fe • X'."-' ADVERTISERS k* YG’J.< H 3 T 2 PAPER '« *t SUPPORT IT j NERAL O1RT TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE THE BLACK PRINCE’S ARMY. I G r e a t I t r i Lair, a t W a r . „ j SIUSLAW’3 ONLY PAPEK. O P P O R T U N IT Y FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Aug 12, 1898. - 9 i NO. K.. - - A IIETEROPHEMIST. bu n Mpotn a n d t h e W e a t h e r . It was suspected a full century ago Our purely defensive strength rests STATE OFFICERS by Hcrecliel that the variations in tba T h e L a rg e s t E n g ll.h F le e t E v e r A a r in - open an assumed naval supremacy suffi­ S T A G E L IN E , number of sun spots had a direct effc-t S T E A M ER “ M IN K ,” b le d T o o k th e S o ld ie r , to F ra u c e . cient to sweep all enemies from the soas H O W HE INJ JRED T H E FIN ANCIAL IN ­ upon terrestrial weather, and be at­ Mr. W. O. Htoddurd's aerial. “ With —to such an extent at qll events as to o — W ill make------ o TERESTS O F T H E CONFEDERACY. tempted to demonstrate it by using the the Black Prince,” gives iu St. Nicho­ insure us against the possibility of be­ governor........................ William I’. Lord. price of wheat as a criterion of climatic Leaves Florence Mondays, AVednes-i las an account of the splendid army R E G U L A R D A IL Y TR IP S ing starved into submission, although M r . B la n k W a s S e n t t o D n g la n d to S o lic it conditions, meantime making careful ecretury o f S ’u te .............H. R. Kincaid. that accompanied the prince to the bat­ otherwise unbeaten. This necessarily (lavs and Fridays. ■ Between - reagurer....... .................. P hilip Metchen A id e n d . F a i l e d - T h o lle s .a g a H o S ent observation of the snu spots. Nothing tle of Crecy. Mr. Stoddard says: menus that the navy must be iu a posi­ lupt. Public Instruction.. ..tl. M. Irwin. Arrives nt Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ to M i . M c u im ln g c r to n e t h e O p p u e lte o t very definite came of his efforts iu this- It was the largest English fleet yet tion not ouly to gnnrd home waters, but direction, the subject being far too State P rinter............... . . .W. II. Leeds. W h a t H e Supposed. assembled, and the army going cu also to undertake extensive operations, days and Saturdays. complex to be determined without long G eneral. board wus also the best with which any . .C. M. Idlem an. IP offensive ns woll us defensive, upon ev­ Connects with Steamer and S cotts’ lh o Southern Confederacywas only a periods of observation. Latterly, bow English king hud ever put to sea. It i l / sea. Any serious interruption of our I ................. R. S. Bean few months old when a financial agent ever, meteorologists, particularly in the burg Stage Line for Brain. Also with consisted cl pitktd men culy. Of these, hade would entail consequences almost .upr .aio Court ¿ ...............F. A. Moore ( .. C. E . Wolveiton Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges I 4,000 were men at-arms, 6,000 wtre ns disastrous as the complete stoppage was sont to England cn a very impor­ tropics, are disposed to think they find Irish, 12,000 were Welsh, hut the most of our food supply. Whether tho British tant mission. Mr. Blank was a politi­ evidence of some such connection lx □dgi: Second D istrict. J . W. Hamilton reasonable. carefully trained and disciplined part i navy is or is not sufficiently strong not cian and a banker. Ho was also an ele­ tween sun spots and the weather as roseceting A ttorney. . .Geo. M. Brown cf the force consisted of 10,000 bow­ only to guarantee tho United Kingdom gant gentleman, with many influential Hersohel suspected. Indeed, Mr. Mel men. During a w hole year had Edward against actual invasion, but uiso to pro­ acquaintances oil both sides of the wa­ drum declares that there is a positive coincidence between periods of numer­ uud his k u and his generals toiled to tect adequately our immense volume of ter. telect and prepare the men and the wcap- foreign trade, is a matter of opioiou. Before leaving Richmond ho had • ous