: e latest K o y .l a a k » « tb » tood para, M A P L E T O N E N T E R T A IN M E N T . * I m I . m b . «ad d allclou . W .C.T.IÍ. T h re e The schooi enteriniuoient at Mapleton ’ R itnrday evening was well attended and ------A T --- OUR MOTTO. was a gran,I success. c - b , L ax « C ovxty , O reoox .— Tlie literary parts were well rendered For God and Home and Native Land. tlie children showing by tlieir delivery • • - BY • • • OUR BADGE • hat they had had cn refill training, and iniH'h credit is due to Miss ILiaton their A Knot of White Ribbon. teacher. X)r 'and Proprietor. The Ablest awl Most Successful Tlie ladies had each provided a hand­ IV. C. T. V. meetings are held every alternate Specialists in tlie World. Thursday afternoon (rum 9h>4o*clt»ck. The date some basket well tilled witli food that i: $1.50 a year in advance.----- place ut meeting will be announced the They guarantee a complete cure at is pleasing to m ankind; each basket uud previous week. being numbered and marked witli tlie The National W. C. T. U. has over forty de­ Your Own Home, and allow you to a t th e post-oifice at F lorence,! name of the lady who furnished it. partments or lines of work, under the four gen­ pay when cured. aty, Oregon, aa aecond-cla«« After tlie conclusion of tlie literary part eral hands of PreveuUte, Kducatiauul, Evan- er. of tlie entertainm ent tlie haske's were gelUtlC ami Social. Absolutely Puro disposed of to the gentlemen. Numbers A stand» for Alcohol ; deathlike its grip. NO BATBft MADE KNOWN OX AP corresponding to those on tlie baskets B for Beginner, who takes just one sip. PM CAT1OX. were placed in a box and each gentle­ O for Companion, who urges him on. bb 8 cents per Hue, each Insertion , Thousands of promising young inen man was allowed to purchase one, it D fur tlie Demon of drink th at is born. »o»« conno rowwn co., hp . « have tlieir lives and future usefulness being understood that tlie buyer was to E for Endeavor lie makes to resist wrecked by INDISCRETION AND ice, Or. May 27, 1898. PERSONALS. share tlie contents of tlie basket witli F stands for Friends whoso loudly insist. PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms tlie lady who provided it for a lunch. G for Guilt lie afterwards feels. until cared, are portrayed on tlie coun­ 'W E S T L IN G S . A. I*. Knowles made a trip to Eugene This caused greut ainnsement as none Il for the Horror that hangs at Ids heels. tenance an I in the actions of tlie vic­ knew whose basket they were buying I for Intention to drink not at all. i tliis week. tim. If noglected or improperly treat­ ed, other organs become affected, and [thunder shower Wednesday Mr. Lowe of Fiddle creek was in town and some qurtely matched couples re­ J fur Jeering that follows liis fall. sulted. sooner or later there are serious results. tliis week. K for Knowledge that lie is a slave. • The proceeds amounted to $0.75, L stands torLiquor liis apiietite craves. Our New Method Treatm ent will posi­ ¡ho Monteith ad in another col- Mr. J . S ell render returned Tuesday which will be used to pay for a flag for tively cure these diseases. M for convivial Meetings so gay. from Eugene. tlie school. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are N stands for No that lie tries hard to say. in tins state a week from Mrs. C. H. Holden's health lias been thousands of you who have committed O for the Orgies tiiat then come to pas-,. O UR O REG O N BOYS- quite poor lately. Sold IW ith 1* is for Pride that lie drowns in liis glass offences against the laws of your n a­ Dr. Grey started from Mapleton yes­ per, Stoves and tinware, F. L. Q for tlie Quarrels tiiat nightly ubound, ture, and are now paying up for it. Tlie Oregon troops boarded tlie terday for Eugene. Those weak, aching hacks, Ixissof Sex­ i, Eugene. It stands fur Ruin tiiat hovers around. steamers, Australia and City of Sydney ! ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Mrs. Howe and daughter visited at S stands for Sights that ids vision bedims. I see the new stock of millinery May 24th enroute for tlie Philippines, i Acme Wednesday. T (or the Trembling tiia t seises liis limbs. Frequent and Painful evacuations of Irs. Kauoff’s. j Tlie war department announces that tlie ' tlie Bladder accompanied by more or E. A. Evans returned from San troops going to the Philippines will re­ U for liis Usefulness sunk in tlie slums. es on anything write K. L. less smarting and tlie escape of p a r­ V for Vagraut lie quickly liecoiues. Francisco Saturday. ceive a mouth's pay in advance. Any j I, Eugene, Or. ticles of albumen in tlie urine witli Y Y for Waning of life th a t’s Boon done. Jared Seott and Will Safley started one wishing to write to a member of ropy sediment, all [>oint Io tlie decline X is for eX it regretted tiy none. lobertson is feeding the donkey Sunday on a trip to Eugene. campany C must direct tlie letter— Voutlis of this nation, such weakness of your manhood. There are hundreds the ship yard now. Ye Editor is looking over tlie property “ Care of Captain Moon, Co., C, Oregon who die of this diliieu'.ty, ignorant of is crime, ' scow load of lumber for the on tlie main river tliis week. Volunteers, Manila, Philippine Is­ Zoalourly turn irom tlie tempter in tim e! ' the cause. The doctors will guarantee si was brought down Monday. a perfect cure in all such cases, an,1 Oornelious Scott started tliis week for lands.” Use tlie s Longest of envelopes and lightest of paper rememltering that P O IN T T E R R A C E IT E M S . healthy restoration of theG enito U rin­ daily invited to attend the a visit with relatives in tlie east. it takes a live cent stamp for a half ary Organs. ie 2nd at the A. O. U. W. hall. William Ewart Gladstone diet) at bis B y M oke A non . ounce letter to Manila. REA D ER—Are you in trouble? igons—best on earth. Fresh home at Hawarden, May 19, 1898. Have you been treated and never cured? E. A. Evans and family have moved R doeare Yonr llo w n l. W illi Cuaeareta. , F. L. Chambers, Eugene. They are having (inc growing weather You dare not risk a return of tlie dis­ Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. into their new house in west Florence. •0c. i5c. Il C. C. C. fail. druggists refund mouey. now. Crops of all kinds look well. Tlie ease. I t may appear when happy in sorry to learn th a t Mrs. John M r. and Mrs Frank Vader returned Iruit crop is especially promising. :k at her father’s near Walton. lomcstic life. Our New Method from their visit to Waldport Wednesday. C A RD O F T H A N K S . Miss May Stiblicns came in last week Treatm ent is yonr refuge. If diseased, None who are engaged in any of the mechanical Pills are the best family ca- M rs. Wm. Bernhardt and Miss Greta and expects to remain all summer with consult ns confidentially. id liver tonic. Gentle reliable, pursuits can succeed without reading and Brynd went to Point Terrace Thursday. W RITE (enclosing stamps for reply) We wish to express our sincere thanks her parents Mr. «ml Mrs. Stibbens. Mr. Low’s daughter and family from to all wiio assisted us and attended our ^ A line twelve pound boy made its for our interesting book. “ A Warning studying this standard Magazine of Sciences job work to the W irt Washington arrived here Saturday on a social. advent into tlie family of Mr. mid Mrs. Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept >d work done at reasonable visit. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with Frank Hartley on May i»tli. M apleton S chool . strictly private and confidential. All answers sent plain sealeJ envolope. The Sweet Bros., are preparing for J . S. Montgomery arrived at Florence »H modern cuts of latest inventions i,u all SHALL W E C E L E B R A T E . j quite an extended trip to be undertaken No 0 . O. D. business. Francisco Exam iner and the Tuesday after spending a week in Eu­ the branches of mechanism, and its fund of by them in (lie near future. one year $2.50 paid in ail- gene. The citizens of Florence and vicinity Oonsultation by Mail Absolutely Free. Mr. John Brund is very busy diking Mr. John Lanham, Sam aria’s post­ and all others interested in a grand 4th knowledge is inseparably oonnected with in­ Racine buggy $42.00. Also master made a business trip to Florence of July Celebration to be held tliis year i a slough on liis [dace which will re- W RITE TODAY. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T hs J claim a large piece of land to cultiva- md buggies and wagons F. L. Tuesday. at Florence, Ore., are requested to meet Mr. Stevens representing the house of at tlie office of C. II. Holden next S atur­ ( lion. Eugene. W est a t clubbing rates.