T H E W E S T . SV«aV FMIÌI4Y VlUHNO. A. t>. WOODCOCK FOR JUDGE. which yen do not have cr own tvhat DO NOT FORGET. IREPUBLICANCANDIPATES would you call it? Cofuilk City Hrrulil The chan«« of locatinn of the Nnrtlicrn I think U ncle Killey it i t it jack-knife STATE TICKET. (b e nom inee for Pacific ticket office, w l.icli if now with' — AT— treuit judge on Die republican ticket, sw ap through the untire three cornered “ The Eugene Real Estate Agency” on j it will be rem em bered served (or « years “ H“”1' Y‘* ’ ’ " " nk " b c k k n H e For Governor. the ground floor directly opposite the f u tu r e t, L a s* CorkTT, O rigon hs a m em ber of the state hoard of equal,- ! ” “ P ” “ Guard office, near corner of Seventh and T. T. Geer, of Marion county. • - • DV - • * 8 . B. C olver . I W illam ette Streets, Eugene. This is i For Secretary of State. ration from this district. A s a m em ber I - the only regular City Ticket Office in of that hoard he was in stru m en t.! in ! WHAT IS AN HONEST DOLLAR? Frank I, Dunbar, of Ohitsop county, was instrum ental in Lane County. We are absolutely the m aking the Urge property owners of For State Treasurer. only line running through cars from Eu­ M ultnom ah county ,,ay their just jior- Chas. 8. Moore, of Klamath county. gene to the East or South without Editor and Proprietor, At ti e opening of the canvass in Flor- I change, Kememlicr no change of cars «ion of the state taxes. It will ho ,-r- For Supreme Judge. j ence, the argum ent of the ‘»gold stan d. at Portland via the Northern Pacific, mcnihered how he m aintained t h i r ; t srd r d " speakers convinced m e th at they Frank A. Moore, of Columbia county. F lo r e u c e , O r. J u n e 3 , 1 8 9 « , tlie only tins running the Upholstered action o f the hoard under the fire of the , are laboring under the For Attorney-General. •nine dehition Pullm an Tourist Sleeping cars mid the O n g o n ia n , H e was also instrum ental > that wo supposed: That celebrated D ining cars on every train. D, R. N. Blackburn, of Linn county. m oney bn» A COMMENT, in havin g th e board raise the a s s e s s -! intrinaic value, and that the free D on’t forget this in choosing your runte For Supt. of Public Instruction. coin- for a business or pleasure trip. incut i n m ortgages in M ultnom ah | J. II. Ackerman, of Multnomah county. A com m unication favoring free silver age of silver would give us a double l o r full information call or address, For State Printer, and en titled “ W hat ia an H onest D ol­ county to their real value and to the standard. If any of our gold hug friends K. M c M v spiiy , General Agent, sam e value placed on them by by tin will give us any authority from an W. If. Leeds, of Jackson county. lar? ’ will bo found in thia issu e. Opposite Guard office, Eugene other counties. He For Itep. in Congress 1st District. the prim e encyclopedia, dictionary or writer of 1 lie writer say« wo are laboring under mover in securing a raise of Tho». II, Tongue, of Washington county th e delusion lint m oney has intrinaic per standing on political econom y that THE WHITE CITY 8Y THE SEA. cen t on the assessm ent of railroad j intrinsic value valu e and that tree coinage o l silver 1ms an yth in g to do rolling stock in this state. In SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. would give a dou ble standard. select- with m oney. They have taken a long Editor Wx«T! Your correspondent For Judge, It m oney baa not Intrinsic value or • ng a m an for circuit judge, it is tho step toward our conversion. Ail their had the great pleasure of visiting that does not represent it, why is it th at a general belief that qualification should sophistries are based upon th at absurc beautiful anil hospitable young city, A, C, Woodcock, of Lane county. lie aliove politics, and that For District Attorney. dollar of the U nited States m oney will a judge theory, a theory th at if carried out better known as Gardiner, on Memorial should ha in a position to bo buy two M exican dollars? A M exican entirely would require a yard stick to he of tlie day; being favored by Post Commander ! Geo' M’ Brown> of Douglas county, independent and unbiased. * * * * «lollar contain« m ore silver than a U . 