son spots and seasons of excessive: COUNTY OFFICERS i ns with which they were to meet the But even assuming that the dosired con­ long tulk with Memminger, the secre­ rain in India. That some such connection does exist' • highly fumed chivalry of the continent. ditions can be ucocpted us actually ex­ tary of the treasury. seems intrinsically probable, but tl.e An army selected from a nation of per­ “ If I find tlmt England w ill aid ns, ” ' isting it will scarcely be denied that ev­ E. B an g s, Proprietor. haps 4,000, Q£0 of people wus to contend ery ship set free from the task of guard­ ho said, “ I w ill send you word by soiqo modern meteorologiat, learning wiadttn Stage leaves Ettgeno Mondays, with an army colleeted from E’rcnea ing our ofr shores must add an addi­ reliable blooknde runner. It w ill be a of the past, is extremely cautious about, ...I '. O. Potter. fudge.................. with her 20,000,000, and from such (li­ tional guarantee to tho safety of our very brief message, but you w ill under­ ascribing casual effects to astronomical . .. W. T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays at (1 a. S lies of hers as Germany and Bohemia, merchuut shi}*s abroad. It follows there­ stand it, while it w ill mean nothing to phenomena. He finds it hard to forget: Commissioners . H . D. Edwards re-enforced by largo numbers of paid fore that if tho army were iu a position the enemy if it should bo intercepted. ” that until recently all manner of c li­ in., arriving at Florence the day P u llm a n mercenaries. Among these latter wero to prevent the possibility uf a success­ Tho confidential agent slipped through matic conditions were associated witu; Clerk .................. ........... E. U. Lee following at 10 a. ni. the crossbowmen of Genca sold to Phil­ the lines, nnd in less than a month was phases of the moon; that not so veryl ful lauding without the aid of the nn S leeping C ars Sheriff ............. . W. W. Withers ip by the musters of that Italian oli­ free- 1 comfortably established in London. In long ago showers of falling stars were val forces the latter would enjoy i Returning-stage leaves Flor­ E le g a n t treasurer........... . .A. S. Patterson considered “ prognostic’’ of certain, garchy. dom of notion whicii they cauuot have Iho mctrojKilis ho found muuy southern- Assessor............. era kinds of weather and that the “ eqni-l . . . D. P. Burton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Edward's adventure had a seeming while hampered by the millstone of pos­ D in in g C ars » cliool Superintend . ..TV. M. Miller sympathized with tho secX ionists. Boct? l ’tann had b! e,n ■ « •I* « ’ of great rashness, for ulready it was re­ sible invasion hanging about their necks. who sympathized Surveyor............. ported that the French king had mus­ It needs to be over borne iu mind that, Ho saw Mr. Yancey, the Confederato) verity by every one nntil the unfeeling ....C . M. Collier and Fridays at 2 p. m., arriving T o u ris t 100,000 men. Full muuy u gal­ however successfully uud by whatever minister', crory day, uud tho two work­ band of statistics banished it from that Coroner............... .TV. P. Cbesliire in Eugene tlis following day at Sleeping C ars tered lant cavalier iu armor cf proof may means we secure ourselves against being ed together in harmony. Mr. Yancey earth. Justice oi P e a c e .. . . .C. H . Holden 0 p. m. Yet, on the other band, it Is easily 8T . PAUL well have wondered to bear, moreover, invaded, war upon such terms could not was a practical mun and was not long Constable. . . . . . . . . . . E . A. Evans within tho possibilities that tho science that Edward III, accounted the fore­ continue indefinitely without ut last iu coming to the conclusion that no aid M IN N E A P O L IS most general of his time, proposed to reaching tho point at which wo should was to he expected from the British gov- ' of tbo future may reveal association» Single fare - _ . _ $5.00 between the weather and sun spots, au­ DULUTH meet superior numbers of the best be obliged to choose between pence at eminent. lances of Europe with lightly armored any price and ruin.