W « • >* V « I ! . . . THE W EST YOUR HOHE PAPER J J SUPPORT IT j w ----------LSL VOL. IX. general directory t r TT'-T-TF-TF^ ADVERTISERS CIUSLAW’S 01ÎL7 PATHS, OPPORTUNITY '■ L . FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July 8, 1898. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE HOW TO FIND A WIF J? * NO. 10r U . T v S U 4 IlM um ’ s m i. top, self looking desk, attended to the husband to keep her from discharging The man sitting on a salt barrel had errand, which included tho writing of both servants tlie same day and doing u letter, closed his desk, took the letter ull tho work herself. Mr. Smith knew, a hand ou which only two Ungere were» STATE OFFICERS- G A R D IN E R STEAM ER Tho man of vast k-aruiug and the to tlie i>ostoGiee aud started to au euter- however, thut her now theory waa the left, and sialng him up for a veteran of man of equally vast ignorance, the man taiunieut, where bo was to meet his correct oue aud readily consented to a tho war I asked him if he Jisdn’t been Will make'' STA Q H u n e . of sterling integrity aud the inau who wlfo. compromise pluu by which his wife has wounded by an exploding shell. "No, not as I remembers o f,” he re­ is utterly lacking in that most essential “ Chancing to put his hand into his since been o f greut usefulness iu the R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S quality, the man who is worth a m il­ pocket, ho uotioed witli u feeling slight­ home, where she is now a tireless work­ plied as he held op hla hand and turned Secretary oí &‘a te........ .. .11. R. Kincaid. it over and over. • Dei ween lion and the man who conldu’t raise 8 ly akin to hurror that his keys were not er aud the happiest of mothers. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Treasurer...................... .. l’liilip Metelien “ I thought that might have bean the cents before sundown if his life depend­ “ Care burdened wives and mothers iu their accustomed place. The loss "f Munt. Public Instruction----G. M. Irwin. days and Fridays. case, but yon probably got caught la ed on it—ull these, together with their ; a bunch of aud daughters here touigbt whose great­ keys is sometimes a serious H. Leeds. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ lítate Printer............... wives aud children, are alike in one matter to i business mau und may re­ est happiness is found iu ooutribnting some sort of machinery!” . .C. M. Idleman- days and Saturdays. Attorney General........ “ No, not exactly machinery, sor.” significant particular. sult iu great inconvenience, if nothing to the comfort of those yon love, your “ Gun explode in y o u hands!" Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ 1.... ..........R. 8. Bean Each individual has a hohhv nr, if worse. Mr. Brown bad been very care­ I it is au euviablo one, aud I believe you Supreme Court j . . . . ........F. A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. “ No, no gnu didn’t explode.” Also witli you pleas»., some pet idea, which, in ful for years always to put his keys in ­ consider it so. I urge you to be content­ C. E. Wolverton I gave it up at that, but after a few tho ease of uiuuy people, is brought to the same pocket aud to keep them ed with it. Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge j Judge Second District. J. W. Hamilton reasonable. forth by the .'¡lightest possible provooa there wheuover they were out of his “ The eccentric millionaire uncle of minutes the man looked np and said ; “ Stranger, you’ve seeu a Uoo, I reek- Prosecuting Attorney. .Geo. M. Brown tiou. my college ehum, Frauk Benson, died bauds. Alexander Dolldeuning belongs to “ Finding them gone, he hurriedly during the young man’s last year at on?" this class, and the happiest moments of felt iu the other pockets of his trousers school, leaving him, three years hence, ; “ Oh. y e a ” “ Seen 'em caged and looking a«berm- his life are when he is given an unchal­ r.nd in those of his coat and overcoat, provided he had married by that time, I ss as cats?” lì lenged opportunity to talk bi public or tho snug sum of $50,000. It at a given , hut to no avail. Ho then retraced his COUNTY OFFICERS- in private on his favorite theme. i tops to the postofllce, and