8, smile value as the yard of cloth m easur­ Charles Sherhondy of Gcn'I. Lyons I’o s t ! There has heon som e criticism COUNTY TICKET. dollar b et th e silver or paper dollar of by ed. Think of a surveyor being com . as one of his official fam ily on that I tlie latter country is backed up by and som e of the local opposition to the polled to use a golden chain of Die sam e occasion. j Senator. inlerchangenblc tor a gold coin of that findings of A, C. W oocock, the can d i­ value as tlie land lie m easures. The The comrades of said Post made their Dr. W. Kuykendall, of Eugene, date for circuit judge, w hile ho acted as deiw inination, w hile th e M exican dollar fact is that m oney doesn’t m easure approaches by three different routes, j Representatives. is worth on ly the value of tho bullion it referee in the O. p, Railroad m atter. values but sim ply represents value. The plan of campaign being to capture ; Ivan McQueen, of Lorane, " o understand the m atter ta be thus: contains, T, ------- 1 We h on ’t Hel1 >'arJ sticks and half and take that point with as little loss - F. M. Brattain, of Springfield, Sliould the country adopt free silver, I ne property of the com pany was sold , bushel m easures, hut we sell wheat and to them selves as possible. Comrades W. II. Weatherson, of Florence. for »100 000. Woodcock was appointed 'cloth , gold would im m ediately go out of eircu . Seym our and Butterfield directed tlie Sheriff. "" referee to take testim ony and find It is a prim ary lesson taught to every operations of Die right tying which was Chas. L. Scott, of Eugene, iation m m oney, and we should have law s providing fo^ th e coinage of both | thb facts mid law. H e found that the school boy that Die standard of value is to m ake its approach down Die coast, i Clerk, gold and silver with only silver in eircu- m oney should he distributed as follow s: a denom ination and not a m etal of on e and captured in the outset the famous ; E. U. Lee, of Junction, 1st— Taxes; 2nd—Labor and m aterial kind or another. The standard lation ns m oney, Treasurer. unit old cam paigner and scout Comrade claim s. The pay of the referee was H is theory, that the intrinsic value of of value in tlie U nited St ites is Die Barrett who is fam iliar witii all tlie J. G. Powell, of Cottage Grove. fixed by the court after all the parties dollar ami the m etal or m oney would require a yard stick to he p ip e r upon approaches by sea and land covering School Superintenhent. had agreed to what it should he. The Hie sam e value as the yard of cloth which it is stam ped has no more sig­ their field of operation. They were C. S. Hunt, of Eugene. m easured, is too silly to bo worth con- report of the referee was comfirmed by nificance in relation to the value it provided witii a full supply of com m is­ Assessor. Dio court and no np|>eal was ever taken eiderntion. represents, than the m aterial upon sary stores, set out by Commissary D. P. Burton, of Cottage Grove. from m idi confirm ation, Woodcock Again lie says that gold hugs soem to which Die inch or the yard is m arked ü c n ’1’ of tliis city. The left j Surveyor. base their argum ent upon tho paradox gave such general satisfaction as referee has witii tlie price of cloth . I may wing was commanded by Comrades ( U. M. Collier, of Eugene. th at there is nothing as false ns figures that ho was again the uin »nimou» choice | have Brown's note for $100 payable in Lowe and Service a.id Dm center by Die Oornniissioner. of all concerned in tl excep t facts. This com es with ill grace in controversy over « beat hut tho qu ality o f Die paper the I Commander-ii -chief in person who had H. D. Edwards, of Springfield. from one who is so determ ined not to | the distribution of tlie balance of the note is written on has nothing to do p viscl.v provided transportation across Coroner. look facts in the face as the writer of proceeds from the sale of the aten,,,sh ip with the value o r quantity of the w heat. ,he lllkeB Beci r'nf? two famous scouts, J. . Harris, of Eugene. W illam ette V alley, H ie th at article is. finding in The gold bugs seem to baso their argu­ Com rades Colvit and M itchell. The Dii» reference wax confirm ed by the m ent upon the paradox th at there is orders for a forward m ovem ent were In regard to the governm ent coining GREENLEAF ITEMS. copper and nickle and m aking it worth court and no appeal was ever taken nothing as false as figures excep t facts. given early in tlie m orning of May 29th. from that judgem ent. The work im ­ B y a \\ xst CoRHest'oxnexT. They tell us Die governm ent c a n ’t m ake Fair skies and big i hopes anim ated the m ore than the bullion value, it is sim ply posed on Woodcock In thia m atter was kept at par by being interchangeable m oney notw ithstanding the fact that it bo) 9 as they set out with the determ ina- William and Isaac Damewnod of Cot­ com plicated and required m uch labor, for other other kinds of m oney. stam ps its sovereignty upon six cents | 10 *ccor“ Pli81» ‘ lie object of the tage Grove were looking at homestead and ho com m ended on all aides H e says that tho laborer has to worth of copper ami m akes ninety-four L'a,npaigrl- land oil Nelson creek the 25tli. They im m ediately after tho com pletion of hi» I cents by that sim H alf an hour was taken at th e third were well impressed with tlie place, hilt port an arm y of idle speculative pie act. T lie govern­ work for the able and painstaking m an­ Burners who live on interest and incom e. m ent coins seventy-five cents worth of and last lake for refreshm ents and the would like it better if Die roads were Is not capital necessary to the d e v e lo p ­ ner in w h ifli lie disposed of the work. nickle and it will com mand five dollars closing in of the left wing, which had easier. O utside of tlie fax claim », tlie labor S. S. Miller has been hauling potatoes m en t of a country? 1« not the lack worth of our labor or produce. E ither become som ewhat scattered owing to to town from his ranch on Cliiekhoininy nnd m aterial claim s were the favored of m eans to carry on e x ten siv e business Die intrinsic value theory is a snare and natural im pedim ents which were well creek. J on e of the drawbacks of oer valley? one». It is certainly resorting to tlie a delusion or else th is governm ent nigh insurm ountable. But our com ­ Frank Potterf will carry on Hcnrv W here can the man lie found who will low est level of political trickery to | stam ps a lie upon every coin it m ints. m ander like N apoleon of old could n o t , Tabor » farm near Alpha this sum m er.1 in vest m oney in business from which claim th at Woodcock opposed the labor We say lothc- lab orer: Tho fruits of be baffled by natural im pedim ents and ) Tabor and sons, Leonard and Erna I d a i m . i t , th at »nit w hen they .„ « .e d th ey e x |ie ct ne returns, any more titan your U bor are abundant. W hy do you at 3 o ’clock p. in., the van guard bolield w-’ll prospect in Umatilla county, where farm help ,s said to be ia increased de-I equally w hh the m aterial claim«. A laborers cun be found who w ill do work get so little out of w hat you produce? from tiie m ountain top that beautiful maud, referee cannot render judgem ent, and for which they will receivo no pay. The gold bugs am ong them w ill «ay it's city lying on plain just before them . As we have no silver bullin If free coinage of silver would p u t« hi» finding« bind nobody un .eia con- overproduction. We