—Broad Arrow. Round trip - $9.00 FARG O “ Tho abolition sentiment, controls roras and terrestrial magnetism that as CITY OFFICERS. men on foot. They knew not yet of the here, ” he said to Mr. Blank. “ Some of yet are hardly dreamed of.—Henry TO Q R A ND FORKS Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ “ S a ltin g ” S o ld ie rs. new era that was dawning upon the tho Uiatesraeu would like to help the Smith Williams, M. D ., in Harper's CRO OKSTON Is courage to be taught iu pence? A south iu order to break up the Union, Magazine. science of war. Edward uud bis bow­ livery barn, Eugene, and at 0. AV. W I N N IP E G men were to teach tho world more than Russian general once proposed to “ salt” but tho people w ill never consent The Ì T u r n in g a K e g u tlv e I n t o • F o eM Ive . I President .AV. If. AVentberson H urd’s office in Florence. ono new lesson before tl ut memorable his soldiery by loading one rifle in ton south w ill have to fight alone. ” H E L E N A h ii <1 A short timo ago a developed plate O. AV. Hard campaign was over. Before this he with bull cartridges during maneuvers. Blank felt pretty blue when he heard was sent to the editor by one of the- BUTTE Win. Kvle hud showu what deeds might be wrought This ghastly preparativo was too re- this, and that night ho wroto the singlo mombers of the Camera club on which bard of Trustees L. Christensen upon tho sea by ships prepared and volting to civilized minds, and it has word “ successful” on a thin slip of pa-1 the jmBg9 „ns partly reversed—that if, M. Morris manned and led by himself. He bad so uever been carried out, hut, if adopted, | per and skillfully secreted it in an or- instead of being a negative it was al­ I .........J. C. FLINT, Proprietor......... crippled the naval power cf his eno-i it would make the army trained under diuary coat button. The next day be most a positive. The cause of this is Recorder, John H. Morris TO mies that there was now no hostile flc< t such circumstances invincible, and so was visited by a southern friend, who what is termed solarisatiou— iu other C H IC A G O F lo re n c e , O re g o n . treasurer . . . . J. A. Pond strong enough to prevent his present iu the cud tend to shorten war aud save remained with him for an hour or more. words, tbe plate was very muoh ovfr W A S H IN G T O N giardini.. .G. C. Cumpton undertaking, although Philip had man­ life. It would uccuetoin the soldier to During his stay he removed the top but­ exposed, and on development came out- aged to su.d S O U T H T h o F ir s t M a n H e M e t I n th e A la s k a has tbe same moral effect. this button to Mr. Memminger. I prefer in a positive instead of a negative. Thia . A A. At. Florence Lodge No. 107. ! Fnr inform ation, tim e cards, maps and tick ets G o ld fie ld s S cared U liu Ofl'. Endurance# mutual trust, self control, not to know the nature cf the message, la the reason why objects which reflect I! -ular communication on second I 1 etc., coll on or write “ N o,” said n man who was sitting may be learned on the high Alps, or, as yon say that it explains itself. ” ' light strongly show clear glass in the (ini fourth Saturdays in each month. on a Lox iu lrcut cf a grocery s.toie, “ I for tho mutter of that, iu Wastdulo, “ Yes,” replied Blank, “ it w ill be , negative. They are overexposed, aud R. M c M u r p h e y , W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. 6 . AV. II lkd , AV. M. can’t say ta> I know very much about where a slip on tho face of tbemooutuin understood by tho secretary, nud os it tbo image produced is a positive. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, Alaska.” . G. K notts , Secretary. menus destruction. Tho volley of stones refers to a stato secret I cannot say any­ There itro several processes by which Tables furnished with all the EUGENE, OREGON. His compatriots looked at hint in as­ down some precipitous guilty is not less thing about it. ” a negative may be turned into a posi­ tonishment. It was the first time ho hud deadly than tbe hail of shells and bul­ delicacies of the season. AVild Tho two shook hands, nnd tho gentle­ tive during tho process of developmeuL A. D. C H A R L T O N , ever admitted net knowing much about lets on the battlefield. And, in a less man with tho precious button took tlio One of tbe simplest is as follows: Ex­ A ssistant General Passenger Agent. A. It. General Lyons Post, No. 58 game, fish and fruit in season. Best anything. degree, hunting uud the manlier forms next train for Liverpool, whero lit) pose tbe plate as for an ordinary uega- 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. meets second and fourth Saturdays “ I reckon, then, that you’re Dot cf utbletics give tho same result. Sports boarded a steamer bound for V.'ilming-1 tjvo and develop until tbe image «nay P o r tla -n c A - O r . 1 accomodations for the traveling each month at 1 :30 p. m. thinking about going to dig ter geld,” involving risk to life are thus of su­ ton- : bo seen diatinotly on tho back of tbe J. I. B utterfield , Commander. 1 public. Charges reasonable. preme value from the national point of said one bystander. Tho steamer was chased by Federal plate. Rinse off tbe developer, and place The Funk & Wagnalls J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. tiew, and this should be remembered cruisers, but she managed to reach her tho plate in a solution made up of a “ N o.” “ Metho, though, as tho stories of when the ignorant unri degeueruto assail destination without any serious mishap. qnortcr ounce of iodide of potassium. sudden wenltlf ketp pouring iu you’ll them.—Fortnightly Review. In the course of two or threo days the ounces cf bromido of potassium and change your mind,” said another. mysterious traveler railed oil Mr. Mem- 83 ounces of water. Let it remain in C u t t in g by S te am . 0. U. W. Terpetua Lodge, No. 131, “ It won't bo possible. I ’ve been miuger In Richmond and presented him this solution troni three to five minutes, meets every 1st and 3J Saturdays Of The It is not generally recognized that the with a button. The secretary cut off its wash w ell iu rusuiug water, and then there. ” rich month. Members and visiting T w èn tv-th ree “ And came beck without getting friction between air uud other gases uud covering in a hurry and smiled when redevelop tbo plate with fresh develop­ br»thri-.i in good standing are cordially ENGLISH LANGUAGE solids or liquids is very great. It is on he rend the word “ successful ” rich?" er, continuing the operation till tbw M iles W e s t liivite l to attend. J. J. A nderson , M.VV. "Yes. I didn’t much more than cross uccount of this friction that we have “ Did Mr. Blank show this message to uegative iinuge bus turned toa positive.: V m . K yle , Recorder. »• COMPLETE of E ugene. the boundary line hetero 1 turned such enormous waves at sea during you?” he naked. Rinse the plate, fix and wueli in tbs gHles of wind. The film of oil which around and struck lor home.” "No. Wo Loth thought it best that I same way as for an ordinary negative. SU C C IE N T 0. 0. F. Ileceta Lodge sieets reduces the breaking of tbe sea seems to should rentniu iu lguoronco so that no “ Feared?" Fyro or ferrous uxalate gives the best, every Wednesday evening in Lodge net not only by its cohesion and deaden- telltale expression of my face would bo- “ That’s the answer.” results, but ai / developer may be used. A U T H O R IT A T IV E Florence, OregqJj^*- Brothers in , , ing action upon the water, but by hav- “ What of—polar bears?” Iruy anything if the enemy captured A plate time (routed may be used as |ool standing iiiviUfclsro attend. i ing a less amount of friction with tbe "N a” me. ” a transparency.