: e w e s t IIB «VIST Royal auWtaa the para, w Roles»« • as4 dellciooa* FRIDAY MORNINO— _____ A Grand Celebration Includ­ in g Music, Recitations Addresses Etc. sic«, L ax « C ounty , O bzoon .— — THE 4th AT FLORENCE by - • • [. WEATHERSON liter aud Proprietor. Ball Game at 2:30 P M kMs: <1.60 a year in advance.----- & aki H0 jd at the post-office at Florence, punty, Oregon, a« eecond-class Btter. i 1, 1898. W E S T B IN Q S . , A O Funke'a (or your haying baking powprs co., wrw vowu Ella Saflev had to leave work at the Morris for a for days to care for a burned hand. The San Francisco Examiner and the W est fur one year (2.50 paid in ad­ vance. Hood's pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. A fine Racine buggy $42.00. Also second-hand buggies and wagons F. I.. Chandlers, Eugene, Guard: The run of 1,251,003 logs for the Eugene saw mill are mow arriving in the boqm at this city. They are the finest lot of logs they ever contracted for. Wait for him. Wait for him. He will be at Florence on the 10 of August to take your pictures and give you satis­ faction. A Hickethler, the pbotog-aplier of Drain. D W Stibbens, Cecil Sweet and J G Wisdom, appraisers, have filed their re­ port of the value of property in the es­ tate of Alfred Mason, deceased. The pro;erty is appraised at $1330. The mail from Eugene now leaves Florence every morning and arrives nt Eugene in the evening and arrives at Florence in the forenoon of the next day. Thia gives six through mails per week each way between those places. Some increase in the service over eleven years ago when the carrier made one round trip each week, the carrier taking the entire time (or his journey. D ance K v a n ln p . Absolutely Pure «1*1X0 RATBB MAD« KNOWN OX AP- PLICATION. Wees 8 cents per line» each Insertion July D in n e r —N u m e r o u s H aces—O d d F a llo w s * f e te iS j ence, Or. A F r e e B o a t F r o m H e a d o f T id e — B a s k e t la Y td A ¡Three D R O W N E D IN C L E A R L A K E * « c h a s te r aud O tto U e rg m a n B e n e a th th e W ave«. S in k X u b u d jr H aw (h e A c c id r u t . Miss Ida Schuster and Otto a son of Capt. John Bergman of the Um|>qiia river life saving station were drow ned in Clear lake Friday afternoon. It is not known exactly how the accident occured. Miss Schuster who been working at tlie Umpqua river life saving station lor a year or more came up on Barrett’s stage Thursday for a visit with her parents bringing with her Capt. Bergman’s youngest son, a boy some six years of age. They remained in Florence till Friday afternoon when they crossed the river and started to Mr. Schuster’s residence bat never reached it. Obtaining an old boat they attempt­ ed to cross Clear lake though a strong wind was blowing that day and tlie boat was unsafe. Evidently tlie boat upset near Chas. Harwood's ranch ami the occupants were drowned. Nothing was known of the accident till next day when Miss Schuster's brother came to Florence to meet her and was told that his sister had left on her way home the day before. He returned home and as she had not appeared search was made and the tioat bottom upward with her valise in it, was found by Len Harwood about 4 o’clock Saturday. Search was made for the tiodies and they were found about 9 o’clock Sunday morning in about 30 feet of water. A message was sent to the life saving stntion as soon as their disappearance was known and Capt. Bergman came up at once. He took the remains of his son to Gardiner for burial. The funeral of Miss 8ehuster was held Monday fore­ noon and the remains interred in the Odd Felllows’ cemetery at Glenada. I G Knotts, President of the day. J J Anderson, Marshal. Sunrise Salute of 13 guns W LFisk 9:30 A M formation of procession, on Front street, near Morris hotel, left resting on Washington street, headed by Florenre Cornet band and march to the picnic grounds. All the citizens on the river are requested to join in this parade —The following is the program for the day after arrival at the grounds: Music Columbia the Gem of the Ocean By the Band Prayer I O Knotts Music Choir Reading of Declaration M L Tower Music America Choir and Audience Recitation Lillian Harwood Oration M O Wilkins, of Eugene Music By K*1»1 Poem Gertrude Harwood Recitation Miss Noffsinger Music Olioir NOON. B asket D ikxkb . 1 :30 P M Sack Race, 1st prize $1.25 2.1 75 Boys Race 10 to 15 years prize $1.25 A 75 Fat man’s race Purse $1.25 A 75 And numerous other races and games S U N D A Y 8 E R V IC E S . Ball gamo l*»rae $20.00 Coffee with croam and sugar will be Sunday school 10 a m. furnished free to all. Preaching at 11 u in and 7 :45 p in. Steamer Lillian has been chartered to A cordial invitation to all aerviees. run on this day, carrying the visitors I G K notts , pastor. free of charge. Leaves Mapleton at 7 A M sharp. Returning will leave NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Florence about 5 P M or immediately Land Offlce at ltoseburg, Oregon, after the hull game. JuueB. 