W E S T Royal ■•tusSta* load para. F R O M B A KER C O U N TY . I T S IL T C O O 8 ITEMS. Three ★ Desirable ★ DR.W.B.SÄDSRS&GO. Stars in ★ Be CnreiMt wholesome «aJ a-llUva«. B t O ccasiona !.. Clifford, Ore Ma- ISth, 1308. The visit of Judge Stesines and Com. To the Editor, PA Y W H E N CL R E D . Dear Sir: Thinking perhaps that l'tiompson promise« Io result in good to some of the readers of Ti e W est would the community. If we are correctly in* er., L amb C ouxtt , O aeao».- like to hear from Baker county I m ill iormed they promised that which will • • • BV • • • eventually result in a roaJ from Gardi­ drop yon a few lines. There is quite a difference between ner to Glenada via S >uth slough. Ere The Ablest ami Most Successful the mild climate of the Siualaw an I the | long, we will get an o|wu se sa m e via [itor and Proprietor. Specialists in the World. high dry climate of this section. I don’t ! Miller’s and Gibbs’ or by tl.u Glover- They guarantee a coaijnete cure profess to know the altitude of this j Johnson route. , ms : »1.50 a year io advance.----- country but I know it is cold enough.' There is a contention over the section Your Own Home, and allow you I am about three miles from the sum -, of r„a,| |h.(nPt.n Five Mile and Fiddle pay when cured. i at the post-office at Florence, mit of tlie Blue mountains. I •« freezes | ,.ree|(- Hevwiteeu, or moro, want the mity, Oregon, aa second-class nearly every night. Wu had q ole a old survey Ignored and a road opened on liter. snow-storm yesterday. very much lower ground, via Wilkes’ Absolutely Pur« Although there are many other in- landing. By this route one bill is en­ »HING BATB8 MADE KNOWN ON AF- lustries carried on, mining seems to be tirely avoided and the other lidge cross­ Thousands of promising young men ' PLICATION. j the principal occiipu'ioii here. The ed at a very much lower elevation have their lives and future usefulness £M 8 cent» per line, eiieh Insertion SOVAI SAKtST SO*D*S <0.. « W VOSS. inan who hasn’t got a prospect out in without increasing the distune«, or wrecked by INDISCRETION AND the hills that he can worK on or talk depriving a single settler of road PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms ncc, Or. June 3, 18U8. M E M O R IA L E X E R C IS E S . privileges. We respectfully ssk an until cured, are portrayed on the coun about is not in it. investigation of the merits ui this line teuanoe and in the actions of the vie Baker is a good county and there is In the memorial exercises of the W E S T L IN G S . which wiil soon 1* cut through. There tim. If neglected or Improperly treat a great deal ot business and work going ► C i O u I on Friday lunch credit is due the is one marsh of 100 yds., to bridge or eil, other organs become affected, and on but to those intending to come here children. They entered witti a patriotic corduroy. Otherwise the route is ideal. sooner or later there are sorious results lion Monday. real into all the work, even to decorating for work, I would say stay away as there Tiu true one cun get through on the old Our New Method Treatment will posi »nr pews at all. the school house. Yards of laurels were are more men than there is work. For _____I the change in O. W- Hurd’s ad. strung and six o’ clock on Friday morn­ a man with money say from one to ten line One ladv on Five Mile says that tivel.v cure these diseases. by going on all fours it can be done. A MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are Wall paper, Stoves and tinware, F. L. ing found the boys working energetically Uiousamt dollars, or more, thia is a good gentleman of the same neighborhood thousands of you who have committed country to invest In, as there are some B ers, Eugene. festooning the laurels and draping the Sold IW Ith says that the only reason the old survey offences against the laws of your na I it is W. II. Weutharaon who is flags, with a faithfulness, that would good mines here. wss not made on higher ground and Itu re, and are now paying up for it I am at work in a placer mine 40 have done credit to olJer bends, I nursing boil«. steeper grades is because the country ' T h o se w ea k , s e llin g hacks, Losaol S e x ­ miles southwest from Baker city neat Tiie exercises opened with prayer by trices on anything write V. L. had no higher bill. On the summit ual Power, Failing or Lost \ itality the famous Bonanza mine. A visit to Rev. Knotts followed with dialogues, ers, Eugene, Or. stands the 14 mile stake. It is said to Frequent and Painful evacuations of that mine soon convinces one that they he that distance from Gardiner. Many tho Bladder accompanied by more or a number are sick