f THE W EST YOUR HOHE PAPER SUPPORT ADVERTISERS Í- » . 4 SIUSLAW'S ONLY PAPSB. OPPORTUNITY Là FLORENCE, OREGON, F1UDAY, Juue 10, 1398. IX. NO. Ö. G ra d o a te a at la d t s a ttB lv e rs lU a a . the secret. That was the way we came had nailed h l, flag to the mast, aa it I think that tbe aorrows of a child­ were. He gave order, to set the achoou- to know the destination. Into the ward of the whit owe shed walla It was a foolish idea in the count to er’s coarso and keep it and to pay no less wife in India are not nearly so Where the dead and the dying Inj— chase bis wife under any circumstances, attention to us, and if we lost him in great aa Mrs. Steel describes them to Wounded by bayonela, wbelia ond ball»— ; STATE OFFICERS- O J L R I D I l S r E R . S T E A M ER “ C O O S ," Somebody's darling was borne one day, but hero be was, un old uiau, lame, ill squall cr lo g or the darkness of night be, simply because of that "ourioua res­ Somebody'a darling, so young and ho bruv% o — W ill m ak e 7 — ...o and had never even crossed the channel, we knew where to find him again. We ignation, that impressive acquieacenoe, S T A Q B L IN E , Wearing Kill! on hiri pale, tweet face— We were a small craft with a big crew, passed the cape only ten miles behind which, ” she soya, “ does more to separate Been to 1 h > hid by the dust of the grave— R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S The lingering light of his boyhood'll graofe ami all hands were crowded, hut the old him ; wo sailed up the Madagascar coast east from west than alt tbe seas which William P. Lord. fellow was w illing to suffer any incou- in his wako. We knew when night lie between England and India,' * and be­ . ..H . R. Kincaid. jry of S'ate. -----B etw een------ Mnttrd and damp are the curls of gold Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ veuieuce and run any risks for the sake closed in that we should find him on cause, even if the barrenness of tbe . .Philip Metchen Kissing the snow of that fair young brow. sr............. the morrow. The Count D’Charny got first wife necessitates the marrying of a Pali the lipa of delicate uxold. days and Fridays. of ovcrhuuliug the elopers. iblic Instruction ,G. M. Irwin. Bnicvhody s darling is dying now. sick nnd got well again. He hod furi- second (with a view to the future per­ He had two friends and a doctor with Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ W. H. Leeds. Back fioiu the beautiful blue veint-d face inter......... formance of religious rites), there can biin, und it was his lavish use of money •us moods and weeping moods. i Eruali every wandering, silken thread. . .C. M. Idleman. days and Saturdays. General. One day he would forgive bis wife be uo jealousy between the two, for to Close his 1 utntls as a sign of grao*e. which prepared us for sea so quickly. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ ..........R. 8. Bean them ’’marriage has for its object tbo - Bomelxjdy ’a darling is still and deed. The elopers had a fust craft, plenty of • lid the next he would he impatient to preservation of the hearth fire, not tho ........F. A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with i Court a take her life. He never faltered iu hi» money and would not be overhauled if Kiss hixn once more for Hornetody's sake. C. E. Wolveiton Stage Line for Coos Bay. fire of passion, and the jealousy which Charge I Murmur a prayer, soft and low. they could help it. The count hail plen­ intention to kill the Englishman, how­ is a virtue to tiio civilised is a crime to ond D istrict... .J. C. Fullerton reasonable. ever, That was what he lived for and , One bright curl from the d u ster taka ty of money, a eraft equally us fast and these bsrbariaua" Mrs. Steel, I fear, They were somebody's pride, you know. Secoud D istrict... W. E. Yates bad vowed to hunt them down if it took what held him up. One morning we has also falleu into the common error Somebody's hand hath rented there. five years. That was the way things found tlie seboouer lying to, as 1 have * Was it a mother’s, soft and white! said, and on nearing her her captain i lit would have been a marvel had she I And have the hps of a sister fair stood as we sailed out of tbe harbor. boarded un in a boat and sought out the l ot) of assuming that every graduate of Been baptized in thoae waves of light! "Bound for tho Indian ocean” meant R