—Harper’s Round Ta T homas - J. -B^ ren , N. G. 1 air. Bo that as it muy, however, air, "Supplies give out?” At a meeting cf the cabinet that aft­ ble. C has . H. V a S dekburh , Sec. 301,865 Vocabulary Terms “ No, I had plenty cf food. What steam and most gases have a great deal ernoon Mr. Memminger was iu high 247 EJitors and Specialists A ttalquo Ksataeky Bust«. changed my plan was seeing u mun dig­ of friction with solids. When under spirits. He predicted that the war would’, 533 ReaJers for Quotations ging a hole. 1 had these ideas about gold pressure, this friction is increased, aud be over in DO days anil said thnt England It is a bugle mado of two slabs of cs- 5000 Illustrations CHURCH DIRECTORY being found anywhere uud everywhere, if tbo gas is eseuping through a small wax preparing to recognize tho Confed­ dar about three-sixteeuibs of an inch ini M oney Savsd and I went up thinking to get some orifice the law of friction iu regard to eracy nnd send over her warships to thickness aud tent into a fnnnel shaped, Cost over $060,000 --------- - ----- j g F-: -— — points aheut mining. 1 asked him in speed, while pressure and surface re- break tho blockude. horn. The bell cr month is 18% inches Appendix of 4 7 ,468 E ntries |KES B i i f : folAN CNC"ftCll, Florence, By an offhand way whether he had struck main equal, still holds true. It is u fact “ I ha vo this," he said, “from my con­ in circumference. It is hooped with Oregon. SilfW ittrservice. • Sabbath-, P atro n izin g it. uuy pay dirt yet, and he turned around known of long observation that tbe fidential agent, Mr. Blank.” cowhorn rings and iron bands. Tbe 10 o ’clock a. in. Preaching l l i and glared ut me anil said, ‘Yeung fel­ small valves cf certain kind of «team Tho name commanded respect, and ' bugle Is tbe property of Mtt. Annie I clonk a. in. mu, 7 p |„ Sacrament o f ) The full number of woh I b »nil term , In ler, wbut no you think I am digging drips cut with great rapidity if allowed when (ho secretary said that under the May hall, granddaughter of the late Cap- be Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of l-muary, April, July and O-'toher. Q e o . H a l e Prop. illfTcrvnt ilietion orie, for the entire alphabet I, this for?’ 1 told him 1 thought be wus a very small rise or opeuing. That ein-nmstances a loan of 916,000,000 ne­ 1 tain Robert Collins, who was a soldier n , follow ,: 8--OBMONTH, ôo.nuo; W o sc n ss-r z s digging for gold. Ho glared ut me ste-um cuts and cuts like a knife, espe­ gotiated in Europe would he sufficient : in tbo war of 1819-18. It was in th» IvervLiody is welcome to all the services, fsstor requests Christians to make , 105.000: W kbstzk (ln tern atiousl), 125,000-, C ss - ugain and said : ‘Gold nothing. I'm do­ cially when the pressure is high uud everybody agreed with hici. Tho weeks ' campaign of Colonel Kiohurd M. John piemselves known. , son and was at the death of Tecumseh. TCitv, (nix volum es. com plete,) 225,000: ing this for fun. I ’ve been living hero tho outlet email, is u fuct tolerably well BUSINESS CARDS I. G x K notts , Pastor. for four years, and there’s ono thing established and known to most old en­ tired for bills for $16,000,000 in Confed­ ' Captain Collins was a bugler for th« STANDARD, over 300,000; that my curiosity has never been satis­ gineers.—Philadelphia Record. erate bonds. Mr. Blank read tLia at his ' regiment, and thia is tho identical in­ fied about. 1 ni going to dig this liolo London hotel and dropped his paper in strument be nsed during tbe war and A M s n s g e r o f lb « 1’e rlo d .^ METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCII FIRST RATIONAL ßANK Sample Pages Free........... good and deep so us to allow plenty of his agitation. ' whicii ordered tho famous charge of Ml service. Preaching at Glenada Walter Kennedy wrote to the man­ room, aud then bml out just bow far ' “ Well, I ’ll bo d - - dl" ho remarked. Colonel Johnson. Captain Collins was a ager of a prominent theater in Connect­ pi 1 Acme two Sundays of eaeli month I down this climafe w ill make tho mer­ “ Must be a mistake. I'll run over and mechanical genius and with his own OF EUGENE. icut, asking for bis odcu time for a see about it .” b'bbatli-School every Sunday at cury go.’ ”— Washington Star. hands mado the instrument. Every ACENTS W A N T E D . week iu the followim^l^xrtory: “ turn- B B. E A K IN , J .. . 