BIlU prUMUVV® u u cw w au v.j, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------ Hood’s M ade helpless as a baby by a dreadful nervous dis­ ease he rea d o f a case like his own, and had enough fa ith to fo llo w the exam ple it set hint. N ow he is h im s e lf an exam ple to others who are suffering fr o m gestiuu, bad taste, coated tongue, sick boadache, lu- soiniiia. etc. Hood's Pills cure constipation and all Its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. A ll druggist*. Prepared by C. I- Hood St Co., I.owcll, Mass, j Pills HOW HE INJURED THE FIN a N c ,.. „ TEREST3 OF THE CONFEDERACY M r . B la n k W a s H en t t o E a g la a d u , A id a n d F a l l a d - T h e l l e u a g . to M r . M e i u n . l a g . r W a s th e o — ■*>8> W h a t U e Supposed. The Soul hern Confederacy was mo few m ouths old w h eu a financial a J * w ns sent to E u glau d on n very ’ tou t m ission. Mr. B lank was » ciiui and a Itunker. H o wits also ua 1» gant gentlem an , w ith m any ii,flaPII! r The ouly Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A Fre Frenchwoman'» Tunorai _ _ - . i A n c h w o m a n *« F u n e ra l. disorders o f the nervous system. T h e P o e try o f N a tu re . T he P aris correspondent of the Lon- O L D H A T S O N M A N Y H E A D S . " T h e p.ietry of earth is never d ead ,” fl u Telegraph, w ritin g o f a funeral re­ w rote Keats, tied though tho statem ent W h e re l» s » U c a r d e it H e a d g e a r o f “ It told how a man, who suffered at . Sawing wood, working in his garden, a«-quututaucoa ou both sides of the « c en tly held in an interior t r . n of th e had suffered, liad been cured by Dr. Wil­ sounds ut first thought a dangerously Walking thru times a day to and from his ter. A v e ra g e C itiz e n F in d s lt > F a te , France, says the dead wom an h been HOW THE GREAT EDITOR'S HAND­ liams' Pink Pills lor Pale People. sw eeping one there is no doubt that if Before le a v in g Ri«dimond ho What becomes ot the old hats? The place of business—these form part of the in easy circum stances and bad long been “ It gave me faith and hope. I took two daily routine of Edwin R. Tripp, Post­ ho had been called upon to arguo ibo WRITING SERVED A TURN. long talk w ith M em m iug. r, the Z l ' benet t y the odd am bition to bo buried stovep ip es," derbies, fedoras, soft master of Middlefield Centre, N. Y . He boxes of the pills i then tour more boxes. point ho w onld have su ccessfu lly m ain ­ bats and straw hats of various k in d s__ tury o f tlio treasury. in pomp and splendor and w ith the ac­ “ M y gain was steady t my return to tained his thesis. Regarded subjective­ w here do they go when discarded by is past his seventieth birthday. “ I f I find th at E n glan d w ill aidu ." I t * Ille g ib ilit y W as T a k e n A d v an tag e ot com panim ent of a largo crowd. W ith Nearly fifty years ablaeksmithi thirty- health was a source of daily gratification. ly, the poetry o f earth, or, in other their owners? Every tim e a man buys n two years Justice of the Peace I three years “ In all I took eighteen boxes of the pills th is end in v iew sho bequeathed to her by tbe .Manager u t th e C o u n try F a ir , ho said, " I w ill send you word by words, the qu ulity w h ich m akes for before I was entirely well. At first 1 paid reliab le blockude runner. It w ill bT* new hat he has the old one wrapped up, town clerk, then postmaster i forty-six years principal tenant, a steady going grccn- and th e F eop le o f Oswego F a lls Saw poetry in external nature, is th at power 50 cents a box, but afterwards I saved very b rief m essage, but yon w ill nnd. ’ grocer, the greater part o f her fortune, in nature w h ich m oves us by su gges­ and eith er stow ed aw ay iu tbe hat store a resident of the town he now lives in— and H e a rd th e Lion o f