1 T ^ ^ Z - A V A I I NEWS IN BRIER — PI’UI.IKMID RYKfcV FRIDAY MOBXJXU.-v- WASHINGTON LETTER. ONE OF TWO WAYS, repubmcax candidates FROM OCR BBOCL.Ut CORRESPONDENT. The bladder was created for one pnr-j STATE TICKET. May 24: A speri il to Ilio Portlan.l — AT— pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, —----- Tribune «sys tlint 11 dispaici* boat frolli W arm ., t). 0 ., May lOtli, 1898. and as such it is not liable to any form o f1 por Governor, Pixtnaxcx, L axx O ocxtv , O regon Aduiiral Ssinpson l>ad jjijt rea0t<- of Marion county. West nml liurried|y gatharlng up first way is from imperfect action of the t ,, - • - BY - - - fleet fresh from the destruction of the kidneys. The second way is from care- For Secretary of State, nurse« and hospital supplies. W Ner.« u..„„ , , . .. , , „ „ u * , »Panish fort.hcahon in ti.e harbor of less local treatment of other diseases. Frank I. Dunbar, of Clatsop county. toiuea by boat as all cables are out. ' t .... i> „ Î1 . nt Juan, I orto Hico, or Commodore For Stale Treasurer. .. C H IEF CAUSE. ........................ Col. Jove of tho Cuban army arrived 1 Schley, with h i. flying squadron whiah E d ito r am i Proprietor. Unhealty urine front unhealthy kill- Chas. 8. Moore, of Klamath county. »t hoy West the evening of May 24rh 1 i. itching for a 'c h a n c e l0 distinguish ney8 is the chief cause of bladder troubles. j?or ¡Supreme Judge. and says t|,„t HOO Spaniards were found . sell, can meet and fight will, the So the womb, like tho bladder, was crest- Frank A , , ()f Gohl|nbia fOllnty. Florence, Or. May 2 7 , lS'JS. after the c.uiaor ^ » h v ill. bombarded ¡Spaniel, Cano Verde fleet this week, ed for one purpose, and if not doctored j too much is not liable to weakness or For Attorney-General, i ( uhana, ( uba. j the end of the war will be in sight. disease, except in rare case«*. It is situ- D. R» Blackburn, of Linn county, Tits K bcodd comes to us in a new j It is officially stated that the Spaniel. . fhere is no doubt that either Sampson ated back of and very close to the bind* For Supt. of Public Instruction, form tins week. Pro. Moore i. et ¡dent- fleet is still at Santiago de Cube. A or Sehley can crush the Spanish fleet if der, therefore any pain, disease o r ! j . jj .Ackerman, of .Multnomah county, ly making a sue, css of hi, paper though | battle is hourly expected. f they can only get at it, but there is a inconvenience manifested in the k id -1 ,, . n . . there W n,ed no room for a fourth | The battleship Oregon is safe at i doubt about getting at it. This Spanish neys, line«, bladder or urinary passage I is often, by mistake, attributed to II. Leeds, of Jackson county, pajior in Eugene. I West, Florida. II et lias been playing at now-you-see-it female weakness cr womb trouble of Fur Rep. in Congress 1st District. France is desirous of removing the ¡and now-you-don’t-see-it. It is now Home sort. The error is easily made Titos. H. Tongue, of Washington county No wax in Lane county is better * _ * . had impression created in the V. S. by I tbn«ght to 1«; trying to get toCuba with and may be as easily avoided. To find | qualified to perform the ditties of sheriff certain Paris J ,urn:,1» since the war I out fighting either of our big fleets. If out correctly, set your urine aside fo r! SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. than Charles L. Scott. A vote for him twenty-four hours; a sediment or set­ begun. France’s foreign minister is re­ is succeeds, the war will be considerably tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. ’ For Judge. - - it a vote in favor of a utan who attends solved to maintain a rigid neutrality prolonged, and that is evidently what The mild and the extraordinary effect of A. 0. Woodcock, of Lane county to his duties (aitlifullv. mid w ill participate in no movement for Spain desires, in the hope th at if the Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the great For District Attorney, Is Til* public and patriotic spit it of intervention without ascertaning if the war is prolonged some other European kidney and bladder remedy is soon Geo> M. Brown, of Dotlglt» county realized. It you need a medicine you Florence confined to the women and condition