The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, June 17, 1898, Image 2

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    TH E
— F<7»L «UIÄX>
Cxtr Flag Now Floats Over Cuba.
Fairs oca « wiui . ai ¡ CoRsuroxoEXT.
Florence Boye.
F tn sw *,
L ama G xtktt ,
O abocn
• • • »r • - •
invasion of Cuba
in et., and after a sharp battle, in
tlio c ity of Guantanamo was burned, the
600 marines pitched th e ir te n t* near ttie
ruing of the
c ity
and the
W ashington, D. 0 ,, June fl, 1898.
A strong feeling against the cigarette ;
The ad m in istra tion is h ig h ly pleased has liven aroused among lo th men and
w itli recent war news, and even more so
w ith the outlook.
J only awaits tlie
A dm iral
T e m p ta tio n T h e test of the sou .
T ruth cr .sited
to earth
women all over tlie country, owing to so agajn-
many-of our voting men who desired to
Tomorrow :—Ti e
u n 'o rn .
a rrival o f the arm y,
enlist in tlie arm y, having failed on
.._Ti e dead.
j which ought to lie on the ground by ac ount of tlie cigarette habit.
„„ „ „ „
stripes now over Culm at the
Editor and Proprietor.
now, to make a comliineti land and sea
entrance of Guantanamo hay. T i,i<
T lie Chicago acliools have begun a
happiness by crime.
:a tta ik upon Santiago dc Cuba and to
w orthy moveineni by organising anti-
point w ill tie held t ill the arm y of inva­
St,-h as give ear to slanders arc hut
! capture tlie Spanish lleet now known to
Florence, Or. June 17, 18Ö8.
sion arrive from Florida,
cigarette league*. H e re in t ie pledge
one degree lo ite r themselves.
( be in th a t lu irlio r. I t is impossible to tb e j. llWf.
The cable was cut nt G antaninio and ! say bow long th is w ill lake, owing to
¡’ '•« »<•” >'»• fo1" " 1 l,iM work:
the term inus at th a t po in t is in the
lack of definite knowledge as to bow school, of Chicago, pledge ourselves up lot him ask no other blessedness,
hands of tlio Americans. Everv effort
! Sleep:—The thief that ro t* us of our
The ra re st eloctlon In tills state serves w ill he made to open com m unication strong a defense tlie land fortifications on honor:
w ill lie aide to put up. and the amount
to ea'I attention to some defects in the w ith New Y ork, via Cape H aytien.
"F ir s t— From this date to abstain time, giving us health In exchange,
, of assistance (tie insurgents w ill give our
ballots used hero. Ruction 49 of the
from 8n.oking cigarettes and from tlie
Man. living, feeling man. Is t ie easy
A dispatch to M adrid from Culm save
land forces. Although General Shafter,
.ejection law says: ‘ ‘The names of the
we sport of tlie over mastering present.
that ti;e yellow fever is ravaging S im p ­
who is in lo m nia nd of the arm y sent to
cendidatua for each office shall 1« ar­
reach the ago of 21 years.
Tiiere is nothing so sltong or safe in
s',n’* fleet, tlie province of Santiago is
Santiago, w ill welcome any as-
ranged tinder the designation o f the
"Second to use all influence we pos­ an emergen,y of life as simple truth.
claimed to tar a hot-tied of disease.
sistan. e rendered by the insurgents, his
«Sice in alphabetical order, according to
sess to induce till puldic school and
A special from H n vti dated the 14 plans arc in no way dependent on th e ir
There is nothing that makes its wav
surnames, oxcept th a t the names of
other Ians from smoking cigarettes ami 1
Inet., Rays the Spaniel) attackM‘1 the ( assistance. The asentilt w ill e a it r ic t -
more directly lo the soul than beauty.
candidates for the offices of electors of
using tohhaco in any form u n til such ;
i American'« S-inciav niizht and they ly business one from the sta rt, as the
Conversation:—The idle man's busi­
president and v l e president, and for
laws shall attain the age of 21 years.
ness, and tho business man’s re reation.
the senate and the house of representa­ foti^ht all night. Four of our men were ! orders of Gen. Shafter are to take the
"T h ird — By giving the pledge hereby ,
tives, shall lie arranged in groups, as killed and eleven wnttnJcd. I t is n o t , town of Santiago, nnd those of A dm iral
The most completely lost of all davs
made, and by signing our names to tin
Saiupsou to take or destroy the Spanish above, w e constitute ourselves tiiemh, rs is the one of w hich we have not thought,
presented in the several certificates of known how many tlie Spanlarda lost.
