o , r I t — F a ► the west Ï h r. < A D V E R T IS E R S YOUR HOHE PAPER 2 SUPPORT IT j L to fb to d~ iid A-«>. a ¿ -k «mm SIÜSLAW'S 0IÍL7 PAPïK. t ¿ .I O P P O R T U N IT Y to . fr-to -A .-A ato rto sto .^A A.-A A^A-.-A^-! VOL. IX. FLORENCE, OREGON. FRIDAY, Aug 5, 1893. GENERAL DIREOTORY TRAVELERS* auiDE. STATE OFFIOERS- G A R D ESTER S T A G E Governor........................William P. Lord. Secretary of S 'a te............. H. It. Kincaid. Treasurer.......................... Philip Metchen Supt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. State Printer.........................W. H. Leede. Attorney General........... C. M. Idleman. ( . . . ............R. S. Bean Supreme Court ] ............... F. A. Moore 1 ( ,...C . E. Wolverton Judge Second District . J. W. Hamilton Prosecuting Attorney .Geo. M. Brown H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, ...W . T. Bailey Commissioners . H . D . Edwards Clerk................................ ..........E . U . Lee Sheriff............................. , W . W . Withers Treasurer......................... .A. S. Patterson Assessor........................... .. .D . P. Burton School Superintendent. . . . W . M . M iller Surveyor......................... . ..C . M . Collier Coroner........................... .W . P. Cheshire Justice of Peace............ ..C . H . Holden Constable....................... ___E . A . Evans CITY OFFIOERS. .W . H. Weatherson President. O. W. Hurd Wm. Kyle L. Christensen M. Morris Board of Trustees , .. John H . MdPris ......... J. A. Pond , . .G . C. Cumpton Recorder. Treasurer Marshal.. SECRET SOOIFT1ES. | F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. Regular communication on second ind fourth Saturdays in each month. O. W. H v b d , W. M. L G. K notts , Secretary. I A. JL General Lyons Post, No. 58. Is meets second and fourth Saturdays i each month at 1:30 p. ni. J. I. B u t t e u h k i . d , Commander. J . L . F c b n is ii , Adjutant. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Tliura* days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scottg- burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge reasonable. I. F. Heceta Lodge Nfclll, meets •y Wednesday e v e n iM In Lodge Florence, Oregon, toothers in andiug invited to attend. T uomas J. B o res , N . G. C has . H . V asdeu b vbo , Sec. CHURCH DIRECTORY (UESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbatli- liool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of ie Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath ot inuary, April, July and October, veryliody is welcome to all the services. Mtor requests Christians to make lemselves known. _ I. G. K sotts , Pastor. D IS T E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H Preaching at Glenada i two Sundays of each month tcliool every Sunday at Prayer meeting every Thurs- ng at the church, hverybody in v ite d . O . 1? • I t o l ’ NPS, invueo. « Pastor. ________ _______ attorneys A. C. WOODCOCK, - MORRIS *** HOTEL, A. R. BUTTOLPH, Notary Public, Surveyor O ra ro n . notary public . O B EG O X. . ' m e s A t th e C o u rt House. FLORENCE. E. E. BENEDICT, • - OREGON go YEAN«' . E X P E R IE N C E A T T O R N E Y - A T - U A W ' O regon. PATENTS O st »» u MS Trwt. F o b ebedy*! M l w a . M , eoBdect.d fo r M P ***- A—d ras.1-1. S n w l n« or p k a M j» • • « ’ ,, p a u eu b l. frsa a t ih s iyL O"/ ob. •aa re m u • »un r e t . r —m».1.". - Md fin it» aoentrM. mat mw A"“ 1" “ C. F a A. SNOW A CO. r m O rr.ee. W a ON»BBTDN . P ^ u r n » 11 Ila s le a n s an d Ia d la a s H a k e M a n y Uses o t th e U g ly FI ah U • Standard Dictionary E. D. FRANK B. WILSON. ........Attorney-at-I.aw — : THE GIANT CACTUS. ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE 3TACE ROUTE. F lo r m n o m , 35. O PO TTER. : High al>ove, *mong the bloaaoiaa gay. The btMM are gathering aweet a today. And Robin a laely ahake.d his head, “ They’re welcome; I’ll wait for the cberrlae red!” —Agnen Lzr.vU Mitchill in St. Xichohw. TH R O U G H TICKETS THE THREE SISTERS. T h . r A ll » a n i » Mc¡.«ren> ’’ "¿¡'‘j"* tl A lle n ti^ Mvtín to collection! aud P bteluosa. F lo m n c « . ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. “ The bloaaonia are aweet, and the wind is alj, He Uvea to scatter them h j and by I” Head of Tide Hotel, notaries . O r in o t i. E ü O E K t, Florence anil fleail of Tide. The L mmm hum budlly M they go. Southern New Mexioo and Arixona and southwestern Texas embrace a re­ gion totally unlike any other section of the United States. This portion of our country bears evidence of its Mexican origin in its swarthy population and its E. B a n g s ,___ Proprietor. low b uilt “ adobe" bouses, w hile its bleak mountains, hiding treasures of Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, precions metal, and its sandy deserta, Wednesdays, and Fridays at C a. among whose greasewood and mesquite rushes live the poisonous tarantula, the m., arriving at Florence the day veuomons rattlesnake and the stinging | following at 10 a. in. S leeping C a rs scorpion, seem bnt part and parcel of our Returning-stage leaves Flor­ E le g a n t sister republic on the south. Thnt which strikes the traveler most ence on Mondays, Wednesdays D in in g C ars forcibly,however, in journeying through and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving the sandy wastes is the wonderful lu x u ­ in Eugene the following day at T o u ris t riance of the cactus fam ily, which ap­ S leeping C ars pears to grow everywhere, the low ly G p. in. cholla (choyyah), tho rotidliku ucalilla 8 T . RAUL (o-kah-lee-yah) and that unsightly M IN N E A P O L IS giant, the great sahuarafsnh-wah rah). Single fare - - - - |5.00 The drier the saud and the hotter the DULUTH Round trip - - - - 10.00 sun the better the cactus seems to flour­ FARGO ish. Ou some mountain sides tho cbollas G R A ND FORKS TO Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s grow so thick one oannot pass through CRO OKSTON them, so tierce are the sharp spines of livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd tho cholla “ balls. ” Curved at their ends W I N N IP E G & Davenport’s office in Florence. like fishhooks, these little spines pierce H E L E N A «»U leather and fasten upon the skin of the foot, causing the most i^ense pain. BUTTE Rough and repulsive as these various kinds of cactus are, however, yet a use has beeu found for most of them. After .........J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor........ TO treating tho stems of some of the smaller F lo r e n a e , O r e g o n . C H IC A G O varieties furniture is manufactortd from them— chairs, tables aud other W A S H IN G T O N small articles The tall, graceful stems OUR AIM—To furnish tho best P H I L A D E L P H I A of the ocalillu are gathered and woven into feuces, w hile the weird, uncouth accommodations at reasonable N E W Y O R K sahuarn is put to a number of uses which BO STO N A N D A L L prices. w ill require a more detailed description. P O IN T S E A S T mid S O U T H The sahuara, easily the king of the For Information, time carda, maps and ticket, cactus fam ily, is peculiar to Arizona, its fluted columns w ith its gaunt, upward etc., call on or write growing arms covering tho deserts in W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. R. M c M u r p h e y , some places like a voritublo forest. I t General Agent, ltooras 2 and 4, Shelton Block, is often 20 feet in height, and its heart Tables furnished with all the EUGENE, OREGON. is a watery pulp protected by long par­ allel strips of tough, fibrous wood, reach­ delicacies of the season. Wild A. D. CHAR LTO N, ing from base to top, the whole covered Aasi«taut General Passenger Agent. game, fish and fruit in season. Best w ith a thick, green skin whioh success­ 255 Morrison 8t. Cor. 8d. F o r t l A X i d O r . fu lly turns the sun’s rays aud prevents accomodations for the traveling tho evaporation of the water w ithin. Where the sahuara gets this water is a public. Charges reasonable. mystery, since it grows in the driest of The Funk & W agnalls places, where rains come, if they come at all, at almost yearly intervals. This water, however, is of no use to man, as many a poor prospector has found to his Of The sorrow. I t is astringent aud bitter, serv­ T w en tv-th re e ing only to increase thirst. EN G LISH LANG UAGE The Indians of the country— Apaches, M ile s W e s t Fimas, Papagoes, Maricopa«— use the straight, flexible poles which form the o f E u g en e. COMPLETE skeleton of the sahnara in the construc­ SU C C IE N T tion of their huts. Like the prickly pear, the giaut eactus also bears a fru it A U T H O R IT A T IV E which grows on the very tips of the par­ ent stalk aud its branches. This fru it is nearly the size and shape of a hen’s 301,863 v m » b u ls ry T e r m egg- When ripe, it is of a scarlet hue ■47 E ditara and Specialists and splits opeu into