proposed would be acceptable power or powers will get mixed up in should have the best. At druggists fifty j * * * it. Owing to the superior speed of tho in Washington. children? It look» that way w.ien the cents and one dollar. You may have a 1 COUNTY FICKET. flag-staff lire not been Used so that the A Chronicle correspondent at Rome vessels composing the Spanish fleet, sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent Senator flag lould lie raised without being says that tho Vatican’s declaration of they will have tlie choice of fighting or free tiy mail. Mention the W est and ; Dr. W. Kuykendall, of Eugene. torn. neutrality was due to a notification from running should they lie mot by either of send your address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, .V. Y. Tho proprietor of | Representatives \\ ttsliiugtoit that no manifestations of oe.r fleets. The most formidable light this paper guarantees the genuineness of Ivan McQueen, of Lorane, 0«. KeTxaxniLL IS a native of Oregon, sympathy with Spain wotdd be tolerated ers in both our fleets—the monitors and this offor. F. -- M. Brattnin, of Springfield. a wan of mental ability and force of tlie battleships—are too slow to keep It is believed that we ought to have W. II. Weathereon, of Florence, character. He is unhampered by any up with the Spanish fleet, if it desires that Spanish fleet is wiped out. some armored cruisers to act on the Sheriff. previous political record. He under­ to run away without lighting. It is A very distinct rent inder of the civil offensive. We have given onr thought Olías. L. Scott, of Eugene, stands the wants and needs of the peo­ only a question of time when every ship war is the more or less active, although chiefly to less speedy vessels for the Clerk. ple of Laue county. in this Spanish fleet will cither ho de- of course, not open criticism of the defense according to the theory ad vocal-i , , E. U. Lee, of Junction. c . by C. A . G o o drich fo rm e rly professor ' ‘ '' ° Ur civilian staff appointments made by I f w ' k could have a hall game here the Treasurer. .1..........I fleet it will he immediately, if they get President McKinley, which is heard Fourth it would add wonderfully to our of the war college now in command of .1. G. Powell, of Cottage Grove. into u Cuban harbor it will be a matter among army officers and their friends. celebration. Maybe wo can persuade the Yale. School Superintenbcnt, of a few weeks. This week will tell Among the appointments especially 1 O.~s7H un?oi Engene the Acme an,] Mapleton ball players to which. H as axv one heard a populist or criticised ns having been made eolelv i * play n matched game here on tiiat day, I . , I ABSCcoOr. democrat give tiny good reason why I). The blocade of Cuba, which during because of social influences are the if Florence would put up a little prize— P. Burton should not be ro-eiccte.l the past few days tins been nceompined following: John Jacob Astor, who D. P. Burton, of Cottage Grove. eay I1U.00—Io (lio winners. Surveyor, assessor? He lias attended to t .e ht:si-’ bY some stirring fighting, which we got knows nothing whatever about military ness of that o2ice faithfully and should I llie best of, besides cutting two im- affairs, and some say very little about 0 . M. Collier, of Eugene. W m . B bvxd started for Eugene Wed­ Commissioner. bc retained. 1 portant Spanish cables, will be con- anything, to be inspector general with nesday morning where he intends circu­ -^ *™ *T ^ **^ *^ *^ j tinned, but the landing of any army in the rank of lieutenant colonel; James H. D. Edwards, of Springfield. lating* subscription paper to help collect I Coroner. IfRR« w an excellent opportunity for I Cuba has been postponed until after G. Blaine, who has tried and failed in money to push the Mapleton-Florence the new “city fatliers” of Florence to I _______________________ J. W. Harris, of Eugene. about as many things as possible, and road to nompletion. We think the show their patriotism,—donate about citizens of Eugene as well as the citizens $50 to a Fourth of July celebration from A VISIT TO HECETA LIGHT HOUSE. who doesn’t know enough tactics to be SUNDAY SERVICES. a corporal, to be assistant adjutant of