.-w r r i » fT H E W E S T [ 4 » ;■ » r ; » Y O U R H O H E PAPER S U P P O R T IT 4 f' a a d nv v i e r t is e r s <| ► 4 PAPSB. NO. 11. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July 15, 1898. roL. IX. GENERAL directory TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE L o o k in g F o rw a r d . T b s P s s tr r o f M s ts r s . 4 O P P O R T U N IT Y i i ► t A V 1 C IÜ S L A W ’3 O t f L T Soot« P re d ic tio n *. _ H TOMMY CRUSE. The author of the “ Vision of Piers ••The poetry of earth is never dead,” Look W h ra Us M d B la wrote Keats, urd though the statement Plowman, ” a work written iu the reign sounds at first thought u dangerously of Edward III, predicted with great dis­ When I met Tommy first, his only STATE OFFICERS S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,” sweepiug one there is no doubt that if tinctness tlie fall of the religious houses asset was a serious danger, for Ms five o —— Will it . a ko” ho had been called upon to argue the in Eugland. As every one knows, the underfed and underbred pontes were S T A G E D IN E . point be would have successfully main- event took place in the reign of Henry about to be seized for overdue taxee. I ........ W illiam P. lo r d . R e g u la r d a il y trips irnor ............ taiued his thesis. Regarded subjective­ VUI, about 200 years later. could not help Tommy with nxmey, but .............II. R. K incaid. Sir Walter Raleigh foresaw and pre­ I tried to with advice. "Strike old Horn ly, the poetry of earth, or, lu other >tnry o lS 'a te ............. Between - Leaves Florence M ondays, W ednes­ ...........P h ilip M otclien words, tho qunlity which makes for dicted the spread of nonconformity in Ashby for a cou p led hundred dollera,” ................................ days and Fridays. poe try in extcruul nature», is that power Eugland. His weighty aud memorablo I suggested. Horn Ashby was one of the Public Instruction . .G . M . Irw in. iu nature which moves us by sugges­ words were: “ Time w ill even bring it riob men of Helena, Mon., at that pe­ Arrives at Florence T uesdays, Tliurs j P r in te r ................... . ,W . II. Leeds. tion, which excites in ns emotion, im to pass, if it be not resisted, that God riod and ran a small savings bank. Tom­ days and Saturdays. . . 0 . M . Idlem an- i rney General. . . . . . agination or poignant association, which will be turned ont of churches into my Crusj "tried old Ham Ashby. " A ll ........... R. 8 . Benn i C onnects w ith Steam er and Scotts­ plays upon the tense strings 01 our sym- harus, and from thence again into the he got, however, w ss some pretty free .........F . A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. Also witli •eine Court puthies with the fingers of memory or fields aud mountains and under hedges. talk. In which the banker «sensed Tom­ C. K. W olverton Stage Line for Coos B ay. Charge desire. This power may reside not less All order of discipline nnd ohnrch gov­ my Cruse that he would rather throw n- Second D istrict .. J . W . H am ilton reasonable. iu a bleak pasture lot than in a para- ernment w ill be left to newness of opin- I his money into the home of his sntanio ranged. wiuting A ttorney . ■ -G eo . M. Brown “ I thought tho matter over,” said disal close of bloom and verdure, not Ion and men's fancies, and as many majesty than loan It to such a drunken, the clergyman iu recounting the expert less iu a roadside thistle patch thun iu l.iudisof religion spring np ns there are shiftless fellow. churches in England. " Tommy Cruse got the money, how­ enoe, "und finally agreed to return for. a peak that soars into the suuset. it parish In a work written 600 years before ever. Three weeks later be located the the express purpose of complying with works through sheer beauty or sheer II his wishes. He wus greatly pleas« d, as­ rublimity, but it may work with equal the event took place Tacitus foresaw great Drum Luinmoud gold mine. He COUNTY OFFICERS- u sured me that it wus very kind of mo effect through austerity or reticence or aud predicted the evils and disorders knew be had a big thing, bat somehow aud hiutid (hut I would he well repaid limitation or change. It may use the which were so long to desolate Europe he canid make nobody believe In his E- B a n g s , Proprietor. most common scenes, the most familiar on the fall of tho Roman empire. mine. For years he worked at it. how­ for my trouble aud consideration. His words are worthy of repetition: ever, liviug at times a dog's life. “ So upon the day set for the ceremony facts and forms, us the vobiclo of its , . E . O. P otter. "When the Romans shall be hunted Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, Once, while talking to a friend o f g®................. 