A d m ira l Montejo says tlie reason lleet,
n o m in a tio n ."
of the A nti-C igarette Smoking League,
Knowledge without just ce ought to
The present program is to follow up
On the hr.ilotc used in th is county the Dewey beat him , was tlie refusal of tlie
o f......... school o f Chicago,”
j he called cunning rather than wisdom.
ratneB of the candidates for representa­ Spanish government to supply sufficient the capture o f Santiago w ith the capture !
When our Florence school gets its
Charity obliges us not to distrust a!
of Porto Hico, the fleet going from San- )
tives were not placed In groups as the am m unition.
pledge ready we shall bo pleased to a m an; patiem e not to trust him before
tiago to San Juan ami troops follow ing
section quoted aliove calls for, but were
publish it.
we know him.
DuH't Tobacco Spit am’ Siuuke Tosr I.If- Away.
at once from F lorida, The opiniont is I
a ll arranged in alphabetical order. T his
T o q u it totaacco e a sily and fo r e v e r . be mag
Let us enjoy the fuu tive hour. Man
made i t much more d iffc u lt to find the netle. full of life, norre and vigor, laite N o To strongly prevalent in adm inistration '
Bac. the wonder worker, that m akes weak mei ttm ffdipiom stii-circles th a t if Santiago) House b ill, instead ol $300.(100.000, as in has no I.a r'o r, time has no shore, it
names of the enndidites of tho different strong. All druggists, GOc or *1. Cure guornn
tlie h ill when p issed by tue Senate, an I
rushes on and carries its with it.
Booklet and «am ple tr e e , .1,hirer
and Porto Rico can lie capured w itlto it j
parties on the ticke t and if tho voter did teed
H urling Keuindv Co.. C hicago or New Y ou.
| that the Senate w ill aaree. Members of
any deinv tlie war w ill practically he |
n o t notice carefully tiic rs wag a good
Pride’s chi. kens have honnv feathers,
tl,e adm inistration say that (lie amount j
over, and it w ill lie unnecessary to send
chance for hint to fa il to vote for the
lint they arc an expensive brood to rear
authorized by tlie Senate w ill not he suf­
an arm y to Cuba for the purpose of cap­
fu ll num ber o f representatives. T h a t
—t. ey eat up everything, and are al-
ficient. T lie President is using bis in-
tu rin g Havana. T iic ground for this !
some in this precinct m adethie mistake
wiivs lean when brought to market.
Florence, June 11th, 1893.
fluence to burry up action upon the h ill, 1
is shown by the fact th a t when tho bal­
opinion is t.,e b e lie f'lin t if these blows
He who hath ti e God-g veil light of
E d ito r W est :
! which is now in conference. I t is hoped !
lots were counted by tlio judges several
van tie struck in quick succession Spain
In his breast, can help on lit n y
Teoling interested in Florence we
to . omplete it this week.
were found ItAving but one o r two
w ill realise th a t she has been sufficiently
in this wor d's darkness, not to
should like to say a few words about tlie
Speak, r Reed lias made a positive
names marked instead of tlio three
whippe I and w ill ask for peace consent
!o-s, but to his pre ions gain.
coining celebration. We believe there ,
1 statement that the House w ill las allow
w hich would have been marked had
ing to accept the loss of the Philippines.
. . .
in the midst of se, rets—we
is some public s p irit in Florence hut tlie , ,,
| eu to vote on the resolution (or the an-
»■ach man voted for the num ber allowed.
i lo r to Hico, and Cuba. B ut this opin­
selfishness and indifferenco of m any of
nexation of Hawaii ritis week, and it is are encompassed with myster es. We
One consequence of tins is that in most
io n is not lessening tlie efforts to push
tier most prom inent citizens on p iih lit
an at.»o:ute certainty that it w ill i,e know not what takes pi , e in t ie at-
csees the mistake nocked against the
: tlie war. Gen. Bian o is now cut off en-
days has been the subject of severe
adopied by a urge m ajority when it is ■ •1,0'i i'llvre that surrounds us—we know
candidates of the political party to which
j tire lv , The onlv Cuban cable rem ain-
criticism in years gone by. We have
voted on. But there is no abatement of no’ w'111’ relations it has w ith n itr minds,
the voter belonged lin t whose names
j ing uncut is tha t io Kev West, of which
lite d on tlie rive r for soino ten years,
toe opposition ill tlie Senate, and fears j
0,1H *’ '*ig is sure, that under certain
were pieced toward tho end o f the
1 lie can make no use. By tlie tim e San­
and attended nearly a ll tlie most sti .
