■-» r • • • • ■ ? r ?'• ? r THE W EST YO UR H O H E PAPER [• 4 »' S U P P O R T IT A D V E R T IS E R S 5IUSLAWS 0HL7 ?APS2. '< O P P O R T U N IT Y Í -A A A . ^-rifc -A-a 3 VOL. IX. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July ¿2, 1898. NO. 12. liait C ub W i t h U n i i , THAT FAMILY CLOSET. mako au investigation. Our captain Tho young women of the normal hailed them,- and they replied with school áre always ready for fun. They A n d th e W artoos K in d s e f gfc s l.*— «•» A b id e T h e r e in . gestures lo signify that they would re­ get dreadfully tired of their enforced Wert I tho wind, my darling. turn to tue shore for help. They evi­ STATE OFFICERS- Every family has Its skeleton. W . O J Y P v ID IK r E P i S T E A M E R And you a blushing flower. feminine companionship and the sight C O O S ,” dently took ua 'tor what we pretended of a live mau is liko a lift iu a thunder­ know that, of course, anatomical speci­ I'd sigh with love forever And play around your bower. S T A Q E L IN a . 0 -----Will make;-------- o to be, aud wo were piped to breakfast cloud Occasionally they frighten the mens, neatly put together and stored And 1 would conic and kiss you feeling that our ruse would succeed. men who chance to visit the school, aud away iu a secure cupboard, of which And bring the fragrant shower, William P. Lord. lovernor. • ■ .......... H .H . B a rre tt, P rop ’r ,|REGULAR DAILY TRIPS About 8 o’clock, with the wind one visit is quite enough . far' the vic­ only family members have the key—• And 1 would tulle in whispeis .. .11. R. Kineaiil. That you could undcratund. breezing up lively, three native sail tims. Some time ago a teabher iu the skeleton key, probably. Only when the ecretary ot Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- j Between eL ................. Philip Metelien And the perfume of your ¡.«;uU craft put odt for ns A man aloft with public schools took a gentleman to the family is alone, with no visitors about, ’reasurer I'd spread all o'er the land a glass reported that each craft was uoruiul institution aud introduced bin» does it go to the door cautiously and Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. Wore I the wind, iny darling, crowded with natives, and- it wus now to the young women. Ho wus a modest unlock it and bring the bony occupant And you a blushing dower. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs- tate Printer .......................W. H. Leeds. our plan to weigh anchor aud mako a yenug mau aud blushed slightly as he forth. Tho family knows its own skele­ days and Saturdays. j ----------------------------------------- ;--------■- | General............C. M. Idleman. rub . Ittornejf little n i l cud pretend to be standing iaeed tho crowd. Just as the teacher be­ ton, hnt outsiders are supposed to be in Were you tho wind, so wanton. ( .................. It. 8. Bean Connects with Steamer and Scotts- l away from them as if alarmed. The ob­ gan the introduction every young wom­ total ignorance of its existence, and if And I u blushing flower. ............. F. A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with lupreme Court You say you ’d sigh forever ject was to draw them ns far away an took out u she» t of paper aud poised they are wiser than people think them— . ,.C . E. Wolveiton Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge | And play around iny bower, from shore as possible, aud-wo bad a pencil expectantly/ aud of course they always are—It Is only And that you'd come and kiss me. uilge Second District. .J. W. Hamilton | voasona_Gle. added a mile or more to the distance And bring tho fragrant shower, "This is Mr. blank from Chicago,” a point of politeness to pretend to be rosccuting A ttorn ey.. .Geo. M. Brown And that you’d tulk in whiapera wheu tho foremost boat came within young ladies,’’ said the toachtr. “ He blind and deaf. That 1 could understand. hail. She hadn’t n gun of auy sort in txpresseda desire to visit our uurmal Of how many kinds are family skele­ And the perfumes of my petals sight, but she had 48 desperate looking school aud wants particularly to hear tons? Tho Joneses possessed an uncle You’d spread o’er