1 traveled nearly 2U0 miles, paid out most penetrating aud most illuminating , . . W. T . B ailey Wednesdays, and Fridays at C a. $8.5U for my railroad ticket aud other message. It iu apt to make the drop of out from these countries which they mine, he fell forward unconscious. He iimissioners , 11. D . Edw ards accommodations and guve the happy dew on a grass blade as significant as have conquered, what w ill then hap­ had not eaten a inouthfnl of food for nt., arriving at Florence the day P u llm a n pen? The revolted people, freed from SS hours, and yet, with dogged persist­ couple one of the best marriage services the starred sphere of the sky. ...........E . U . Lee following at 10 a. in. S leeping C ars Merely descriptive poetry is not very their master oppressor, w ill not be able ency, had worked on till he fell In bla ................................ iu my rep«rtory. tiff........................... W . W . W ithers “ After the ceremony the groom came far removed from the work of the re­ to subsist without destroying their tracks. A t last his day came. He open­ Returning-stage leaves Flor­ E le g a n t »surer....................... • .A . 8 , P atterson to me, blushing furiously, slipped a $5 porter and the photographer. Lucking neighbors, and the most cruel wars w ill ed np a big vein and bad $1,000,000 to . . . I). P . Burton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays ; his credit in a good safe bank. Hard D in in g C ars bill into my hand aud iu all serious­ tho selective quality oh ereutive art, it exist among all these nations" astor........................ is iu reality little more thun a represeu- | times over, he decided to pose as a “sol­ ness suid: loot Superintendent . . . W . M M iller and Fridays at 3 p. in., arriving F a a o tlo a . tatiou of some of the raw materials of T h » H s ta tlo n o4 S t r n s t s r s id citizen," so he opened a savings ___ C. M. C ollier in Eugene the following day at T o u ris t “ ‘This is all I have to give you now, yeyor........................... S leeping C ars but I hope to he able to do better next poetry. It leaves the reader uumoved, be­ Reproduction aud dispersal aro the bank in Helena One of the first men . W. P . C h esh ire roner............................. G p. in. cause little emotion has gone to its two great aims in the life of every plant to apply to Tommy Crum, banker, fot ! time.* 8T . PAUL Itice of P eace............. .. .C . H . H old en making.—Charles U. D. Roberts lu and animal. All else Is but the means, s small loan was tbe one lime banker, “ I was $3.50 cut of pocket on the M IN N E A P O L IS the mere contrivances, to gain the best old Sam Ashby, now less prosperous. »stable...................... ___ E . A . Evans transaction, and 1 guess i'll let him F o r u m . ________________ Single fare . . . - $5.00 advantage iu the accomplishment of Then came to the old prospector the huut up somebody elte 'next tim e.' ”— DULUTH ___ A B a k e d B o n n e t. these ultimate efforts Every species, happiest moment of his life, one that Cleveland Leader. , Round trip - - - - $9.00 During a recens rainstorm n society FA R G O every individual, exists by virtue of i wiped ont all memory of starvation and woman was caught iu a sudden down­ G R A N D F O RKS CITY OFFICERS. having striven to attaiu these ends In ' privation. For Tommy Cruse, showing TO T h e E a r ly L o n d o a O u iu lb o s . Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s pour turd was compelled to run homo in C R OOKSTON Whcu the qu«Mii came to the throno, very undignified haste. Her diguity, the structure of each one is the record his would he oustomer to the door, as­ livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd ___ oustomer, _______ , in language _ _ too omnibuses wire a new but ulready pop­ however, wasn’t damaged as much as of the attainment, partial or complete, sured that W IN N IP E G may lio, and each man and emphatlo an the upright coiffure of tho master, as through tho Loudon season.—Philadel­ ceiving additional remuneration.