four lobes, discloa- iug a pulpy mass about the consistency 333 Readarater Quotati®«« of a fig aud filled w ith minute black lens M oney Saved seeds. The Mexicans aud Indians are 10,000 Cast avsr t«<>o passionately foud of this fru it— and so Appendix a t 47.4SS E i t r i « By are the birds. The former, if so fortu­ P atro n izin g it. nate as to get ahead of their feathered rivals, take loug poles and knock the The full number of word, and terms In , fru it from the top of the stalk. The In ­ Prop. different dictionaries for th . entire alphabet ts dian Bquaws dry it and prepare it into a Geo. Hale as follow,: 8-roitxoHTH, 50,000; W o B C H B S tB B | dish resembling fig paBte. Rut there is a use to which the squaws 105,000: W ru rrn (international), 125,000; CZM- tubt , ( ,1 b volumes. complete,) 225,000: put the fru it which is not so commend­ business cards able. I t is pressed in wide, shallow 8TASDAR1), over »00,000; baskets and tho juice collected in pot­ tery ollas (o-yabs), vessels of native rll{ST NATIONAL RANK ............Sample Page« Free............ manufacture. The ollas aro then stored in a small room where a fire is kept K---- ------ — ■*----- - burning u ntil tho appearance of a w hite OF E U G E N E , froth* on the surface of the liquid indi cates tbut fermentation has commenced. T o M„ omo « . e ... • • *• ’ AGENTS W A N TED . I t is then a strong driuk called “ tiz- _ ------- w in ,’ ’ for which the Indians show a de- a an noo PA(D ue OA8M o a p it a l . • • m o . ooo plorablo fondness. In former years the BRONSON & CO, government SURPLUS AND PROFITS. • • OOO always expected trouble from its red proteges in “ tizw in tim e" Pacific Coast Agents and extraordinary precautions were tak­ A .O O O T X N T S S O Iu IO IT B J D SA N FRANCISCO, C A L . en to hold the savage« in check during EUGENE. • * • 0BECÛN 933 M arke t S t. those particular periods.— Detroit Free Press. Attorney a t Law gena, D A IL Y T R IP S — Between — Wednes­ Elk Prairie Hotel. I O. IT. W . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, l i meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays ach month. Members and visiting rethren in good standing are oordially uvited to attend. J. J. A kukbson , M . n . V't. K y l e , Recorder. ce. “ We need not wait for tho fruit to grow,” REGULAR STAGE LINE. . . .E . O. Potter. Judge................. W1 Jjv High above la the cherry tree The 1 mm *« are holding a Juttloe. The time 1« May, and th«» tr*ws abloom, ▲ad the air la sweet with the rare perfuzna. u . — W ill m ake -------- o EUGENE-FLORENCE COUNTY OFFICERS- S T E A M ER " M IN K ,” I j IN H I . Leaves Florence Mondays, days and Fridays. BLOSSOM TIME, -------------- TRAVELERS’ GUIDE P atents CoevinmrraAe. IJ ,p « d awd W . e . W a r a ^ to Sap » W w n L T h » A lligator*» IH aaar B o a r . R at There were threo sisu-rs who lisped eery badlp, and their mother, who was rolicitona «boat finding hnabands for them, wss continually admonishing them to to ld their tongue«. This is d i f » i l t for a girl that ba« no imprdi- m eW iB b v speech, but it is impossible for Ob that stammers. One evening the Ibsee lispors were invited to **e qntlftng" st a neighbor * a “ Now, mind, g irls,” said the snzions mother, , ‘ aotno nice yonng men are go­ ing to be there, and yon roast not say a word, or they w ill barn that yon lisp and won’t care to make np to yon.” They promised to be silent sad went to the qnilting. When they reached the bonne, they sat down and qnilted d ili- grntly in silence, and nothing oonid in- dooe them to take part in the conversa­ tion. A t tart the eldest wanted the scis­ sor« and triad to make signs to her nest sister to pass them to her, bnt con Id not attract her attention. Losing patience, she stammered ont: “ Thither, path me the tbithortb. ” The other replied w ith indignation: “ Didn’t ma thay that oo tbocldn’t tbay anything?" This was loo much for the yoniigeet, and she eirlaiw ed in a self congmtn- latory tone; “ Bleth God, I a in ’t tbaid nothin I’ ’— New York Times. Miss Vera Gould of T h irty-nin th and Baring streets lias a pet alligator which was sent to her from Florida. Since the arrival of the alligator, which i t about 18 inches long, Miss Gould mourns the low of a pet kilteu, and thereby bangs a tale. M r. Alligator usually receives the best of attention and after a good square meal is at peace w ith the world, dos­ ing in his tank n util mealtime comes again. The tank is located in the din­ ing room, aud the other day bis midday tueal was forgot ten— that is, forgotten by everybody except the alligator. Ha proved, however, that he was not en­ tirely dependent upon others when bis fippetite was assailed. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon M iw Gould iiPard a serie» of feline yells is­ suing from the kitchen, and ou appear­ ing on the scene she was perfectly hor­ rified at what met her gaze. There on the floor was her pet alligator vainly endeavoring to get tim head of a kitten in bis mouth, w hile the mother uf the victim was perched on the book of the alligator, clawing and bitiug i t in a v i­ cious uiauner. After rescuing the k it­ ten and chasing the other pet into his abode Miss Gould dismvered that she was minus a kitten and concluded that the hungry alligator had eaten it. I t was afterward uecessary to keep the mother cat in the cellar, as she attem pt­ ed several time» to wreak vengeance 0,000,000 in the United States who various ayatemA but these are aa much and waa always on guard. B ill for y«art wear laced shoes. I f each of tbeao for the ordinary requirements of tenants had never allowed himself to get into a bought three pair of lucee a year, that as for possible use in firs. Some of the position where his keen eye and ready would mean 80,000,000 pair, from structures have standpipes inside or out­ revolver were not master of the situa­ which oonid be snipped 800,000,000 side the w alk Legally there la oo way tion, but be did allow the drop to bo ends. These pieoea, placed end to ond, of compelling the builders of w het ie got on him twice to my knowledge. The would make a coutiunona shoestring called a “ fireproof” building to put la first timo I wna present, and the next 17,046 miles long— long enough to more than the moat ordinary fire appli­ time— w ell. B ill waa waa gone himself stretch two-thirds of the way around ances, even above the 186 foot line. B uilding a 80 story atrnoture la much when the second time came to a climax. the earth, bnppose that the shoestrings “ I w ill te ll yon tho story of the time coat a t retail an average of 8 cents a like building a dw elling house in ooe I was present Now, I never knew B ill pair, then the 00,000,000 pair useu un- respect— there's always deviations from to pall hia gun to k ill nnless it waa in unally in the United btatea coat |8 ,- the plana and improvements upon them self defense or there was no other way 700,000. Une-fifth of their length oonid F o r every alteration from the drawings to secure the peace aud quiet B ill a l­ be dune away w ith by catting off tbe filed w ith the building department the ways hankered for and would have— nseleas ends, and the value of these ends permission of tbe board of examinets peaceably i f be could, forcibly i f be is therefore one-fifth ot their net coat must be had. I f tbe alterations are prop­ must. Jipi C arry was a coward, but be >640,000. Thia sain would buy upwar> er, consent is granted, but on condi­ was determined to acquire a repututiou of 10,000,000 pocket handkerchiefs for tion that approved fir« appliances be put as a bad man, and, as B ill Hickok held the heathen of Africa. W itc h hazel or in the building, particularly in the up­ per stories. These include a stipulation the championship ot the world at that buy nun?“ th at at least one elevat x shall be ready timo as u killer, Corry thought ho T h » C a r ll» » * e f N o b m i m ▼•>»•■. to run at any tim e iu the night la or­ m ight safely run a bluff ou Wild B ill. I should lika to know whether there der that the firemen oan get up and “ 8o be sent B ill word he would k ill is aoythiug earlier in thia way than the down quickly; tbe putting of boee aud him on sight, not thut he bad anything "H is to ry of Bixteeu W onderful Old fire buckets on each floor, and. usually, against B ill, but Carry had gene into Women, illnstratod by as Many Engrav­ a standpipe, w ith couplings for each the killin g bnsineaa, aud he proposed to ings, Exhibiting T heir Principal Eccen­ floor. When tbe builders consent to add bold the center of the stage and show tricities and Amusemeuts. Londou, these ( quipuienta and otlM'rs deemed that be waa displaying energy and apt­ Printed For H arris de Son, Corner of n ece ssa r y, including a competent night itude in bis business. B ill paid un a t­ 8 t Paul's Churchyard, 1831,“ which watch service, permission 1» granted to tention to C a rry ’s talk, not