T H A T FAMILYCLOSef ** *- ** * A SUCCESSFUL EVANBELIST Rev. W . A. Dunnett, a Man Whose Good W ork h W idely Known—He Relates Events In His Career of General Interest. Abta. T b . r a t a * « V ! Wlwn yon IdM il, »ug*r-eo»te«l pills, which tear you »II to piece«, are not In ¡ I with H owl's. Is a y to taka Hood’s anil easy to operate, la true /V o m Uto 4milA « fa llt Haeoni. of Hood’s Pills, which a r t up to date In every respect Throughout C anids, from th« veatern people iu the Fra n k lin Street Coni Church, at Manchester, N . H . h ire doctor« Safe, certain and sure. AU boundary o f O ntario to the A tla n tic Ocean, had arrived and were in attendance before druggists. 'M. C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. there is no name more w idely known in (era- he regained couaciouannaa. Iu a il these citlej , The ouly Fills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. parsnee and svangelistie work thau that o f the and town« the uswapapen freely mentioned R ev. W . A . DuuuuU. U r . D unnatt has beeu his affliction at the time. M r. Dunnett «aid he had con»ulteeakiug of his trouble to a in g from place to place purauing hia goo-1 friend who urged him to try Dr. Williams* Here is what he says abont it in a let­ work, sometimes auiatiu g resident ministers, P in k Pills, and next day presented him with a ter to The Medical Record: “ If asthma ■u m -iu o rf conducting cou aucune a «ene« sometimes aeries o í f g gospel tem- dozen boxes. “ I took the p ills,” «aid Mr. Is a form of mountain sickness and if rance m eeting! independently. l>ut b always D unnett, “ and I declare to you I am a well w rin g tor the goo 1 o f hi« follow I o n W h ile man to-day. I used to worry a great deal that distressing affection of high a lti­ iu Smith*« Fa ll« a tow months ago inc ,, ----------- tiro in connection over the' puin about uijr heart, but that is all tudes cau be cored by training for the w ith hia w ork lie dropped into the Record offlee gone now, and I feel lik e a new m an.” A ll exercise ot climbing, why should ndt for a little visit w ith the editor. D uriug (he this the reverend gentleman told in a simple asthma also yield to the training of the conversation tli» Rtcord ventured to remark conversational way, and when it was sug­ that hia duties entailed an enormous amount of gested that he let it be known be rather respiration carried ont by practicing the h *r-l w ork. T o this M r. D unnett assented, but demurred, because, as he put it, “ I am almost respiratory movements needed to carry added that in his present physical condition afraid to say I am cured, and yet there is no the tidal air through the longs? Of all hv equal t - auy amount o f hard work. man enjoying better health to-day than 1 do.” B u t it was not dw ays io, he said, aad then A t that time, at M r. Dunnett'« request, means of training respiration I think be gave the w riter the follow ing little per- his statement whs only published locally, rycling is the best. When a person first rith permission to make it but now w riting under the date of Jan. 21s!, takes a cycling exercise, it w ill be public. l i e bb I that for the past thirteen from Fitchburg, Mass., where he has been years lie ha-1 linen greatly troubled with a conducting a very successful series of evan­ found, especially ou going up hill, that pain in the region o f hie heart, from whioh gelistic meetings, he says: “ I had held b a e i the breath is wanting, the heart beats he was unable -o get any relief. A t times it from w riting in regard to my health, not be­ uncomfortably and tho legs tiro, bnt was a d u ll hea y pain, at others «harp and cause I had forgotten, hut because it sermyd 5 * ve?e.' Ofrea* neu it rendered! him unfit too good to be true that the old time pain after training theso discomforts disap­ f»r hi« engag» nenU, and at a ll time« it had gone. I cannot say whether it w ill ever pear, nothing w ill be thought of ascend­ made it d iffic u lt to m ore, lli« trouble return, but I can certainly say it has not ing hills, the heart has becorno perfectly .................... altf&y« visible -o the •• public always and frequently troubled me for months, and I am iu better >■•«»» conducting service he would give out health than I have been for years. I have comfortable, all breathlessness has dis­ and diMtors hud io be ra ile d in to attend gained iu flesh, hence in weight. I would appeared and the legs w ill uo longer r-V “ * ■oe'r ,rred *" ’'Im ‘ he Yoni>e prefer not to say anything about ray appe- , feel uny fatigne. P 'U f e li. Toronto; the Baptist Church, tite ; lik e the poor, it is ever with me. Yes “ Cycling exercise, first of all, in ­ Woodstock, N . n . ; the Methodist Church attribute health to D r. W illiam s* Pari«»»«., n i - A* - » vnuren, ’ I i « m u tu e my good neun A i _.