— New P atro n izin g it. Oregon. Sab bath s e r v ic e . Sabbatn- An animal made of tin piatev of the tbe reader ended, “ And that dog was so York Tribuue ,‘hool, 10 o ’clock a. m . P reach in g u phia Ledger. shape of an elongated fir ooaa, ate«« The f i l l ! n u i a l w r o f »<»«1» and lorms In mean that his huir stood ou end. ’’— 'clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacram ent three feet in length, which craekiee and B ls p h a a t L ife l a t b s J a n g le s . New York Times is Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath T h o M b s b t w b naa b n iB B . Prop. different dlettonories for the entire alphabet is inuary, April, J u ly »'“I October, ( j g o . H a l e Without elephants jungles wonld be rustles with every movement, is one ef Hera iu a solitary figure, that of a «»follow s: geoaa.WTH, M.0S0: W omchz « . « tbe latest acquisition« of the Zoological W h a t la N tyleT Iverybody is w elcom e to all tlie services, Masurwa htuhman, engaged in digging virtually impassable« Tho great beasts 105,000; W zbhtkb (international), 125,000; CBN The fact that we use the word "stylo" up bulbs as a fix*! supply. These bulbs, are a mixture of strength aud weakness, society of London. Its name is tbe pan­ astor requests C h ristia n s to m age complote.) 225,000; in speaking of architecture snd sculp­ golin, or scaly ant eater, and it belongs TU«V, (six volume«. »emseives kn ow n . _ , business cards - small, round anil smooth aud of a sweet, of craft aud simplicity. The paths to tbo same family group as the arma­ I. G. K notts , Pastor. STANDARD, over 800.000; ture, paiutiug aud music, duuciug, play through the jungle from village to v il­ uutty flavor, are exnctly Tho some at acting and cricket, that we can apply it those for which the guinea fowls 1 re lage aro merely tracks from which tbe dillo and platypus. It baa exoited great to tbe careful acbiereiueute of tbe interlacing foliage lias been cut aud attention at the zoo, for it it—if we nr» Sample I’agcs Free. IETHODIST E P ISC O P A L C H U R C H lA T IO N A L BANK housebreaker aud the poisoner, and to scorching so eagerly. They may De thrust aside and tbe virgin soil trod- oorrectly informed—the first animal of called tho husbiuau'c bread, uud whin service. P reach in g at G lenada the sjioutiiueous animal movements of game is seurce or bunting lin k is out di 11 into a black mud. After a rain this tbe kind which has been exhibited there. Its home is where the termites, (nil Acme two Su nd ays of each m onth the limbs of man or beast, is tbo noblest of E U G E N E . they servo us a waiutUy ugaiust utter mod is many feet deep, uud uo living or white ants, aro found, for the animal labbath-School every Sunday of unconscious tributes to the fueulty creature except an elephant, a buffalo ACENT8 W A N TED . I feeds ou these destructive creatures and •Oa. in. Prayer m eetin g every i b i - of letters. Morals, philosophy au«l a s starvation. Tbo hushman collects his bulbs in the or a rhinoeeroa could labor through It possesses claws which are deaigued to lay evening at the church. Everyboc y thetic, mood aud conviction, creed nud Thu eluphiiut makes his way by lifting aboil of a tortoise nud presently w ill re­ break down their strongholds. Tbo ordially in vited . G . F . R o u n ds , S 60.000 whim, habit, passion and demonstra­ P A ID U P O A 8H C A P IT A L , Pastor. turn to tho protecting bush boceatb one foot at « time aud iuaertuig it deep claws are also necessary for borrowing CO, tion—what art but tbe art of literature • 60 OOO into the slough in front, withdrawing E. D. BRONSON & SU RPLUS AND P R O FITS. which ho nud liis-fmnily sleptJust night. admits the entrance cl sll these aud After that ho will perhups visit a snare another with a sound like tbe (topping in tbo ground, for the pangolin exca­ Pacific Coast Agents vates a cave for himself and bia mate guards them trorn tho scddeuuesa of he set yesterday to cutrupa duj kcr, one of u hag«<’huinpngneoork. Nothing bat eight feet or so below the surface of g O U I C lT W S A N FRANCISCO, CA L. mortality? All style is gesture, tbo ges­ ATTORNEYS a ride on an earthquake could he com- ACCO UNTS of tho small antelopes of South Africa, the earth, and in this strange home oue . OREGON 933 M arke t S t. __________ ture of the unud and of the soul Cther or, failing tho rapture of the little buck, I arid with tbo sensation of being run or two young are produced every year. EUGENE, gestures 1 bange and flit; this is the ul­ away with ty an elephant As for stop­ ’ I timate aud euduruig revelation of per- ] lie may try to stalk n paauw with his ping him. some one has well said that Tbe pangolin at present at the aoo is T h a t W aa W