0A ,M -. ■P a -111. Prayer meeting every Thurs- T. 0. M E H O S IC K S . P » l« . Tho next day ho was at Erlanger's morning at sunrise be waked the neigh son," “ Othello," “ Virginius” and offiec in Paris. Tho French banker in­ borbood for miles around with hisi l«y e, ming at the church. Everybody 111« A n t w r r . irdially invited. G. F. R ounds , “ Damon anil Pythias,” and this was formed his visitor that there was no reveille call from his bugle until hi« "T ill me, am I not fair?” 8 6 0 .0 0 0 • Pastor. P A ID UP OASH C A P ITA L. the answer: “ Wulter Kennedy—Dear mistake, anil then Blank swore vigor-, death in 1804.—Frankfort CalL The speaker leans Lar k in her peat S60 OOO E. D. BRONSON & CO, and smiles cisiuettishly. SU RPLUS A N D PR O FITS. Eir: 1 must say thut I have never heard ously. The bids rin.hrd iu from all quar-1 Pacific Coast Agents T h e D ec is ive B ea e o e . Iu truth tho question stems superflu­ of hut two of the actors ycu mention in ters. If the demands of tlieso specula-1 your eompuny. Hannon wasut the dime tors had lx i n met, $500,000,000 iu Con-' First Hweetthing—So yon are going; ous ATTORNEYS SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A C C O U N T S B O I # IO IT B S D As slio sits thcro with tbe aftcrncon museum here not long ago, breaking federate Loucs could have been sold. to marry Lord Oidboy, my dear? OREGON 933 Market S t. EUGENE, sun transfusing her glorious tri ssts into fake chains, and Othello played here When this fact became known, Mr. I Second Sweetthiug—Yes; it ’s de­ a stream of liquid gold, hereyt s as blue last winter ut the opposition tbeuter. Blank ugain relupvd into profanity. cided. A. C. WOODCOCK, E n g la n d a n d R nsala. as the heavens, tuthcmless us the sea They say bo is a good uctor, but 1 oon’t He could not stand it, and, despite “ I suppose yon made up your mind, NOTARIES. Many believe, «ays Benjamin I. and daneing with exeitt m in t; her lips care about pluying colored slurs at my llio ilaugi r of the trip, he made his ur- when you heard bis title was all right?” 1 Wberler in The Atlantic, thnt Constan­ of coral wreathed with a roguish smile, house, as I eater to the very last lady mngemeuts to return home. His inter­ “ No-o; not then.” tinople haa been syrtematiriilly forti­ she is indeed transci ndentully Leuutitul. audituccs, uud then I don't think I view with Mcninriuger win a Binnny “ When you heard of bis castlee and, A. R. BUTTOLPH, pug eno, O regon would like a show with all men iu it. But the man seems blind to her love- oue w hen he arrived at Richmond. landed estates?” fied against the English to the west, but L * W “ Rias 7 and S McÍJiren’B Bulbilli.?- "I intended to write ‘ausuccessfalt’ ” "No-o." nut, at least by land, against Russia to liui ss. He regards hi r with a frowning I wunt shows with plenty cf singing and dancing, aoubrettrs and comedians, P e.-hil atten tion r iv e n to c o lle c tio n s slid pro- be said after a long talk. the east. A Russian army ran enter brow and eyes that smolder witbi.ugir “ Ah, I kcow. It was when yon heardi M u Hi ncss. with funny gags. That’s tf-.w stuff for Timidly she repiats her question. Constantinople without great difficulty. “ Well, there is your message,” re­ ho had 9100,000 a year iucomo. ” mo. "—St. Lon is Olobc-DeuiccraL "Am I not fair?” When the question o f furring the Dar­ plied the sveretary. “ You wrote ’suc­ "No; it was not then.” Hi r eon:pm.ton's face grows black as O o e g o n . danelles with au English fleet was agi­ cessful. ’ ” “ Thin, pray, when did yen decide to) T b s O a llsry O im I h . r io r e n o e , E. 0 PO TTER. tated last winter, tbo English naval au­ (bender. "I don't understand it," said Mr. m any the old curmudgeon It is n common saying that tho “ gal­ "Fair!” he cries Litterly. “ Fair, lery gods" are the best rritica, nnd Blank sadly. “ Sun ly your advices from thorities estimated thut of the ID ships “ Wlieu I heard he had the rourump-l ■.. . Attorney-at-Law.... frank b . WILSON. lying at Saloniku G must Lo samfleed whi n you open a jack pot with a ten”— muuy pi ople believe it to bo true. It Mr. Yancey should have warned yon t i o n . N e w York Journal. EVQEXK, OREGON. Rage chokes his uttciuuce and with might have been years and years ago, that there was soiuething wroug. ” to do it. The cards have been stacked R e w h h e A p p e e re d . for Russia. It looks today as if the ul­ a pussiouate gesture he dashes tbo cards bat ot present tbe reverse is true. Tho "H is ilispatuhes were iuteroepted,” ’Pries At the Court House. timate occupation of Constantinople to the flour.