1S88. Grand Ball in the evening, given by Notice 1« hereby given that the lullowliig- mtined settler has filed notice of his Intention the I O O F Lodge, in their building. PAY WHEN CURED. Desirable DR.W.B.SÁDRDE8S&C9. The Ablest and Most Successful Specialists in the World. They guarantee a complete cure at Your Own Home, aud allow you to pay when cured. Stars in Lost Manhool R e s M . Thousands of promising young men have their lives and future usefulness wrecked by INDISORETION AND PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ tenance and in the actions of the vic­ tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ ed, other organa become affected, and sooner or later there are serious results. Our New Method Treatment will posi­ tively cure these diseases. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are thousands of you who have committed offences against the laws of your na­ ture, and are now payiug up for it. Those weak, aching backs, lxjaaof Sex­ ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Frequent and Painful evacuations of tlie Bladder accompanied by more or less smarting and the escape of par­ ticles of albumen in tho urine with ropy sediment, all point to the decline of your manhood. There are hundreds who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctors will guarantee a perfect cure in. all such i-Hses, and healthy restoration of the Genito Urin­ ary Organs. READER—Are yon in trouble? Have you been treated and never cured ? You dare not risk a return of the dis­ ease. It may appear when happy in domestic life. Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, consult us confidentially. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) for our interesting book. “A Warning Voice." Sent free. All letters kept strictly private and confidential. All answers sent plain sealed euvolope. No 0 . O. D. business. I_,ITE3R,-A-TTTR,E3 And The 7 L I= IT S a n d . S C I E N C E S - paper, Stoves and tinware, F. L. n , Eugene. jtenipiece for the new boat was Sold W ith place yesterday. irices on anything write F. L. irs, Eugene, Or. lessian fly < b said to be daniag- at near Pendleton, wagons—beat on earth. Fresh at F. L. Chambers, Eugene. Black jr., a Chinaman born in intry has enlisted in the army, uet of choice roeee were sent to Ice Saturduy. Accept our thanks ilvin. in Fly-doors and windows, Build- ware and tools at bottom prices, hambers, Eugene, i II Morris took the first lesson in steries of OJd Fellowship Wed- I evening. None who are engaged in any of the mechanical Shroeder nnd family are now ig in Florence. They occupy one pursuit« can succeed without reading and I Bergman houses. studying this standard Magazine of Science« r mencing July 1st I will pay 12*» ■per pound lor unsalted butter. and mechanical Arte. It is illustrated with O W K urd . all modern cuts of latest invention« iu all ,rthur the photographer, arrived to make final proof i t support of hl« claim, and jnce yesterday and will remain the branches of mechanism, and ite fund o f that «aid pro,>f will be made before V. if. Hol­ G R A N D BALL* o or three weeks. Phonograph den, U. 8. Commissioner at lak e Precinct, Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. knowledge is inseparably oounected with in­ ncction witli gallery. Douglas County, Ore., on August 8 ,1H9S, via: PERSONALS. Heeeta Lodge, I O O F will give a Uariua w. Vanderburg, on h. e. no. 6674 for the mother column we print the pro- ventor« aud mechanics. Sold with T xa WRITE TODAY. aaU. no li seyi, sec 82; nwK •»!<, see »3: tp. dance on the lower floor of the Odd Fel­ for the celebration of Independence a., r. 11 west. W est at dubbing rate«.* L E Bean has returned home from lows’ building in the evening of July 19 He Florence. Everybody is invited, names the following witnease« to prove Address 4th, 1898. Good music will he furnisned. his continuous residence upon and cultivation Eugene. out and enjoy yourselves, Dr* W* H* S au n d e rs & C o . M arion M orris of said land, viz: M J Hadsall was in Eugene the first iring mowers and binders—the 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Mich. 8 J S eymour Byron W. Dorsey, of Ada, Ore.; James C. Pint, T J N eely that you don’t have to buy extras of the week. John L. Furnish and Arnold Karnowsky of J A Pond was at Gardiner several Florence, Oregon, [Bee them at F. L. Chambers, Ticket» 50 cents. Ladies free. R . U . VkATCH. days this week. Supper can be obtained at tlie Morris le. Register M tb . W A Cox spent several days in Hotel for 75 cents per couple. [I Ilolden has moved bis office from Eeverybody invited S H IP P IN G A N D M A R IN E . Id Fellows’ building to the one town the first of the week. W H W eathbrson irly occupied by Joe Morris jr. as Ira Bray postmosterat Minnie was in M arion M orris The steamer Miami, Capt. Day, ar­ iety store, Florence Saturday evening. W