HÎSTÔ kï Liver Ills Woman’s Work. SOME OF THE NOBLE steeos HAVE ACHIEVED f m j Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constl- j nation, sour stoinaeli. indigestion are promptly [ cured by Hood s Pills. They do their work I The F o u r F o o te d - F r le a d r „ w For thirteen years this woman suffered from a helfi Uss infirm ity which baffled skillful medical treatment. S h e u a s restored to health in a remarkable manner, and is now helpful to other sufferers. H o o d ’s A ' W m C ity M « m a d _ lU a r a , u L iv e d L ik a P r l a a e a - C h a r g a » / » ^ *** U a u u w a A m id tb a C a v n a g . of » It is h ard to My w ith „ ’ * proach to accuracy how l o UR * easily met thoroughly. ¡1 1 « Best after dinner pills. I I I Wr, h is been a dome »Heated auiu,,i ** 55cents. All druggists. I ■ «uu ouly say th u t he has I,«.» / ' 'v« Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., bowel!. -Mass. | tim e im m em o rial—th a t is i,*0 ,rt* The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsn|>arll!u. For thirteen yean b George L. Rosters,‘ u I tried different ‘J'*"** curliest lim es of w hich we h« * , Vafuhcnd Pinuecr*. of W txtM Ln Street, Canton, N .Y ., raftered prieta y remeoiei, but no pernu-rat L»ne- A©r*trhe« In flo n ie i. " ^ N A T U R A L W O N O E ft record«. 1 he A ssyrian senlut,,.’? tit was obtained. . . . n_ Ia The C entury ttirre is mi article by A RISE IN TROUSERS. In rainy w eather, when thcro is plen­ from th* indescribable tortures of inflam­ I “ Last March I was induced to try Ur. they are about th e m ost aucieut o f u th e Iuto i’nineis A. W u lk ir on " T h e ty of muil. unless care is taken to clean matory rheumatism. T he T ram p R ed R»ud«toue B o w ld er o f we know an y th in g , for sou,« i Williams’ 1 ink Fills tor Pale People. C au « i« o f P o v e rty ." G eneral W alker it off and wipe the feet dry the horses Gr T w o H alloo«», T iro litui B o n and Only persons who have been afflicted “ Before I had iinished the first box I b ^aa th e N ew J « r w y M uuutalue. are estim ated to date from 4200 a 7» P e r se c u te d W ash erw om an . •ay»: with this ciscase know what such suffer- to feel that the / were doing me good, are liable to be attacked w ith »cratches Counties« thousand» of years ago vast contain m ore representations of « ' L J w ill n et inquire bow m any nmte, o r greaiiu heel. If th e legs get muddy ing is. ) “ f continued cd. g them and steam.'/ stretches of glacial deposits came slid soiled horses than even men Him Inglorious W hitm an» o r Thoreau» thcro and the anim al gets heated and then is Those who have never felt the pangs oi grew better. .„ ing ncross the state of New Jersey, do not get any examples of , * to o y le ainoug the tramp« of the U nited p u t into a cold stable w ith o u t cleaning “ I hive used thirteen boxes of the p fis this ailment have not the remotest idea of anti to-day ietl Letter than for the past id- mounted tho Palisades, pushed their horses u n til a long tim e ufter thi» »State«, but it em m et to doubted th at otl to got cold and shiver, conditions ft its tortures. Even tlie first examples, iadeii way across the Hudson river, scoured th e o u te n rtso f a highly suphi«ti(-uti>d are supplied th a t uro favcrablo fur tho .... , . For yean this was an obstinate disease teen years, “ My appetite is good; I feel bright, cneer- over M anhattan Island aud slid out into only legendary, for, though ti.,ru i.