T H E W E S T . WAR NEWS. MINERALS ANO MINES IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Literarv. WOMEN AND THE WAR. Ataerlciui Scwoucuibt. —VOLI shco KvicRY ruiowv woo - mx « .—- The Spanish Fleet Destroyed. A Great (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) American Rebrsw N aw r: The American woman lias a part to Victory by Sampson. Talk ulioiit your Klondike t the south* play in the war with Spain. The oppor* Deep versed iu books but shallow in ern part oi ti e mate of Oregon, as a field tunity comes in the shapeofR movement F loxxxc «, L a s « C ocntt , O b so ok The American troopshij« Oity of Syd­ himself. ney, City of Peking and Australia con­ for mining enterprises is unexcel.ed in that has originated in Washington bv • R.-ason may cure illusions but not voyed by the Charleston arrived at the world. All precious, an I most of among the members of the American suffering. Cavite June 30th. They took Ladronc the useful metals are found therein such Women’s Patriotic League, hut it is a Rashness ami haste make all things islands on the way and established al,und*nL*- und 80 easy of access as to movement that may easily becomo Editor and Proprietor. military posts on them. The Spanish render ,heir production a prufitahle oc- general among the women of the United insecure. governor and other officials were can- cul*, t *on for thousands of men and mil- j' States. It is projajsed by the Washing- We can only reason from what is; we | wero cap­ ! lions of dollars of capital. You may ton organization to institute retaliate" ean reason oil actualities, hut not tured ami taken to Cavite. Florence, Or. July 8, 1898. board the trains of the Southern Pacific and reprisals against France on account jkissi ilitics. Dispatches of the 5th say -Admiral Railroad at Portland, and liefore reach- of that country’s attitude of sympathy Many are destined to reason wrongly; | TO BUILD THE NICARAGUA CANAL. Camara's fleet lias entered ing Oregon's southern lioundary line, all for Spain. Sensible and effective is the others not Io reason nt all; and others -------- canal. within 18 hours’ ride of the city of Port • policy contemplated. It will strike the 10 persecute those w ho do not reason, Tseoia* Lvdger: Sampson wires that he e has destroy ed |«nj , you meet cities of cosmopolitan as- French people just where they deserve The olisciires* sayings of tin' truly , The senate committee on the Nicara- the entire Cervera fleet at Santia -o and gua canal hae agreed o . a bill which taken the Spanish admiral and'Thfrtwn P®*'1’ 8,;1,0° l8 a n d »» along the to be hit the hardest-that is in their great are often those wind, . ontaii. the provides for the work being done by the hundred marine prisoners. Not a roa,1'vld'l. brings vou through of pockets, for it is on account of French- germ of the profoundest and mos use a marine prisoners. Not a the richest mineral lielts on the Aincri- i men's financial interests as holders of truths. government itself, instead oi aiding any single Spanish ship escaped. Oervera can continent, and with a climate where Spanish bonds and securities that the Faith evermore looks upward and company by a guarantee of houds or tried to break out of the harbor at 9:80 I the luborer or miner can work every moral support of France is withheld descries objects remote; but reason can otherwise. This policy will meet the o’clock Sunday morning. Sampson lost day throughout the year, and with wa­ from the United States. discover things only near,—sees nothing hearty approval of the people of this one man killed and three wounded. ter and timtier in abundance. The Washington members of the that’s above her. country, who have still fresh in their Sampson’s report says the Infanta The enchantment most appertaining American Women’s Patriotic League, ug O I 1 ' .. .........iiiiiiiu- , visa *- •• u A tan luviu ja ax. Mg tax , J Let jt‘l U I ,,nt (irc.in, tj1#t reason can memory the long and vexatious expert Alurio T encos of the government with the , were forced ashore' burn-d^an I ' ,0 A,a’ ka> wll*re thousands of eager men under l i e leadership of the wives of ever 1« popular. Passions, emotions, Cc railways. Lip within Smith.