T H E W ^ E S T , coinage m eans th a t an y man /rout —Cl S il.lie f) KVX.V WMtMV ÜOMN1X0.- any p a rt of the world may bring to the m int 4 ,2 «le grains of silver worth 42 cents and have it coined Into a dollar. Another ONE OF TWO WAYS. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES STATE TICKET. The bladder was created for one pur­ pose, namely, u receptacle for the urine, man who takes 2 5 « grains c i gold Fi.oax.vc«, L ax « C ocvtv , O aaoov and as such it is not liable to any form of For Governor. w orth 100 cents, to the m int would diseuso except by one of two ways. Tiie T. T. Geer, of Marion comity. » • - BV - • • receive but one dollar for it. Tiie first way is from imperfect action of the For Secretary of State. rights to an ali kidneys. The second way is from care­ I speaker believes — in equal .Ignis Frank I. Dunbar, of Clatsop county. A Good Sized Audienoe Listened to the and •Fecial privileges to none, but this less local treatm ent of other diseases. i Disoutslon V I Ci Ä 1 ■ A a I a S ■ • 1IZ Z L I t I , I it.. - a ... special I privilege to the For State Treasurer. C H IE F C A U S E . In Florence—The Fi­ would be — Editor and Proprietor. U nhealty urine from unhealthy kid­ Chas. S. Moore, of Klamath county. ow ner of silver. nancial Question tho For Supreme Judge. Gold is the most stable currency of neys is the chief cause of bladder Iron tiles. Principle issue So the u onth, like the bladder, wascreat- Florence, Or. Mny 20,1898. Frank A. Moore, of Columbia county. the world. It is the standard of coinage ed for one purpose, and if not doctored L ast Monday afternoon was th e tim e for free silver countries. Experience too much is not liable to weakness or For Attorney-General. Nie« servar item s are m ore th an ac­ appointed for opening in Florence the has shown that silver will not circulate disease, except in rare cases. It is situ­ D. R. N. Blackburn, of Linn county. ceptable a t this office since th e editor first joint discussion by tiie legislative m unlim ited am ounts. In a short time ated hack of and very close to the blad­ For Supt. of Public Instruction. lias gone assessing. der, therefore any pain, disease or J . IL Ackerman, of Multnomah county, •andidntes on th e republican and union it finds its way hack to the treasury. inconvenience manifested in the kid­ tickets of th e political issues of the " . H. W eatherson, the fourth speak­ For State Printer. neys, hack, bladder or urinary passage T in s is tiie first tim e we have met Mr. cam paign. Quito a largo audience was er m ade hut a short address. He de­ is often, by mistake, attributed to W. 11. Leede, of Jackson county. H uston but liis nddresspsve us th e im ­ present when th e debate com m enced fined liis position on tiie money question female weakness or womb trouble of Fur Rep. in. Congress 1st District. pression of ti m an who is m entally not »n«eausc l,o thinks it is best for the and may lie as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for hl ed and more were provided. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Tiie country. The opinion frequently ex twenty-four boors; a sediment or set­ T hbwoiioct D b . K uykendall’s ad­ ladies here have lost none of th e in- pressed by a certain class th at a For Judge. tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. m a­ dress he showed n sp irit of fairness to (crest in politics formerly m anifested by jority of business men oppose free co! n- The mild ami tiie extraordinary effect of A. 0 . Woodcock, of Lane county. tiie eppositioo and evinced no desire to them and a goodly „um ber attended ago of silver because it HouI(, lleIp th(, Dr. K ilm er’s Swamp-Root, tiie great For District Attorney. tak e unfair advantage of th em in anv tiie meeting. laboring man is a m istake. When the kidney, and bladder remedy is soon Geo. M. Brown, of Douglas county. way. realiz-d. If you need a medicine you 