all the land— villains in plain view and every one of i you sing." who died insane. You can’t go near the Let’« play that you’re the wind, and it That I'm the blushing flower! them bad a cutlass aud pistol. While COUNTY OFFICERS- As the stranger bowed a young wo- Jones oupboard, or, in other words, —Cleveland Leader. her captain was bailing us iu a lan­ mau in the back part of the room arose even hint at the subject of hereditary guage uo one could understand she wus and auxioutly inquired: insanity in their presence, without the E- B a n g s , P ro p rie to r. slowly edging along down our starboard What was the gentleman's address, skeleton audibly knocking its bones to- quarter. At the same time a second please? gethcr and all tho Joneses turning pole. ,E . O. Potter. ludge.............•: Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, craft was drawing uliead ou the port ET CHAULES U. LEWIS. And then all the girls wrote it down , You can’t mention Turkish bonds to the j ........... ,w ’ ’IkP**’eiy Wednesdays, and Fridays at 0 a. side, and the third kept iu onr wake Browns without their jaws suddenly liko mad. Commissioners Edwards Only seven or eight men were in sight From the year 1858 to that of 18(17 l Whether the stranger enjoyed the falling; you can’t think why. And whoa i ( __ j m., arriving at Horence the day there were uo lebs than seven British, ou our decks, and the natives seemed to subsequent siuging us much us he other­ drink statistics form tbe cheerful sub­ ........... E. U. Lee' Clerk... i ....................... following at 10 a. m. S le e p in g C a r s Freneh, German and American cruisers have uo suspicion of a trick The breeze wise might have doue is a little doubt­ ject of oonveraatiou at the Robinsons’ . W. W. Withers Sheriff............................ table you observe with wonder that all constantly cruising in the waters of tho was a little bit too strong for their ful.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Returning—stage leaves Flor­ E le g a n t the family grow unoomfortable and China and Java seas after pirates. Dur­ maneuvering at ti.st, but after we were rreasiirer............. ••••• ..A. S. Patterson ence on Mondays, Wednesdays writhe in their chairs. Yon haven’t the D in in g C a rs ing this time over 100 piratical craft j about six miles off shore the two sud­ Assessor........................ .. ,D. P. Burton T w o Suns I n O n e S ky. .W. M.-Miller and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving were captured, a dozen or 16 strong- j denly closed in to board us Our cap­ School Superintendent Wonders w ill never cease. A remark­ faintest notion why, bat the skeleton .. .'.C. M. Collier in Eugene the following day at T o u r is t holds broken up and at least 3,000 j taiu had been oloscly watching them able phenomenon is thus chronicled by has. Surveyor......................... S le e p in g C a r s “ black flags” were killed offhand or j and waiting for this move, and of a the Acworth Post, one of the best aud 1 met a man once at a dinner party Coioner.......................... .W. P. Cheshire G p. m. sent ashore to be hung. The cruisers sudden the drum beat to quarters and most reliable of Georgia’s weekly news­ who was perfectly sane upon every 8 T . PAUL .. ,C. IL Holden Justice of Peaco............ point on earth but one, aud on that he thought they had finished their work, j our decks were alive with men. papers : M INNEAPO LIS Constable.................. • - . , E. A. Evans was the opposite. He could talk about hut in 1868 several traders which had . 