* Address John Lloyd is at work logging witli ke Lake country south of Flor- Schilling A Co., did business in our day May 28tii at 1 o'clock p. in. Dr- W- H Saunders & Co ­ i Geo. Saunders on the Cusliuiaii place town Tuesday. May tlie attendance tie a large one. les the first strawberries for in Sproat St., Detroit, M id i. above here. E. K. Benedict returned Tuesday M any C itizens . liis year. Mrs. Geo. Bradley and children re­ from a month’s outing at tlie head­ W ANTED- Fly-doors and windows, Build- waters of the Siaslaw where lie lias a turned to Point Terrace Inst Monday arc and tools at bottom prices, homestead. after a stay of several weeks in Florence. mbers, Eugene. Ilogs, young arid Iiglit. 8[>ot cash, Geo, Bradlev is at work on tlie con- Silas Blackman with liis wife and r to get your wife a new lawn daughter w ho spent tlie winter with A. and market price. struciion of a telt-phone line between A. O. Funke’s nice line of P. Knowies and family left Sunday for J . Il, M0NTK.ni, or D. AV. S tibbens , ¿ r ” ?11 ¿ " . ' „ „ j Eugei ne. Gienava, Toint Terrace Fourth of July goods w hich tlieir home in Minnesota. Chas, mid John Anderson are at Ore. Ore [he here. work (or tlie O. & C. R. It. Co., at Mrs. Vanderbiirg vistied her son Rob­ Drain, Or. machines warranted to do all ert at tlie Creamery the first of tlie week C H A N G E OF L O C A T IO N of work. Sold on the installment and is now visiting her son and daugh­ ■>jlorn,the 12th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Tlie Northern Pacific Ticket office lias Charles Hartley, aeon. Call and see them at Meyer A ter in Florence. T liis monthly magazine ia one of the very Miss Nellie Rice of Sleepy Eye Minn., been changed from its former location John Mason visited Eugene last week best printed in thia country, and ia aohl lie regular meeting of the W. C. T. a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. over H all’s grocery store, to more com­ on legal business connected witli the modious quarters, witli “ Tlie Eugene Alfred Mason estate. Knowles arrived at Mapleton Monday to all subscribers a t rates within tho will be belli at Mrs. Robertson's on Real estate Agency,” on the ground ay afternoon, June 2nd. A full for a visit with relatives. The school is improving finely under ability of all to pay. I t is finely illus J . I. Butterfield and J. L. Furnieh floor, first door North of Griffin’s hard the supervision of Miss Ida Noffsinger. ce of the members is desired. returned Sunday from Roseburg. They ware store, directly opposite tlie Guard Tlie attendance is larger tliau usual at trated and presents the names of famous Bg mowers and binders—the report an enjoyable time at the meeting office, where they will he pleased to see tliis lime of tlie year. | t you don’t have to buy extras any persons contemplating a trip E ast authors as contributors. T hk W est of tlie Grand Lodge I. O. Oi F. them at F. L. Chambers, or South. A L P H A C L IP P IN C 3- and tho Cosmopolitan arc sold a t re­ T o C a r e C o n a tlp u t Ion F o r e v e r . For full information concerning rales, Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. B y E ven C hanos . routes, time tables etc., call or address, County Clerk Jennings lias It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. duced rates at this office. R. M c M urphy , General Agent, marriage license to Elmer M A P L E C R E E K B R E E ZE S - May 23rd, 1898. Opposite Guard Oflice, Eugene. |24 years and Clara E. Haring Deadwood will have a heavy crop of B y e . a . c . N o-T o-B ac for F ifty Cent». hav, the fruit trees were never fullur, »olconili of Kansas lias proclaiin- Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak meu strong, blood pure. 50c. 11. All druggists. the gradens look well and as to straw- Ist as the openiug day of the i lierries which are now getting ripe, in a May 23rd, 1898. ^ssisslppi and International Ex- few weeks more we can gatiier bucket» Tlie rain was welcome. BA SEBALL G A M S . ( at Omaha. full of them. Strawberries are fast turning red. |hool at Minerva commences Road work is in full Iflast, the Lake J under the management of Miss Little Edith Minor has been sick tliis Tlie Acme and Mapleton ball teams creek road lias la ; cans arrived in Lake precinct yesterday. Portraits and biographic« of Dewey and mines, repoiiiiig ids brother, Willie, Is it bribery? Asks