★ Throe accepted an invitation from Gardiner to coniine morste Decoration day services; The man with an “ if” PAY W H EN CURED. at that place on Msy 80th. patriotic. The patriotic citizens of that city ex- j L axe C ounty , O beoon .— Everything seems prospering on Tsilt- tend a general invitation to our people) ••oos. Everyliody busy. • • BY with the assurance that the “ Latch i Mr. and Mrs. S. Lowe visited at Mr. String is Out.” The Ablest an I Most Successful Brewster’s last Sunday. The following is the program of the Spcciali-ts in I lie World. Editor and Proprietor. Mr. 8. Lowe moved his family back to exercises. They guarantee a complete cure Song America The Choir ; Your Own Home, and allow you >tie lanch last week. — T ig n a : 11.60 a year in advance.- Rev. Buckner j pay when cured. M rs. Brewster and Van made a trip to prayer Orator of Day 0 . H. Holden, Florence ! Gardiner last Saturday. l’he Heart of a Soldier Entered at the post-office at Florence. School is progressing finely under the ; Rec Daisy More ■ Lane county, Oregon, as second-class management of Mrs. Lowry. mail matter. Song Libby Prison Four Little Boys , Absolutely Puro Mr. L. Anderson recently disposed of) Rev. McK-en Addiess some of his live stock to Mt. Nichols. Thousands of promising young men os xr- Battle of Gettysburg an T B B T IS IX O BATES MADE KNOWS Reading K PLICATION. Mr. J. S. Dale has been enjoying (?) Mr. Lester have their lives and future usefulness Local notices S cents per line, each Insertion wrecked by INDISCRETION AND very poor health for some time past. Battle Cry of Freedom ■o.« rano sow«» ci.. »e» row. Song By Choir PRIVATE DISEASES. Thesymptoina “ Hurrah for Commodore Dewey and Florence« Or. May 20, 1898. PERSO NALS. Sold i Pearl Corn until cured, arc portrayed on f ie coun­ the American navy. It will he well for Rec tenance an I In the actions of tho vic­ R e v . B u ck n er the rest of the foreign braggarts to take A d d ress J. C. Phelps called at our sanctum heed to their guns.” [This is from my Song Star Spangjed Banner By Choir tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ WÜSTLINGS. ed, other organs become affected, and Tim rsday. Reading Blue and Gray better half.l all shades at Mrs. J. Criteser sooner or later there are serious results. French Nearsilk Mrs. Monteith left Monday for San Mr. Brewster has been suffering for Our New Method Treatment will posi­ Somebody’s Darling O. W .Hurd’s. Francisco. several weeks with a very painful sore Ree tively cure these diseases. Lizzie Graham Mrs. Flint reports very busy times at on his hack, which for a time was Mrs. Geo. Pederson has joined her MIDDLE-AGED MEN—T ioro arc Wreck of the Maine the hotel this week. thought to he a cancer, but on con­ husband at Coos Bay. Eugenia Spencer thousands of you who have committed sulting Dr. Patterson at Gardiner he Call and see the new stock ot millinery Mrs. Ludvig Christensen is visiting Sold (W ith C. IL Holden offences against the laws of your na­ was much relieved in mind to be told Poem goods at Mrs. KaiiofiTs. her parents at Seaton. ture, and are now paying up for it. The Ship That Never Returns Song A new correspondent from Herman Miss Clara Haring returned from that it is not. The Young Ladies Those weak, aching hacks, Lost of Sex­ Perhaps it is early to la-gin talking this week. Come again. Fiddle creek Saturday. Decoration Day By the Children ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, about celebration, but I would like to Rec An elegant line of dress goods just By Choir Frequent and Painful evacuations of IV. R. Johnson with his wife and son Red, White and Bine that we ! Song to suggest to the lake people received at O. W. Hurd’s. the Bladder accompanied by more or moved to Eugene last week. 1 make a grand rally at the old camping j IV. Butler less smarting and the escape of par­ Gardens were much in need of the J. U. Sutherland of Glentena was a ground on the Colvin-Anderson isthmus. M , Andrews Committee. ticles of albumen in the urine with rain that came this week. R Low Florence visitor this week. Let us have a war celebration and outdo ropy sediment, all point to the decline R M. Chapman A fine assortment of laces and cash­ Mrs. M. L. Tower left Glenada last anything ever heard of in the way of a of your manhood. There are hundreds meres at A. O. Funke's. week for a visit in California. Fourth of July celebration. M A P L E T O N S O C IA L. wlio die of thia difficulty, ignorant of Hood’s pills are easy to take, easy to Dentist Grey went to Acme Thursday Shouldn’t wonder if some of these the cause. The doctors will guarantee operate. Care indigestion, biliousness. to do a few day’s work there. qniet