ff H E »-PUBLISHED W E S T EVEUY rillD A Y I" ' h . By a W est CoRBEseoxDruT. MOU N ING Graiitl Celebration at Flor cnee. - IL W E A T H E R S O N E d ito r an d Bs Cnrßd_8t Bonis. Three wtiuM.amo «au d.llcimx -E lohencb , L ane C ounty , O kkgon .— - - BY GREENLEAF ITEM S. ttuyal m a k i. th e food p u r., E x c e lle n t P r o g r a m o f .M usic, O ra l ltn c * e . U n ii G a m e , B a s k e t P i n ­ n e r —h r e e li i a t, P ro p rieto r. ry, T h ere’s no more fr e silver nor free silver talk herealsm ta since th e enow 1 storm of the Otli. H enrv Tabor of Alpha expects to move away lor g,ssl Inis fall. He is one of the kirn! of neighbors we do not like J Io lose. PAY WHEN CURED. O i l J IJ U U tl'J T he Ablest an I Most-Successful Spe, ia'isis in the W orld. They gn tr a ire c a com plete euro Your Own Home, and allow you pay when cured. Desirable Mr«. Ahnasi «lues not im prove in V ne' g io bear th e report- of e m- healtn a« lait as was expected. Io far’ m ittees appointed iwo weeks ago an 1 slie is 00 iielh r liiHii she whs stone tim e Entered at the poat-otfice ut Florei to c 'in p le ie arrangem ents for e e ic iri- ago ami keeps tier l ed nearly nil the Mie county, O regon, an sei-nnd-el; hai! m a tter. t ng the F ourth was held in the Odd tim e, Absolute!/ Pur» Fellows’ hall Monday evening. | Supervisor Rowe o f tlds road d istrict fo e com m ittee appointed to solicit feel« j 1st I v proud of the im provem ents BATES M OIK KNOW'. FUCATI JX. funds repur ed th at th e eitisens had cud - in tin highways. The Peivltv-jial dis- 9 cents ;»-r line, erteli L T T lousunds of prom ising young men ii‘ 1 very 1; r.,|iy. T ie coium i'tee tri, r ids, t o, s' w in re im prove- WOVAt PAK’MO Pftwors CO.. NFWVOSJÍ. i r, ..1 ..III ma e a report which after tin 1. Is lor 1 he lax t-x pended th an for I have th eir lives an I future usefulness » F lo re n c e , Or. J u n e 24, 1898. some changing was adopted. After many a long year. Ed Potterf is sup'ei- ijwre ked by IN D ISO R ETIO N AND Potatoes are scarce in uur m arket now. k PR IV A T E D ISE A SE S. D ie sym ptom s some discussion it was voted to visor 1 hero J The Ralph M , ong was to sail from select a com m ittee of th ree to have S 8 and W alter Milles ... „ ,,,, „„- , until cured, are jMirtptyed on tne coun- W E 8 T IÄ N G S . of Chieka- J San Fram-isco for the Siuslaw a lew days charge of tlie work of preparing th e hom iny ereek ami th eir fam ilies crossed 1 » ,e n a n ’’e an 1 *n lt,e Actions of th a vic- ago. n srluxii b I osb « to la y . IM « p grounds and m aking th e necessatv Nelson m ountain and picnicked on , j*’”’’ If neglected or im properly tre a t- <> ring to S atu rd ay ’s storm the lecture ar'r rugeinenta for holding th e celehrn- Nc,son creek on the 12’h. Thev ! p ' l - h e r organs tte.-o.ne affected, nnd J (il l- goods at Carm uT*8. , at Acme whieii was to he given the ' ti 11. Mt srs. W ilson, Pond and sttaw i erries and cream and other nice i '!<,o" >',r ,r '« ter there are serious results, | ist poned. K no tts were chosen as th a t com m ittee. eatables and caught more tine tro u t in L*ur -^eA M etool rre a tm e n t will pusi- G reen peas in th e m arket this week. Il was voted th a t a com m ittee on the creek than they could all eat, carry l i v e l y i ure these diseases. The schooner Bella will probably W all paper, Stoves ami tinw are, F. L j visit th e Siuslaw soon, as it is reported transportation »>0 appointed hv the M IDD LE-A GED MEN’—T here are ; ing home a good load of them . |ntiii'-ers, E ugene she sailed from Seattle for this place ch air to arrange to run a boat from! The new Deadwood cnustnhlrt appear? i thousands of von who have c o n m itte d offences against th e laws of your na- Me si !’