say because you ! Tlieir enthusiasm became so great that ¡ mines from which wr ^ " 1 , „ , , , « c;l" get any, we do i « large am ount of m oney in circulation as firmed by the court. for a tim e the com mander could ei'pport an arm y of idle sp eculative con­ J10t not hanker after free coinage at 16 to 1 th e writer of that article claim s, w hy ¡ , sum ers. These non-producers who live restrain hie m en. And th e other side as much as some mine owners do. A REPLY. it that in all gold standard countries the Good uood young m ild, cows are in den,ami on interest and incom es can obtain a being on th e alert bad provided for a larger «bare of the proceeds of your surprise, at once took in the situation hereabouts. Several people have been am ount of m oney per capita, in circula. looking for them lately. May 31»t, XA8. lion Is greater than in th e freo silver earnings when m oney is scarce and and gobled us up in detail. We m et Tlie rain don’t hurt our feelings a hit ' E tlilcr W xort I have ju st returned countries? prices are low. Scarce m oney is the the enem y however and we were th eir,. though we should have had pretty f»:J from G ardiner, that beautiful city on As for stopping prices falling, who weapon of the capitalist to obtain more The good citisen es of tliat city under the crops without it. ' ‘ Ulr- Die Um pqua, w here wc, the G, A. R. than his just share of th e profits of direction of that prince of entertainers . The “'»«¡¡-fruit crop promisees l o b e 1 w an ts to do this when prices are raising? E vid en tly the writer of th at article has have bean atten ding Decoration day labor. A1 Reed divided us up in squads and im m ense. Ditto apple,. just aw akened from a Hip Van W inkle services, I will leave thia item now to The kind of “ prosperity” we aro hav­ took m any of us to their pleasant homes The Alpha free-silver club remains the com rade w ho was appointed to write nap and has not learned of the condition ing under t.,c single gold coinage basis and hotels where tho inn er man was very quiet since the “ flustration." up tli« even ts of the trip etc. o f affairs of the present d ay. J - A . Burnett talk, of going has forced vast num bers of policy hold­ supplied w ith all the heart of man could to town Now to answer E. A. O’s question in with liia famil H e m akes the sam e niistake as Die ers to eacrRice their insu ran ce; it has reasonably desire. “ Ye reporter ’ and i t ; .V "ext Winter IO to g give Miss si » iv e A] Alice the benefit of the schools there professional agitator and others of Ids Die W mt of May 27th. caused vairiauinberg to drop out of w hat w a, left of the right wing were Henry Tabor will probab! E. A, O. w ith es to know w hy we do beneficiary order«, being unable to get placed in the hands of the w ell-know n, class who assum e what the capitalists •ve in I town next winter, with Id, , not call it a union ticket instead of a itli h i, family, to favors is opposed to the interest of the any of tho »‘Iol6 of m on ey” in circu la­ and genial land lords, D aly A Anderson take advantage of the school riple headed tick et? Thia is the rea- privile; laboring m an. tion to m eet their prem ium s and du es. and were given the liberty of the town there. •on : Mr. W. J. Bryan tw o y e a r , ago If the “ present prosperity” increases In conclusion wc will •a y tliat Die ns were all the comrades and stragglers That water-power mill tried to unite on two heads and get but very few excep t tlie exceed in gly that cam e in later, and the n ex t m orn­ creek i, running. on Nelson country is now in m ore proijx'roui there, but before he was near through condition tunn it hag been for yrnrt rich will have any policies payable in ing the com m ander was perm itted to A nd a vote for Die republican party i . a the race one of the h e a d s - o r p r o p s - m y kind of m oney. take in recrui ts who later in the day