0 . W. H urd, th e Florence m em ber of laboring man is out of em ploym ent, the should have the best. At druggists fifty T he ro t Luwtxti cm uplim entry notice (he county centra! com m ittee called the business man loses Ids trade and profits cents and one dollar. You may have a COUNTY TICKET, —AT—> L egislative Candidates P sent the issues to the Voters. r e ­ w . IT. WEATHERSON laborer is sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent s , free by mail. Mention the W est and n ,v ' prosperous, trade is increased and capi­ tal pays larger retu rn s on the invest­ send your address to Dr. Kilm er & C o .,: Ur' " ' Kuykendall, of Eugene. Bingham ton, N, Y. The proprietor o f ! Representatives. m ent. this paper guarantees tiie genuineness of Ivan McQueen, of Lorane. Ho then spoke of the salmon industry tliia ofibr. T. M, Brattain, of Springfield. and called attention to th at plank in the W. H. Weatherson, of Florence, than can possibly be produced in time republican state platform which favors Sheriff. »U te aid in the artificial propagation of by taxation will be needed. Those who Chas. L. Scott, of Eugene. have so far succeeded in preventing tiie election and will rep resen t Ids county question is the principal issue of the salm on. Clerk. 0 . A. Potterf union nom inee for rep­ reporting of tiie war revenue hill from in a truly statesm anlike m an n er. He cam paign. He said th a t ns the rep u b ­ E. U. Lee, of Junction. lican p arty is in favor of m nintaing the resentative was the last speaker. He the senate comm ittee on finance, where is a m an we can tru st. Treasurer. it lias been more than a week, have not existing gold stan d ard th at the burden stated th a t he is a resident of the Sius- *1- C. Powell, of Cottage Grove, said th a t they were trying to delay EMBARRASSED. of proof th a t a change should be m ade law valley and interested in its pros­ School Superintenhent. a c t.in until they could ascertain wheth­ rests witli th e opposition. H e refered perity. H e then denounced the rep u b ­ Register: C. S. Hunt, of Eugene. e r the end of the war was in sight, anil to th e so called “ crim o of ’73” a n j lican p arty for its course on the financial W eu rc still aw aiting th e G u a rd ’s showed th a t the statem en t so frequent- Assessor. are not likely to say so, but th at is their question and claimed th a t the present exposition of its ticket and platform . D, I . Burton, of Cottage Grove. m ade by th e free silverites th a t silver good prices are not due to tiie McKinley gam e. I t should, lor instance, sta rt in with was demonetized in th a t year is an error, adm inistration. Surveyor. U nder the new volunteer arm y law Mr. H u sto n ’s record a t Walem in 1866, (hat there has been more silver coined Not long after the speaking was over confirmation of tho nominations ot C, M. Collier, of Eugene. wl.en ne was serving as sen ato r from since 1873 th an had been previous to (t was announced th a t the .Mink was regimental officers by the senate is not I Commissioner. tin s county, and liolted the sen ate and th a t year, IL D. Edwards, of Springfield. He explained th a t there are ready to leave; th e visitors w ent on required, as it is tor sim iliar offices in com e imine a-foot, in o rd er to prevent two ways to m aintain an equality in the board and the boat started on her tiie aegulnr arm y. Tho president ap ­ Coroner. th e legislature organizing ami electing a circulating value of different articles. ! j ° Urney UF tbe r i'e r will, the passengers J. M , Harris, of Eugene. points them , and in th 0 cases of all U nited States senator. Tiie people One is by fixing a ratio between them | " aving BtHxl b>'° to the people on °the those so far appointed lie has delegate,! THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. w ho are asked to vote for such a states, ¡lfmitri-n» ----- which - . w ... the appointing