The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, June 17, 1898, Image 3

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    E IE W E S T
k.» «ha load par«.
«Sal. .s a . a.J «-■■-■—T
P fc R 8 O N A L 8 .
Stars in
A O Fur-ke returned from Eugene
George Peil bought a horse, buggy
Mrs. Hattie Ilowe ie among the ■lek
harness from Mr. Wilkey who has
ones tliia week.
tiN C K , L ane C ofxty , O brqon .-
lanight the Joe Whisman farti. George
Mrs. Gen Pederson rums up form sat I lie wes going east of the Cascades
. . . by - • -
Empire Tuesday.
after rletion to seek his fortune, leaving
Mrs. Pale from tlie Lake country was Mrs. Peil at Eageiie for the season.
in Florence yesterday.
The Ablest an 1 Most Successful
di tor anti Proprietor.
Some of ns used potatoes so freely as
Specialist» in the World.
Chas. Geliva rx|»*cta to make a abort feed for all kinds of stock (hat they are
They guarantee a complete cure at
visit to tiie Siuslaw so»n.
ibmr : $1.50 h year in advance.-
getting «cart*, and several haw had to
M O Wilkins f E-igene, will he orator , hny for seed, hut the liest price I have Your Own Home, anJ allow you to
iieard of being paid for them was 35 pay when cured.
tin* day here I lie Fourth.
Bred at the poat-office at Floren*
cents a sack.
[county, Oregon, as aecond-clin*
R X Parks of Eugene was oil
Marion Wheeler of Nelson creek was
streets Saturday ami Sunday.
Absolutely Pur»
the other day when an alder
Miss Mabel Knowles lias ts*cn
■ tree, in which another had lodged,
came his w iv, nnexpectly, knocked him
T’lousnn la of promising young men
ftd tices h cen ts per line, each Insertion
F E Frcinent un i wile started to E -
down mid iiruiae I him so lie had lin’d ] have th eir live» an I future usefulness
gene w ith tieir team Wedues
I w k Io get Im in e, l>ut no bones were 'u rek ed by INDI80RETI0N AND
prence, Or. June 17, 1898.
Peter Stireitder is limping Frank j broken ami he is able to l>e about again. PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms
Al Reaily payed a <5 fine for assau 11 ,
Rogers on Maple creek, tiiis week.
j thia week.
O Wilkey one of the Idaho men who until etire«l. are portrave<l on the coun-
Mr. James Morris of Linneus, returi - i were looking for homes, bought the Joe tenani-e an I in the actions of tlio vic­
W E S T L IN O S .
Lakes Lindeman and Bennet
Pre ed from Gardiner on Tuesday’» stage.
j Whisman farm for $500. IIo lias gone tim. If neglected or iinpro(,erly treat­
clear of ice now.
Iiy nf min tliis week
i Constable Tanner went to Eugene oil ! tiaek to Idaho to sell liis stock and such ed. oilier organs liecoute affected, and
(sebo il do-es S.iturday.
! official business the fir-t of tin* week.
property a® lie does not want to bring sooner or later there are serious results.
' carl * ad at F. I., (fiiaiu'-ers, Eugene.
[Harwood ret irne I l-nmeTh iraday
. . .
. . , . -
. J Mr«. J J Emuioi s ami family of A, me w ill, him, and experts to come hack Our New .Method Treatment will posi­
" heat is quoted at Cl cents pet liuslie
u u ,, , , , , •
will, six liorsus ami two wagons loaded tively cure these diseases.
are visiting at 8 B Colvin a this week.
, D E Scvery is visiting relative» in —
Eugene; flour $1 15 per sack,
Ids outfit, which includes nine
I ri ver.
Mabel Craw ami Maggie McKenna
, .