from thero to date young Benson remained single be ; “ Yes; they generally look that w ay.” U Down in Gage county, several win­ bis place of business, lookiug constant­ was to receive ouiy $500, aud another 1 “ That’s the way I sixed np one In a E- B a n g s,__ Proprietor. ters ago, tlie young people of four neigh­ ly in front of him and on either side, heir, who would theu become of age, j cage in a circus. He lay there, looking so sleepy aud good natnred and harmless N boring districts combined in conducting hoping against hope for the appearance was to get tho balance. Judge.............................. .. .E . O. Potter. a debuting stxdoty. There was consid­ of his keys. Beaching his office, he “ Benson's worldly possessions that I thought it was a swindle on the Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, erable talent in each district, with a went back several times over the steps amounted to less than $4,000 when the public and I'd try to reuse him a b it ” . . . W. T. Bailey S Commissioners j ‘ " . H. D. Edwards Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6 a. degree of pride by no means small back ho remembered having taken thero and uncle died, and the sum which w a s' “ And so you poked him!" i queried. n t ., arriving at Florence the day Pullman of it, and then rivalry between the dis­ was especially careful to look every­ thus placed within his grasp looked' “ No, sir; no poking. I jest coloalat- Clerk.............................. ............E. II. Lee following at 10 a. in. was sufficiently sharp to fill the where under and around his desk. very large indeed to him. The handling J ed to gin his tail about three twists and Sleeping Cars tricts large schoolhouse iu which the meet­ Sheriff............................ . W. W. Withers “ It was now evident to Mr. Brown of vast amounts of mouey was right in i make him feel that life wasn’t all beef Returning-stage leaves Flor­ Elegant ings were held to its utmost capacity that ho had only repeated a former piece line with his ambition, too, and ho and bones and sunshine. I waited for Treasurer...................... ..A . 8. Patterson every Friday evening. Iu fact, it had of absentinindcdness by dropping the knew it would require a monster strug­ my chance, and then 1 reached my band ence on Mondays, Wednesdays . . . 1). P. Burton Assessor........................ Dining Cars become a mutter of general regrot that keys iu his desk nnd closing the top gle ou his part if it became necessary to in. How f u is it from a lion’s month Selnol Superintendent ...W . M. Miller and Fridays at 3gp. m., arriving uo building of still greater seating ca­ down, thus locking them up, aud so, us let this fortune pass into another’s to the middle of bis tail!” Surveyor........................ . . .C. M. Collier in Eugene the following day at Tourist "Several feet at least ’’ pacity could bo obtained for the use of on the former occasion, he borrowed a hand. Bnt he had never met the girl Sleeping Cars the society. “ I thought it was about a rod, bnt I Coroner.......................... .W . P. Cheshire 0 p. ra. screwdriver aud prexieeded to take the whom he would take as a lifo compan­ Justice pi Peace............ ...C . H. Holden The programme for the first meetiug desk apart. Au hour was consumed iu ion, even though this financial consid­ know better now. I hadn’t more’n gut 8T . PAUL * I iu December was of unusual interest, this way, for the desk was not made to eration was multiplied by ten—not be­ hold of his tail when he got hold uf me Coustable....................... . . . . E, A. Evans M IN N E A P O L IS and the houso was packed until there be taken to pieces every few mouths, cause all his lady friends were inferior and was gulping down them missing Un­ Single fare . . . - $5.00 DULUTH wus not standing room for another per­ nnd the task wus a difficult oue, leaving creatures, far from it, but for the tetter gerà Be wauted the hall hand sad arm, Round trip - _ _ _ $9,00 son. Each district was represented by tho man engaged in it very red iu the reason that uo one of them had ever but they beat him off. I thought at first FA R Q O its best mau in the debate whieh con­ faco when it was finished. But the keys shown herself able to disturb his heart, 1 wouldn't explain matterà, bat than I CITY OFFICERS. TO G R A N D FO RKS Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s stituted the main feature of tho enter­ iiad not been dropped there this time, and marriage with him, if it occurred thought I would. 