L F isk rived here Saturday with new goods sureyouare right and then go II II Hawlew of Bohemia Is taking a E L E C T IO N C O N T E 8 T * for our merchants. She left for A aquina Be sure you get Hood's Sursa- look at the Siuslaw valley this week. Monday morning returning late in the ’illa and you may confidently F E Fremont brought in a band of It is announced that W H Baughman evening the same day. st it will purify your blood aud give about 60 goats this week to stock his Tlii« monthly magazine ia one of the very late union enndidate for commissioner The schooner Bella, Capt. Smith, ou appetite and strength. ranch. will contest the right of H D Edwards arrived from Seattle Manday evening best printed in this country, and is Mid Guard: Died.—At Elk Prairie, June Chas. Gettys came in from Bohemia republican to the seat to which the She will take out the lnmlier at the 1898, of paralysis, Richard Dui.cin, to spend the Fourth with friends on the to all subscribers at rate« within th« official count showed that he was elected Spruce Point mill with enough from the god about 70 years. The interment river. by one plurality. Cushman mill to make a load. ccored Wednesday afternoon at the ability of all to pay. I t ia finely ill«« W H Spaugh and W E Warren came This will make it necessary to recount Yittirow cemenery. in from the valley Wednesday with all the ballots for commissioner cast Rt l l e v a r « o f O in tm e n t» f o r C a t a r r h th a t traced and presents the names o f fam«M C o n ta in M e r c u r y . Tuesday was Edith Wetmore’s ninth loads of goods. the late election in this county. The authors as ¡contributors. Tnn W w t lirthday and her parents planned a Mrs. Morgan and sister, Mrs. Smith contest will come before the circuit ’prise party and invited about twsnty- returned Monday from a week’s visit at udge snd will probably be heard early As mercury will surely destroy the and the Cosmopolitan ar« Mid at ra- of lier young friends to spend the Sutton Lake. in July. sense of smell and completely tleraage irnoon with her. A jolly time is dueed rates at thia oflot. the whole system when entering it Have you noticed how smiling Capt. BASEBALL G A M E . irted. through the niucoua surfaces. Such Hurd looks? Mrs. II has returned from articles should never be used except on 'he keelsons of the new vessel are her visit to Portland. In the game of ball between Mapleton in place injide the frame work. The Miss Chase came in from Eugene this and Acme clubs last Sunday the score prescriptions from reputable physicians, ivy timbers were moved from the week and is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. stood 19 to 6 in favor of Mapleton. as tho damage it will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from nd to the places for which they Fremont on Maple creek. Quite a change from the game of two them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ designed easily and quickly by A party made up of George Morris, weeks liefore which stood Mapleton 7 to tured by F J Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., aid of machinery. Joe Morris jr, and wife and Misses Acme 19. Evidently tlie Cbittem Peel­ contains no mercury, and is taken in ­ laleb Gray, a Halsey druggist 60 years Hanna and Whitmore went to the beach ers were able to interest the Clam ternally, acting directly upon the blood Diggers w ithout much extra practice. age, has been fined $100 and sentenc- last Sunday for a picnic. and mucous surfaces of the system. I11 to 30 days in jail for selling liquor A R Buttolph and W A Potter went to K< lo cate Y ou r H o w e ll W ith Cascarets. Inlying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure to "We do not take possession of our ideas hut are possessed hp I Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. ithout n license. Gray is a man of Eugene last Friday to give testimony 10c. 26c. It C. C- C. fa ll, druggists refund money. get the genuine. It is taken internally, They master us and force us into tho arena, th respectability and prominent in concerning the will of Thomas Lace, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F J TA X O N BANKS. Whore like gladiators, wo mnat fight for thorn." lurch affairs. deceased, and returned Wednesday. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 76c. per bottle. | Franklin W Osburn, son of Mr. nnd 8uoh io the exalted motto of the Arena, and the Dried Apples, T a C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r* Register: It has l*een figured out Hall’s Family Pills are the best. (rs. Osburn of Eugene, is the successful Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. that the banks of Oregon, in rough entire contents of this monthly magazine pmpetitor at the cadetship examination U C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund moucy. Peaches, Pears, A L P H A C L IP P IN G S * numbers, by reason of the war revenue eld at Salen and will leave soon for are upon a plane and in keeping with ite bill, will contribute $15,634 a year to­ Lnnapolis, Maryland where if he passes Prunes, Berries, M A R R IE D . B y E vxn C hano «. c wards the war expenses of Uncle Sam. motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent he required examinations he will enter Fish, Clams, The bill provides that bankers employ­ llie naval academy. At Point Terrace, Or., June 2?P 1, ing a capital not to exceed $25,000 shall Jane 27th, 1898 thinkers is a gronpjot interesting men and The me W vv est uno has for ««, sale ne,*r **••— one year’s — - 1898 Mr. I.enter Ogden and Miss Ethel pay a tax of $50, and that those employ­ AND A L L ^ . -------- Mr, Clayton Po|>e has twen elected women, and their thoughts are worthy the nition in the Holmes Business College : Kennistou, Rev. I G Knotts officiating ing more than $25,000 capital, including constable and Mr. G Lundy J P. The W --------- est extends congratulations. f Portland. This is one of the leading' — — 1------- ----- the surplus, shall pay $2 for every o> nsideration oi sd people. The Arena is C A Potterf has picked 120 gallons of xiainess colleges on the coast, having additional $1,000 of such capital. Fig strawlierries and Mr. Tabor 85, w ith the sold with T x rt Wnrr.| English, Commercial, Sliorthand and uring upon that basis the banka in lame crop altout half gone. BIDS WANTED. Telegraphic departments snd we offer county will be assessed as follows: M r. H J Tabor and son Ernest left ;liis tuition on easy terms. Eakin A Bristow, Cottage Grove, Sealed bids will be received by the Monday for Pendleton where they will capital, $27,200; tax $SL Tlie newly elected county officers will trustees of Heeeta Lodge, No. I ll, I O work during the summer. Eugene Loan A Savings Bank, capital, inter upon the discharge of their duties 0 F of Florence till Wednesday, July We are reliably informed that there $57,000; tax $114. it Eugene next week. W W W itbers 6th. 1898 at 7 o’clock p m for painting may lie some four or five of our fair First National Bank, capitul $1(12,500; succeeds A J Johnson as sheriff; E L the outside of their building. The build­ belles change names during the next Lee b«!ComeB clerk in plnre AC Jennings; ing is to be given two coats of paint of tax $205. Lane County Bank, capital $60,000; three months. Win M Miller succeeds 0 8 Hunt as straw-color with darker trimmings, only There was a picnic given by our School Superintendent und II D Ed­ the best materials to be used and the Ux $100. Farmers snd Merchants Bank, of school last Saturday and every body wards succeeds J T Callison as com­ centractor furnishing everything needed Junction City, capital $50,000; tax $100. was inviteil to come ami help eat straw­ missioner. for the work. berries and cream. Mo-To-BaM! fo r F if t y Coots. The right is reserved to reject any and It is announced that II J Day will be Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak Miss Elinor Hale who has been st chief deputy when W \\ Withers takes all bids. men «1 rona, bkaxl pure. bOc.lt- A ll druggists. Acme for memu to have prospered nity. W II Service takes charge of the army words, table of distances, com­ ; most be cancelled by putting on it tlie Alene-Ganliner mute; Joseph Morris manders of U 8 ships and army corps, > initials of the maker and date «4 cancell­ judging from the twenties they are sending home. that from Linnena to Florence; James list of U 8 regiment« snd their com­ ation. A heavy penalty is imposed lor W r ite F u r C ir c u la r More new settlers on Deadwood and Dick from Minerva to Mapleton : Potter manders and other information very issuing a check without affixing the more coming. This is the « ideal valley, A Campbell to carry between Mapleton useful and valuable at this time. The necessary stamps. J. H. M O N T E IT H very fertile, easy cleared and tlie most and Eugene, while A F Hard will still book fits the vest pocket and ia np to land under cultivation of any of the look afte» the mail sacks between Flor- date. Send Ch»e. S Fee, General Pas­ Glenadi, 25* 5O< ___ _ ____ E R IT I’ g l'< n Hoofi’» Rin, | | coast streams. We want six more ence and Mapleton and the veteran ear­ senger Agent, N P R, Ft- Peni, Minn., ABSOLUTELY G UAH AW TEED Sarsaparilla tlie largest »»If» *" wi(le families with from 2 to 12 lier H H Barrett will continne hit tripe ten cent« and the book is yours. Oregon. pi. j0"****í™; jyjLT ■ i^iVi'■ ‘i0?-:*! »*”■ ?T7»*V fTn * r» the world and emMes it to accomplish , o w m , ,anJ b-rtiii C U R E «« Gardiner as in previous years. >1 Scientific American. i i THE EnsM npnuTAN, WORLD BEATER • » » $ ♦ • CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. THE ÄHENft VEGETABLES. ALWAYS READY SAFE, DURABLE LOOK OVER THIS GROUP (MAKE YOUR SELECTION.E Dries for 50 cts., per T ot $ 2 5 to $1© 5. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. iNDV CATÌ1A8TIC ¿ubccVvcto CURtCOItSTIPATIOIt M