_ , , All kin«ls of inillinerv goods sold at
daughters and two sons. The kind thousands of you who have committed
I! paper, Stoves and tinware, F. L. „ re<lliction lllltil
Fl)llrlll Rt Mf. aro visiting Miss Eatella Bean at Maple­
of immigrant family to build up our offences against the laws of your na­
Sold I W ith
ihers, Eugene.
ture, and are now paying up for it,
we to have the school-flag
Tlic g,eain(M. RkH(fi, Ohief rRn
Those weak, aching hacks, 1-ossof Sex­
A D M IT T E D T O T H E B A R .
***’ ourt i.
j a rock in the Stiekeen river and was for a visit witli friends and relatives in
ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality,
prices on anything write F. L. wrecked.
Frequent and Painful evacuations of
Mr. Wall»«*, hardware drummer was
M r Louis Bean was one of tlio atit- the Bladder a T*O!iipanie«l hy mors or
ers. Eugene, Or.
A flne Ra(.i[|e ,(|w y $42.00, A)go
one (f Mi. B irieti’s paa-eiigers the first ce»sfi i s o i l - i l l s of Blaekstnue who pass­ less smarting ami the escape of par­
tlier ship-carpenter came up from buggies and wagons F. L.
of tlie week.
e l examination before tlie supreme court ticles of albumen in tlie urine with
uesdav to work on the I,oat.
i Chambers, Eugene.
ropy sediment, all point to the decline
Mr. O 'V Hurd started for Portland Friday and was admitted to the bar.
inerior of western Alaska iiaa
Frank Rogers brought some 330 lbs.
Mr. Bean is a grad or te of tlio Holmes of your manhood. There are hundreds
«filed by 300 men via Yakutat bay j of iron from Gardiner for John Yates Monday to attend tlie Grand Lodge ol Business College, of Portland. He is a
who die of tliia difficulty, ignorant of
A F A A M.
it is to tic done with the broken the first of I tie week.
man of sterling wortii, well and favora­ the cause. The doctors will guarantee
ilks also those covered witli sand?
J I Butterfield !ias completed a repair
of our imported achool-ma’iuus up Sooth bly known Iiere, for his honesty, and iiis a perfect cure in all such cases, and
ig votir job work to the W est shop for O W Hurd in which tlie Coos
efforts to promote tho welfare of ilia healthy restoration of theGcnilo Urin­
slough Sunday.
Good work dono at reasonable machinery will he overhauled.
fellow man, friendly to nil and partial ary Organs.
Mrs. E A Evans and children went to
to none lie commands tiie respect of the
Z L Seymour of Acme lias been
READER—Are you in trouhle?
Mapleton Friday to visit friends. She entire people where ever lie is known.
I's Pills are the favorite family allowed a pension of Sfi per month w ith
Have you lieen feated and never cured?
returned Sunday.
We wish Mr. B unbounded auecess in Yon dare not risk a return of tlie dis­
Hie. Cure sick headache, br ak back pension for nearly three years.
Wm Kvle left for Seattle Saturday tlie profession he lias chosen, and ease. It may appear when liappv in
In the justice court at Mapleton,
morning in response to a telegram con­ knowing him as we do, are free to ssy domestic life. Our New Metliol
[San Francisco Examiner and the wherein Geo Saunders vs. Marion Sweet,
cerning business mutters.
that l»ia perseverance will not allow Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, None who Are engaged In any of the mechanical
[for one year $2.50 paid in ad-
G uard; Geo. M Miller is now in him to stay long in the narrow sphere consult us confidentially.
I was fined $25 and costs.
pursuits can succeed without reading and
business at S itka, Alaska. H e is well of the common attorney, but will lead
WRITE (en -losing stamps for reply)
O Id Fellows of Florence will give
A height tiain was derailed near Glen- satisfied w ith hie new location.
tiini to mount tlie ladder round by for our interesting book. “A Warning
studying this standard Magazine of Soiencee
in their hall on the evening o f' <htle the Hth, ¡list ami Stephen I) Wil-
Chas M Barker was in town the fits l round intil lie reaches the fame and Voice." Sent free. All letters kept
j lis. head brakeman, was killed and two
in d mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with
strictly private and confidential. All
of the week hunting for his father whom glory which lie will so justly deserve.
takes no .liff-ren-e what lll0wer j other men somewhat bruisetl.
answers sent
plain sealed envelope.
lie last Iieard of about two years ago. He
all modern cuts of latest inventions in all
S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S .
ive F. L Cliamliers can furnish | One of our men hanti Raid as lie looked said lie had tracked him to Florence hut
No 0 . O. D. busineaa.