th e Hay. *{e the bare outlines of a useful life. money by^etting six boxes at a time, for safe keeping or sent to him at his consisting o f a lo u l $15,000, on the e x ­ « tiind it, w h ile it w ill m ean nothing u tion, w hich ex cites in ns em otion, im- M r. TOpp’s carter is a type. His story paying office or residence. As a rule he says, press condition that sho should be in ­ Every compositor who ever put In the eui'iuy i f it sh ou ld be intereeptS“ will be read with heartfelt sympathy by “ I owe my cure entirely to Dr.Williams’ f giuatiou or poignant association, w hich Wrap it up, and i ’ll ca ll for i t iu a thousands. life hearty endorsement of Dr. terred in state, the hearse bciug drawn The confidential agen t slipped tlimaah type any of Horace G reeley's copy w ill Pink Pills for Pale People.’ by six horses caparisoned in , the trap­ plays upon the tense strings o f our sym ­ day or t w o ,’’ Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People will T o clinch his remarkable story and add certify to the fact that his handw riting tlio h u e * nnd in less than a month Z pathies w ith tho Ungers o f memory or The hatter wraps it up, marks it w ith be echoed by tens of thousands. pings of woe, w ith all tbo usual adjuncts to its helpfulness to others, Mr.Tripp made was almost illegible. It was the despair com fortably estab lish ed in Loudon. I desire. T h is pow er may reside uot less H e said i the custom er’» nam e, puts it aw ay uud the m etropolis ho foun d m nuy sonthen? to m atch. Not. content w ith th is pre­ affidavit to its truthfulness before Homer in a bleak pasture lot than in u para- of the composing ruuuli room, “ul* ami e even Gree “ In March, 1892, I was attacked by waits. On the largest mirror iu the liat Hanna, a local Notary Public. | 01 ’ cu 'J r«v ers nud m an y prom inent L'nglishmen caution, th e w orthy d u n e , wheu she d iss l closo of bloom and verdure, uot From helplessness, suffering and despair ley him self couldn’t always decipher i t store is a banner w ith a strange device what 1 afterwards learned was locomotor perceived th at her cud w as nigh, left w h o sym p athized w ith the ««'msionbr., less in u roadsido th istle patch than in Mr. Tripp was restored to the healthful, A man who was many years ago presi- legacies uot only to n variety of ohari- on it inform ing tho public that " w e are ataxia. Ho saw Mr. Y an cey, the Confederate “ T w o skillful doctors did everything a peak that scars into tho sunset, it u x i u t < u .u v u y su g g c a ic u at u ic v c g u iiiiu g U miu* ^bvity suggested at the beginning ^ent of tho Oswego County A gricultural tahlo in stitu tion s, but h I so to tbo fire­ not responsible for hats left w ith us they could for me. 1 steadily became r n iu ist» , e re ry «lay, nud the two work works through sheer beauty or sheer of this sketch. His experience is hke like others. . . . , , , , . i over 80 days. ’’ In the store they keep a m en of the place, to tho local band und While locomotor ataxia is one of the association said several days ago that ho ed togeth er in harm ony. Mr. su blim ity, but it m ay work w ith equal book, aud w hen S m ith , Jones, Brown wwsr. Was unable to dress myself. to th e g ym n astic e la t s of the district. ‘ Later I could not move even about the most baffling nervous diseases with which bad good reason ou one occasion to he wus a practical m an and wns not loni effect through austerity or reticence or or Robiuson leaves h is old “ lid " a note A ll there societies were, o f course, ' ysicians are called to contend, its cure by thankful that Mr. Greeley’s w riting in com in g to the conclu sion that no aid lim itation or change. It m ay use tho is m ade of it uud d u ly entered on this room, but was carried in m y chair. “ I gave up hope. T he doctors gave me r o p n w n tc d w ith becom ing grutitnde at . Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People was hard to ifecipher. This fact secured wus to be exp ected from tho British gov th e obsequies, w h ich in scrupulous a c ­ m ost common scenes, tha m ost fam iliar book. co encouragement. I did not expect to live has become a matter of almost daily oc­ for him a star attraction at tho fair ern m eu t 8 facts and form s, as tho veh icle of its very long. I was more helpless than a A fter 60 or 60 days have elapsed a cordance w ith tbo w ish es of tho d e­ currence. Smaller nervous troubles yield which ho could not have obtained other­ “ Tho ab o litio n sen tim en t controls m ost penetrating and m ost illn m in a tin g gencrul clearing o o t o f the old hats is baby. I sank lower and lower. much more readily to the powerftd influ­ wise. Tho association of which lie was ceased benefactress of tbo lucky grsi n- message. It is apt to m ake tbo drop of here, ” ho said to Mr. B lank. “ Someof In J«me the tide turned! From the ence these vegetable pills exert in restoring grocor and the ehnritablu und other in- dew on a grass blade as significant as made, and they go to the secondhand president made a great effort each year tho etatesineu w o n ld lik o to help the lowest ebb, it began to set toward health wasted nerve force and in purifying ana stores along South Clark street, to the NtitnUou* were on a m agnificent and, to outdo rival asstxiiutions iu its fair, south iu order to break up the Union, and vigor. tho starred sphere o f the sky. enriching the blood. costum ers’ palaces, to the country stores indeed, colossal scale, seein g that up­ T he turning point was a newspaper M erely descriptivo poetry is not very Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Williams’ and one of its regular attractions wns n but the peoplo w i l l never consent Thi som etim es, all to be cleaned, relined article. ward of 0,0 0 0 persons belonging to nil distinguished sp«>iiker who delivered an south w ill have to figh t nlone," Pink Pills for Pale People. far removed from the work o f tho re­ and furbished up tbe best w ay possible. classes o f society follow ed her mortul address to the crowd on any subject that porter and the photographer. Lacking B lank f.'lt p retty bluo when ho heart It is thus possible for a man to bo rem ains to th eir last resting place. he m ight select tlio selective q u a lity of creative art, it this, and th at n ig h t ho w rote tho single stopped on somo c h illy even in g aud S T U A R T , T H E P A IN T E R . “ When I was made president,” said is in reality little more than a represen­ A n P p S ta irs n ia v k a m ltb Shop. word “ su ccessfu l” ou a th in slip of m. asked to assist som e unfortunuto w ho is the ex-offlour of the association, " I was tation of somo o f the raw m aterials of p«?r uud s k illfu lly secreted it iu an or- w earin g one of his old hats. These old C ario us M t z B o rn o f H U F a c u lty A s la w e ll known, tho B aldw in Lo For young and ambitious. I wanted to give poetry. It leaves tho reuder unm oved, be­ hats are som etim es sent to tbe theaters d in u rycou t button. T h e next day h» corootive works aro located in tbo bcurt R e a d lu g Faces. the best fair that ever had been held at o f the c ity o f P hiladelphia, where real cause little em otion has gone to its to be used as headgear for “ the rubble” | j w as visited b y a sou thern friend, who “ I don't w ant people to look at my Oswego Falls, and I was w illin g to m ak in g.