authority to Secretary at m ark et rates ill work satisfac­ wharf. m an should be apprised of ids true torily so long ns there is no g reat varia- Alger. I . M. Brattain, republican candidate! p a trio tism . WASHINGTON LETTER. I, 0,1 in tiie production. The o th e r Senator Sewall h a. not qualified as 'or representative is a .n a n who is w ell' m ethod is to select one as stan d ard and m ajor general in the volunteer MORE VOLUNTEERS. by lim iting the am ount of o thers m ain ­ although his nom ination was confirmed a great r 1 <1U°S,,° " 8 of lbe ‘f-V. i F ao n o n , keovlaii C orrkspoxdxnt . by the senate a t the same tim e that. ' „¡VH f‘. . Und one of progres-I tain th eir equality. D r. K uykendall 4>rl',y a good m a-I H e showed by reference to foreign cording to a well-known W estern rep u b ­ ‘Lose of flie p resident and tho people ° ‘d Citi“ n ° f the 8,n‘° 1 lican senator, who bold» in tim ate r e ­ countries th a t the am ount of money per cabled to Commodore Dewey by Secre­ major generals were acted upon and it is not probable th a t lie will. If be be- ! f ' * r° 88e‘l P’ain’ wilh bis lations witli Secretary Alger. H e says capita does not fix the price of products. tary Long as soon as the official rep o rt comes general l,e cannot retain ids eeat I county"’ and 8eUled Lane Prices have fallen because of increased th a t to properly hold tho P hilippines it of liis ex trao rd in ary victory in Manila production and im proved m ethods of m the senate, and the present under- „ will be found lliut from 36,060 to 50 600 harb o r re a d ie d W a a l,in g to n -a victory standing is th a t lie prefers the latter 1 , L-Jwar.Is republican nominee m en are none too m any. To clean up m anufacture. resulting in tho destruction of a fleet of II. 0 . H uston, union candidate t„r Few A mericans have any idea of t l , . i eO'n '‘" wioncr >'»’ ««¡Jed m a tte rs in C uba in a quick m anner will eleven S panish vessels carrying more state senator was tiie n ex t speaker. He be needed not far from 206,060. W ith yrar8 ‘>"«1 ¡»thoroughly ‘ ....... IIU »IUI (lain W one Hundred guns ami more than extent of the P bilippine Islanih> ; foot. th e regulars and volunteers already in made a som ewhat ram bling dlaconnect- ¡ 2,060 men, tl mg upon w ind, was sogallantly captured He is m l ' ° ° f theeou,lty- ie capturo of heavy shore in tho field, tho g o vernm ent is s b o ri i ed address devoted to the Interest of free hatterics, and the subsequent control of by Commodore Dewey and over which ' man an I " T " •' r i l“,bI<‘’ plain’ everyday -be American flag now flies. S aturday’s th " ountv h,'8 in' ™ « b o u t 75,000 men. I t is understood the ' silver. the Philippine Islands, all w ithout tho t “ ” Ot 8uiTer if >*« can pre- p resid en t is considering a call for 100,- I Mr. H uston stated th a t th e union loss of a man and w ithout the serious issue ol «he daily publication of ,|,e Vent i 000 additional volunteers. I t is also party, have laid down dem ocracy, pOp. injury of a sliip and with only six men D epartm ent of S tate known as “ G l-i n ' vance sheets of consular reports,-' i s ! Kuyk“" ‘Ia" '» a gentleman of understood th a t tiie secretary of war and ■diem and silver republicanism , „nd w o u n d e d -h y adopting lite jo in t resolu- D rv Aieneral Mi es agrees witli tliep io sid cn t. have taken up free silver. H e is an t.on reported from the house com m ittee devoted entirely to the Philippine I , . 