are expressed tha t the m can J l On3 lions, our soul, through the exer-
tiago and Porto Rico are disp ,se.| of we
cessful puldic festitlvities at Florence as
stave o ff a vote indetfinitely and w ill do i 1 i*1’
m'S'erions f na tions has a greai-
We th in k It would 1« much better
shall have our entire arm y thoroughly
well as those on other parts of the rive r,
so. unless they can be reached hy tm -| er P°wer lhan reason and that the
nnd make the ballot much clearer and
equipped and ready lo move o il Havana,
and heard and seen for ourself.
force of public opinio in favor of annex-
:B 8'ven it to antedate tlie future,
easier to vote if the names of the candi­
if it he necessary to do so.
In other places almost w ith o u t etcep- ;
—ay, to uee into the future.
dates o f each pa rty for tlie various
I . is heroic deeds like tha t performed
tion where eollsetions have been taken
offices were printed in separate rolum na and the public invite.) to d e l,r a te w ith I bv LieU' ’
“ n' 1 “ , r “ w " f
— fo r eaample the e n tire republican them, part of the funds obtained have I volunteers who earned the U. S. collier
ticke t in ono colum n, tlio democratic
been spent so as to secure some treat M errim ac in to tlie narrow m outh of tlie
Last Sunday the , itizens of Florence, We give below tlie general result of
tic k e t in anothor and populist in snoth-
. „ .
, ,
for die pul,lie, sueli ns free coffee, lia riio r of Santiago ,le Oul u, under a were astir at an unusually early hour,! tlie ele. tion in Lane om it. :
c r— the ba llo t con tain ing as m any I jc () i
hail of Spanish shot and shell, and sunk
onade, oranges, nuts o r candy and
for in accordance w ith pretiously laid
colum ns r.s there aro separate tickets
j her to o lw tru c t the chnnnel. ttia t makes
I * Governor—T T Geer
sometimes more than one treat lias
in the field. By th is method of ar/ang-
i one proud to he an Am erican. When
iwen provided. And furtherm ore tlie
straw lierrl. picnic at Map etun tha t tliij Í Se. of State—R H K in aid
ing. each person would see how many
citizens carried th e ir baskets mid spread A dm iral Sampson asked for volunteers and the steamer L illia n was s, Iteduleil j ’ State Treasurer—G S Moore
randidutes ho is en titled to vote for and
for this perilous d u ty, regarded ns going
a genera! table orarrangod themselves in
to leave en route for tiia t place at 7 * Supt Public fust —J H A. kerman
i f he favored some men whose names
to almost certain death, more than 400
j S a e Printer— W H Leeds
j groups and appointed eotno of th e ir
o'clock a m.
nre on diffe re nt tickets i t would tat no
party to hu nt up those who were tin-1
When at last the vast crowd wa- in I { Jus. Supreme Court—W M Ran,, y
m ore d iffic u lt to select and m ark tlie
were wanted. The seven heroes j»-r
j $ Attorney Gen.—J L Store
| provided w ith lunches, am) Invito them !
reailinese. w h id i wa» not tin til 8 o ’, l<„ k.
th e proper names than it ia under the
^ongressmati 1 Dlst —R M Veat-li 6|
: fo d in n e r w ith ou t observing the clothes formed th e ir work and escaped death, and the order to " le i go the Iines,” whs
present plan of m ixin g tlie names all
j tmt were a ll captured by tlie Spanish. 1
J W’ Hamilton
given, the steamer gave tl.rre ehril. P D ” " ’
together, and n e ith e r would it in Rrl-V | where tlie celeliration was held acted hs j Promotion and an ovation awaits them, j
blasts w ith her whistle ns h p a rti,,. ! * Pr‘w “ ' " in « A tb.r e t - G M Brow n 102
way intefere w ith the secrecy of (lie
when they are restored to lilie rty either ;
• State Senator— Kuykendall
salute to the deserted low n ; she steamed j
W hat lias Florom e dono in this line?
placidly op the riv e r and landed at I
The present plan o f arranging the
tiago by our forces.