« ° ? U ° U B?.vt' 1 fa llin g ; you can't think why. And?1’ 8 U te f fnrr»» the cheertWu Attorl‘ Attorir drink statistica form joet of conversation at the Robing ,—w nKii, “ii gupret table you observe w ith wonder that the fam ily grow uuoomtoruble m writhe in their chairs. Youhavsa'tm faintest notion why, but the itou Attorn haa *•“* Men f h . S u ld K l W a s 'H e a r t ," a n ,I riu H id ( l aud W owe*. M o re T h a u J iu tic«. N E N K M E F T A , T H E M O S T B E A U T IF U L A woman cau never understand why Hearts is located in yur insides ia M A N IN T H E W O R L D . ideal love j» so rare when i leal women the rejun of yure stummicks. The fir. at* no common. teology says they works like pumps, 801110 women go w ithout saying. which is the milkman's best friend. Ml« M u m m y F o und l a a C e m e te ry N e a r M o m of them, however, nay without go­ The heart is n very importunt organ, th e C it y o f £1 K a b — “ T h e 8on S m ile d ing— at least not till long afterword. tint it don't make no mnsick. L'pon H im ,” b u t H e D ie d L ik e O th e r M o r . A girl never really cares much for a My brother, whioh is a polck, says, t * 1»— W if e a a d o b l a T o m b W i t h H im . ruan till ehe takes to running to the "W hat liannuy when two hearts beets wiodow to watrh biui when he goes. The Adonis of Egypt 5.400 years ago like 1.” I wish pop weed tako a leasing If a man turned over a new loaf every Irom 2 hearts. He beats like 00. Is ngaiu among men Not as be was limo his w ife wanted him to. there Hop tele m3 ouoe his heart was back tvheu women bow< .1 before him and his wouldn't be anything left of him bat in the old town where ho was born, »very gesture was looked upon almost the covers. hot I am afrado he is a lyre, heoos when i s if it were that of a god, bnt swathed If the minister were to say he was Kate was married he said, “ My hoart is going t-> throw a hymnbook at the ricb- i full 2 say m uch," and ho didn't got no in the habiliments of the regulation 1 at dressed woman there, every woman lelefone from his birthplace. Bymuby mummy. Centuries before imperial Cw- In church would duck under tlio pew. uo fell under the tabul and some wtm tar died and turned to clay this man It w ill probably ulways be u mystery iarkastieally remarked that it was very inled the dwellers on 250.000 acres with u rod of iron. The women adored whether a woman would rather wear full. I met a man one« at a dinner an, um ething that nobody is wearing or King Richard had a lying heart but him for his benutv The men feared who was perfectly sane upon s™2 something that everybody is wearing. I have got a busted heart which is >.ud reflected him tor his wisdom. point ou earth but one. and on that k. Nea the city of El Kab, which is Style to a woman means whether yen . ivorse. Dere reader a in ’t a girl heartless was tho opposite. He could talk iho« has bavo to wear clothes that are too big to to give me the shako becos my here is I situated 75 miles north of the present politics, science, art, Shakespean m look well or ouly too small to fuel com­ red? Cun I avert the dckrecsof the fatos site of Cairo, there lies nn ancient ceme­ tery so old that even the meu to whom the musical glasses, hut if by fortable. which has got a cinch on mortals* chance the eon vernation touched « No man ever really has any doubt I «111 a eyniok now, which meuues the papyrus scrolls are as familiar as the waters of the N ile are unable to say dueling he w ent straight off hie tod that the girl he is in love with w ill every one is a fool butt me. then and there. marry him, hut most men pretend they The heart is connected witli the lag, when it was first devoted to the pnr- Dueling was