• wer and Feilm. n went to some days ago. l'liis ie her first trip head of title and return to aeeommodute Sold SW ith to have commenced making a r r e t s on a it jo« yesterday. ; here since she sailed on her nlaiden the foiks com ing to Florence on th e 4’h. large scale already. He was seen carry p a r e , and are now paving up for it. jj Those weak, aching hacks, Lossof Sex­ M Morris, J C F lin t and J J Anderson fo r prices on an y th in g w rite F. L. voyage last November. ing oil a whole wagon load ol people t he ual Power, F ailing or L ost V itality, were appointed Rev. I G K no tts was lum bers, Eugene, Or. A fine Racine buggy $42.00. Also oilier dav, amt its nothing uncom m on F requent and Painful evacuations of chosen pri-si lent of Hi day and J .1 I S ehreuder of G lenada was ( inm it- second-hand buggies and wagons F. 1,. to see him with one. Tlie pre« 11.m l th e B ladder a-co npanied by more or Anderson m arshal. | C ham bers, Eugene. prisoners do not tteion Io take it sorelv ! t < the i ane asvlinii last week. less sm art ing and the es-ape of p a r­ The program for th e forenoon pro­ to heart. 1’rehahly Clavton treats them The Robarts is expected to arrive any Bain wagons—best on eartii. Fresh tic le s’ of album en ill the urine with vides for several pieces of music, read ­ well. day ftom Seattle w here she 1ms been ¡■load at I1’. L. C handlers, Eogene ropy sedim ent, all point to th e decline ing ui to e D eclaration of Independence, 1 SO CIA L t V c N f . B upeiint-li-lent H u n t will hold a 1 since M arch. She will do towing here an oration, recitations etc. T here will ; of your m anhood. T here are hundreds le h e r's in stitu te at Jasp er tomorrow again. who die of this difficulty, ignorant of tie a basket d in n er for which ceffee with 1 -------- O regonian: I t is reported th a t a cream and sugar will he furnished free the cause. The doctors will guarantee A very pleasant party was given last ! have had considerable Oregon , S aturday evening by Miss Stella Beau : a perfect cure in all such cases, a id pt, hut S aturday it was real rain th at num ber of ihe salmon which on being to all. turned out from the hatchery three years A fter d in n er th ere will lio a n um ber •>' her hom e at M apleton. Progressive ij healthy restoration of th e (je u ito Urin« ago were m atked by cu ttin g off the of races for which suitable prizes will he W hist was indulged in till a late hour |a r v ~ O rgans. id’s pills are p-nely vegetable and ! adipose fin h ive been caught at Astoria. given, A game of ball will bn played when a dainty lunch was served and R E A D E R —Are you in trouble?^ no p ge, pal i or gripe. Ail d ru g Cue of them is said to weigh 20 pounds, between tlie Actin? mid M apleton el dis 'h e guests departed. Ail expressing A m e r i c a n .- Have von lieeii treated and never cu red ’ 2 S i H H n i i i i G ■? Yon dare nut risk a retu rn of tlie tlis-J whicli is double what th e first marked for a prize of $211). j them selves as having had a good tim e. plie San Francisco E x am in er and the fish sent tip by Mr. H arrington weighed. A dance w ill be given in the Odd The first prize was l'un by Miss H uston ease. It m av appear w len 1 ipp, m l | bt for one yea, 2.50 paid in ad- lomeatic life. 0 lr New M ethod I and tiu* booby \ | ,• Read. Tilosa pre Fellows’ boil ling in the evening. SUNDAY SERVICES. W- rre a tm e n t is your refuge. If disease I, g N one who a