n.en, they who say little about : j# U|e prO({rnill f(ir tl.e a perfect cure in all such eases, and 26c. Mttpieton healthy restoration of the Genito Urin­ J. A. Pond visited Sunday with Mr. themselves in conneeho wit the war Bring roar Job work to the \\ est Mrs Fremont on Maple creek. would surprise their critics by coming , ary Organs. office. Good work done at reasonable -1 READER—Are you in trouble? Mesdames Hald and Stitt of Heceta boldly forward, should the necessity | Mapleton school demand and offer themselves to the • price«. spent Friday night in Florence. Chester Hadsnll Have you been treated and never cured ? Welcome Ree service of their country; while some The San Francisco Examiner and tbe R isle Knowles You dare not risk a return of tho dis­ Miss Minnie Saunders came down Our Flag who have been loudest in their clamors W is t for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ Silas Knowles ease. It may appear when happy in Monday to help Mrs. Flint for a time. A Parody for “ war!” will hustle to get behind John Dahlin domestic life. Oitr New Method vance M Anchored Solo IV. H. Weatherson went to Mapleton None who are engagoJ in any of the mechanical their “ ifs." ■ ■■■■».D a » - B o w e ls W ith Casearets. The Chickens Tommy Iladsall Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, Ree Monday evening with the other candi­ rand« Cathartic, c u r s C o n s t ip a t i o n f o r e v e r . Though there may he a few cowardly consult ns confidentially. The Naughty Little Girl pursuits can succeed without reading and tOo.itto. H O. O. C fall, druggists refund monc; dates. souls, who thank their lucky stars that WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Nellie Knowles The Del Norte brought a gasolene en- Mr. Frank Fox l.ns moved l.is family they have excuse sufficient to protect studying this standard Magazine of Sciences fur our interesting book. “A Warning “ Elder Lambs Donation * gbte from , Ban Francisco for Frank to town since the Spruce Point mill shut them fro ill that awful monster “ war,” Lottie Hadsnll Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with down. Knowles. yet there are many brave and patriotic Dialogue The Trials of a Teacher strictly private nnd confidential. All Report has it that there will soon he a Commissioner Bailey was in town men wlio are fretting and chuffing as a j plain scaled cnvolope. Two Pupi's answers sent all modern cuts of latest inventions in all telephone line built from Florence to on business. He is the same plain jolly newly eaged bird hecauseof the environ- I (2 lartet No 0 . O. D. business. Song Come Thou Fount the branches of mechanism, and its fund of the Spruce Point .mill. man ns of old. menls that hinder them from a soldier’s Rec Farmer Stebbins Puts on Mr. Andrews was over from Smith duty. These loyal souls should re­ Tire Mink brought down a scow load Skates Della Camp Consultation by M til Absolutely Free. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ of plank yesterdny which will be used river Saturday to meet with his com­ member that, they also serve who only The Psalm of Life A. Jackson ventors and mochanics. Sold with T ub stand and wait. “But I don’t want to, WRITE TODAY. rades of the G. A. R. Contentment Archie Knowles for frame work for the Ooos. yon do what you want anil I’ll do what Flirting Mary Iladsall Mrs. E. E. Marr anil children visited W un at clubbing rates.] TbeG . A. R. of Florence have accept­ I want to,” reasons the three-year-old. Address er! an invitation to join their comrades her sister Mrs. Robt. Bernhardt on Dun­ Who say that he will not he president? Solo Little Boy Blue Miss Noffsinger Dr-W .H -Saunders & Co .| My Sister Sue Olive Knowles Rec a t Gardiner on Memorial day. They can Slough Wednesday. Mr. A. IV. Reed sent out notice to the 6J Sproat S t ., Detroit, Mich. An Experience With A II. J. Talior, Fred Peil and Ernest Ta­ will leave Florence on the 29th and people on the creeks and lake that he Refractory Cow Mabel Knowles !l bor “The infant gold-bug” of Alpha return 31th. would purchase all their butter, pay­ Duet Comrades Soprano and Tenor were at Mapleton-Tuesday. The crows here would undoubtedly ing 14 cts. per pound nt the south land­ A Broom Drill . Eight Pupils NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mrs, J. F. Tanner has been sick for like to thank those Eugene gentlemen ing on Five-Mile lake; delivering free Closing Song Audience Lan«l Office nt Roseburg. Oregon. who furnished them a line feast of clams some time but is now improving and any goods purchased of him ; accordingly Selling of baskets March 80,1S98. her friends iiope she will soon be around while visiting Florence. Especially 165 pounds were taken over last Thurs­ Notice is hereby given that the I.illowliig- with them again. K d n r a te V on r H o w e ls W ith C a se a r e ts. named settler has flli-d notice of his Intention day by Messrs. Carl, Minor, Brewster Lee and Burton. Candy Cathartic, euro conatipation former to make float proof 1'- support of lit« «-.