tho skeleton in hU«D have tiecauite it always tickles the girl. oecos when n feller gets his leg pulled poee of housing the mortal tenements of Kvwi wbeu a girl baa fixed a sprig ¿f ae gcueruly has a heartuke. But a heart- I the i old Egyptians. ■ Th® «rabseologist movements are automatic. At the same board, and the reason was one that riletoe in her hair so it w ill loidt Bke can't hold a caudle to a stummTk , ” mistletoe time it w ill aconstom the rider instinct­ not he enlarged upon here. On oueih, N O T H IN G M O R E . - the - - chandelier - - - for . _, . “ : « ‘arch, uutl many a wuiuni.v that today it fell off she w ill pre- aka ively to take in at each respiration the in every year ho shot himself up in bi ck. I have not Iho heart to cm. I i".“— °? ,ho n,a.*,n”,H « ' ‘h round •rad to fight against It Place me beneath the apple trees toplck. not tho heart to con- volume of air required to aerate the house and wns not seen by mortal ♦« In pleasant summer weather, All women believe in their hearts tiune thia ussay.- Jim m ie iu hau i t an­ oyed wouder was undisturbed hero for blood. Persons who do not caro for cy­ That was the one day when hisiksb Where sephyrs come and w ild bees ham , thousands cf years. (hat woman ia the superior of mau, but cisco Examiner. A nd phloxes bloom together. cling out of doors can take the same ton camo ont and stalked about . It no happened that a short tinio ago very few of them care to brag much Many people have what seems to th kind of exercise at homo by means of a I-er-ous proeiioeting for new fields m a G ive bib m y favortto book to read, t l e r H u g n e a tlu o . about it till after they get married. dummy cycle, consisting of au iron general public a harmless enough ikde M y Tennyson or Browning, l hill in tho cemetery described discover- When a man get« tired of a girl, lie It was at a Jefferson avenue residence, A w h iff of the fa r In dian leaf " ^ 2 wheel driven by pedals, tho resistance ton, but it is real and ghastly to them baa to stand it; when a girl gets tired »“‘I the young mau iu the case had been ed a littlo pit which apparently had Tho summer's fragrance crowning. of the wheel being so contrived as to selves. It is of hnmble origin. Itiuu. lEIFICCOKT' of n tuau, aim ouly haa to ask him to doing often uud staying late until the never t-oeu made the subject of iuvesti- & simulate bicycle riding. A strap carried prising the pains people will take w M y children's voices lot mo hear carry a few of her littleat bundles, maiden fair felt the monotony of it. 1 gatiou. Excavation brought to light T h a t on the law n are playing partly around the rim of the wheel can conceal that their grandfathers wm ; the fact that it was not only «omethiug Up (o (be time ho ia 20 the average Lust Thursday oveuing about II o'clock A nd jo in in g in the m erry sjxjrt Ì ] bo tightened at w ill by tho rider, thus poor, bnt honest, the lies they will tell i new, bnt from the arcbtcologist'a Tho bounding collie haying. man wonders bow mood he w ill wunt the conversation dragged so that it al- increasing tho labor and recalling the (which ouly proves that tho grandpu. standpoint one of the most important to get mirrit <1; after he gets to he 80 ho ra°*t pulled the carpet out by the tacks L /'t me behold the blue Bbov% effort of riding up hill. My experience ent’s qualities have not descended It W n nrlura Uo kreutiful. W e a th e r a a d C rim e . h X v r a ? ^ bo0‘ * PV^hlntoah in a waiting to argue the mutter, sneaked mado up Into hairsprings when in I 1« .................. nono to take liis place. ” ‘ Ever notice that there I t lu te both cuds meet?" o o i d Ä m S e ^ ? f .# 7' b a ‘* “« h t . ignomiuiously off. H e vows that ho watches is worth more than 12>{ times Perhaps there was a tonch of oriental Dushit— I dou't mind it ao far as I highway robbery when the sidewalks tho value of the 6amo weight in pure , - ---- °n hia lungs, tlevelon- i ®>nd his own business when next aui personally concerned, but it w ill be extravagance iu this, but among tho are ooverwl w ith «now and ice? ■nfl'^’u 1^ - 111?1118 aud carried him off. K°®8 hlutnm ing.