re on r i ; , l ¡,| a n y 9 [ A steam er will run tree mt th a t day sent were the Misses Sophia, H ester ami m ushanieal plie Odd Fellows of F lo iem e will give Sunday school 10 a 111, and preaching leaving th e hea l of tide in tlie m orning Bessie Ne-olle, G reta Bryn 1, Mav Nte - consult us •mid leuiiuhy. p u rsu its cun susaued w ith o u t re a d in g and ta-e in th e ir ball on the evening of liy the Rev. Mr. Marsh at II a in. iY .11T 3 (eh lm ng s 'a a us fir r a p t.) and retu rn in g in the e't-ifing. , bins, Luella Neely, Margaret M cKinnon 4th. Preaching at A lpha 10:30 a in and at E v en body is invited to come. Let 1 of P ortland, Mabel Craiv of E igm <•, tor our interesting ho ik , •‘at W arning stu d y in g this sin n d n rd M agazine o f Sciences V oice," S ent tree. A 1 I -tiers kept m ikes no diff renee w hat mower Lake creek church a t 2 p 111, by the iis have a ta tte r Cclebi'til ion (Ids j car Mabel Knowles. Yuba H uston and a n d m echanical A rts. I t is illu s tra te d w ith 1 fitelltl ¡’can ; Messrs. Geo. Nieolle, Tom siri tic private an I conli letilial. All have F. L. C ham ber? can furnish pastor, limn ever before. plain sealed envolope. •e x tra s for it. . Neelv, Fred I’eil, Joint D ablin, A I’ answ ers sent I G K xotts , all m odern outs o f latent in v en tio n s iu a ll GRAND BALL- j H urd, S I) Read, of Salem, S O S tarr, No 0 . O. D. business. hreeo Fly-doors and windows Build- PERSO N A LS. ! 'V \\ A llingbatti, A J K iser of Ju n ctio n , tho brauohes o f m eohaniam , an d its fund o f |h a rd w n re and t ols at bul ti.111 pi ices, - Ileceta L slge, I O O F n ill gi n Sm ith faylor, O 10 Phelps, Jam es G insuitation by Muu A nolutelv Free. C ham bers, E ’gene, know ledge is insep arab ly connected w ith in ­ Jesse Bounds was in tow n yesterday. d am e ui the lower floor of the O id Fel­ Jatftfsnn, Jobw Llovd atid Fred Beau, |i l kinds of m iiiiiery goods sold at lows’ Iniilding in th e ev en in g of Ju l) W R IT E TODAY. Mabel Craw returned to Etig- lie ¡dmdion until Ju ly F o u rth at v entors an d m echanics. 8»ld w ith T a g S C H O O L CLO SED . ■l'.li, 18!IH Good n iisie will lie furnished. Tuesday. , K .m j r s . f M ab ion M orris A 'ldress W e s t a t clubbing rates.J Mrs. J R Stiles is quite sick at Point Floor Mgrs. bank Ready is a happy little hov -j. S J S K v jin llt The spring term of Florence school Dr- W . H S au n d e rs & Co > Terrace. ( T J N eel Y ¡ting won a watch ns a prize from his closed S aturday. S h o rt exercises con­ Gl) S proat 8 t.f D etroit, Mich, Tickets 50 Cents. Ladies free. H enrv Gate« lias been appointed post­ Br, for his diligence at school, m aster a t Acme. Supper ean he ohtained a t th e Morris sisting of reritaliniig and songs by tlie jtlgene is am ong the post nflices to scholars were held lit th e school Imitse John Powell has moved to the Biiton Hotel tor 75 eents per couple. (live an increase, of salaries. The tn honor of tlie occasion. Tlie ten d ier E e eryhodv invited lioe.se in W est Florence. im ister now receives ililifOn 5ear. j fiirnisbed a handsom e treat of candy f W II W aetherson Norm an Gray of Baker City is mid oranges for the pupils. divorce suit of W ilhelm ina 0 ,lies Com m ittee. a M arion M orris The selloni lias licei) under tlie man t W I. F isk B C lies in ttie circuit court assi th e recruits ju st enrolled. "Mikin ageinent of Mi?« V itiderhutg «im e Am • Miss H uston will sta rt for tier home I Bred to t H 1!. n ,0 report te.sti- CHILL R N S’ DAY SERVICE. on Long Tom tomorrow. 