i.n Indian university is a prig. S great dial, und yet it meant nothing. count aud said: bod knows b»*8t. He was Homebody’s lov< )UNTY OFFIOERS The Indian graduate is also tbe pet “ The countess is aboard of tbe Somelxxly's heart enshrined him near. It meant a run of thousands of miles aversion of Mr. Rudyard Kipling. But Somebody wafted his name above schooner. You have followed us for down the coast, around tho cape of Good Night and morn on the wings of prayer. E- Bangs, Proprietor. both are wrong in their assumptions. In Hope, Australia, India or a dozen other weeks. If you wish for satisfaction, you tbe discharge of my academical duties, Somebody wept when he marched away, have only to row ashore aud Mr. Kane places. As the schooner had six day« look in g h o handsome, brave and grand. ...E . O. Potter. not so very long ago, I came daily Into S tage leaves E u g en e M ondays, Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay. tho start of us and the winds bad been w ill give it to you. ” Homebody clung to his parting hand. The count aud his friends jumped at contact with more than 700 undergrad­ , . . . W. T. Bailey W ed n esd ays, and F ridays a t 6 a. fair she was at least 800 miles ahead. uates of tbe Calcutta university, and I Bioncrs , . . .J. T. Callison Our only hope of getting ou her truck the chance, taking both pistols and did not notice iu them as a class any Somebody's watching and waiting for him, m ., a rrivin g at F lo ren ce th e day Yearning to hold him ugain io her heart. before reaching the Cap« was in speak­ swords. 1 was ordered to take charge particular priggishuess, anything which A. C. Jennings follow in g a t 10 a. m. he lies with the blue eyes dim, of the boat which set them ashore. The S le e p in g C ars There ing vessels coming up from the south. And sm iling, childlike, lifts upart. . . . A. J. Johnson would differentiate them in that respect, As soon as we were clear of the land connt was at first inclined to rash upon R etu r n in g -sta g e lea v es F lo r ­ Tenderly bury the fair young dead, Elegant . .A. S. Patterson Pausing to drop on his grave a tear. all sail was piled on to the bark, with the Englishman aud kill him out of say, from English varsity men.—Acad­ __ D. P. Burton en ce o i l M ondays, W ed n esd ays Carve ou the wooden slab nt his brad, Dining Cars orders to furl nothing except tosave her hand, but he was restrained, and pretty emy. "Somebody's darling lies buried here.” Superintendent. . ....O . S. Hunt and F rid ays at 3 p. m ., arrivin g sticks For 36 hours we ran to the soon a duel with pistols was arranged. r i a m t i n f U p a RI vmv —New York Lodger. As Kune had no secoud oue of the south iu a gule of wind whiph kept her . ,.C. M. Collier in E u g en e th e fo llo w in g day at Tourist It was a vexed question in 1890 Frenchmen gallantly offered to act as | Sleeping Cars lee rail nuder tho foam, and the run ... J . W. Harris whether the Bilcomayo river, which 6 p, m. we made has never yet been beateu by such. The ground was paced off in full ! flows for hundreds of miles from the ■ T. PAUL of Peace................. F. W ilson a steamer. Then we spoke our first ship, view of the people ou both craft, and ; Bolivian Andes to the Paraguay, might Le ........................ John F. Tanner M IN N E A P O L IS but no schooner had been seen. We got one couldn't help admiring Kane for be used as a commercial highway from BY CHAULES B. LEWIS. S in g le fare . . . - $5.00 down to the Madciras without gettiug bis coolness and gentlemanly bearing. Bolivia to tlie ocean. Our countryman, DULU TH ____ He had no taunts, no hard words. A R ound trip - - - - $51.00 Yon may think it queer that I cannot word of her, aud after a race to the Ca­ good nuturod smile rested on his face, Captaiu Page, settled this questiou so FARGO naries were ugnin disappointed. It was conclusively that uo further effort to give yon the real uamesof the priucijial CITY OFFICERS. G R A N D FO RKS TO T ick ets for sale a t E . B a n g s’s two days after leaving the latter and he was as calm as if getting ready ntiliae the Pilcomayo is likely to ba actors in tho drama 1 um about to re­ fox a game of billiards. The countess group, and while holding for Cape C RO O KSTO N liv e ry barn, E u gen e, and a t H urd late, hut such is the fact. Things were Verde, that we got our first uews. It was the only oue