— Loudon Telegraph- Hu Crsii ji WvgJj, ¡i ¿ j [ ( j terribly bard for my valot to have to statues found on the floor cf the cham­ gold. Hairspring wire weighs 1-20 of a i Brooks— No. Any reason for it? and ow«A so it “ mav off' he 7 , r be _ “ ««m i d. 0 f th at ¡ grain to tbo inch. One m ile of wire i Rivera— Yea It'aali tho footpads can put up with domestic cigars after the ber was one which unquestionably was weighs less than half a pound. the hÍS l0”? Hf° n u d dräthta ___ W h y D oesn’t th e B o ile r intended to rcprcscut Neukhefta. This 3 Ï do to bold them seiirs up.—Chicago priuio havunas be haa been used Io — the same cans«. • • _ New v ew York 8uu. “ The balanco gives five vibrations every W hatufreroeadous force iastragglioi a was evidence sufficient that the inscrip­ Boston Trnnscript. UTibon». tion must not have been w ithout cause. second, 300 every minute, 18,000 every , (lo d ito ln i The Supreme Conrtl 1 tP#r 8 ^°^er **0038! Take, foreX- , «, ,4> üb1wi T h e P ro b a b le l i e o u a . r» rv b o )o fy , The judges of th« TTni»«^ c ? a a“ ple, a horizontal tubular boiler According to tbo standard of beauty hour. 483,000 e v e ry day and 157,080,-’ « * H » < l» » n l M«xleo, i 000 every year. At each vibration it “ I wonder why people so like to which existed in Egypt iu thoeo days. f*ourt8 have, »i»i. -__ States ordinary proDortiona. fiO ••I d co ’t 1-cUnvo it'« possible for two 60 inrhea inches ill in di* — of e x c w i ï f I** j>le t<> think of tho Minn tbiuu in on« wear »quvaky shoes to church, ” sold , Neukhefta was certainly an Adonis, i I rotates nbout 1}^ times, which makes «»«•* pr-nu rasninX » long, containing "* R 1 nliilityond of, cigbty-three I inch tabes, fc'nchabollw the nervous boarder. M bile in sculpture tho ancieut Egyptian I 197,100,000 revolotious every year. M'cment" " P en a p a ." said Asbury Pepper», was not equal to the genius of today he Take, for illustration, u looomotivs with You w ail nntil yon owe yoor tailor » surface area of 40,718 "The bM h « Í ± ^ í H0me J o _n r n a L : inchea "they d iso tooall the pastor's attention was a mau of much skill, and there is I 8 foot driving wheels. Let its wheols ' -SAMPLE C-JPIES S iN T a tail end meet him iu the s tre e t _______ FR -6. he run nntil they buve given the »»m. to their H o le s .C in c in n a ti Enquirer. Rick Me U jx ‘“ npposo this boiler is operated with» no reason to doubt that tho statue is a fairly faithful representation of "the number of revolutions that u watch L M ) t r e X r a t r f 7 h? Dd » *he“ r working pressure of 100 pounds l*r y o u a n t t h e does in one year, aud they wiU have C o a a o l a t t o a . K in d R ym p a lh y . most beautiful man in E gypt ” square inch, which is not at all uncom­ ‘h e y „ X Ofto' V e“ bCn,Of,hcbar C H R O N I C L E " I get tired writing joke« day after In the tomb of Neukhefta were also covered a distauco equal to 29 complete The Fierce One— I do wish the Lord mon. The boiler therefore sustains a to­ Perhaps i circuits of the earth. there has tal pressure of 4 ,0 7 1,«00 pounds, or day, said the amateur humorist. bad made me a mau. the mummies of his w ife and littlo kwn in particular A ll this a watch does w ithout other "Dou't you care," replied hia friend «on It would appear from (lie iufonna Tho Gen'le One— Perhaps he lias, complaints, but cases ground for such more than 2,085 tons. few — Amelia, d<*r, but you haven't tiern able cousoiiugly. "Thiuk how tired the peo- lion contained m the papyru« that this ¡ attention than winding ouce everv 24 Do wo realize what this means? The h“Te i Manifretati^ » ~ 1.“ 'On?. '7 ** * rorteness to find him yet.—Cincinnati Enquirer pie are who read them I” — Philadelphia ol«l tiuie Egyptian was content with honra—Jewelers' Review. boiler has resting upon it the equivalent North American. He M a column of granite 10 feot sqn«» oue wife, «omethiug of a rarity in tbo«« must be deferential if he « H O W IN a •3 A O O d a b » » d N » T » a n t o M a d . W a a te d to M a o « . enee, Ho should be patienTan d>yn h w m m evidcutly an exception an<1 25 *-5 feet high, or, to put it auoth* The United States, Dominion of T h e T la T h a i B lads. John P. Green, an Ohio politician of ** for the I? nent and even wav. the to.it— tempered, to all rales, however, and this jirobably xnu© OQt to cburdl tnypny. aT, tho boiler is holding up the «.»I«. equiv­ W bat is a hiteh in the narrative. accounts for the presence of the mum­ ronio note, not long ago was appointed 7r8h¿“ À I ? " ' to 80 hi* alent weight of 22.371 person», e « h row. I feel sure you w ill enjoy tho «or- Casada and Northern Mexieo Uncle John? to a fairly good place in one of the de­ mies of his wifo and «ou iu hia touib. weighing 182 pounds 4 > H O N K M ID 1 C , " it it when the man and woman iu It is believed that if he had had more partments at Washington. At borne l'Yiaud— Who i« goiug to preach? Tb« best antborities agre« that th» A»» th» , Green ie a crim inal lawyer and is ‘be courts, for t h e ^ ^ ' ^ l? flnencc of | a novel get married, of Harlem Life. oouree. "— Do- than oue w ife there would bo some e v i­ ordtnarj- draft horse, workios eight « the keystone Ò 7” J,n ,d^ Íal dePartment hours known by bis success la influencing the treat Free lTe«< dence in tlie form of inscription or oth­ s "»y, d a v , rxerta e x e r ts sn a n avtra( a v t r n s e fo rrt ,~ r e ™ » o i onr goveremnn» J j <’nUnrnt A T a a t h f a l n a s e h a ll C ra a k , erwise to indicate that this was his fa­ feelings of the Jury. Ho weepa natural s “ e “»nits c r e t upon "J0? it “ H^J?? ‘ hraatar, the w “ Mli to 1»« O H T H K O T H E n B tD K . C halalsea. | tears at the right time, rends hie hair •fracture 0£th e stately îX h . Wb° 1# vorite w ife aud the mother of hia «on. Clergyman— Yee, my young friends, this force acting to disrupt tM * a « • ( tf’ a’ ^ ,stcr.P‘ id' • n t wbea Ih» w la ta r w h latlra. I hrnr I he lid break down my constitution. You don’t bava soma misprints in it .—Fliegende U a r a M llt y a t Iv w ry . 41» ■ auuad, black and oolored silks » * Mr«. Goalheart— Wbv. T, . « 4a I'M m inad up la th » a a a i r , an I n> .w u , Blatter. one of the fancies in drraa trimmiB* The durability of ivory ia proved by know w hat It means to ma to get that • good idea. ,.,n i it, 1 eciuse T,.„ h “ rat“ OTawin« « > la b rr «re tin iti tbo fact that billiard balls which for *1,600 without tear*. Between *8,600 ¡ h , - i , . b , , , „ „ . « J « Í S ; : 2 S « W " cld fashion revived. One pr*- w ith tear» as a practicing member of m*rks about his dlfln Dten5I“ ',,>»" re *y example of their nan 1» in a reHtr Ih ie a (h » ‘ rq«k»« M » hsppy ^ M ig h ty hnppy, The hoy Rood o» ih» horning dark, whom-» tb« sake of curiosity bad been made of I, , ,b.. U |i' tho tar and «3.600 without in the day m y Iit­ a ll hut hia. had ta t p p w l- very w ell preeurved mauimotb ivory un- •be use of the pencil end ° f ,i‘'11 in , d of white satin made in two n»r- wrath? through— London Fun. i t ¡ta t tor kaota I' m U r ia »a th» w o rld « Ay», atuod ; « yon w e ^ i ^ 8 4 ^ « r in g : « k» thto» . w ith »m •!•» «»<1 , doubtedly many thousand year« old employ of (be government I choose the raw band«, w ith aeveral row» of a-roUtn rig h t ratto I m e .lack w aTh o« »sough to b»hn ■ latter every tim o . ” — A u c u s ta (O a.) * i l h ,O r • r r W > 1 “ » » t h l b y P>*. tell me wbat part vn ^ 8, i»*« • oxpcrteuced players in i'arlt w ithout It first." P*rt you would draw gHher with one row of littlo *o H oliv«* t« rk » .. | tirwwn d rlv m aleat, can foretell -------- tbe weather from ih» a — i it . And haring ooaulrd pantotnon». h» »hraah being noticed that the balls were not (•<■• to>4h a ir hto, an l i r m la t h i , w o rld'» ua I d Vch nore ‘ b*n half an inch ’< *• Nearly 200 patents have been Isani J diti on froai atti tag dowa •»■•m en awoetl made ef fre»h ivory. Mammoth ivory ia , " lttJ# diatanoa apart, forming «A for horaaslwea, but not on« of tbe inven sheep - Dra.ee -fia a k L iM aaton 1« A lta a t» Coasiitnttoa. ; ¡ ¡ i ? " as a rale, not as tough as fresh ivory, j U o u ha» evtr come iato generai u t “ “ d quietly „"f'. ,u ni* ’csoher) fl^re ‘ " T “ 0** Thia collar dicates Lett« weather. »taped « j o°t a little frail! nartr. bnt from th« tta Back, but iw I V ^ > l - f t c k Me Vi th« usual w idth aad not at all • S C OF THE ------ -- ’ - Judge Connu Clerk Sheri) Treas Asses Schoo Sur ve Coron J ustic Const Il Presi Boan Reco Tren M an T |SI and I. G G. oi ei •SCI brei inv W» Ma T H $ 6 .7 0 The M y Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 W Reversible Map? |( M a p o f t h e W r .-id — W»» town ä b (