1 look a good deal Ufa« C R OOKSTON tainment, aud the discussion was au ex­ und ho was now at his w its’ ends. at all, should be a matter of love rather a fool, don’t I!” livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd “ Hardly that.” citing one. The decision of the judges than finance. “ After pacing up aud down tho room W IN N IP E G President................... W II. Weatherson & Davenport’s office in Florence. “ Well, yoa do, and that’s why 1 ex­ as to the winning side produced great a little whila to quiet hism rvesand “ Tho condition in his uncle’s w ill H E L E N A *>"1 merriment on the port of about half the thiuk of some means by whieh the lost seemed unreasonable iu the extreme to plained. I waa fool ’nnff to twist a 0 . W. Hurd BUTTE audience, hut tliu defeated disputants treasure could possibly be found Mr. him, but, after all, as a matter of fact, liou's tail, and yoa may bo fool '»ufi tu Win. Kyle Board of Trustees and their supporters took defeat good Brown searched through thesamo Dock­ be did really want to get married if ho want to poke one in the eye, and su my MORRIS *** HOTEL, L. Christensen uaturcdly, and after a musical number ets aguiu, made another trip tj tho post- could only find his true mate, and the advice is ’Don't* "—ChicagoNew* M. Morris | had been rendered everybody was ready office, aud theuco to the place where lie plan took definite form in bis mind dur­ ... J. C. FLINT, Proprietor........ Tlu Frs TO for the next thing on tho programme, hud discovered his loss, then went to ing the remaining six months o f bis Recorder........................ .John H. Morris C H IC A G O T lo r s n o s , O reg o n . In the Roman period not only ■ which, according to enstom, would bo . . . .J. A. Pond the office of a morning newspaper and Treasurer ....................... school life to devote as much of the W A S H IN G T O N un extemporaneous speech by some oue paid for the insertion of an advertise­ next years as it required exclusive­ light hound» and aouut hound» fully Marshal.......................... differentiated, but thero were alao va- [ selected at the time by the society on a ment offering u rowurd for the return ly to hunting a wife. OUR AIM—To furnish tho best P H IL A D E L P H IA rioua kinda of lapdoga and house dags, subject given by tho chairman. of liis keys. “ When graduation was over and be So just nt this monieut a young man accommodations at reasonable NEW YORK "He was just iu time to accompany bad received his degree Benson lost no although nono quite like our modern SECRET SOCIETIES. in the rear part of tho house arose and, Mrs. Brown homo from the entertain­ time in undertaking his new self as-1 breeds. Even uafar back aa about «,‘XIW B O S TO N A N D A L L prices. being recognized by the cliuir, said: ment, and he told her that he should signed task. He went about it deliber­ B. C. Egyptian freaoooa show not only P O IN T S E A S T a»d S O U T H “ I desire to make a motion. We are probably not lie able to sleep a wink ately, however, aud oommonioated his grcyhouudlike breed* hat ana with drooping ears like a bound, and a third, For Information, time curds, maps and tickets honored tonight by the presence of Mr. that night, but as he entered tho bouse, purpose to uo one. F. ............. A A. M. Florence Lodge Mo. 107. etc., call on or write Regular communication on second Alexnuder Dolldeuning, a gentleman of feeling in bis vest p»x-ket for a match to “ The first five weeks were spent as which has been compared to the modern merited distinction in an adjoining light a lamp, liis finger touched the the guest of a oousla who was promi­ turnspit, while boose dugs and lapdoga and fourth Saturdays in each month. M c M urphey , W. W. NEELY, Propr. state, who is' spending a few days in missing keys. He had always thought nent in the legal and social circles of came in aoon afterward. Whether any O. W. H lbd , W. M. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, this vicinity as the guest of his sister, of the buuch as being too large to fit iu i Des Moines. There he met a score or of these arc the direct anoeetora of mod­ I. G. K xotts , Secretary. Tables furnished with all the EUGENE, OREGON. Mrs, Robert Ulevermate. I should like liis vest pocket and i * i didn't look there more of highly accomplished and thor­ ern breeds or whether all eaoh have very much to hear from the geutlemuu, | for it. He hud doubtless put it there un­ oughly attraotive youug ladies, eaoh of been produced by aabeaqaeot eeooaing la delicacies of the season. Wild A. D. CHARLTO N, aud I lielieve that 1 express the wish of consciously while in tho act of tuking a whom treated him with kindliest cour­ a very difitoolt qaeatiou to answer, more Assistant General Passenger Alrent. game, fish and fruit in season. Best this audieuce iu moving, as I now do, match front his pocket jnst after open­ tesy. Several of them satisfied every de­ especially when we reouilect that IX an A. R. 256 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. that he be requested to make the extem­ ing the desk. • meets second nud fourth Saturdays P o r t l a n d O r . mand uf his intellect, aud he tried to auoieut Egyptian artist had Io draw tho accomodations for the traveling poraneous speech which comes at this of each mouth at 1:30 p. m. “ This case strikes^yon as something place his heart iu as susceptible an atti­ portrait of a modern dog it would bo place on our programme. ” J. I. B uttkbfikld , Commander. , new only because yon are not business tude os possible, but it continued to be very doubtful whether it would be rec­ public. Charges reasonable. The Funk & Wagnalls Half a dozen members wero on their I men with self hxiking desks, but I um as inactive as ever, aud he came to ognized by its master or wlstreaa. J. L. F oksisii , Adjutant. But tho record of the antiquity of do- feet at onco to second the motion, and it persuaded that while I spoke of keys Richardson county, Neb., to visit a sif­ was carried with such a volume of voices yon were reminded of small pieces of ter and, so fur as he cun id, subject his cicsilcatcd dugs duo» nut eveu stop with E l k P r a ir ie H o te l. that Mr. Dolldenuing wus justified in fHrni machinery und articles of house­ heart for a mouth at least to the fem­ the earliest known Egyptian » o m - feeling flattered. O.V. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, hold use whose disappearance was just inine charms of a rural district. As at meuts. Not only wero aach breeds known Of The The chairman had been quietly in­ us mysterious, the search for which Des Moines, his intellect wus in several in Europe during the irou and • meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays each mouth. Members and visiting Twentv-three ages, but also during tho formed that the motion would be made was fully as long and disappointing, cases satisfied, but thut wus all. ENGLISH LANGUAGE |brethren in good standing nre cordially aud was requested to give what the in­ and the finding of which »xmnrred in ••He next put iu three weeks at «he neolithio or polished atone period. Miles West invited to attend. J. J. A nderson , M. U . formant knew to bo tho visitor’s pot the most unlocked for fashion soon aft- homo of u boyhood friend in Denver, These have beau described by Professors W m . K tlk , Recorder. idea us his subject. Beiug assured that er the search wus abandoned. Illn-tra- j then two months visiting an aunt in Rutimeyer and Woldrieh, and thorn of Eugene. COMPLETE uo ill feeling wonld follow and that tho tions of tlie truth for which I stand to- San Francisco, from which plaoe he who arc acquainted with the diffioalty SU C C IE N T society would hear sometbiug worth night are of common occurrence in the : came back to Atchisou county. M a, of distinguishing between some of the I 0 .0 . F. Heceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets listening to, he consented, and as Mr. life of every individual, and I rely up­ where a brother-in law lived, went next living zpecies by their skulls aloae w ill is every Wednesday evening in Iznlgc A U T H O R IT A T IV E