¡aim, and J. L. Taylor, P. L. Tucker and Smith and Gentry; they also took two sacks ol g o -T o -K a c to r F ifty Coots. We. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund monev that wild proof will Is- made before C. it. Hol­ Omrentecd tobacco habit cure m akes weak Taylor of Herman were among those Mohair. Mr. Reed will help the lake den, V. t>. Commissioner nt Lake Precinct, “ *52587., 1.M-..I n u ic. to c .il . A lld ru B g .su - who attended the political discussion at people in thus making a market for their Douglas Comity, Ore., on May 14, lavs, vis: IN D E P E N D E N C E D A Y. Evan M. Black on b. e. no. 8616, for the se*4 W ilt Bay is one of Uncle Sam's soldier Mapleton Tuesday. produce. Several Maple creekers work­ boya. A lettcr from him received this Warren Andrews who has been work­ ed a day on the isthmus greatly improv­ Wlmt about celebrating . . r. .1 - *CI‘ -. nwli n»;i sec. 17; n? i m-J< sec. IS; the Fourth o' t ' ,e^ (pJ0, This monthly magazine is one of the very 11 W. week brought information that- he had ing in V. Gurney’s logging camp has ing the trail. That date 1* ' He names the following witnesses to prove July in Florence this year, enlisted atTiicomn and gone to San Fran been obliged to suspend work to nurse best printed in this country, and is sold only about six weeks distant sml it is his continuous residence upon und cultivation SU N D A Y SERVICES. cisco and expected to go to the Philip- some of Job’s comforters. of ««aid land, viz; time to begin to arrange for it. Last to all subscrilierfl at rates within the J. A. Sims, William A. Sml -v, Moses J. fiBee. J. L. Furnish and J. I. Butterfield At Florence May 22nd at 11 o’clock year no celebration was held here, ami Town and B. L. Wilkes, all oi Lake Precinct, ability of all to pay. It is finely ill«» Men are judged by what they do. So have gone to Roseburg to attend the a., ui., and at Point Terrace nt 3 p., m. with the G. A. R. going to Gatdiner on Oregon. R. M. V ziT C H . Is Howl’s Sarsaparilla, and its great Grand Lodge of I. O. 0 . F. Memorial day, Florence ought to get tip tratod and presents tho names of famous I. G. K notts Pastor. Register «ares have given it a good name every­ Mr Amos Hadsnll was in Florence a fine entertainment for the Fourth nnd where. It is the one true blood purifier Saturday which was the first time in T o C o r e (lo n s ttp a tln n F o r e v e r . authors as contributors. T' hb W est H E R M A N N H A PPEN IN G S. thus show that her people have lost T ake Cazcarets Candy Cathartic, l o c o r î î e . several months owing to poor health. and great nerve tonic. none of their patriotism. If C. C. C. foil to cure, druggints refund money. and tho Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ B y F ritz . A flO foot s'ick of timber containing George Craven set out for California T H E N E W VE S S E L - duced rates at this office. IV IS O N IT E M S . nearly IL®00 wor,h of l’" ,,ber ’‘itlmot a a few days ago. He intends to spend single blemi-h ha* been gotten from the several nienths traveling in that state Editor W est : As this quiet valley is B y h it D ikn . foreet near Scappoose to send to Oinal.n and then return to his old home in seldom heard from, I will send you a The band-saw has been at work steadi­ ly this week cutting ont timlier for the M a part of the Oregon exhibit. It will Indiana. few items. May 13th, 1898. he loaded on two flat cars for transporta- Mr. Ohas. R. David started lor Eugene The people here are enjoying very- framework of the new vessel. A stick for the keel was hewn out by V. Gurney News items are scarce as hen's teeth Tuesday in charge of Mr. Schrender of good health. i a few «lava ago hut tvas broken while Oats are looking well hut are needing ..