& B 3 W E [utJlIKÜ «VK»Y m iD A Y S T 0 »• MOBNIMÜ— t r o o n f I n d ia n s . O re D ead T h re e GREENLEAF ITEMS. THEY USED KNIVES. K oyal m o k a s th e (so d pure. * w h u le s u i a e a n d J s l l i k i u i . Ai> Br a W est C ocbk »1'ON» xnt . Bs G r t at o th e r In ju r ed , There wag a picnic a*. Alpha July Slat. PAY WHEN CURED. M rs. Fred Fepiut has goi.e for a two- ] Last Saturday night about 10 o’clock ir SXI’B» three Iudinns, Bennett Barney, Hvuiy weeks’ visit to her friend» ou th e ; - - - uv O . M D 3 R M Jackson and Jetf Hai n, v engaged in a McKenzie. Chipmunks are so numerous that cals tight in town ami us a result Barney is dead and Jackson suffering from a knife are in demand und no kittens me being The Ablest and Most Successful lÿlilur unii Proprietor. 1 drowned thia year. wound tiler tlie pit of the stomach. Specialists in the World. They had started to go lioniu and Willian Taylor of F u ir v l.w brought i They guarantee a complete cure at $1.50 n year i» ad vanee.- fEKM» were about getting into their boat on MrsJoc Whismaii, his wife's aunt, over j Vonr Own Home, and allow you to tlie river bank above Fred Funke’s , the mountains on the 5th. pay when cured. it-retl at the poet-offiee at Florence, house when tlie fight occnred. There ' The Alumasl children go hop-picking! county, Oregon, recoml-class are seveial stories about the beginning this year, taking a team and camping, j matter. of tlie trouble but uohodv was present the old folks staying at home. Absolutely Puro at tlie time except tlie three partici- C C Evans has been in trouble several L ia isa rates made knows on a p ­ 1’ant8- , i i ..i I times liecause his temper gets control o f , Thousands of promising young men plication . One story is that Bennett had a bottle , . , , . , , ■ . , . , , • I [„„dees 8 cent« per line, carl. Insertion . , . , him w hen Ins neighliors’ slock treat Ins have their lives and future usefulness ROVÀI FAKIRO SO-SO, S CO.. NtW S of whisky w hich Jeff tried to obtain and , . , ........... . , , .. , . ,, brush fences with contempt, he attacks wrecked bv INDISCRETION AND used a knife on Bennett; that l e e y , . . . . , . . . , , i tlie animals with whatever weapon PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms Fishing season has begun. brenco. Or. Aug 12, 1898. tried to separate them when.he also was , ,, ... , , „ ■ , * conies handy, Today (Aug. Stie, Stien- ed, other organs become affected, and kill Jeff and that he then used the knife liauer ,g Brnnd had a bum raising last iw stock in this w eek. is nursing his cow wb.cb which received tiooncr or later there are serious result». 8e'f defense. defense, . < a gasii in the side from Mr. Evans’ ax. Our New Method Treatment will posi There have been two deaths at Co- *n self ir>lav. After tlie row Bennety went and asked ------------------------ burg from diphtheria within a week j,ira. a large Block of all sizes at lively cure these diseases. silt Marshal Compton to arrest Jeff for FOR SALE. past. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are •r & Kvle's. , . . , . , . , stabbing him It appearing that Ben­ thousands of you who have committed For Inters styles in hats and caps see .. , ,, It McCornaek cut over 150 tons of badly liurt lie was taken to tlie . , ,, . , I nett was haul Sold W ith A sweep power, for one or two offences against tlie laws of your na­ our new stock Meyer A Keyle. hi his ranch thia year. I city loekup and Dr. Evans called. He W m . K ahxowbky , horses. ture, and are now paying up for it. Tlie San Francisco Examiner and tlie found a gash near one temple and nn- ,,v glass«», pint, quart, anti two Florence, Oregon Those weak, aching backs. Loss of Sex­ W est (or one year $2.50 paid in ad­ otlier on tlie side between tlie short t fruit jars at Meyer & Kyle’s, ual Power, Failing or I«ost \itftlity, vance. BOHEMIA MINES SOLD. ribs. He was also suffering from a blow ere were shout ICO teacher« en- Frequent and Painful evacuations of For more calico than ever sold in or kick In tlie abdomen. Bennet was ,1 at the normal Institute al Eugene. tlie Bladder accompanied by more or Florence for one dollar come to Meyer & taken home next day and died Monday Cottage Grove, Aug. 0 —A group of less smarting and tlie escape of par ,rry West was drowned nt Roseburg Kyle’s. J morning. I claims in the center of tlie Bohemia tides of albumen in tlie urine with Friday while bathing in the Uiipqus. Henry . was cut near tlie pit of tlie ! district lias been sold to Montana par- Frank Fox is building a house at ropy sediment, all point to tho decline „1' b pills are easy to take, easy to lioue ■ ties for a private considera'ion. Seaton. John I Butterfield is doing tlie stomach hut tlie knife struck of your manhood. There are hundreds Cure indigestion, sick liead- pte otherwise lie might also have been carpenter work who die of this difficulty, ignorant of DENTISTRY- killed. The next slate convention of tlie W C tlie cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee the W est Jeff made liis escape after tlie row hut j Dr. J C Gray is in Florence prepared fing vonr job work T U will Ire held at Eugene the first a perfect cure in all such cases ami reasonable returned Monday forenoon and proposed to do all kinds of dental work. Those J Good work done healthy- restoration of tlie Gcnito Urin­ | week In October. to give himself up to Marshal Ciimpton. Sherwood Burr for several years Constable Evans arrived soon after and wishing work done will do well to call j ary Organs. r foreman lias heen walking witii a READER—Are you in trouble? at once as lie will remain hut a few deputy clerk of Lane county died at took him in charge. this week on account of an ankle Have you been treated and never cured ? days. Eugene Monday of consumption. He waived examination and was com iie.