on shipboard who made, and in this'work. that coat him bis life, for he died of his privations W IN N IP E G --------- i managed so nicely that no public wan- enme from an English man-of-war didn’t wntch matters. ,W. II. Weatherson & D aven p o rt’s office in F lorence. int.. By and by the two men took their after being hemmed in for months by H E L E N A *nd^ ___ : dal resulted, and us for names we were which hud come upon the schooner to hostile Indians, be dovised a plan for O. W. Hurd cnly sailor m< n and had uo business to tlie south of the cape while she was re­ places, the word was given and they steaming up river when th<- water was BUTTE Win. Kyle fired together The count was unhurt, inquire or to know them. What 1 heard pairing damages received aloft during a I Trustees MORRIS HOTEL, L. Cliristensen but his bullet penetrated Kaue's heart, so low that his vessel was stack iu tho and saw and passed through, however, squall. She did not need assistance, and the Englishman was dead before be mud. He was determined to go still M. Morris aud her captaiu received the offer iu a farther, though his little steumer, ... J . 0 . FLIN T, Proprietor .. 1 cou tell ycu all about aud with tlie very churlish muuuer. She was not readied the ground. We buried him ou which drew ouly 18 inches, rested an TO .John II. Morris hope to interest you. tho island that afternoon aud did it de­ F lo r e n o a , O r e g o n . C H IC A G O boarded, but her name was recorded in . . . .J. A. Pond The Count D'Chnrny, ns I will call the logbook, aud that was the way we cently, and at sundown the oouut went the river bottom, so behind the boat ba W A S H IN G T O N ,G. C. Cumpton aboard the Sylph, and both craft laid a threw up an eiubaukmeut of earth clear him, was an old man with a young got track of her across tbe channel, backed it with palm ! course for home. O U R A IM — T o furnish th e b est P H IL A D E L P H IA wifo. That ilia honor was safe io her fche was still four days ahead of us. trunks and brushwood, aud before long It was said that the erring wife was hands ho never for an instant doubted, But for this information we should tbe water had risen a couple of feet, accom m od ation s a t reasonable N E W Y O R K and slio came and went as she pleased. have touched nt the isluuds to nialto in- forgiven and that she expressed all fEORET SOCIETIES. BO STO N A N D A L L and tbe little Bolivia was able to go on proper humility and returned to Paris Aside from his «0 years cf life he was cuirics aud thus lost another day As prices. her way four miles before she stuck P O IN T S E A 8 T '>»<1 S O U T H gouty aud dyspeptic, and, though ho it was we gavo the bark all tlie sail she ! to live with her husband, but 1 cannot again. Then another dam was built, vouch for this. I only remember that had millions of money and a title, the could stagger under and twice refused For Information, time card«, maps and tickets and this process was repeated seven (A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. there was no publio scandal aud that last was not an offset for the first. Three to answer the signals of ships wishing etc., call on or write ¿alar communication on second times, and with tlie aid of the dams tba evory sailor was paid for keeping quiet or four years after her marriage the to speak us. Katie would not even sus­ Jrth Saturdays in each month. countess met an English gentleman pect that tho count wus after him, and aud bad uothiug to say. Kane's body vessel advanced about 86 miles above R. M c M u r p h e y , W . W . NEELY, Prop'r. tbe highest point she could reach at tbe O. W. Hcan, W. M. General Agent. Room, 2 and 4, Shelton Block, whoso name I must give as Kune. He having his ladylove aboard and seeing was afterward taken to England by his natural low water stage.—Harptr s N otts , Secretary. T ab les furnished w ith a ll th e was as tine looking a man ns I ever saw, uo cause tor iiuste he would take his relatives, and they at least must have EUGENE, OREGON. aged about 86, and every word and ac­ time. So wo reasoned, but tin l'e was been among tbe outsiders who knew Round Table. i d elica cies o f th e season. W ild , A. D. C H A R LTO N , more or less of tho affair. tion showed the gentleman It was said not much con.-iolation in it. O m K Foul» W h o O wned W h o lo T a m a . Assistant General Passenger Agent. | gam e, fish and fruit in season. B est I ! that he had a mint of money and from Wo might run a parallel course with General Lyons Post, No. 58. 