THE W EST ► YOUR HÖHE PAPER SUPPORT IT J I X (• f TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. C tbp FhShJoC. When Jc.vephinirascocdod the three", ccr womanly and lnxrrions instincts h"r to banish the ungracefcl and S T E A M ER C 0 O 3 ,” oaused is?°rtivs cnwnire* which were born tin ­ o — - Will make"------ o ier the reigu of terror. EveTythiug and Roman wan uuuiired, au.l the R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S ' '■reck empress and the lovely Mines. T&llien rod Kecamitr garbed themcelves in degenerate Greek apparel, whose s- nnty »kirts mid decollete bodices scandalized the entire world. However, in a modi­ fied way, these styles are extremely pret­ ty and wire quite the thing but a few years ago. Iv ell now they have not al­ together uisapueaied and are still worn f r ball drec.-es, ha, mure frequently for tea gowns. Drriug the reign of tho bourgeois Ring Louis Philippe his queen, Mario Amelio, inaugurated the full skirts and voluminous beuugear which aro still with us. 'Ibe lust distinctive era of fashion was that born in the time of the beauti­ « ful Eugeuie, and one cannot declare i that it was quite original. The lovely empress only reintroduced the monstrous hoops of Queen Anne’s day end the di­ minutive bonnets which appeared as if falling off the head and which belong Sleeping Cars to no other period. (Since then fashion has been marked Elegant by many vagaries and absutditiea. Wo Dining Cars are at the present time nothing if not eclectic itu t with the ruthless band of a Tourist tyrant appropriate whatever we choose Sleeping Cars from past reigns ol national costumes. At present we huve taken the pointed 8T . PAUL girdle from the frwlsa peasant maiden, M IN N E A P O L IS the bolero front the Spanish mole driver, the kiuiouo from the Japanese bolle and DULUTH the sequin trimming! from the Turkish FARG O dancing girl. C R A N O FO RKS TO Every nation and every ora hua con- CRO O KSTO N triluted its quota, so that the costumes of alt civilized nations are .a veritable W IN N IP E Q ______ potpourr i iu cut, material and ornamen­ H E L E N A »»a tation. —Cedcy’! Magazine. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE H r Tw isted tlio Lio n * Toil. < CIUSLAW'S ONLY PATX’.. i OPPORTUNITY < i NO. •"». FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, June 3, 1893. IX. IERAL DIRECTORY A D V E R T IS E R S MANAGING HORSES. G ra n t and Lou ate ........ II. IL Kincaid. it over and over. a nee Is Vselese—Use th e W h ip U parlngly snmo jug a thousand times. It was at Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ .................... Philip Metelien "I thought that might have been the Jefferson barracks, Dear St. Louis, that and N ever K ic k th e A n im a l. days and Fridays. case, but you probably got caught in blit Instruction. M. Irwin. Longstreet introduced his cousin, Mi»» some sort of machinery?” Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ j,,ev.........................W. H. Leeds. Horses are essentially creatures of Julia Dent, to Grant, and it wus Long “ No, not exactly machinery, aor.” days and Saturdays. i General........... C . M. Idleman. fcab't; of gentle, eonfldieg dispositions, (treet himeelf who told the young lady •‘Gun explode lu yopr hands?” i ................. if. S. Bean Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ tutcxcessivcly nervous; timid, at ( 1) re t tic ii lkT«ryw h*re. want to poke one iu the eye, uud so my with but few exceptions, that he intends sects, tiny root parasites, decaying kf Trustees L. Christensen ¡ to do just right. If he err, it ie from leaves and the millions cf bacteria tinco in tho privacy of her boudoir advice is ‘Don’t. ’ ”—Chicago N ws. J. A. Yates , ignorance, pain or fright, rarely from which spring from them—all tliero are tho tin do siei la woman has gone back .. J. C. FLINT, Proprietor Th e P re h isto ric Doif, stubbornness or vice. This pc etna to be mixed aud mingled together tor mnuy TO to tbe watteuu costume of the seven- __ John II. Morris C H IC A C O 3Eflor©noa, O r e g o n . generally unknown or at least disre­ inches down below our (ect in a con­ teiuth century, to be in keeping litr In tuo Homan period not only were ............. J. A. Pond garded, for of all animals the horse is fused mass of life. Germs of all Fort« desk and room furnishings must bear W A S H IN G T O N sight bounds aud scent hounds fully ......... G. C. Cumpton the stamp of that flowery period. Her differentiated, but there were also va­ tbe least understood, the most harshly swarm iu countless millions. Indeed, all Ibe plants that grow nnd OUR AIM—To furnish the best P H IL A D E L P H IA walls aro hung with delicate cretonnes, rious kinds of laprlogs and house dogs, jndged and unjustly treated, and for the life that exists cn the face of tho earth N E W YORK least iufraction of discipline he is too bestrewed with bunches of roses, vio­ although none quite liko our modern aecoininodations at reasonable lets, forgetmeuota or true lovers’ bows. breeds. Even as far back as about 3,900 often brutally punished. If men who owe their being to tl.o fact that tho IECRET SO CIETIES. BO STO N ANO A L L _ prices. The chairs and tables and desk nre of II. C. Egyptian frescoes show not only train horses would control their tem­ ground is alive. You take a shovelful of P O IN T S E A S T »»J 8 O U T H I gilt or white and gold, and to match ull greyhouiidlike breeds, but one with pers and endeavor to ascertain the cause the finest soil in the world aud sterilize For information, time cards, maps »»mi tickets this perishable daint.ue.-s fashion has droopir» enrs like a hound, and a third, of tho animal’s misbehavior, they would it—(hut is, beat it till all the life in it A.M. Florence Lodge No. 107. decreed that the ornaments which two which has l»eeu compared to the modem find that there is often a good excuse fot is destroyed—and then plant seeds in it. etc., call on or w iitc ignlar communication on second No amount of care or watering w ill years ago were of steriiug silver »ball turnspit, while house dogs nnd lapdogs his actions. |rtli Saturdays in each month. R . M c M 'J R P H E Y , W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. The eye is the best index to tho ani­ make those feeds grow. Their life de­ now bn o f the m o t beautiful Dresden camo in soon afterward. Whether any ! O. W. Hutu, W. M. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 1. Shelton Block, paiteru. of these a.-e the direct ancestors of mod­ m al’s feelings. The ears are very ex pends on the life in the soil urouud them. îoïTS, Secretary. Tables furnished with all the EUGENE, OREGON. The individual inkstands am gor­ em breeds or whether all such have pressive, but they do not reveal so —London Answers. geous. The birds of the air are slaugh­ been produced by sal.sequent crossing is plainly the emotions that are dominat­ delicacies of the season. Wild A. D. C H A rtLTO N , Gln«Sovr’tt F a m ily Homes. tered to adorn woman’» hats, and the a very difficult question to answer, more ing him ns tlie eve does. Therefore Assistant General Passenger Agent. Among the many new thingR started study the eye with its varying expres- especially when wo recollect that if an beasts of the forest aro slain to fasfiluu General Lyons Post, No. 58. inline, lish and fruit in season. Best 265 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. by the Glasgow corporation is a "fam ­ feta second und” fourth Saturdays P o r t l a n d O r . her inkstands. Tho newest novelty is ancient Egyptian artist bud to draw the sious, and when you can read its mean­ ily home.” It is intruded mainly for i accomodations for the traveling a frame of horns of all kinds and de­ portrait of a modem dog it would be ing you hold the key to ouo of tho chief month at 1 ‘.30 p. ni. widowers and widows who go out to scriptions, Io hold tho heavy out glass very doubtful whether it would be roc- secrets of successful horse training. I. B i - ttkkkielu , Commander. public. Charges reasonable. Tho horse should bo convinced that work. There are 100 bedrooms, each of ink bottles. Iu some designs tho horns ognized by its master or mistress. - The Funk & Wagnalls [ J. !.. F cum sii , Adjutant. are reversed, and the large end is made Bnt tho record of the uutiqnity of do- 1 resistance is useless, tut do not be im­ which coLta.ns a good Led tor the 1» ! to answer for a candlestick or recepta- mestieated dogs does not evm stop with I patient or harsh. Remember that suc­ ther or mother aud u bro".d cot for the ’ clo for tho i>eus or sealing wax. Then, the earliest known Egyptian luoun- cess is the reward cf uuwearied pa­ younger children, l or mese looms iho again, a Imttle w ill have a cover of an weuts. Not only were snob breeds kuowu tience. If you fail at first, keep