lint lieen Iter plan of e n te rta in ­
A. me, about 45 m inutes later. After * F M B ratlain
names has been in practico since tlie
ment? I f memory serve» us rig h t she j In the course of a somewhat spirited i taking altonrd n good many of the • it i- i § W A Gray
A ustra lia n ballot system was adopted In ba. in vited the peopb to c ,„„e on the ) rep' y ’ ° #n in i i " " ‘ tio " o(
i * Ivan McQueen
zetts of that town, she aga.n star e- 1
Oregon nnd the results show th a t i t is
, .
ta lli
r o u rtb and bear speeches, take part in
on her journey tip the rive r stopping 4 S ,e r iff- W W Withers
confusing to m any of tlio voters " n,‘ i races, and when dinn er tim e camo the |
,lu rin * U” viB" ,o E " " ’P*
seini-occaslottally to take on passengers. i * Uouiitv Clerk—E U Lee
Ahould bo changed.
citisens best able to entertain,
entertain, e ith e r ' W“ 9
Sun," ° r " ’ ol o " 1 w ll° WH8
Treasurer— A S Patters ,n
1 A fte r the journey was a ls i'it half ended
“ 8 bool Supt - W M M incr
| went home o r joined a few of th e ir nt tho head of th a t commission, used : n be, ante necessary to take a Scow (u j §
T o C o ro C on«ttpatU >a Korovor»
the follow ing language, which „ ows lie
T ake C*aeuiet« Candy Cuthurlie. Wc nrSle. I cliosen friends and ate th e ir dinn er t in - ,
tow to aecot, Inodate the fast increasing • Assessor—D p Burton
I f C. C. C. full to cure, drugiriMn refund Dtvutty
j m in d fu l of tlie ■•stranger w ith in th e ir! till hastio|W's: "T h e experim ent which
M u
crowd w liic li threatened to over-load ♦ Surveyor—C
v .u
o tlicr
’ gstes," T lie stranger has been enter- ) is now being tried in India, in tlie opin both L illia n and scow.
* ^ » » » '“ ¡ ttn v r - H D Edwards
$ Coroner— W L Coeslter
tained by a liandfui of Florenco’s more ion not only of the til netalltsts of the
w orld, hut also o i m no-teiuha o f th e !
hen a »out three hours had passed
* Repuhliran § Union
j generous I .lit less prosperous citizens,
gold men o f London, where the gilUa- we 1 ai,H'
Rig,‘ l of tl,Ht
'" " P * '
The state returns give theentirc
A n event w hich o ccn rcl a few m ile . «
«»«'‘I. T h is may la, lilw r ty ;
lio n has Iwen carefully studied, wj|| Sfove, from which Alapleton derives her ticket to the republicans
from here just liefnre the last election
" 1 ,lo’ P‘ ln ^*y«
resu lt in a’ ^o lu te ami ent re failure . I n#n,e*
I,,ar'I '',5 our destinati..n.
——— .
eervoe to show how prejudice some arc
^ " 3 the treat, oh >ea, th a t could he
obtained at some private stand o r of >' w ill he un,sissit,le to f lu i d e the gold A t the sight of this tlie enthusiasm 1«.
strndar.1 upon the people of In d ia . In | ‘ " " ,e
' b,,t “
v e lt to
) “ tr P n - ’ " to a d y n e rv e s
jo lllic a lly and also servos to arouse the
p u e .tlo n .e to whether .itc h f.n a tiiw ‘ h e ' ’ ¡ - ’“ " « y 8o< ¡-ty if yon could pay
for it. We do not object to tho M is ".' ,he in ,e o f t,,i* eon,x'de’1
1 ea-v *•« ! a f u r ' 1,evr' which wa8 fln a l,F u k e n <’ P
Arc needed for success
are capable of voting.
| is an enemy and not a friend of b im e ta ll liv tb e ca n ta in and the steam whistle ol
E v t rywhere. Nerves
sionary or other societies having a stand
A Judicial officer should la, freo from
on any day tl.ey may choose, but when I
Wl'° ' U " ' 1' " P in t l' U Pr * " " " e nn'' tlie L illia n hr we came tip slow ly and
Dt'P-nd • imply, solely, J -
pa rty prejudice anil hence should not 1«
I t t a k e all th e ir efforts to run the stand , , l k * R' K’ '“ in ,‘‘ rn i‘ l i " nal bim etallism landed near the edge of that latautiful
chosen as a reward for party service
grove. When tlie landing was effected
Upon the blood.