255 Morrison St. Cor. Sd. Hitard, who was attached to Edmund Conversion by M a rriag e. the expenses he met 1 am inclined to bo- him for a week and neither craft sight its Hecoiul an<( fourth SAturuujs P o r t l a n d O r . lieve tho statement. Ironsides, is tho first court jester of i accom od ation s for th e tra v elin g tho other We might pass him by in A correspondent sends a story about I month at 1:30 p. in. For a year be lived in Paris in the the night, or we might shorteu sail a conversion bj» marriage. A colored whom we have record. He owned tho ' I. BcrTKRKiKi.n, Commander. public. C harges reasonable. most expensive ninuner und danced at­ while he cracked on Luck was with woman came to bis office to solicit 6 town of Walworth, a gift from the king. The Funk & W agnalls J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. tendance on the countess. Then they 1 us, however. One morning when well nnd 10 cent subscriptions for a new car­ He held it through four succeeding agreed to elope together, aud tbetr plans down the African coast we spoke au pet and organ for her church. A young reigns, and beture leaving England for E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l. were carried out in tho coolest aud most English brig which hud passed the : lady in tbe office gave the woman 10 Rome, where be spent his last days, be businesslike manner. The conutess went schooner tho clay before und so closely 1 cents, whereupon tho correspondent sug­ presented it to the church, placing the 1U. W. Perpetua I.odge, No. 131, —— o{ The at it to sell all the property m her own ns to catch her name She reported gested that “ both she und tbe colored deed upon the altar of the cathedral of ets every 1st and 3d Saturdays right and to get as much cash out of Kane driving along at an easy pace, and lady were probably good Baptists. ” Canterbury. visiting and Twentv-three iionth. Members Oallat, Ualet or Collet, a native of the count na she could, aud at the end then wo felt that we must overhikl i “ Oh, “ said the colored woman, “ 1 used Bn in good standing are cordially M iles W est ENQL,5H LANQUA0E Bayeux, was oue of William the Con­ of three months she was ready for flight him within a couple nt duys. (toattend. J. J. A nderson , M. W. ! to be a Uaptis’, but I uiurned a Mcfo- queror's jesters He wus attached to aud bad something like $1,000,000 in I vlb , Recorder. of Eugene, c o m p l e t e Just before sundown next day wo dis’ minister, and then of course 1 was a William wheu ouly Duke of Normandy money and jewelry to take with her. caught sight of n sail ahead of ns which Mefodis’. ’* This is not the first case on aud saved his master's lifo by disclosing ■ ----------- I S U C C IE N T Meanwhile Kane had gone to England , we believed to he tho schooner, and that record of conversion by marriage Une F. Heceta Lodge No. I ll .meets and purchased a large and handsome night none of our passengers slept You case is knowu in which both parties a plot for his aasassiuation. Berdio was ►V Wednesday evening in l>odge another. He is enrolled in domesdny A U T H O R IT A T IV E schooner yacht and given out that he | know how excitable (lie French are ‘ were converted. ■Florence, Oregon. Brothers m book us joculator regis and lord of three was going on a long pleasure cruise tc ! Tbe count ami bis friends spent tbe muling invited to attend. A certain governor of Rhode Island towna, all reut free, aud five carcoatea J. J. A ndbrson , N. G. tho Indian oceau. He took a crew abourd night drinking and jabbering aud walk I who lived iu Newport und was a mem- A ndrew B rcnd , Sec. and brought up in the port of Cherbourg, iug about, and before midnight it wus Lcr of tho Congregational church niar- iu Uloucestvrsbire. Rabcru was jester ' 3 0 1 .8 6 } Vocobulary T e rm i and there the schooner was provisioned know 11 throughout tho l.ark that they ried u woman who was a Baptist with- to Henry 1, aud William Ficulph, or Pi- >47 ed ito r» and S pedallst» and some alterations made to her cabins. meant to sink the schooner rather than otit any understanding as to tbearrunge- col, jester to King John. Master Henry, 33 j Keoders «or Q u o U tio a t who, it is thought, may Le identical She was called the handsomest craft in let her get