with colds recitations and songs. The house was quite well filled with have truly a bonanza. contend that, after the hard climb to less smarting and the escape of par I the liead of tide, I made a few purchases while there. reach it, it is only fourteen miles from tides of albumen in the urine with visitors who encouraged us with their i home talent will give a minstrel presence and kind attention, Prices are: Flour *7 per hbl., bacon heaven. Gardiner ami Glenada are both ropy sediment, all point to the decline ju-i.iorrow evening, 15 cts. per lb., beans 0 cts., butter Co on tide-water. Let us build onr road ns of your manhood. There are hundreds bo to press to early to obtain psr- per roll, gum Units »3 per pair, granu­ nearly on the level of the two towns as who die of this difiiculty, ignorant of SUNDAY SERVICES. I of the Missionary social. lated sugar lOcts. per lb. possible, seeking all the way the "line of the cause. The doctors will guarantee I line of Ladies' and Misses Oxford Sunday school, 10, A., M. The timber is principally yellow pine least resistance." .. perfect cure ill all such cases, and Preaching in Florence, 11, A., M. with row and then a tamarack tree and ■ the Great White Store, Since the judge and county commis­ healthy restoration of theGenito Urin­ no underbrush. Toe regular old east­ sioners do not insist upon following the ary Organs. i wagons—heat on earth. Fresh and a t P o in t Terraco at 3. P , M. ern porcupine is found here. They sit old survey let every friend to good roads I at F. L. Chambers, Eugene, READER—Are yon in trouble? To t u r c C on stip ation Forever. up In the little pines and chatter like protest against going to Gardiuer “ on Have you been treated and never cured? aaw some grass around Mapleton Take Coscureto CuuUy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. »as nearley ready for the mower. It C. C. C. tall 10 VC druggists refund tnuney. chipmunks. I gathered some nice wild all fours'* or by hcaveu’s gates. Insist You dare not risk a return of the dis­ onions today. They grow here in upon iowest passes and a road that best ease. It may appear when happy in |Ig your job work to the W est abundance. accommodates every settler and that domestic life. Our New Method PERSONALS. Good work done at reasonable Tell Uncle Sid Waite this is the gives to cacti all the road privileges pos­ Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, None who are engagud in any of the mechanical country for him to log in as the timber sible. Let 11» lie guided by good sense, consult us confidentially. pursuits oan succeed without reading and l what you want, Gents—Eimf Sed Mr. and Mrs. I lint visited their farm is just like that back in old Wisconsin considering all opponents enemies to the WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) llioe for »1.50 at the Great White Monday. studying this standard Magazine of Sciences and he can have snow any depth he country's interests, for our interesting book. "A Warning Wm. Safley came in from Eugene wants from four to ten feet. Voice." Sent free. All letters kept O F F IC IA L and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with San Francisco Examiner and the ; Monday. strictly private and confidential. All There is much more I could tell you for one year »2.50 paid in ad-. Miss Ella Safley was in Florence hut for fear that my letter is already too answers sent plain scaled envolope. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all nee. T uesday. No C. 0 . D. business. long. I will close for this time. \\ ith the branches of mechanism, and ita fund of ■ fe d ’s pills arc prompt, efficient, a l- ' Mr. and Mrs. Haling were in Florence best regards to all. I By Congressman James Rankin Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free ■■reliable, easy to take, easy to oper- ]Saturday. i Young. All about war with Spain, the I am very iruly yours, knowledge is inseparably connected with iu- ■S5c. W m . W ells . j Navy, all defenses, Battle Ships, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsly were in the city ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u b WRITE TODAY. i Portraits and biographies of Dewey and It , makes no difference what mower : Saturday. W E D D IN G BELLS, | all prominent officers. Nearly COO >n have F. L. Chambers can furnish Wm. Boren came over from Fiddle W kst at clubbing rates.’ Address pages. Massive volume. Marvelously Ktkxtrns for it. Creek Wednesday. Married nt the Presbyterian Manse cheap. Best authorship. Only authen­ Dr- W- H Saunders & Co We are sorry to learn that another of Mr. Norton of Eugene made a pleasant Elmer Johnson and Clnrn E. Ilariug, tic, official hook. Experience not neces­ 63 Sproat St., Detroit, Mich. litizens, J. 8. Montgomery has call at this office Thursday. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. sary. Any body can sell it. Ladies as to E u g e n e . It was a quiet wedding, only a few in­ successful a» gentlemen. We are the Mr. Jared Scott and daughter return- .nod many wreaths and hoqnels turned from Eugene Saturday. timate friends being present. The W est largest subscription book firm in Ameri­ (alien to the cemetery on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Waiter McCornack were extends congratulations and wishes the ca. Write us. Fifty persons arc em­ H i n d frien d s. young couple a long and prosperous ployed in our correspondence depart­ seen on our streets Wednesday. g fin e Racine buggy »42.00. Also journey through l i f e . ____ ment alone, to serve you. Our hook is Miss Charlotte Vanderburg visited Kd-hand buggies and wagons F. L. just out. Get agency now and bn first S H IP P IN G AND M A R IN E . friends at Point Terrace Monday. Mihers, Eugene. in the field. Large 60c., w ar map in Mis;. Willa Hanna came in from Eu­ K een Fly-doors and windows, Build- colors free with hook or outfit. Other Berwick and The Lillian towed the gene Saturday to teach at Minerva. ■ardware and tools at bottom prices, bar Tuesday valuable premiums. Tremendous seller. Ralph J. Long over the Rhine Blacliley of Meadow visited Biggest money maker ever known. Most ■ C'lisinhcrs, Eugene. our city Monday and Acme on Tuesday. morning. Thia monthly magazine is one o f the very liberal terms guaranteed. Agents mak­ The Seaton Club met lust Saturday North Fork school commenced Mon­ ing »7.00 to »28.00 per day. Twenty REPAIRS- t there was a small atfendence owing best printed in this country, and is sold day with Miss Kate Hanna ns teacher. days credit given. Freight paid. Full sickness ami the rainy weather. book sent prepaid to ngeuts, »1.45. A. R. Buttolpli returned this week to all subscribers at rates within the For any mower or hinder in this mar­ Jeering mowers and binders—the Splendid sample outfit and (nil instruc­ id that you don’t have to buy extras from a surveying trip on the Uinpqna. ket to he had at F. L. Chambers. ability of all to pay. It is finely illus tions free for nine 2-cent stamps to pay I 8co them at F. L. Chambers, O. M. Kissinger of Eugene made a B IR T H D A Y P A R TY - postage. Mention this paper. short visit to Florence the first of »lie trated and presents the names of famous n bidding her good night and many Aaron Thompson has sold his B0 acre | happy returns of the day, wended their tract of laud to Henry Swartz "I Monroe. | thinkers is a group]ot|interosting men and )d’s Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism 8everal final proofs before rctnrinng- AND ALL, ipepsia, catarrh, that tired feeling, Miss Whitmore of Eugene came in way to tlieir respective homes. Terms of sale private. women,'and their thoughtsjircl^worthy the ofula, salt rheum, boils, humors and Tueg,j.tJ. I(, teach school in the Duncan Dr. W. W. Oglesby is Improving bis W A N T E D blood diseases. ! slough district, which commences Mon­ consideration ot adlpoople. The’|Areua^ls place in grand style. He intends to have Vhile the members of the G. A. R. day. about 80 acres cleared tuts summer. sold with T hf W kst . Hogs, young and light. 8|>otcaah, re visiting tho Post at Gardiner the | Guard: The pioneers association of The doctor wiil have his hay haler and m ark et p r ic e . riotic women and children did not Oregon will he held in Portland on June brought in Iron» Juncri-jn City next get the soldiers lone grave at home, I 15, and the Indian war veteran the day J. H, M onthth , or D. W. S tibbens , week. He will have about 100 tons of Glenada, Point Terrace was literally covered with beautiful before. hay on his place to hale. We are in­ Ore. Ore. ■vers. formed that hav at J uuc’.ion is worth Register: John A. Mason has been ?hs W kst has for sale one year’s appointed administrator i f the estate of »12 pei ton. We wish there w-ere a few C A RD OF T H A N K S . lion in the Holmes Butlness College Alfred Mason, v.ho died at Skagv.ov in more Dr. Oglesby» to come in here, Portland. This is on« of tho loading March. The estate is valued at »1000. buy land, and improve it. Head Quarters G. A. R. line»» colleges on th« coast, having 9. N . Campoll of Junction was a visi­ Florence, Oregon. Mrs. Joseph Whisman has returned glisli, Commercial, Shorthand and tor Imre the past we -k. At a meeting of Gen. Lyons Pott No. legrapliic departments and we offer to Oregon after a few months stay in Deputy Assessor J. V. Sutherland of California. She likes this state much ! 