and they neglect to show any pu blic In'ing a delusion ami a snare. And je t
no r for partisan ends. T h . event re
it appears tiia t lie lias no argum ent <0
ferrd to Is th is ; Two neigltliore of sp irit or hospitality they cannot ex,wet
they i ecame at once rei-onciled, inch
bio >d ft. eds the nerves
lilie ra l patronage, and tlie M issionary to present, except tiia t e u ilo lied in the
opposite political parties were re turn in g
to know itis place; the old folks
Society o l Florence, from th e ir past statem eut—untrue, unpleasant, and un-
And makes th. m strong.
front town when A proposed to show B
dignified—tiia t the B im etallic Commis- M t ,|own " P " n lhe benches in tlie shade .
record cannot complain if tlie ir sincerity
The great nerve tonic is
a certain paper concerning a candi­
and talked of t.y-gone days; Die d iil,Ire n
»ion took a large sunt of money and
is questioned.
date for c irc u it judge the paper lating at
ro m ,« ri alm ut w ith glee and tlie young
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
M r. W olcott stated
wUh l ( ,eir
Because it makes
A ', home. I t was forgotten again h u t ! “ " " ° r k ’ ," ’ r '1 work
W hich pays th e b u y e r, who is
Always on the a le rt fo r
Bargains in everything,
At 3t»c.
Send for wii . i |»I ch and prices
of Serges, Cassitnere, Henriet-1
tas and Suitings. All Staple!
shades in stock and very low !
1 prices.
j Gimps and Silk Trimming
jin sets and by the yard The
i very latest.
. per yard
Near Silks
In Black, Pink, Red, Sky
Blue, Navy Blue and Brown
3(5 iuclms w ile.
Send for Samples.
Nice assortment of Ladies’ i
Waists, Waist sets, Belts, Ï
Belt Buckles, Ladies’ Silk
Ties and wash Fabrics too
ttunii rous to mtiition.
Gaze 011 our Glass aTd
Chinn ware before it goes.
Ladies’ and (»cuts’ Foot-
wear, nt prices which will
astonish you.
Don’t throw away opportunities,
--C a ll and S e e U s-
0 .
C A R M A N ’S
D rv G o o d s , ★ G r o c e r ie s ★ a n d * N o tio n s.
........ •■lust Opened.
Goods as fisoresented.
r \ à - ) F - -)jf
upon the ir m eeting a day <w tw o later
" '
o1’" " ’’«’ tnvtiee li t ea.-h one of tl,a t the en tire expense o f the com inis. „Iw.tit the park for a quiet tete-a-teic
The Mn-rl rich
B rem arkc
hut it w o uld n’t ,K 'V" r '1' , l " lin * th e ir 8elfl8l‘ interests and
» „ « an hour ha.l paaasUn rest for
P u r e , giving it pn
•how me ti, . at ' nsner
‘ '
t » » l i n t do
, ,
Allen disclaimed any in te n tio n to n-tle, t tlie o ’d folks, and e enjoym
n io v iiic ent
n t for
for tlie
any good, 1 had m y m ind made up to makv an effort lo remove tlie blot from
To feed the n rves.
upon Rnytiody, I,lit reiterated itis state-
d in n e r was announced it, rcadi-
her name.
vote for tiia t man and yon can 't change
meut that the appropriation to si nd a
To w h id . a ll .tid ample J u s tiz ,
A m CasKRvxa,
i t . " Thia ro im rk was made hy a young
es|w ciall, to tlie etrawt>er,ies. sugar and Cures nervousness,
eom inim ion to Entupe I,ad been made
ream . A lte r several hours liad Is-en
Dysp, ps a, rheumatism,
ruatt who knew no th in g o f tlio contents
DO N O T F O R G E T ..
when it was known tiia t its mission
in Social enjovuient the w histle of
Catarrh, scrofula,
c r re lia b ility of s tid docum ent and who
T lie change of location ,d the N o rtliern wt'u
" 1 " t'C
c a
8 tailure. and th a t it should tt,e L iilta n inforo.eii tlie crowd tiia t it
And all forms of
p ro b a b ly had no acquaintance w ith the
Facific ticket office, w itic li is n o w w ill, not have Iven ma le. S.lver men regret was to make its <lepnrture; in a
Impure blood.
ra n d id a lo concerned. He tints declare,!