awuy from us. , ment of religious matters. Tbe first gnoo lllu e tratlo a o zHURCH DIRECTORY vplth Henry of Avrancbea, the poet lau­ Money Saved tho harbor, and it needed only a glance Wo meant to gain ou her that night, Bunday morning after the marriage the Co»t over $ 96 0 ,0 0 0 at ter finely molded lines to tell that but not too much, us it was dark aud pair started out i t church time togeth­ reate or veraificator, was jester to Henry By HL— Amelia Wofford in St. Nicholas. Appendi» ol 4 7 .4 6 8 E n trle » IBYTERIAN CHURCH,Florence, she could sail liko a witch. rainy aud we foared to overrun her. er They walked side by side as far aa non. Sabbath service: Sabbat h- One afternoon in June the ntapter of Men were 011 watch alow aud aloft all tbe corner of Church and Spring streets, Patronizing it. ConelasiTB. 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching 11 the Sylph, as the schooner was called, night, and when morning came the i where their accustomed ways to church a. in. and 7 p. in. Stwrament of A doctor on tour through tbe high­ The full numlx-r oi word» and terms In came aboard with his wife, and a great Sylph was dead Hbead uud only two diverged, aud there they stopped He oril's supper on 1st Sabbath o dlflerrnt dictionaries for the entire alphnbet ta lot of baggage followed. 1 do not think m il» s away. It had been planned tbut stood with a little dogged leaning to­ lands came upon a fair siserl village Prop. a ry , April, July and October. Qeo. Hale where there wus uo brother practition­ as follows: S- orvonth , 50,000; W osciiestkr any man ou tho schooner knew whether wo would speak her aud give out that ward bis church, slie with the same Ebody is welcome to all tlie services. er Surprised at thia and anxious to the owner was married or single, nor our chronometer was out of ord< r If liauing towurd liers. "W ell, w ife,’’ L requests Christians to make 106,000; W ebster (lntcruetloiiBl), 125,000; G en did any one question that the lady ho »he lay to the captaiu would hoard her said tlie governor, "which way shall learn how the people got on without nlvcs known. türv , (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: BUSINESS CARDS brought aboard was his wife. with three or four men and seek to do- 1 wo go?" Shu made uo answer, nor did one, he took the first opportunity to in­ I. G. K notts , Pastor. STANDARD, Over »00,000; Two hours after their arrival the ves­ tain her until tho count could follow she make any sign of going his way. quire. "A doctor I" said the old woman sel sailed, and »ho bad been pone three Wo signaled tho schooner as soon ns Tho governor looked up at tho beautiful HODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH fIRST .. .Sam ple P ages F r e e ............. days when the Conut D'Charny turned I we could make her out, but she gavo 11s spire and cheery door of Trinity church, whom be accosted. "W e need nae doc­ RATIONAL JANK up at Cherbourg with throe or four uo attention. As we approached her sho uoiler ihu shadow of which they stood. tor. " srvice. Preaching at Glenada "And what do yon do for medicine in friends and begau nil investigation. Mr took the alarm uud mado more sail, uuil " H e,” said the governor, “ let’s throw erne two Sundays of each month OF EUGENE. tbe case of illness?” pursued tbe man Kauo nod the counters had eloptd to­ 1 then began tho real ndventure. up both our churches nnd go in here.” th-School every Sunday at gether and had a good start. Most hus­ ACENT3 W A N TE D . With u nniu liko the eonut to back And iuto Trinity they weut and were of medicine. HENDRICKS. R-«»- 8 B- CAK‘M’ JR 01. Prayer meeting every rbnrs- " We need nae mcdiclno cither. We bands, and especially old and decrepit j him our captain did not hesitate to open devoted Episcopalians ever after.— Bos­ vening at the church. Everybody jist keep whusky for the man an tar tar husbands, would have given way to in­ fire on the other craft, and she was ton Transcript. lly invited. O- I - R ounds , •6 0 ,0 0 0 Pastor. P A ID U P 0 A 8 H C A P IT A L , tbe sheep, ” replied tbe old woman. dignation for awhile and then made up struck twice before she got out of range, • 6 0 000 The doctor admitted tbut a gluss of E. D. BRONSON & CO, : tlioir minds to let tbe won.un go, bnt j Tbe count was on deck and fair to bo S U R P L U S A N D P R O F IT S , A Fataoa« Hand master. whisky might be good ouough in some • not so with tbe old connt. 