*<> iLn af«in<1tti(F Acme A cm e 33 *_* „ „ „ j., jre, tlie score standing M G(?t on,y Gardiner yesterday on Barrett’s nam cl settler lia» filed notice of her Intention thinkers 'io a group|oi interesting! men and to m .kc final proof in »upport of her claim, amt on 13 Somewhat different from and gigter o( Bennet Barney ’ ton AND A L L * - --------- The wife —— - . , .. that ».hi proof will be m ale liefore 0. 11. Hol­ «tage the Indian who was killed here the me before. women,'and their thoughts arel’worthy the Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cnmpton of Alk den, U. 8. Comm ¡»»loner at Florence, Oregon, ster: Tlie county court has other day. went to Jeff Harney s house ton are viaiting witii Mr. and Mrs. AF' on Septemlier 10.189H, viz: Bertha W. Hoffman consideration ot ail'peoplo, jThoJiArona is on h. e. no. «711 for the lot 1, »>, ne',;, in rh w 1;, 1 a monthly allowance of $10 f°r Wednesday and bent his squaw and Ready. ! sec. 14 tp. 18 »., r. 10 west. [»port of tlie Boys ami Girl’s Aid little girl severely. ooldjwith Tur W w . She names the following witnesses to provp E E Benedict and son Gien arrived Planking np tl.e outside of tl.e new lion.e fron» San Francisco Monday her continuous residence upon ami cultivation of Portland, to wldcli instila* of. said land, viz: vpral children have lieen sent steamer was commenced this week. To Mark ll.d sa ll. Martin Noffringer, Ivy MorrL S ^ h n ^ n . h e v e s ,, and see evening ★ his county and John lloffm .n, all of Florence, Oregon. Mrs. ï A Mel-eod and Miss Grace i A mintage and Welby Stevens how everything is ^ ’’'Zven J. T. B eioobs « fctoyd of Point Terrace were in F lebili» Regiiter. running the Armatage thresher does not seem to a an'_ ‘ , them t tliis week. ha* they have now run ten days , he force of the waves could tear , Joe Slemmnns was in town yesterday NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. averaged 22*^ bushels *Pr .iar' ; Sdiretider. that said pnmf will I* made Iwfore C. 11. Hol­ + A + le was earring tlie mail. He have lieen added to tl.e capacity of the Miss C Vanderbnrg went to Acme den 0. 8. Coininlssioner nt Florence. Oregon, t N f b one cent |>er pound for hauling Wednesday for a short visit witii friends on September 3, 1898, viz: John A. Mason on P t from Eugene to head of tide, cannery. h. c. no. 7"»7 fortlie » d ; nw?«. aw ', ne't . ue,'; ... n«.mncrat Upon complaint and relatives. «w!4. tec., 28. tp. IS r. It west. ers will lie tie carrieu m» stage . —a -, Albany item.. u gers carried on liis Arnold Karnowsky went to Fiddle He names the following witnesses to prove > as by any otl.er stage on the Clemen. A Bradley, y Constable with relatives. Harrisourg o,ltai|ling John llolgcr, R. 1'. Barnhart, William Hoff­ . Ryder was accidentally killed Hans Hansen who lias been working man and Cinirlca Cox »11 of Florence, Oregon. mone/nnder false pretenses. Clemens J. T. llXIDCZ'. i»w mill at Corvallis the 4th on Puget Round tliis summer returned ReffKer. le was running the gang edger * Bradley allege that they ; home last week. mall piece of slab wood was «■«tile of tlie defendants paying for tin , Miss Maggie McKinnon of Portland, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION in tlie saw and hurled witii such same, and that the defendant, had then, who has been visiting at Mapleton re-i i to lift the covering from tlie refused to deliver then. The ra e w. l* n l Office, Ro«ehurg, Ozegon. turned to her home Saturday. J u ly 11, lo w . ery and strike Mr. Ryder near Ielrie o / doctor-bills? of said land, viz: aia lin er n il a She t.rongt.t ..... E F H en .-ilict’s ----- — E ............ f Charles It. David and D. W. fitlhhena of Point C oq u ille donada, Sarsaparilla 1» the One Terrace, Ore., W. If. Wealhersoo of Florence. Jte the w h o leso m e fumiti» t.,e engines for W Hurd*, . -------- « Nerve - ------- or«., and Mark HadoaU of Mapleton, Oregon. ISSOlUTEt! True Blood . . Purifier. Great several t«n» of '** ° ° r J. T . B a m a a s Oregon. j U r o d *4- "T"*1/ ”* *"**«”**'P*^-’ sS- ing p o w Jjr — S c h i l - steamer and goral« f«* »1« mercl.aots. Tonic, Stornal i» II« gulator. To tlmu- Kcjistai. ernian situds it* great merit IS KNOWN. S t . W ttorC tm .B .Z ''s B e U . • L axk C o unty , O kkoon .— D e s ira b le H. WEATTIERSON S ta r s i n POWDER Lost M u w l Restorsl L I T E R A T U R E And The A R T S etnei S C I E N C E S . T H E "W E S T - K Scientific American. THE EnSKHPHLITAN; W WORLD BEATER CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. 2 THE ARENA- : VEGETABLES. ALWAYS READY SAFE, DURABLE t Dries far 58 cis., per Ton. LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. M A K E Y O U R S E L E C T IO N . THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. ^ A N D Y CATI1ARTIC $ 2 5 to S l© 5 . W h ich CURECOHSTIPATIOH IO * as< soi H W *-wwv DRUMISQ