— Charles G. D. .Roberts in or “ an angry m ob” or “ a group of Ro- pictures uud say how beautiful (he dra­ rem ained w ith h im for on hour or more. estate is valuable. T h is condition o f Forum . work hard to accomplish such a result. th in gs leads to a great m any d etails in man citizens. ” Drivers of coal wagons, pery is. The face is w hat I care ubout, ” D uring b is sta y ho rem oved the top but­ Loug beforehand I stirred up the farm ­ transfer w agons and team sters general­ i said Stuart, the great American painter. A R a k e d R on ne t. th e construction of the works w hich ton from h is c oat nud sow ed on ono ers to raise big squashes und pumpkins, w ould not he thought of under different D uring a recent rainstorm a society ly w ho w a n t a hat for outdoor use buy He w as onco asked w hat ho considered given by Mr. B lank. aud I prepared a good schedule of horse circum stances, although, us very often wom an w as caught iu a sudden dow n­ a great m any c f these custaways. Tho the m ost characteristic feature of tlio ‘ ‘I understand i t nil, ” ho said when race* I scoured a man to make a bal­ bup|M us after one hus accommodated pour und was com pelled to m u hom e iu soft huts can he m ade over m ost effec­ faco. H e replied by pressing the end of lio left. “ If I g e t sa fe ly to Wilmington, loon ascension, aud all that wns lacking h im se lf to circum stances in th is way, very undignified baste. Her dign ity, tually, but a stiff hat remodeled und his pencil against the tip of his nose, I w ill go a t onco to R ichm ond and giro in my programme was tho sp.uiker. tbo result is found to have no disadvan­ how ever, w asn't «lamaged us m uch us dyed has au ancient luster that does uot distorting it oddly. th is button to Mr. M em m inger. I prefer “ A t that time Mr. Greeley wns the 1 deepive tho in telligen t. tages, but, on tho contrary, is found to her Lonnet. T he latter had been a H is faculty at reading physiognom y not to know tho n atu re o f the message, most conspicuous man iu the United bo p ositively advantageous. , dream of beauty w heu she started out. I Country stores som etim es take an in ­ lom etim cs m ade curious hits. There as you say th a t i t e x p la in s itself. ” State* We all wanted to see him uud ! T U B C H B O N IC U t r e n ts .1 1 » I». ( n U. M One of tbo features of tbo Baldw in It w as u perfect nightm are wheu she voice of these veterans, nud the result is was a persr.n in N ewport celebrated for ••x^-aitapem in U if l ’n iu .1 SUM«. " Y e * ” rep lied B lank, " it w ill be bear him speak. He was a very busy j works, w liieh is a blacksm ith shop, reached hom e again. Sho thought that a w eird exhibition o f headgear by tho his powers o f calculation, but in other I THE CHRONICLE dm n.» eqoei on the uuderstootl by tho secretary, and a* it man, however, and 1 knew that wo had , • ’•Serprtse » ... steum ham m ers and all, is located on a littlo hearing w ould bring it about ull sages of the cracker barrels and h itch ­ respects alm ost an idiot. One day ¡ ! . / ' " *“ L ,n *WI,V ‘■« neporu sre about one chance in ten of securing j refers to a state secret I cannot say any­ tho second floor. T his shop does what right. Tho kitchen fire had gone out, ing blocks. Stuart, being in the B ritish museum, in s l u s s i »n J m a i r e l|,b l » le, LocU th, th in g about it. ” A stiff Hat once broken can w ith d iffi- cam e upon » bust whose likeness was ; ninnili anJ splclsu » n i ,u K d,lurl»li the B aldw in works call the ligh t but sho put the bonnet iu the oven und y.» him. I determined to take that chance. | Tho tw o shixik bands, and the gentle­ •bleat ¡ien«' n the euuntry. After much preliminary thought aud I cuJly he patched up acceptably, hot a work. It docs not do tho frame forging prepared to b u ild tho tiro. Ju st as sho apparently unm istakable. G alliug the : » i ï i h ï ï i 11 m an w ith tho precious button took tlw k b-'«Lw*«Iw»r» many consultations with others I pre- j soft hat m ay be worked over m any tim es or other heavy work, although tho had got a ll tho m aterials together