„ W est l as for sa le one year’s Glenada. It is Mr. Schreuder'e third Memorial «lay will be observed here i la-ing hauled Io the river. Another lfa|| lit the Holmes Business College attack «¿-insanity since he came on the by our patriotic citizens. A program is j stick will he ready soon. The knees fur I. This is one of the leading river. We understand that George I’eil will being prepared. All are invite«!. the vessel are being gotten out at the colleges on the coast, having go to Texas soon. Scott Morris wishes to inform the Tiie most of our young men are very Benedict A Evans logging camp. Commercial, Shorthand and people, thiough the columns of the anxious to help Uncle Sain jiist now to Most every one in this vicinity is Three carpenters arrived from Coos ale departments and we offer W ert , that he was in town a few days down the Spaniards, an«l if nee«le«l, “ We do not take poasssaion of onr ldsas bnt aro posssised by tbenrf through gardening. bay Saturday an«, have lieen nt work Ion on easy terms. They master ns and force ns into tho arena, ago and spent f20 and that Geo. West some of the older ones would he easily- this week and two more are expected Outside range was never l etter here accompanied him to help take tlie provi­ persuaded to take a hand. C ara C en .tlp w tlon Fora»»«. Whero like gladiators, we mast fight for them.” in a day or two. About twenty-five and stock looks well. ■carets Caini» Cathartic. 10c or 25c. sions home. There will he plenty of garden “saas” men are now employed nt the yard. J. F. Chastain of Crabtree, I.inn Co. Such i* tho exalted motto of tho Arena, and tho fall to cure, druggists refund money. was visiting friends ami relatives bore Mr. M. Ratli returned on Tuesday's here next winter judging from the lapleton school will give an amount that has been planted. There $1OO R E W A R D $ 1 0 0 . entire contents of this monthly magazine boat bringing his son Victor whom lie last week. linment in the hatchery hall at wiil be a fair fruit crop her». O itl There will he a fine fruit rrnp here ion Saturday evening May took to Portland some time ago to have are jtpon a plane and in keeping with it« an«l meadows look well. Stock is doing Tin- readers of this paper will he from present outlooks,—some peaebua ' .Each lady will furnish a basket his feet straightened. The little fellow’s feet are weak vet but lie can walk and well. motto. Tho Arena’s gallery of eminent please,1 to learn that there Is at least ami pear«. bles which will I« disposed of at Politics are very quiet here. There une «lreade«, iliseaae that acience has J. J. Elwood and wife of Engine art- , I and the proceeds used to pay will soon tie able to take his place with thinkers ii a group]oiiiuterestiug men and lieen at»le to cure in all its stagi-s, nnd out to their ranch fur a week r,r two I are a few 16 to I's here yet. *g for the school. Everybody other boys. Deputy Sherift Fred Bean, was on the that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is putting out garden and making roads | women,]nnrl theirjlioaghtsjirei worthy tho Quite a number of the candidates for I to attend. the only positive cure known to the etc. creek last week. tlie various county offices were shaking nee has the appearance of one omsidcration ofpullpooplo, TheJArena la medical fraternity. Catarrh being a 8. 8. Stephens wiil start hi.) cheese Mr. Ferris is doing some clashing. B ow er garden now that the rhodo- banns in Florence the first of the week. constitunal disease, requite* a constitu­ aohl with T uf W w . Smith Taylor w..s over to his ranch tional-treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is factory in a few days. He is no* milk­ otis are in bloom. A hush of white The firs» to arrive were Messrs Scott, l is occasionally found but most Lee, Burton, Brittain, Edwards and on the North Fork last week, finishing tnken internally, ncling directly upon ing 39 cows and will increase that num­ Stevenson who came Saturday morning. his house. Wonder what it means? ber conaiderably. Ilk. In shape of flower and form | the bl-iO'l anil niitco n surfaces of the Thcro was considerat le frost herj the they resemble the oleander, Dr. Kuykendall came Sunday and the Walton Mead is freighting from Eu­ [ system, thereby «lestroying tlie (ounda- t of the shrubs reach a height of number was further increased Monday gene for the Seaton store. It looks like i lion of the disease, ami giving Hie morning of tlie Cth it score'..cl the fern by tlie arrival of Messrs, Huston, l’ot- water transportation would lie cheaper. patient stren g tli hv building up Ute and a few potato tops, don't think it Lor ten feet. terf and Withers. Stevenson ami Pot- constitution and assisting nature in do­ injured tlie fruit any. ore buying tickets to any point in lerf were tlie only ones who had ever S H IP P IN G AND M A R IN E . Our school is progretiing nicely w ith ing it* wotk. The proprietors have so ast or South it will be to vonr ad- lieen in Florence before. All enjoyed I much faith in He curative powers, that Mias Laura Tilton as teucher. The No i . to consult the Northern Pacific the trip immensly ami were much pleased g, Capt. Gruggel, they offer One Hundred dollars for any school is also in fine running order with I The Ralph J. yay Company. We are the quick- with the hospitality of our people. They ne to Kansas City, Omaha, St. went to Mapleton Monday evening arrived here from Sin Francisoo Satur­ case that it failB to cure. Send for list Paul Bollman at the helm. The election l-near ut hand hut we j or other Missouri River points, where they remained till Tuesday after­ day evening laden with freight fur our of testimonial». merchants an J others. Alter discharg­ hxve not seen s csndld.it« yet. This | Fold by «11 drng/ist*. 