1 was captain of No 3 gun crew und “ For the past few days we have heard $5.00 I Single fare been fitted out at Bantam, Batavia and had the honor of firing the first shot considerable talk ubout the two suns politics, science, art, Shakespeare and DULUTH ______ Singapore were overhauled by pirates ! It was a solid ball, aud it struck the that were seen iu the heavens last Fri­ tbe musical glasses, but if by any Round trip - - - - $9.00 FARGO aud their crews butchered. When wo ; craft on her port bow unit went clean day morning at an early hour. Shortly cbance tbe eouversetion touched on g r a n d fo r k s CITY OFFICERS. TO arrived nt Singapore in 1870 in the , through her and dropped into the sea after tho sun had risen iu the east au- ; dueling he went straight off bis head Tickets for sale at F. Bangs’s British gun brig Vixen, a nest of pi- j beyond. This opened the tight. The na­ other sun was distinctly observed iu the S then aud there. CROOKSTON livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd rutes hud been located on one of tho is- | tives instantly realized that they had western horizon, with a magnificent! Dueling was the skeleton in his cup­ W INNIPEG lands off tho west coast of Java, aud we 1 caught a tartar, und they saw, too, that rainbow between them. The people who board, and tbo reason was one that can­ ,W . H. Weatherson & Davenport’s office in Florence. President. . . . H EL EN A jm B had orders to proceed to the spot and their only means of escape luy in cap­ witnessed the phenomenon aromuchex- j not bo enlarged upon here. On one day in every year ho shut himself up in his O. W. Ilnrd clean them out. Wo overhauled our turing the ship. Therefore, instead of cited over the matter. ” BUTTE' Win. Kyle bouse and was not seen by mortal eye. armament, took in a lot of ammunition running away, as wo had looked for, Perhaps the above story can be ex­ X Board of Trustees L. Christensen aud strengthened our crew by 14 men each cruft bore down ou us to board. plained by unothcr: Two Georgia farm­ That was the one day when h is skele­ M. Morris j A before sailing. These men were drafted They were handled as easily as an In­ ers who had been having a “ high old ton came out and stalked about. ......... J. C. FLINT, Proprietor Many people havo what seems to the out of a crew belonging to a man-of- dian maneuvers a canoe, and it wasn't time” iu town, started homo in a wagon TO Recorder.......................... J»’>n II. Morris CHICACO skele- war which had been wrecked on the five minutes after the first guu wus fired at daybreak. "John, ” said one to t h e ... general - publio a harmless enough F lo r o n o s , O r e g o n . , ....................... J. A. Pond Malay coast, and all were old hands. ere they were ou our. quarters like other, “ hanged ef thar ain’t two suns ' to«, but it is real and ghastly to ‘hem- Treasurer — — w a sh in c t o n ................. G .C . Cumpton The captain got his bearings from some wolves seeking to hamstring a deer 1 shinin yauder whar one orter ho. ’' Belvea It is of humbto origin. It i» • « - Marshal OUR AIM—To furnish the best ! P hiladelphia source unknown to us, and when we fired another solid shot and then louded d,uBk.- u ld J o h u . -T B b . 1 = 1 — that their le ft. Singapore tho brig was headed to with grape, und this lust churRe wus accommodations at reasonable NEW YORK fired right into a muss of natives w ait­ aiu't but one.” poor, tu t honest, the lies they w ill tell tlie vast. We jogged along down the ; “ John,” was the reply, "you’re a BOSTON A ND ALL SECRET SOCIETIES. (which only proves that the grandpar­ coast of Sumatra for a week without j ing to clamber up the side The guu prices. liar I” POINTS E A S T a»B 8O U TH , any unusual incident, and though we ; next to mo lired a solid shot, which At this they clinched, and John fell ent’s qualities have not descended In tho direct line) and the meauneasoe they For information, time card«, maps and tickets spoke a score of craft uoue of them had tore through her bottom, aud two min­ underneath. Presently he bawled out: ™ ... ... Florence Lodge No. 107. w ill iudulge in, in the pitiable effort to auy iufonuatiou about the pirate. The utes later she fouudered right alongside "Quit beatin of mo. I give iu. 1 see Regular soinmnnication on second H ea d of T id e H otel, etc., call on or write crew bad lieguu to ridicule tho idea ' of us. The second craft got near enough seven suns an more stars than yon kin hide the faot that two generetiona ego R. M c M u r p h e y , they kept a small greengrocer’s shop or and fourth Saturdays in each month. when something occurred to open our to grapple, but the irons were thrown c o u n t”—Atlanta Constitution. W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. off aud tw o gnus played solid shot into wore plush aud powder. After all, the O. W. Heim, W. M. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, eyes very wide. longer tho lino the more certain it is to EUGENE, OREGON. Gue moruiug, about an hour nfter i her hnll uutii she went down stern fore­ Tables furnished with all the I. G. K notts , Secretary. Mlllc and W ater. contain ancestors who won their breed daylight, wo came up with a Dutch most, leaving 30 men struggling iu tho A. D. C H A R LTO N , Milk is an admirable food, containing by tho sweat of their face. delicacies of the season. Wild trader, which was taking rare of her- , waves Assistant General Passenger Agent. Tho third craft had forged ahead, all the elements of nutrition in a form If all tbe world were not descended self. All her sails had been cut away, i game, ftsli and fruit in season. Best 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3<1. A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. ropes were Eying in evi ry direction, sailing five feet to our ouo. aud would capable of ready assimilation. Contrary from tbe same "grand old gardener," F o i 't l a . n . d O r . • meets second and fourth Saturdaj a accomodations for tho traveling and she was so low in tho water that ■ have boarded us at the bows but lor the to the universal opinion, however, milk there might he more common sense la of each month at 1:30 p. lit. wo wondered w hy she didn't go down. suddeu destruction of the others. Tlieir is not always well adapted to the use of trying to forget honest toil.—English public. Charges reasonable. J. I. B utterfield , Commander. When a bout pulled off to her, it was to late frightened her off, but she bad tho sick. A very active condition of tho Exchange. ____________ _ T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls find tho captain mortally wounded und I scarcely laid her bead for tho island digestive organa is required for the J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. IN LONDON’S SLUMS. his w ife aud two saiiors, stiff und dead tbuu it was brought arouud, as if het proper conversion of milk, aud tbe d i­ and horribly mutilated, on the deck he- crew, had made some desperate resolve gestive fluids of the sick do uot come up side him. We got him off, hut had uo Now occurred a enrious thing She hud to this standurd. Moreover, tlio facility A B a th e r B o u g h B x p e rle n o s The* T * e g M an A rtist a L m b o u . O. U. W. l’erpetua Lodge, No. 131, time to give the bodies burial before about 30 men ou beard, and sh e’ came with which milk absorls gasjs and de­ ---------- — »----------- ! Of The An artist who is well known in n velops poisonous ptomaima must bo a meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays dowu ou us with e\»>ry ouo of them tho little craft weut down. Tho enptuin each month. Members and visiting T w c n t v - th r e e • ENQLISH LANGUAGE was a mau ubout 40 years of age, and, shouting and screaming aud tried to lay borne iu mind. It is iu this way u ready nor thorn city used occasionally to pnt brethren in good standing are cordially M ile s W e s t though hardlv alive wheu we found us abourd. Wo could have sunk her source of infection even whtu draw u on his shabbiest clothes and penetrate invited to attend. J. J. A nderson M.W. COMPLETE him, ho rallied enough to tell his story. with one gun even, or we oould have from a healthy . G. then nhont teu miles off tho coast and pirates hanging to tbo wreckage arouud gastric juice upon raw milk is similar grotesque, the artist was struck w ith 301,86s V o c .b o l.ry Term . A ndrew B rcnd , Sec. STACE R O U T E . »47 Editors and Specialists ahont live miles south of au islaud us, however, aud u boat was lowered to to thutprednoed by hcut, hut it requires their originality nud began to taka au kuown as Queen’s Bower. Ho had no pick them up. You can judge of their a very activo solvent. Water is also a interest in their development 333 Readers for Q u otation . • "That’» right, my boy I Make yoar snspioiou whatever of the natives, nud desperatiou when 1 tell you that every familiur source of disease, uud all that 5000 Illustrations tho first thiug I10 know they hoarded his one of them fought liko a tiger against is used for drinking purposes should he lines clear and never mind the detail» CHURCH DIRECTORY M o n e y S aved Cott over >960,000 cruft and begun to cut aud slash. When being rescued ami that we got ouly five previously boiled.