trying punuts pay Ba fid. ii w i\k , and that O V . W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, Of The faMcts every 1st and 31 Saturdays elephant’» head iu heavy metal, the in Europe during the iron and bronze until you enccced. Do not be discour­ sum includes the lighting, heating uud T fo o n th . Members and visiting Twentv-three baso and supjx rt i f the bottlo being the ages, but also during tho niitocedeut aged if you do not semi to make much cleaning of them. Cl . G. have made onl tlmt the Swiss ueolithio words are more efficacious than un urranged tho e'.tublifhment is t xjxtcteil T h e C oiu iiyj S h irt W aist. A ndrew B rvnd , Sec. 301,865 Vocabulary Term* dog (Cauls pulostris) had certain cranial hour's punishment. There is no more to pay for itself. Glasgow hem voleuce Parisians have gradually Lem devel­ 347 Editors and Specialist* resemblauces to both hounds span­ vieicus or false idea than that a horse is is nothing if not practical, uml this utfw oping a g n a t tasto ler silk shirts, and S33 Readers for Quotations iels, uud thus indicated an r.dvanced benefited by a ‘‘sound thrashing.” On homo seems a most udwirablo man ra­ i bis form i f bodice premises to carry all iho contrary, it is the very worst thing tion.—£ t Je.nie» Gazette ÎHURCH DIRECTORY 5000 Illustrations before it for morning next spriug type, which is considered to have been you cun do, because the horse's recollec­ Money Saved derived trom neither wolves nc? jackal", Cost over $960,000 T h e D a c e % endome In Pari«. and suiuncr. All the best houses are bnt from some species now extinct. Tj»m tion of tbe pain and tbe fright occa­ Appendix of 47.468 Entries By preparing varied selections cf them, I b YTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, The Paris correspondent of u London sioned by it is more vivid and enduring 1 other breeds have also Is en recognized many rather ornate, but still maintuin- fegoii. Sabbath service. Sabbath-; Patronizing it. from the superficial deposits f the con­ than his remembrance of why it was paper says that, though always stately 1, 10 o’clock a. in. Preaching 11, Í iug their special cbuiacUristies—name­ tinent, aud ff, as is very likely to be administered, aud at yonr next lessen and imposing, the Place Yrndome is by (k a. in. and 7 p. m. Sacrament o The fall number "f wools «mt terms In ly, tuikcd frouiH au.l regular shirt the case, any or all of these races are he is nervous aud afraid and at tbe least no means a lively part of Paris It has Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of cither gathered into a hand tho forerunners of somo of tho modern note of auger in your voice (for horses retained tbrongh long years the char- Prop. düfcrent «llctioiisrie» for the entire slplntbet 1- sleeves, try, April? July ami October. Qeo. Hale with infiies falling over tho hand or ss follow,: S’ OUMOXT I. 51,001; WllBl IIK'TBIt breeds it w ill readily bo understood how judge the meed of the trainer by his nrteristics lor which it was noted in tho lliody is welcome to all the services. with cutis turned Lack. L requests Christians to make _ _2_ complex is the origin lit the mixed group manlier and his tone of voice) be muy reign of the grand t; cnarqt o, Louis 1(8,(100; WSHST.ÎK (tiiu-rnalloiial), 125,000: i ' en - Some have fri,lings (landing from become almost uncontrollable iu Ids tf- . XIV, for whom it was plauneo and laid Eulvds known. 1TVKY, (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: the back and sides of a round collar, which we now ea.l Canis iauiiliaris.— BUSINESS CARDS- I. G. K notts , Pastor. forts to escape the expected flagellation, out. Cf late a few good »hops have ap- Knowledge. STANUAUU, over 300,000; and the lower edge is trimmed so as to It is a Riifo rule for any one having » poared here aud there aim,ng the houses serve for a little basque ir.stiad cf be­ ••’Tvr®5 tl*o Nlg’b t Bef«»ro C hristm as.” hasty temper not to have a whip at on the place, aud it is proposed to add ing worn tucked into the skirt. Very DisT EPISCOPAL CHURCH flRST RATIONAL Mr. Clarvu-.' i Cock contriLut .i to Tho hand. The temptation to use it may be Io tbe unmb'ir cf these business estab­ .Sanóle Pages Free........ narrow tucks sewed either clow together [ Century an article on ‘‘The ?,nth( r of too great. Aud it is also wise net to at­ lishments. Fence in a comparatively ce. Preaching at Glenada , or