Flie Eugene Reel Estate Agency” on thia controversy lietwoen to frien is of half hour everybody
was in readiness
h im s e lf blinded by pa rty prejudleo by the grout,,| floor dirw rtly opposite the thc w h i„ m r U |t
for tlie Immward tr ip and the lo s t tioat-
í 1 * < i k ,i'’
Guard office, near corner of Secentli am)
A lthough the senate hy a vote of 48 to ed out on tlie stream am hi tlie cheers
v o tin g
fo r
candidate W illa m e tte Streets, E igene. Tltte is
U m m a ik s h ip , B W
w ith o u t regard to hie qualifications ¡or ,tie onlv regular C uy Ticket O lfiiv in 31 ,le' ' ' ,^5 011 the coinage of the »cignios. and shouts of tho M apletonites, whieh
The Northern P a rifir Ticket off;
c e le b r a r :” '
I.ane C ounty.
Wo are absolutely tlie age of tl,e silver bullion in the treasury, was answered from tlie crowd on board
tid « h ig h office.
n rltange.1 from i „ fnr, „ Br ,
only lin e ru n n in g through cars from Eo- it is generally regarded as m erely a sop lite captain then gave tlie usual fare- - I*e
e r H ,IF , g r , ^ r v , t „ r P i,o J - ' - ' ’
N ow we ask is a m an o f title kin d ge n. to the East or Booth « „ b o u t to the stiver men and „0 . I.kely .0 tw in w ell solute (three w .dstle ., and ‘ we
quarters, w ith "T h e E isern
fitte d for the right of voting?
R t * p * ’ |.n d ^ "v fa 'tb L " Ñ o r tl'r iT _________
F .ih fl," ‘ l,C " * , r
l,il1 w ,,rn ’ » »” * • 10
»'*«»•• o*’ « '" ’ journey, w l.ich occupied
J "’ ’
"n -be err, „ nq
Bcsrrlody Rays Wo.
CasntrvM Candy CRlpar'ic. the m m iv„o
doi-rul undte.d gha-oterv n t Ue> age |. , as
out and re in slung to lb» tOWtO, Wrt gently
and twatUv, ly or, kidneya. live r and trnwcla,
clean »tug tbo on Un: scsl» m. d U |* l cold».
»aim headache, fever, habitual < on»,l|ialloo
and Id iouanma. Plsoa. buy asd try a beg
» / C. C. C te-day; 10, lt>, i-0 centa. He ld and
guwraaloed to cur« by all druggists.
I tlie on ly lin o run ning tl,« apholsterod
Pullm an Tourist Sleeping cars and tlie
cwlehratvd D inin g cars on e ie rv tra in ,
D on’t lorget thia in your route
fo r „
, r i| .
r o r lu ll inform ation call or »,1,1 rem,
K M c M t a r i n , General Agent,
Opposite Guard uthev. E igene ,
l'r,‘8" lv ,lt- The und,-rsta -d in g is that
»'in house conferees w ill insist upon
a irlke tn g it our, and the lo lte f is tha t in
end the sewate w ill agree. It is Iwtieved
H > R £ t-T K A t
w UM6j
A ''j
a lo u t three hours, w ith o ca sio nal stops
“ ,r X ’rtl. ,,f G riffin'« l,«r,¡
’ ’ H Z - î b c v 'w P ^ X a ^
r ° R SALE
«C H AN G E.
to leave passengers. We landed at our '’^
l i ’ tle Iwrg fe rtin g none the worse from
any perw.ns cm, , , r i „ E
the trip , and everybody
A hnnse , nH
le jK irtin g a «•r Bout 1».
Glenada. The
th a t the lions»; conferee« w ill also insist good tim e,
F o rt.,Il inform ation ^ » i n ,
i . lfi t.e 24 ,w ,
h » '« made
arrangement» »T
n e store r ,
upon m aking the amount of lo nd s
which we w ilt fu rn is h the « « n k lf
T»> < Mr«» L t tn stip n u ix t tw«r»s*r.
»''«1» in M e h t. A|,
R M cM ce ru v. General Aeent.
‘ « «fond wond.hed
T ake C k x a if U C-utuv c «tlfetrtio. lutr.rSto.
n»u«xl l. ’OO.OiiO.OOO, as in tlie origin al
on nre’h)«e»». p.M
°t*e o n la n w ith the W rsT M r one « • ’
U C C C . UH io cure,
rvfuuu «x;v®«y.
Opposite Guard Othie, E igei
P»r,i(. „ |an,
gene. , inquire at tliig a;C(!t
,n »nv Rd.lress for the anm of two
•ars, payable cash in advance.