—New Y uk Ledger. Champion! What! Yon don’t know bow to sketch that old man's head? Than Appendix ol 47.4 68 E ntries By they had finished tho crew, they began out of the lot. Tho others wo had to RESBYTERIAN CHURCU, Florence, give me tbe chalk. I’ll show yon.” kill as they floated about, with the T o «J«e M em ory. to plunder aud strip tho vessel and were P a tr o n iz in g it. Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbatn- The next moment the enthnaiastio John Beckwith, the warehousentsii, with her uutii midnight. Before leaving sharks suajipiug at them Two of the ■chool, 10 o’clock a. in. Preaching The (nil n u m b er of wnnls ami terms In they bored her full of holes, aud we hud five leaped out of tho boat after being received a letter the other day uddressed artist wa» on his knees, and with the o’clock a. in. ami 7 p. in. Sacrament o reached her just iu time to rescue the pulled iu aud were seen no more, and in a round business hand aud hearing piece of stono had quickly drawn n tlie Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath o Prop. different dictionaries (or the entile alphabet Is captain. The first craft was joined by tho others guvo us so much troublu that the Oaklaiul postmark. He glanced clever picture. Before he oould com­ January, April, July and Oct”^ ’ Qeo. H ale as follows: BvoBJtoMTU, 50,000; W obchzsteb tho captaiu swung there up to tho yurd at it, rubbed his forehead reflectively a mence another sketch, howrever, he felt Everybody is welcome to all tbe services- 105,000; WUBsrsn (international), 125,000; C«a- tv.o others later on, and tho three cur­ moment aud then, without opening tbe a stouniug blow on the head, and • ried at least 100 desperate fellows. The arm Pastor requests Christians to make TUB V. (’ lx volumes. complete,) 22^,000: shrill female voice cried: Thus not oue singlo mau of the 100 envelope, toro it into bits. captaiu heard and understood enough to themselves known. BUSINESS CARDS- "Take yer bloomin book, ye great, STANDARD, over 800,000; I. G. K notts , Pastor. “ Why did you do that?" uskod his satisfy him that they were au orgauiz» d or more who camo out to attack us es­ gang of pirates and that they were also caped with his life I was iu one of the partner. "Tbut might buve contained good for nought hulkl What d’ye mean by weetiiu up t ’flags ’at I’ve Ju»t wash­ Sample Pages Free......... - well equipped for their bloody business. boats afterward scut 01 bore lo see what something of importance. ” RA TIO N AL ßA NK ed? ’Tain’t no wonder 'at t ’ kid» do it IETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH fIR S T “ No, it didn’t. I wrote it myself. ” e Tho isiand mentioned was uot over sort of n lair tbo pirate« bad made tor service. Preaching at Glena. a "Z.ro you in tho habit of writing let­ when a senseless old Idiot likeyerself a»t» I 80 niilcs uway, aud as tho Java sea was themselves. The only huiuiiu betugn ’em t’exomplo. Be off, or I’ll aoour and Acme two Sundays of each month OF EUGENE. and is u great highway it did uot stem ashore were an old native woman, a one ters to yourself?" "Yes, 1 havo to. Now, if 1 hadn't t ’pnvemcnt w l’ yer ugly carcass. ” ! possible that men would take, such a armed Japanese and a white boy about Sabbath-School every a B. EAKIH. J«.. CM«-» A G E N T S W A N T E D . The artist hurriedly dodged another 10 a. in. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ T. O. M INDRICKS. P»»B. risk as those pirates had. The trader 14 years of ago The be,y was off an writti.D that yi'Bt* rdsy und muiled it, 1 day evening at tbe church. Everybody Li 1 said that uo less than three friendly English trader captured s v, ,ir before should have forgotten that bunch of boot, sprang to his foet, and, without (6 0 ,0 0 0 cordially invited. G. F. R ounds sails wero in tight when he was nt- and had been held prisomr ever siuco braid, two dozen peurl buttons und five waiting to argue the matter, sneaked paid up cash oapital , Pastor. E . D . B R O N S O N & CO, ' tacked, but all too far away to signal, 11c said there w ere 10i w in iu the gang, yards of haircloth that I've got to go up iguomiuieusly off. He vow» that be ( 6 0 OOO SURPLUS and profits , ' even if ho had been warned iu tirno to and wo found enough plunder ou the tow u and buy right now. Guce, though, w ill miml his own business whon next Pacific Coast Agents 1 wrote u letter to myself about some­ he goes slumming.—Loudon Telegraph. do something. Owing to tbo shoals sur­ Island to load our ship SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. They had captured about a dozen thing I wanted to remember und forgot rounding tho island our craft could uot a c c o u n t s g o i j i c r r r ® 13 ATTORNEYS W h y D o w in ’t t h s Boltov Ban*? OREGON 933 Market S t. _______ approach uear enough to use her guns different vessels, largo und srru.ll, and to mail it tor two weeks."—Philadel­ i EUGENE, i and shell tho fellows out, aud we were j iu every ease hud plundered auel ai.uk p h ia Times. What a tremendous force is strugglla* T h e S u p re m e C o u rt. to tear a boiler to atoms! Taka, for »or- uot strong enough to lami from our : them. They did uot always kill nil the A. C. WOODCOCK, NOTARIES. “ Tlio Judges of tho United Staffs boats aud deal with them. The sight of crew. Soon after the boy was captured ample, a horizontal tubular boiler of T im e ’s C hanges. courta have, with rare exceptions, been an urmed vessel nosing around would I they brought iu an American sailor off "You, ” said ahe as she came down ordinary proportions, 00 inches iu di­ men of excellent legal ability und of put tho pirates on their guard, and so a spice trader The lad knew him ouly the stair, leisurely pulling ou her gloves ameter by 10 feet long, containing high character,” writes (* President it was resolved to play them a Yankee j by the uam» of William, but retuem —"you used to say 1 wus WfU,OU() To prmt boiler longitudinally it 336,300 pound», IleM MtArre. ■torchons*, block, d up tlie doorway “ I don’t RCC how Jelly lives with that jieartd off tbo north coast of tbo Island with boxes and cqan ore 011 us with these requires 781.340 tons of paiivr, or iq that to produce an equivalent etreaa and anchored ou a Isiuk about three It wonld be necoxiary to hiloh up to lb» O C S IO N S rich wife of his. She’s a Tartar. ” pistols We bad tv., ,„» 11 wouu'tud be­ 1,5(13.180.000 pounds, while it r^ould, C opvrigmt » 4 c . "It would he a good deal hanlcr to mil, a from the beac h Men were sent fore we 'oulct drebc.g* ib»m. sed they take tho fastest single press 338 y» ais ends of iho boiltfr two team» ci 1,66« J^d’ln« a horses altogether. —Strand Magazine. explain how hi, could live without her. ” aloft as if engaged in repairs, a boat were tbeu haugid to tbe same limb aud to print a single year’s edition, which Mirili Y J. bVy wus got dowu as if to work 011 the hull, wonld presluce a stack of papers nearly —Detroit l'n o Press. invent»''*’ ! hat aud the hulk of tho crew remained in tii* ir txslii-s tell 10 tlie birds Ttl»T A VS 1 vlrsií». J .„t. .idM, t*».n M 'Sr'U«»^ tb() ««Ira pluuder we could 11»,t bring off we 60 miles high. hiding below No doubt the fellow« Heleu—I wonder why Kate 5 n .T.u .a n 4 T r » 1 . W a r f» h H « « ^ “ . a^” I*‘ i What is called clin dust is really the ashore had a lookout in some tre-es, ami bnrued on tbei-luim aim before b-avmg tniud her own bnoinen* {«ot bnal»caa coadf miles traveled aud Helen—Bull»«-«' [ uln •• wl,h co-4 • ( < harcilv sunrise wlicn a small native uutii the wb< le le n g th and breadth bad general directory TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE HER INVITATION. ' Florence anil Head of Tide. EUGENE-FIOKENCE STAGE LINE. MORRIS HOTEL, ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. * THROUGH TICKETS C E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l . Standard A P M' Attorney a t Law Notary F ablic, Surveyor notary PUBLIC. P atents PATENTS ► aod forrlgn couutn"« »cot free. _ O. A. S N O W * CP- L>>,. bUNN l IP Dictionary A HOT FIGHT.