58, a unanimous vote of thanks was ex- s tuition on easy terms. Glentena makes ns a visit every spring, A l tended to the good citizens of Gardiner better she left and says it I Wo-To-ltac lo - T e - B e e tor r®v Fifty F i f t y i Cent* « " -» n e v e r than v » “ when ----- ! whoso generously and profusely enter- lie says Lane Precinct takes the lead in t N laramecd tebecro h eb tten re h beats California by far. strong, blood pure. SOc.SI. All d r u « isi» | I» t ' tained the comrades of our ordei while wealth, beauty and good ronds. e should like to know whether it is ! Messers. Tower and Fe l.nan went on ■ on a recent visit to that. city. (■ tatk or O hio , C ity or T olubo J m ng coffee or the goat that uses up so a fishing expedition to Map eton . stur- . Chas. Sberliondy, Coin. L ucas G ovntv I ug ciin ee or v i e The«« are far sighted gent «melt , v of the irnys who attend lodge Uvd- day. The»« are tar s g r J. I,. Furnish, Adjt. F' baxk J.CiiMfsv makes oath that 1-iv nights If the former is the as we accidentally learmd that t. ey pur is the senior partner of the firm of « e \ e suggest tlmt they have Aonw cbaee«] a box oi fish to take null them, BUarstaYoar llnwels W llh Caseeret*. Cheenv A Co., doing hnsiness in the! Candy Cathsrtle, cure constlpstlon forever. lieir member« instructed in the art of »n CMteof need. Wc, Lie. If C. C. C. fall, druggist» retunJ inoao». city of Tolmlo, County and State afore-| se making; if the latter—get »noth-; Retflgt(ir. Win. Brynd, of Point: said, and that said firm will pay the »inn J D E S T R O Y E D BY F IR « . ! Terrace, is in the city soliciting funds (or of One Hnmlrcl Dollar? for each and cv- efure buying tickets to any point in a road from Mapleton to Florence. He 1 ery case of Catarrh that cannot he cured i East or South it will be to your ad- already has »50 snbscrihed. There is a About 8 o’clock, May 20, J. C. Good by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cur?. ALL SIZES FR O M tsge to consult tlie Northern Pacific road now fo Mapleton? and onu from ale’s saw mill at Coburg was destroyed F raxk J. CilBKXV. Iway Company. We are the quick- Florence to the beach, but lietween j l liy fire. A telegram was sent to Eugene 9worn to before me and sohsi rined in line to Kansas City, Omaha, 8t. Mapleton and Florence, a distance of ’ (ur KMi»unce aa it was feared the eutin- rny pre»ence, thisOth day of December -.is or other Missouri River jioiuts. sizteen miles, the only means of trans­ towu would he destroyed. The fire was A D. 18!8l. l’l lorget this: Slays to St. Paul; portation is by boat. Some work has caused by sawdust piling on the Ixvi’er 1 A. W. Gleason, Jhicugo and 4’^ to New > ork and already lieen done on the proposed road, and becoming ignite! hv spontaneous Notary Public. er Eastern cities. For full informa- and its completion woulJ g iv e s «agon combustion, or s. smoldering fire, and W rite F o r C ircular _______ _____________ Hall’s Catarrh Curs is Iskeit intern- i call or address, R McMurphy, road fp.ni the valley to lbs ocesu beach. burned so rapidly as to 1st uncontr-lah’ Tbeplaning inill and most of the lam- ally and sets directly on the hloisl and neral Agent, Opporiic Guard otficc, J . H . MONTEITH her wss saved, tiut a barn on an adjoin- mucous surfaces of tbs system. Mend gene. 10« Doa’t »■d *«k>ke Y«RT * Aws,« ing lot wss hunted. i for testimonials, free. « w SO« O R M O O IS » , To qu!t totAu co eunlly *n«l foroter. br 2»« Glenada, Mr. Goo tale eslimato-1 the l.iss at, F. J, (( hkkxy A Co., Toledo, 0 . ■elk*, full of life nerve «nd t i / ' . take ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tire. »*rcT «rt» er *>?^Knieo CWOFULA In its worst form Bsc. the -ondor worker, that id a’., e* about >0,000. There is »2,550 iiis irancr. i Sold by Druggists. 76.;. O rojpn. • f 1? * * blood cleansing power ttron». AC dmxBlsU, socor«:. yields Vo the 3 b ft—»- M- ^T**!1** ****** ■ ■■ X TT^i 1 H a ll’s FÛuiily Pills are the best. liood s .Sereepsrills. Thoussnds of u«d Rnn' et and tamp«- free. .W rets The mill will he rebailt at once. ce have bean perfectly CURED, eMrllof Bsa sdj co , cauaes or Re« »ork Ill« '» XVKBT F H IÜ A Y W M ttttK O — . WEATIIERSON POWDER Lost And The A R T S a n d . S C IE N C E S - >1 T H E W E S T - Scientific American. WAR BOOK. THE EflSMOPIILITAN,, WORLD BEATER • » « t ♦ • CHAMPION EÏ1P0RAT08. 2 ^ * ¡ 2 THE ARENA. VEGETABLES. ALWAYS READY SAFE, DURABLE "“‘‘•LZI LOOK OVER THIS GROUP, MAKE YOUR SELECTION.1 v'rDrafiirSOcts., wTn $ 2 5 to $185. FLORENCE. OR. THE WEST. iNDY CATHARTIC CURtCOnSTlPATION ,T -