“!1 eoeiety omlt-aco cu t a few w ho in a dcv< lopm ent of th is disease. A llow ing to cure. tribe of hunter« or berdm ieu or flibcr- tho burse« to get fat and to stand in the In recent years, however, there has been ful and Lave a desire tj live and enjoy society. tho A tlantic oceuu, w hither they d isin ­ doubt th a t H ector of Troy existed “ 1 have been a member of the Methodist tegrated nud sank into the deep or per- I not im nrobuhle . 1 11 ‘J » th a a t t Homer i t ____ hive'n probable th formulated a remedy which rucsessiufiy tneu w ould have had u place au.l would stables w ith no exercise and upon a pile church for many years, but for dx years baps glided on to the other shore. copes with it. j tho I’crhnps have been not nucleus member* of heating is also favorable lo this dis- „ , nam es u of h is threo favorite bon? favorita h—- T he many cures effected by Dr. Williams’ was unaLle to attend. B ut in their onward inarch these Poderge, the cream colored Gidath, , he seemed highly to approve— difficulty ho kept closer liencath "tlio sit- J?0 denies played im portant parts to «00 tho ju stice iu it. Tills p articu lar w heels o f tho engine rested on his face. Guuluis. nfter w hich sho would Is, one« more H is legs were pinned down l»y a luuu whoye life bus b rin spout among always to roil C0Uie“1 ° biect<‘ WiU tcud w f “6. . b,elou«cd *“ tho 8™ “ Earl °f Why Mie Declined. w ashed dowu, au.l then she wutild tret ! o i i ' y a Y ?; I. rhe iL'tliaus is m ro th n t they do nut heavy team . W arw ick, tho kingm aker His first Au a | -u« vv th ere is no ueetl, aucordiug to this oh- This suggests a word in reference to th eir timo. One of them belonged to Mike — lliin u t'll go to me gram lehil «onio distiuctieg among (ll0 J,,,., *<”■11 prln' T lie C o o a ld .r a t« W uiuun. »*rver, of Irin g in g tho n u tien ality iuto dren.— Now York Journal. lDHr t u r a a ü S br1X a X t^d8a y o lí!faro‘ , the celebrated k n ig h t of tho road. Panl j e n d and less complete w orkm anship I t w as a t tho busiest hour of the b usi­ tho question a t a ll.— Now York Pren Clifford. Ho was called Robin and was w ith w hich it is so often surrounded. est day tbo store had «.. u in a leug A DlfflTtBCf. th?ngr uOd o n T h tben‘ A lthough ho him self lias been among »AMPLc C J P IÉ á s - , d r F R .E . I: Bii. In color irou gray, he was re­ t'lfM I’rito B«»r I iicm tim e, anil th e busio»t place in all tlio “ Tho chief difference l ei ween the puted by ju d g es of horseflesh — aud Thi» i* tho story of hu ugly m an, as stun, was the laeo departm ent. F our man with a let of nuwmade money and the retorn.ersof Ids day, tho later m ove­ m ents in the direction of personal im ­ u o n o u thero were some w ho wero quite as com­ a n t t iie B Ä K S told by a veteran of the late w ar: women, four fian tiru lly la g e r women the g. ntlo zephyr, " « a id tho corn fed pressionism have not affected eith er k is ” «” ■ petent to givo an opinion, if not uinro "M y cousin was the ugliest man iu were w aiting. '1 be fifth woman hud the philosopher, “ is th at tho gentle zephyr c h r o n ic l e l L Ä ^ = ' ™ “ b M «o, n« any of tho present day—to be sh- th e regim ent, " s a id th o raconteur. " l i e ouly saleswoman nt th n t m il of the blows itself q u ie tly ." — Indianapolis n , tin d or ideal Tl:o new school to w hich he belonged ju his youth, which persoli iu «olutely w ithout blem ish and to be sec­ D ie w»» tho ugliest mail, iu fact, I ever counter and w as looking ut lace, ria l Jouruul. may I* broadly desoribed as the "i ond to none. A nother fam ous horse, or MW A general saw him and offered a lace. I thin k «he m ust have exam im d a c! -ssical," has uliiiont become uu " o ld " father mare, w as Black B ess.' Her own­ A VuBMiontlou« Architect, prize for Hi« ugliest man in the arm y dozen pieces. The four women «veined A I.ucky Find. er, Dick T urpin, or, to givo hiiu kh t aJIor—- 1 liuvo $10,000 to put into n rehool uow, but he lias seen uo reason to encourage com petition. A riv al reg i­ ou th e verge of apoplexy. ► n o x v j M o to swerve from the aim s and principles correct name, Nicks, com m itted a rub- " H a v e n 't yon som uthing w ider?" bouse, and I wi.