—Ban Francisco Exam iuir asceudency cf farce comedy, vaudeville answered tlie other. Semi thing whizznl by—a mingled OREGON by Russia were a foregone eouelusiou. "I don't understand It," repented tnrut of steel «pokes and red bluomci«.| FLORENCE. - - - and exaggerat'd melodrama has not T a ltri fe.irune. What has England to say? The mat­ “ What is that tbire?" asked Uncle* been uplifting. The “ gnllery gods" of Mr. Blank. E. E. B E N E D IC T . ter concerns her. It seemed for a time She—How is it you were not at West- tho pnsent day know nothli.g of the “ Perhaps 1 do,” quietly remarked Hirum, witbdiawing his guse from tbei SO YEARS* thut tho discovery of the route by the end's reorption? experien ce legitimatedrauiu. They have degenerat­ the secretary. “ 1 have carefully noted high building lo look s lu r the vision., cape of Good Hope wonld provide an He—1 staid away on account cf a per­ ed bt cause theutrical offerings have net your talk this moruiu", and 1 have dis­ ’’Tbnt is tbe uew woaiau, ” ausweredl A T T O R N E Y - A .T - I x A - W . v-nsiou of the eastern question nnd free sonal matter in any way si rvid to educate them.— covered tluit yon are a heterophsmist. his uepbew. "The new woman? Looks! fcerfrom the necessity of worrying about Lb»—-May 1 ask wbut it was? For iuat.mce, you say London when yon liko the old boy."— Kalamazoo Tele­ L lorrance. Oregon. Albany Journal. the jEgean. But the opening of the He—Will you promise to keep it se­ ; nieuu Richmond aud Ilizhmond tvhou graph. Sues i anal has changed things, nud, ns cret? yon mean London. You similarly uiis- F a c ts I n N a t u r a l IllM to ry . It Twaey. Bhc---Yes. •f by jealous Interposition of g'«.graph­ The Plriliidel, hlu Ricorii says that u;:e the uatues of iitlu r placis aud ptr- *’ I didn't see anything fanny In ic fate, dra-.vo the issue L-n"k to tne old lie — Wi ll, they failed to send me an some Ma J tire eats drink beer. New tv s «ons and are unconscious of it. When D esions " i fighting ground in tbe euet« ru Mediter­ Invitation. —Collier's Weekly C O P T R IO M T S A c . know why those cats that stay cut late you wnt mo that messnge, the word tut- story that fellow just told. Uhat ranean. If shaistobold India and Aus­ ct night curry on so.—Glevi laud Leader. Mtioccssfnl’ was in your miml, Imt, briug yon laugb so over it?" Aavnne •' J;’ 1,'* u "Do yon know who be is?” Imitation slate« n.ode of compressed a 1«ti.rophemist, you wrote uu op|xxiite a»le«lr •' •y’îlï.îû i .JtMttaM« eowwunlr«- tralia. England most «-ouirol tbo bnez Bins I and its approaches. “ No. Who is be?” wood pulp, are used for roofing in It Is «aid that the pilgrim to Mrora. word an.l rniued th*- Confederacy. ” “ He's tbe heed of onrfitni. “ —I.cii-I Christiania. They a u made waterproof starting from Washington, would have “ I may Irv.’a made a mwtnko, sir,” Fr art leal I'ftatj. e j t e .n d T n d s Vnrteot.*-»;»--’ • said Mr. Blank, tanug from his chair, hy a secret (irorest a d setB S fo r M- c , to travel Q.60U miles in order to reach “ What is a devotional attitude, grand • ...'.rBei-isor how. “ but 1 am neither u lirnatiu nor a* tbe Casiia. -o o fe h .- -». t» ~ v f€ » r. . . H. H. B arrett, P rop ’r, of EUGENE-FLOKESCE STAGE LINE. N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry, R u N MORRIS «•. HOTEL, THROUGH TICKETS H ead of T ide H otel, E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. Standard ON EUGENE AND FLO RENCE STAG E R O U TE. Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. P atents r-1 . A la r n e : --<* Dictionary