1897 mi l the progre?? of tire popi:» I,a r ' I been very satislaetoriy «luring tic and hinders—tlie ! Eda Salley lias taken M innie Saund- ' Beri g ni we C h ild ren ’» day exercises were held in time, I t wid be a gooii tiling for t'o von d ui’t h ,vc to buy extras e is ’ place at the hotel .Morris. th e pre-d v id ia n church Sundae even­ school if arrangem ents call lie made '( f o r S S c c them ::t F. L. C ham bers, Mr. and Mr«. S titt of H eeeta attended ing. • nip "V her for tlie com ing year. Eugitti ?. tlie eiiii b e n ’.« day exercises in Florence. I The church w asfinelv d e c rnted with T h is m o n th ly m ag azin e is one o f th e v e r y S tate of O hio . C ity o r T oucdt J I n y iie p r g ■: of tin» S tate lle rd iiil- Win Kv e seemed pleased to arriv e at f S3. beat p rin te d iu th is c o u n try , a n d in sold L ucam C o u m y f turnl r e it ly puhii«hed ' v ’Im Regisfer, Florence, from Seattle, Tuesday m orn- Ol’CHSHOn. \ Ugo audience entire!v ( F rank i . C heeny makes oath tll!tt vv f ie ll,.11 J H M deiiit will ilb iilrn tc ' ing. {Tiling tin bun ii; g hud g ath ered to , t j( to all su b scrib ers a t ra te s w ith in the- is the senior p?rl er of tin- firm of F .! ■ ft ••'. p< The s. ese c n ie c - Lillian Harwood returned flatiinlav listen to th e exercise». I C'ln.e., • & Co., oil g lotriness io 1 a b ility o f a ll to pay . I t is finely illa s 28 1. 29 The litt’a fo’kft idl ditl th eir heid which from atten d in g Normal school a t Mon- : city - f I' ie-io, C ounty and Stole af ire- |e g i« t'i . A i n a 120 ect ong with a mout li. it is need!< >?■» to s :v was good. The Hiiid, and U n it said firm will pay the soul tra te d a n d p re se n ts th e nam es o f fam aas pot team is being built by th e people V R McCornaek started for Eugene auniem e listened w ith m arked atten tio n i of Coe Hoii lie i Dollars tor each and ev. a u th o rs a s c o n trib u to rs, T a a W asr tlgimi’, to run on the W illam ette Friday, expecting to be gone about ten fnrtn beginning tn end and would have 1 cry case of C atarrh th a t cannot lie cured I intentions re to ave it ready io days. been pleased inni it lusted longer. Rev. i by the use of H ail's C a ta irn Cure. a n d th e C osm opolitan are s»14 a t ra> ftiy the tim e tlie river raises this fall. Mr. K no tts im idneted th e services. G E Benedict of Eugene lias enlisted F rank J . C hekny . ducod ra ts s a t thia oA»». egoniatt: Colum bia river salm o n ' to join U ncle S am ’» boys at th e I’hili|i- Tne exerei-es dosed wttli pruver by- Sworn to before me and subsetilied in Rev. Mr. Marsh. : is well beyond tho pack . of th is ; pines. ! my presence, th isfitb day oi December • t : t « • 1 Inst year. T here is an ttnpree- i ' A. D. 1896. W RECKED- M attie B rynd who has been sick for »ted run of hlue-backg. A. W. Gleason, some tim e is said to he slowly « O li­ HEAI. Hiat tired fee ing is due to im pover- va leseci ng. Report comes to us th a t th e little; ' Notary Public. II blood. H ood's Sarsaparilla en- ! Minnie Saunders another of La G ririp's sloop Addie, Cnpt. L yell, attem p ted to I H all's C atarrh C ure is taken in te rn ­ es and vitalizes 1 he Wood and give« victims went to h er home at Point T er­ anil over tlie bar last S atu rd ay and was ' ally and acts direct ly on the ItlrMid and ngth, energy and vigor. Be sure to race W ednesday. blown mi th e sand spit. H aving no mucous surfaces -if the system . Send H oisPs. anchor and being unable to get a tog for testim onials, free. O W H urd returned Tuesday from F F. J . C heeny A C o ., Toledo, 0 . lie W est has f ir sale one y ear’s ' Portland and reports th e reads q u ite to tow her off she was driven farth er ashore when tlie tide raised, and is now Sold by D ruggists. 