this valley should contribute very the city treasury—there doson’t seem to Sunday school 10 a. in. liberally towards this road, us is would be nnything clae to use tho money of the i Six years have passed since first I general with the rank of captain; Ru s I Morning services 11 a. m., and in sell B. Harrison, whoso escapades, saw the great headland called Heceta, not only greatly benefit them lait the incorporation for. If their is a meeting the evening at 7.30. county in general. We wish Mr held and a subscription taken up for the probably so named by some Spanish business and otherwise, doubtless added I I. G. K notts , Pastor. navigator—meaning the head of head­ many gray hairs to bis father's bead, i Brynd a hearty success. a celebration there is no doubt, but land. It was then in its wild state, as tv bo assistant inspector general with ! A CREDIT TO THE PARTY. K bi - rbsbmtative T onouk delievered a with th at added to the $50, we will left by the hand of the creator of all the rank of major; Charles B. Miller speech in congress the 13th inst., in have sufficient funds to have a grand things, and the words of the groat poet whose appointment is due solely to bis ' Xcw Y<'rk“Wof>I R<'cnri’ '' favor of the election of U. S. senators by good time, with races and games of ail came very forccably to my mind. ‘ How father being an old friend of tho p resi-' 14 18 to tbe credit of the dominant with good prizes to the h direct vote of the people. As Oregon kinds, grand ami beautiful is God, where man «lent; Fred W. Alger, who is the son of i party in ('onK’’«-eB that they have not at- , for a year past has been represented by winners. linth not intruded on His work, but a soldier—Secretary Algor—and who i teu,pted to lnak(’ a partisan use of the but one senator and on account of tho left his bright creation unim paired.” makes his military debut as assistan t! nCveS8' tJ’ for revenue legislation. Hci A ll citizens are interested in having question of the election of senator the ami now in 1898, May 10th, I look at adjutant general witli the rank of cap- tlie bl11 is a revenue measure, pure and I the county records kept neatly and last legislature failed to transact any the vast improvements th at have been tain; G. Creighton Webb, closely con- si,11P1e. and not a partisan tariff bill J accurately. Besides keeping the re­ business, our people are now in a posi­ needed with the Vanderbilt family; ' ^ be ‘s a'eo free from any possible I cords of tiie proceedings of the county made and cannot help expressing m y­ tion to realize the advantage it would and circuit courts the county clerk is self thus—“ Where art and science John A. Logan, whom tlie governor of | l',iarf5e of c,ass discrimination. There is 1 be if the election of U. S. senators were also register of deeds and it :s his duly travel hand in hand, we there may see Illinois declined to make a colonel; ! 110 “ttulnP t ,0 exempt the rich from their ! taken ont of the hands of the slate legis­ Lloyd Carpenter Griscom, eon of the i -i"81 s!iareoi ti,e national burden, nor is to record all transfers of real estate. God’s noble gift to m an.” There I saw latures. j the works of a rt refined by scientific president of tlie American Steamship ( t,iere an effort ,0 iavor those of moderate I To attend to all this business properly knowledge in those great lenses—show- Line; J. 15. Foraker, jr., son of Senator 1 nieflns as «gainst the wealthy. If the T ub rtRST uiovo lias been made Nqulrva a man o f a b ility w in . a: I Ing In thorn all U»e Colon of the r a in - ' I'orakcr I ’ l arz Anderson a social ____ ib i" becomes a law, it will, no doubt a c -: • • swell towards starting a celebration at Flor­ tends to Ins work with care, x»r should | bow, and in their minute revolutions I of Washington, and Rush lluidekoper. compiigli tlie purpose for which it was ence on Independence day? A meeting designed. « (o u r citizens is called and should errors bo found in his work they m ig h t: ««nderfully collecting the rays of light a Newport veterinary surgeon, all who be largely attended to arrange cause a great ileal of truublo and ex-j to the center, called the •’hull’s oye.” have become captains or majors. As a not bribery . • food program and provide means for ' pense. E. V. Lee is a a man w ho „ Then I went out on tlie hill-side in the majority of the staff are regular army ib ! carrying it out in a manner to do ere,lit ¡capable of doing the business of that ‘*ark" e88 1"M,ig^ 1 »•” ’ ki" J keeper officers a few greenics are not likely to Editor W est : I saw in your te Our city. The Fourth of July is one ■, , , , , l-Mr. Hitld, so that tlio flash from the impair its work. May 13th an article entitled of the greatest national holidays in the " '° U ' 1111 ' ° u '“ 18 ut l,ul1 3 tvu «Gike us where wo) The democratic senators, some 0( I Bribery." I don’t see it that wav" T llaiteil .Stales ami the circumstaiieis l,lt ' " " " lv " 1,1 «'«ko a wise choice Ki stood. There I could sco the rays of whom are very much in favor of an n ex -1 one takc8 an offer, a bribe, that one i' which ta i to its being made a day o( tbc- C'V1'1 L'1" clerk for the next te rm .' bke tl>* golden beams of the morn- «Don, decline to make the annexation guilty of violating the law it is different8 ' rejoicing should la- kept before the <>..„» . , ~ , . , j'«I#'•-m i—coining towards us—then ° f Hawaii a party question, but their is but lf a ,lian '"tites with his neima" ’ ebildrvn te the end, that they might ... ' " “ Hush; like the burst of noon-: « movement among the members of the • to Accomplish any important bus prise thelibealy now enjoyed and which i " ' ' ' ' " lM’ ‘ ,<‘cteJ ,R it ,no,ith will j uay on midnight darkness. And now T Par(y in tho house, to which has beer. ! l b a t ‘8 ll0lle8t. and whereby neither was pureliMed so dearly by tbu blood of I probably he called upon to perform, is ponder—if all tliese gifts of the wisdom ! favorably reported a joiut resolution of tbeni »»kes or gives nnything ' but km W. II. WEATHERSON tchthisspac E C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOKEI Drv Coods, ★ Groceries ★ and A Notions. Tn'FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........ Just Opened. in i and knowledge of God hare been given Providing for annexation, to hold a t!>at which is his ow n, I fuj| ,o io man since my remembrance. W hat ( caucus for the purpose of trying to heru t,lc bribery comes in. Swift see A ttrusts abb Iwing ma,le by the the senate of tlie United Stales, l or w ill be accomplished before another 84 commit tlie party to opposition to an- ja‘'k-k mves is supposed to 1« a i. , friends H. L.yman, Lyman, union candidate! candidate lnore ,hnn A Y(’*r this state has had but i . . . . . , •n an u so of i n H. . n. ' I . ‘ ' ------------- , ----------ri-^vu lo o» a j., .............................. ........... MU, .................. ............... ........................... . ............., « « J r » « . “ “ “ »■• « Ita . ,¡„,¡,„„.„1 n, should our would be very poor polities. money, as some of our U. 8. senator, uiihi to that olheo means a contract with I i . . . . . .. . i, , ,, | im poftaut that the man cliosen lor that “‘ay yet have lit storo for us in the Tlie war revenue bill was so exlen are charge,! with doing, and even M id 1 tli« American Book 0o., 0o.. for lor anotl.ar ................. llie the another j I position should be a man of ability in ‘ I ! " orl,1’s ‘lafk future? But to return—go ,. man of ability in lively ammended by tho senate ______ finance to be absolutely convicted a« c, t«riu of aix years and high prices fori '" 'I f - d i r that is J- w . CARM AN. •ehool books throughout the state The wb' ,,n «''c people of tl,e state have the I *’ for * Yourselves and committee before It was reported to tho i ------ - u,r° c ^ - Then voters w.