considering , forms No. 16 of Harris' “ Cabinet of make the alterations Thia applies off him in bis class. Amusement aud Instruction, “ 36 in tha course, only to buildings nudes con­ "One day I met Curry on tbe street set. Thia little book, published by Naw- in Hays. We went iuto a saloon kept | berry’s suoorstors, is an exceedingly rare struction recently. O f thorn already up there la small hope unless the under­ by a little, nervout, excitable German. one, w ith colored illustratioua cf tbo w riters' offer of lower premiums appeal W ild B ill's ta ll form and loug, black j drollest. Perhaps specs may ba spared sufficiently to the pocketbook. balr loomed up at u tabla in tbo bnak for a verse, taking one lack to tba duys T o the end that the fire resistance of part o f tbe room. His back waa toward when lotteries were not illeg al: building materials shall ba known posi­ Curry and myself. Curry walked over h r r » was an Did Wnmia o t Eallug tively, fire testa have been made under to tbe table, standing directly behind T Wbu jum p’d till her head lu u v li'd t-u> eclliag, tbe supervision of tbe superintendent a f B lit Before any one suspected w hat bo Wlmn 2 I C 4 buildings. Three such pubiia exhibition^ Wss » n n u u iw 'd a t her door would do be bad bis gun against B ill's already have been held, aud they w ilt bead and said, ‘ Now, you long haired A a a prise to th* O ld W otlsd of baling. be continued at intervals through the — Notes and Queries. --------, I ’ve got you, end you're going w inter. When finished, Superintendent to die. * B ill never batted an eya aor or What B alg Waa CarlylaT Cooatable w ill make a report to tbe moved a muscle, bnt raid, ’ Y ob would Y e t U is difficult to decide w hat Car­ board of examiners not shoot a man down w ithoat givin Tba cry for more water in toe lower him • show to defend his life, would ly le has bequeathed to ns now that the you?' ‘ Wouldn’t I? K h a t show did you echoes of his sonorous denunciations part of tbe city baa been Inal stent for are at lost dying away. Standing be­ years. Many have been the plana far aver give any one, yea — — — F “ Tbe Dutchman wad dancing around tween the infinite and tbe individual, reservoirs at tbe Battery aud ea either like mad, imploring Jim to pat np bis he recognizes uo gradations, no massing aide h alf a m ile or a m ile up stream. gun and far bigg * d B ill to shake of the species; he compares the tw o ln- Every tim e an extra line of pipe has hands. I f they wuwld, be would stand ' comparable objects of hia attention aud been laid w ith the object of furnishing treat for tha house, which propoaitiou scolds the Anita for its lack of in fin i­ tbs needed surplus i t baa bean tapped was finally accepted. W ild B ill and tude. us if for a preventable fault. U n­ np town. Tbe firo and building depart­ Jim C arry shook bauds, after which just to human effort, be barks at man­ ments bops that tbe two 48 inch mains B ill M id: ‘Now, Jim , I got nothin kind like an i ll tempered dug, angry if being laid in F ifth avenue w ill he left ag'in you, and I don't w ant to k ill you, i t is still, yet more angry if it moved for tbe relief of tbe section below Cbam- but if you are bound to get a repotation A moat unhelpful physician, a prophet : hers street. Chief Banner says tbe Forty* there’s a town fu ll of teoderfret here w ith uo gospel, br t vagno stir aud tur- asooud street reservoir should nothadto- and lota of sassy nigger soldkrs Oo bnlance of contradiction, a voice aud turbed u ntil water is flowing undiverted practice on them. You’ll have to git nothmg more, yet a t worst w hat a reao- through these mains to tbs locality that more of 'em to give you a reputation, naut aud imperial clarion of a voice!— | needs i t most aud for wbieh I t ie to- aud It w ill take ir.ore time to g it Ibar “ A bhort H elp to L ite ratu re ," by Ed­ tended. T h a t New York w ill he breugbt fhse than if yon held a discussion w ith me. mund Goase. to face w ith grave peril from the but I think you w ill live longer to en­ storied structures uulee joy It and be happier than if yon kept up projectin w ith me. Ho now le'a jea’ “ Arthur, 1 oannot stand this city air. plentiful and tt drop this, or I may get the idea into my ■ 1 mnet have the foliage of the forest, I doubted ty i head that you're in earnest, and that must have birds, 1 moad“ — might ba bad for you. ’ “ — Indianapolis I “ But, my dear, yon have a ll th at ea Journal.