:tr«B for it.
1 over hi» slim stock of goods. “We’re none of the citizens teiiieiiiher of seeing
the branches of mechanism, and its fund of
Sunday school 10 a in.
Fisk informs us that the settlers ' ’•”«»**»• ” We think they all must he or tlie man iiere.
Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free.
knowledge is inseparably connected with in­
Pleaching II a in.
'Smith river country expect ,0 ^¡'gar would not be so scarce, all the
Messrs. W W Allinghnm, 8 O Starr,
The Children's Day exercises will
trail opened through to Maple- D in e .
ventors and mechanics.
Sold with T ub
A J Kaiser and L Reed, of Junction
amt July 1st. Several who have j The citizens of Florence will meet visited onr little berg this week. They in the evening a 8 o'clock.
Preselling a Point Terrace at 3 pm .
W bst at clubbing rates.J
J there this summer w ill help the j in the Odd Fellows’ hail Monday even- made tlieir departure for Heceta Heads
I li K notts , pastor.
' ittg tor tiie purpose of settling all tin* and other places of interest yesterday
Dr- W* H 8aunders * Co ,
»n ice strawberries from II B «'.¡„l.e.l huainesa connected will, tlie and expect to return home in a few days.
69 Sproat, St., Detroit, Mich.
R E P A IR S *
I ranch furnished a treat for ye j Fo"r,l, "f J,,lv celebration.
T S IL T C O O S T A L K .
ttt this w> ek. Mr. Gray’s berries j J W Carman luid tho misfortune) to
For any mower or binder in tiiis mar­
lurge and of as fine flavor now as i catch his thumb on the meat-hook in­
ket to be lia i at F. L. Chambers.
ker vears.
[ stead of a piece of meat. Tlie wound
B y G ail M aker .
Bi. Fly-doors ami windows, Build* ' wa" *1"i,e ’"*i,lf"1 nt *ir»t but *8 «eUi"8
Is any one finding fault witli tlie
■dware and t ols at bottom price*, better now.
The little schooner Addin, that was tied Weather?
Land Office at Rosebur?, Oregon.
[hambers, E igeile.
Ju n e 8. 1898.
at Acme, and bottom-side up for the
i t o T o u r li,- i-l. W ith C a .rn re t» .
‘‘Any war news” is tlie form of greet­
Notice is hereby given th at th e followin
’ c .*'.;
eor.-tipsi’ion forsver. last two years, has been res ti tree ted, ing now -a-lays.
mimed -eUler has filed notice of his intention
IIC .C .C l <1.e,i.e.'.' ■•.*■ undm one;
refitted w ith mast ami sidle and looks
Wm Erhardt cast fiist ballot at to make final proof J-. ,upport of h 1 h cluim , and
J.o kson’s strawoerries caused like a new boat »gain. She started on
' that said proof will be made before C. II. Hol­
the recent election.
remarks among the pienieers last : lier
R,,g.,e r¡ver yesterday,
den. U. 8. Commltftfiuiier at Lake Precinct,
Tiiis monthly magazine is one of the very
Mr. M.'titeiili id not visit life friend Douglas County, Ore., on August 6, lh98, viz:
iv or account of their size and
Tlie Coos, which was torn all to pieces
j Darius w. Vanderburg, on h. e. no. 6674 for the
best printed in this country, and in Bold
beauty. Of one variety we t ink there to b * rent > lie I, is daily assuming shape Mr. Law tor. last Sunday.