O « " d v ille Lundy of A |p|la has a little vote for '.he m aintenance of Die gold fell out. Yes, you will rem em ber it was Wo are for the free coinage of silver were pressed into service. A large hall Toni W atson. by water power, stan dard, and tor ilia continued prosper­ at the ratio ot 18 to 1 because since 1337 decorated w ith the em blem s of our ’ • • r w b e e running lh a n g s i n a s w i u g i o g f r " e Tlio self sanio parties are ity of '.hq country. , , now » o 'ng ‘Hat lias been our ratio and is now for our country profusely em bellished Die build­ egged or three cornered com- »• Iver dollar. Because all our presont ing and hall nnd there were found the «nd when ho wants to grind he lowers -~S - !■ I . I b m .t,o n which they call union. 1 w i l l 1 dollars were coined at ■'•e whee m to the current of the raging A CORRECTION. that ratio. Be- “ e lite" of the city— fair wom en and Deadwood. J- w . ” just add lid s, if they fail Due tim e they cause our debts I,are been incurred brave m en. T lie citisen s know ing the The follow ing | „ „ , t „ , correction to are politically gone. Tide com bination under that ratio. Because our g.ivcrn- refining power of church service upon The p r e « i , not r . «orne little m istake we m ade in ? tU t issu e of May 20tlt, and • • stsu d c Z [en,in d ’ Hl^ i a friend away l „ ck Jn m ent debt is payable under th at ratio. tl.e wild natures of their invaders, took ful. That power / ‘h' rected ; hut whan a man t es to correct Missouri, After lie was muri ied nearly l e'’anie the coinage of silver will put a US to a church service the first even in g proudest t „ Z m M A. O. W ood cok , AV. ÍT. WEATHERSON ■FOR BUSINESS Which pays the buyer, who is Always on the a le rt for Bargains in everything, Send for wimples and prices of Serges, Cussitncre, Ilenriet- las and Suitings. All Staple shades iu stock and very low prices. I«-T yard french N ear Silks------ —. In Black, Pink, Red, Sjty Blue, N avy B ine and Brown 30 inches wide. Elegant values. Gimps and Silk Trimmings insets and by the yard. The verv latest. Send for Samples. Nico assortment of Ladies’ Waists, W aist sets, Belts, Belt Buckles, Ladies’ Silk lies and wash Fabrics too numerous to mentiou. Gaze on o u r Glass and China ware before it goes. L adies’ a n d Gents’ Foot- I wear, a t prices astonish you. which will IN FA C T OUR S TO R E IS HEADQUARTERS F O R ^ EVERY T H IN G Don’t throw away opportunities- vu •Call and See Us- 0. W . HURD, C A R M A N 7 s CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET Just Opened. Goods as Reoresented. ■tfl n s for a little p i c « like think llierr ia soiiiutliiug »lie m atter w ith his «raniur, i. i > ,/i ---- a , . . . » l , u i »it ■pot III Id, tiead i Ada, Ore., Mtiv gotli, 169« Editor W ist , Dear Sir: There appealed in your pa|ier som etim e aim ». | | W one III1(ler late of May 20tli, a piece statin g that ” 1 accom panied Scott Morris to town to h e lp him out wit his stuff ’ The fact is, f w ent to tow n on m y own account and parked m y ow n stu ff out, and d o n ’t « s p e c t to be m ade m ention of in that Ibis we alw ays V ery R espectfully, W mt . P rin c ip le is a passion for truth. Deatli and love are the two wings «liiclt bear man from earth u> H eaven. 'L... h i •'T' ' •I- lì nam es shall begin wit], E .” W hen the fourteenth child arrived lie says. “ Sally interest from vote for Bvarvlweg Bar, H o o d 's S a r a a ^ n lla , I will say that I should not like what I would call It in print. It certainly be a vote east for thia headed com bination called union , to see '»«I««” » quarters, with »'The E ugene ' l ”»‘ l,ir > would not receive our m oney, | would !i! 