b y. C. WOODCOCK, bow nnd poisoutd arrow ecrceoplu sow of reli­ H« paused aud sighed. even at tbe first chance. granted, end the reaalta have been do* “ I can’t understand why yon are bou it a madman Who can » for 1’rnd- gious ceremonies w as the sbudowsof tho "Fatal error.11 he said at last; "th e y E. E. BENEDICT» SO YCAItS* bolding your ikirt with one hand. Y our bon?" The presuleut? "The president ofii< isliug priests cut t open tho walls uf did their best, but you kuow bow a wo­ 1 cidedly startling The requirement« are almost ridiculously «iem euury— • dress isn’t lung and a careful look round is au a»s not worth tinuking of. ” And tbe sacred (cut. — F rani is J. Ziegler iu man throws. "—Chicago Poet. pie of books of Xeuophou’e “ Auate* A T T O R N E Y - A .T - LuA-VtT. fails to reveal any sign of mud. It oo we treat of politics.— Letters of Eliz­ Harper's Magazine. ' sia," some quite easy Latin, two books C V IM ft« B e abeth Barrett Hruwuiug. hasn’t raiuod for a week." 1 ef Euclid and so forth. Nevertbetem is "Oh. that is easily explained!” re­ ••Farewellt” he nobbed. N a t a r » l He$»t. F loren ce. : : O recon. is .»»ted that a large number of ea«dl- A Fr«llraa>ewL turned tho lady sweetly. "I do that ba- The L-autiful Miranda, tbe light of Tbe first tuno the buy wss lakcu nut dstes for orders are so grossly ignorant cause I bare u«» trousers pocket to stuff Marte— I am in an awful predica­ to loa he helped himself to tl«o biggest bis life, was, alas, another’s! that they have beeu uuable to gat ment I sm iu love with two tu«u However, (be same thing was tree of it into." piece of cake ou iho plate. His |«uicuis He mattered something short its be Herne— Aud you can t choose be­ were mortified, but iu after jt s is they the iinibrcllii ho uiauoged to grab in tho throngh this «ixceedingly 1 Ocatans London Truth. CorvmoHTa *c- ing nreh ss to talk to a weman. took his tween them- flow etubarrssfciugl were pronri of bun. whin he became a ball as ba Kit her forever. — Detroit bands ca t of his pockets snd swung Msric—Uh. 1 can choose all right, great poliliciau. —Philadelphia North Journal them abont to the Ineonvenlntee of lb» but neither cf the men seems able to Ami titan. Doctor—Don't be alarmed. 1 was , 'J he depth at which some of the Bel­ pedestrians.—P«-ar«on s Weekly. do «0!—New York World. sicker thun yon are a y o y . M * gian rotil miueaaru worked is suuiutimea with tlio « • » ís .iís n iJ r ñ same troubla. uMOff « SSL Oavaata ead Trade M a rta < I h s r a r t ,r l> o d . ministry prodigious. In u pit at Flenn the work f» Aft lOU) Watches are adjusted to beat and "Nan eat beali «ondar lad f»» if' well aud hearty. P«Nt»»1»L drawee or»»’ «: « J J , , « I is iww done at M, 7<»7 feeL in a pit at again ’ cold by l-eing allowed to stand first in •‘Confound that caddie, Patient < anxiously ► —Oh. r.uro-i«fcb»rra. _ M(,K Freuicriu at 2, (MX) feet aud in the HL ms, who - o s your physioiat ' ” W bat do yco mean?" a room bested with dry b«st to 12V de­ luand except at tbe tec!" P M M tia a a ra w t. A P a a « : i W« L e w w ^ hiriso"!’1? **bïîIî!sÎ corMl. Lia PManta - vntb r®»« "She is n-fsgrd to another clergy­ Andre pit nt Moutigny-eur-Bambre at 9 RSS»*!"** grees and then in cold storage, being "tort of a tea cuoaie, eh?"— Brook­ aa»tan4(Bamut>««a»aa»free. bury man. "—Chicago Record. $.W h feet regulated after each tronLmml. lyn Lifw — G A R D IN E R H .H . Barrett, Prop’r, , .¡Finnico and Head of Tide. N ORTHERN A Cleveland clergyman who is not given to putting on a long face either in his pulpit or out of it says that be­ fore he came here from the south he was one day asked by a young man to unite him with the weninu of his choice iu the holy bonds of wedloik upon tho evening of a certain day. “ I am very sorry,” suid tho reverend gentleman, “ but 1 shull be out of town upon that day. ” The young man was crestfallen, raid (but he had set his heart upon having that particular minister perform the cercmouy and asked if there wns uo possible way iu which it could te ar­ P a c ific , Ry. EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. * N S bb S w. II. MORRIS «•» HOTEL, THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, R. E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. Standard ON EUG ENE AND FLORENCE STAG E ROUTE. first T. O. MEMORION». *<•• B EAKIM. JN-. CASH " A. Attorney a t Law, A. Notary Fablic, Surveyor X notary public . P atents PATENTS C. e.v.av A. o G NO W W ACO-. k — . «a»««y • w IN «.$$*• far su * Dictionary