1 seen and ou our side wo plainly suw PiKlflc Coast Agents There is in tbe German army a negro cases, hot nut alw ays If she bad run away with a French- Kiuie aud the countess aboard of tho attorneys l.aiidmuMter iiumril Sabao el Ohtr Not- a c c o u n t s S O L IC IT E D SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. , man. It might liavo been different, but "A w eel," readily responded tbs old schooner. If tho latter bad been urinid, withstanding his name bo is a native . OREGON EUGENE, 933 Market S t. ' ______ (ho had gone with au Englishman, and there would havo been • pretty fight, German, hut his father came from low­ woman, “ if ae glass disna due we gie tws, and i t twa disna dae we muk* it ' ho hated tbe English with all bis heart , but she did not even have muskets A. C. WOODCOCK, er Egypt aud spent his boyhood ut tbe three, and if that disna dae they were ftorle» of Unhnu. ' Ho didn't blame theconutess, as she was for tbo men. Her ganio was flight in- NOTARIES. court o f tbe viceroy iu Cairo, where be Many stories are told of how (be Juts young aud giddy, but ns for Kane ho ! stead of fight, Bnd by uud by she gained was educated. There he mado the ac­ gann tae doe ouywoy " — Boottian composer Brahms treated pianists and , must be overtaken and shot down or run a position about two miles ahead of us quaintance of Prince Albrecht of Prus­ N i g h t s _____________ ,__ singers who were eager to get his criti- . through to satisfy a husband s veuga- aud kept it. No two cruft could he more sia. a brother of tbe old Emperor Wil­ D M She E v e r L ive l a BnsSnsV A. R. BUTTOLPH, O regon cism. If one of these aspirants for ids mice. The only way to overhaul the evenly matched. Both were racers and liam, who took him to Berltu, whore »ns A young lady of Buffalo who wanted favor was fortunate enough to find him schooner was to charter another vesacl, both carried about the same amount of ho married a Bx-rlin woman and entered R nom , 7 snd » M c L a re n ’» Bulimng. something that would keep her stock­ at home and be received, Brahms’ first and this was done as speedily os men sail. al in ten tio n given to collection» and pro­ tbe service of tbe prince His wife pre- , i buvi ne am . From 7 o'clock in tho morning uutil scutcd bim a sou 111 1807 He was Sabao ings up a here they belonged thus ad­ concern was to seat himself on the lid could move. dressed the terror stricken young store Lying in the enme hnrLor, with her night closed down each craft held its of his piano, a position from which he cargo just discharged, was the American own. neith«T losing nor gniuing by a el Cher, a mnsieal lad, who began to ' clerk: rightly docmed few would have the te­ O r e g o n . study the violin whm be was 8 years 1 "It is my desire to obtain a pair of F io r e n o e , E. O PO TTER . merity to oust bim. If this failed, he bark Meteor, of which I was second hundred feet We knew that she would old Latur ho went to a conservatory, had recourse to tbe statement that the mato. The Meteor was one of the fastest , seek to escape ua during the night, and aud iu 1886 be entered tbe military I circular elastic appendages capable of ___Attorney-at-Law — FRANK B. WILSON. instrument was out of tuna “ Oh, that cruft afliat at the lime, and tin com.t’s j but few uicu slept. Three different service as oboe and tromboue player in | being contracted and expanded by does not matter, ” remarked oue cour­ friends rams aboard and told the stcry times the schooner altered her course, the Thirty-fifth regiment of rnyal Prus-i rieaus of oecillatiug burnished steel ap- E U G E N E , OR EG O N. ageous individual. "Perhaps not to you, of the clopemcut nnd offered Captain but we detected the game each time sian fnsi leers, Prince Henry of Pruwna's | lienees (hat sparkle like particles uf 'm e s I the C ourt Houre. but it does to me," replied the master. El ack his own price if he would charter. »nd hung to her trail. When morning Having served there several years, he |-oid leaf sot with Alaska diamonds aud which are utilised fur keeping in posi­ The idea was to go iu pursuit of tbe rame, we had gained half a mile, hut FLORENCE. - - ’ - OREGON On one oceamion be was just leaving weut to the Royal High School Fur bis house when a long haired youth, Eylph, taking tho count aud his friends before 7 o'clock she bad picked