'uI A gency,” on th e ground so « • had to bring it back after our triple- ' ?Ot' ' Jp! r \ " t h oi hard ti. ' et w’i1( el ) ' llP>»o»it» the Guard parole. A word to Mr. Bailer. I f . B tn g im a u ^ Z , »rrteCaoitv CetberUe. Ule meet woo derruí mrdlual 'eas ‘ >'a ‘ I. h i. ow n. he fa il. ,o or ~ fMrontocff to oun-by all dmigtsu. -P F ^ C T K A h free was th ey would not recwgniie our m oney. E v e r y ___ - ____ u . . I W h ic h p u rifie s and ace, and c la im s anothor origin than IffM ishod dam , ie illeg itim a te. n o tc r a n m .lt, J° y ’ U * « s monarchs, it Wag not ' irainZ.tr------ _ nion»rch,, gained for ,,s by aristocracies, hut it •prang from the people and with an foreign shylocke. W c ask the people to W h atever lire beyond tho lim its of e x ­ I 6f ind uction and deduction from es- P R O P R fF T n w west whoso powerful and eloquent words had a m arked im pression on the I fiV (life kuiineee m ust «top right off. U is coinage of e'lver because W ell street is m em bers of Die G. A. R. W e were ac- Y o u r frien d s m ay sm ile wife asked, " W h y ,’ •n d he replied, nS»inst it, the m onopolies are «gainst I corded front sea ls. After tlie serv icei Itr'-M k H u t th a t fir e d fe e lin g For tin« reason on ly, I do not know of '*• ‘ ll0 ff«*»t trusts and sy n d ica te, are I the Rev. greeted _ Doctor »-— » us w w iu ith i th e f M e a n s d a n ge r. I t another nam e com m encing with K t h a t '*8*'"»» it and th at ie th e beet of e v i. , « ' ‘I'nmasm of former years, and w hen ' years, and w hen is su itab le for a ch ild ." j -lonce that it is good for tho people. j be"e',ictiou was pronounced, we In d ic a te s im p o v e ris h e d Now there ie the dem ocrat, d em o -' 1 l,is i « « flglit between W all street were escorted to our various posts of TK‘ im p U re Wood popocrat and dem o-repo-popocrat and nn,I.lh e S ta tes; between the honor and soon the hoys forgot they I n is c o n d itio n m ay there ie but one more com m encing with pirates and Dm people and the people were captives, so warra and earnest « ill w in. L e a d to s e rio u s ¡lines«. the letter D suitable for the above union was the desire of all the citisen s to m ake C . E . H taw ooe. ticket. I t s h o u ld be p ro m p tly us perfectly com fortable. They did not § © r t n S, E. A. C. further s a y ,; “ i f yo(1 w ( , CH ANGE OF LO CATION take from us tliat irliich we had. Only O -e n c o m e by ta k in g ¿ b o r ííja n d ? for a rep ublican , dem ocrat or populist way. O xo^A. tw enty years he w a , blessed with four- ! Ia,* ’r «m ount of m oney into circulation after our capture, and there "ye report- teen children—Ids eurnam o was Enoch l" ' 1 lb ‘a w ill stop prices falling. Be- cr" had the pleasure of listen in g to hia I . . . i i— i ■ j Mix) he Lx'ing som ew hat od I s.iys to j tlie silver belongs to th e citizen s old friend of former years, Die Rev. Dr ns w ife: “ Sally, e»ci, ,,f our c|, i j j rvn^ of our own country and is not borrowed McKeen tlie distinguished orator of the CARMAN. co— in. The U i„ ,i. p o u elw uld give for valu« r e iv iis i that / u " ™ E « t ‘ " " COa,p• " " ,’ ** ,ack ! and tim e, to continue th e above space oom - 1 c r fu2! iuf. mation cone«,flin g rat«», i lun icalion in otir next ¡«sue. Ed.) . '-11111 t a l l e , etc., call or addrese, ■ ■ — R. M cM van tv, G eneral A gent, ■tleret« Tear W ilk <-a*M r*u. O.q' Ji ic G ardO tice, E tgene. l i f e ■ È s s w e i£ S e > ¡OWE X p ’ n m a n s b ip c H c § ra p h y . E n ric h e s th e blood „ . ««ooa, S tre n g th e n s the '7O'> n erves, $ > -^ 4 1 4 > ^ y a m Q ill 5 Í» -V 'Ao\i.tV»ë'ôr’4\.U T o n e s th e stom ach, . , , ,, ^*,e a Ic s an a p p e tite A n d b u i l d u p, B e »ure to g e t O r ly PORTlAMaOR f r is a l e or exchange . TO our .- ratrons . E î'C rg iz ts a n d vi?qfjzes H ' t w h o le system . ® s ù R e ja n te xScnsL* .........» ..........X P r e m ia T ri* ve " “ Kpt f„rl^ W ffU irvattbi. ofErt. J ^ F i ’ ,'e') - ° ^ n i " . n e , r i t 0 , n- I made arrangement« by »'ll furnish the Weekly theW M T,<>r on# yM r e** fnr O'* »nm of tw o Payable c „ h i„ doi»