-o i nm.L" ' eot,,e witl' unli,,,'“!d ™Pital. “re rushing cabinet members, senators and other may be made popular, but reason ¡8 ever Furore and Pluton . the unUnown hardship., but it mat- influential people, are to pledge them- 1 t[ie property of the few. It now appears Io he possible, from all destroyed within four the report, made, that the canal can be , Oris.oh.l Colon was the last ship nip '“7 i 1“ '“ "".“. T Wl‘e,‘ 8tl“ “ ' selves to refrain absolutely from buying Coarse kindness is, at least, better constructed at a cost of about one bun- j turwl. 1U„ ashore six miles west of ' ‘ V ,“"*8 of ener- articles of any kind imported froat than coarse anger; and in all private 1 drod million dollars. With money i . 8. nli. go. I)elay bombardment at I r X on fi 7 the France. This is a woman’s waT of u* quarrel“ the duller nature is triumphant Plenty at three per cent, which would reque.t of foreign I 8oi,‘liern 0 r‘ g° » f“-‘ld8 or mountains, stricking a blow at the enemies of ber l>y reason of its dullness. make an annua! interest chrrgo of three ... , . 1 1 - HO,,ld 1,e followed by the develop- country, and if the plan is carried out „ Washington, July At 11:53 to- ment of permanent mining camps which it will he a powerful blow. How power­ Natural religion suppli.s still the facts ' million dollars, there is little doubt that night the navy department posted the would continue to produce the precious ful it will he can ho judged when it is ard 'J‘8«uised under the dogma ibe investment would prove a protitahle appended translation of u cipher cnbie- metal in paying quantities. Responsive remembered that during 1897 the oi l’°P«lar creeds. The progress of j one to the people of the United States I not to the feverish and excited efforts United States bought French goods to re’h’io" ¡8 steady to its indentity with l in i the i increased commerce that w 01,1,1 similar to that received today from | of die stampeder, but to the capital, , the value of $67,500,000. Tiiese were nioral8. be developed, let alone its value to the u , . , - government a. an adjunct to our navy | 8“u‘P*>n’ bul conta"'8 “ io «-id.tion.il | .kill, experience and business capacity almost wholly luxuries and composed Why is it that a blessing only when it It is not . t a l l impossible that the 11" “T ’ T 8paniai'd8 "Hhose who come after hi,,,. of articles chiefly for the use of women, is lost cuts as deep into the heart as a killo.1 or drowned, 10J wounded and , Such is the case in the mining die- Cut off this patronage for a term of sharp diamond? Why must we first canal will at an early day pay, over and 1,600 capturod. , tricts of Souther,, Oregon, where mining years, and France will feel it keenly. weep before we can love so deeply that above cost of maintenance anil oper- Washington, July 5.—It is given out properties arc being worked, or are but It is said that the women of New our hearts ache? ation, the interest charges, hut this Reid, and refine your appetite; learn would lie a secondary consideration iu here today that there will be no bom- j partially developed or wholly undevel- York and other large cities have caught comparison with the benefits that would bardment of Santiago today. Admiral ■ oped that equal in value and promiseof tiie patriotic infection and will make ' to live upon instruction; feast vour accrue to the commercial interests oi Sampson an I General Shafter will prob­ reward to capital, anything that could common cause against France. Let the mind and niorniy your flesh; read, and ably attack the city at the same time possibly be expected in any new region, movement become general through the tak ■ your nourishment in at your eyes, the country. ami which allure the prospector by en­ concerted action of every woman’s or- shut up your mouth, and che.v the cud If the government will take hold of when their plans aro completed. chantments of distance. ganization in the United States. It is , of understanding. this groat project anij push it to comple­ The deposits of precious metal are an admirab’e opportunity for the patri- i There are innumerable tion it will havo the approval