' s*^ se‘ n$*lz4 nt*»4. see 32; nwl4 swJ-4» »ec 33; tp.
were tew berries flint measured less than mi ter the ikilful su pervision of Cnpt
Darios Vander'• rg savs 111. (Fir 'ine
a., r. i l west.
to all subscribers at rates within thi
four inc; es io cire ’inference.
He names the i »11 »wing w itnesses to prove
E H W Hansen. She will lie a fine mill is a we ther signal w hen he hears
ability of all to pay. It is finely illun
'"Decri g in wers and binders—the boat when completed, a id will :io dou1 t the whistle In* knows iis g ing to • no.
said laud, viz:
«1 lliat you don’t ave to buy extras give better service to the traveling Mr. lland-uker is expected from of Byron
W. Dorsey, of Ada, Ore.; Jam es C. Fint,
trated and pres cuts tho names of famous
8i*e them at F. L. Chambers, public than any conveyance before, on Eugene this week to visit his fiieod« John L. Furnish and Arnold Karnowsky of
Slid seek for heulth, wesliull he glad to
authors as contributors.
T his W bsi
this liver.
R. M. V batcii .
see him.
i greater includes tlie less. Hood’s Stat]i or 0 ,(,o C[TV op -foL ;D() ,
and the Cosmopolitan are sold a$ re­
¡panllrt cures hip disease and srro-
L ucas C ounty
j bS*
“Croaker” pisses by quite frequently
lores and it. may he «Impended upon i F rank J. C hkkny nukes oath I hat he to and fiiun his taiidi up the creek, we
duced rates at this office.
,re boils and pimples and humors of , ig the senior partner of the tirm of F. J. presume he is building rials of ” w.*rm
I n E v e r y C o u n ty t o S u p p ly
! Cheenv <fc Co., doing business in the fence” uud making oilier vast improve­
t h e G r e a t P o p u la r D e m a n d fo r
Geo. B Camp is among the large city of Toledo, County and State afore- ments.
ftierry glowers at Map eton. He said, and that said firm will pay tiiesmn
I lielievc it lias lieen decided by tlie
Hit some 17 gallons to the picnic of One Hundred Dollar* for each and ev- majority that tlie lake people are too
luy. That his berries are nice the ery ci^se of Catarrh that cannot be cured few in numl>er and too numerous in
B H A N I'T i
1 i<. r i t e can testify from a generous by tiie use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
opinion to make a success of a 4th July
F rank J. C iieknv . j celebration, so we sliall probiiidy uii-
>le rweiveii
Sworn to before me and subscribed in ! j ,„n , «¡„e die an I go to Florence,
r a t e Tom* I lo w e ls W ith C a « ca rets.
ciy C athartic, cu re constipation forever. my pre-enee, this 6th day of December
Th(. e|et.ti((n ((Rlwi) <(ffqlliet|y
If C. C. C. fail, (IrutTRistK refund money.
A. D. 1896.
; precinct, no ele< thiueeiing, no liet'ing,
"We do not take possession of our ideas but aro possessed by tkoad
ns Bay News; Miss Maud Miller,
Compiled and written by
A. W. Gleason,
| no <|narr ing, plenty of cigars ami 16 to
They master us and force us into tho arena,
Ited l>v local talent, will produce the
Notary Public.
1 pipe» M r. and M rs. Shrum en'er-
sly drama “ Forty-nine,” nt M irsti-
Whore like gladiators, we must fight for them.”
Hub's Catarrh Core is taken intern­ tained several voters at dinner ami I am
, on tlie evening of July 2nd.