1. n J " *° 8tan,,8 very high in Eugene old-time dem ocrat and voted twice for lands, which are ten per cent larger ¡n ' ln^ re9ldl;'l -here for som e fen rears on naval affairs ex ten Jm g the th an k s of WAR BREVITIES. Cleveland. area than New E ngland, New York ! ' " ’ nd U n e « " W »W have congress to Commodore Dewey. I t will a Arin tr i tu. i I 1I# M id tlle b" ll¡°n in a Silver New Jersey, M aryland and Delaware ' 8en8t° r ° f Whu“‘ »lio will liave alsoM ipplem e.it the prom otion to act- dollar .1 . ? , ra,RlnK H'e guns was w orth 103 cents in *73 but ju st l° Pr° “d- is now mg adm iral, cabled to Commodore combined, ami which have an estimate,! ' irom th e sunken war vessel« in Manila worth about 45 cents. W anted to ask E- U. U e , and D „ ' hay. Dew i y in Secretary Long, by passing population of from 8,000,063 to i 0,000,-' „ ( l,M- L ’ lus republican friends w hether they . Wll providing for an additional ro w I 0W‘ B a tI ’rO bably,he " lost « “ ''¡»h- Burton U‘’rt° n tn ‘” ’bIRan candidate, fo r • t h * J • ! Spanish toriwdo tioate are sigi,ted oc- «••»tonally off th e New E ugland coast. ... -------- adm iral in tiie navy, which will emit t 1 ' !lg ‘ “ " K about tb i* Publication, 1 ° mw8 of »beriff, clerk and as», o f us was found in I lie Eugene R egister: m eeting to order and on motion Mr. W . II. W eatherson whose biography H urd was elected chairm an. In accordance with a previous u n d er­ we published some tim e since, is a man w lio wilt ilo good, efficient work in the standing, tiie discussion was opened by Oregon legislature. H e is industrious, D r. K uykendall, th e republican candi­ w ell posted, conscientious and free from d ate for state senator. In com m encing Ids address D r. K uy. uny btigtiting political record. Mr. kendall announced th a t the money W eatherson will m ake voles before are dim inished. W hen W ATCH t h is SPACE for the =♦' OF THE. the C AR M AN 7« CHEAP CASH STOHE! G oods, ★ G ro c e rie s ★ a n d ★ Noth FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. T here is a suspicion th a t Frenchm en - h , d t -'■v would never b a y I motiore D ewey. Tho feeling ¡„ W a sh I Bb° W‘ng th a l tbo U . 8. has more com- " U tb*’ ^ ’t and esteem of 6 ' were behind five Spanisi, guns at Cardo­ J been , pan,,: had th e governm ent paid I ¡ngton is th a t no thing is too gooJ I merc0 w ith tbe P b i 'W « e Islands tl,an “equai,' ta» ^ . Mr. geoU has had f„ n a s, and tiie m atter w ill he investigated. b : .i ^ : Z ..... .. " ^ a r e t o i e s e n U o S doP’ “ ,1 - ‘ o i «-e wor.d combined J ™ as deputy A colum n of 5066 Spaniards started from Nuevites f,w Moron, to fight tl,e | a lllll,r , n t’ ‘ ' r‘'-' ‘ !’° ' lrSt vailroad ( in bolding th e P hilippine Islands as T l,ere ia “ ^ e*‘ reticence a t th e war ‘ “nd understand Js tile A m ericans. Tl«>y lost 000 ,M n in a four i C entral R P t « ‘° 11,0 II!in,,iH , ,bey la n be « a m b l e d in San Francisco lk>partlne ’t con,-er m ng the movem ents S“ K'M of t,lC o-Ges and i, competent -‘• y ’« n'» r"k b,-ou assessor for , evPral ter" «1 V ..II „ „ i, o . , . I , id cabinet. T here a Cuban port a t anv time. " d i known to t l " IS 18 . . CARM A"- a t th e close of th e w ar, if so request,M . it . course tow ards the county. «>-e good reasons for th e belief th a t A Spanish spy was arrested in W , 1Ì- Ì“ 8 a b * e t t Ì b X ^ f'Veb1.» o • . i . ‘ " r n s te a in tt asb- I t is tlum ght th a t th ere will be „ , , e »b «m asked who could tell i,„ . „ bann-son s first 0 o b 1 ie a d 18 tb e Spanish lrg to n last night night who i . •. tb e d ‘» b’. o ( th at office " i b‘,at,‘,,, for P o rtoj have draw ing, of m any of th e " ^ to more satis- ! «hauge in th e Spnniali cabinet soon, and " '“«•b silver can bo used «nd m aintain*! R - '1 7 ¿ coast --o n > y than any other ed at par. i ’ ‘h*1 lf llu L*'1 « Io Dntt , . d | |(> w»i.U R has done for the country an I 1 ’ " “r , " P’ “ ', n tl,C tbW e or four th a t a t"U ’> to (he business of th ''' Spanish gwnheat Callao was rap tu red showed th at when th a t p a r ty « ,, , known , o , b e b«rbor nt San -^ e to ry m a n * , l h e , r ° ffiCe8i m ; • t Cavite May 12. SIW ia an iron g u n ­ B a r . th e w o n d e r w o r k e r , t h a t m a k -s w ra k -......... in the U nited m ’’‘T 0 ‘" C boat of 268 tons, equipped w ith four ^ s w ^ ’ S p ,,n " *ir#id “ > «-«‘f »•« « - r i t a , u