of the SUNDAY 8ERVICES. questions to so widely spread in various richness I otic women to cut an important figure jieople of the country, who will be which thj^inquisitive mind can, in this Sunday School 10 A. M. that it will tie impossible in any reason­ in the war. To he effective it only state, receive no answer: Why do you materially heneüttcd by tho work. Preaching 11 A. M. ami at Point Ter­ able limits to notice all the various lo­ needs to be unanimous. Ladies, you and I exist? Why was this world race at 3 P. M. at Mapleton 8 P. M. Special music for the morning service. calities whero small mines are worked. have the floor created? And, since it whs to be creat­ CAPACITY OF BOXES. The Southern Oregon District, properly 1 G Knotts ed, why was it not created sooner? D IE D . Pasto1. speaking, embraces the five counties, -------- j I Lave been more and more convinced, A box four inches by four inches Douglas, Coos, Curry, Jackson and Jose­ Andrew Hoffman one of the pioneers tlic moro 1 think of it, that in general, square, and four and one fifth inches THE FRENCH EXPOSITION. phine, where tho Pacific Coast Gold of the lower Siuslaw died at his home pride is at the bottom of all great mis- deep will contain one quart. Mining, Milling & Developing Company, near Point Terrace June 29, 1898. The takes All the „n.„, . nc- t i »ciKtH. aii rne oilier passions do A box twenty-four inches long by j 8 r Chronicle: are at work developing, and from reports funeral was held June 30th ami the re- • , . . 1 0C sixteen inches wide and twenty-eight i Congress is displaying better sense received from that company’s headquar- mains interred In Point Terrace ceinc- ca',onal g00l*: b,lt " 1,en pri.le puts in j >ts word, everything goes wrong; and inches deep will contain a barrel (three ■ in (lie matter of the appropriation for ters, it will not be long before this com­ tery. He was liorn in Pickaway county, w'iat it might really lie desirable to do bushels.I j the French exposition than it promised pany’s stock will he at full face value A box seven inches by four inches to do earlier in the season. At one and earning good dividends to its in­ Ohio, April 17th, 1833. and came to quietly and innocently it is mortally Oregon 1875 settling on U'8 Siuslaw 1 dangerous to do proudly. square and four and four-fifth inches time there was a disposition to treat vestors. four years later. •leep will contain half gallon. seriously unofficial expressions of French He leaves a wife, four sons and on e1 T,,er® old Chinese proverb which The amount of ore in sight, promises A box eight inches by oight inches sympathy for Spain, ami to disregard the maintenance of the present produc­ daughter. They are Oornllins Hoffman 8:,ys: “ You can not prevent the birds square and four and one fifth inches the fact that the government of France ing capacity for many years, and it is es­ who resides in California, Telford, Ira of sadness from living over your heads and bmion of Point Terrace and Mrs illlt .. „ 5 ead8’ deep will contain one gallon. I has taken pains to preserve neutrality. timated by experts that this capacity, as M J Hadsall of Mapleton. A sister, ' ’n t -'0” ”UW preve,,t U'em from s-op- A box eight inches liy eight and two- The fact was overlooked that tliero was soon as machinery is provided for work­ Mrs. C Stulx lives at Roseburg and other 1>ing ,0 1)1,11,1 l,l»’ir nests in your hair.’’ fifths inches squaro and eight inches 8 curious eagerness displayed l>y the ing that which is in sight, will run over relatives in Ohio. Perhaps I have quoted this Liefore, but deep will contain one peck. | English newspapers to exaggerate the a million dollars. There is no pe rtep- J T ___ l__ if s°. 11 does not matter, for here is a A box twenty-four inches long by intensity of the pro-Spauieli sentiment in tihle diminution in the productiveness COMPLIMENTARY TO OUR READERS. 