75c. poll ill tlie H olm es Business College bad for th is tim e of year. "We do not take poiseaslon of onr Ideas bat art psssssssd by th»a a total wreck. H all’s Fam ily Pills are tlie liest. Brtiaml. T his is one of tlie leading L V -8'ingley and w ife w ho bave been No lives were lost. W hen th e crew- They master ns and force ns Into tb s arena, Inc?.« colleges on th e coast, having living on Dr. Sauherta place above Acme Where like gladiators, wo mast fight for them." liisb , C om m ercial, S h o rth an d and expect to leave for tlie valley this week. got tn shore th->y stalled south on tlie N O T IC d F Ü R P U B L IC A T IO N . leach fur Rogue river. Dried App s, ■graphic departm ents ami we offer Such is th e ex alted m o tto o f th e A reu a, a n d th e Wm. Johnson, the arti«t from Toledo Land Office nt K«»«oburcr, Oregon, 1 tuition on easy term s. AN ARMY AND NAVY- ’ went to th e U m pqua to deliver some Juneft, 1*W. i Peaches, Pears, eu tiro c o n ten ts o f th is m o n th ly magH zine Notice H hereby fiven Hint the following- ' prof. P V S Reid, f. rntetlv principal pictures lie liad enlarged for parties 8» niiincd settler I iah Hl»‘d notice of bi« intention 1 ■it- A thena p-.ibli«- schools, and th e tiiere. Prunes, Berrios, m o upon a p lan e a n d in k eeping w ith its Meinoram-lutn book is w hat vou have to make flual proof i- ¿uppnrt of hi* claim, and i ■lie sc ools nt E gene, has been Mrs. II iwell who has been visiting been w anting. T he N orthern Pacific Hint proof will be made before C. if. Hol­ m otto. T he A re n a 's g a lle ry o f e m in e n t Fish, Clam3, I’ed to take the place m ade vacant her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lowe, leaves has it. It contains cut of th e Maine, den. I . 8. Commissioner at Lake Procinet, • Ih e resignation ot P resident Royal of for Iter limite at Colfax W ashington, m ap ol C uba, list ol U 8 and Spanish Douglaa county. Ore., on August 6, WHJ, vli: tliin k e rs is a g ro u p oi in te re stin g m en a n d Parlaa w. Vanderburg, on h. e. no. W74 for tho AM D A L L I S ate N ormal School a t W eston, naval vessels, in terio r draw ings of a h'2 i*e'4. ne’i-c.’X, sec 32; nw>4 sw’^, wc 33; tp. Monday. w om en, a n d th e fr th o u g h ts a re w o rth y th e |o » . battleship, illn-urations of U 8 and 1.» r JI we«t. Robert and Jesse Lowe left this week Me names the following wltueiwM to prove Spanish ships, glossary of n a -a l and <• neideration ot a d people. T h e A ren a is P rudence Safley has ju«t re­ fot eastern W ashington where they ex ­ hl-j coutinuoiiH rvdtlencc upon and cultivation t d th e sad news ot th e death of her pect to work at threshing th e rest of the arm v words, table of distances, com ­ (’f «aid land, viz: so ld ,w ith T u r ^ W w . j m anders of U 8 sliips mid nrm v corps, it , Mr. H olte of Tennessee. H er sum m er. Byron W. Dorsey, of Adn, Ore.; Jnmca C. Ffr.t, list of U 8 regim ents and th e ir com ­ John L. Furnish and Arnold Karr.owsky of Ih er died three years ago and of nine Geo. Nieolle of M apleton and Ono riorsnev, Oregon, reti M rs. S.ifley and one b ro th er are Plielps. Dolpli Beprs, Smitli Taylor and ma riders and o th er inform ation very It. M. Vr. %Tca. useful and valuable at th is tim e. The Ith a t rem ain. Kejriatcr • Wm. Mead of H erm ann left for Eugene hook fits tin- vest pocket and is up to liie dike wlii h S J B rand lias lieen Tuesday to join th e soldier boys. d a le . Send Chas. 8 Fee, G eneral Pas­ Hiding