75c. fc’t forget this: 3,lava to St. Paul; 3’6 noon when they set out for Cheeher. ing her cargo she was towed to Acme rnnning around camp dgning is all un- j Hall's Family Pills a,c the hesl. ihieago and 4Lj to New York and Monday to loud with lumber. She wiil I necessary anyway a» we all know how - Eastern cities. For full inforina- G REENLEAF IT E M S . take ont about 170,000 t« et for the city we want to wote. We want the com call or address, R- McMurphy, T H E M A P L E T O N M E E T IN G . market. j pliments afier election whet) wo go to Agent, Opposite Guard office, B y a W est C obbesi - oxdext . The E'litii is already to start on her j The school house at Mapleton, was ’ Hie court house. ene. trip to San Francisco. She has about | well fillet T,ics-lay afteruo m with pe Old Mr. Allen who took a claim sever- ept. Steear requests ns to say that George Peil brought a wagon load ol uar ’’ eager to s«-e tlie cati.lidatcs and hear nl years ago on Badger n o intain | scow from whirl) the cattle were people over the mountains to the enter­ 100 barrels of salmon on hoard. .. hevame ln«wne Insane and The schooner Berwick was reported; their opinions on ., the issue* before before the the Hale, and who liecame rued vhile being towed by the tainment at Alpha Saturday night. from the month of the river Monday. pnhlic. Quite a milliter of ladies were sent to the asylum six vt-ars ago bk last week is the same scow which William Austin came in the other ,ro“' lllc and caused the drowning oi day to put in some garden crops on hi« in the audience. Fred Bcuu was chosen returned and 1* going to make CHANGE OF LOCATION _____ .chairman. In accorilsuce with the proof on his claim. He seems to diols A Pengra's cattle while in tow Deadwood homestead. He says he will (lie Lillian last month. Capt. Steear , move his family in from Eugene soibi . | The Northern Pacific Ticket office has arrangement* of the county centrel recovered. gome of our chitons become very j $her says that he will not use that I Miss Neva Pope, late ,J Deadwood, lieen changed from its former location , committees, Mr Huston was the first much excited when they hear a batch r any more for carrying cattle. over Hall's grocery store, to more com -1 speaker. Dr. Kuy eii- « ten p < > i was married a short time ago to Valeil- of war news, and hccu to think that all 1 tine Kimmel. They reside three miles mo.ho.is quarters, with "The Eugene for gb l.onr after which Mr. Huston was Real estate Agency,” on Hm ground , allowed a few moments to reply Mr. the iiation»,of tin; eailh will ri le with 1 this side of Eugene, on the farm ad­ floor fir,td-rnr North ol Grifflu’a hard Polterf next delivered an a-ldres. from Spain against n*. t.ll sorts of reports joining the race track. i ware store, dire, tiyoppv-i.e the Guard the union party .tan- |mn.t follow0.1 by come in regard to the linking of vessel, The survey of government land in tlie I office, wlicre they will be phsared to ) Messrs. Bratlgin and eat hereon for etc. We heard one man suggesting 1 Cliickahominy country la loring coni- that it would lie a go»*l and sale plan your pocket, if you buy pleted. The present worn is in town- any persons con tern plating a trip Eaat the republb an side. for the government to fortify Florence 10« kilJutg t Best baking pow- 1 ship 17 south, range 7 west, which was 4 tlie war ! which the surveyors who were paid (or rentes, time tat,les cte„ call or address,, IV tite good, your digestion perfect ABSOLUTELY G U M M T E E D S v ^ ’^ í ; ^ and all will be settled according to tcaspoonful to a quart of (the work left no mark to show that they] by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which fa;«< * * * » ? i r i t i R- McMraPitr, General Agent, Unde Sam's notion. i uRIH) tMNAtolfrte. A4. KTKBM?M* bits power to keep you W SLL« Opposite Guai J Ofiice, E-igcno. Desirable ★ DLI1SOTSM W. H, WEATHERSON Stars in ★ POWDER Lost M imì Resterai L I T E And The A R T S a n d . S O IE J S T O E S . ^8 Scientific American. THE EnSMnPIILITÄN, THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTIO N. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR, ^ ^ l NDY uthaíhic CURE COUSU PATION had visited it.