O f Kansas
Dried Apples,
Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
ami acts ilireetly on the blood an«l not sore hot that S B Colvin «lined witli
ttv-nine” is one of her father’s
The moat brilliant written, most pro­
,uin Miller) plays, and lias been mucous snrfaces of tlie system. Send
entire contents of this monthly»
fusely and artistically illustrated, and
Peaches, Pears,
The trade between tlie lake, ami Gar­ ui<j*t intensely popular b*»,k on the sute
Inced very successfully in many of for testimonials, free.
are upon a plane and in keeping with its
diner increases weekly liesides from two jeet of tlie war w itli Spain. Nearly
F. J, C heeny A C o ., Toledo, O.
Prunes, Berries,
largest cities.
to tlirce cwt. butter each week about 80
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
»fore buying tickets to any point in
The Arena’s gallery of eminent
gallons of strawl-erries have been j 200 Superb Illustrations
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
E ist or South it will l»e to your ad-
marketed by M>*»«r«. E'lmrdt and!
-K ^From Photographs
thinkers is a group otjinteresting; men and
tage to consult the Northern Pacific
AMD a» I _
G L E N A D A G J S S IP .
Sinister. People from the Sinslaw »re taken specially for this great work.
»ay Company. We are tlie quick-
women, and theirathonghts*are|.worthy the
seen over here anxiously searching for I Aven's are rnnking $50 to $100 a week
line to Kansas City, Omaiia, St.
B y G ossipeb .
the connecting link—tlie tstlimn.—ami I sel'ing il. A verilaole bonanza for li e
consit’eration ol.a. 1 ¡people. The.,Arena is
is or other Missouri River points,
we expect next to sec the W est man calivas-ur. Apply for description, terms
ft forget tiiis; 3 lays to St. Paul; 3>y
News is very scarce.
sold a ith T hf W ist .
will. Ids printing press coming this way. i RI|(, f(.rrit„rv („„.e ,o
iliicagn ami
to New York and
Mrs. Holden is quite poorly this sum­
ir Eastern cities. For full informa­ mer.
N. D. THOMPSON Publishing Ce.
that is tlie only kind of courage some
ran or address,
R. McMnrphy,
8 T . LOUIS, M 3 ., e s NEW YORK OITY.
J C Phelps of Hermann, is in tlie have, they get within tlie safe walls nf
leral Agent, Opposite Guard office,
neighborhood in the role of book agent. tlieir Morn Castle (the news paper) and
Even rain is preferable to hot weather. the noise of their cannonading is tre­
Ix-Senatnr John J Ingalls, of Kansas,
Mr. ami Mrs. Hooper were visiting in mendous, tint when they meet the
ase fame as a brilliant w riter, a man
enemv fa«*e to face tlie ir knees knock
Glenada the first of tlie week.
■emnrkaide scholarship and literary
By CongreHsimiii James
I together, tlieir tongue eleave*« to Ihe
»inments, is even greater than that
I roof of tlie ir mouth and they «lare not so Y 'ting. A I Htuiut war w itli Spain, the
Ihe dieting ¡islie,i senator, nnno .rices Glenada a visit a few day* ago.
I tiiucti as raise an eyelid. I refer to Navy, »11 defenses, Battle Slops, etc.
Mr. Shretnler who lias lieen insane ' "Occasional" tlie words in quotation Portraits »ml biographic, of Dewey and
lew l»*ok on the su1 ject of the Ameri-
i-Spanhtlt-Cuban War. It is entitle«! for some time was taken away again marks, are ids own, addressed to me.
all prominent officers. Nearly COO
tneriean's War For Humanity in tiiis week.
pages. Maseive volume. Marvelously
N ow M r. Editor will you allow me to
'lure and Story.” It is putdislied by
Relieccn Hendetson ami Rosa Sinister »ay a few word, in reply to your insult cheap. Best authorship. Only authen­
X D Thompson Publishing Co., of ol Maple creek were visiting old friends
tic, official biH*k. Experience not neces- J
I to G eo. W e s t . He has lived in tiiis
Louis. Mo., and is an exhaustive here over Sunday.
sarv. Any l»»ly eau sell it. Ladies as
1 neighborhood about 8 vears, grown from
cus.ion of the causes of the war. ami
I think we enjoy the cold weather i taivbood to m»n'» estate, and for bis successful a« gentlemen. Wo are the
il an equally exhaustive history of its , more if we have a hot day no* ami tlien
large»» subscription look firm in Ameri­
intelligence and ex«*mpl»rv ronduct lie
ridents, and a brilliant analysis of Hie “ a reminder.”