on bis nl-me is nearing eomple- AGENTS W A NTED. M -.ae. i Mis. P otter of F gone who senger Agent, N F’ R, 8 t. Paul, M inn., H) and th e j e is a credit t" tlie wotk- on o a hint-«- in West Florence came in ten ceil san-l t! e book is y o u r« .' In F v e r .r < r n i y I « S u p p ly ALW AYS READY |n It keep- t lie ' tde from going OV»I yesterday io epi-nd a few weeks on the ( h e G r e a t f’o p u l i r r> • n »ns! f • K Mc.MiKelt y , G eneral Agi-ut, E yene. (¡0 acres of fine land and is well roast for th e lietieflt of th eir I,calti). A O B i C A ’s S I R O V Z R SA FE, DU RABLE ttli tlie tim e and motley it lias cost. REPAIRS- Jo h n T an n er and Ludvig C hristensen 1 th in k it would he. a good plan if arrived here W ednesday iron) San I rau- Die of oor raneliers would follow Mr. For any m ow er < r b inder in tid e nmr- ¡ eisco. T hey made tin- trip from Coos iund’s exam ple. hay on bicycles eseli having purchased ket to be liit'l at Í L. Gliuml c'8. "h - steam er Lillian took th e bali one while in the city. T O L D IN PIC T U R E •yer? and a goodly ninnlrer of th eir DIDS WANTED. Win Johnson of Toledo was in onr ends to P oint T errace Sunday w here ___ r f ^ A N D S T O R Y . city M onday delivering some pitture* By were to meet th e Map eton team Sen’e l bid* will lie reee: red by Ibo Cumptlred ami w ritten by wliieli lie had enlarged. He is an artist -n arriving a t th a t place and finding L"du»\ N ». 111. I O oi long experience and we believe ids tniftte«** ' f SSH à îj S J u S-T j . HT3ALL3 ••ne th ere, they played aiming tliem- O F <»f Fii»r* ne«» n il W edni’H Igy, Ju iy work gives general s itisfaction. |v«s until noon, wlien a tine lunch (hb lHHM 7 o ' c L m k p in (<»r pnintiiift O f K an sas Mr. D-e«sler who ca oeoverland from •M il ^s?i,ireud which had been provided liv I be ut-ide »»( f b* ir bui><(ii>^. The Fiditi« The mo»t hrtiiiwnt w ritten, tn»«et pTo- Io * « and arri red here last fall left y es­ laities. A fter lunch they practiced ing in to l»e given fw • « cat** of paint of fjR -h mid Nrr th e work. ALtpleton d eteiu iin ed t 1 see if anv ^ l A N O Y (n g tie d h a p fie n e d t o t l i e O h it t e m Knyder of C edar Full-, I w.i w ith th eir From Photograph. $ 2 5 t o $ 1 Q 5 . flic right in reserv ei to r j -e» any anti Birrs. Wl.en tin* tm s t a r r iv e d t h » i e families re «|>eii ¡ug 1 few l-ivs in our alt bid*. taken specially fur th is great w ■ rk. i h -foilin', tn t h e ir r u r p r i- e t h a t ' b e laiicy . Mr. Suv ler th in k s of loe.itmg if Dii-e-i at Florence, O rc.. J fnc *.•» ,1 ♦ I Agen-s s ie limiting (.71 to flOO a wb * e — ------------------ 1 |i-e w a s d e s e r t e d , e v e r v !« i» lv h a v in g tie finds a pi ice h h .- i suits litui. 1898. s«l ing it. A vreri'anl« hoviansa f*n- live Se ti) eli in-li, aftei «dug Hill* twi e Mr. and .Mis A () Funk« gave a sor- M a t t ie s M orris eanvaa-cr. Apply for (IreNi-riptioii, t- iniN W rite F o r C ir c u la r U p p lin te d tlm v s t a r t e d o r t l i e c la o i prise p irt v T )•■? I uy ifrerno 01 f i r tlieir T rust eres J I. F m x t.it an»! l.-rrit -rv at nitre to W II rt RATIIEBSO» • s . m i t e lir e CI miii Diggers got t h e ir eldest d m g li cr, Alfreda 10 li n.or ••! tier J. H. M O N T E IT H 17. D. THOMPSON P u b lish !^ Co. ►f>-r. ■isiilo l i il lt lsv. R tre«iiiie-nls w re 10* s r . LOUI3. MX, < M NEW YORK CITY. C t O N O M V in taking Hood’s Ssr- •erved on lie I.«un. A’?, t tw entv 11 Glemda, 25* 50l __ « Sipanlla, because “ 100 doses one X rts ire folks were p-«-s nt who e i j .ved a Yotar Ila are la WilH « <«»<». r