iu groups will l;o preferred to wide i ‘A Visit From St. Nicholas’ "—Clem tempt to teach him when yon are iu a brief sp aced time the l.uildiug»arcm.d ; two Sundays of each month 1 OF EUGENE. tucks and folds. I ’cr thus*, with turn­ ent C. Moore. Mr. Cook »aysof tho ori­ had humor, for if he docs not do jaat Napoleon’s column w ill be brilliantly School every Sunday at down collars, generally bordered with gin of the familiar poem: I’raver meeting every Thurs- T. O. HBNORICaS. P'«- right yon w ill probably vent somo of it diversified, and stalely monotony wilt « B J" • C,SM'" ACENTS W A N T E 3 . narrow tuiks, tic» aro mude of the bair.o Iig'atlhe church. Everybody disappear. The Plato Vendouie may in Mr. William S. Pelletrean, in Pie in ­ on him. material. invited. G. F. R ound », When whipping is used only ss a last a few year*, or even less, be a lle to di»- teresting account of Dr. Moore's li.o $50.000 Pastor. RAID UR OA8H CAPITAL, fiiicouue silks with very small pat­ which he has just publi bed, trlis us resort, the necessity fot it seldom arises, j tance tho Rue de la i uix as n locality $50 000 8URPLU8 AND PROFITS, E. D. BRONSON & CO, terns and iiurn.ouionsly »Laded cheek» that tlio “ Visit From St. Nicholas” was As the horse makes progress in hi* edu for a ftd u n u Llioppirg, tea drinking and plants w ill he more used tor mak­ written in 1823 os n Cbibtines pr .fCUt cation ho nudcratauds Letter wlint is re­ and flirtation. Pacific Coast Agents ing shirts than plain silks, which had for his children, au I that a young lady quired of him aud transgresses less fre­ ATTORNEYS A C C O U N T S S O U C IT E U SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Hl« Krwnn. the run last season. A great deal will visiting the family copied it into her al­ quently, anil nearly always a sound rat­ also Le done in lawm shirts for the sum- bum ami »cut it, uukiiowii to Dr. Moore, ing when lie knows that he 1» misbe­ EUGENE. • - " OREGON "Why is it," they ashed him, ‘that 933 Market S t. ¡ mer and in gingham shuts tor the, pop­ to tl e editor r.f the Troy Lentinel, who having is sufilcicnt. Hmetiraes when you prefer gas to electrio light?” C. WOODCOCK, H ow Punch nud J o d j Camo to E u fla n d . ular Gade. — Excbauge. “ in the case cf electrio lig h t,” hn printed itwitliont tho author's name iu this is disregarded a slap with tbs open NOTARIES. «aid, looking at them in urtonishmeut., The heyday rf tho puppot show in i tho issue of Ahat journal for December hand w ill cause iuttent obedience. OniShtsrs of Iho líe veintiún. “ it cau UHUully be controlled by means England w ai during the last century Mrs. Caroline Long Bartlett of- Or- 23, 1828. l'rdra tbo newspaper it found [ There ate two forms of punishment, , Long before then strolling showmen 8! ge, N. -L, " hose fatter, MoiC.i Bart­ its way to the tehoc l r-adtrs and speed­ cr rather brutality, that aie inexcusa­ of a button or a spring on the wull w ¡th­ R. BUTTOLPH, in easy reach.” |g e n e , - O re g o n bad exhibited "ilrclla" or ••motion»"— lett, served for three yean, iu the war ily became a great favorite with chil- , ble uudtr any circuinstancfls— these are They admitted that he spoke truly. is tho English puppats wero kuowu in r.triking a hc.r.e over the head, no mat­ dr< u all over tho country. 7 «"<1 * cf the l.evcluticn, roncntly celebrated k Ait.ntion given to collectiuns ano I ru­ "That being so,” he went on, “ if tha early days—to crowds of gaping Mr. Pelletroau tell» u«(hot Dr. Moore ter how light the blow, and kicking btr ninety-fourth Linhday. bho was pi yon had ever stood over a small but rustics, but it was not until tfco time of presented with a handsomely engraved st fir«t annoyed by the cppcnranco him— r.nd aside from their inhumanity pretty young woman who with upturn­ Htcole aud Addisou that t he puppet show parchment certificate of honorary mem­ of the poem in | rint, as ho had not in- i there 1» great danger of prrnisncutly in­ ed an bexamn a fashionable amusement, pat­ flo r e n o e , - • O regon . bership in tho Dauqhterr.of the Revolu­ t'/uded it for the public and thought it ; juring biro. Whenever du’'iop a lesson E. O PO TTER. colt or young l.crxe becomes heated , reach the ehuiidelier to light tbe gas ronized by upper tandem. a mere triflo with bet «light litcraiy tion, unq tin re wan a large gai Bering in Pulcmolla cams to London iu I8C3, her honor. Her