ca Write ns. Fiftv persons are em­
. ha, the respect of all who know him.
nous characters cop bicting it. It
ployed in our corrM»|»in<lence depart­
Several of onr citixen* attended the ‘ I tielieve yo'i »re tlie first person to fin I
omises to Isj the *>ne great ami p >p tlar
ment alone, to serve you. O ir bonk is
................ .........................................
I O O F picnic at Mapleton Simla*, anything «mug with Id» “cranium."
irk called forth by this wonderfully
j i»t out. Get ngenev now and l>e li'st
He is especially nottsl for bis fnenltv for
(pliers went to tlie ocean Iteacli.
iteresting national episode. Whatever
in tlie field. Large 50i*., war map in
It has l>een decided to close the Glena­ »ttelidilig to Ids own »ff.drs and letting colors free with l<ook or outfit, (.»’tier
mat.>r logada to idles lie adorna; and
i those of other people ib*ne A. for the
lis I niox shines and sparkles in the da Sttndav school for a few months
valuatde premiums. Tremeniloo*seller. ALL »11X8 r a o w _ ^ ^
lit of t,i» genius. Tlie present work owing to to many families having moved ! slat« ment which you term a "iiltle Biggest moi.ev ttiRker ever known. Most
wortliyv „ .gen ius, and will he a away and consequently a vety small foolishness” had tbeantlior mentioned literal term« g' arsiutced, Agruts m ik- ■
«moment P. Id. fame The .nljact attendance. Next Sunday w ill l«e the no one s name I,nt lit« own. no i»,e wool r Ing $7.00’O $28 0) per day. Twenty
k_ - _ „ ______. . ___ __ ____. , __, i . , —
i have noticed the P e n t. Perhaps aman
engrns-e« toe |»>p ilsr mind as to close
days credit given. Freight paid. Full
cast for thia Io >k a sale that will be
The long wharf at Glenada is in an bas » rig lit t«> make s lonkev ol liimseif Imok sent pre|»tid to agents, $1.45.
tiverssl. It w ill 1« sold liv snliscrip extremely trail and «Isngeroos condition luit when lie make, another ]w*r»oo Splen«tid sample ou'fit and full instrue-
W rite F o r C ircular
Mi only, and the canvassing samples something should he done al once and ri«lii”,loos hv telling ttmt which is un­ lions free tor nine 2-<*ent stamp, to pay
i now ready for agents. We advertise not wait till there is a funeral, <ir it go« »
(s.staye Mention this fmper,
[Well, Gailmsker, etMentl p oj dire MONROE BOOK CO., Dep't M
down with a crowd. Everyone abonld
in another coinin’,.
I ■ HI
1« interested in tiiis as it i, a great Ire- lis, e sn io i you awiy »his time. It 1» Chicago, III.
as« so«
SURE you get w hat yon w ant efit to Forrnce as well as tlie *nr- a wi«e jii«tge th a t (w ith e r sceuse, nor
N .-T o llae r«w r ir ty Cewta.
’ when yon ask fo r Hood’« Sarsapa-
Some one must c o m le n in * u n til both ttdo« are Iie a rd ,
Ooacaatecdt«Wwcofcantt ears make, «—a*
la. Unequalled in M e r it, Sales,Cure*. ronmling roun'rv.
i s c a t - w u u yuia. Atturug».-^
attend to it ; wt.o will volunteer.
D f i .f f .0 .S O « K 3 .
Lost W ] ] J Hoslorfll.
a n d : S O IE 3 S T O E S .
■W E S T-
S c ie n tific Am erican.
t i M F H iW O H M .
: make your selections
friis for SO cis., per Too.
$ 2 5
jubcoM ik
e’< no snbetitnte for H O O O 't.