up h«r Mnsic in Berlin for further study, tion the habiliment of tbe lower ea- with a bundle of music under his arm, | along, and to cruise until we found her. lost distance aud run up the English where ho was under tbe most noted trenntiea which iuuate delicacy forbids C. E. BENEDICT» BO YCARS* mo to mxntmu "—Buffalo ( Wy. I Voice. bailed him with, "Csn you tell me Wo might be gone a month or a year. flag in defiance. teuebera He passed his examtuatlons CXPERICNCE where Dr. Brahms lives?” "Certainly,” 11 den t know the price paid, t ut it was That wa. tbe beginning of a race in ISM, and In that year was appoint ' O R N B Y - A T - XfcA.'W’. T h e “ Y o is s " a t ■ P o llt U a l M o s tla « . answered tlie master in tbe most amia­ a steep one, snd a» soon »» the terms which l:ad its end weeks later at u ed bandmaster of tho First grenadier A candidate at an rlectiou was known ble maimer, "in this house, up three were settled we set about making ready point thousands of miles away When rigimeut at KonigKherg He still re F lo ren ce. : : Oregon. flights." And so saylug lie hurried awuy Our eomplewrnt of men was 14 all told. sailing cloMi hauled, the schooner Lad tains this post, and his hand has won to be strongly in tavor of flogging in By the count s orders wo shipped • crew 1 he heels of ns, hut we could heat her tho army lie said he (aw no uc-cessary T h e C o r p » « A I m U much appiatiM: for its public perforin of 2« cn any otbivw ind. While we uever auccs i t up[xured with success at tbe disgruce attached to being flogged. The corpse plant is a remarkable car­ While we were getting water and pro­ "W hy," cried he. "1 was flogged my- nivorous specimen that grows in tbo visions aboard carpenters were at work camo within guuxliot of her again until IntxruutloiLil Art xxpi.-iiiou at Dresden ex y 11V ee e ee^ OCSMNS aelf ouoe, and It was for telling the colony of Katul. Its principal feature iu the cabin, a gun was being mounted tho la-t day we lollowid her arouud C O F V R IO H T » A C . truth '* is a btll shuptU mouth, with a threat ou deck, and cutlasses and muskets v.-> ro thi cape, np tbe Mozambique channel, A R s s k ls M C a t. "And it cured 'ee. naw doubt," said opening into a hollow stem. It is al­ brought aboard to arm tbo crew In and finally foond her waiting for us off Lundou has a cat whoso partiality for a rustic in the meeting.—Loudon Tele­ most black und c o w e d with a thick three days wo wero out to sen and in the one of the Comoro islands. We had a nap in a warm sjiot is so marked that ________________ glutinnu» secretion, while its odor ♦• wake of tbo Sylph The captain o f tbe gales aud high winds, we b. d ta-anti- the has selected tlie top of a dyuamo tn graph. M Vmni.c^eDBdwted for F««. . very offtnshe. This attract, carrion schooner was the only mail uboard of ful moonlight night» amt beastly dark n power station She sleeps there calm­ ¡the Hortensius, the Roman orator, had nan » ; model. dnwrln< or photo. W B jdY*«ol» fe e in g birds to it, and once they alight her except the owner who knew that she oiks But for Kane's defiance of the ly and peacefully while the machinery memory an womicrlul that, on n wnger, count we could not have kept the trail on it thiy arc lost. Their tlaws become UBtitwcniBd. • aninnd mid within six inches of her is be spent n whole day at au sui t 11« “ ta F m « bu » m w ith eo*t o r »xme i n tho V. a L Twirt. SS ■ entangled in the secretion, the bell was is und to the indtsu ociari, snd as we did. J f ircifo countries «cat frtx AilariwK meeting with an old friend in port and ruuuhig nt a rate of 8,UU0 ravolnttoiia at night raptated all tba ssles, In those long weeks he could have shaped mouth folds up, and they tire Ut- Uking a glass txio mu.h he had let out prices and tba name» of the bnyxrn px-r luuiutw evaded ua a doaen tinea over, but be C. A. u a ltj swahowtd. •R. Omet. V / J. , ÎNERAL DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE I S O M E B O D Y ’S D A R LIN Q . H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Florence and Head of Tide. EUGENE-FLOKENCE STAGE LINE. ORTHERN Pacific, By * RUNAWAYS. THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, Standard ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. tttomey a t Law, Notary Public, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. P atents PATENTS SdfMinc flmukaii. SNOW & CO. Dictionary