S. B. Colvin in ail prominent officers. Nearly 000 wl.o is at Baker City as having located ago and 4% to New York and Eastern cities. For foil inform*- I your issue of May. 13th. He then de­ pages. Massive volume. Marvelously a nice claim and will leave for there t A I or address, R. McMurphy, fines bribery in relation to casting the cheap. Best authorship. Only authen­ soon. t N t »1 Agent, Opposite Guard office, ballot, and infers tiiat it may lie near tic, official iiook. Experience not neces­ $1OO R E W A R D $ 1 0 0 . t D t briliery in voting tlie “ triple-headed ' sary. Any body can sell it. Ladies as ticket. Why not say onion ticket? successful ns gentlemen. We are the prim 's greatest medicine is Hood’s , Uuion lias a g o d wholesome sound. Tiie readers of this paper will lie »rilla, which accomplishes won- ! Even Mr. Colvin could not use tlie largest subscription book firm in Ameri­ i pleased to learn th at there is at least I co res of blood diseases when all name in tlie same breath as bribery. ca. W rite us. Fiftv persons are em­ one dreaded di-es»« th a t science lias ployed in onr correspondence depart­ ¡medicines fail to do any good No. there can be no briliery or casting ment alone, to serve you. Our bonk is liecn aid« to cure in ali its stages, and aside of principles in voting as yon be­ just out. Get agency now and lie first that i- C atarrh. H ail’«C atarrh Cure is ’« st lias for sale one year’s lieve. If you vote a ticket because it is in the field, fjirge 50c., war map in the only positive cure knowrn to tlie medieal fraternity. Catarili l«ing a i tlie Holmes Bucincse College republican, democratic or populist, colors free witli book or out Gt. Other constituii.il disease, requires a constim- n l. Tliis is one of tlie leading knowing nothing of tlie platform of tiiat valuable premiums. Tremendous seller. .. tiona! tieatin«iit. Hall's Catarrh Our« is colleges on tlie coast, having party, what do yon call tiiat? If a man Biggest money maker ever known. Most u k l.n i[(ter„ )(cling direet|y A L L SIZES F R O M Commercial, Sliorthand ami lielieves in “ free silver" and still votes literal terms guarsnteed Ag?n t, mak. ^ ^ , ^ ........ ..... q( tb - hie departm ents and we offer the republican ticket, what dues he cost log »7.00 to $28 03 per day. Twenty i,ien..,r (l,;. troyill)l u ,„ ion on easy term s. aside? days credit gtveu. Fre.ght paid. Ful! a „„, Voters, I too, wonld ask you to weigli book sent prepaid to agent. $1.4o. bv btli,,,jng up tliis m atter well. Vote witli your eyes Splendid sample outfit and full in.truc- ¡„11jr,n al„, asgi. ti„K natnre ln do. open, free from any mud tltro’wti liy lions free lor nine 2-eent »tamp« to p a , < iu W()(k The prOprie„jr, ,iave , J W rite F o r C ircular ambition» office seeker«, or clamoring postage. Mention tliis ps|wr. much faith in its curative power», tiiat lin g powder ¡3 Schilling i MUNROE BOOK OU., D ep't M, | ey nffef o ,)e Hundred Jo ||ar, (or any political parties. J. H. M ONTEITH Chicago, III. case tiiat it falls to core. Bend lor list 10* AU M baking powder. It T H S W M O L 1 system feela the Glenada, 2 5 * SO * of testimonials. DRUGSOtS I effect of Hood’s Sarsaparilla— stom­ T o C a r e r « m « ttp a tlo n P o rw rer. T» and does its work bold by all dr igtritO. 75r. ABSOLUTELY K R N ,,,,,,n ' »»re«»»»rii»»iel»B»les. CMwanto at» tk» M m I hu OVbUI Eibl finiiiIllT UUAnAn 1BBU n»r. aer-r »rip or arH*.»«t raw» «r»r a»l»r»lrr»e«a gaa- :$P CVKUY FRIDAY MOUNINO— PAY WHEN CURED. Desirable D B .fflS A 0 ra S K 9 . WEATIIERSON. Stars in ^AKlN^ POWDER Lost M u í RestorsL And The A R T S e tn e i S O IE 3 S T O E 3 S - >1 Scientific American. THE E nS M nP niiIT A N / WORLD BEATER CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. 2 2 THE ÄHEMÄ VEGETABLES. WAR BOOK. ALWAYS READY SAFE, DURABLE! LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTION.! D m for SOcts., per Too. $ 2 5 to S1Q 5. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. ^ A N D Y CATHAÎHIC I ie Klondyke where. o CURE CONSTIPATION ach, liver, kidneys, heart, nerves are strengthened and SUSTAINED» Take CasuurrtR ( a iig y Catlutrtie. 10o nr 2S< l K C C. C. io cure, druggist j ruf’j rd MMry. Hall's samil) l'iila ate tbs beat. O rag o n ., y lj »»a t-«y>M f.-r«. M. KTRUMMI BKWKHT < «.. fk l« » n . UmanuU. <•»•„ arg«w Tart. SIS.