveling men swapped jokes, nailed lies wife owu their individual, persouul old hats go. Huts that have giisteued while unmistakably Egyptian, of more and (old bigger ones. The stranger who A uhtant Genenil 1’iuuenger Agent. |A. U. (ieneral Lyons Post, No. 58 game, fish and fruit in season. Best with newness and glossy imp, ouee start­ classic mold than those of most mum- ' home a thnusuud uew interests enrich 255 Morrison St. Cor. ltd. just sat in to fill out the gamo contrib­ kuseta second ami fourth Saturdays P o r t l a n d O r their lives, and the dwelling and its ed on tbo downward path, go lower and mies. The formation of the s^ull also i uted nothing hut rmiles and an occa­ pai-li month ut 1 :30 p. in. .accomodations for the traveling snrrouudiugs are so apart of thimselves lower till the ash heap in- tbe alley or indicated that its owner when alive pos- i sional general laugh to tho social fea­ J. I. BvTTKKriEi.D, Commander. that a loose shingle or u staiu ou the tlie oblivion of uu empty lot marks their sensed great mental development, thns public. Chargos reasonable. J. L. Etinxisq, Adjutant. fiual degradation.—Chicago Chronicle. justifying the pleasnut things which I tures of the occasion. __ __________ The Funk<& Wagnalls doorstep is of serious importance. Every once i;i a w lii’o a jovial drum­ wero said about him iu tho perfectly 1 However extreme tlie theonesof some preserved roll of ancient manuscript i mer would r.anonnce that ho had some of tho "laud fur the people" philan­ GRANT IN DISGUISE. poker in his hand, and an occasional which recited his history. thropists may be there is a deep iutegriH 0. U. W. Perpetna Lodge, No. 131, A R ec o n n n lu n D C « on th e Q u ie t W h ic h Somo of tho archaxilogista here wore side bet wa i made under tho ~nlea at truth iu tho basis of their arguments. jiueets every 1st and 3 1 Saturdays T o o k tile B o y* by M to ru i. Of The at flrst iucliucd to doubt tiio nccurucy of tho greet American game. Men anil women aro huppior, ure moral­ |h month. Members and visiting Twentv-three Finally oue cf these challenges elicit­ “ One day at Chattanooga," says one the claims n.ade regarding thia find, i ly elevuted, are better citizens, for own­ jlirt'ii in good staiidim; are cordially ENGLISH LANGUAGE of tlie soldier boys writing in the Chi­ but iuvestigation showed thut there was ed from the stranger an tulmission that ing their share of God's earth. 1 have |ib"_l tu attend. J. ,T. A ndkkkun , AI. VV . Miles West pchcr was about fho only game of cards long believed that the happiest people cago Inter Ocean, "a lot cf us were no cause lor doubt whatever. It would I of which he did net possess come knowl­ i Kvti:, Becordar. of Eugene. C O M P LE TE now living iu onr couutiy ure the skill­ loading hard taek and bacon into n have been impossible to perpetuate a edge, but ho had rut her a jioouliar hand, ed mechanics of our rural cities und wugon train that was to be sent tc half fraud of this sort Tho papyrus roll, j and Ixx-auto cf tho valno it would have S U C C IE N T 0. F. Ileceta Lodge No. 111.meets towns, whose ambitious aro limited to starving men, und were giviag more at­ which told the history of Nenkhefta, Ivery Wednesday evening in Lodge to badgering each other than to set forth that his dominion extended iu ot her games ho v.’oqld just taka a A U T H O R IT A T IV E the acquisition of uu unencumbered tention |i. Florence, Oregon. Brothers in chance. the work iu hand, when a lame man iu over 42 miles of the hanks of the Nile. home, well built, and set iu u lot large 1 standing invited to attend. Bets wero rapidly made until there fatigue dress, walking with some diffi­ His residence was termed Nishwaka, enough to insure privuoy and u garden. T homas J. U okkn , N. G. culty with the assistance of a canc, which is supposed to mean that the v il­ wns «150 ia tho pot, wheu a call wm While watching the long drawn out C has . 11. V anukubvhu , Kec. 301.$63 Vocabulary Term« made, and tiio stranger awkwardly ask­ repairs of an old country house I came passed uloug tlie high porch of the quar­ lage where he lived bore that title. ed how mauy points his opponent had. J47 Editor«» and Specialists iu contact with a notably intelligent termaster's shed and lookod down nt the "Great were his flockR, ob, ruler of “ Wo don’t count points,” was the 533 Readers for Quotations aud representative body of workmen. boys fur a minute or two without a rulers, ” says the manuscript. "None answer, "but I liavo four eights. I rath­ word. Then be spoke quietly, saying; CHURCH DIRECTORY was so wise. None was so beloved 5000 Illustrations At dinner hour tbi y giouptd themselves er think that w ill tako tho plunder. ” Money Saved Cost over $760,000 under the trees, to the fruit of which ‘That is not the way to load boxes, men Tbe sun smiled ou bini wheu he jour­ "Well, I declarer* gasped the stran­ Put them in straight and carefully. Do neyed abroad, aud when he looked with (hey were made welcome, or found Appendix of 47,468 Entries By |K.SBYTKRIAN CHURCH, Florence, ger, as he leaned back and mopped hia yonr work like soldiers. ’ displeasure n sonow as of death came pleasant places to avoid tiio noontide In-gun. S.tbbntli service . Snbbath- Patronizing it. "Old HunnlbHl, who was Flouchlng a upon him who had caused it. Hu was to brow. “ Hero I am with high. Jack, heat. They were buoyant, heartily >->1, l i o'clock a. ui. Preaching It good deal at his work, turned with im­ bis peoplo what the wutars of tlie Nile gumo, big casino, an ace, a ran of Are cheerful, with a quick icauiuess to *-'k a. iu. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of The full number of wonts and terms iu pudent bravado toward the officer and are to Egypt. Great is bis name. No aud a Hush,” ns he threw down ? V'aBMIlta^a. Da H. H. B arrett, Prop’r, eugenh - flokence o — Will wake*----- o ORTKERivI Pacific, By. ■ STAGE LINE. MORRIS «». HOTEL, THROUGH TICKETS , Head of Tide Hotel, E l k P r a i r i e H b t e l . Standard I ON EUGENE AND FLO R ENC E STAG E R O U TE. Qgo. I Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Sur ra*s NOTARY PUBLIC. P atents J??” ’ATENTS M i s s i s » 1 Dictionary INDIVIDUAL AND T H E NATION. HAIR TURNING GRAY?