tho curator, ho said, ‘I see you huve a head «III b«, th e f r i,„4 „1.1 Champion of t h , p m „ „ M pared and sent to him a very creditable ■ next train for L iverpool, where bo w ork done is, us alreudy intim ated, su f­ doorbell rang. It w as a caller. Tho v is­ and s till he m arketable. Laborers geu- | of ‘C alculatin g Jem m y ,’ ’’ I » e s ilis i em u lili,»ilon», db,uè», c o r v o ,»thm » boarded u steam er bound for Wilming­ I oppr a s lo ,,. o l «„,■ u(1„ | , t u j « o « i i j , » t j invitation to attend onr fair and deliver ficien tly heavy to ta ll for steam ham ­ itor w as a great gossip, uud sho had a i erally w ear soft liats, although a few ‘ ‘C alculatin g Jem m y!’ ” repeated *■ « v e r /U ilu f b s u u a i tu uuU d«^ ton. j on address ou auy subject that he chose. , mers. Tho eutiro shop contains 87 brand new hit of scandal to tell. The sport derbies, nud m any a once proud, ; the curator iu amazement- "That is The steam er w n s chased by Federal I assured him that he would find only forges, served by tw o fans, which aro tw o wom en become very m uch absorbed stylish but m ay he seen during the usual the head o f Sir Isaac N ew ton. ” cruiser* but sho m anaged to reach her friends iu his audience, aud I said that j driven by electric motors. A com plete in their chat. During the course of it the Chicago street clean in g days perched on On another occasion, w h ile diDing we hud long looked for such an oppor­ destination w ith o u t an y serious mishap. system o f exhaust piping for carrying servant girl, w ho had been out for the tho cranium of som e stalw art w ielder w ith the Duke of Northumberland, his of the shovel and pick. tunity to hear him. Two days later the i Iu the course c f tw o or three days tbo nw ny tho sm oke is provided, w hich, to ­ afternoon, returned aud passed buck into host p rivily called his attention to a Tho peddlers buy tho old hats. The gentlem an and asked the painter if he , village postmaster told me that be liad ! m ysterious traveler c a lle d ou Mr. Mem- g eth er w ith tho very liberal window tho kitchen. A bout an hour later tho ! a letter that he thought was addressed ! niiuger in R ichm ond and presented him und sk yligh t urea uud olovuted location, tw o gossip s in the joirlor began to notice m ilkm en, tho snilors, riverm en, labor- knew him . Stuart had never seen him resu lts in ibo cleanest und ligh test « queer Oder com in g from the kitchen, ers and that m ost sh iftin g army o f h u ­ before. to me. I had heard a good deal abont I w ith a button. T he secretary cut off its Greeley s handwriting, and I knew at covering in a burrv and sm iled when Ah op, when ibo num ber o f fires is con ­ rim truth of the situation suddenly man odds and ends w hich form such an i " T e ll mo w hat sort o f a mun he is." sidered, that wo havoever secu .__A m er­ flushed ujiou tho hostess, w ho im m ed i­ item in the c it y ’s population— these aro ! " I m ay speuk frankly?” once that this was m y reply from Mr. 1 ho rend tho word " su c c e ssfu l.” Did Mr. B lan k sh ow th is message to ican M achinist. Greeley. When I opened tho envelope. I a tely rushed out in to the kitchen. There tho men to whom tho vast bulk of tho ! " B y all means. " i found a sheet of paper on which were I you?” ho ask ed she found to her horror that tho girl had old hats go. H ats that havo glisten ed 1 if tl10 nver wroto a D lo k rn e an d C ru ik s lia n k . "No. Wo both th o u g h t it best that I bu ilt tbe kitchen fire and her lovely w ith newness and glossy nap, ouco start- ! legible band ho is the greatest rascal | irregular scrawls that I couldn’t de- Tbo Inst tim e 1 saw D ickens w as in bonnet lay in tbo oven roar ted to a crisp. od on Ihodow nw ard path, go low er and that ever disgraced society. ” j cipher. With several of my friends I ■ should rem ain in ign on m eo so that no low er t ill tho ash heap in tho a lley or i 1881), nt tho funeral of W illia m Make — P h ilad elp h ia Record. It appeared that the man was an at­ , en? /r e " “ l0I,g timp’ but 1 could telltalo expre*si«m o f m y fn c o would be- the oblivion of au em pty lot marks their 1 torney w ho had been detected iu suufiry peace Thackeray, to w h ich 1 accom ­ , not read it. I remembered that the ed- Iray an yth in g if th o en em y captured A L o o d o n C ook. final degradation.