'rulh T'Mntly put, whi.tli we need to sixteen inches wide nnd fourteen inchus France. This should have been suffi-,’ of the lead taken as a whole, while the -------- 11,old L’onstantly in thought. We are too deep will contain a half barrel. cie.it in itself to induce congress to j I, discoveries are constantly 1-eing made Our readers will he pleased to learn ”I’t to invite ^‘«t sort of birds Io stop' A box sixteen inches by eight and proceed will, caution, for the obvious amongst their extensive claims, in- that the eminent physician and Bpeci- 3,1,1 nlake tlieir ne8fo. instead of sending two-Aftha luche« wido and eight inches purpose was to promote ill feeling in creases the capacity for production, I alist, Dr. Kilmer, after years of research tl,e,n al>u»t their business. The habit deep will contain half bushel. j the United States against the people e Southern Oregon is credited with hav- and 8tl,‘b’. I'«8 discovered and given to of pettin8 sorrows is one that is easily i p f A box sixteen inches squaro and of Francs, and those of the other Con i- ¡ng produced over $30,000,000 in gold t,ie world a most remarkable remedy, aetl uiruii. an'l the more s . wben people eight and two fifths luche, deep will tinental powers, in order to create a since its discovery in 1861. The C a t-, known ■’ Swamp-Root, for the cure of clieri8h tlic idea that it is the correct toutain one bushel. sentiment in favor of the mooted al-j cade Mountain District is the region l y - ' kidneT»,iver “n»'‘i-tnet» « little farther south are 1,ear‘y endorsement of «ll-up-.o-date The ,e,s,rt says that M eG ratÌ'T ; — | of friends, but luckily congress is not now attracting a great deal of attention Pbymrians, hospitals and homes. If J ”»fons 5f Turner and „censed him fused him of plausible. Tho catfish arc HUJIJIO»- in the mood to do foolish things; on on account of the recent rich strikes our «"«»> and women readers are in l el"g "” ,,l,afo with Mrs. McGrath. He c l to fight among themselves and tho contrary, it seems bent on pnrsu- there made when free milling ore run- need of « medicine of this kind no time t^whe?"TF 'I W "''lt * ,r0"’ ,lia ll0;l,e I tho dead fish are the result, while ¡mt a course which will retain for us ning $300 to .he ton, has been found <"‘ould bo lost in sending their name a few w o r d sL ^ w 7 'J 0r|kil,g “"J aiter! aosue think tho bass kill tho fish. J a'1*«“«"«* »1 being a desired within the past few months. and address to Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Bimr- Tliree men « A-m.’.-T .?”d ,ll0t I the same ; J , VW P A o n a * * . The Chamber of Commerce of Port- h*n,,un. N Y «"J receive a sample fi,'ld wer'’ « ¿'"esses "gin of the shooting. ’ CAR,V|AN. Throe pemous iu West Virginia, friend rather ihan a bated enemy. Had w eite n led into the folly of at- land should now take active steps tose- l)o“ fo «nd a hook of valuable inform-- McOra,,> •"»»«lintely IWve himself up — ic iiiiuruia* * , • '*■ •’* * no residing on the Blue Stone River. ., .i . . d ied from drink I » .I . . ' ,,,,,k« ",e r«Pr'8a|« u|M»n the cure a government assay offico for the 1‘ion« b®‘>'^nt absolute ’‘■» 'ree by mail, d ied from drinking the water wher French Imcnnse some of their news city of Portland. upon receipt of three two-eent stamps noon and McGrath charged 2 ;,h the fish have been dying in large papers wero incautious enough io p barged Among the minerals of Oregon, Riddle 10 ,'over t08t of postage on the bottle, n'nrder in the first legree. Ho quantitien. Every year brings , <*«d ««-n.p.ion that it >. Douglas county. Southern Oregon, The regular sizes may bo obtained at “i'**" «" «-.»inalion a?H?rrisbur, fatalities of this kind, and yot it is pr"p,‘ru,ld "a,»ra| for people of ti e possesses one of - the - few - great know n d c-Ithe i th e d r ..., .m r . . . u-.---------. wiil.r • • - l° UWait llle ««lion <1r“S " h,‘n writing I held please ortt'ie".^'/?^ "|, lH,l"la same race to . say you read this generous offer in the Turner ''' ' still unexplained. The U S Fish *i“ne rave 10 •y'»P»‘l»>«« with each posits of pure oxidised nicklc orc. yr Was about 19 years W kst . old, Mc- , other, we might have l>een plunge,I trratli 6o and iiig w tie 35. Commission should investigate it. commercial |ioint of view this is the into serious difficulties. Cong less has — F isu ik o G axkttb . A CARD. I however, kept in mind tho fart that most important mine in tho state. It is of high grade and of pracilically inex- The World's Great American papers have been silly “ Courage to write is admirable.’’ F*«i J H mith , of Tilhunook, ti endeav- enough to advance the same kind of hauttible quantity, and with the prom-1 T he above is from (.a il M aker in your Blood Purifier is ering to create a seutiment in favor of a inen.o which nicklc is assuming since it issue, Mr. Editor, of June 17th. Slit» arguments in favor of an alliance of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, iegrslative euactiuent otlering a hnunly was found to tie an important factor in alleges that these words were ad ln-ssed English-speaking penple, and has evi­ the manufacture of armor tor vessels of by W hich absolutely l,v me to her. I deny the charm. charge. Yo„ vi lOor 25 reme (or thè scalpa of flsli mi- war. G iro ,,o ore is strikingly .bund- are 0,‘ w’o"K trail sgsin my , KO k I ducks. Mr. .Smith «ava tòrse .lu. ka dently c,included that the best Cures every form of .. . . neighbor. I tiu] not, hi a covtardlv UQ- are not ornamentai or callide. Tliev are dote for the folly ¡g » hnsiness-l like ant in Sonlhern Oregon. It has entered gentlemanly and detestably Impure blood, from very destructive to fish in (he streams ....... the fact that the French inl° '"'""H-rce in a emull way ; a ehip- take a hatch of vonr items write*« are going to hold a great world’s (sir two l,#v*nfi been nwde to tho ' “tiiical criticism of the same e n.l it to .i.i.,. i >. . , Bclilo.nate manufacturers in Rahim ire S‘*" If»"*'**0 •'» •* mailed to von. i i winch we ought to lie mpre-ented .......... Further more, I do not know the villain or Glasgow. California mines are " who did commit the contemptible trick. for linainess and political reasons. Not ' ' ■«»»»'■■». .-oi supplying the greater part of the Aincri- 1 w ish I did that I might help you is the oppor- can chrome at nn average of $12 |«er ton thoroughly "roast” him. When the tu n ity which the annomiceincnt ol our delivered in San Francisco, no ore car- I*ast is caught please let me have the flitention topsrtiiipnte in the French rymg less than 15 per cent of svsquiox- first whack at him and the last one. Now Gall Maker don’t scold me for fairpreaenia 1« exhil.it to the rest o f. ide ol chromium, being able Io find sale, the world in a practical war that the Tiie real value of 50 per cent ore is not not quarrvling with your "dear hubby" | over a lanj contest ease in which I was ' twaddle about the Uni e l Mates h av leas than $80. as atated by first rate su­ intercste.1 only as an attorney. Gentle­ hatcheries. Fiali ducks are easily dia- ing an understanding with Kugl.tmi tlmritiea, Imt the trade ia in tlw l ands men do not quarrel. Christians will t.aguiahahle from dinks which sporis- and that we are ree.ty to array o-.v of a ver, few dealers who, to all intents not. Only boors nr fools quarrel or try men hunt. In view of their destructive- «elvee with the latter agaiust Conti- 1 and imrpoee, eonetituie a kind ol trust to provoke quarrels. 1 will not disgrace myself in tlia* n a -. aeea, Mr. Hudtb’e .proposition,. Io nental Kiir.,|«. is absolutely umleeerv , fo. keeping .low n tlw |*ice |wnd to pro- M ott Monuts exterminate llieui has merit. -Uceyenrán.. ing of cousiJerahou. , ducer*. '• Z which they frequent. Hmitli having a little spare time, now that the campaign r v M over, bos gmie to the trouble to figure that each female duck will raise a brood of twelve in a year; and that a brood will eat in a year 259,875,000 amali fish, principally minnows, which the food flehe« like and Salmon fry, which, at a large anueal expense, are raised at the o. ‘*Uccastogsi.." The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. 1 nousnnds of people Testify that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum. r * L dyspepsia. Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism, .And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hood's And only Hood's. PROPRI F Tf« tK iô* * W IA R j ^PRACTICAL ûReysiVs t e ; ]J * , Upmanship |¿>le9rap|)y y ampill óì’ POKTÄiaOR FOR SALE exchange . A house and |o. in » I M ., 2. • h»lf in lieigi.t. A,so R b °n premises. For hint "iruter . ' n