e n ie d v c A . Ä m odern guns, and a crew of S5 m en. , found a depleted treasu ry w ith bonds . ’oiling at fifteen p e rc e n t below n .r b*8 flw t ,n ,° A m erican w aters. B ut The apprnpriatioua r ‘^ ' U O - d — ng twelve per cent in ,e re , I B 'r t ° W il1 AFFAIRS AT THE SOLDIERS’ HOME. th e war now am ounts to over $<00,- ’ ' R v,e,ory n,,d wil1 help to (006,000. A fter L on g m n c , a H ------- shorten tiie war. In a letter w ritten by H on. A. W. P-cllln R estored C oed I t is understood th a t th e City of Pc- DO NOT FORGET- , - 3 S tron g , . , rN8* !,h ' The senatorial opponents of Ilio bond Ite c l of G ardiner ami pul.liel.ed in the k in g left San Francisco th e I9G, ¡nst. | Oregonian ami th e R oseburg Review. clausa in , tiie w ar revenue - bill are Tb8<,b‘" ’k<'<'f'ot-ation oftl,eN «w t|,ern - - - i „ D , ------ ’ w ith 1,000 men for tiie Philippine«, which time I underwent y r ,r ’ ’ <’«!■ « o r- a tlo n .,, . t » « r ie .i sparring for tim e, » so •» to ■ « •w . T i „ , • S r ,:: my Im pror.m .nt " J? lmr'r° T», but ...„ „ u ................ “ « m . d .sc o u r.,« , f * 8low -*>.t I b,. G uard offlee near c o m e / r « 'U ‘u ,,"*w ’ »«‘H lu » tif they can F ‘ Alley an«aYe *a«o*_._ “ ’’ am Ä . . , . _ . '» filam ene Slrept« A d ispatch from London a a js th a t th e ih e o n ly regular City ” ! they can “ prevent ........... — * ‘ bonds ' * from being charges where there was no outlay and m friend who had h.d takan 1 1 end who t.k .n HooT. « 7 * I ii ket Office in i f l's rlh a n d rtjianisb bave aiesed tl«e Grand Canary I m e t „ „ „ iv ' ^ •’’ •Parilla W« . r e al>a«.l„tely tl," H tb « m a tte r was pnt to a vote ' h ^ n g tw ice tor some o th er items. • “ <* who urged m , (o •nd ’ “"'’ ’ ‘’i ’H fia ñ s h jn •Pd aft«, aft«r i I ¿ .J uken’ o . w do’ ’ C onsents cab le office. i««no to” G m " F w tl,r',,,Ka ? ? E ‘" i " ° W *' " • ,Ulle d be ! • b v » « and had C f k ’C r d p h K Several Spanish warahip« have been «iglded off Santa >«icia Island». ' I . th e N orther* , Ì T . ' income tax last week w , «........- ^ m t m e n t «brought deception there Goods as Represente PROPRI*' '» P V IA R j i'P f^ G T I Q 'O Q R E S S n ßach to Health -------------------------- .. S ^ * '* i i ,LClfn’, v CatliurMr. the moat w en dsrful m-xli,-*! Bis.-O,srr o f Uw age, p t o ant and reti slung ,o th< tame, art g M tlr en J|a,aiU i . (-,-ll,.«ti„’Tv,'Z - » --- v - .ly o - i1hi-ti1 •• —.'...W e . S s S. j .'s» i II I.M sail »»( J», ..I— . ! . . tlx* «nUre _ . 1 •»»»»hin. „. «<•. s 4*« C C. f l o d a y ; II), X», .*U r© i» U r v l d « o d guaranteed to cure by all dvtiggiste. and »m a» strong a» I d SjrM f »rida, Hood’. 8 . r . , m ri “ ¿ 7 ” * ¡£ X M w t.fcj. E w u t b , , ^ * * “ e yP a n PortUnd z«-..o Avana», . o r , und. ^ ^ ’0 Or,Dd j r e |f , t . nj 1 ‘ ->rs and tl»e [ vote approve of tiie i«e«e o< bon la I *’*l*'>r *'*d Dining ears on every tram . ’ b Mr, Ailey reeided beve several D on’l forget thia m cli.s ... . , «•cause tl-cv recognite th at ns t l . >»,i> i . r, ~ . , -’ our route . . ‘ ° " |y nR * *••>»« m em ber of the G L R for a luiMnesa or pleaaiirs h ip . »ore and spsedy way io w ind, the bet i, i . a J oi full inform at,on rail or a,I,Ire.,, , governm ent can raise a xery large su-, tl „ i TO!a“' on r , P°r‘ R M ,M c a T ,G .m -r a lA g e ri, | of m onev. and th a t i f t n . ‘L « h m fo re 1* the he»at lò w * b’", , ~(n fart thè ! L X e L t o r X w ^ ;^ Z i o ' ? ; rÌ‘ !,‘ OCM h» a ll ----------- O pjv»llc Guard ofbee, I’ ,gx-lie Mood’s . w Sar«a- Darin Parlila i , * * . ™ ( M I* Hood’s Pm, J? B! « t nùTìSn; ^ÿ am y il P O R T IM F o ^ e or a C EXC h a n q e , A h w ’* « n d fo, in 0 leñada. bo" * i» « « b , j 4 lw t Tin ‘v ^ b 7 ^ " . ^ ,,orvaiid For furti’ ^ I H i •**VTVSep»r.ta ra n -J ' " ” » . ‘"«luiré ■ „ th¡J 1 'f I ’^ I O ^ m P’ ftic u la -J ,n ’ to our patrons *(xve *» mad» will arrangem ents fn rn i.li tb e th e f* Me «’«’•