-h to select a design. m ent had it» ugly man. The tw o were toward t o u f to g h ““ . ? 1 1 8tre° ‘ t,pry in London a t 4 o'clock in tbs Iloncst A rchitect— Yes, sir. Joiin, w hich inspired nu.i guided his earliest T h e U n ite d S ta te s , D om inion o f brought together. Tho general was asked tho fifth wemau. y"Knin8r0,hW0,“ “U Wbo w#s " X f f tCd cttortK, and he finds it impossible to be- ! rnoruiag, and, fearing discovery, uiad« there to ner «s re f in e . My cousin came "C i-rtuiuly, " a n s w i rid tho tired salea- show tho goutlem au tho plans of our lirv e th at any new fashion or indeed any c a :.a - ,a au d N o rth c -n Mi a match?" s h j ^ 0' you m eui etvo mu tor Gravesend, ferried acroM the river up m illin g and lookt d contem ptuously wom.ui, dragging o u t another box. $3,OtiO houses.—N'eiv York Weekly. lé x ic o new d iscovuy can a lte r certain tunda- O N I,; ts I DI nnd appeared a t th e bow ling green in a t bta adversary The other freak gave " T h is is $15 a y a rd ." „W h at for?" m ental tru tu s, which inform all the UrbQi'icappcd. T h o ty .s o f the fifth woman glistened. • or,; the ««mo evening, having accom­ on« look at my eou«iu. ‘Tako him I lost a quahtab down it, great. St art w orks c f tho past, including " VYbat Is v ersatility ?" ’ , plished 1ns rid o o f 300 m iles in Hi hour1 ■ w u y ,' lie shrieked, 'h e n iu 't h uiuuu.' • < ' es’ , , ‘i0 W1I<1 *° b er companion, want to hunt to r it " ’h ' “D 1 W, "V e rsa tility is having so m any ta i- those of P hidias aud Michael Angelo. Then ho covered h is face and fled. It is th at s liko 1111 uu. 1 ju st w anted to M» one horse A t least so ««vs tbe leg- o x tuk o n n e u s t n K . -nil, and th is is ce rta in — th at ou biJ neodleM to say my cousiu took the know w hat lie 1 aid fo r it. T h a t's a ll." cuts th u t you c a n 't get tim e to u ake « — Cosmo M onkhouse iu ficribner’a trial ho was acquitted, tho jo ry caisid Aud «ho sailed out of the shop. Not living w ith any one i f th e m ." — C hica­ prize ' — New O rleans Time»-De mocrat. Two Wildcat«. .n d one of tho four women w aitin g found a go Record. urtug it imposaibio thnt he could have I le r i n i h e r . A W ells-Fargo messenger on tbe Santa |H>— g e p re p .» I M .p . , , 4 word to say, hut the mleswotuun gasped got to York in tlio tim e. — Loudon I e train had an unusual cxjierience. nrclnoln* Barly. A little g irl whose fath e r was dead Weukly, " Weil, I u ev erl"— W ashington btaudard. ADlJl. Ess - Bridegroom — W here shall we go, Among the articles in fiis care wua a tu d wboMigruudftiHit r pursued th o call- I mt. of ’th ? m u í Íd ro n itr M" iw.pu.UH. *’* VOUí*<». cuge containing tw o w ildcats, consigned H© L ls te o e J t o AIL tear.«! N iagara fz.ll« or W ashington? tug o f khocuittkiug had often been told a. r , -kra ’ 'BQuirvd one A Jai,u-k a luutvrn and looked tbe uudicnio » ,. . * 1,CVo «ome cemetery nut tar trern S t Louis. TH» "D o you th iu k a man has a rig h t to W a te rb u ry A m ericuu. «nscnpito-j re a d .: i typew riter nam ed Sarah? Statesman. b b°t. —’ )oukers into the cage. W here there bad been open bis w ife's letters?" uniters O Lord. B nils—T h a t's my w ife's nam e._ ’W l