Dolldenuing Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in came forward his subject on your personal expcrieuco to clinch to Minneapolis, thence to Chicago, paid understand the laborious nature of the good standing invited to attend. was announced as “ The Way to Find every point I make. j an oft promised visit to an aged relative task. Still these sathoritiee appear to J. J. A ndkkson , N. G. Anything Is to Quit Looking For It.” “ The clerk whoso first and constant in Pago coanty, la ., made a trip to Bos­ have made oat that tho Swiss neolithio 301,863 Vocbulary Terms A ndrew B kvnd , Sec. He had never lieeu asked to speak on aim is to find favor in the eyes of hie ton, where ho remained aovcral mouths, dug (Cauis palustria) had certain cranial a , 7 Editera and Specialista his favorite theme to such a large audi­ employer fuils iu at least nine cases ont s|ieut nine weeks in Indiana and con­ resemblances to both hounds and spM- S33 Reader, tor Quotatloa. ence before, aud a smile of genuine sat­ of ten until be quits lookiug for favor tinued to go from plaoe to place iu thia iels, and thus iodinated an advanced isfaction played upon his faco as he be­ and liegins with self forgetfnl singleness way, always making a most welcome type, whieh le considered to have boon 3000 lllu .tratton. CHURCH DIRECTORY Money Saved gan. of purpose and concentration of effort to visit to some special friend or relative derived from neither wolves nor jaotuds, Cost ever >960.000 “ Fivo years ago,” Eaid he, “ my bring about results lu dollars aud ceuta aud never forgetting the aeorct'object of bat from somo speoiee now extinct. Two Appendix ut 47.4*« Entries By BRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, daughter Ada, who was a schoolgirl 12 to his employer. The mau most out of his travels until he had spent from two other breeds have also been reeagnixed ■ Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabhatli- Patronizing it. came — down breakfast , »MTV* * years ----- of - age, ------- ------- to -- -------------- V«»* weeks to three months in 80 oommnnl- from the sapcrfluiul deposits of the con­ favor I,«»»» with uan his , employer of UUJ auy « I M ever _____ __ a. m. Preaching 11 acbool, 11) o’clock oue morning without the glasses she knew was the ouo who oxercised the tics aud formed tho acquaintance—a tinent, and ff, m is very likely to bu ¡o'clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of The full number of words and term« in finds it necessary to wear all the timo greatest care to anticipate tlie eveipr very pleasaut acquaintance, too—of 888 the case, any or all of them mom are the Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of Prop. different dictioimrie» for the entire alphabet in when studying and remarked that she wish aud thought of his employer, a l­ marriageable yoeng ladies, 27 of whom the forerunners of sumo o f the modsra January, April, July and October. ( je O . l l a l e M follows: S^ oumontii , 50,000; W o b c h m tib bad evidently mislaid them, as they ways endeavoring to plcaso him, and ¡Everybody is welcome to all the services, be had really tried to love, hat trying, breeds it w ill readily bo understood bow 105,000; W edstkr (international), 125,000; C en ­ could not lie found in her room. tho mau with whom this same employer failed, aud now, nine days from tbo complex is the origin of tbo mixed group d’astor requests Christians to make “ After breakfast she locked for them wus at all times ready to intrust auy in­ time limit set by his uurle's w ill, it which we now call Cauls familiar!* — tury , (six volniiief». complete,) 225,000: themselves known. business cards - in the dining room, where the family terest, however great, rewarding him was ctill true that he bad never met the Knowledge. I. G. K notts , Pastor. STANDARD, over 300,000; ______ ________ _ had speut the previous cveuiug. My accordingly, was the one who w as most lady whom auy financial consideration, •“ T w o s t i l s N ig h t I wife soon joined in the search, and as , thoroughly . indifferent . . . . . „ „ as to tho sbow- however large, would induce him to Mr. Clnreceo Oook contributes to The .Sam ple P ages t r e e ............. the time approached for Ada