daughter, Mr» IzinisDo merit. No doubt it was with some mia- : aud angiy, cense at ouce, cud if yon yon never wccld have to ask me the . . . . A‘.torney-at-Law • - • FRANK B. WILSON. when an Italian puppet playi r set up Bloia Gnlkscu, with whom she n.akea givings that, 80 years later, he pave it have been impatient and abused him question you havo seen fit topat. his booth nt Charing Cross nutl paid a ter borne, is (rearar r of the New Jersey a place iu the volume cf his collected keep away from him and do not up- Cbicugu Fest. EUGENE, OREGON small rental to fb« T.»cratersof 8t liar btate‘7, D. K Another "real poems. With I bp proverbial I lindnesa preseh him until be has fcrgolteu the / m e » t the Court 11 ou wc. Kaaj. tin’s parish His innio was nt coco daughter" is Mrs. Rebecca I ratt of of writers be probably thought this oocarmice. Caznhon of the Marseilles thcator re­ Be soothing nnd gentle In yonr man­ = LORENCE. - - - OREGON Englished into Pnnebim Ho. which was Chelsea, Mas«., who was the guest cf playful sally, written to plenre hia soon to be completely Anglicized a> honor at the lote i.rpauization of Win- youngsters nt their Christmas rr.rrry- ner BLd your tone of voice. Win hi* late» that he learned in two hours aud played the tuuie evening the part cf Punch.—Harper a 'dagazina. E. E. BENEDICT, niMiuinet chapter, L IL The meeting ninkiug, far inferior t> its oil forgotten confidence, aud yon w ill never regret it, BO YEARS’ companions, cf which he says in bis for then iu tho hour of daegtr yonr Uuridan in “ Lu Tonr du Nesi a " was held iu the old l'r.itt honae, bol It EXPERIENCE A C o n tlo je n t N am *. “ Prodigious I" »ays a bystander. I t T O R -N E T Y - A . T - L .A .V V iu IthsO. Tin story oi her grandmother'» preface, ‘‘Baine of them Lave cost me voice nod the touch of yonr bond rens- Tho Syracuse Post rays that a girl flight from L'l «toil (lu r lnmnc was oppo­ mn< h time and thought, aud I Lave si re him, and he will fate imminent ‘‘How could you ever do it?” baby was recently brought to a riorgy site ( lirist eliuri b. on Salem street) in composed Ihciu all us carefully aud ccr- pi ril if ouly vox are near. “ Ho, 1 p i t read it tarcfnlly and Florence. : : Oregon. man of the city to ba baptized The lat­ the night preceding tl’.abattleof Bunker rcctly us I could.'* In conclusion never target that the tlnu 1 tied u knot in r y l.undkcri b:tf ter asked tho namo of the baby frlntrq li of tbo t-ainer’s m t is in w ill­ to m ucin btr it by "—Farts Figaro. Hill was told by Mis 1’ratt in a ¿raphio Van t. "Dinah M the father responded. ing and > be trful obedience from a de­ "B utw uat d.ies tho ‘11 staud f<>r?" manner. Tho Turk was < ngiually a Tartar, Cant, n ecniug mo- k hureiltty, lock sire to plrose, and l ntT Why. 1 do not lurftad of folding tha shcetof note pnptur for whiutug ui.d pretending fervor. onderxtun I v wi. ’ «aid the donituio to fit into the envelope*, a* civilized nu- M snycf the ctrects cf Paris are lined cned hi» rye* anil brought hi* chin iutd Tatent« Tat«« throngh Monn A to . receive ■rvlj ñ 1 Trs-ls VsrVs oMxinsd »nd all T » t, A i'n n rifu l Vi««r. "Oh. if she tarns cot uioe an I sweet gprrUi MMM» without rW » e . t® the done with lu es. If a tree dies, another of the a icuru bee on.iug than it busts-ssrouduetsd fcr Moder«’ « G N ' 1 -s I m ~l • t. ,rV e "«e »4n eii..j moth i. 1 shall call her Dinah -May. but ring crets better than women? (Le sfata forests and put in its piste. • s ,..- -1 . Arxaip.tet 'Ite» «»OJJ ’» l.’.-A ’ ro-t »f »Asae I t It is estimated lluit during l ho pre« n» if the 1 ¡vt a fiery temper and displays a 's She— Because men generally kne w a Tlio cost ,'s son ctbii.g tremendous, but 1 f fr^B COCB sent .'r A-.Ire«. bon.b,hell ilisporition. like mine, I shall ; h>t of things which they wouldn't < Parts is the wert beautiful cf modem century no les» thau ttO.übfi.UUU cf civi­ lized tutu have periebid iu war. c . rail her Dinah Might." told cu them».Ives.—Brooklyn Life. o tu s • T ay - rt -r.-ç H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. lie.... MORRIS **♦ HOTEL, ORTHSRN P a c i f i c , Ry. i THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, E lk P r a i r i e H o te l. Standard ON E U C E N E AND FL O R E N C E S TA G E ROUTE. BANK A. Attorney a t Law, A. Notary F.iblie, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. PATENTS Scientific American. X sxov/ a co. Dictionary if /1