— C hicago Chronicle. ' dishonorable net* pan ied my father. A lthough December, | Itor of our paper had ut ono timo been I There is n celebrated cook in London A t a m eetin g o f tho cab in et that aft- it wus as bright and sunny us a sum m er S tu art’s daughter te lls a pretty story rim ’ “d in«tU|Wr' Greeiey ’8 liuudwrit- about whom it is said that ho m akes au auy. On g ettin g cut ut the railw ay sta­ G R A N T IN D I S G U I S E . ng, and I took the letter to him. Ho ernoon Mr. M em m inger w as iu high of her fath er’s garret, where many of tio n wo rnuouutorcd George Cruiksliank, incom e o f over £S,GOO u year. H o is at- was a little out of practico, but he de­ sp irit* He predicted th a t the war would j his unfinished pictures were stored: ' A Ileeo n n n isaan ce on th e Q u ie t W l- eh w ith whom in early life Thackeray hud tuohed to no hoiibe. ciphered it after half an hour's exami- bo over iu »0 days nud said that England The garret w as m y playground, and T o o k th o Hoys b y S to rm . T h is is how he earns h is livin g: Iu rtndiud etch in g und whose illustrations nation. Mr. Greeley regretted th a U .e was preparing to recogn ize the Confed­ I a beautiful skotch of Mine. Bonaparte Olio «lay nt C h attanooga,’’ says ono ' w as the idol that I worshiped. A t last w ere a feuturo o f D ickens’ earlier work* h is ow n brougham ho sets out toward That «"ab ° t0 “r<'ePt ° ° r inv't“ti0U. eracy nud send over h er warships to Cruikahank w as then in h is seventieth even in g for tho house o f some rich man of the noldier boys w r itin g iu tlie C hi­ I got possession of «xrlors and an old I the greatdisaPP0iutmeut to mo. break tho blockade. year. l i e wulked w ith ns to Keusul w ho is goin g to g iv e u dinner at w h ich cago Inter Ocean, “ a lot of us w ere panel and fe ll to work copying the pic­ I thought It over, and suddenly it ! I h a v e t h i* ” he said, “ from m y con­ G recu cem etery, nud tho day being every dish m ust ho above criticism . loading hard tack and bacon iu to n ture. Suddenly I heard a frigh tful roar­ dh Wnef , ° U me tb,' t there "u s jn ,t a fidential agent, Mr. B lank " Here bo aligh ts, nud, m aking for the wagon train that wus to be sen t to h a lf in g sound. Tho kitebeu chim ney w as on w arm I carried his overcoat. chance that I m ight by strategy get Mr The nam e com m anded respect, and I h e great tem perance urtist w as ns kitchen, goes through tbo process of starving men, and w ere g iv in g moro a t­ Are. P resently m y father appeared, to 1 .car 7 (° ° WeB0 Falls aftir all \ when the secretory said th at under th« q u aiu t und odd iu m anner and appeur- ta stin g all tho soups, sauces and made tention to badgering eaeh other than to seo If tho fire w as lik ely to do any dam ­ , »ent him another letter that must have circum stances a loan o f $15,000,000 ne­ auce ns any of his owu caricatures. dishes, advisin g, w hen h is palnto su g­ tho work in hand, w hen a lam e m an in i age. H e snw that 1 looked very fixilish ! staggered him. Mr. Greeley was w ell gotiated in Euroix) w ou ld be sufficient G eorge, as h is intim ates called him, gests, u little more sa lt here, a pinch c f fatigno dress, w alk in g w ith som o diffl- , at being eau gh t at such presumptuous ! the fact that his w riting