to start to ing he made iu the presence of his em- wed. Century an article on “ The Author of M " S 8T PE. S gP i u c " f f i " BAIiK _____ school I, t»xj, begau looking for the ployer. “ He gave up. allowed the other heir much wanted glasses. ‘The same truth npplies even with to c»,nio iuto possession uf tbo money *A Visit From 8t. Nioholaa’ "—Clem­ •iid Acme two Sundays o( each mont ii O F EU G EN E. ent C. Moore. Mr. Cook says of the ori­ “ The kitchen und tbo parlor were also morn emphatic force Li finding happi- Sunday at Sabbath-School every whieh might havo been his, aud cheer­ gin of the familiar poem: ACENTS W AN TED . gone over carefully, nnd each one of us ucas. Did it over occuj to you that tho . MENomoxs. m a S a »**"•- J" • 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ fully applied himself to business, firm­ V.» Mr. William 8. Pelletraao, in the ia- „ at different times went to tho girl's individual who makes 'the most direct day evening at the church. Everybody ly resolving that If be ever married he tereeting account of Dr. Moore’s ill« room, thinking perhaps they were there effort to be hapfiy usually w»*arH the cordially iuvited. G. F. R ounds , >60,000 should meet tlio woinau by ebanoe or which he has just published, tails as RAID UP OAtM CAPITAL, Pastor. iu some obscure place, aud every time >60 000 E . D. BRONSON & CO, ouo of un failed to find them iu Ada's longest face iu the commiiuity, while Providence and not by going out to find that tbs " Visit From h t NiohulM" was SURPLUS AND PROFITS, the ono whose (lays are filled with use­ her. written in 1822 m a Christinas present Pacific Coast Agents room or uuy where else the dining room fulness aud nights with sound sleep “ Just 15 days after the fortune pass­ for bis children, and that a yonng lady was given another going over Even comes tip smiling ut every turn iu tho SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ATTORNEYS A C C O U N T S S O L IC IT E D ed to the other heir Beuson wus driving visiting the family oopied it iuto her al­ the front porch and the hack ste-i« aud road which leads to the valh y cf con­ . OREGON ucross tho ooautry on a matter of busi­ bum and seat it, unknown to Dr. Moore, O,u Market S t. EUGENE, I the stairway were searched for tha mias- tented old age! ness when lie was caught iu u severe to the editor of the Troy Beutinel, who i ing article, aud the girl went to school “ The man who spends $30 a week in Sadly 51Uin»tffd. A. C. WOODCOCK, windstorm ten miles from the town in printed it without the author’s name in I firmly convinced that the house had an effort to find happiness is, so fur us notaries . Mrs. Brimby—No, marriago is not which he had settled ami turned iuto a the issue of «hat journal for Deosmher been entered iu sorno mysterious way by my observation goes, exceedingly miser­ wbat single persons thiuk it is. 1 used farmhouse for shelter. There ho met a 23, 1828. Prom the newspaper it iound thieves during the night and that her able in comparison with tho man who to thiuk that Brimby and 1 were made Miss Nettie Kosebud, who straugely its way to tbo school readers and speed- for one nuother, hut we are sadly mis- glasses were stolen. My w ife’s sister, lias only 80 cents to spend iu that way. «tirred up a veritable windstorm in his ' ily liecame a great favorite w ith ehU R. BUTTOLPH, A. who has a reputation for finding things, auge “ Tbo most unhappy woman that I O regon mated. heart lx fore be had known her au hour, dreu all over the country, _ 7 snd 8 McLaren*» Biilldinr. Mrs. Person—Why. you surprise me. j was to arrive ou a morning train, and I ever knew was a Mrs. bmith, whose en­ aud she wasn’t dresxcd iu her Snuday Mr. Pelletreau tails us that Dr. Moore assured Ada os she left thut her aunt *P«ci»l attention given to collections sud pro- tire energy wus devoted to having a Mrs. Brimby—AI m , it is too true. liest cither, as the other 288 girls bad •tbnr wss jnst their size. related, in which the most diligent greater that bitteruesa became. Thus for it.” ita ñama from tba Rs». Andraw Oa*t, * ^«pvRiaNTaÄe- Mr. Dnlldenuing took bia seat amid ministar tn Aberdeeosblre, who, dsriug Now they borrow her elotbee.”— Bou­ search fnih-d to lU