-iol birbery, T! ---- ..........ic iv wwr repo ' ------ --------------------------------I ............................... register your names on the roll of visi-.' senate that it is really a new measure. the matter well, an.I ___ on the Oth PR O PR JFTH « Wrrgoniau of May 18th esutained a fullest confidence. He should be a day ofl tore, that you may spouk to coming The ammended bill is so far from satis- J " ne n°Xt g0 ,0 ll>o polls w ith letter from Mr. AckcruiBu in wmcii lie republican who ia I'ltlliirillinna A I» I I .. IJ • .i ...la . v " • “ '> «cneraitons. Mr. fluid is the right factory to the tobacco interest, which bonos‘ (k’,c’-mination whether it ewupnired his vote on tlie school liook ns pur y o n a im portant issues man in the right plate, n n j many were not pleaaod with the doublin’ of '* ° n” wbo bribcs or steals in question with that of Mr. Lyman at the that i,o may accomplish the moot good u‘ber places should he be called to fill! of the tax on manufactured to b acco -i ° n® "'bo gocs in Let’s who tim e tlie school Isxiks now used in Ore­ (or his state ¡mJ country. I t is not neces-; !beln’ ani1 tbc kssistants Messrs. Hun- ’ front 6 to 12 cents a pound,—because it ’e“‘ " P lbc 8tb an(1 •«« which w ifi ' T', gon were seleeteil. Ho allows that Mr. son :tn,l Stitt, are kind to all and at-1 increases that tax to 18 cents a pound ,be b‘®»1'81 crowd, hey f 861 Lviuau voted to change almost all tin- •ary th at the legislative candidates pledge themselves to s u p p n any <,Bc " '“i l° *8’ Mr8- " “>'l ¡8 « friend The proprietary madicine and toilet Tours for fair p|a).( books then usisl in the primary and “ 7 ‘U;' inU nce' ’ 'aak^ are protesting and say. gramm ar schools wild that tl.e cost of a man for senator and oppose ail others ' m ic h T ' r T d " M. B ailbv . , tlie little clnld that is beginning to mg that the stam p tax on their wears is Mt of the text books favored by him 1 |M. , i , tiei-nu«e tlie state Inis manv men who climb tl.e mil of ¡He, ns to the old and e ltlirely too great. The representatives •mouiite. T lie' „ lnh, e ®ut ’' ith »ores all over mT Ibe ehitnge of location ofthe Northern 1 |lOI10 red ._ b oi„ ff . «Hiking out of tlie kind clause by tlie ‘ la « if e ,re d i‘^ C’ |U.’ed8achlu,*n‘o l“ 'l>- I’ln ifie ta Ueto,firs, which w with b. w iist do Gnnrd oflico, near corner of Seventh and make of them? Willamette Struct», Eugene. This i» 10 am* nJur’’ «l»ind.int!y in tlie lifo to ‘»«iority of the senators are pledge,! to "ln» Uking Bood™ vu«‘. u .__ ,.8'* ' rY way Berum (an rx p ,it)—It ,« impossille M bs . vote to restore the bond danse. So con- [ 1 KKn' '’. McEwen, ¿regoo tin* only regulsr City Ticket Office in come, ia the desire of to r tue 1« say jn u nt present t. hi ther v p fld cn t.ro treasury official, th at th is ! lung t X i u ‘ stains are human blood 01 the I haul ham- County. Wo are absolutely tl.e a horse. You see, I may lie engaged only line running thnngbear» from Eu­ will be done that they are going right ,n<1.’ 1" '* I l* p n u k i',,, „ m * hw rt. »be goveruuieut, atm I w.iy U « o gene to the East or South witlmut - ..................................... .. u , our state, district and abesd T u r i n g the printed thinks that P'V a<1*' iregtd by ibe defense.—Boston Ira n change. Remember no change of cars 1‘nrlland via tl.e Northern Tacit»!-, j county officer»’ terms expire tins year wl11 ** n n 'd‘x l ' » distributing ti c bonds tn re l/.n d esc ^ i t t ,1 <* a QOW *nJ° 7 my 1 ~ . j ‘"• ‘»"'Y I'»» running the u | hi.l»»ered and their sncceiwor» chosen Juno 8th. Tbe »,r»v' 8''»n iseuing $i5i),ffin,0iK) in n’'‘Dd Hood', 8arMr« u j ? ,2; J r,KX>n>- OoMaretsi'andi Cathartic. th<- most won . elebrnteJD hdng r e i s " o i t 'e t e i t 'r u , ' h 18 ,l' ' ' du,y of every citnen to attend ftivii backs, and for issuing $4.’ 000,000 C z M B T ^ fn A v iq T ^ w ^ pOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. C. W. . ' . " , ...............> ‘ml vote right on tin- q u e . .„ r e r r. r„m ,:e< ,a .................... -- - _ T’ the TO OUR PATRONS- «tiaagr of the seignorage on ti c silver A house and m’ d l“4. tb<® b w i" " 8 * “ ' " UC- Fot (all information call or addruea, , -------- -- bu! lion owned by tha government, are dure lioaUneli«-, fever, liaUtiMl itia .iip n iio u We have Isutcbrs. ’T ? h 16 bV 24 »nJ ' lena,la The ami biitousoess Plea»- buy and ti v n l ev n,ade arrangem ents by R M i M i - ri - iiy , General Age.it, w-inr«,« vonr whii r « i « r , u °ne story and which 1 not likely fo be in the bill when it bo- e-M bj a ll d r e « . , . • f CJ. C. C today; 10, ILV, .'S, I-UI» K e ill and Tor’flsr. a half in height Opposite GuttrJ office, E «gene i .2 X '’ »‘¿VAVIi'i «»«»'jwnoa lererer Al81 »Rood woodshed O re^, wc '” ’ * 'll furnish '" rni,b fluarautecd te cure by all druggists. » « liA .Z i. It UC.e.fall, dru