waa everybody ngreed w ith him . The w«eks ponsessed histrionic tastes aud used to herbs there, a dash o f sugar iu th is en- I cn lty w ith tho assistance of u cane ' em ploym ent and pretended not to see almost BlegiMe, and he was never rolled on, and E rlan ger in P aris advw> appeur as Macbeth aud iu other fchuko- tree, a suspieiou o f ouiou iu th at sul- passed along tho high porch o f theqnar- ‘ nie B u t presently he could not resist much surprised when his letters were tised for bids for $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 in Confed­ term astcr’s shed ami looked down ut tho ! looking over m y shoulder. ■pearcen charset« rs ut Suddlor’a Wells. m is, etc. “ ’™ r u ---- - ... i . a I-im Hi p ly took a d v a n u ^ erate lxmds. Mr. B lan k read th is nt bi» T h is done, ho pockets h is fee o f 6 boys for a m iiinfo or tw o w ith o n t a ! Ho w as associated w ith Dickens, tjo , in of that, hinU'è a,»1 K v . ’ said he—so bo used to ' ïhanked ‘uy PeroB(1 "'■'r0D'i l« $ 6 . 7 0 volunteer officer, aud on the occasion of u ig b tly lis t com prises m any houses ull your work like soldier* ' It ia pleasant to ndd that tho little «ce about it. ” Old H annibal, w ho w as slou ch in g a girl w ho (bus fouud h fr innpiraticu som e review a coinio hard w rote in a l­ through tho Loudon season.__P h ila d el­ 1 lie n ext day he waa at Erlanger’« phia Leilger. ! address «t ,h e 'îa7 r8° i “d8 1° th° lu sion to h is teuiperauce p roclivities good deal ut his work, turned w ith im ­ even tually became a poi trait painter of ha.1 O T . . , . , be p ,iu |^ “ J y 1 ,h at « offleo in P ari* Tho F rench banker in­ lin e s w h ich I s t ill recall: pudent bravado toward the officer uud m erit.— Y ou th’s Companion. formed b is v isito r th a t there was no T h e M u i r w a U u ilo n s a . « ra c y C ru iksliank, I f you pksso. j wus ju st i l l tl.T net o f sayin g that he did i im stake, and then B lank sw ore vigor On a huriw e 1th groggy kn«xs! Here iu n solitary fignre, th at o f a not w an t any quarterm aster’s clerk to FOR AN O C EA N VO YAG E. ously, I h e bids rushed in from all quar- --C h a m b ers’ Joorual. M asarwa hnshmiiu, engaged iu d ig g in g givo orders to him , w hen be started iu If the m dem ands o f Ifiese these sp specula­ up bulbs as a food supply. These bulbs, surprise, saluted and, m urh to the as­ T a k e O n ly H a i r t h . C lo th e« Y ou T u ln h ; read rest we t.a!' , pr* , " raan as or ru it T h s y W i l l L a y S c ra m b le d E g g .. 1 ts a le tte r e l ’ ,lech,,IU8 ‘b® invitation tors had haa been bw :n“M m et. ” . $50 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 iu Got You M i l l X eed. Here, c a ll your dog iuto your own sm all, round nud sm ooth aud of a sw eet tonishm ent of tho hoys, lifte d his hut. i fcB’Irv. The look of im pudence w ent from his , whe, l e i aCr ,PU,,c'’’ au'1 1 how d v ' eratC lx ™ « * "T ake only h alf the cloth in g that vou wheu bo learned h bow «urdeu If you d on 't keep him w ith in nu tty Haver, aro exactly the sam e us »hen he o ^ far e » . we . . . b;l(, ™ « h e n th is fact becam e known. M. those for w hich the guinea fo w ls aro face lik e a Hash, and he said, 'A ll right, think you w ill need for an ocean vov- with cur printing th.» 7 "uu poue bounds. I ’ll shoot h im ." yelled Looney auk again relapsed in to profanity. searching so eagerly. They m ay be general, vve w ill do it ju st as j’ou w ant ago and do not attem pt to have a sm all elude to couie. 8 bat wonld c°u- to h is ucighbor. Ho could uot stan d it, and, despit T heo all ihe men recognized trunk iu your stateroom ,” w rites Em ­ " You seem to m ake a nico fnss abont c a llid the bushm an’s bread, und when it done. « r X . Z f r o i n 7 ly ,rom Mr. UucluStn, u. p, n ruiu4 Ihe danger o f tho trip, he m ade his nr m y dog g ettin g iuto your y a r d ,’’ said gam e is scarce or liu uting luck is out in tho qu iet mnu the com m anding g en ­ m a M. Hooper in The L adies’ Home ► “ »«-•* « „ n J , M„ loo I Journal. “ H ave in your largest shawl him our posters und i n / ° tUn° Wt> BPnt rangeineut* to return houift H is inter- th e neighbor coolly. “ Suppuso you thoy servo us a m ainstay uguinst utter eral o f the army, n v z W K K K I.v O K .IO X IC I.K I n starvation. bright««* G rant follow ed overy look and word, strap u travelin g rug, heavy wrap__a »he fair aud the town f ? Ua,1° D olx’Dt Mew w ith M einm iuger w a s a stormj rn “> ........ « en-n ,lru W-.m. »• th in k i t ’s a park?’’ « r a p -« i the ■ 8 buib,llnn collect» h is bulbs in tho and he probably understood old H ann i­ g o lf cape ia oxoelient— sun umbrella, tbo day set for the acic Mrs. Parvenu)**’ power ia more poteut thau health or even age w e ig h t allow ed lin free t un on in the e COUll- co n ti­ l/n n old t m ’ drW8,riD;miug ™>wd inT?be h , .? ” 1 aad lb« n ln ^ teropl,emY '« a fa ta l th in « ia * Tba first tim o the boy waa taken out life itself. G ray hair« m ay appear, the nent. w " B e a u tifu H T hey wen« really tick led Warm wrap« nod w oolen under- ! ftu'’ 1 H an eld fashion revived. One n - ,, «X'ation be«»a i blatory pf , b Pioniacy. — C h k agn T b n e , H e r a b t to Uu he beljx'd h im self to the bigBi-st » » p o r t , í x « y . W h c b í X picture hat headache" may become “ ----------------* " 1 ty exam wear are necessary nt e ll searons going w ith it. **— D etroit JT oe P ro m . piece of cake ou the plate. M a parent» chronic nud wriuklea deepen, tmt w h ile across the A tla n tic ." j hand af‘ w w h hite mad " Escap ing th e O rg a n G rin d e rs . ite « t : n m .,».............. . him I never diw vTC J b“d P>«yed cu row U u d * w ith several row , 7 n " !" PD9 of n i y f r ^ a « jn tim a te d not fnLl’ i ic** t0 8 de»ri«»’s i f you are T h e o ld est w ood en b u ild in g iu the were mortified, t u , in after year» they tbe d om inatin gqueeu of atylodee-rtx'B it . A *“ “ Bsailb»«. v»,,uv n-ni were proud of him, w hen he became a w e shall still behold (he baneful aud ch toe m « itc h in g for . w orld ia a church a t tiorgu ud, N orw ay. 8 trti{ w u sio. Itinerant or- * ” P>cioiM, and he bad hiï can n- Hog» sre not perm itted iu the rare o f ! gether w ith ,,uc r,,w r f t,»,- ~ I f I t w a s erected in th e e le v en th reu tury, g n a t p o litic iu u .- P hilad elph ia Kurth overpow ering picture b a t — 1 tch an g* <*>»< I Would ------ - m at» - raade 1110 ‘h” remark ■ where SD ca’*^uP y »T oll p la y in g auy- A lu triian . dive» ie elevated road Various means are uot m uch in r? tbnu fc >*, 9 ' aud freq u en t c«nts o f pitch have pra- who p»11131» b° h011»® c f a prattition*r That w a, h i, nn7 C,,11 s e ll • Ine usici 1 » , i,>. ...» ut ■> '-■ ” 7 n m ight have been ,af:eri/,0,bl**brd in G reenland can bivtory ia in c o u - x ’tio n w ith S o lo m o n ’» " W h a t d«i yoo m eauF' \ ew v ® is,aken for u c t a t » n a «o acceptance. D,taght»e— H e never seem s to tralire «ere w ho heard tbe w h iu in g of a sm all high collar -vew Yw k g utu tem p le, w h ere t h e n w ae an organ w ith “ h h e ie cu gagid to another clergy- j . , " “ t® longest uam e iu rsieteuce. ---------------- how tender toy faoa I * — D etroit Free dog, now tore to be seen, located it I tan p ip e* m an " — C hicago ItcoonL S y m a m i n n T S 0“ 0 fin ally ip a ts u d t o x carried on tbe A bushel n’» .,. Ftvs* U ( t i of a pastvuger — Naw York riaa. d r lcl. cqa s ^ , j b hi to lo in th when •tretcb w a ^ T ts1* “ 0“ h“8 h**“ deacribed a» »be ®F - S a a d i and ( n er “ »how off Towu • i d Country J UUrn*L SEt’LKED GREELEY. W K ííS R B í CHRONICLE DAILV Chronicle vou t o f f i e Man? ■ Map o f t h a W ’ rld SIS " ’